(a) Extinction of Sankalpa is Moksha. (b) Annihilate this little'l & Vasanas (c) Meditate on the self and become a 'Jivan Mukts.'
Careful reflection will show that the entire universe is in reality the projection of the human mind - Mano Matram Jagat. Purification and control of mind is the central aim of all Yogas.
· (4) Yoga Strikes at the very root of this viscious circle by a method of effectively inhibiting the funciton of the mind. Yoga checks, controls and steps, the root function of the mind. i.e. thoughts. Mind creates the world according to its own sankalpa or thought.
(5) It is the mind that is the root cause of the tree of Sansara with its thousands of roots, branches, tenter leaves, and fruits. It you annihilate thoughts, you can destroy the tree of Sansara at once. You will be bathed in the ocean of bliss, when all thoughts are extirpated. This state is in describable. You will have to feel it yourself. The mind is absorbed into its souce the Atman, when all sankalpas or thoughts are annihilated. Then one attains Kaivalya, the experience of the timeless reality, the state of absolute independence.
(6) Just as a new physical body is formed in every
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