Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 12
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY (JANUARY, 1915. 30 : trisa F 580, F 602, Cat. etc. (Ap. tisa, Skt. tringat, Guj. trisa), 31 : ekatrisa Pr., F 646, 272, 32: batrisa Pr. 10, 33 : tetrisa Cat. 19, 34 : caütrisa F 580, caütisa Adi C., 35 : paņatrisa Cat. 18, paitrisa Cat. 18, pastisa Adi C., pătrisa Pr. 11, 36: chatrisa Pr. 11, F 722, 68, fațatrisa Cat. 17, 88: athatrisa Pr. 29, 89: egunacalisa Pr. 11. 40 : cyalisa Cat. 6, 17 (Ap. cálisa, Skt. catvarimgat, Guj. calisa), 42 : bitalisa F 602, baitalisa F 602, Adi C., 43: trayalisa Cat., 16, 45 : pacitálisa F 580, 46 : chaïhaïtálisa F 722. 41, 47: satatálisa Up. 219, 48 : aghatálisa Âdic., 49: ugunapdcâsa Adic. 50 : pdcása Cat. 5, F 722, 42, Adic., (Ap. pañcása, Skt. pancagat, Guj. pacasa) 52: bâvana Pr. 29, 54: copana F 535, vii, 2, 55 : păcavana Cat. 20, 56: chappana Rş. 63, chapana Rp. 70, F 722, 57 : sattavana Cat. 14. • 60: sathi Up. 81, $a$t. 162, Cat. 4, 14 (Ap. satthi, Skt. gasti, Guj. sa!ha) 68: treschi Adi C., 84 : causathi Adi C., F 722, F 728, 8, caüsatthi F 758, 66: châsathi Cat. 13. 70: sattari Cat. 13 (Ap. sattari, Skt. saptati, Guj. sittera), 71 : ekotarai Ratn. 348, 72: bahattari Adic., Cat. 13, bahatari Cat. 12, bahuturi Adi. 79, buhatari Ratn. 76, buhutari Ratn. 10, 76: solotara Cat. 5, 77: sattotara Cat. 7, 78: athottari, Salibhadracaritra 501, althottara Up. 91. 80: aisi Pr. 29 (Ap. asi, Skt. agiti, Guj. egi), 81 :ikyasi Cat. 11, 84 : caürasi Adic., F 722, Cat. 2, 12, 85 : păcasi Vi. 174, 88: althasi Cat. 10 90 : Not found (Ap. *naüi, Skt. navati, Guj. nevű), 93 : trânâ Cat. 9,95 : pdcâņa Cat. 3. 8, 96: chyaņú Aj. 11, 98 : a thánů Adic., arthânü Up. 23,99 : navând Up. 153. 100: sau Adic., Çil., eto. (Ap. sau, Skt. çatam, Guj. 80) singular, sal P., Yog., Sast. etc. (Ap. saai, Skt. çatani) plural, 101: ikasaü Cat. 6, 108: ekasaüátha Dd. 4, 160: sausathi Sast. 162, 499 : and plcasal Up. 33, 500: pacasal Adic., Up. 33, 700 : sátasaï Pr. 29, 900 : navasai Pr. 29, etc. Examples of the plural instrumental inflectional case are : che pace bole" By means of these five things " (Up. 72), ksetra chahe bhagi kari " After having divided the place into six parts" (Up. 152), trise muhârte eka ahoratri "Thirty muhúrtas are one ahoratri " (F 602). Instances of cardinals being similarly inflected in the plural instrumental in Cehi are not wanting in the Apabhramça (See Pischel's Prakrit Grammar, 8447). The cardinal saü is a neuter substantive and it has a plural form sal, which is used both for the direct and for the oblique cases. Ex.: vighna-na saf "Hundreds of obstacles " (şast. 85), pdcasal-ni kalatra hui “ (She) became the wife of (those) five hundred (thieves)" (Up. 33). $81. The cardinals 2, 3, 4 have the genitive-oblique forms: bihū, trihữ, cihű, of which the first likewise occurs in the Apabhramga and the two others might either be derived from Apabhrama "tihi, *caühü, if such forms ever existed, or be explained as having been formed after the analogy of bihū. They are used instead of the direct forms in all cases, whenever a definite meaning is required, thereby exactly coinciding in both origin and usage with the so-called " Aggregatives of Hindi (See Kellogg's Hindi Grammar, $ 223). Examples: akhi bihu-md antara kisau " Which (is) the difference between the two eyes?" (F 783, 31 kavana bihữ cora" Which of the two (is) the thief ?." (P. 268), mili våta kidhi behu jane “Having met each other, the two engaged in conversation (P. 685), bihu-i vastu " Both the things " (Daç. iv),


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