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________________ 1130911 zrI rAja-sobhAga satsaMga maMDaLa sAyalA THOUGHT POWER vicAra zakti bhAga 95 sAyalA rAja so i jhaMDaLa. zrI rAja-sobhAga satsaMga maMDaLa sobhAga parA sAyalA-363430 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ prakAzana samiti : zrI rAjasobhAga satsaMga maMDaLa zrI rAja sobhAga Azrama, sobhAga parA, sAyalA-363430 jillA surendranagara. prApti sthAna : zrI rAja sobhAga Azrama sobhAga parA, sAyalA-363430 phona naM. : (02755) 280533 mudraka : naiSadha prinTarsa nAraNapurA gAma, myu. skUla pAse, nAraNapurA, amadAvAda-380 013. phona : 274916ra7 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ * prastAvanA gurU THOUGHT POWER - vicAra zakti A viSaya para pU. bApujI lADakacaMda mANekacaMda vorA avAranavAra svAdhyAya karAvatA. .. deva temanA lakhela pratramAM jaNAve che ke AtmajJAna vicArathI thAya che. (upadeza chAyA-10) kaSAyanI upazAMtatA, mAtra mokSa abhilASa, bhave kheda prANIdayA, tyAM AtmArtha nivAsa....38 dazA na evI jayAM sudhI, jIva lahe nahi joga, mokSamArga pAme nahIM, maTe na aMtara roga...39 Ave jayAM evI dazA, sadguru bodha suhAya, te bodhI suvicAraNA, tyAM pragaTe sukhadAya....40 jyAM pragaTe suvicAraNA, tyAM pragaTe nijajJAna, je jJAne kSaya moha thaI, pAme pada nirvANa...41 Upaje te suvicAraNA, mokSamArga samajAya, guru - ziSya saMvAdathI, bhAkhuM Sapada AMhI...42 (AtmasiddhizAstra) AdhyAtmika mArgamAM AgaLa vadhavA mATe mumukSuone A viSaya ghaNo phAyadAkAraka banaze. li. prakAzana samiti zrI rAja-sobhAga satsaMga maMDaLa tA. 11-11-2011 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ II OHM 11 THOUGHT POWER (1) Do not store in your mind useless information. Learn to unmind the mind. Then only can you fill your mind with divine thoughts. You will gain new mental strength as the dissipated mental rays are collected now. (2) We live in a boundless world of thoughts. Friend and enemy, virtue & vice, are in the mind only Every man creates a world of good and evil, pleasure & pain out of his own imagination only. (3) The expansion of thoughts of the mind towards the object is bondage and the renunciation of thoughts is liberation. Mind tricks & plays, you must understand its nature, ways and habits, then only can you control it. The world most extraordinatory book of Practical philosophical idealism of India is a "Yoga Vasishtha." Knowledge of the self alone will free one from this round of births & deaths. Extinction of thoughts and Vasana is "Moksha." Expansion of mind alone is "sankalpa". Sankalpa or thought through its power of differentiation generates (this world) this universe. This world is a play of the mind. it does not exist in the three periods of time. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ OM . vicAra zakti (1) tamArA manamAM nakAmI mAhitIo ekaThI na karo. manane manathI dUra rAkho. to ja tame tamArA manane divya-AdhyAtmika vicArothI bharI zakazo. tamane navA ja prakAranI mAnasika zakti prApta thaze. kAraNake mananI zakti je veDaphAI jatI hatI te ekaThI thavAnuM zarU thayuM che. (2) ApaNe sImA vagaranI vicAronI duniyAmAM jIvI rahyA chIe. mitra ane zatru, sArUM ane kharAba, manamAM ja raheluM che. dareka mANasa pote ja potAnI kalpanAo dvArA ja jagatane sAruM ke kharAba, AnaMdadAyI ke duHkhadAyI banAve che. (3) mananA vicArone (bhautika vastuo tarapha laMbAvavA te (jIvane) baMdhana kartA bane che ane bAhya vicArothI chUTakAro meLavavo te mukti che. mana yukti ane ramata karavA TevAyeluM che, tenA svabhAvane tamAre samajavo paDaze, tenI Tevo jANavI paDaze. pachI ja tame tene kAbumAM lAvI zakazo. yogavAziSTha" e bhAratanuM duniyA mATe - phIlosophIkla hetuo mATe prayoga siddha thayela eka asAmAnya pustaka che. "huM koNa chuM" tenuM jJAna A janma maraNanA pherA maTADavAnuM kArya kare che. vicArone aTakAvI devA temaja vAsanAothI pAchA pharI javuM te mokSa che. saMkalpa e mananI vRttione phelAvavAnuM kArya kare che. saMkalpa athavA vicAronI zakti vaDe AkhA jagatane) vizvane Ubhu karyuM che. A jagata e mananI ja ramata che. tenuM astitva traNa samaye nathI hotuM. : -1 TakA For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ (a) Extinction of Sankalpa is Moksha. (b) Annihilate this little'l & Vasanas (c) Meditate on the self and become a 'Jivan Mukts.' Careful reflection will show that the entire universe is in reality the projection of the human mind - Mano Matram Jagat. Purification and control of mind is the central aim of all Yogas. * (4) Yoga Strikes at the very root of this viscious circle by a method of effectively inhibiting the funciton of the mind. Yoga checks, controls and steps, the root function of the mind. i.e. thoughts. Mind creates the world according to its own sankalpa or thought. (5) It is the mind that is the root cause of the tree of Sansara with its thousands of roots, branches, tenter leaves, and fruits. It you annihilate thoughts, you can destroy the tree of Sansara at once. You will be bathed in the ocean of bliss, when all thoughts are extirpated. This state is in describable. You will have to feel it yourself. The mind is absorbed into its souce the Atman, when all sankalpas or thoughts are annihilated. Then one attains Kaivalya, the experience of the timeless reality, the state of absolute independence. (6) Just as a new physical body is formed in every 13] SON XXX For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ (a) saMkalpothI mukti te mokSa (ba) huM, (ahaMkAra), vAsanAothI chUTakAro thAya tyAre (ka) potAnA AtmA para dhyAna karo ane jIvana mukta bano tyAre. hakIkatamAM AkhuM jagata-vizva, mANasanA mana vaDe banyuM che tema cokkasa jozo to jaNAze - "mano mAtram jagata". manane zuddha karavuM ane kAbumAM rAkhavuM e badhI ja sAdhanAnuM (yoganuM) mukhya dhyeya che. (4) manathI cAlatA viSa cakranA mULamAM ja sAdhanA ghA kare che. asarakAraka rIte mananI kArya karavAnI zaktine rokIne yoga-mULa mananI kArya karavAnI zakti che tene jue che, kAbumAM le che ane tene bAhyamAM jatuM roke che, te che mananA vicAro. mane potAnA saMlpa athavA vicAro pramANe jagatanuM sarjana kare che. (pa) tenA mULiyAM - zAkhAo, pAMdaDAo ane rUpa sAthenuM A saMsAra rUpI jhADa che. e mana dvArA Ubhu karavAmAM AveluM che. jenuM mukhya kAraNa mana pote ja che. jo tame vicArono nAza karI zako to tvarAthI A saMsAra rUpI jhADano nAza karI zako. tame jo badhA ja prakAranA vicArone tamArAmAMthI bahAra kADhI nAkhI zako to tame ullAsanA sAgaramAM snAna karazo. eTale ke svanI anubhUti karI zakazo. A sthitinuM varNana thaI zakatuM nathI. tene tamArI jAte tamAre anubhavavuM ja paDaze. badhA ja prakAranA saMkalpa athavA vicArono nAza thaye, mana tenA mULa stotra AtmAmAM samAI jaze. tyAre tame kaivalya dazAne pAmazo ke je samayathI para evI vAstavikatAne meLavazo. nirapekSa svataMtratAnI sthiti prApta karazo. (jIvana mukta thazo.). (6) dareka janmamAM navuM audArika zarIra bane che tema navuM mana For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ birth so also a new mind and a new Buddhi are formed. Every action has a past which leads upto its every action has a future which proceeds form it. Sage Vashishtha asks Ram, "to do Purushartha, do not yield to fatalism. It will induce inertia & laziness. Recognise the great powers to thought. Excert it by right thinking, make your self a great destiny. Prarabdha is Purushrtha of last birth (previous birth). Man is the master of his own destiny. You yourself make, by the power of your thought, your destiny. You can undo it if you like. All faculties, energies and powers are latent in you. Unfold them and become free & great." Your face is like a gramophone record. What ever you think is at once written on your face. The facial expression truly advertises the inner state of the mind or the true contents of the mind. Mind very conspiciously reflects on the face its various states which - man of intelligence can very easily read. The eyes which represent the windows of the soul bespeak of the condition and state of the mind. If you have the faculty to read the eyes of others, you can read the mind atonce. 000 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ kAra : :: ane navI buddhi dareka janmamAM maLe che. dareka kAryane teno bhUtakALa hoya che. dareka kAryamAMthI bhaviSya kALa Ubho thAya che. (dareka kAryano bhaviSyakALa hoya che). - saMta vasiSTha rAmane kahyuM ke "purUSArtha karo, nirAzAmAM na cAlI jAva. te tamArAmAM prasAda ane ALasa pedA karaze. vicAranI mahattama zaktine oLakho. purUSArtha karo. sArA, sAcA vicAro nA ciMtana vaDe tamArI jAtane mahattama prArabdha mATe taiyAra karo. prArabdha che te gayA janmano purUSArtha che. mANasa e potAnA prArabdha mATeno pote ja gurU che. tamArA vicAro vaDe tame tamAruM prArabdha ghaDo. tame tema karo cho tamane game to. badhI ja jAtanI zakyatAo, zakti ane hiMmata tamArA aMdara chupAyelA paDayA che. tene tame bahAra lAvo ane mukta tathA mahAna bano" tamArUM mukha e grAmophona rekorDa jevuM che. je kAMI tame vicAro cho te tarata ja tamArA mukhAraviMda para lakhAI jAya che. mananI AMtarika sthitinI jAherAta moDhA paranA hAva bhAva batAvI Ape che athavA manamAM sAcI sthiti zuM che te batAve che. mana bahu ja barAbara rIte aMdara vartI rahelI sthitine mukha upara " lAvI de che ke jene jANakAra mANasa bahu ja sahelAIthI vAMcI zake che. AMkho e AtmAne bahAra jovA mATenI bArIo che ke je mananI sthiti zuM che te kahI Ape che. - jo tamArI pAse bIjAnI AMkho vAMcavAnI zakti hoya to, tame manane barAbara vAMcI zako cho. tenA mananI sthiti zuM che? te jANI zako cho. ::::: For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The thoughts of cheerfulness, joy and courage, heal, 'soothe, instead of irritating and immensely augment efficiency and multiply the mental powers. Be always cheerful, smile, laugh. Violent fits of hot temper do serious damage to the brain-cells, throw poisonous chemical products into the blood, produce general shock and depression and supress the secretion of gastricjuice, bile and other digestive juices in the elimentary canal drain away your energy, vitality, induce premature old age and shorten life. (7) Thought brings things into existance. It develop the desires and excite the passions. So the contrary thoughts of killings the desires and passions will counter act the former idea of satisfying the desires. So when a person is impressed with this, a contrary thought will help him to destroy thought his desires & excited passions. He who knows the workings of the mind and has controlled it by practice is really happy. "Like attracts like." operates in thought world also. People of similar thought nature are attracted towards each other. A man is known by the company he keeps. Thoughts are your private property and you can regulate them to suit your taste entirely by steadily recognising your ability to do so. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ ullAsa, AnaMda ane hiMmata bharyA vicAro ujharaDAne rujha lAvavAnuM kAma kare che, suMvALapa bakSe che, uzkerATane samAve che ane kAma karavAnI zakti vadhAre che. temaja mAnasika zaktimAM vadhAro kare che. mATe haMmezAM ullAsita bano, hasamukhA bano. haso garama-krodhI svabhAva magajanA jJAnataMtuomAM bhayaMkara nukasAna pahoMcADe che, viSamaya rAsAyaNika banAvaTa lohImAM pheke che, sAmAnya rIte AghAta pahoMcADe che ane hatAzA prere che ane zarIramAMthI jharatA gesTrIka jyusa, bAIla ane pacavA mATenA rasonuM jharavuM ghaTADe che. zakti kheMcI jAya che. vITAlITI ghaTADe che, vaheluM ghaDhapaNa lAve che ane jIvana TUMkAvI de che. (7) vicAro vastune astitvamAM ANe che. te IcchAo UbhI kare che ane zAMtine uttejita kare che. tethI tenAthI virudhdhanA vicAro IcchAono nAza karI de che. zAMti vaDe, prati humalAthI pahelAMnA vicAronI IcchAno nAza kare che. tethI jyAre mANasa AnAthI prabhAvita thAya che, tyAre virudhdha vicAro potAnAmAM ubhI thayelI IcchAono nAza kare che. uttejIta vAsanAono nAza kare che. te ke je mananI kArya karavAnI rIta jANe che ane je tene purUSArtha dvArA aMkuzamAM le che te kharekhara sukhI che. samAna dharmavALI vastu bIjI tevI ja vastune AkarSe che. A niyama pA vicAronI duniyAne lAgu paDe che. sarakhI vicArasaraNI dharAvatA ekabIjAthI AkarSAya che. mANasa je sobata rAkhe che tenAthI oLakhAya che. vicAro e tamArI khAnagI milakata che ane tene tame aMkuzamAM rAkhI zako cho. paNa te mATe tamArI zaktine tamAre jANavI paDe che. tenA vaDe tame tene kAbumAM laI zako cho. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ A cheerful thought in you, produce, cheerful thoughts in others. So do sublime elevating thoughts. Keep the heart young. Do not think "I have become old. Do not entertain this thought. As you think so you become. This is a great psychological law. "As a man thinketh so he becometh." This is a great truth. Thoughts alone shapes and moulds a man. Man lives always in a world of thoughts. Every one lives always in a world of thoughts. Every person has his own thought world. Your present world is the result of your past thoughts and your future will be according to your present thoughts if you thik rightly, you will speak rightly and act rightly. Speech and action simply follow the thoughts. (8) Every person should have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of thought and their operations. Then alone can one live in this world smoothly & happily. He can utilize the helping forces to serve his ends in the best possible manner. Think you are pure, pure you will become. Live to serve others then you will reap happiness. If you do any action that can give pain to others, you will reap pain. This is the law of thought and nature you can shape your favourable or unfavourable circumstances by doing good or bad actions. Man creates his own 191 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ tamArA utsAhita vicAro, sAmenI vyaktimAM paNa utsAhita vicAro utpanna kare che. mATe ucca vicAro karo. hRdayathI hamezAM yuvAna raho. ema vicAro nahIM ke, huM "gharaDo-vRdhdha" thayo chuM. A vicArone AvavA ja na do. jevuM tame vicArazo tevA tamo thazo. A moTo mAnasika niyama che. "mANasa jevuM vicAre che tevo bane che." A moTuM satya che. ekalA vicAro mANasano AkAra ane DhALa banAve che. mANasa potAnA vicAronI duniyAmAM ja rahe che. tamArI hAlanI duniyA e bhUtakALanA vicAronuM pariNAma che ane tamAruM bhaviSya tamArA hAlanA vicAronuM pariNAma haze. jo tame sAcI dizAmAM vicArazo to tame sAcuM bolI zakazo ane sAcI dizAmAM kArya karazo. bolavuM ane kArya karavuM te vicAro pramANe ja bane che. (8) dareka mANasamAM samucita rIte vicAronA niyamone samajavAnI ane te kevI rIte kArya kare che tene samajavAnI zakti hovI jarUrI che. jo te AvaDe to ja mANasa ekalo A duniyAmAM sArI rIte ane AnaMdathI jIvI zake che. te potAne madada karatA baLone potAnA kAryamAM barAbara sArAmAM sArI rIte joDI zake che. tame ema vicAro ke huM zuddha chuM to tame zuddha banI zakazo. jo tame bIjAnI sevA mATe jIvazo to tame sukhane meLavI zakazo. jo tame koI evuM kArya karazo ke jethI bIjAne dukha maLe, to tame tamArA mATe duHkha bheguM karo cho. A kudarata ane vicArano niyama che. tamArA sArA athavA narasA kArya dvArA tame tamane gamatA ke aNagamatAM kAraNomAM DhALI zako cho. mANasa potAnuM cAritra potAnI vicArasaraNI dvArA ghaDe che. phakta A ***** For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ character by the manner of his own thinking. Mere thinking of the objects of this world is pain. Bondage is caused by the very act of thought. Pure thought is a mighter force then electricity. The mind which is attracted by objects of sense, tends to Bondage. Manifest all your strength in the task of 'conquering your mind. This is true Purushrtha. . Purify and still the thoughts. The layers of ignorance, covering knowledge, will not be removed without a calm mind. The subtle part of food forms the mind. Mind is manufactured out of food. Food does not mean merely what we eat, but what we gather through all over senses (Indriya). Learn to see God everywhere. This is real food for the eye. Purity of thought depends upon purity of food. You can see better, hear better, taste better, think better, when you entertain sublime divine thoughts. All mental states are transitory, they produce pain and sorrow. Have freedom of thought. Free yourself from the slavery of prejudice that blunts intellect and dulls thoughts. Think of immortal Atman. this is the right method of direct, original thinking. The Arman reveal: itself after the purification of thoughts. When the minc is serene withought any craving or desire or thought, without any compulsion, without hope, then the For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ jagatanA padArthono vicAra karavo te duHkhadAyaka bane che. karmanuM baMdhana vicAro pramANe thAya che. zubha (ane zuddha) vicAro vidyuta zakti karatAM paNa baLavAna che. je mana vastuo vaDe AkarSAya che te karma baMdhanamAM Ave che. tamArI badhI zaktine tamArA manane jItI levA pAchaLa lagADo. A ja sAco purUSArtha che. vicArone zAMta ane zuddha karo. je samyaka jJAna upara ajJAnanuM AvaraNa caDheluM che tene manane zAMta karyA vagara dUra karI zakAze nahi. khorAkano amuka sUkSma bhAga manane UbhuM kare che. khorAka dvArA ja mana utpanna thAya che. je kAMI khAIe chIe te ja khorAka ema samajavAnuM nathI. paNa ApaNe badhI ja jJAne Indriyo dvArA bheguM karIe chIe teno paNa AmAM samAveza thAya che. - dareka jagyAe bhagavAne AtmAne jotAM zIkho. A AMkho mATeno jarUrI khorAka che. zuddha vicAro zuddha-sAtvika khorAka para AdhArIta che. jayAre tame AdhyAtmika ucca vicArone prAdhAnya Apazo tyAre tame sAruM ja jozo. sAruM ja sAMbhaLazo, sAco svAda lezo, sArUM vicArI zakazo. badhI mAnasika sthitio asthAyI rUpa vALI che, te duHkha ane zoka utpanna kare che, vicAronI svataMtratA hovI joIe. tamArI jAtane pUrvagrahanI najaramAMthI mukta karo. kAraNake te AMtarika prajJAne kuMThita kare che ane vicArone nabaLA banAve che. amara AtmAno vicAra karo. Aja sAcI dizAnI, sIdhI, mULabhUta vicAradhArA che. vicAronI zuddhatAthI ja AtmAne meLavI zakAya che. mana jayAre koI paNa jAtanI IcchA vagara zAMta che, koI mahatvAkAMkSA nathI. koI jabaradastI nathI, koI AzA nathI to utkRSTa evo . . . . . . . . For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Supreme Atman shines. Until you have conquered mind, there can be no sure and permenant victory. Be careful of your thoughts what ever you send out of your mind, comes back to you. If you hate others, hate will comeback to you. If you love others, love will come back to you. Thoughts are like the waves of an ocean. They are countless. You may become desperate in the beginning of your attempt to conquer them. But never become desperate at any stage of practice. You will surely get inner spiritual strength. You are bound to succeed in the end. If you reduce your wants & desires, then the thoughts will decrease by themselves. Gradually all will be extirpated. All that we are is made up of our thoughts which is the cause of our round of births. So we should always try to purify our thoughts. When we go and sit near Sage, we feel a unique calmless. It is because the Vibrations of peace and calmness emanate from the aura of the Sage. Particularly around minds of highly developed thought power, we sense the manifest phenomenon of a powerful aura. To sit in his presence, though he hardly speaks a word, is to feel a thrilling sensation 113] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ AtmA pragaTe che, prakAze che. jyAM sudhI tame tamAruM mana jItyuM nathI tyAM sudhI cokkasa ane kAyamI jIta meLavI nathI tema mAno. - tamArA vicAro mATe jAgRta bano. je kAMI tamArA manamAMthI bahAra mokalo cho te tamArI pAse ja pAchuM Avaze. jo tame koIne dhikkArazo to dhikkAra tamArI pAse pAcho Avaze. jo tame bIjAne prema karazo to tamane prema pAcho maLaze. vicAro che te samudranA mojA jevA che. te gaNI na zakAya teTalA (anaMta) che. tame zarUAtamAM tene jItavAnA prayAsamAM nirAzA anubhavazo, paNa kyAreya nirAza koIpaNa sthitie tamArI prekaTIsamAM na thazo. tame cokkasa tamArI aMdarathI bAdhyAtmika zaktine meLavazo. chevaTe tame temAM saphaLa thazo ja. jo tamArI IcchAo ane tRSNAo ghaTADazo to vicAro tenI jAte ja ghaTatA jaze. dhIme dhIme badhA ja jatA raheze. ApaNuM je vyaktitva che te ApaNA vicArothI ja baneluM che ke je ApaNI janmonA cakrAvAnuM kAraNa che. tethI ApaNe haMmezAM ApaNA vicArone zuddha karavA prayatna karavo joIe. jyAre ApaNe saMta pAse jaine besIe chIe tyAre ApaNe nyArI evI zAMtino anubhava karIe chIe. kAraNake saMtanA hRdayamAMthI (aMtaramAMthI) zAMti tathA zAMtatAnA jharaNA vahyA karatA hoya che. khAsa karIne jenI vicAra zakti pUrNa vikasIta thaI che tenI pAse ApaNe zaktizALI AdhyAtmika zaktino dhodha vaheto anubhava karIe chIe. jo ke te kyAreka ja bole che. to paNa temanI pAse besavAthI ApaNe AMtarika rIte kAMIka utsAhapreraka AlhAdaka taraMgono anubhava karIe For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ and discover the impacts of new inspirations that it wields (Yields) on our minds. You should not come in public & mix with your friends and others when you have a mood of depression, a mood of hatred, lust or jealousy, as these brings menance to the society.. When a thought - good or evil - leaves the mind of a person it gives rise to vibrations in the Manas or mental atmosphere which travel far and wide in all directions. (9) A saint is a living assurance for others, to realize Soul. Many draw inspiration from the sight of holy saints. No one can check the thought vibrations from the saints. Their pure, strong thought vibrations travel a very long distance, purify the world and enter the minds of many thousands of persons. A wrong. thoughts binds. A right thought liberates. Therefore, think rightly and attain freedom. Unfold the ocult powers hidden within you by understanding and realizing the powers of the mind. Interest, attention, will, faith and concentration will bring the desired fruit. Remember that mind is born of the Atman through his maya or illussory power. Understand the laws of thought. Raise thought of For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ chIe ane ApaNane lAge che ke ApaNane navuM baLa maLI rahyuM jaNAya che je manane zAMta kare che. jyAre tamo hatAzAmAM ho, krodha AvI rahyo hoya dhikkAratAnI lAgaNI UbhI thaI rahI hoya, azuddha-malIna lAgaNI UbhI thaI rahI hoya athavA IrSA AvI rahI hoya tyAre jAheramAM na Avo ane tamArA mitro ' sAthe na maLo kAraNake A samAjamAM nukasAna kartA thaze. jyAre sArA ke kharAba vicAro mANasanA manamAMthI bahAra nIkaLe che tyAre manamAM ke mananA vAtAvaraNamAM taraMgo-spaMdano utpanna kare che. je dUra sudhI ane badhI ja dizAomAM phelAya che. (9) saMta e jIvato jAgato purAvo che ke je bIjA mATe AtmAnI anubhUti karAvavAnI zakti dharAve che. ghaNA loko pavitra saMtanI dRSTimAMthI preraNA (Inspiration) le che.-saMtamAMthI nIkaLatA vicAronA taraMgone koI rokI zakatuM nathI. teonA zuddha, majabUta zaktizALI vicAronA taraMgo ghaNe dUra sudhI jAya che, jagatane zuddha kare che ane ghaNA hajAro mANasonA manamAM praveza kare che. kharAba vicAro baMdhana kare che. sAco vicAra mukti apAve che. tethI sAcI rIte vicAro ane svataMtra-mukta bano, samajaNa ane mananI zaktino khyAla karIne tamArI aMdara chupAyelA zaktinA khajAnAne khullo karo. ruci, aekAgrapaNuM, zakti, bharoMso ane ekAgratA IccheluM phaLa prApta karAvI zake che. yAda rAkho mana AtmAnI mAyA athavA AbhAsI zakti vaDe utpanna thayela che. vicAronA niyamone samajaze. daMgAnA premanA ane karuNAnA vicArone [16] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ mercy, love and kindness from your mind and be happy always. Through spiritual sadhana change the subconscious thoughts and mind and become a new being. Thought is life. What you think that you are. Your thought creates your environment. Your thoughts consitute your world. If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. Remember that body is a product of mind and is under the control of mind. Thoughts of love, peace, purity, perfection livinity make you and also others around you perfect & divine. Cultivate divine thoughts. (11) The body is internally assoicated with the mind, rather the body is a counter part of the mind, it is a gross visible form of subtle, invisible mind. If there is pain in any part of the body, the mind is at once affected. It ceases to think properly, it is agitated, disturbed and perturbed. Mental health is more important than physical health. If the mind is pure, your thoughts will be pure. You will be free from all diseases. A sound mind in sound body. Those who have even a littel control over their 117] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ tamArA manamAM UbhA karo ane haMmezAM sukhI thAo. AdhyAtmika sAdhanA dvArA mananA sUkSma vicArone badalAvo ane navA vyakti banI jAo. vicAro jiMdagI che. je tame vicAro tevA thAo. tamArA vicAro ja tamArUM vAtAvaraNa banAve che. tamArA vicAro ja tamArI duniyA UbhI kare che. jo tame ucca vicArone mahattva Apazo, to tame tamArI jAtane taMdurasta rAkhI zakazo. yAda rAkho, zarIra mana vaDe baneluM che ane te mananA kAbumAM che. prema, zAMti, zuddhatA, cokkasa divyatAnA vicAro karazo to te tamane tathA bIjAone paNa saMpUrNa ane divya banAvaze. divya vicArone manamAM dhAraNa karo. (11) aMdarathI zarIra mana sAthe joDAyeluM che, tenA karatAM zarIra manano ja bhAga che tema gaNavuM vadhAre sArU che. sUkSma manano bahAra joI zakAya tevo e zarIrano bhAga che. jo zarIranA koI paNa bhAgamAM du:kha thAya che to mana upara tenI tarata ja asara jaNAya che. te barAbara vicAratuM baMdha thAya che. te azAMta bane che ane vivakSita bane che. zArIrika taMdurastI karatAM mAnasika taMdurastI vadhAre mahattvanI che. jo mana zuddha haze to tamArA vicAro paNa zuddha haze. tame badhA ja prakAranA rogothI mukta thaI jazo. zAMta zarIramAM zAMta mana hoya che. jeono temanA vicAro ane bolavA upara thoDoka paNa kAbu che te [18] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ thoughts