Book Title: Jain Sahitya Sanshodhak Khand 01 Ank 03 to 04
Author(s): Jinvijay
Publisher: Jain Sahitya Sanshodhak Samaj Puna

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Page 143
________________ Ex] लॉजिक फोर दी मासीज. १२१ AVAANAAA LOGIC FOR THE MASSES, particular person should always get boys and never a girl. It is thus evident that a long course LESSON I. of practice or even an uninterrupted Logic is the method of valid deduc- series of natural events does not justify tion. A valid deduction is only pos- an inference which can only be drawn sible where there is a fixed rule to lead from certain fixed natural or quasithe mind to a particular conclusion natural rules. from a given mark or fact. LESSON III. Illustration. There is a fixed logical rule to guide 1. There is fire in this room, because the mind from :-- it is full of smoke. (1) Cause to effect. [Here smoke is tbe mark of fire. Illustration. The sight of smoke immediately leads Moist fuel if set burning produces one to the conclusion that there is fire smoke. in the room, because smoke is not pro (2) Effect to cause. duced except by fire. ] Illustration. 2. It will be Monday to-morrow, because it is Sunday to day. Where there is smoke there is fire. Where there is no fixed rule there (3) Antecedent to consequent. Illustration. can be no valid deduction there, e.g., i Monday following Sunday ; you cannot tell the number of keys in ii Youth following childhood ; my pocket, because there is no fixed rule that I should always have a parti iii Old age following youth. lar number of keys into my pocket and (4) Consequent to Antecedent. Illustration. never more or less. i Saturday preceding Sunday. LESSON II. ii Youth preceding old age. A fixed logical rule means something iii Childhood preceding youth. more than a mere long course of (5) Concomitance. practice, or a series of disconnected Illustration. events. Suppose a man has hitherto al . i Age and experience. ways carried 5 keys in his pocket and ii Childhood and inexperience. never any more or less : does it entitle any iii Marks of ripeness and deliciousone to say that he will have only five keys ness of taste in fruit. in his pocket to-morrow also ? No, be- (6) Container and contained, 6. e., the cause we have here only a long course whole includes the part, or, what comes of practice which might be discontinued to the same thing, the attributes of the any moment. Suppose further that I have whole are to be found in the part. a friend who is the father of one dozen Illustraion. boys and who has never had a girl born There is no fruit tree in this to him, and suppose that his wife ex- garden; pects to become a mother again: can T herefore there is no mango tree any one say what will be the sex of the in this garden. next child of my friend ? No, because there is no fixed rule in nature that a The instructor should illustrate these Aho! Shrutgyanam


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