Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
in which rate of entropy production and total entropy decreases and is accompanied by emergence of a new type of order. Section 11 deals with Darwin's principle of evolution expressed through the famous expression of "Survival of fittest" and is compared it with the spiritual evolution described through the principle of "Live and Let Live". These two principles will have totally different impact on the definition of the concept of development. After this role of consciousness in quantum mechanics is discussed in section 12 with concept of implicate order in the present context, probably the ultimate order one can think of and its connection with keval jnana mentioned in Jainism. Results and Discussion is given in section 13 and Conclusion are given in section 14.
Materials and Methods
Our material is existing methodologies of science and their critical evaluation by experts in various fields. We particularly consider the problems and limitations of scientific methodology and scientific knowledge and need to explore General Systems Theory to handle biological and human systems. Darwin's principle of evolution is another material which we consider over here. We also take basic ideas of Jainism like their concepts of soul and its knowledge into account. Their idea of the evolution of soul and concept of gunasthanas is another set of material for our discussion. We also use the concept or entropy and order also which are mentioned in physics and explore them to study spiritual development. To understand the idea of order, examples of memory of Swamy Vivekanand and satavdhanies are also given. Another material which we have considered is idea of quantum mechanics which talks of absolute knowledge and materialistic knowledge. The recent observation in psychology that human decision making might follow rules similar to quantum mechanics is used to explore reasoning behind tough discipline followed by Jain monks.
Our methodology consist of studying the problems faced in current methodology of physical sciences as being used for biological and human systems and review them in light of General Systems Theory. In particular the concept of scientific knowledge is examined critically in light of GST. To fill in the gap created in knowledge system due to these limitations, concept of knowledge as mentioned in Jainism is explore to find out if their system of knowledge and its evolution can provide new ideas about concept of knowledge. Similarly the Darwin's principle of evolution and the problems caused due to it are examined and Jain's concept of evolution is studied to find if some new frontiers can be explored to handle current problems of the society.
Limitations of physical sciences as they are applied to living systems
Now all living systems are essentially irreversible in nature, that is they grow and decay and they are also open systems compared to the physical system's which are closed systems. They constantly interact with the environment like a human beings takes oxygen from atmosphere and releases carbon di-oxide. Hence biological and social systems can not be subjected to the process of measurement and hence they are not exactly describable in the strict terminology of the physical, sciences, in addition, human systems have memory which makes it impossible to do any scientific experimentation on them. Hence such systems are studied in a different way by using statistical procedures. In such methods only some rough trends or patterns can be found.
Now this type of experimentation is not possible in case of present phenomena because as shown above human system has memory, free will, creativity, tendency to interact strongly with other fellow beings and the environment. Furthermore there are micro controls in the form of thought processes which cannot be easily adjusted in any planned "scientific experiment". Hence it is impossible to perform experiments on human systems and predicting events about them from a purely scientific point of view.
Limitations of scientific methodology due to conservations laws
Any phenomenon is called scientific if it can be verified in a laboratory under given set of controlled conditions and is reproducible at any point of time and at any place. This condition is called space-time invariance condition in science. In addition, we define conservation laws in physics which are foundation of all scientific measurements. Thus we have conservation laws for energy, linear momentum, angular momentum etc. Now all these conservation laws are defined for isolated closed systems, thus approximating the nature. Thus energy is defined as that variable of a closed isolated system which does not change over time. But in principle we can never have a totally closed isolated system. Similarly linear momentum is defined as that property of a closed isolated system which remain invariant with any spatial displacement and so on. Hence the mere definitions of conservation laws are not perfect because they first divide the world and then try to define it.. The interaction among these system are then studied by considering the nature and magnitude of the interaction among them.