Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 53
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(JULY, 1924
Pharria : Grewia oppositifolia : Sirmur, App. IV, üi. Phating : porridge, in Kan&war ; Laphi : 88., Bashahr, 41.
Phera : a custom of levying revenue, apparently a levy of grain and cash over and above the land revenue for the wazfr's benefit, on his triennial visit ; in Lahul : Ch. 274.
Phêrnu ghirna :=muklawa (?): Sirmûr, 29.
Pheti: fem., a past part., reversed, as in pheti qalam-wala, one who writes from right to left, &.e., the Persian script : Mandi, 26.
Phingola : cripple : Oh., 139. Phoa: a drop : Gloss., I, p. 356.
Phirannt : the ceremonial visit paid by a bride and her husband to her parents within a month of the wedding : Ch., 158.
Phul : the first distillation of barley spirit: SS., Bashahr. 77. Phulan : phullan, Fagopyrum emarginatum : Ch., 8 and 222.
Phuleoh : a fair held at various places in Bhadon ; it is in honour of the souls of deoased Ancestors, but is closely associated with flowers (phul) : 88., Bashahr, 39 and 44.
Phullan : a crop grown on the higher uplands : Ch., 202. Phullu : an ornament for the toes : Ch., 29. Phumb: wool : Ch., 138.
Phungni : also called Tikar-jag, Paret-pojan and Jogni, a feast offered to the jogui to • cause rain: Kulu : Gloss., I, p. 436.
Plak, alder, Alnus nepalensis and nitida : Ch., 1236. Plaman: Bugenia, operculata : Sirmar, App. IV, v. Pichalk : apparently Soi, q.9. Plehak: a brooch, worn by women in Kanawar : SS., Bashahr, 42. Pthar Peka, 9. 0. Pikhlt: a pure spirit : Sirmûr, 59. Pikil: red pepper : Simla, 8. R., xli. Pindirf: a flour cake, eaten at the Basua fostival : Ch., 161. Pindll : an idol having no special shape : 88., Keonthal, xi. Pingh : a swing: Ch., 196. jhata. Pingyat : hawthorn (Pangi), Crataegus oxyacantha : Ch., 239. Pinjoll:=Mehar, the headman of a garh: Mandi, 89. Pinni: a rite performed 10 days after death : Mandi, 34.
wandi, 34. Pinti: a ceas in kind, of ghi : SS., Bashahr, 70. Pir bahin a sister in religion, by affecting the same pir: Gloss., 8, p. 907. Pirhat: a public drummer : SS., NAIAgarh, 18. Pirt: a large basket ;=Ganori : Simla, S. R., xlv. Pirinda: a silk cord for tying a woman's hair ; a charın for long life : Gloss., 1, p. 911, Pirkta : an open basket, =Chatri, q.v. Pitâr: a round basket, Tong: B., 196. Cf., P. D., p. 927. Pith : másh finely ground : Gloss., 1, p. 797. Poh : a conical stack: Sirror, 68. Poh-phutdi: = Bhabh ak, q.v. Poksha :=Khadu, a grazing-tax taken in sheep or goate : SS. Bashahr, 754. . .
Porestang : Sanskr. pratishtha, dedication,' performed when a new roof is put on temple in Kanawar : SS., Bashahr, 37.
(To be continued.)