and speech will have a calm, serene, beautiful, charming face, a sweet voice and their eyes will turn brilliant and lustrous. Man sows a thought and reaps an action. He sows an action and reaps a habit. He sows a habit and reaps a character. He sows a character and reaps a destiny. Man has made his own destiny by his own thinking and acting. He can change his destiny. He is the master of his own destiny. By right thinking and strong exertion, he can become the master of his destiny. Some say "Karma does everything it is all destiny. If I am destined by my Karma to be like this or that why them should I exert. This belief will create inertia, stagnation and misery. This is perfect misunderstanding of the laws of Karma. This is a fallacious argument. By right thinking of desiring and acting, you can become a Sage, a millionaire. You can attain the position of Indra or Brahma by good thought & action with good Karma. Man is not a helpless being. He has a free will of his own. It is offen said that man is the result of his environmental forces. This is not true, because many For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ zAMta, suMdara, ullAsIta caherAvALo, madhura avAjavALo ane tenI AMkho tejavI temaja camakavALI hoya che. mANasa vicArone vAvIne kAryazakti UbhI kare che. te kAryazaktithI Tevane meLave che. Teva vaDe cAritra meLave che ane cAritra vALo dhyeyane A mANasa pote potAnA vicAro ane kArya vaDe potAnuM prArabdha banAve che. te tenuM prArabdha badalI paNa zake che. te pote ja potAnA prArabdhano svAmI mAlika che. satya vicAro dvArA ane tIvra purUSArtha vaDe, te potAnA dhyeyano mAlika banI jAya che. - keTalAka kahe che ke "badhuM ja karma kare che." te ja prArabdha che. je huM mArA karma vaDe A ke te dhyeyane nakkI karato houM to pachI zA mATe mAre purUSArtha karavo joIe. A mananI mAnyatA che, te pramAda ane sthagitatA - nirAzA AdhyAtmika mArgamAM lAvI de che. - Ama samajavuM te cokkasapaNe karmanA niyamone udhI rIte samajayo che. te khoTI dalIla che. sAcA ciMtana, IcchA ane kAryazaktithI tame saMta banI zako cho, dhanavAna banI zako cho. tame Indra athavA brahmAnI padavI paNa sArA kAryothI ane sArA karmathI meLavI zakazo. mANasa asahAya prANI nathI. te tenI IcchA pramANe svataMtra rahevAnI zaktivALo che. ghaNIvAra ema kahevAmAM Ave che ke mANasa tenI AjubAjunA vAtAvaraNanA baLa pramANe bane che. A sAcuM nathI. kAraNake jagatanA ghaNA For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ of the world's greatest man have been born in poverty and in adverse circumstances. Many who have been born in slums and filthy surroundings have risen to the highest status in the world. Any one who do right exertion rise to the positon of highest level. Every man is born with his Sankaras. The mind is not a blank sheet of paper. It contains the impressions of thoughts of actions of the previous births. Sanskaras are the latent potentialities. These good Sanskaras are valuable assets for man. Even though he is placed in unfavourable environments, these Sanskaras give him protection against extraneous, undesirable, hostile influences. They help his growth and evolution. Every opportunity, you get, is meant for your uplift & development. Help the needy people by way of giving your services to make him right. That man who tries to evolve or grow in adverse environments will be a very strong man indeed. Man is certainly not a creature of environments or circumstances. He can control and modify them by his thoughts and exertion. Intense exertion (Tivra Purashrtha) can change the destiny. Therefore exert and conquer nature and rejoice in the eternal sat-chidanand Atman. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ moTAmAM moTAM mANaso garIbAImAM janmyA che ane pratikuLa saMjogomAM rahyA che. ghaNA ke jeo gaMdI vastImAM ane kharAba vAtAvaraNamAM janmyA che teo jagatanI UMcAmAM UMcI jagyAne pAmyA che. bahumAna maLyuM che. koIpaNa je sAco purUSArtha kare che te UMcAmAM UMcI padavI sudhI upara uThe che. dareka mANasa potAnA saMskAra laIne janme che. mana e korA kAgaLa jevuM nathI. te pUrva janmanA saMskArothI AcchAdita thayeluM che. saMskAra che te AMtarika zakti che. A sArA saMskAro mANasanI kiMmatI milakta che. jo te viparIta saMjogomAM mUkAyo hoya to paNa A saMskAro tene kharAba, na gamatAM, uttejIta banAvomAM rakSaNa pUruM pADe che. teo tenA vikAsamAM ane mUlyAMkanamAM upara uThavAmAM madada kare che. dareka taka je tamane maLe che, te tamone upara uThavA mATenI ane tamArI pragati mATe ja che. tamo jarUrIyAtavALAne tamArI sevA ApIne madadarUpa thaI tene sAro banAvo. te mANasa ke je potAnI jAtane kharAba paristhitimAM paNa upara uThAve che athavA pragati kare che. te ghaNo majabuta manobaLavALo hoya che. mANasa che te vAtAvaraNa pramANenuM prANI nathI athavA banAvo lakSI prANI nathI. te potAnA vicAro ane purUSArtha dvArA vAtAvaraNane pheravI zake che. tIvra purUSArtha dhyeyane paNa badalI zake che. tethI purUSArtha karo ane prakRtine jItI lo ane AnaMda rU5 AMtarika sat cidAnaMda rUpI AtmAmAM joDAo. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The erroneous thought that, you are the body, is the root of all evils. Through wrong thinking, you identify youself with the body. Dehadhyasa (1412) arises when you are attached to the body. This is Abhimana (24 [44444) Then mamta arises. You identify, yourself with your wife children, house etc. It is the identification or attachment that brings about bondage, misery and pain. (12) The development of Thought Power-A man who speaks the truth and has moral purity has always powerful thoughts. One who has controlled anger by long practice, has tremendous thought power. Purity leads to wisodm and immortality, purity is of two types-internal or mental and external or physical. Mental purity is more important, physical purity is also needed. With the establishment of internal/menta! purity, cheerfulness of mind, one pointed mind, conquest of Indriya (senses) and fitness of the realisation of the self are obtained. For purpose of concentration, the scatered rays of mind have to be gathered. Then the mind must be made to turn towards the self realisation. For this be regular in your concentration practice. Sit in the same place, at the same time. Reduction of wants & activities, silence - discipline 123) For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ kharAba-khoTA vicAro dvArA tame tamArI jAtane zarIra sAthe oLakhAvo cho. jayAM sudhI zarIra sAthe AtmAthI joDAyA cho tyAM sudhI dehAdhyAsa rahe che. Ane ja abhimAna kahe che. tethI mamatA-mAyA ubhI thAya che. tame tamArI jAtane tamArI patnI, putraputrI, ghara Adi sAthe oLakhAvo cho athavA temanA tarapha AkarSaNa che to te tamArA mATe karmanA baMdhananuM kAraNa che, muzkelInuM kAraNa che ane duHkhanuM kAraNa che. (12) vicAra zaktinI keLavaNI : je mANasa satya bole che ane zuddha nItimattA che tenA vicAro haMmezAM zaktizALI hoya che. jeNe ghaNI lAMbI prekTIsa vaDe krodhane jItyo che, tenAmAM joradAra zaktizALI vicAra dhArA hoya che je tene zuddhatA, DahApaNa ane amaratA tarapha dore che. A zuddhatA be prakAranI che - AMtarika athavA mAnasika ane bAhya athavA zArIrika, AMtarika zuddhatA vadhAre mahattvanI che. te sAthe zArIrika zuddhatA paNa jarUrI che. AMtarika zuddhatA meLavavAthI mananuM AnaMditapaNuM, mananuM ekAgrapaNuM, viSayonI jIta temaja potAnA AtmAne anubhavavA mATenI pAtratA prApta thAya che. ekAgratA mATe manamAMthI nIkaLatA judA judA taraMgone eka jagyAe bhegA karo, to manane AtmAnI anubhUti tarapha vALI zakAze. Ama thavA mATe ekAgratAnI prekTIsa niyamita paNe karo. eka ja jagyAe beso, eka ja samaye. (beso). IcchAo ane pravRttimAM ghaTADo, zAMti, Indriyone kAbumAM rAkhavI, For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ of the senses, Japa, control of anger, giving up reading novels, newspapers, visiting cinemas and seeing T.V. are all aids to concentration. Every sensual thought rejected, every temptation resisted, every harsh word withheld, every noble aspiration encouraged, helps you to develop will power or soul force and takes you nearer and nearer to the goal. Will is the dynamic Soul force. When it operates all the mental powers such as the power of judgement, power of memory, power of grasping, power of conversation, reasoning power etc. come into instant play. Will is the king of mental powers. Those who practice concentration and meditation develop strong, well formed mental images. Most of us do not know what right thinking is ? Thinking is shallow in the vast majority of persons. Deep thinking is done by few. Thinkers are very few in this world. Deep thinking needs intense practice - Sadhana. Thought is a real action, it reveals itself as a dynamic force. A thought of joy creates sympathetically a thought of joy in others. The birth of a noble thought is a potent antidote to counter act an evil thought. (13) Very carefully watch your thoughts. Suppose (25) For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ .. : * * japa karavA, krodhane kAbumAM rAkhavo, navalakathA, vartamAnapatranuM vAMcana choDI devuM, pIksara jovA javuM nahIM ane TI.vI. jovuM nahIM. A badhA ekAgratA keLavavA mATe sAdhano che. " dareka prakAranA viSayonA vicAro choDI do. lobhAmaNI vAto sAme saMgharSa karo, kaDaka zabdo bahAra javA na do, dareka umadA lAgaNIne mahattva Apo, je tamane tamArI manobaLa ane Atmika zakti vadhAravAmAM madada rUpa thaze ane e ja tamane tamArA dhyeyanI najIkane najIka laI jaze. manobaLa e AtmAnI gatizIla zakti che. jyAre te sakriya thAya che tyAre mAnasika zaktio jevI ke nirNaya levAnI zakyi, yAda zakti, jaldI pakaDI levAnI zakti, vAtacIta karavAnI zakti, tarka zakti vigere eka ja sAthe AvI jAya che. manobaLa e mAnasika zaktino rAjA che. je ekAgratA ane dhyAna mATe prekaTIsa kare che te majabuta zaktizALI AMtarika zakti UbhI kare che. jenAthI mAnasika citra barAbara UbhuM thAya che. ApaNAmAMnA ghaNA bhAganAne khabara ja nathI ke sAcI vicAra dhArA zuM? mANasonI bahula saMkhyA chIcharApaNAnI rIte vicAra karavAvALI che. bahu ja thoDA UMDANa pUrvaka vicAraNA karI zake che. vicArako duniyAmAM ghaNA thoDA che. UMDI vicAradhArA mATe tIvratAthI sAdhanA karavI joIe che. vicAra e sAcI kArya zakti che. te potAnI jAte ja gatizIla zakti che. AnaMdanA vicAro bahu ja sahAnubhUti pUrvaka bIjAmAM tevA ja AnaMdanA vicAro utpanna kare che. umadA vicAraNAno janma, e kharAba vicAraNAne dUra karavA mATenuM sAdhana che. (13) sahajatAthI tamArA vicArone juo. dhAro ke tamane hatAzA For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ you experience depression, sit calmly and find out the cause for the depression and try to remove the cause. The method of displacing or dislocating the negative feeling by substituting the opposite - positive feeling, is very easy - within short time, the undesirable feeling vanishes. Even if you fail several times, continue. You will be successful after some sittings & some practice. If there is harshness of heart, think of mercy. If there is lust, think of the advantage of celibacy. If there is miserliness, think of generosity and generous persons. If there is Moha, think of Atmic vichara. If there is pride, think of humility. If there is hypocracy, think of frankness and its invaluable advantages. If there is jeolouscy, think of nobility. If there is timidity think of courage. Talk very little and that, to on useful matters. In the beginning of your practice of thought control, you will experience great difficulty, you will have to wage war with them. They will struggle their level best for their own existence. They will say "we have every right to remain in this pasage of mind. We have a sole monopoly from time immemorial to occupy this area. 127] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ '' . jaNAya che to zAMta citte beso ane hatAzAnuM kAraNa zuM che te zodhI kADho ane te kAraNane dUra karavA prayatna karo. nukasAnakartA lAgaNIone dUra karavA mATe hakArAtmaka lAgaNIo tamArAmAM lAvo, je eka sahelo rasto che. bahu ja thoDA samayamAM nakAmI lAgaNIonuM pUra nAza pAmI jaze. Ama karatAM jo tame saphaLa na thAo to paNa A cAlu rAkho, tame thoDA samayamAM ja thoDI beThako ane prekaTIsathI saphaLatAne varazo - meLavazo. jo hRdaya kaThoratA dhAraNa kare to, dayALupaNAno vicAra karo, jo malinatA - apramANikatAno vicAra Ave to sAlasatAnA phAyadAno vicAra karo. jo kRpaNatAnA bhAvo uThe to udAratApaNAno tathA udAra vyaktino vicAra karo. jo moha Ubho thAya to AtmAnA vicAro karo. je abhimAna UbhuM thAya to namratAno vicAra karo, jo daMbhatAno vicAra Ave to saraLatAno ane tenA agaNita - kiMmatI phAyadAono vicAra karo. jo IrSA Ave to, umadA bhAvano vicAra karo, je bhIrutA Ave to, hiMmatano vicAra karo. bahu ja ochuM bolo ane jarUrI vastu upara ja bolo. zarUAtamAM vicArone kAbumAM levAmAM ghaNI muzkelIo jaNAze. tamAre tenI sAthe yuddha karavuM ja paDaze. te temanI zaktithI tamArI sAme temanuM astitva TakAvI rAkhavA mATe jhajhumaze. teo kaheze ke "amane A manarUpI mahelamAM rahevAno badhA ja prakArano haka che. amArI pAse A jagyAmAM rahevAno ghaNA vakhatathI eka haththu IjAro prApta thayelo che. to pachI ame zA mATe . For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Why should we vacate our dominion now? We will fight for our birth right till the end." When you sit for meditation, they will pounce upon you with great ferocity and all shorts of evil thoughts will corp up. As you attempt to supress them they want to attack you with redoubbled force and vigour. But positive always overcomes the negative. Just as darkness cannot stand before the sun. Just as leopard cannot stand before lion, so also these dark - nagative. Thoughts - invisible intruders, enemies of peace can not stand before the divine thoughts. They must die by themselves. You are away from your soul when you entertain useless thoughts. Entertain only helpful and useful thoughts. Useless thoughts are the stopping stones of spiritual growth and progress. Worldly thoughts will trouble you a lot in the beginning of your new life of thought culture. They trouble you also when you take to the practice or meditation and spiritual life. But if you are regular in cultivation of spiritual thoughts and in meditation, worldly thoughts will gradually die by themselves. Meditation is fire to burn these thoughts. Do not try to drive out worldly thoughts, but entertain positive thoughts concerning the object of meditation. Positively think of the loftly things. 