Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue Of Manuscripts Vol 02 Part 01
Author(s): Shripad Krishna Belvalkar
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VOL. II part I GOVERNMENT COLLECTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE STITU POONA FOUNDED 1917 बीतजास्व नावधीतमस्तु Published by Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1938 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE GOVERNMENT MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE MANUSCRIPTS DEPARTMENT OF THE BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, POONA TUTE POON FOUNDED 1917 1TV विधीतमस्तु Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1938 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Copies can be had direct from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4 ( India ) Price : Rs. 4 per copy, 'exclusive of postage Printed by Mr. Anant Vinayak Patwardhen at the Aryabhushan Press, Bhamburda Peth, H. N. 915/1 Poona No. 4 and published by Dr. V. S. Sukthankar, M. A., Ph. D., at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona No. 4. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute COMPILED BY SHRIPAD KRISHNA BELVALKAR, M.A., Ph.D. University Professor of Sanskrit Benares Hindersity Volume II GRAMMAR: PART I (VEDIC & PANINIYA) Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1938 Page #5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS Grammar Mss.-A, Vedic Grammar PAGE PREFACE .. . . ... vii-viii RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT MSS. LIBRARY ix-xi LIST OF CATALOGUES & REPORTS ... xii-xv. SYSTEM OF TRANSLITERATION ... xvi No. ... 3-4 1-2 Riktantravyākarana 3 Sāmatantravyākarana Svaravivșiti 5-6 ... 7-13 - 5-20 21 22-23 24 25-38 39-45 46-47 48-52 14 . 14-16 16-17 17-26 28-33 33-34 34-39 39-41 53-54 55-58 Grammar Mss.-B, Pāṇinīya School Ashtādhyāyi Abhiyādhīkārasūtras from do. Vārttikapātha Vrittītrayayārttikāni Vyākarana-mahābhāshya Do. Pradīpasahita Vyākaranamahābhāshya-Pradipa Vyakaranamahābhāsbya, Pradīpoddyota sahita Vyākaranamahābhāshya-Pradīpoddyota Vyākaranamahābhāshyapradipa Vivarana Vyakaranamahābhāshya-gūdhārtha dipini Kāśikāvritti Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā Kāśikāvyākhyā: Padamañjari Sabdakaustubha Sabdakaustubhavyākhyā Sabdakaustubhatīkā (Prabhā) Bhāshāvritti-(tīkā) Rūpamālā 41-45 59 60-67 68-73 74-76 77-84 45-46 46-53 53-60 60-62 62-68.. 68-69 69-70 70-71 71-7%. 86 88. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ii No. 89 90-91 Rūpāvatāra Rūpāvatāraṭikā 92-101 Prakriyākaumudi 102-108 Prakriyākaumudiprasāda 109-118 Prakriyakaumudi-vyākhyā or -ṭīkā (by Krishnapandita) 119 Prakriyākaumudi-țikā (by Kāśīnātha) 120-127 Vaiyākaraṇasiddhantakaumudi 128-135 Praudhamanorama 136 Praudhamanorama, saṭīkā: Laghusabdaratna 137-145 Praudhamanoramaṭīkā: Laghuśabdaratna 146-148 Bhavaprakāśikā (com. on do.) 149-150 Prauḍhamanorama-khaṇḍana alias Paramatakhandana Brihachchhabdendusekhara 151-155 156-164 Laghusabdendusekhara 165-168 Laghusabdendusekharaṭikā: Chidasthimālā Contents 169 (Laghu)śabdendusekhara-jyautsni 170-173 (Vaiyākaraṇa-)siddhāntaratnākara 174-179 Tattvabodhini 180 Vaidikiprakriya, Subodhinisahitā 181-185 Subodhini (only) 186 187-200 Madhyasiddhantakaumudi 201 202 Vaidikīprakriyā, saṭīkā Madhyasiddhantakaumudi-vyākhyā Madhyasiddhantakaumudi-vilāsa 203-205 Laghusiddhantakaumudi 206-207 Sārasiddhantakaumudi 208-217 Dhatupāṭha 218-219 Dhatupathavisesāḥ 220-222 Dhatumañjarī Dhaturatnamañjarī Dhatukalpalatikā 223 224 225 Dhatupatha (from Kshiratarangini) 226-227 Kshiratarangini 228 Kshiratarangini-samketa ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... ... ... ... ... ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ... ... ... ... PAGE 73 74-76 76-83 83-93 93-105 105-106 106-111 111-117 117-118 118-123 123-125 125-127 127-130 130-136 136-138 138-139 139-142 142-146 146-148 148-150 150-151 151-158 158-159 159-160 160-162 162-163 163-168 169-170 170-172 172-173 173-174 174-176 176-178 179 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents No. PAGE 180-183 183 184 185 185 186 186-187 187 239 188 188-189 189 242 190 244 245 ... 229-231 Madhaviyā Dhātuvritti 232 Ākhyātaprakriya 233 Yanlugantaśiromaņi 234 Yanlugantaprakarana 235 Dasa-lakārāḥ 236 Lakāravāda 237 Anitkārikā 238 Anitkārikā-vivarana Anitkārikā, tippaņisahita 240 Anitkārikā, sāvachūri 241 Anitkārikā, satīka Do., savyākhyāna 243 Anitkārikāvachūri Daśabalakārikā Padavyavasthāsūtrakärikā, satika 246-247 Dhāturūpävali 248 Dhāturupāņi 249. Bhūdhāto rūpāņi 250 Vyākarapa-grantha (Dhāturūpāņi?) 251-255 Pāṇiniya-ganapātha Gapapāthaśloka 257 Ganaratnamahodadhi (Müla) 258-260 Do., vșittisabita 261 Do., sāvachūri 262 Uņādisūtra (Dašapādi) 263-265 Uņādivritti (Dašapādi) 266 Uņādivsitti 267-273 Uņādigūtravritti 274 Lingānušāsana (Pāṇiniya) 275-276 Lingānuśāsanavřitti 277 Lingānuśāsana, vrittisahita 278-279 Lingalanuśāsana)vșitti 280 Lingānušāsana, saţika 281 Linganušāsanatīkā 282–283 Phițsūtrāņi, with vșitti 284 Phitsūtrāņi, satika 285 Vyākaranaparibhāshā (Vyadiya) 286-291 Vyākaranaparibhasha (Pāņiniya) 292–293 Jñäpakasamuchchaya 190-191 191-192 192-193 194 195 195-196 196 197-198 199 200-201 201-203 203-204 205-206 205-207 256 208 208-213 213-214 215-216 216 217-218 218-219 220-221 221-222 222-223 223-224 224-227 228 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ raty Contents No." PAGE 308 294 Paribhashāvritti (Purushottama) 294 Do., (anonymous ?) 297–299 Paribhāshāpradīpārchiḥ 300 Paribhāshāprakāśa 301-303 Paribhāshābhāskara 304 Laghuparibhāshāvritti 305-307 Paribhāshāvșitti (Siradeva ) Paribhāshāvřittitippani: Vijayā 309-312 Paribhāshendusekhara 313 Paribhāghendusekharakāśikā (Gadā ) 314 Paribhāshendusekharavivriti 315-317 Paribhāshārthamañjari 318 Paribhāshendusekharaţikā : Sarvamangalā 319 Paribhāshendusekharavyākhyā: Bhairavi ... 320 Vākyapadiya (Bhartsihari ) 321-322 Do. saţika (Punyarāja ) 323 Vākyapadiyaprakirnaprakāśa 324-326 Vākyapadiya (Gangādāsa ), saţika 327-329 Vaigākaraṇabhūshana 330-335 Vaiyākarnabhushaņasāra 336 Vaiyākaranabhushanasāraţikā : Darpaņa 337 Do. : Laghubhushaņakānti 338-342 Vaigākaransiddhantamañjūshā 343 Laghumañjūshā 344-347 Padavākyaratnākara 348 Samyādachintāmaņi Sphotachandrikā Vsittidipika 351 Šābdabodhaprakriyā 352 Sabdavivarana 353 Samanvayapradipasaṁketa 354 Laghumañjari Vyakaranagrantha (?) 356-359 Shatkārakavivechana 360–362 Shatkārakavivarana 363-364 Shatkārakanirūpana 365-367 Shatkārakalakshana or-vivarana 368-369 Kārakavilāsa 370-375 Kārakakhandanamandans 229 230-231 231-233 233-234 234-236 237 237-240 240-241 241-243 244 245 245-247 247-248 248 249 249–251 251-252 252-253 254-257 257-261 261 262 263-265 266 266-269 269-270 270-271 349 350 271 272 272-273 274 275 355 275-276 276-278 278-280 280-281 281-283 283–284 284-287 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents -V No. PAGE 386 .. 287-289 289-292 291 292 292–293 293–294 294–295 295 296 296-297 297-298 299 299-300 300-305 376-377 Kārakaviveka 378-381 Kārakavāda or vyākhyā 382-383 Kārakatippani 384 Kārakatattva 385 Kārakapariksha Uktiratnākara 387 Shodaśakārikā, satika 388 Shodaśakārikā 389 Shatkārakavichāra 390 Kārakavivarana 391–392 Shatkārakabālabodhini 393 Uktipadāni 394 Vibhakty arthaprakāśa 395-402 Prayogavivekasaṁgraha or Prayogamukhamandana 403-405 Chakrakāraka or Kārakachakra or Sabdachakra, satīka 406-407 Kārakaparikshāvritti 408 Prayogapallava Samāsavāda 410 Samāsamañjari 411 Prayogavidhi and Samāsasamgraha 412 Rūpāvali and Samāsachakra 413 Samāsapatala 414 Sabdarūpāvali and Samāsapatala 415-416 Sabdasamchays Samskritamañjari and Uktiratnākara 418-419 Vaiyākarapaśabda(ratna)mālā Sabdarūpāvali 421 Nandikeśvarakārikā, saţika 422 Rapratyāhārakhandana 423 Rapratyābāramandana 424 Upasargavivarana Apaśabdakhandana 426 Apaśabdanirākarana 427 Nipātāvyayopasargavritti Avyayārtha 429-430 Avyayārthaprakāśa 431 Avyayavřitti 409 305-307 307-308 309 310 310-311 311-312 312-313 313 314 314-315 315-316 317-318 318-319 319-320 321 321-322 322 323 417 420 425 324 325 428 325-326 326-327 327-328 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents PAGE 432 328-329 329-330 330 435 Avyayasabdavritti 433 Chargavritti 434 Kșidvritti Vyākaranagrantha APPENDIX I–Index of Authors APPENDIX II-Index of Works APPENDIX III-Correspondence Table of Mss. 331 333-336 337-342 343-348 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE The compiler