Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Role of Earth Scientists in the Development of Karnataka's Natural
Resources R. H. Sawkar and P. Krishnamurthy Geological Society of India Bangalore-560 019 Ph: 080-22422943; E-mail:
Earth Scientists play a pivotal role in the identification, utilization and guiding sustainable development that are based on natural resources, especially mineral, metal and ground water. It is time that they gave a wake-up call to all policy-makers of numerous socio-economic sections for optimal utilization of resources, their conservation and management of people, especially the stake-holders around resource bases. The ever increasing population with a continuous strain on land and water resources poses new challenges to the ecosystems and the society. The responsibility of the Earth Scientists in this context is thus very crucial and relevant. He should actively participate in the process of the State's development and transform it into a strong economic power with improved quality of life for the larger population particularly those living in rural areas and urban slums. Water, mineral and forests represent the three major natural resources. Prosperity of the State and its people depends on the optimum development and utilization of these resources.
Water Karnataka has large water resources and equitable development of these resources has to be planned by the Earth Scientists so as to suggest: a. Inexpensive methods of harnessing and managing the monsoon rain water. b. Harnessing the west-flowing rivers to the east. C. Research in water harvesting and treatment of wastewater d. Methods for protection and preservation of wetlands and related issues.
A beginning has to be made to provide at least 40 liters per capita daily (LPCD) water for the municipal and 3LPCD for drinking purposes for a population of 10,000, with plans for waste water management and recycling. Water requirement for livestock, agriculture and industry should also be taken into consideration. These experiments should be scaled up to cover Municipalities having population of upto 1 lakh.
Mineral Resources Leadership of Mysore Geological Department lead to the identification of many important mineral deposits which now form the base of mineral industries of Karnataka. These include KGF, VISL, Copper Mines, Cement industries, integrated Steel Plants, Aluminum industries, porcelain factories, paint industries etc. Mineral Industry has played a major role in economics of Karnataka and this role is expected to increase in the future. Karnataka is experiencing a surge in exploration for Gold, Diamond, Uranium, Copper and PGE metals. Earth Scientists have to play a major role in conversion of resources into reserves of most of the identified economic deposits including their stratigraphic and structural positions and up to date views on their genesis. This will help to explore new ore bodies. New information on the States mineral resources has continued to increase over the decade and it is clear for all of us to see. Earth Scientists can look forward to further success in creation of new jobs and life style in rural areas.
Forests: A three-pronged approach to preserve, utilize and sustain this important natural resource is needed. These include:
1. Preserve virgin forests in the Western Ghats. 2. Reclamation and Re-forestation of areas used by mineral based industries. 3. Development of forests in waste lands. 4. Increasing the productivity of forest produce.