1291 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ A sthAna khAlI karIe ? ame amArA A janmasiddha haka mATe chevaTa sudhI laDI laIzuM." jayAre tame dhyAna mATe besazo tyAre teo tamArA upara khUba ja joradAra jussAthI humalo karaze, badhA ja prakAranA kharAba vicAro tamArA manamAM UgI nIkaLaze. jevA tame tene dabAvavA prayatna karazo teo tamArA upara hiMmata tathA bamaNA jorathI humalo karaze. paNa haMmezAM sArI vAta kharAba vAtane dUra karIne ja rahe che. jemake sUryanI sAme aMdhArUM TakI zakatuM nathI, citto jema siMha sAme Ubho rahI zakato nathI, temaja A aMdhAra bharyA khoTA vicAro - je adazya ghUsaNaghora zAMtinA duzmano che, te divya vicAro sAme TakI zakatA nathI. teoe temanI jAte ja nAza pAmavuM paDaze. jayAre tamo nakAmA vicArone tAbe thAva cho tyAre tame tamArA AtmAthI dUra cho. phakta upayogI ane madada kartA vicArone aMdara rahevA do. nakAmA vicAro che te AdhyAtmika pragatimAM rUkAvaTa karanArA pattharo che. jagatanA vicAro tamArI navI vicAradhArAnA saMskAro UbhA karavAmAM muzkelI ubhI karaze. teo tamane muzkelImAM mUkaze ke jyAre tame dhyAnanI prekaTIsa ane AdhyAtmika jIvana mATe purUSArtha karatA hazo. paNa jo tame Atmika vicAronI vRddhimAM niyamita hazo ane dhyAna paNa niyamita karazo to A sAMsArika vicAro dhIme dhIme potAnI jAte nAza pAmaze. dhyAna e AvA vicArone bALavA mATe agni samAna che. sAMsArika vicArone bahAra kADhI nAkhavAno prayatna na karo, paNa tenI sAme zubha ke zuddha vicAro mUko. dhyAnanA viSaya mATenA vicAro mUko. sAcI dizAnA umadA vicArone mUko. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Try to see waves of worldly thoughts arising from the mind. When you attain a state of "Sakshi bhava", these worldly thoughts will go on diminishing and at last it ceases. When you are very busy in your daily work, you may not harbour any impure thought, but when you take rest and leave the mind blank, the impure thoughts will try to enter in your mind. You must be careful when the mind feel idle. If you entertain one impure thought, all sorts of impure thoughts join together and attack you. If you entertain any good thought, all good thoughts join together to help you. Thoughts of depression, failure - weakness, darkenss, doubts, lust fear etc. are negative thoughts. Cultivate positive thoughts of strength, confidence, courage, cheerfulness, then negative thoughts will disppear. All sorts of habitual thoughts, concerning the body, dress, food and so on; must be over come through Atma - Chintan within one's own heart. Those who have destroyed the Vasana & most of habitual thoughts will enjoy their final Brahmic seat. This mischievous and powerful mind -generates all For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ manamAM ubhA thatA sAMsArika vicAronA taraMgone joyA karo. jyAre tame sAkSIbhAva-dRSTAbhAva keLavazo tyAre A sAMsArika vicAro dhIme dhIme ghaTatA jaze ane chevaTe te baMdha thaI jaze. jyAre tame tamArA rojIMdA kAryamAM kAryarata hazo, tyAre kharAba vicAro tamArAmAM Avaze nahIM. paNa jyAre tame ArAma karatA hazo ane mana navaruM paDayuM haze tyAre azuddha vicAro tamArA manamAM dAkhala thavAno prayatna karaze. jyAre mana navaruM paDeluM hoya tyAre jAgRta rahevA prayatna karo. jo tame eka azuddha vicArane AvavA dezo to badhA ja prakAranA azubha vicAro tenI sAthe joDAze ane tamArA upara hallo karaze. jo tame eka sArA vicArane AvavA dezo to badhA ja sArA vicAro bhegA thaine tamane madada rUpa thaze. hatAzA, nAsIpAsatA, nirbaLatA, ajJAnatA, zaMkAnA, vAsanAnA, bhayanA, malinatAnA vicAro kharAba vicAro che. zaktinA, zraddhAnA hiMmatanA, AnaMdanA vicArone tamArAmAM praveza karavA do. ugavA do, to A kharAba vicAro nAza pAmI jaze. zarIrane lagatI badhA ja prakAranI TevonA kapaDAnA, khorAkanA ane AvA bIjA vicArothI upara uThavA mATe AtmaciMtana tamArA hRdayamAM karo. teo ke jemaNe vAsanA ane TevanA kAraNothI ubhA thatA vicArono nAza karyo che, teo brahmanI sthitimAM pahoMcIne AnaMdano bhogavaTo karaze. , A naTakhaTa ane zaktizALI mana badhAja prakAranA du:kho ane bhaya [32] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ pains & fears and destroys all spiritual wealth. Slay this trouble some mind. Thoughts of attraction and repulsion, likes & dislikes, Rag-dvesha (21deg1&) are annihilated in toto. Then the Sage will not be conscious of the existence of the body, though working in it. Do not try to drive away the unimportant and irrelevant thoughts. More you try, more they will return & gain more strength. Become indifferent. Fill the mind with divine thoughts. They will gradually vanish. Get yourself established in Nirvikalpa Samadhi through constant meditaion. Mental pose and calmness may be brought about by the eradication of worry & anger. The goal of life is the attainment of divine consciousness. This goal is the realisation that we are neither the body nor that changing & finite mind, but we are all pure, ever free Atman. Remember always that "Ahonityah Sasvatoyam Purano." You are not this passing personality hooked on to a name and form. If you want to develop your thought power, always keep with you inspiring books, Read them over and over again, untill they become part of your daily action & living. "Knowledge of the Self is the greatest treasure." "Meditation is the key to knowledge." 1931 SON For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ ubhA kare che ane Atmika saMpattino nAza kare che. A muzkelI pedA karanAra manano nAza karo. AkarSaNa ane apAkarSaNanA, gamA ane aNagamAnA, rAgadveSanA vicArono saMpUrNapaNe nAza karo. to pachI sAdhaka (saMta) potAnA zarIramAM rahIne kArya karavA chatAM zarIra tarapha lakSa temanuM rahetuM nathI. nakAmA ane jarUrIyAta vagaranA vicArone bahAra kADhavA prayatna na karavo. jema jema tame prayatna karazo tema tema te bamaNA jorathI pAchA AvavA prayatna karaze ane majabuta banaze. mATe tenA pratye udAsIna bano. manane divya vicArothI bharI do. to te (nakAmA vicAro) dhIme dhIme nAza pAmI jaze. tamArI jAtane nirvikalpa samAdhimAM satata dhyAna dvArA laI jAva. muMjhavaNa (ciMtA) ane gussAne nAbuda karIne mananI ekAgratA ane zAMti prApta karo. A jIMdagIno hetu divya darzana karavA mATeno che. A hetu te ApaNe zarIra nathI temaja badalAtuM ane amuka samaya mATenuM mana nathI, paNa ApaNe zuddha temaja mukta AtmA chIe. haMmezAM yAda rAkho ke tame "nitya, zAzvata ane anAdi kALathI ajanmo rahelo chuM." tame A nAzavaMta parsanAlITI nathI ke je nAma ane zarIranA AkAra sAthe joDAyelI che. jo tame tamArI vicAra zakti khIlavavA mAMgatA ho to tamane utsAhita kare tevuM pustaka tamArI sAthe rAkho, tene vAraMvAra vAMco. ke je tamArI rojIMdI jIMdagIno eka bhAga banI jAya. "potAnI jAtanuM zAna e moTAmAM moTo khajAno che. dhyAna e potAnuM jJAna karavA mATenI cAvI che." Mii . For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Uncontrolled thoughts are roots of all evils. More the thoughts are restrained, the more is the mind concentrated and consequently it gains in strength & .power. The entertainment of sublime thoughts is the easiest way & rapid method of destroying basic thoughts. When evil thought harasses the mind, the method of conquering it is by ignoring it, by forgetting it, by not indulging in it again, by thinking of something very important, interesting and inspiring. Ignore, forget, think of something inspiring - these three constitute the great Sadhana for establishing mastery over evil thoughts. . (14) Positive method for thought control: - Silence the bubling thoughts. - Calm the Surging emotions. - Concentrate on concrete form in the beginning. Have three or four sittings - early morning, 8 a.m., 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. you concentrate on the tip of the nose. When irrelevent thoughts enter the mind, be indifferent. They will pass away. Do not drive them forcibly otherwise they will persist, resist and, will enter with double force. Substitute divine thoughts, irrelavent For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ niraMkuza vicAradhArA badhI ja jAtanI kharAbInuM kAraNa che. jeTalA pramANamAM A vicArone rokavA mATeno prayatna thAya teTalA pramANamAM mana ekAgra thaze ane anukrame te vadhAre majabuta ane zaktizALI banaze. ucca vicArone agrImatA ApavI te, anAdi kALanA pAyAnA vicAro pesI gayA che tene kADhavAno sahelo rasto che. jyAre kharAba vicAro tamone parezAna kare to tene jItavA mATe, tene mahattva na ApavuM. tene bhUlI javA, temAM UMDA utaravuM nahIM. jarUrI, sArA preraNA ApatA vicAronuM ciMtana karavuM. mahattva na ApavuM, bhUlI javuM, preraNA Ape tevA vicAro karavA. A traNe kharAba vicAro upara kAbu meLavavA mATe tathA mukhya sAdhanA mATe mULabhUta vAto che. (14) vicArone kAbumAM levAnI hakArAtmaka rIto. khadabada khadabada thatA vicArone zAMta karo. UbhI thatI lAgaNIone zAMta karo. majabUta vastu para zarUAtamAM ekAgratA keLavo. - traNa ke cAra vAra besavAnuM rAkho. vahelI savAre savAranA 8 vAge, baporanA 4 vAge ane rAtre 8 vAge. tame nAkanA agra bhAge ekAgratA karo. (athavA jyAM kahevAmAM Ave tyAM ekAgratA karo). jyAre nakAmA - jarUra vagaranA vicAro manamAM ubhA thAya tyAre tenA pratye udAsIna bano. eTale ke dRSTAbhAva keLavo. teo cAlyA jaze - teone jora karI bahAra kADhavA prayatna na karo, nahIMtara te vadhAre vAra cAlaze athavA bamaNI gatithI [36] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ be made. thoughts will gradually find fade. Be steady & slow in the practice of concentration. Concentration is holding the mind to one form or object for a long time, To remove the tossing of mind and various other obstacles, which stand in the way of one pointedness, the practice of concentration on one thing alone should be made. If you want to increase your power of concentration, you will have to reduce your worldy desires & activities. You will have to observe silence every day for some hours, then only can the mind concentrate very easily & without difficulty. In concertration you will have only one thought in the mind lake, all other operation of the mind should be suspended. Try to acquire the power of closing ourself against detrimental or undesirable thoughts. We will have to cultivate ideas and ground them till they are firmly fixed & implanted. Nothing is difficult when you strongly make up your mind. Strong determination and firm resolution will bring sanguine success in every affair and in the .conquest of mind. Non co-operation with the mind in its evil wanderings, the mind will come under your control. If you want rapid progress in the spiritual path, * *** 1371 w For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ sAmA thaze ane bamaNA jorathI pAchA dAkhala thaze. tenI sAme divya vicAro mUko to nakAmA vicAro dhIme dhIme bahAra nIkaLI jaze. ekAgratAnI prekaTIsa dhImethI ane satatapaNe karyA karo. ekAgratA eTale manane eka AkAra ke vastu para lAMbA samaya sudhI sthira rAkhavuM. eka ja vastu para ekAgra thavAmAM ADA AvatA mananI kudAkuda ane bIjA avarodhone dUra karavA mATe manane eka ja vastu para ekAgra karavAthI ja banI zakaze. - jo tame ekAgratAnI zakti vadhAravA mAMgatA ho to tamAre jagatanI IcchAo ane bAhya pravRtti ghaTADavI paDaze. tamAre dararoja thoDA kalAko mATe mauna dhAraNa karavuM paDaze to ja manane sahelAIthI ane muzkelI vagara ekAgra karI zakAze. ekAgratA karatI vakhate tamArA mana sarovaramAM eka ja vicAra hovo joIe, bIjA badhA mananA kAryone mulatvI karavA paDaze. jarUra vagaranA ane nukasAna kartA vicAronI sAme tamArI jAtane rokavAnI zakti meLavavA mATe prayatna karo. (Atmika) vicArone ApaNAmAM UbhA