of the present, the second, Volume of the Descriptive Catalogue of Government Collections of Mss., now entrusted for custody to the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, had the privilege of issuing the First Volume of the same Catalogue in 1916, when the Mss. were deposited at the Deccan College under his official charge. In the Foreword to that volume a detailed history of the search for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presidency was given, together with the origin and progress of the scheme of compilation of the present catalogue. That scheme there laid down has been followed in Volume XII, Volume XIV and Volume XVII, Parts I and II, since issued, and is likewise followed in the present Volume. The Second Volume is to contain, according to the scheme, all Grammar Mss. in the Collections, Pāṇiniya as well as non-Pāṇiniya. In order to keep the size of the Volume within manageable limits the Mss. referring to the non-Pāṇiniya Systems of Grammar will be issued as Part II of Volume II. That Part is already in the hands of the printers. The descriptive notes of a large number of Grammar Mss. assigned to Volume II were written by me more than 20 years ago. Where necessary they have been modified and brought up-to-date. This unfortunately was not always possible in the case of the "Referances" at the end of the descriptive notes, as I had to carry on the work from Benares, where references to Mss. Catalogues and printed editions of ancient and erudite works - and particularly to European publications bearing on the same — were not easily accessible. In the interest of speedy publication of the Volume it was not thought advisable to rectify all such minor deficiencies, for which the kind indulgence of scholars is solicited. The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute has made additions to the Original Government Collections of Mss., by making purchases on its own account. This added material, as far as works on Grammar were concerned, has been incorporated in the present publication. Some twenty-five years ago while engaged on the study of these Grammar Mss. I was led to publish my small essay on the Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ viii Preface two Systems of Sanskrit Grammar, which was my first serious publication bearing on Oriental Research. I wrote in the Preface to that brochure as follows: "As the title indicates it is an essay - a mere tentative attempt - and not a profound treatise; and I have thought it worth while printing it merely because, as far as I know, no work of the kind, covering exactly the field of the essay, has so far appeared. In the 'Grundriss der Indoarischen Philologie' there was to appear a work which would have made the writing of this essay superfluous, 1. but apparently nothing has come out of it so far." Written in the hope that it would soon be superseded by better works from abler hands, that booklet of 1915 has still remained the only independent work of its kind covering the specific field covered by it; nor has the Grundriss as yet published its promised volume on the subject. Contributions to elucidate various aspects of the history and evolution of Sanskrit grammatical systems have, however, been made by more than a dozen workers both in India and outside India ; and above all there have been discoveries of large masses of Ms, material which would make many statements in my immature publication of a quarter of a century ago not only inadequate, but even inaccurate. A few of these I have found out for myself, while others have been pointed out by my obliging friends and inquiring readers, who have been all these years persistently urging me to undertake a second edition of the book now out of the market for some time. But I have so many unfinished undertakings on hand already, that I dare not promise that I shall undertake the revision after seeing the second part of this Volume through the Press. I have to offer thanks to the Manager of the Aryabhushan Press, Poona, for his kind and patient co-operation while the work was in Press, and to Mr. G. N. Shrigondekar of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute for looking up for me original Mss. and other works of reference to clear up small points of doubt while correcting the proofs at a distance from the Press. Benares Hindu University,) Benares : April, 1938. S. S, K. BELVALKAR : Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RULES FOR THE Government Mss. Library Regulations of the Manuscripts Department ( Bhandarkar Or. R. Institute ) 1. "The Government Manuscripts Library" formed and maintained by the Government of Bombay, and formerly deposited at the Deccan College, Poona, is now, subject to the general control of the Department of Education, Bombay, placed under the direct charge of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. 2. The Department is administered by a Superintendent appointed by the Executive Board of the B. O. R. Institute subject to the approval of Government. 3. The Manuscripts are available at the Institute, during working hours, for purposes of bona fide study. 4. The Manuscripts in the Library, if in good condition, and subject to the requirements of the Department, are lent out to bona fide scholars on their applying for them in writing to the Superintendent of the Department or to the Secretary of the Institute. Such scholars shell, however, execute a bond for the value of the manuscripts required, this value being fixed by the officers in charge of the Library. 5. In the case of scholars from outside India, all requisitions for loans of manuscripts shall be made to the Secretary of State for India in Council, through whom also the transactions in manuscripts shall take place. Such scholars shall execute the necessary bond with the Secretary of State for India in Council, at his discretion, 6. In the case of scholars in India the execution of the bond shall be necessary before the manuscripts are lent out. When the applicant is not sufficiently known to the Superintendent of the Department, this latter officer shall have the power to call upon the applicant to produce a certificate as to his interest in the study of Sanskrit Literature, and of his being a fit person to be entrusted with Government manuscripts. Such a certificate shall have to be signed by Orientalists of recognised position, or by Government officers of the Provincial or other higher service, not below the Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Regulations of the Manuscripts Department rank of a Deputy Collector or Extra Assistant Commissioner. The certificate should contain a reference to works or essays published by the applicant. X N. B. In the case of scholars residing within the jurisdiction of an Indian State, the certificate may be signed either by the Chief Sahib or the Divan or the Administrator of the State. 7. All applications for manuscripts shall state the reasons. for which the manuscripts are required and the period for which. the loan is sought. 8. If any manuscripts belonging to this Library have been used in the publication of an edition, or in any other learned disquisition, the authors should present to the Manuscripts Library a copy of the work or works so published, 9. The number of manuscripts to be lent out at a time to a scholar, and the period of loan, is determined by the officer in charge of the Library. Usually, however, in the case of Indian scholars, not more than five manuscripts are allowed to remain with them at a time, and the period of loan shall not normally exceed six months. 10. Immediately on receipt of manuscripts, the scholars are requested to examine them carefully before signing and returning the receipt-form accompanying the manuscripts, as no complaints will be entertained thereafter. 11. When the manuscripts are returned to the Library they are duly examined, and if found in their original condition, the receipt formerly signed for them is returned and the bond cancelled. The liability of the borrowers ceases only after the return of this receipt. 