Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 53
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(JUNE, 1024
104. Shisbechi gol.. 58.
A leaden ball. Kuya . . . .
Cucurrutis pasacrinus.
. . 56. Kudal .. .. .. A hoe.
105. Sone .. .. Gold. Kumbhar Kukle . See Bharadvaj.
Sonkavalo .. See Bharadvaj. 57. Kunda.. .. ..
Andropogon interme. 106. Surved .. Rosis grass (Androdius.
pogon schenanthue). 58. Kurhad .. .. An exe.
107. Surya phul .. Sunflower. 59. Magar
108. Tad .. .. Palm (Borassus fiabel60. Mandarache phul'.. Flowers of the Rui
lifer). (q. v.)
See Chinch. Mango See Amba. 109. Tamba
Copper. GI. Marynilve! .. . Ipomoea biloba.
See Nagvel. 62. Mhas .. . Bufialo.
Cassia duriculata. -
110. Tarvad 63. Mor (Morache pi ) .. Peacock.
111.. Tarvarichi dhar ..Sword blade. 64. Musal .. .. Rice pounder.
Thapatne 65. Nag Cobra.
See Phal. .. 66. Nagchampa.. Mesua ferrea.
112. Tulsi
Sweet Basil (Ocymum 67. Nagrel Piper betel.
sanctum). 68. Nandruk l'icus retusa.
Udid.. .. See Adad. 69. Narel .. .. Cocoanut.
113. Umbar
Ficus glomerata. 70. Narvel.. .. Premna integrifolia. 114. Unta Kantari.. Camel thorn (Echinops 71. Niin .. Melia azadirachta.
echinatus). 72. Nirgundi
Vitex negundo.
115. Vad . .. Ficus indica. 73. Pach (Pachna) Pogostemon patchuli.
Seo Wagh. 74. Padwal
Tricosanthes anguing. 116. Varul ..
White-ant's nest. 73. Pahar .. .. Iron bar.
| 117. Vasanvel
Cocculus villosus. 70. Paie . ..
Ficus rumphir
118. Vel .. 27.
Bamboo. Ehretia brucifolia. Pala .. .. 78. Palas ..
Butea frondosa. 119. Vet .. .. .. Ratan cano (Calamus 79. Panch Palvi Leaves of five trees.
rotang). 80. Pangara
Erythrina indica.
120. Wagh .. .. .. Tiger. 81. Pankanis .. .. Reed Mace (Typha Enquiry may fruitfully be directed to the following
points arising from this list. 82. Paratinicha pankh.. Pied wagtail's wing No. 3. Ahir-This is alleged to be a totem among
(Motacilla madaraspa- the Bhils, and to be the name of a certain kind of fish. tana).
I have not been able to discover what fish is 84. Phal .. .. ..
Potter's patter.
Bo called. 85. Phanas .. Jack tree (Artocarpus No. 12. Balde-This is a bird totem, also found
among the Bhils. I cannot identify the bird so 86. Phankani
named. 87. Pipal .. ..
Fious religiosa.
No. 21.. Coral-This is found as a totem among 88. Pipri .. .. .. Fious tsiela.
the Sangameshwari Vanis. I am not certain whether 89. Pithiche Bavle .. A doll made of flour. the reference is to real Coral or to the Indian Coral 90. Purtak (Perkut) . Euphorbia tortdis. tree (Pangara-Erythrina indica). 91. Rajahansa ..
Goose or swan.
No. 90. Purtat-This is the name of a totem 92. Ruchkin .. .. (1) Rui (Calotropis gi. among the Parits. It may be a slip for Perkut
(Euphorbia tortilis). I have been unable to find 93. Rudraksha mal
Eloeocarpu ganitrus. any other equivalent for it. 94. Rui (Mandar)
Calotropis gigantea. No. 92. Ruchlin-This is a totem among Bhois 95. Rupen
and Mahars. I cannot find a tree of this name in 96. Sag
Teak (Tectona grandia). works of reference. Possibly it is connected with 97. Salunkhe
A bird (cormorant ?) the Rui or Mandar, i.o., calotropis gigantea, & com. gracula religiosa.
mon devak. 98. Sandas
No. 97. Salunkhe--This is a very important Saundad .. See Shami.
devak name, and is found among Marathas, Kunbie, 99. Sayar .. ..
Bombas malabaricum. Bhils, Chitrakathis, Malis and Vanjaris. Accord 100. Shari
Prosopis sploigera.. ing to Molesworth, it is the gracula religiosa, appA. 101. Shankh
Conch shell.
rently one of the cormorants; but in view of the im. 102. Sheli .. ..
portance of this devak it is desirable to secure more 103. Shinde
Palm (Phoenis sylves precise details.. trio).