karavA paDaze ane te aMdara sthira thAya tyAM sudhI tenI mahenata karavI paDaze. jo tame pAko nizcaya karo to koI vastu muzkelIvALI (agharI) nathI. daDha nizcaya ane te karavAnI taiyArI badhI ja vAtomAM saphaLatA apAvaze ane manane paNa jItavAmAM. manane kharAba vAtomAM bhamatuM aTakAvavA tenI sAthe bhalo nahIM, to mana tamArA kAbumAM AvI jaze. jo tame AdhyAtmika mArgamAM jhaDapI pragati IcchatA ho to, dareka vicArone tapAso. navaruM mana '** ** 8i8) For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ watch every thought. Vacant mind is ever distressed. Non co-operation with the mind is swimming against the sensual currents, (Pratishroti tha), then the mind will be thinned out and gradually it will become your obedient, you will gain mastery over the mind. The disciplined self has a very strong will. Therefore, the senses & mind obey our will. The disciplined self takes only those substances which are quite necessary for the maintenance of the body without any love or hatred. He never takes those substances which are forbidden by sastras. We must thin out the thoughts by destroying them one by one-in order to drink the ambrosial milk or nector of immortality. Chop off the thoughts, one by one, when they emerge out through the trap door to the surface of the mind. Even after thinning & reducing the thoughts, some thoughts will move about like the cut tail of lizard, but now they have becomes powerless, they cannot do any serious harm to the soul. If we go on regularly with our daily practice of concentration and meditation, they will die by themselves like a gheeless lamp. These thought that are suppressed or thinned out for sometime, manifest again after some time. They should _1391 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ kAkI: haMmezAM nukasAna kartA ja banI rahe che. manane sahakAra na Apavo te IndriyonA viSayonI lAgaNI sAme taravA barAbara che. (pratIzrotI thA), to mana sUkSma thaze ane dhIme dhIme tamArA kahevAmAM AvI jaze. tame tamArA mana upara kAbu meLavI zakazo. niyamamAM ane zistamAM rahenArAmAM AMtarika zakti majabuta hoya che. tethI ja Indriyo ane mana tenI IcchA pramANe - hukama pramANe varte che. zista-niyamamAM rahenAra zarIra mATe jarUrIyAtavALA padArthone ja aMgIkAra kare che ane te paNa udAsIna bhAva vaDe ja. te kyAreya evA padArthone grahaNa karato nathI ke jeno zAstromAM niSedha karavAmAM Avyo che. amRta rasanuM pAna karatAM kramasara vicArone pAtaLA - sUkSma banAvo. ochA karo. jyAre jayAre vicAro mananA daravAjA para UbhA thAya tyAre tyAre tene eka pachI eka dUra karavA prayatna karo. (sAkSI bhAva vaDe). pAtaLA pADayA pachI ane ghaTADayA pachI paNa amuka vicAro to garoLInI kapAyelI pUMchaDInI mAphaka ApaNI aMdara ghumyA kare che, paNa have te zaktihIna thayA hovAthI gaMbhIra nukasAna AtmAne pahoMcADI zakatA nathI. jo ApaNe dararoja ekAgratA ane dhyAnanI prekaTIsa niyamita paNe karatA rahIzuM to te ghI vagaranA dIvAnI jema olavAI jaze. A badhA vicAro ke jene dabAvyA che ke pAtaLA paDayA che te vaLI pAchA thoDA samaya pachI UbhA thaze. mATe tene mULa sahita che For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ S886692 99992000292 be completely rooted out by vichara (cazica), meditation etc. when we think on one subject, do not allow other thoughts to enter e.g. when we think of mercy, think of mercy only, do not think of forgiveness or tolerance. The progress will be very slow in the beginning. At first a wrong thoughts enters the mind, then you entertain it. You take delight in dwelling on that wrong thought. You give consent to it to stay in mind and gradually the wrong thought, when it is not resisted takes a strong hold in your mind, then it becomes very difficult to drive it off. The proverb goes "Give a rogue an inch and he will take a yard." This is true in case of wrong thought also. Close your mind before any evil thought can enter and produce an impression on your physical brain. You will become wise soon and attain eternal infinite peace and bliss. Entertain only pure & holy thoughts. You will have to practice it. You will be successful in you attempt after some time. Never despair though you may fail in crushing a bad thought. No pains, no gains, inner spiritual strength will gradually manifest in you. Your mind will For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ vicAradhArA tathA dhyAna vaDe ukhADI nAkhavA paDaze - dUra karavA paDaze. jyAre eka viSaya upara vicAra karatA ho tyAre bIjA viSayonA vicArone aMdara dAkhala thavA na devA. dA.ta. jo tame karuNAnA vicAro karatA ho tyAre tenA ja vicAro karo. te sAthe mApha karavAnA ke tamArI sahana zaktino vicAra na karo. (jo ke, tamArI pragati zarUAtamAM dhImI ja haze. sau prathama khoTA vicAra tamArA manamAM UbhA thAya tyAre tame tene AvakAro cho. tame temAM bhalI javA mATe AnaMdita thAo cho. tame kharAba vicArane manamAM rahevAnI maMjurI Apo cho ane dhIme dhIme kharAba vicAro, ke jene rokavAmAM nathI AvatA, te tamArA manamAM majabuta banI jAya che ane tyAM aDDo jamAve che. pachI tene bahAra kADhavA muzkela bane che. kahevata che ke kharAba mANasane AMgaLI ApatAM poMco (hAthano paMjo) pakaDI le. te A kharAba vicArone paNa lAgu paDe che. nukasAnakAraka vicArone manamAM dAkhala thatA ane zArIrika magajamAM koI paNa jAtanI asara mUkI de te pahelAM tene aMdara AvatAM roko. Ama karazo to thoDA samaya pachI tame DAhyA (jJAnI) banI jazo ane aMdaramAM anaMta zAMti tathA sAcA sukhane pAmazo. mAtra zuddha ane pavitra vicAronuM svAgata karo. enA upara purUSArtha karo to thoDA vakhata pachI temAM saphaLa thazo. kharAba vicArone mArI haTAvavAmAM saphaLa na thAva to paNa hatAza thazo nahIM. duHkha ke harSa na anubhavo to AMtarika AdhyAtmika zakti tamArAmAM ubhI thaze. (zakti prApta thaze.) kyAreka tamAruM mana kharAba :: For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ some times shudder, when evil thoughts enter your mind. This is a sign of your spiritual progress. You will be much tormented when you think of your evil actions committed in the past. This is the sign of your spiritual upheaval. Your body will quiver when ever a wrong thought urges you to do the same act through force of habit. Continue your meditation with full vigour and earnestness. All memories of evil actions etc will die by themselves. Then you will be established in perfect purity and peace. The old evil thoughts try to attack you revengefully and with redoubled force at the time, when you try to raise good, divine thoughts, There is a law of resistance in nature. The evil thought assert and say "O man ! do not be cruel you have allowed us to stay in your mental factory from time immemorial. We have to every right to abide here, we will not vacate our abode." Do not be discouraged. Go on with your practice of meditation regualrly. At last these evil thoughts will be thinned out and die out. The very fact that you feel uneasy now when an evil thought comes to the surface of the mind during meditation, indicates that you are growing in spirituality. Remember ! worldly people judge a man by his [43] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ vicAro dAkhala thatA dhrujaze. A tamArI AdhyAtmika pragatinI nizAnI che. tame jyAre bhUtakALamAM karavAmAM AvelA kRtyono vicAra karazo to tamane tenAthI duHkha thaze. A tamArI AdhyAtmika zakti ucca bhUmikA tarapha jaI rahI che te darzAve che. jyAre kharAba vicAro pUrvanA saMskArone kAraNe bhUtakALamAM karelI bhUlo karavA tarapha laI jaze tyAre tamArUM zarIra AMcako anubhavaze. tame dhyAna karavAnuM AMtarika zakti ane saddAnatathI cAlu rAkho. (to) badhA ja kharAba kAryonI yAda zakti vigere tenI potAnI meLe nAza pAmaze. zAMta thaI jaze, tyAre tame saMpUrNa zuddhatA ane zAMtine prApta karazo. jyAre tame sArA ane AdhyAtmika vicArone tamArAmAM dAkhala karavAno prayatna karazo tyAre junA kharAba vicAro tamArA upara bahu ja nirdayatAthI ane bamaNA jorathI humalo karaze. kudaratamAM haMmezAM pratyAghAta karavAnI zakti rahelI che. junA kharAba vicAro jabaradastI karIne kaheze ke "he mANasa ! krura na bana, teM ja amane tArA mana rUpI kArakhAnAmAM rahevA mATe paravAnagI anAdi kALathI ApelI che, tethI amane ahIM rahevAno janmasiddha hakka che. ame amArUM AvuM sthAna choDIzuM nahIM to paNa hiMmata hArazo nahIM. tamArI dhyAnanI kriyA niyamitapaNe karyA ja karo chevaTe A kharAba vicAro pAtaLA - maMda paDI jaze ane nAsI jaze. sAcI vAta che ke have jyAre kharAba vicAro dhyAna daramyAna Ave che to tamane te gamatA nathI. te darzAve che ke tame AdhyAtmika mArgamAM pragati karI rahyA cho. yAda rAkho ! jagatamAM rAcatA loko mANasane tenI bAhya vartaNuMkane [44] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ external physical actions. You will have to look to the motive of the man. Then you will not be mistaken. Keep the mind fully occupied with spiritual thoughts then evil thoughts will not enter in your mind. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. Avoid loose talk and gossip. The mind is jumping monkey. Therefore it must be disciplined daily then it will come under your control. Just as fruit is born of the seed, so also deeds are born of thoughts. Good & bad thoughts generate good and evil action respectively. If you cultivate good thoughts by satsanga, study of religious books, prayer etc., evil thoughts will die by themselves. Then you have attained some real progress in the spiritual path. Control the thoughts or sankalpa. Avoid day dreaming. Extinction of sankalpas alone is Moksha or release. The mind is destroyed when there is no imagination. The experience of world vanishes, when imagination is stopped. Victory over thoughts, a victory over ignorance & death. The inner war with the mind is more terrible then the outer war with the machine guns. Conquer thoughts and you would conquer the world. The mind can very easily think of worldly objects [45] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ AdhAre oLakhe che. tamAre to sAmA mANasano irAdo zuM che te vicArIne vartavAnuM che. to tame bhUla karazo nahi. tamArA manane Atmika vicArothI bhareluM ja rAkho jethI kharAba vicAro tamArA manamAM dAkhala ja na thavA pAme. navaruM magaja bhUtanuM kArakhAnuM che. nukasAna kartA vAto na karo ane gappA na mAro. mana e kudakA mAratA vAMdarA jevuM che. tethI tene pratidina zistamAM rahevAnI Teva pADavI paDaze. to ja te tamArA kAbumAM raheze. jema phaLa che te bIjamAMthI utpanna thAya che tema kArya tamArA vicAromAMthI janme che. sArA ane kharAba vicAro sArUM ane kharAba kArya anukrame janmAve che. jo tame satsaMga, AdhyAtmika vAMcana, prArthanA vagerenI niyamita Teva pADo to kharAba vicAronI bhUtAvaLa tenI jAte ja mRtaprAya thaI jaze. pachI ja tamane AdhyAtmika mArgamAM kAMIka pragati karI che tema lAgaze. vicAro athavA saMkalpone kAbumAM rAkho. divA svapromAM rAco nahIM. saMkalpono kSaya karavo te ja mokSa che athavA mukti che. jyAre kalpanAono nAza thAya che tyAre manano nAza thAya che. jyAre kalpanAo rokAI jAya che tyAre jagatanI anubhUtithI para thavAya che. (eTale ke jagatanuM astitva tenA mATe rahetuM nathI). vicAro upara je kAbu meLave te ajJAna ane mRtyune jItI le che. mana sAthenI AMtarika laDAI, bAhya jagatamAM mazInagana vaDe laDavAmAM AvatI laDAI karatAM vadhAre bhayaMkara gaNAya che. vicArone jIto ane jagatane jItI lyo. mana bahu ja sahajatAthI jagatanI vastuono vicAra karI zake che. vihAra , For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ S OS.. . as it has become Svabhava from infinite period of wonder. It is an uphill task for a sansaric mind or Vyavahara. If you want to free yourself from birth and death, the minds must be trained to flow towards God. Check the aimless wandering state of mind. You have to discipline the mind daily. Eternal vigilance is needed in thought control. Be a witness of your thoughts. When the mind does not function owing to the absence of Vasanas, then arises the state of "Manonasa" or annihilation of the mind. (15) Thought Culture - When ever desires crop i you mind, do not try to fulfil them. Reject them..... The mind is thinned out. Its outgoing tendencies are curbed. In the practice of Sama (214), the five Jnana Indriyas or organs of knowledge - (ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose) - are also controlled. Sama is serenity of mind produced by the constant eradiction of vasanas or desires. The moment they come, exert yourself or divert the mind to some other object of divine thoughts, prayer or jap. A real earnestness to drive away the evil thoughts will keep you on the alert so much so WON For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ kAraNa ke teno svabhAva anAdikALathI rakhaDapaTTIno thaI gayo che. sAMsArika vyavahAramAM rokAyelAM manane tenAthI chUTu pADavuM te parvata upara caDhavA karatAM paNa kaparuM kArya che. jo tame tamArI jAte janma maraNanA pherAmAMthI chuTavA mAMgatA ho to manane evI tAlIma ApavI paDaze ke je haMmezAM bhagavAna AtmA tarapha ja rahe. koI paNa jAtanA dhyeya vagara rakhaDavAnI TevavALA