Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 53
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Så wani-manana : merry-making in Sawan on the banks of canals, by Hindus on Sun
days, by Muhammadans on Fridays : B., 202. Sawaran : the senior woman in a household, employed as a cook : SS., Kumharsain, 12. Sayar : the Kharif crop : Mandi; 62. Sayol : a kind of fish : Sirmur, 7. Sodu : small balls of wheat, etc.: SS., Kumharsain, 12. Seblt: a camel'e nose-string ; = dehun chaphia, when the sun is as high as a sehli,
(say 31 to 4 hours after sunrise): B., 191. Solt: a goat's-hair cord worn round the waist: SS., Bask. Semla : a gum; see under Chakera. Benh : sham, evening, used by Muhammadans : B., 191. Sopa , see under Bari. Set : level ground; Masit. Shadl : circumcision: B., 97. Shag : 1 vegetables, Shậg ki phand, a kind of stow : 88., Bashahr, 41. Shahl: a Raja's demesne land. Cf., Shail: SS., Baghal, 14-16. Shak: a poor soil, chiefly composed of sand and small stones: Sirmor, App. I. Shall: a stone temple ; Simla Hills : Gloss., I, p. 434. Shall : irrigated land : Ch., 223, Shamla : tail, of a turban: B., 194; - Thirshu q.v. Also Sutarbandh. Shand: sacrifice, only performed in villages where there are Khund Kanets : SS..
Bashahr, 21. . Shandtu : a minor sacrifice ; = Tikar: 88., Bashahr, 28. Shavrl: like a BAra, q.v., but saller and more freely manured : Sirmar, App. I. Shasman : turnips: SS., Bashahr, 41. , Shela : a small floor mat: Suket, 32. Shelat : land overshadowed by hills and therefore cold and damp: Sirmar, App. I. Shigu ? : Shigu ka sattu, a kind of meal: SS., Bashahr, 41. Shikart : a box, in Pangi : Cf., Kanjal: Ch., 208. Shil : breakfast, in Kanawar : SS., Bashahr, 41. Shila : land shut in and shaded by sheer hill-sides : SS., Jubbal, 16. Shillong : Oleri fragrans: Sirmur, App. IV, vi. Shirnt: a hay-fork; Changli : Simla, S. R. xlv. Shirwan : Autumn harvest : Ch., 220. Shiu : a cess, consisting of spirits of grapes : SS., Bashabr, 74. Shirmal: a tree : Simla, S. R., xliv. Sholya : evening; in Kan&war: SS., Bashahr, 41. Shapa, Shuptu: a basket tray for cleaning grain : Simla, S. R., xvi. Shopashhawa: supper, in KanAwar: 88., Bashabr, 41. Shupkash : afternoon; in Kandwar: 88., Bashahr, 41. Shusbar : Tamariz ericoides; in Lehu : Ch., 237. Shutrala : sticks (of phápra): S8., Kumharsain, 12. slah kam : 'black palte': Pars, k&m-palate or uvula Bulsau, 4: B., 184. Slana : a village headman: Sirm ür, 63. Slanlu : a snake; Kulu: Gloss., I, p. 438.