Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Relevance of Jain Tenets in Curbing Crimes
Dr. Vinod Jain
Assistant Director State Forensic Science Laboratory, Jaipur, Rajasthan Mob: 9460764436; E-mail:
Mankind is striving for survival under the panic shadow of terrorism and hi-tech crimes. Domestic, national and international criminals are using modern gadgets to accomplish their heinous, vicious, inhuman goals, by antisocial activities, domestic violence, thefts, bank robberies, signature forgeries in land mafia cases, fake currency manipulations, murders, rape, mass killing by serial bomb blasts, chemical poisoning in dowry crimes including cyber and mobile phone crimes for their own pleasure and happiness.
The root cause behind all criminal activities and criminal mindset is ingrained greed and allurement to acquire surplus unwanted wealth and money to create inequalities, terror and panic in society. The other vital reasons are religious fundamentalism, perturbed state of mind, global trend of consumerism, nature of non contentment, uncontrolled urge and race for sensual pleasures, irrational thoughts, which leads to irrational criminal actions.
If five vows of Jainism namely Ahimnsa, Achauraya, Satya, Bramacharya, Aprigraha and tenets can be well taught and explained to criminals, dreaded terrorists, and antisocial elements, with practical sessions of rational thoughts, rational knowledge, rational behavior and actions, a vision of low crime rate society can become a realty. Jain code of conduct, tenets and vows are the only nonviolent spiritual weapons and antidotes to change the mindset of arrested, custodial and imprisoned criminals and terrorists to convert their disillusionment into rational thoughts and actions in order to change the mindset of their fellow colleagues in the criminal and terrorist activities.
If humanity is to survive on this globe as a crime free society ethics and conduct of Jainism is to be followed in theory and practice with international perspective. Present paper discusses various kinds of criminal activities at domestic, state, national and international levels. Jain community can impinge an indelible dent on the consciousness level of criminals and terrorists by propagating Jain thoughts and life styles at various national and international forums incorporating print and visual media. It is prime time at national and international fora to forge the differences amongst the thinkers, spiritual leaders and followers of various sects in JAINS to come on a common platform for cleansing the minds of criminals in international arena. World wide integration of JAINS and their organizations with scientific attitude of mindset involving their skilled youthful manpower for creating a sustainable new minimized crime era is the need of the hour for future peaceful coexistence and survival of globalized human race.