manane aMkuzamAM rAkhavA prayatna karo. tamAre tamArA manane dararoja zistamAM rAkhavA prayatna karavo paDaze. AMtarika jAgRti vicArone kAbumAM levA mATe rAkhavI paDaze. tamArA vicAronA sAkSI banI jAva. jyAre vAsanAonA abhAvathI mana kArya karatuM na dekhAya tyAre manonAzanI sthiti ubhI thAya che. athavA manane zAMta karavAmAM AvyuM che athavA bAhya jagatathI chUTuM paDI gayuM che. (15) vicAranI saMskRti - jyAre tamArA manamAM IcchAo ubhI thAya tyAre tene pUrI karavAno prayatna na karo, tene tarachoDI do, choDI do. to mana sUkSma thaI jaze. tenI bahAra javAnI Teva che te ghaTatI jaze. zama prApta karavA mATe pAMca jJAnendriyo (kAna, cAmaDI, AMkha, jIbha ane nAkane) paNa kAbumAM karavI paDaze. satata paNe vAsanA ke IcchAone dUra karatA rahevuM e mananI zama-zAMta sthiti prApta karAve che. je zama kahevAya. jevA vicAro Ave ke tarata ja tame tamArI jAtane purUSArthathI athavA manane bIjA AdhyAtmika vicArovALI vastumAM, prArthanAmAM ke japamAM laI jAo. kharekhara je tame kharAba vicArone bahAra kADhI nAMkhavA mAMgatA ho to satata jAgRti rAkho tethI svapramAM paNa tevA vicAro ubhA thAya to For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ that even if they appear in dream, you will at once wakeup, you will be saved from the mal formation and the miscarriage of your mind. Mind is like a playful child. The mind must be filled with sattva (purity). Evil thought is the most dangerous thiefs, slay this theif with the sward of wisdom. Make your thought pure, strong & definite. You will gain immense spiritual strength and peace. If you wish to attain self realisation, imagination and speculation must be stopped. Purify & control the emotions. Beneath your conscious life, there is a very wide region of subconscious life. All habits originate from the sub conscious plane. Subconscious life is more powerful than your ordinary life of objective consciousness. Through the practice of yoga (sanhana), you can modify, control and influence the subconscious depths. If you become angry once in a month instead of once weekly, that is a sign of progress, that is a sign of your increased will power, that is a sign of growing spiritual strength. Be of good cheer. Keep a diary of spiritual progress. The substitution of spiritual thought method is very easy and effective in the destruction of evil thoughts. * For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ jAgRta thaI jAzo, to tene malinatA-malina bhAva ane khoTI vastu tarapha jatuM rokI zakazo. - mana che te ramata karatAM bALaka jevuM che..... tethI manane sAtvika vicArothI bharI do. zuddhatA tarapha laI jAo. kharAba vicAro khataranAka cora che, prajJA rUpI taravAra vaDe teno nAza karo. tamArA vicArone zuddha majabuta ane cokkasa banAvo. tame tethI AdhyAtmika zakti ane zAMtine meLavazo. * " nA. . jo tame tamAro svabhAva-Atma anubhava prApta karavA IcchatA ho, to kalpanAo ane vicAronA ghoDA doDAvavA baMdha karo. lAgaNIone zuddha ane kAbumAM rahe tevI banAvo. tamArI bAhya jAgRtinI pAchaLa sUkSma jIvanano moTo pradeza chupAyelo hoya che. badhI ja Tevo A AMtarika chupAyelI jiMdagIne anulakSIne temAMthI ja ubhI thAya che. bAhya jagatanA padArtho pratyenI jAgRtivALI jiMdagI karatAM AMtarika chupAyelI jIMdagI vadhAre zaktizALI hoya che (je prArabdhane Adhina che) yoganI sAdhanA dvArA, tame tamArI AMtarika UMDAIne badalAvI zako cho, kAbumAM laI zako cho ane tenA para tamArI vaga vAparI zako cho. jo tame aThavADiyAmAM eka vAra gusse thavAne badale mahinAmAM ekavAra gusse thAva to te tamArI sAdhanAnI pragati che, te tamArI AMtarika zaktino vadhAro batAve che, te tamArI AdhyAtmika zakti vadhavAnI nizAnI che. AnaMdita bano. AdhyAtmika pragatinI noMdha rAkhatA zIkho. kharAba vicAronI sAme AdhyAtmika vicAro mUkavAnI rIta kharAba vicArone asarakAraka rIte nAza karavAno sahelo rasto che. kharAba : For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ It is difficult to destory the evil thoughts by attacking them directly By repeating "Soham" or "Aham Brahma Asmi" thousands times daily, the idea that you are the spirit -- Atman becomes stronger, the idea that you are the body becomes weaker & weaker. If evil thoughts enter your mind don't use your will force in driving them, you will lose your energy only. The greater the efforts you make, the more the evil thoughts will return with redoubled force. They will return more quickly & become more powerful. Be indifferent. Keep quiet. They will pass off soon. In the beginning, there is internal fight between pure and impure thoughts, but at last pure thoughts will gain victory. Positive over comes negative. The prime requisite for happiness is control over the thoughts. You must annihilate all destructive thoughts. It should not bring even the least pain and unhappiness to anyone, then you are a blessed soul on the earth. If you think of the vices and defects of another man, your mind will be charged with those vices & defects. Those who knows this psychological law will never indulge in censuing others or infinding fault in the conduct of others that will see only the good in others. This practice enables one to grow in concentration & spirituality. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ vicAro upara sIdho hallo karavAthI tene dUra karavAnuM, nAza karavAnuM muzkela bane che. roja hajAro vAra "sohama" ke "ahaM brahmAsmi"no jApa karavA pAchaLano hetu e che ke jethI tame AtmA cho te majabuta banatuM jAya. temaja tame zarIra cho te mAnyatA nabaLI ane nabaLI paDatI jAya. jo kharAba vicAro tamArA manamAM dAkhala thAya to tamArI AMtarika zakti tene hAMkI kADhavAmAM vAparo nahIM. jo tema karazo to tame tamArI zakti ja gumAvazo. jeTalI vadhAre mahenata karazo teTalA vadhAre pramANamAM kharAba vicAro bamaNI zaktithI pAchA pharaze. te vadhAre jhaDapathI pAchA pharaze ane vadhAre zaktizALI banI jaze. mATe te pratye udAsIna banI jAva. zAMta raho, teo jaldIthI pasAra thaI jaze. zarUAtamAM aMdaramAM pavitra ane apavitra vicAro vacce laDAI thaze. paNa chevaTe zubha-zuddha vicAro vijayI banaze. hakArAtmaka nakArAtmaka vAtane dUra karI zake che. sukhI thavAnI prAthamika jarUrIyAta che ke vicAro para kAbu meLavavo. nukasAna kartA vicArone bahAra kADhI nAkho. te (mana) jarA paNa duHkha ane azAMti bIjAmAM na ubhI kare to samajavuM ke tame A pRthvI upara sukhI AtmA cho, ullAsavALA cho. jo tame bIjAnA durguNo ane khAmIo zodhavAno vicAra karazo to tamAruM mana tevA ja durguNo ke khAmIono zikAra banI jaze. je A mAnasika niyamane jANe che, te kyAreya bIjAne duHkha thAya tevuM karatA nathI athavA bIjAnI bhUlo zodhavAmAM paDatA nathI ane bIjAmAM sAruM ja jue che. je AvI prekaTIsa kare che te ekAgratA ane AdhyAtmikatAmAM pragati kare che. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Rushi Bharat nursed a dear out of mercy and become attached to it. His last thought was the thought of that dear, hence he had to take the birth of deer, but he had memory of his last birth as he was an advanced soul and therefore in next birth he remained maun (wit). He has not spoken any word during that life, so he was known as "Jad Bharat". He remained in silence during whole life to avoid affection with any body in the world. By doing so, he had achieved total pure soul and avoided death & birth for ever. The last thought determines the next birth. The last predominent thought of one's life occupies the mind at the time of death. The predominent idea at the time of death is what in normal life has occupied his attention most. The last thought determines the nature of character of the body to be attained next. As a man thinketh, so shall he become. Therefore you must train the mind properly and give it proper sattvic food for assimilation. You must have sattvic background of thought to take you to the good-salvation. It is a pity that vast majority of persons have no idea, no programme of life at all and no sattvic back ground of thought. They are doomed to failure. Just as gramophone-needle cuts a small groove in . SO je 53] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ (A vAtane samajavA mATe RSi bharatanI eka kathA che je nIce pramANe che.) RSi bharate dayA bhAvanAthI ghAyala thayelA haraNane bacAvI tenI suzruSA karI ane tenA pratye mohabhAva jAgI gayo. temano chello vicAra te haraNano ja hato. tethI temane haraNa yonimAM janma levo paDayo. paNa temanI AdhyAtmika pragatine kAraNe temano AtmA ucca sthiti pAmelo hovAthI temane pUrvano bhava yAda hato ane tethI te pachInA bhAvamAM janmamAM te mauna ja rahyA, te AkhI jIMdagImAM ekapaNa zabda bolyA ja na hatA. tethI te "jaDa bharatatarIke oLakhAyA. teo AkhI jIMdagI zAMtamauna rahyA. ke jethI jagatamAM koInI sAthe lAgaNI janme nahIM. Ama karavAthI saMpUrNa Atmazuddhine pAmyA ane janma maraNanA pherA TALI dIdhA. (A janmano) chello vicAra have pachIno janma kyAM thaze te nakkI kare che. potAnI jIMdagImAM mukhyatAe jenA vicArI rahyA hoya te vicAra ja mRtyu vakhate manamAM ubho thAya che. mRtyu vakhate Avato mukhya vicAra e hoya che ke jene tenI jIMdagImAM mukhya bhAga bhajavyo hoya. mRtyu vakhatano chello vicAra have pachI zarIranuM baMdhAraNa kevuM maLaze te nakkI kare che. kahevata che ke "mANasa jevuM vicAre che tevo bane che". tethI tame tamArA manane yogya rIte ane yogya sAttvika khorAka Apo jethI ucca sthiti meLavI zakAya. sAtvika vicAronuM pIThabaLa tamArI pAse hovuM joIe ke je tamane ucca sthitie pahoMcADavAmAM madada kare. paNa jagatamAM e dayA janaka sthiti che ke, moTA bhAganA mANaso pAse jIMdagI jIvavA mATenA vicAro ke kAryakramo hotA nathI ane sAttvika vicAra dhArAnuM pIThabaLa hotuM nathI. teo nizcayathI niSphaLatAne ja pAme che. A jema grAmophonanI soya pleTamAM nAno khADo kApe che tema sAtvika DivA For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ the plate, sattvic thinking will cut new healthy grooves in the mind and brain, new sankaras will be formed. Then you will have concentration without much effort. If the senses (Indriyas) are withdrawn and the mind is stilled, there comes a stage where there is no touch with any sense object. It is the state of bliss and pure consciousness or Nirvikalpa Samadhi which burns all sanskaras that give rise to birth & death. Attachment is death. Where ever there is attachment, there is anger, fear & vasanas. Attachment leads to bondage. If we want to attain self realisation, we must get rid of all sorts of attachment. The first step in detachment is to be detached from the body with which you feel so much identified. Through constant and intense practice of yoga and Jnan sadhana you can become waveless, thought free. The name of waveless Jnanis such as Jad Bharat & Vamdev, are still remembered. They never published books, never made disciples, yet, these waveless Jnanis had produced tremendous influence on the mind of the geople. We can also attain Jnana only if we are free from sensuous derires & immoral mental status. When a desire arises in the mind a worlds young people welcomes it and tries to fulfil it, but an aspirant [55] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ vicAraNA mana tathA magajamAM navA taMdurasta vicAronI asara UbhI kare che ane navA saMskAro utpanna kare che. to pachI tame vadhAre mahenata vagara ekAgratA meLavI zakazo. jo Indriyone (viSaya taraphathI) pAchI kheMcI levAmAM Ave ane mana zAMta hoya to, eka evI sthiti Ave che ke IndriyonA viSayo sAtheno saMbaMdha raheto nathI. A ja AnaMdanI sthiti che ane zuddha AtmA athavA nirvikalpa samAdhi che ke je janma maraNanA pherA karAvanAra saMskArone bALI nAkhe che, kSaya karI nAkhe che. Asakti eja mRtyu che. jayAre paNa Asakti hoya tyAre tenI sAthe krodha, bhaya, IcchAo hoya che. Asakti karma baMdha karAve che. jo ApaNe AtmA prApta karavA IcchatA hoIe to ApaNe badhA ja prakAranA AsaktinA bhAvone toDavA paDaze. sauthI prathama pagathIyuM AsaktibhAva toDavAnuM che te e che ke "je zarIra vaDe tame oLakhAo cho te zarIrathI ja chuTA paDo. satata temaja tIvra yoga sAdhanA ane zAna sAdhanAthI tame vicAronA taraMgothI mukta thaI zakazo. AvA vicAronA taraMgothI-vikalpothI mukta thayelA jJAnIone, jevA ke jaDa bharata vAmadeva - atyAre paNa yAda karavAmAM Ave che. teoe kyAreya copaDI lakhI nathI, koI ziSyo banAvyA nathI. chatAM A vikalpothI rahita jJAnIoe mANasanA mana upara jabaradasta asara ubhI karelI che. ApaNe paNa jJAna meLavI zakIe. je ApaNe IndriyonA viSayonI IcchAo ane kharAba magajanI sthitimAMthI mukta banIe to. jayAre manamAM IcchAo utpanna thAya che tyAre jagatamAM rAcanArA yuvAna mANaso tene AvakAre che ane pUrI karavA prayatna kare che. paNa je For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ renounces it immediately through viveka. They will not entertain any kind of desire. They will be ever delightful in Atman only. Stop thinking through Vairagya, and consciousness. Where there is no thinking or sankalpa there is Absolution or Jivan Mukti. Attachment comes from thinking. From attachment desire is born, when desire is frustrated by some or other cause anger arises, from