Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 53
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Thâkri : a measure of capacity (4 thakris-patha), but ised as a measure of area : SS., Beja, 4.
Thal: a form of oath on the Raja, like the Darohi but merely placing the person upon whom it is imposed within the Raja's meroy : SS., Bashahr., 34 and Jubbal., 23.
Thalli: a sheet : SS., Bashahr, 41.
Tháma : a distribution of dels or shares' among Brahmans at a wedding : Gloss., I, p. 797.
Thâmba : a group of villages held by descendants of a common ancestor, director indirect : Comp., 19.
Thambi : & granary: Mandi, 33. Thangt : hazelnut, Corylus colurna : Ch., 226 and 240.
Thåreth : an official ; -Bhatwal; he carries out the Char's orders in Bhattiyat ; ? fr, tharra, 'a platform': Ch., 285.
Tharwal : Cornus capitata : Sirmûr, App. IV, v. Thehr : a mound; Panj. theh: B., 175. Thlarshu : Tipshu, a small fair; syn. Shand; Saraj (Kulu): Gloss., I, pp. 440 and 441. Thobi: a carpet : Ch., 203. Thoda : a game played with bows and arrows: Sirmûr, 62. Thold, Th Akri and SolhA: Sirmor, App. III. Thoplu : wheat-cakes: Ch., 139. Thulla : see under Topa. Thuth : & root : Ch., 243 : the thumb, in Attook, Attock Gr., p. 113. Tiåri pânå :-Tigra pâna, q.v.
Tigra : apparently -Talli,' a small piece of cloth, a patoh';-pana, to throw a cloth over a man's daughter or sister to disarm his enmity: Gloss., I, p. 906.
Tika: a very good soil : Sirmur, App. I.
Tikar: very poor soil: ss., Bhajji, 7. Tikar, -Shandtu a minor sacrifice : SS. Bashabr, 28.
Tikidar : a tenant paying cash rental: Ch., 277. Tikr: -Tigra, q.v. Tikre : a kind of sweetmeat : B., 106. Tilla : sweet pâtis : Ch., 222 and 243. Timbar: Xanthoxylon hostile : Simla, S. R., xliii: X. alatum : Ch., 237. Timur : Diospyros malanoxylon : Sirmar, App. IV, vi.
Tiraoja: the sending for the bride to her husband's home for the third time : Gloss. I, 824.
Tria : squint: Ch., 138. Tirmal: Zanthoxylum alatum : Sirmur, App. IV, iii. Tirsera : a cess; see AutariAna : Ch., 96. Titrt : Rhus sp. ; - Arkhol: Ch., 236. Tola : betrothal by exchange: Ch., 141. Tola: of gold :- = 1 rupee 3 ratis in Amritsar.
» 4 » Ferozepur, etc.
-1 , 2 , elsewhere. Tola : 5 tolas - l chhitánk.
4 chhitanks - l pao. 4 paos - 1 ser. 40 sers
! man of 82 lbs.: Gujrat.