12. If scholars find that, owing to the work on the manuscripts not being completed within the stipulated period, they cannot return the manuscripts when due, they shall, sufficiently in advance, apply in writing to that effect to the Superintendent of the Department, or to the Secretary of State for India in Council, as the case may be. The period of loan will be extended at discretion. In no case, however, shall any manuscripts be allowed to remain with a scholar longer than two years in India, and five years outside India, Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Regulations of the Manuscripts Department 13. The Manuscripts Department reserves to itself the right of refusing to lend out any manuscript to any scholar at any time, and in the case of manuscripts lent out, of demanding their return before the expiry of the stipulated period, if the manuscripts be required for library or other purposes. 14. All postal charges shall be borne by the applicant. 15. The Department undertakes to procure on loan, for the members of the Institute, manuscripts from other lending Libraries. Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ LIST OF PRINTED CATALOGUES AND REPORTS ABOUT MANUSCRIPTS The following is the list of works (Catalogues, Reports, etc.) already published embodying the results of the search and preservation of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Circle from 1866 to 1924. All lists published up to 1884 have been incorporated in our consolidated catalogue prepared by Mr. S. R. Bhandarkar, M.A., in 1888. The lists for the subsequent years are to be found embodied in the various Reports published thereafter. These Reports are of considerable value, inasmuch as they give in many cases the history of individual manuscripts, personal details of authors, their chronology, and such other items. All these works are therefore here put together in one place for ready reference. Papers relating to the Collection and Preservation of the Reports of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, edited by order of Government of India, Calcutta, 1878, by Mr. E. A. Gough. This is a useful work for the general history of the Search during the earlier period upto 1878, and contains, among other things, lists of manuscripts bought for Government during the years 1868-69, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73 and 1874-75. All these lists, originally published at different times, were also included in our consolidated catalogue (to be mentioned below) published in 1888. Report on the results of the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in Gujarat during 1871-72, by G. Bühler, Surat, 1872, 11 pages in folio. Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts 1872-73, by G. Bühler, seven and seventeen pages, Bombay, 1874. Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts 1874-75, by G. Bühler, 21 pages. Girgaum, 1875. Detailed Report of a Tour in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts made (in 1875-76), in Kashmir, Rajputana and Central India by G. Bühler. Extra No. XXXIVA, Vol. XII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1877, Bombay. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of Printed Catalogues and Reports xiit Lists of the Sanskrit Manuscripts purchased for Government during the years 1877-78, and 1869-78, and a List of the Manuscripts purchased from May to November 1881, by F. Kielhorn, Poona, 1881. A Report on 122 Manuscripts, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1880, 37 pages in folio. Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1880-81, by F. Kielhorn, Bombay, 1881.. A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Deccan College (being lists of the two Visrāmabag collections). Part I prepared under the superintendence of F. Kielhorn ; Part II and Index prepared under the superintendence of R. G. Bhandarkar, 1884; 61 pages in folio. A Report on the Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts during 1881-82, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1882. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1882–83, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1884. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1883-84 by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1887. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1884-87, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1894. A Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1887-91, by R. G. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1897. A Consolidated Catalogue of the Collections of Manuscripts deposited in the Deccan College (from 1868-1884) with an Index by S. R. Bhandarkar, 1888. Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manusciripts in the Bombay Presidency during 1891-1895, by A. V. Kathawate, Bombay, 1901. Detailed Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, August 1882 to March 1883, by P. Peterson. Extra No. XLI, Vol. XVI of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1883, Bombay. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of Printed Catalogues and Reports A Second Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1883 to March 1884, by P. Peterson. Extra No. XLIV, Vol. XVII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1884, Bombay. .xiv A Third Report of Operation in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1884 to March 1886, by P. Peterson. Extra No. LXV of Vol. XVII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1887, Bombay. A Fourth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1886 to March 1892, by P. . Peterson. Extra No. XLIXA of Vol. XVIII of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1894, Bombay. A Fifth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, April 1892 to March 1895, by P. Peterson, Bombay, 1896. A Sixth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay. Circle, April 1895 to March 1898, by P. Peterson, Bombay, 1899. This contains also a list of manuscripts purchased by Professor Peterson from 1898-99. Lists of Manuscripts Collected for the Government Manuscripts Library by the Professors of Sanskrit at the Deccan and Elphinstone Colleges, containing the following Collections: (i). 1895-1902, A. B.. Katha wate's Collection; (ii) 1899-1915, S. R. Bhandarkar's Collection; (iii) 1902-1907, K. B. Pathak's Collection; (iv) 1907-1915, V. S. Ghate's Collection; (v) 1916-1918, S. K. Belvalkar's Collection; (vi) 1919-1924, B. O. R. Institute's acquisitions; (vii) 1866-68, Bühler's Collection. So far the following Volumes of the Descriptive Catalogue of Mss. have been published: Vol. I, Part I-Vedic Literature, Samhitas and Brahmanas, pages xlviii+420; 1916, Compiled by the Professors of Sanskrit, Deccan College, Poona; giving in a Foreword the History of the search for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presideney by Dr. S. K. BelvalkarPrice Rs. 4. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of Printed Catalogues and Reports хү Vol. XV-Alankūra; Sanhitū and Natya M38., pp. (x + 486), 1936. Compiled by P. K. Gode, M. A., Curator, B. O. R. Institute, Poona.-Price Rs. 5. Vol. XIV-Nataka Mss., pp. (xvi+302). Compiled by P. K. Gode, M. A., Curator, B. 'O. R., Institute, Poona— Price Rs. 4. Vol. XVII Part 1-Jaina Literature and Philosophy (Agamika Literature ), pp. ( xxiv +390). Compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, M. A., Price Rs. 4. , , Part 11-(Agamika Literature contd.), pp. (xxvi + 363 +24); 1936. Compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, M. A., Price Rs. 4. Bei Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ System of. Transliteration अ, आ ३, इ.i, ईi, उ u, ऊ , ari, ari, Cli, एe, ऐ ai, ओ.0, औ au, - अं am or am, अः h. pk, ख kh, म् g, छ gh, छ chh, j, jh त् t, थ् th, द d, ५ dh, - n, p, फ् ph, b, भू bh, , र् , लू 1, ळ 1, वू v, श् , or s, ष् sh, स् s, and rh. र Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GRAMMAR MANUSCRIPTS Page #23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GRAMMAR A. VEDIC GRAMMAR -6xes ऋक्तन्त्रव्याकरण şiktantravyākarana No.1 92 1879-80 Size - 74 in. by 41 in. Extent-7 leaves; 9 lines to a page; about 20 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold legible and fairly correct handwriting ; red chalk used, and corrections made in yellow pigment. Complete in five prapāthakas. The first prapāthaka is, however, in this Ms. counted twice over, so that the last Prapāthaka is oalled the 4th. Age-Samvat 1723. Author - Not given. Attributed to śākațāyana, who is quoted as an authority. Subject - A short treatise on Vedic grammar and accents of the Prātiśākhya type, called after the Rigveda, but probably relating to the Sāmaveda. The first Prapāthaka has four sub-sections, the second six, the third. eight, the fourth seven and the fifth also seven. Begins - ॐ सामवेदाय नमः । अथ वाचोवृत्तिं व्याख्यास्यामो वायु प्रकृतिमाचार्या वायुर्मूईछासी भवति । श्वासो नाद इति शाकटायनो वायुरयमस्मिन् काये मूर्छत्यटतीत्येषोऽर्थः । स खलु खविशेष प्रतिपन्नः कण्ठं प्रतिपन्नः श्वसितिर्भवति । स श्वसितिः Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ शिरः प्रतिपन्न आकाशमद्वारकं नदतिर्भवति । तस्येदानीं नदतेर्जिह्वाग्रेणेर्यमाणस्य व्यक्तयः प्रादुर्भवन्ति वर्णानामोष्ठ्याः कण्ठ्यास्तालव्या मूर्द्धन्या दन्त्या नासिक्या जिह्वामूलीया इति । Ends - 'दन्त्ये स्पर्शे । द्विवतिपरे । षाद्दन्त्यः । स्वरोऽनन्त्य इति ॥ ७ ॥ ७ ॥ इति चतुर्थः (sic.) प्रपाठकः ।। सू० ७३ ॥ इति ऋक्तन्त्रनामाख्यं व्याकरणं समाप्तं ॥ सं० १७२३ वर्षे श्रावणशुदि १ शुक्ले लि० माधवजी । सर्वसूत्र २८७ ॥ Grammar Reference For another Ms. of the work see Aufrecht's Bodleian Library Catalogue, p. 378 a. ऋक्तन्त्र व्याकरण No. 2 सामतन्त्रव्याकरण No. 3 Riktantravyakarana Size - 68 in by 41s in. Extent – 14 leaves; 6 lines to a page ; about 16 letters to a line. Description-Blue foolscap paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible handwriting, often incorrect. Complete in five Prapaṭhakas. Age - Modern copy. 10 1869-70 1641 Samatantravyakarana 101 1879-80 Size - 77 in by 4 in. Extent – 12 leaves; 9 lines to a page ; about 22 letters to a line f Description – Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; clear, legible and fairly correct handwriting; red chalk used; borders irregularly ruled. Complete in 13 Prapāthakas, Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Age — Samvat 1719. Author – Not given. Subject Grammar and orthography of the Samaveda. Begins – ॥ ॐ नमः सामवेदाय ॥ ॥ स्त्ररोनंत्यः । नीचांतानां । उपांत्यंः उपांत्ये । त्रिषु । आदिः । उपांत्यं च । द्वितीयं । अंतश्च ॥ उपांत्ये ॥ १ ॥ A. Vedic Grammar Ends – द्यौराविजिन । इष्टापरे पोरान्तिलोपश्च । यो विभ्या हवयो त्सिर्बहवो: । ग्रामइहइविपरीतं विश्वो रोहतु ॥ ११ ॥ अनृगाद्यक्षरं ॥ १२ ॥ सू० ११७ ॥ इति सामतंत्रव्याकरणे त्रयोदशमः प्रपाठकः समाप्तः ॥ ॥ संवत् । १७१९ वर्षे माघमासे शुक्लपक्षे पौर्ण मासी भौमवारे त्र । सूरजिसुत् । माधवजी लिखितं ॥ सर्वसूत्र ॥ १३११ ॥ Reference For an analogous work belonging to the Rigveda see No. 92 of 1879-90. स्वरविवृतिः No. 4 5 Size - 92 in by 4 in. Extent - 2 leaves ; 8 lines to a page ; about 40 letters to a line. Description Age – Samvat 1910. Svara-vivritiḥ 261 1895-98 Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, fairly correct and complete. There are occasional marginal notes written in a very small hand. Author Subject Indradattopadhyāya A short treatise on the Vedic accents, probably based on the Sutras of Pāṇini, Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Begins - आये इति निपाताः । आद्युदात्ताः । अनेनाकार उदान्तः । यच्छब्दाकारस्तु उदात्तः । फिषतोदात्तः । प्रातिपदिकस्यांत उदातः स्यादित्यनेन जसः स्यादेशस्तस्य चानुदात्तता &c. 6 Ends - एतावता ईकारस्येकारस्वरितस्य उदात्तश्रुतिः उदाहृता ॥ इति श्रीमद्रिदत्तोपाध्याय कृता स्वरविवृत्तिः समाप्ता । इति श्रेयः सं० १९१०............लिपीकृता श्रीमज्जयपुरे ॥ Reference This Indradatta may perhaps be the same as the Indradatta who, according to Aufrecht, is the author of a Com. called गूढफक्किकाप्रकाश on सिद्धांत कौमुदी । Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. PĀNINĪYA SCHOOL. अष्टाध्यायी Ashtādhyāyi No.5 57 1887-91 Size -83 in, by 41 in. Extent-82 leaves; 10 lines to a page%3 and about 24 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with occa sional qerts; clear, legible and fairly correct; borders ruled irregularly ; complete, last leaf redundant. Age-Samvat 1784. Author -Panini. Subject — The Aphorisms of Grammar, divided into eight chapters or Adhyāyas, whence the name Ashţādhyāyi, instead of which Pāṇiniya Sūtrapātha or Pāṇiniya Sabdānuśāsana are also current. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ श्रीभवानीशंकराभ्यां नमः॥ ॐ येनाक्षर समाम्नायमधिगम्य महेश्वरात् ॥ कृत्स्नं व्याकरणं प्रोक्तं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥१॥ येन धौता गिरः पुंसां विमलै: शब्दवारिधः(भिः)॥ तमश्चाज्ञानजं भिन्नं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥२॥ अथ शब्दानुशासनं । अइउण् । ऋलक । एओ । Ends-अ अ इति । इत्ययमस्य चतर्थः पादः। अधमोध्याय: समाप्तः॥ स्वति संवत् १७८४ वर्षे चैत्रमासे कृष्णपक्षे चतुईयां गुरुवासरे अयेह सेनापुरवास्तव्यं आभ्यन्तरवृद्धनागरज्ञातीयद्विवेदिकृष्णासुत् सोमनाथसुत् देवनाथेन लिखितमिदं । रेवातीरे कण्वालग्राममध्ये लिखितम् । श्री॥ श्रीकल्याणमस्तु ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ छ॥ Reference -The text has been printed in India many times. The first edition of the Ashtādhyāyi ( with a commentary ) seems to have been the Calcutta edition of 1809, while the first European edition is that of Bohtlingk, dated 1839-40. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 अष्टाध्यायी No. 6 Size - 117 in by 5 in. Extent – 40 leaves ; 13 lines to a page ; about 31 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanāgarī characters, margins ruled in black; red chalk used; occasional marginal emendations; bold, legible and fairly correct. Wants folios 12 and 16; otherwise complete. Age – Samvat 1768. Ends – अष्टमाध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः । समाप्तोयमष्टाध्यायी । पुस्तकलिखनपरिश्रमवेत्ता विद्वज्जनो नान्यः । सागरलङ्घनखेदं हनुमा नेकः परं वेद ॥ संवत् १७६८ पप्लवनामाब्दे अधिकमासे भाद्रपदे सामिकृष्णे पक्षे तिथौ सप्तम्यां भ्रुगुवासरे अष्टाध्यायीपुस्तक समाप्तिमगमत् । श्रीरामकृष्णाभ्यां नमः ॥ अष्टाध्यायी No. 7 Grammar Ashṭādhyāyi 318 1895-1902 अष्टाध्यायी No. 8 Ashṭādhyāyi 216 1892-95 Size - 10 in by 44 in. Extent – 56 leaves ; 11 lines in a page ; and about 26 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters. Written with a bold and fair hand. Red chalk and yellow powder much used, correct and complete; but the last page containing 2 or 3 lines of the Colophon is absent. Age - Samvat 1809. Ashṭādhyāyi 14 Visrama Size - 8rt in by 33 in. Extent - 63 leaves; 9 lines to a page ; about 30 letters to a line. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Description - Foreign paper with water marks, Devanagari characters ; clear, legible and correct; borders ruled in double red lines, complete; leaf No. 20 unmarked. Age - Saka 1694. Ends -अ अ इति। रषाभ्यामुभौष्टुनाष्टु स्तोलिनव। इति द्वात्रिंशः पादः॥ इत्यष्टमोध्यायः॥ शके १६९४ नंदननाम संवत्सरे भाद्रपदभासे कृष्णपक्षे षष्ठयां भृगुवासरे तद्दिने समाप्तं ॥ अष्टाध्यायी Ashtādhyāyi No.9 13 A. 1879-80 Size-11m in. by 33 in. Extent -- 39 leaves; 8 lines to a page; about 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters, careful, legible and correct handwriting ; borders ruled in red ink; complete. Age - Saka 1705. Ends - अ अ इति ॥४॥रषाभ्यामुभौष्टनोदस्थाष्टो ॥ इति सूत्रपाठे अष्ट माध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः अष्टमाध्यायः समाप्तः॥ त्रीणि सूत्रसहस्राणि तथा नवशतानि च ॥ षण्नवतिसूत्राणि पाणिनिः कृतवान्स्वयं ॥ शके १७०५ शोभननामसंवत्सरे उत्तरायणे ग्रीष्मर्ऋतौ आषाढशुद्धषष्ठी मन्दवारे तद्दिनी इदं पुस्तकं आंबर्डेकर इत्युपनामकव्यंकटेशेन लिखितं समाप्तं । अर्जितं भूरिकष्टेन पुस्तक लिखितं मया । हर्तुमिच्छति यः पापी तस्य वंशक्षयो भवेत् ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः। श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः। श्रीमहालक्ष्मीपल्लिनाथप्रसन्नमस्तु । श्रीगजानन् । श्री॥ 66 अष्टाध्यायी Ashtādhyāyi No. 10 1884-87 Size -- 81 in. by 3 in. Extent -95 leaves; 6 lines to a page; about 36 letters to a line. 2 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Description Foreign paper with water-marks, Devanāgari. characters, clear, legible and fairly correct handwriting; borders ruled in red ink here and there ; leaf No. 13 wanting and leaves 88 and 89, double; complete. 10 Age- Śaka 1716. Ends – अ अ इति॥॥रषाभ्यामुभैौष्टुनोदस्थाष्टौ ॥ ॥ इत्यष्टमाध्यायस्य चतुर्थपादः॥ समाप्तोष्टमः सूत्रपाठश्च ॥ श्रीपांडुरंगार्पणमस्तु ॥ शके १७१६ आनंदद्वत्सरे माधवशुक्लषष्ठ्यामिंदुवासरे तृतीयप्रहरे पंढरीक्षेत्रे समाप्तो ग्रंथः ॥ अष्टाध्यायी No. 11 Ashṭādhyāyi 228 1895-98 Size - 10 in. by 5 in. Extent 60 leaves; 9 lines to a page; about 32 letters to a line. Description Foreign paper, Devanagari characters; bold and beautiful hand; correct and complete. Age - Śaka 1735. Ends - इति सूत्रपाठः समाप्तः । त्रीणि सूत्रसहस्राणि तथा नव शतानि च षण्नवतिसूत्राणि पाणिनि (:) कृतवान् स्वयम् ॥ ३०९९६ ॥ अदृश्यभावान्मतिविभ्रमाद्वा यत्किंचिदूनं लिखितं मयात्र । तत्सर्वमार्यैः परिशोधनीयं कोपं न कुर्यात् खलु लेखकस्य ॥ शके १७३५ श्रीमुखनाम संवत्सरे फाल्गुन शुद्ध १२ गुरौ तद्दिनी मयूरेश्वरभट्टपाठकेन लिखितं । स्वार्थे परोपकारार्थे । लेखक पाठकयोः शुभं जो मंगलं । श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु ॥ अष्टाध्यायी No. 12 Ashṭādhyāyi 479 1886-92 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent – 66 leaves; 8 lines in a page; about 32 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanāgarī characters with पृष्ठमात्राs. Bold and legible writing, fairly correct; complete, leaf 14 counted twice. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Age -Samvat 1743. End - इत्यष्टमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः। समस्तसूत्रसंख्या ३९९९ । इति पाणि नीयव्याकरणं समाप्तं। स्वति संवत् १७४३ वर्षे वैशाषशुदि १० भौमे भानुदेव स्वयं लिखितं ॥ श्रीरस्तु । शिवमस्तु । पांनां ९९ तेनां श्लोक हजार ॥ अष्टाध्यायी No. 13 Ashtādbyāyi 53 A 1881-82 Size — 10 in. by 45 in. Extent --78 leaves ; 8 lines to a page; about 28 letters to a line. Description --Country papar, Devanagari characters, bold, legi ble, and correct handwriting ; corrections made here and there with yellow pigment; red chalk used; complete. Age -- Seems to be an old copy. 58 अष्टाध्यायी Ashtādhyāyi No. 14 1887-91 Size -8g in. by 4 in. Extent -99 leaves; 7 lines to a page; about 24 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, legible and fairly correct; complete%3; leaf No. 65 is also numbered as 66. Age - Seems to be an old copy. अष्टाध्यायी Ashțādhyāyi No. 15 A 1882-83 Size -- 10 in, by 41 in. Extent - 24 leaves; 15 lines in a page; about 48 letters in a line Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 Grammar Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters of an old type, with 9841711s. Fine and bold and legible handwriting. Correct; borders marked with a treble line in red. Complete. Age - Old in appearance, अष्टाध्यायी Ashțâdhyāyi No. 16 56 1887-91 Size -10% in, by 48 in. Extent - 30 leaves ; 13 lines to a page ; about 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with ris ; clear, regular and correct handwriting; borders ruled regularly in double black lines. Complete. Total No. of Sūtras stated to be 3950. Age - Appears to be an old copy. 16 अष्टाध्यायी Ashțādhyāyi No. 17 Visrāma Size — 11% in. by 54 in. Extent - 55 leaves ; 9 lines to & page ; about 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, thick and tough; Devanagari cha racters ; bold, clear, legible, but not very correct; borders ruled in double red lines; complete. Age- A recent copy. अष्टाध्यायी Ashtādhyāyi No. 18 480 1886–92 Size -10% in. by 5 in. Extent - 64 leaves; 10 lines in a page; about 30 letters in a line. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Description - Modern Country paper. Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing; fairly correct. Complete. Age Comparatively modern in appearance. अष्टाध्यायी No. 19 13 अष्टाध्यायी No. 20. Ashṭādhyāyi 227 1895-98 Size 12 in. by 5 in. Extent 41 leaves; 12 lines to a page; about 32 letters to a line. Description Country paper; Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing; fairly correct and complete. Age Seems to be comparatively modern. Ashṭādhyāyi 55 1891-95 Size 8 in. by 33 in. Extent- -21 leaves; 13 lines to a page; about 29 letters to a line Description Foreign paper with watermarks; Devanagari characters; clear, legible and correct; incomplete: extends to the middle of the 2nd Pada of Adhyāya V. Age Appears to be a recent copy. Ends Fol, 21 b. last line रसादिभ्यश्च । प्राणिस्थादातोलजन्यतरस्यां । सिध्मादिभ्यश्च । वत्सासाभ्यां कामबले । Here ends the Ms. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar अष्टाध्याय्याम् आभीयाधिकारसूत्राणि Abhiyādbikāra Sūtras from Ashtādhyāyi No.21 1869-70 Size -9 in. by 4 in. Extent -4 leaves%3 7 lines in a page; about 32 letters in a line. Description-Country paper%3 Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing. Age - Samvat 1851; Saka 1716 Subject - A group of Sūtras forming a part of the fourth pada of the sixth adhyāya of Pāṇini's Ashțādhyāyi, so called because they terminate with Sūtras relating to . Begins - अथ आभीयसंज्ञकसूत्राणि लिख्यन्ते ॥ ॥ असिद्धवदवाभात् ॥ नान्तलोपः॥ Ends - ऋतव्यवास्च्य(?)माध्विहिरण्मयानि छंदसि ॥ अंगस्य राल्लोपो विड्डनोर्वाकोशेणोडुडल्भ्यस्थलि च मंत्रे रक्षतः पंचदश ॥ १५ ॥ Col- इति षष्ठाध्यायस्य चतुर्थपादः समाप्तोभूत् ॥ सूत्र १८०॥ संवत् १८५१ शाके १७१६ श्रावण शुक्ल १० बुधे पुस्तक पंड्या देवकीनंदनात्मज गोपीनाथस्य भट्टमूलजीने भणवा कृष्णार्पण आपी प्रथम भाद्रवा सुदी १२ गुरौ॥ संवत् १८५२ शाके १७१७ मध्ये । शुभकल्याणं चास्तु । भव्यं चास्तु । श्रीरस्तु । श्रीकृष्णभक्तिरस्तु । 315 वार्तिकपाठ Várttikapātha No.22 1875-76 Size -134 in. by 6 in. Extent -33 leaves 3 12 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Tough country paper, Devanāgari characters of the Kāśmirian type; bold and careful handwriting, fairly correct. The last leaf is wrongly numbered as the 34th. Complete in 8 adhyāyas of four pādas each. The Ms. comes from Kasmira. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 15 Age -Comparatively modern looking. Author - Katyayana. Subject — The Ms. purports to give in a collected form the various Vārttikas which Kātyāyang wrote in emendation of Pāṇini's. aphorisms. The Vārttikas are not the same as those given in Dr. Kielhorn's edition of the Mahābhāshya, many passages printed as Vārttikas in the edition being absent in the Ms., while portions which clearly belong to the text of Patañjali are presented as the dicta of Katyāyana. In many cases however what is introduced in the Mahābhāshya by अपर आह &c. is also given here as a Vārttika of Katyayana himself, as also what appear to be direct emendations of Patañjali himself to the Sūtras of Pāṇini. Begins - शंभवे नमः । गणपतये नमः । सिद्धे शब्दार्थसंबंधे लोकतीर्थ प्रयुक्ते शब्दप्रयोगे शास्त्रेण धर्मनियमः ॥ समानायामर्थावगती शब्देन चापशब्देन च शब्देनैवार्थोभिधेय इति नियमः। तत्र ज्ञानपूर्वके प्रयोगे धर्मः॥ न चेदानीमाचार्याः सूत्राणि कृत्वा निवर्त्तयंति। वृत्तिसमवायार्थीनुबंधकरणार्थश्च वर्णानामुपदेशः शास्त्रप्रवृत्तिफलको वर्णानां क्रमेण निवेशो वृत्तिसमवायः॥ अइउण ॥ आकृतिगृहणात्सिद्धं रूपसामान्याद्वा॥ Ends - शच्छोटि ॥ अमीति वाच्यं ॥ अभ्यासे चर्च ॥ प्रकृतिचरां प्रकृति चरः प्रकृतिजशां प्रकृतिजश इति वक्तव्यं ॥ अ अ॥ एकदेशनिर्देशाद्भगवतः पाणिने सिद्धं ॥ इति कात्यायनकृतौ सूत्रवार्तिके अष्टमाध्यायस्य चतुर्थःपाद:४॥अष्टमोध्यायस्समाप्तः८॥समाप्त। शुभम् अस्तु सर्व जगताम् ॥ वार्तिकपाठ Vārttikapātha No. 23 187 1882-83 Size - 6 in. by 3} in. Extent — 37 leaves; 12 lines to & page; 16 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; rather hurried but generally legible and correct writing. Complete Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 Age – Samvat 1826. Author and Subject Begins – श्रीवक्रतुण्डाय नमः ॥ अंतरंबहिर्योगोपसंख्यानयोः ॥ अपुरीति वक्तव्यं ॥ वाप्रकरणेतीयस्याङित्सूपसंख्यानं ॥ Same as above. The order and number of Varttikas is however not the same. Ends - उदः पूर्वत्वे स्कंदे : छंदस्युपसंख्यानं ॥ रोगे चेति वक्तव्यं ॥ शछोटि ॥ छत्वममीति वक्तव्यं ॥ इत्यष्टमोध्यायः ॥ ८ ॥ इति वार्त्तिकपाठसमाप्तः ॥ संवत् १८२६ माघशुदि चतुर्थ्यां सोमे लिखितामिदं पुस्तकं भट्टशिवशंकरण ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ वृत्तित्रयवार्तिकानि No. 24 Grammar Author — Anonymous. Subject Size - 12 in by 5 in. Extent – 5 leaves ; 20 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Begins Vrittitraya-varttikāni Description - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters with पृष्ठमात्राs ; legible and fairly correct writing. The lower edge of the leaves torn and worn out. Red chalk used. Square blanks in the centre. Complete. Age Appears to be fairly old. 104 1902-1907 The Varttikas to Panini's grammar seem to have been topically arranged and thrown into some 272 stanzas. 1 ॐ नमः श्रीस्कन्दाय ॥ उक्तानुक्तदुरुक्तानां चिन्ता यत्र प्रवर्तते । तच्छास्त्रं वार्त्तिकं प्राहुर्वार्त्तिकज्ञा विपश्चितः ॥ १ ॥ यबन्तः पूर्वकालार्थं न ब्रवीति सनीडताम् । अतः सांनिध्यबोधाय आदिशब्दं प्रचक्षते ॥ २ ॥ यदाख्यानाय सूत्रस्य सूत्रमारभ्यते च यैः । विनासूत्रं यदुत्पत्तिर्विशब्देन तदुच्यते ॥ ३ ॥ संज्ञा च परिभाषा च विधिर्नियम एव च । Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School प्रतिषेधोऽधिकारश्च षड्विधं सूत्रलक्षणम् ॥ ४॥ अतिदेशोनुवादश्च विभाषा च निपातनम् । एतच्चतुष्टयं ज्ञात्वा दशधा सूत्रमुच्यते ॥ ५ ॥ Ends - निपाताश्चोपसर्गाश्च धातवश्चेति ते त्रयः । अनेकार्थाः स्मृताः सर्वे पाठस्तेषां निदर्शनम् ॥ ७१ ॥ विचारार्थाद्विभाषैव ज्ञानार्थान्नित्यमिट्मतः । भोगादन्यत्र लाभार्थात्सत्तार्थाच्च विदुः सदा ॥ ७२ ॥ इति वृत्तित्रयवार्तिकानि समाप्तानि । शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ Vyakaraṇa-mahābhāshya व्याकरणमहाभाष्य No. 25 Adhyaya I-fol. 1 b-58 a. Adhyaya II-fol. 59 b--80 a. Adhyâya III-fol. 81 b--107 b. Adhyâya IV-fol. 108 b-128 a. Adhyāya Vfol. 128 a--142 a. Adhyâya VI--fol. 143 b-176 b. Adhyâya VII-fol. 177 b-194 b. Adhyaya VIII-fol. 195 b-209 b. Size - 21 in by 52. Extent -- 209 leaves ; 17 lines to a page; about 112 letters to a line. Description-Old country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा8. Small, clear, very careful and beautiful handwriting, generally correct; occasional inaccuracies are corrected by two or three different later hands. Square blanks in the middle with red tilakas in the centre, as also in the side margins. Carefully ruled in red; red and yellow powders used in places. Slightly worm-eaten, the first and the last pages being more damaged than the rest. Complete. Age — Samvat 1546. 17 95 1881-82 Author - Patañjali. 3 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II ] Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 Grammar Subject — The well-known Bhâshya in eight Adhyāyas of 4 pādas ___each on Panini's Ashtadhyayi. Begins -ॐ नमो गणपतये ॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ अथ शब्दानुशासनं ॥ अथेत्ययं शब्दोऽधिकारार्थःप्रयुज्यते ॥ शब्दानुशासनं शास्त्रमधि कृतं वेदितव्यं ॥ केषां शब्दानां ॥ लौकिकानां वैदिकानां च॥ Ends - Adhyaya I-इतिभ(ग)वत्पतंजलिकृते महाभाष्ये प्रथमस्याध्या यस्य चतुर्थे पादे चतुर्थमाह्निकं ॥ अध्यायः समाप्तः॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ स्वस्ति संवत् १५४५ वर्षे भाद्रपदमासे कृष्णपक्षे ३ तृतीयायां तिथौ रविदिने श्रीमदानंदहेंगे (?) यतिः श्री ७ अनंतसरस्वती एतेषामध्ययनाय श्रीमच्चरणदासानुदासेन रा. जोगेश्वरेण लिखितं प्रमाणं॥ Adhyaya VIII - एकशेषनिर्देशोयं। अअअइति॥ इति श्रीभगवत्पतंजालविरचिते श्रीमहाभाष्ये अष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थपादे प्रथममाह्निकं ॥ अध्यायश्चाष्टमः समाप्तः ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ स्वस्ति संवत् १५४६ वर्षे मार्गशीर्षमासे कृष्णपक्षे ८ अष्टम्यां भोमदिने , अयेह श्रीवृद्धनगरे परमकारुणिकयतिः श्री श्री श्री श्री श्री श्री श्री अनंतसरस्वती एतेषां पठनार्थ श्रीचरणचरणदासानुदासेन जोगेश्वरेण लिखितं ॥ मंगलमस्तु॥ Reference – The standard edition of the Mahābhāshya is Dr. Kielhorn's, published in three Volumes in the Bombay Sanskrit Series, besides the Photozinco edition (1872) of Gold stucker with प्रदीप and उद्योत. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyakaraņa-mahābhāshya No. 26 522 1886-92 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent -- 270 leaves ; 24 lines in a page ; about 52 letters in a line. Description-Country paper. Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs. Very small though neat and legible writing; the borders of many leaves worm-eaten, and in some, even the closing line is lost. The first leaf in the original writing is lost and is substituted by another in modern hand. Fairly correct. Complete. Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 19 Age-Samvat 1729. Ends-भगवतः पाणिनेः सिद्धम् । एकशेषनिर्देशीयं अ अ अ इति ॥ इति श्रीभगवत्पतंजलिविरचितायां ( ? ) श्रीव्याकरणमहाभाष्ये अष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थपादे प्रथममाह्निकं पादश्च समाप्तः। अष्टमोध्यायः समाप्तः॥ श्रीतपागछे पंडित श्रीप्रीतिविजयगणिविनेयिगणिविद्याविजयेन श्रीजालोरनगरे संवत् १७२९. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāshya No. 27 84 1871-72 Size-11 in. by 5 in. Extent Adhyāya 1-1. 1-215 with 25 to 67 missing ; Adhyaya II-1. 1-40 and 2-56 with 1 fol. missing; Adhyaya III-1. 1-48 and 1-50%; Adhyaya IV-1. 1-743; Adhyaya VI-1.46-123 with first 45 leaves missing%3 Adhyaya VII-1. 1-55%; . ' Adhyaya VIII-1. 1-40. Thus in all 612 leaves, 12 lines to a page, and about 40 ____ letters to aline. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा .. ..fairly correct. Very old appearance. The borders of some - leaves worn out. Bold and legible writing. Incomplete. Age-Samvat 1697,as found at the end of the 2nd Adhyaya. __End of Adhyaya II इति श्रीभगवत्पतंजलिविरचिते व्याकरणमहाभाष्ये द्वितीयस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे द्वितीयमाह्निकं समाप्तोयं पादो. ऽध्यायश्च ॥छ॥ संवत् १६९७ वर्षे शाके १५६३ प्रवर्त्तमाने उत्तरायणगते श्रीसूर्ये हेमंतऋतौ माघमासे शुक्लपक्षे १५ रविवासरे अयेह श्रीसूर्यपुरवास्तव्यं ॥ Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 Grammar व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyakarana-Mahabhashya No. 28 97 1881-82 Size 111 in. by 54 in. Extent--366 leaves, 15 lines to a page, about 45 letters to a line Description--Old country paper; Devanāgari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs. Clear and legible writing generally correct; numerous marginal notes and emendations. Sides very much worn out; leaves worm-eaten, especially towards the close of the 5th Adhyāya. Contains Adhyāyas III-VIII complete. The last three Adhyāyas have a separate paging :Adhyāya III fol. 153 b--232 b; Adhyaya IV fol. 233 6-290 a (fol. 255 and 256, as also fol. 277 and 278 numbered together; fol. 262 numbered four times ); Adhyāya V fol. 290 a--332 b; (fol. 306 written on one side only ); Adhyāya VI fol. 1 b--97 a; Adhyāya VII fol. 97 a--145 b (fol. 142 numbered twice ): Adhyāya VIII fol. 146 a--183 a (fol. 186 numbered twice ). Age-Samvat 1514. Ends, Adhyaya III इति श्रीमहाभाष्ये तृतीयस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे प्रथममाह्निकं ॥ समाप्तश्च पादः॥ तृतीयोध्यायः समाप्तः॥ स्वस्ति संवत् १५१३ वर्षे पौषमासी सिते पक्षे नवम्यां तिथौ सौम्ये इलदुर्गे निवसतां तत्र भवतां श्री श्रीपतिमिश्राणां चरणपरिचयपरायणेन नारायणेनात्मपठनार्थ भातॄणां च विद्वद्वंदोपकृतये चालेखि॥ The Colophon at the end of Adhyaya v is इति शषभदारक. विरचिते &c.; Adhyaya VIII संवत् १५१४... गते सवितरि हेमंतऋतौ मार्गशीर्षमासि बहुले पक्षे चतुर्थ्यां रवौ अद्येह इलदुर्गे म...नारायणदासविजयराज्ये औदीच्यज्ञातीयज्योति श्रीलाषा Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ व्याकरणमहाभाष्य No. 29 B. Paniniya School 21 सुतस्य ज्योति श्री ... रिश्रमस्य ... नारायणेनात्मपठनाय भार्तॄणां पठनाय च विद्वद्वंदोपकृतये लिखितमिदं महाभाष्यपुस्तकं ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ लेखकपाठकयोरिति ॥ व्याकरणमहाभाष्य No. 30 Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhāshya Size 8 in. by 12 in. Extent-119 leaves, 20-23 lines to a page, 24 letters to a line. Description-Thin country paper much soiled and worm-eaten; especially foll. 1-3, 20, 61, 100, 101; Sarada characters. Bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Written like a book. The margins much worn-out. The number of the Sutras indicated in pencil in the margins by the late Dr. Kielhorn, who used this Ms. and Nos: 304 and 305 for his edition. Wants the first leaf. The last pada ends on fol. 117 b; the last three leaves contain the beginning of the next pada. Incomplete. Age-Much old in appearance. The Ms. comes from Kasmira. 303 1875-76 Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhashya 304 1875-76 Size 7 in. 14 in. Extent (18+61=) 79 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 62 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, much worn out all round, Saradā characters; bold, clear and correct writing. Begins with part of the Bhashya on Sutra I. 1. 62 (fol. 70) and continues down to Sutra I. 2. 43 (fol. 86), after which there is a big Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar gap of 15 leaves. Fol. 103 begins with the concluding portion of the Bhāshya on I. 3. 1, and ends with the early part of that on I. 3. 3. The rest of the first Adhyāya is absent altogether. The rest of the Ms. has an independent paging. The first leaf is absent and the next, which is much damaged, contains portions from the early part of II. 1. 3. From this point the text is continuous upto Sūtra 45, Āhnika 4, of III. 1 (fol. 62). The right-hand margin of most of the leaves is worm-eaten. Age-Considerably old from appearance. The Ms. comes from Kāśmira. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य No. 31 Vyākaraña-Mahābhāshya 305 1875-76 Size-71 in. by 11; in. Extent—274 leaves, 28 lines to & page, 28 letters to a line. Description--Smooth. country paper, śārada characters ; bold, legible, and correct handwriting ; foll. 236 b, 237 a, 246 b, 247 8, 362 b, 363, and 364 a left blank. It begins with the Bhāshya on Sūtra I. 2. 