Why should we vacate our dominion now? We will fight for our birth right till the end."
When you sit for meditation, they will pounce upon you with great ferocity and all shorts of evil thoughts will corp up. As you attempt to supress them they want to attack you with redoubbled force and vigour. But positive always overcomes the negative. Just as darkness cannot stand before the sun. Just as leopard cannot stand before lion, so also these dark - nagative. Thoughts - invisible intruders, enemies of peace can not stand before the divine thoughts. They must die by themselves. You are away from your soul when you entertain useless thoughts. Entertain only helpful and useful thoughts. Useless thoughts are the stopping stones of spiritual growth and progress. Worldly thoughts will trouble you a lot in the beginning of your new life of thought culture. They trouble you also when you take to the practice or meditation and spiritual life. But if you are regular in cultivation of spiritual thoughts and in meditation, worldly thoughts will gradually die by themselves.
Meditation is fire to burn these thoughts. Do not try to drive out worldly thoughts, but entertain positive thoughts concerning the object of meditation. Positively think of the loftly things.
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