anger arises delusion, from delusion failure of memory, from failure of memory loss of intellect, from loss of intellect man is totally ruined. If you want to attain everlasting peace, do not think of objects, but think always of the immortal blissful Atman alone. Desires by themselves are harmless. They are galvanised by power of thought, then only they do much havoc. Thoughts are bricks with which character is built. (character is not born, it is formed). A man of good character enjoys life here in and here after. Strong character is formed by strong and noble thinking. A good character is the fruition of personal exertion. It is the result of one's own endeavours. If you reduce your wants, do not try to fulfill desires and if you try to eradicate your desires one by one, your thoughts will diminish in frequency and [57] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ sAdhaka che te tene tarata ja potAnA viveka dvArA bahAra kADhI nAkhe che. teo koI jAtanI IcchAne mAna ApatA nathI. teo haMmezAM AtmAmAM ja AnaMdI thaIne rahe che.....vairAgya ane abhyAsa dvArA vicArone (ciMtanane) rokI do ane tamArI jAtane zuddha jAgRta avasthAmAM lAvo, jayAM vicAro athavA saMkalpa nathI tyAM zuddha dazA che athavA jIvana mukta dazA che. (padArthanA) vicArothI AkarSaNa ubhu thAya che. AkarSaNathI tenI IcchA janme che. jayAre IcchA pUrI thatI nathI tyAre krodha utpanna thAya che, krodhamAMthI hatAzA janme che, hatAzAthI yAdazakti javAba daI jAya che. yAda rahetuM nathI), yAda zakti ghaTavAthI buddhi cAturya ghaTe che. buddhinA ghaTavAthI mANasa barabAda thAya che. (jIvana hArI jAya che). jo tame kyAreya nAza na pAme tevI zAMti meLavavA mAMgatA ho to padArthono vicAra na karo paNa hamezAM amara, zAzvata ane sukharUpa evA AtmAno ja vicAra karo. IcchAo jAte kAMI nukasAna kartA nathI. teo vicAronI zakti vaDe zaktizALI bane che. tyAre ja te vadhAre moTo ulkApAta sarje che vicAro che te IMTo che jenA dvArA AMtarika cAritra ghaDI zakAya che. (cAritra janmatuM nathI tene banAvavuM paDe che). sAro cAritrazIla mANasa atyAre paNa sukhI jiMdagI mANe che ane pachI paNa sukhI jIMdagI meLave che. baLavAna umadA cAritra majabUta ane umadA vicAro dvArA meLavAya che. sArUM cAritra e yathArtha purUSArthanuM phaLa che. te potAnA sAhasa dvArA ubhuM kareluM pariNAma che. - jo tamArI IcchA ghaTADo to, IcchAone pUrI karavA prayatna na karo to ane tamArI IcchAone eka pachI eka kADhI nAkho to tamArA vicAronI tIvratA ane TakavApaNAnI zakti ghaTatI jaze. "ochA vicAro, [58] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ ** *** * *** 88 8 8 88888 ...2 length. Fewer the thoughts, greater the peace. Remember this always. A sadhu who lives in the cave and who is practising thought control is very happy inspite of his poverty in terms of wealth. Fewer the thoughts, greater the mental strength and concentration. Suppose that the average no of thoughts that pass through your mind within one hour is one hundred, if you succeded in reducing it, by constant practice of concentration and meditation to ninety, you have gained 10% of power of concentration of mind. Thought makes a saint or a sinner. The expansion of the mind's thoughts towards sensual objects is bondage. The attachment is due to the force of Rajas. Sattva brings non-attachment and infuses in the mind discrimination and renunciation. It is the Rajasic mind that causes the ideas "I" & "Mine" and the difference of body, caste, creed, colour, order of life etc. The poisonous tree of the Mayaic illusion grows more and more out of the minds modification or expanded thoughts in the soil of the multifarious enjoyments of the world. Impure thoughts should be destroyed by the 159) For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ vadhAre zAMti." A hamezAM yAda rAkho. sAdhaka je guphAmAM rahe che ane je vicAronI zaktine rokavAmAM prayatnazIla che te khUba ja sukhI che. tenI pAse bAhya saMpatti nahIM hovA chatAM. jeTalA ochA vicAro, teTalI mAnasika majabUtAI ane ekAgratA vadhAre. dhAro ke eka kalAkamAM tamArA manamAMthI ekaso vicAro pasAra thAya che. temAMthI jo tame satata ekAgratA ane dhyAnanI prakriyA dvArA nevuM vicAro sudhI pahoMcI zako to tame 10 TakA mananI ekAgratAnI zakti prApta karI che, tema kahevAya. vicAro ja vyaktine sAdhu athavA pApI banAve che. mananA vicArono phelAvo IndriyonA viSayo tarapha thAya che te baMdhana che. A AkarSaNa rajasa vRttinA AkarSaNathI thAya che. sattva guNathI udAsInatA prApta thAya che ane sAruM ke khoTuM nakkI karI manane asaMgatatA tyAga tarapha laI jAya che. rAjasika mana "huM" ane "mA"nA vicAro ubhA kare che. tenAthI zarIra, jAti, raMga ane jIvana jIvavAnI rItomAM phera ubho kare che. temAM bheda pADe che. mAyAnuM AbhAsI viSamaya vRkSa manamAM thatA pheraphArone kAraNe moTuM ne moTuM thatuM jAya che. athavA to jagatanI vastuomAMthI AnaMda meLavavAnA prayatnathI mAyAnuM vRkSa vistaryA kare che. zubha vicAro vaDe azuddha vicArono nAza karo ane zubha vicArone * * * * * * * * G For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ WWXXXXXX increase of pure thoughts and pure thoughts also should be given up in the end. Rajas & Tamas can be removed by Sadhana or by purificatory practices such as Tapas, selfless service, Dama, Sama, Japa, worship etc. If you develop divine qualities Rajas & Tamas will perish. Then the mind will be pure, steady ard one pointed. Then it will met in invisible homogonous Brahman and Nirvikalpa Samadhi will result. You must rise above pure thoughts and attain the supreme state of thoughtlessness. Only then can you rest in your own svarupa. When ever stray thoughts arise, the one thought 'Who am I, will destroy all other thoughts of worldly nature and ego will vanish, balance left is Asti (24[27). chin matra keval sudhdha chaitanya, free from all names & forms, vyavahara rahit, Malvasana rahit, Niskriy Niravayava. Which is siva. That is Atman. That is to be known. (16) Thought Power & Practical Idealism - Train yourself for that truth which knows no partiality, no sex, no wandering gleam. Raise your sight to right direction and use right laws set in motion positive thoughts. A holy thought is a voice. It speaks when the SUS 161] 03 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ paNa chelle choDI devAnA che. rajas ane tamam ne sAdhanA dvArA (manamAMthI) dUra karavAnA che. athavA zuddhatAnI prekaTIsa vaDe jevI ke tapa, nispRha sevA, dama, zama japa ane bhakti vaDe rasa tamasane dUra karo. jo tame AdhyAtmika zakti utpanna karo to rajasa ane tamas no nAza thaI jaze. pachI mana zuddha thaI jaze, ekAgra thaze ane eka jagyAe rAkhI zakAya tevuM thaze. tyAra pachI te arUpI evA ekarUpa brahmanI sAthe maLI jaze ane nirvikalpa samAdhi prApta thaze. tame zubha vicArothI upara uTho ane vicAra vihIna ucca sthitine prApta karo tyAre tame tamArA svarUpamAM rahI zakazo. jayAre vicitra vicAro ubhA thAya tyAre eka vicAra "huM koNa chuM" te jagatanA badhA ja vicArono nAza karI nAkhaze ane ahaMmapaNuM nAza pAmaze. bAkI raheze potAnuM astipaNuM, cinmAtra kevaLa zuddha caitanya, badhA ja prakAranA nAma ane AkArathI judo vyavahAra rahita, maLa vAsanA rahita, niSkriya, niraavayava je ziva che, te AtmA che. tene ja jANavAno che. (16) vicAra zakti ane kAryarata AdarzavAda : tamArI jAtane satya mATe taiyAra karo ke je koI paNa pratye bhedabhAva na rAkhe, liMga tarapha dRSTi na kare. bhaTakyA na kare tamArI jovAnI zaktine sAcI dizAmAM vALo. sAcA niyamono AdhAra laI sArA vicAromAM raho. pavitra vicAro te avAja che. te tyAre bole che jyAre jIbha bolavAnuM - [62] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ tongue is silent. It Struggles and comes out of all obstructions serenely and no power on the earth can supress it for a long period. O man! do not trade in unrealities. The present state of your experience is due to the thinking, feelling and acting of incalculable past lives. It can not be easily got rid of without prolonged process of thinking of and practice. Become a staunch believer in self reliance and self effort. The control of one's own thoughts is the source of durable prosperity. You are your own friend or enemy. If you will not save yourself by cherishing good thoughts, there is no other remedy. Mind is the only creater, every thing is created through the mind. The real God lives in your heart and the only way to worship the real God residing within the temple of your body, is by your own sublime thoughts. The thought determine the destiny. The world around you is the reflex of your thoughts. your own imagination plays havoc with you. You are born with what you have thought upon and your present character is an index of your previous thoughts. You creates your future by thought now. If you think nobly, you will be noble in conduct. [63] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ : : : : ka baMdha kare che. te badhA ja prakAranI muzkelIo sAme jhajhume che ane tenAthI bahAra AvI jAya che. muzkelI pAra karI jAya che, jene lAMbA samaya sudhI koI zakti dabAvI zakatI nathI. he mAnava ! tuM AbhAsI vastuno vepAra na kara, (tenI sAthe saMbaMdha na rAkha). vartamAna anubhava che te pUrve karelA vicAro, lAgaNIo ane kAryane kAraNe che. tenAthI sahelAIthI dUra thaI zakAtuM nathI te bahu ja lAMbA samaya sudhI vicAro ane kArya karavAthI dUra thaI zake che. potAnA ja para AdhAra rAkhanAra, potAnI jAte prayatna karanAra hiMmatavAna-majabUta banI jAva. je potAnA vicAro upara kAbu meLavI zake che te ja lAMbA gALA sudhI TakI zake tevI sukhada sthiti meLavI zake che. tame tamArI jAte ja tamArA mitra ke duzmana cho. jo tame tamArI jAtane AnaMda dAyaka sArA vicAro vaDe bacAvazo nahIM to pachI bIjo koI upAya nathI. mana ja badhu ubhuM karanAra che. mana dvArA ja badhI vastuo ubhI thaI che. satya bhagavAna tamArA hRdayamAM ja vasI rahyo che ane tamArA zarIra rUpI maMdiramAM birAjela bhagavAnanI bhakti karavI hoya to te tamArA potAnA ucca (AdhyAtmika) vicAro dvArA ja thaI zake te ja rasto che. vicAra prArabdha nakkI kare che. tamArI AjubAjunuM jagata tamArA vicAronuM ja pratibiMba che. tamArI potAnI kalpanA tamArI sAthe bhayaMkaratA ubhI kare che. tamAro janma tame zuM vicAryuM hatuM te pramANe thayo che ane tamArUM atyAranuM cAritra e pUrvanA vicAronuM ja mApa batAve che. tamAruM bhaviSya hAlanA vicArothI ubhuM karo cho. jo tame umadA vicAro karazo to umadA banavAnA cho. :: For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The thought and actions are interdependent. Be vigilant and allow only good thoughts in your mental field. Your present life has three aspects (1) Physical, (2) * Mental & (3) Spiritual. Be above Physical sensations by cherishing the thoughts that "Your are not body." "You are residing in this body for a short period of time." Do not try to put on an artificial personality. Be genuine and clean in your thoughts. The stream of thought flows in both directions - towards good or towards evil. The spiritual goal is held before you. How quickly or how slowly you move towards it will depend on your thoughts. Death will not easily come near you, if you will not wear on your bosom the necklace of vicious thoughts. What ever is intensely thought by your mind, that comes to be materialised and effected. The cause of whatever comes to you in life, is within you. i.e. comes from your past thoughts. There is nothing in the world which you can not achieve. You are living in an infiniite ocean of power and cheerfulness, but you appropriate only so much from it as you think, believe and imagine. Your thoughts are (65) For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ vicAro ane kArya ekabIjA sAthe saMkaLAyelA che. jAgRta bano ane phakta tamArA manomaya jagatamAM sArA vicArone ja pravezavA do. tamArI hAlanI jIMdagInA traNa hetu (muddA) che. (1) zArIrika (2) mAnasika ane (3) AdhyAtmika. utsAhita vicAro dvArA, jevAM ke "tame zarIra nathI." "tame A zarIramAM thoDo samaya rahevAnA cho" tame zArIrika AvegonI upara uTho. AbhAsI vyaktitvanuM mahoruM tamArI upara caDhAvo nahIM. sAcA bano ane tamArA vicAro pratye jAgRta-sAcA bano. vicAronuM jharaNuM be tarapha vahe che. - sArI tarapha athavA kharAba tarapha. AdhyAtmika dhyeya tamArI sAme che. tame keTalI jhaDapathI ke keTalA dhIrethI tenA tarapha vaLo cho te tamArA vicAro upara AdhAra rAkhe che. mRtyu tamArI sahelAIthI najIka nahIM Ave, jo tame tamArA gaLAmAM viSamaya vicArono hAra nahIM pahero to. je kAMI tIvratAthI tamArA manathI vicArazo te ja banavAnuM che ane tenI asara thavAnI che. - tamArI jiMdagImAM je kAMI bane che te tamArI aMdara je raheluM che temAMthI ja Ave che eTale ke pUrvanA vicAronuM ja pariNAma che. A jagatamAM evI koI vastu nathI je ApaNe na meLavI zakIe. tame anaMta zaktithI ane utsAhathI bharapura evA samudramAM jIvI rahyA cho. paNa teno teTalo ja lAbha tamane maLe che ke jeTalA pramANamAM tame tene mAno cho ane kalpanA karI zako cho. tamArA vicAro teTalA ja pramANamAM zaktizALI bane che jeTalA For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ powerful in proportion