Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 53
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JULY, 1924].
Pâti a long narrow field: Sirmûr, App. I.
Pâtis: (? Patis), a kind of herb, (? gentian); of. Tila: Ch., 222.
Patrian square pieces of silver worn round the neck,
v. P. D., p. 888.
Patrora: a kind of bread made of flour with salt and spices, and spread on bhajji or kachala leaves. It is eaten on the Patroru ki sankrant or 1st. Bhadon in honour of fore. fathers Ch., 156 and 215.
Dawatin: B., 105: for Patri
Pattar: a bowl: Sirmûr, 50.
Patthalli squatting on the ground cross-legged: Attock Gr., p. 113.
Pattuârf: an office-bearer who had patta, woollen blankets,' made for the Raja: Ch.
Paulao a rite of condolence; Sirmar, 61,
Paulla: a gate-keeper; Cf., Pault in III: Sirmûr, 63.
Paya: a cess imposed in lieu of the old custom of buying the cultivator's grain at reduced rates: SS., Bilaspur, 23.
Pechri, palchrt: a basket, narrowing towards the top, used for storing; like a Partara: Simla, S. R. xlvi.
Pedi: a very poor soil with a thin layer of earth over the stones, generally found on the banks of streams: Sirmûr, App. I.
Peka: used by a woman for her own father's house or village: Syn. Pihar.
Peshwa murshid or pir among Qadirt faqirs, in Ludhiana.
Pera: a dish of Pithi, mash or pulse finely ground: Gloss., I, p. 797.
Peta rathu a glutton. Ch., 124.
Petar Juniperus communis: Ch., 240.
Petha pumpkin, Kangra: Gloss., I, p. 356.
Phag a cess, levied for the expenses of the Holi: SS., Bashahr, 74.
Phagura a wild fig, Ficus palmata: Ch., 240.
Phagll: (1) a fair held in Phagan, (2) a place of origin of a deota; Kulu: Gloss., I, pp. 326 and 433.
Phak bran, husks : Ch., 139.
Phakhi assent'; ditt, has given assent'; used of a bride's parents' consent to her betrothal Ch 157.
Phalli a plot left fallow in the autumn in Brahmaur;= Paindh : Ch., 224.
Phals!: (or) dhaman: Grewia asiatica: Sirmûr, App. IV, iii.
Phand stew Bashahr, 41.
Phaphra: Fagopyrum sativus: Sirmûr, 66.
Phar; the middle storey : SS., Bashahr, 43.
Phangat: a cow or bullock iron-grey in colour with black spots on the whole body, and unlucky, like the Megat: Jullundur, S. R., 55.
Phant-blahlarla benevolence levied to meet the cost of marrying the Raja's children
Phant: a special levy to defray the cost of a festival: SS., Bashahr, 28, an occasional levy for State purposes, 72.
Phap: a kind of yeast imported from Ladakh, used in making lugri: Mandi, 32.
Pharâlu: an earring: Ch., 208.
Pharir a thong, which attaches the yoke to the plough; = Bolcha: Simla, S. R. xlv Pharolta: a small basket, holding about 8 sers;
Chatra: Simla, S. R. xlv, xlvi.