to your intensity, depth and wormth. They become so when they are being constantly cherished over and over again. Develop a pure mind. The mind creates the body from the material of your own thoughts. Thought is a force that can change, transform or at least modify, almost anything in the human system. The disorder and disharmony or physical body is called a physical disease and the conflict of the mind is called a mental disease. Both of them have their ultimate root in ignorance and can be cured only by the knowledge of reality. When you worry about the experiences of the world, a depressing mental disturbance take place. Every depressing & disturbing thought that enters your brain, has a depressing effect on every cell of your body and tends to produce disease. All negative thoughts are forerunners of disease and they are messengers of death. Practically all diseases with their sufferings have their origin in perverted mental & emotional states and conditions. Every good thought stimulates the heart, improves the digestive system and promotes the normal action of every gland. SN For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ pramANamAM tamArI te mATenI dhagaza, UMDAI ane utsAha haze. te te pramANe banaze jyAre teno satata paNe AnaMda sAthe vAraMvAra pIcho karavAmAM Avaze. zuddha manane vikasIta karo. mana, tamArA vicArone anurUpa zarIra meLave che. vicAra eka evI zakti che ke je mANasanI aMdaranI kriyAone badalAve che, pheraphAra kare che. sudhAre che. audArika zarIranI anavyavasthiti ane binakAryadakSatA e zArIrika roga kahevAya che ane manamAM thato saMgharSa mAnasika roga che. A bannenuM mULa ajJAnatA che ane tene sAcA jJAna dvArA ja sudhArI zakAya che. jyAre tame jagatanA anubhavathI ciMtA karo cho, tyAre mAnasika hatAzAthI mananI zAMtimAM khalela paDe che. dareka hatAzAvALA ane zAMtino bhaMga karanArA vicAro tamArA magajamAM ghUse che tenI asara zarIranI pezIo upara thAya che ane roga utpanna kare che. badhA ja khoTA vicAro roga utpanna thavAnA kAraNo che ane te zarIranA mRtyunI khabara ApanAra che. hakIkatamAM badhA ja rogo ane tenA bhogavaTAnuM mULa kAraNa azAMta mAnasika tathA lAgaNIzIla svabhAva ane sthiti che. dareka sAro vicAra hRdayane barAbara kArya karatuM kare che, pAcana taMtrane sudhAre che ane rasa jharavAnI je graMthIo che te barAbara kAma kare che. S For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ When your thoughts do not wander to this or that object and when you feel self satisfied, you are in a state of joy which is unique. If you are happy within, everything appears good and pleasing to you. Purify your thought, all troubles will be cured. As the beauty of a tree increases immensely in the spring season, so also your strength, your intellect and the lustre will increase in proportion to your potitive thoughts of indifference to the world. When thoughts of purity emanate around you, eternal law begins to support you. True knowledge is spiritual consciousness. It is awareness of one's real nature. Right thought results in right action and right life. The body is not everything. There is something which is vitally important, which dwells in the body. It is the spirit of man (Human being). The body passes away, the spirit lives. Nothing ever is to accompany the atma, except his Karmas. Hence as long as man lives, he should live amicably, with love and goodwill towards all. Take shelter in great and noble thoughts and obtain perfections. Guru's grace is always with the disciple unreserved and unconditioned. It depends however on the self disciplined purity of the Guru within is the best asset of the disciple. ws For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ jyAre tamArA vicAro A ke te vastuo tarapha bhaTakatA nathI ane jyAre tamane potAnAmAM saMtoSa jaNAya che, tyAre tame AnaMdanI sthitimAM cho. je eka aupameya sthiti che. jo tame AMtarika rIte sukhamAM cho to badhuM ja sArUM ane utsAha preranArUM lAgaze. (mATe) vicArone pavitra banAvo. (jethI) badhI ja muzkelIono nAza thaI jaze. jhADanI suMdaratA jema vasaMta RtumAM vadhe che, te ja rIte tamArI zakti, tamArI AMtarika prajJA ane prakAza tamArA sArA vicAro-sAcI dizAnA vicAronA udAsInatAnA pramANamAM vadhe che. jyAre zubha ke zuddha vicAro tamArI AjubAju sphurAyamAna thAya che, tyAre AdhyAtmika niyamo tamane madada rUpa thavA mAMDe che. sAcuM jJAna - samyak jJAna e AtmajAgRti rUpa che. te tenI sAcI prakRtinI jAgRti che. suvicAraNAthI sAcuM kArya (sAdhanA) ane yathAyogya jIvana bane che. zarIra ja badhuM nathI. evI paNa vastu che je khUba ja agatyanI che, ke je zarIramAM prakAzI rahI che, te dareka zarIra dhArI jIvano AtmA che. zarIranuM mRtyu thAya che. (zarIra nAza pAme che), AtmAnuM astitva jemanuM tema rahe che. jagatano koI paNa padArtha jIva sAthe jato nathI, phakta te potAnI sAthe potAnA karelAM karmone ja laI jAya che. tethI jyAM sudhI mAnava jIve tyAM sudhI teNe jAgRti, maitrI bhAva rUpI prema ane badhA ja tarapha zubhecchA rAkhIne jIve. hamezAM mahAna ane umadA vicAronA AzrayamAM raho ane saMpUrNa bano. gurUnI kRpA haMmezAM koIpaNa jAtanI zarata vinA ke apekSA vinA ziSya sAthe rahetI ja hoya che. chatAM paNa te ziSyanI potAnI zista ane pavitratA je gurunI hAjarIne potAnI aMdara anubhave che, te ziSyane mATe moTI mUDI che. [70] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The (17) Thought Power for God Realisation thought that you hold, will manifest in your life. If you are courageous, cheerful, compassionate, tolerant and kind, then these qualities will manifest in your physical life. The only impurity of the mind is past thought and desire. Guard your good thought. Where there is not the 'I' thought then there will be no other thought. Life is an inter play of thoughts. Duality ceases when the mind stops its function. Thinking must cease. Then alone you will attain the timeless still. Be still in that stillness, when the mind melts, then shines the self effulgent "ATMAN", the pure consciousness. - The mind assumes the shape of any object it intensely thinks upon. Watch your Bhavana, ideas and feelings always. Your Bhavana should always be sattvic. You should always entertain Brahma Bhavana. Watch the Bhavana during the meditation. You need not watch the breath. Your mind must be empty of all worldly thoughts. Keep your mind filled with good, divine, sublime lofty thoughts, so that there will be no room for evil thoughts. Never speak any unnecessary word. Never allow any unnecessary or vain thought to occupy your mind. [71] For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ ka (17) vicAra zakti - AtmAnI anubhUti mATe : je vicArone tame pakaDazo te tamArI jiMdagImAM sahAyaka thaze. jo tame hiMmatavAna, AnaMdita, zAMtipriya, sahanazIla ane dayAvAna cho, to A guNo (hakIkatamAM, tamArI bhautika jIMdagImAM paNa sahAyaka nivaDaze. je vicAro pUrvanA anusaMdhAne Ave che tathA IcchAo thAya che te ja mananI malinatA -mananI azuddhi che. sAcA vicAronuM rakSaNa karo. jayAM "huM paNAnI bhAvanA nathI, tyAM pachI bIjA vicAro AvatA nathI, ubhAM thatA nathI. judA judA vicAro vaccenuM nATaka enuM nAma jIvana (jIMdagI) che. mana jyAre kArya karatuM baMdha thAya che tyAre dvaitapaNuM - aTake che. (bAhya) vicAro aTakavA joIe. to pachI tame apAra anaMta evI zAMtine pAmazo. zAMta thAo. A zAMta bhAvamAM mana ogaLI jaze tyAre tame tamArA prakAzamAna AtmAne prakAzato anubhavI zakazo, je zuddha jAgRta AtmA che. je vastu para mana tIvratAthI vicAre che te rUpa mana banI jAya che (eTale ke je rUpe mana vicAre che te rUpe AtmA banI jAya che.) tamArI bhAvanAo, vicAro ane lAgaNIone haMmezAM joyA karo. tamArI bhAvanA hamezAM sAttvika hovI joIe. tamAre haMmezAM "huM AtmA chuM' e bhAvanAne mahattva ApavuM joIe. dhyAna daramyAna bhAvonuM dhyAna rAkho. tamAre zvAsanuM dhyAna rAkhavAnuM nathI. tamAruM mana jagatanA vicArothI khAlI rahevuM joIe. tamArA manane sArA AdhyAtmika ane ucca vicArothI bhareluM rAkho ke jethI nukasAna kartA vicArone AvavAnI jagyA ja na maLe. kyAreya na jarUrIyAta sivAyano eka zabda bolo nathI. kyAreya paNa jarUrIyAta vagaranA ke nakAmA vicArone tamArA manamAM jagyA levA na do. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The best medicine, for all diseases and for keeping good health, is the entertaining of divine thoughts and regular meditation. Another cheap drug is to keep oneself always joyful and cheerful. Study spiritual books daily for one or two hours with meaning, which keep you away from worldly thoughts. Fill the mind sattva and enjoy wonderful health and peace. Allow the mind to run in the spiritual direction, in divine grooves, your mind will be peaceful. You will enjoy excellent mental health. Sit in a solitary place and watch your thoughts carefully. Allow the monkey mind to jump in its own way for some time. After some time it will climb down. It will become quiet. Be a sakshi or witness of various thoughts in the eternal circus or show. Become a spectator of the mental bioscopic film. Take an indifferent attitude. All thoughts will die by themselves one by one. you should annihilate the vasana first. Without Vasana Kshaya, no mental quietness or annihilation of the mind is possible. Through the practice of yoga, you can overcome all difficulties and can eradicate all weaknesses. Through the practice of yoga, pain can be transmitted into bliss, death into immortality, sorrow into perfect health. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ badhA ja prakAranA rogo tathA taMdurastI sArI rAkhavAnI uttama davA AdhyAtmika vicArone ja mahattva ApavuM ane niyamita dhyAna karavuM e che. bIjI sastI davA e che ke potAnI jAtane haMmezAM AnaMdita ane utsAhita rAkhavI. dararoja AdhyAtmika pustakanuM vAMcana eka athavA be kalAka mATe tenA artha bhAva sAthe karo, ke je tamane jagatanA vicArothI dUra rAkhaze. sAtvika bhAvothI manane bharI do ane Azcarya pamADe tevI taMdurastI tathA zAMtino anubhava karo. manane AdhyAtmika mArgamAM javA do, divya bhAvomAM javA do to tamAruM mana zAMta thaI jaze. tame ucca prakAranI mAnasika zAMtino anubhava karI zakazo. zAMta ekAMta jagyAmAM beso ane tamArA vicArone cokkasatAthI joyA karo. thoDA samaya mATe kudakA mAratA vAMdarA jevA manane phAve tema karavA do. thoDA samaya bAda te rakhaDapaTTI ochI karaze. te zAMta thaI jaze. AMtarika rIte cAlatA vicAronA sAkSI bano. tamArA manamAM cAlatA mAnasika raMgapaTanA jonArA banI jAo. udAsIna bhAvane dhAraNa karo. (to) badhA ja vicAro eka pachI eka nAza pAmI jaze. prathama vAsanA-IcchAno nAza karo. vAsanA-IcchAno nAza karyA vinA mAnasika zAMti athavA manano kSaya zakya nahIM thAya. yoganI sAdhanA dvArA tame badhI ja muzkelIo upara kAbu meLavI zakazo ane badhI ja nabaLAIno nAza karI zakazo. yoganI sAdhanA dvArA darzane AnaMdamAM, mRtyune amaratAmAM, dilagIrIne saMpUrNa taMdurastImAM pheravI zakazo. , . : :: For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Generally there is no genuine spiritual awakening in sadhak. There is mere curiosity for getting some psychic or yogic powers. The sadhak is far from pure atman as long as he retains some hidden desires for sidhhis. Transform the worldly nature first. If you become absolutely desireless, absolutely thoughtless, absolutely vrittiless, you will experience your soul during meditation. Sattvic thought is intense activity. The wheel that revolves rapidly appeared to be at rest, so is sattva, so is a sattvic man. Life is journey from impurity to purity, from hatred to cosmic love, from death to immoeality, from imperfection to perfection, from slavery to freedom, from diversity to unity, from ignorance to eternal bliss, from weakness to infinite strength. Let every thought take you nearer to the Atman. Every thought further do your evolution. sAmAnyapaNe sAdhakamAM mULabhUta AdhyAtmika jAgRti ja nathI hotI. keTalIka mAnasika zAMti ane yoganI zakti meLavavA mATenI AturatA ke IcchA ja jovAmAM Ave che. jyAM sudhI sAdhaka AMtarika rIte siddhi mATenI IcchA rAkhIne phare che tyAM sudhI te zuddha AtmAthI ghaNo dUra che. prathama jagata taraphanI dRSTine pheravo. jo tame pUrNa rIte IcchA rahita, vicAra rahIta ane vRtti rahita thazo to tame dhyAnamAM tamArA AtmAne anubhavI zakazo. sAtvika (suvicAra) e joradAra kArya zakti che. jema cakra khUba ja jhaDapathI pharatuM hoya to te UbheluM jaNAya che. tema sattva che. temaja sAtvika mAnava che. eTale ke sAtvika vicArovALo mAnava sthiratAvALo hoya che. jaMdagI che te malinatAthI zuddhatA taraphanI, dhikkAranI vizva prema taraphanI, mRtyuthI amaratA taraphanI, adhurApaNAthI pUrNa paNA taraphanI, gulAmImAMthI mukti taraphanI, bhedabhedathI abhedatA pratyenI, ajJAnathI AMtarika zAMti (jJAna) pratyenI, nabaLAIthI anaMta zakti taraphanI musApharI che. dareka vicAro tamane tamArA AtmAnI najIka laI jAo, dareka vicAra tamane tamArA utthAnamAM upayogI thAo. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ kara vicAra to pAma - zrImad rAjacaMdra For Personal & Private Use Only
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