10 (fol. 121). The fifth Adhyāya ends on fol. 392, and the last two leaves contain the early part of the next Adhyāya. References to Ashţādhyāyi and Dr. Kielhorn's edition of Mahābhāshya given in the margin. Incomplete. Age-old in appearance. The Ms. comes from Kāśmira. The above three Mss. may be regarded as one Mahābhāshya, Adhyāyas I-V; but for the sake of convenience the old numbers are retained. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāshya No. 32 339 1895-1902 Size-10 in. by 4 in. Extent-410 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 44 letters to a line. Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Description-Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible and fairly correct handwriting ; red chalk used and margins ruled in black; contains Adhyāyas 1-3, but lacks the first 23 leaves from Adhyāya I, pāda 2, as also leaf 24 from Adh. I, pāda 4. Portions of the text are separately paged as follows: fol. 1- 25 giving Ch. I. āhnikas 1-2; fol. 1-101 , Ch. I. āhnikas 3-9; fol. 24- 66 Ch. I. pādas 2-3; fol. 1- 40 , Ch. I. pāds 4 ; fol. 1- 89 going up to the end of Ch. II; fol. 1-113 to the end of Ch. III. Age-old in appearance. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyakarana-Mahābhāshya No. 33 98 1881-82 Size-111 in. by 31 in. Extent-455 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 58 letters to a line Description-old country paper, rather brittle, owing to long se exposure; Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, written by two scribes ; fairly accurate. A few leaves wormeaten at the corner. Red and yellow powders often used. Extends from the beginning upto the end of the first Pāda of Adhyāya III. Adhyāya I. 1. 1 and 2-fol. 1 b-to 31 b (foll, 3-9 missing ;) Adhyāya I. 1. 3-9-fol. 1 5-145 a ; Adhyāya I. 2 to the end -fol. 1 6-127 a; Adhyāya II-fol. 1 6-100 b; Adhyāya III, 1.-fol. 1 6-59 a. Age-The Ms. appears considerably old. Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāshya No. 34 99 1881-82 Size--13 in, by 4 in. Extent-120 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 58 letters to a line. Description-The older portion of the Ms. is written on thick country papers in Devanāgari characters with partial 9841718. It is written in clear, legible and fairly accurate hand, with square blanks left in the centre. The newer addition amounting to over 30 leaves is in a less careful Devanāgari without LEHITS or square blanks. The Ms. contains Adhyāyas III and V; foll. 68 and 69 are numbered together in Adhyāya III, which thus contains 80 leaves. The fifth extends to 43 leaves of which foll. 39, 40 and 42 are missing. The two Adhyāyas are otherwise complete. Age-The general appearance of the Ms. is old. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyākaraña-Mahābhāshya No. 35 100 1881-82 Size 111 in. by 5 in. Extent — 29 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with occa. sional quais ; clear and legible writing with many marginal notes. Contains foll. 88-116. Begins early in the beginning of the 1st Abnika of the 1st Päda of the 2nd Adhyāya, and ends in the middle of the 1st Āhnika of the second păda of the same Adhyāya. Slightly worm-eaten. Age - Old in appearance. Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ व्याकरणमहाभाष्य No. 36 B. Paniniya School व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Size 11 in. by 4 in. Extent (15-1) 14 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 50 letters to a No. 37 25 line. Description-Old country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in black; red and yellow powders used. The sides all round much worn out by use and eaten by worms. Leaf 2 missing. Comes down from the beginning to about the middle of the 2nd Ahnika of Pada I, Adhyāya I. It is thus partially complementary to 96 b. Age The Ms. has an old appearance. Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhashya 96, a 1881-82 4 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Vyakarana-Mahabhashya 96, b 1881-82 Size 12 in. by 4 in. Extent152 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 40-60 letters to a line. Description Old country paper much soiled by wear and tear, some leaves being older than others; Devanagari characters. Written by 2 scribes, the more ancient portion is carefully and legibly written, with blank spaces in the centre. The rest written in a hasty and careless style without the square blanks. The a and b sides of leaves are written on separate pieces of paper and afterwards glued together. Begins with the third Ahnika of Adhyāya I, Pada I and goes down to the end of the Adhyaya. The first 19 leaves containing the first two Ahnikas as also foll. 20, 63, 64, 89, 135, 164, 168 and 177 missing, while foll. 125 and 126 are numbered together. Incomplete. Age The general appearance is old. Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 Grammar व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyakaraņa-Mahābhāshya No. 38 523 1886-92 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent-70 leaves, 18 lines to a page, about 54 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; small, though legible writing, fairly correct; incomplete. The Ms. begins in the 6th Āhnika of the 1st Pāda of the 3rd Adhyāya and ends with the close of the 4th Adhyāya. Age-Samvat 1745. Ends-इति श्रीमद्भगवत्पतंजालभट्टारकविरचिते श्रीव्याकरणमहाभाष्ये चतुर्थाध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे प्रथममाह्निकम् । पादश्चतुर्थः समाप्तः । इति श्रीमच्छेषभद्वारके विरचिते महाभाष्ये चतुर्थोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १७४५ वर्षे श्री मिगसरमासे सितपक्षे पूर्णमातिथौ मंगलवासरे श्रीलूणकर्णसरनगरे भट्टारक श्री जिनधर्मसूरिशिष्यपंडितसौख्यवर्धनलिपीकृता प्रतिरियं ॥ व्याकरणमहाभाष्यं प्रदीपसहितं Vyākaraña-Mahābhăshya with Pradipa No. 39 331 Visrām (i) Size -15 in. by 7 in, Extent-526 leaves, 12-16 lines to a page3; 52-60 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and clear writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in double red lines, but pierced by worms. Slips of paper patched here and there. Red chalk used. The Bhāshya written in the centre and the commentary on both sides of it as usual. The Ms. has four separate pagings - Foll. 1- 36, containing the first 2 Ahnikas of first Adhyâya. Foll. 14 and 15 numbered together, the first 22 leaves are newly substituted. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 27 Foll. 1-254, completing the rest of the first Adhyāya ; foll. ____ 145 and 149 numbered twice, foll. 191-193 newly written. Foll. 1-106, containing the second Adhyāya, complete. Fol. 14 twice numbered, fol. 41 newly substituted. Foll. 1-128, containing the 3rd Adhyāya, complete. Leaves _1-27 are new. Age -The Ms. is not very old in appearance. Author — of the Bhāshya-Patañjali; of the commentary Kaiyata son of Jaiyata. Subject - The well-known commentary called Pradipa on the Bhāshya of Patañjali. Begins, Pradipa-श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ सर्वाकारं निराकारं विश्वाध्यक्षमतींद्रियं। सदसद्रूपता(ती)तमद्र(१)श्यं मायया वृतं ॥१॥ ज्ञानलोचनसंलक्ष्यं नारायणमजं विभुं । प्रणम्य परमात्मानं सर्वविद्याविधायिनं ॥२॥ पुरुषाः प्रतिपद्यते देवत्वं यदनुग्रहात् । सरस्वती(ती) च तां नत्वा सर्वविद्याधिदेवतां ॥३॥ पदवाक्यप्रमाणानां पार(रे) यातस्य धीमतः। गुणै रो)महेश्वरस्यापि कृत्वा चरणवंदनं ॥४॥ महाभाष्यार्णवावारपारीणं विवृतिस्त(प्ल)वं । यथागमं विधास्येहं कैय्यहोतो(टो) जय्यटात्मजः॥५॥ भाष्याब्धिः क्वातिगंभि(भी)र:का(क्वा)हं म मंदमतिस्ततः। छात्राणामुपह( हा)स्यत्वं यास्यामि पिशुनात्मनां ॥६॥ तथापि हरिबद्धन सारेण ग्रंथसेतुना।। क्रममाणः शनैः पारं तस्य प्राप्तास्मि पंगुवत् ॥७॥ भाष्यकारो विवरणकारत्वात् व्याकरणस्य साक्षात्प्रयोजनमाह ॥ अथ शब्दानुशासनमिति ॥ Ends--धातोरित्येवं धातुशब्दमुच्चार्य ये विहिता इत्यर्थः॥ इति कैय्यटे तृतीयस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे प्रथममाह्निकं ॥ Colophon-इत्युपाध्यायजय्यटपुत्रकैय्यटकृते भाष्यप्रदीपे प्रथमस्या ध्यायस्य प्रथमे पादे द्वितीयमाह्निकं ॥ Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 Grammar Reference - The Bhashya, Pradipa and Uddyota in their complete form were photolithographed for the Indian Govt. by Goldstücker in 1872. In pothi form the Pradīpa was published at Benares in 1870, and elsewhere ; but no critical edition of the whole work has been undertaken in spite of the numerous manuscript material available for collation, व्याकरणमहाभाष्यं प्रदीपसहितं Vyākaraña-Mahābhāshya with Pradipa No. 40 332 Visrām (i) Size — 16 in. by 7 in. Extent –(549+13=) 562 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 58 letters to a line. Description - This Ms. is a continuation of the last No., the des cription of which applies to this also. It contains Adhyā yas IV-VIII, thrown into six independent pagings :Foll. 44-102-Given to the 1st pāda of Adhyāya IV. The first leaf of the Adhyāya is numbered 44th. Foll. 1-43—Contain the remaining three pādas of the same Adhyāya. Foll. 1, 2, and 23 newly substituted, Many pages patched over. Foll. 1-106—Contain Adhyāya y complete ; foll. 74 and 75 are numbered together. Foll. 1-171-Comprise Adhyāya VI complete. Fol. 124 numbered twice. Foll. 83, and 121-132 newly substituted. To this are now added nine extra leaves (foll. 149-157 ) from 620 A of Visrām (i). Foll. 1-98—With Fol. 96 missing, give Adhyāya VII complete. Foll. 93 and following torn at right hand upper corner. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Panniya School Foll. 1-73-With fol. 20 newly added, finish the eighth Adhyaya. Foll. numbered 14, 20, 41 and 42, belonging to 620 A of Visram (i) are now placed here as extra leaves. व्याकरणमहाभाष्यं प्रदीपसहितं कानिचित्पत्राणि No. 41 व्याकरणमहाभाष्यं प्रदीपसहितं No. 42 29 Vyakaraṇa-Mahabhashya with Pradipa-Stray leaves 620 A Viśrām (i) Size 16 in. by 7 in. Extent13 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 58 letters to a line. Description This Ms. is made up of the extra leaves of the last two Mss. Thus it contains leaves 149-157 of Chapter VI, and four other leaves numbered 14, 20, 41, and 42 belonging to Chapter VIII. Each leaf is an exact copy of corresponding leaf of 332 of Visram (i). This is therefore cancelled and its leaves placed together with No. 332 of Visram (i). Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhāshya with Pradipa 185 1882-83 Size 13 in. by 6 in.. Extent 826 leaves, 18 lines to a page, 64 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; legible writing, incorrect in places; red chalk used. The Ms. appears to be written by different scribes. The Mahābhāshya is written in the centre and the Pradipa above and below, as usual. Adhyaya I, pada 1, is wanting altogether. The rest is thrown into 11 paginations: Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Foll. 1- 26-Adhyāya I. 2, incomplete towards the end ; Foll. 1-35-Adhyaya I. 3, leaves 24 to 33 numbered twice%3B Foll. 1-52-Adhyaya I. 4, leaves 24, 25, 26 missing: Foll. 1-106-Adhyaya II, complete ; foll. 45, 69-71 missing: Foll. 1-126-Adhyaya III, complete, foll. 66-81 missing; Foll. 1–77-Adhyāya IV, pādas 1 and 2; 39th leaf missing; ___12th numbered twice%3B Foll. 1-23-Adhyāya IV, pādas 3 and 4; Foll. 1-106-Adhyāya V, complete ; leaf 42 missing, 74 and 75, 67 and 68 numbered together; Foll. 1-137-Adhyāya VI complete ; Foll. 1-102-Adhyāya VII complete; foll. 51-59 and 36-48 ____missing%3 Foll. 1-70-Adhyaya VIII complete. Age-Samvat 1827 and 1829. Ends, Adhyaya VI Pradipa- इत्युपाध्यायजय्यटपुत्रकय्यटकृते भाष्य प्रदीपे षष्ठस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे चतुर्थमाह्निकं पादश्च चतुर्थः षष्ठोऽध्यायश्च समाप्तः। संवत् १८२७ वर्षे फाल्गुन वदि सप्तम्यां गुरुवासरे ... name obliterated (शं )कराभिधेन श्रीवक्रतुण्डप्रसादलिखितोऽयं पातञ्जलमहाभाष्ये षष्ठोऽध्यायः । श्रीशेषोपनामकगुरुश्रीशिवरामपंडिताय नमः श्रीविश्वेश्वराय नमः। शुभमस्तु श्रीरस्तु॥ and Adhyaya VIII of Bhashya-समाप्तं च महाभाष्यम् । श्रीपाणिनिकात्यायनपतञ्जलिभ्यो नमः । श्रीगुरुाशिवराव. शेषगुरुचरणकमलेभ्यो नमः । शुभं भवतु। Pradipa-इत्युपाध्यायजय्यटपुत्रकय्यटकृते महाभाष्यप्रदीपेडष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादेप्रथममाह्निकम् । इति चतुर्थः पादोऽष्टमोऽध्यायश्च समाप्तः । समाप्तोऽयं कय्यटकृतो महाभाष्यप्रदीपाख्यो ग्रन्थः। शुभमस्तु सर्वजगतः। संवत् १८२९ वर्षे कार्तिकमासे शुक्रपक्षे षष्ठयां मन्दवासरे the name obliterated लिखित. मिदं सकैयटीयं महाभाष्यं विदुषामुपकाराय भूयात् लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भूयात् । श्रीरस्तु ॥ Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपसहितं No. 43 B. Paniniya School Description Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhāshya with Pradipa Size 10 in. 4 in. Extent-722 leaves (a) plus 316 leaves (b), with about 10 lines to a page, and about 40 letters to a line. 31 85 (a) & (b) 1871-72 The Ms. consists of at least two parts designated for convenience (a) and (b). Part (a) gives the Bhashya only as under Adhyaya I-foll. 1-263 (foll. 103-156 missing); Adhyaya II-foll. 1-95, complete; Adhyāya III-foll. 1-45 plus 1-67, complete ; Adhyaya IV-foll. 1-71, complete ; Adhyāya V-foll. 1-72, complete ; Adhyāya VI-foll. 1-159, complete ; Adhyāya VII-foll. 1-58, complete ; Adhyays VIII-foll. 1-46, complete. Total 722 Part (b) gives the Pradipa only as under Adhyaya III-foll. 1-53 (wants com. on first 93 sūtras); Adhyaya IV-foll. 1-99, complete ; Adhyāya V-foll. 1-84, complete ; Adhyāya VIII-foll. 1-80, complete. Age Old in appearance. Total 316 Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing by more than one hand. The Pradipa on Adhyāya VIII seems to be the oldest portion. Margins ruled. Red chalk used and occasional emendations made. Incomplete. Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 व्याकरणमहाभाष्यं प्रदीपसहितं No. 44 Grammar Vyakarana-Mahābhashya with Pradipa 227 1892-95 Size 12 in. by. 6 in. Extent leaves 481; lines 12 to a page; about 64 letters to a line. Description-The Ms. seems to be put together by taking frag. ments from two separate Mss. written by two different hands on different sorts of paper. Both are written on country paper but the paper of the first part is thin and yellowish and the corners of many leaves are worm-eaten. This seems to be an older Ms. The other paper is thick and the handwriting more beautiful and legible than that of the former. The characters are Devanagari. The Ms. is correct on the whole; but incomplete. Foll. 1–86 – To the end of प्रथमाध्यायस्य प्रथमपादे पंचममाह्निकं with fol. 39 missing. Then follows an independent paging : Foll. 44-108-These take up the Ms. where it was left and carry it on the end of . The second pāda is missing altogether. A new paging and a hand similar to the first take up the Ms. from 3rd pāda Adhyāya I Foll. 1-82-and carry it on upto the end of first Adhyaya. Fol. 77 is double; with a remark by a different hand that it is to fol. 77. Foll. 1-136-Another series of folio in the same hand brings the Ms. to the end of 2nd Adhyāya. Between fol. 62 and fol. 63 there is one unnumbered page with the remark by the same hand as above that it is r. The second writer having commenced the Ms. with the beginning of the 7th Adhyāya has carried it on with fresh paging, foll. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 1-112, to the end of the 7th Adhyāya. Fol. 10 and foll. 54-61 are missing. Thus the Ms. is an in complete patchwork Age - Not mentioned. A part of the Ms. appears considerably old. व्याकरणमहाभाष्यं प्रदीपसहितं Vyākaraña-Mahābhāshya with Pradīpa No. 45 524 1886–92 Şize - 12} in. by 5} in. Extent — 162 leaves, 13 lines in & page, about 35 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagarī characters; very bold and legible writing. Bhāshya written in the middle with the Pradipa above and below. Complete from the beginning to the end of the 8th Āhnika of the 1st pāda of the 1st Adhyāya. Age - Not very old in appearance. व्याकरणमहाभाष्यप्रदीप Vyākaraṇamahābhāshya-Pradipa No. 46 306 1875-76 Size - 61 in. by 9} in. Extent — 101 leaves ; 20 lines to a page, 24"letters to a line. Description - Old country paper, very much worn out and worm eaten all round; especially, damaged are foll. 19, 20, 97, 98, Bio: 99. Sarada characters; bold and legible writing ; generally ** correct. Contains the Pradīpa only, red powder being used to mark the Pratikas. Incomplete : begins with a part of the 25 Des. Cat., Vol. II) Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ :34 Grammar com. on :: Fakat qua, 1. 1. 1. and breaks off towards the end of the 9th Ahnika. I. 1. 8 being concluded on fol. 91, a. Age The Ms. has a considerably old appearance. व्याकरणमहाभाष्यप्रदीप No. 47 व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपोहयोतसहित No. 48 Vyakaraṇamahābhashya-Pradipa Size 11 in. by 4 in. Extent 53 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Old country paper much enbrowned and made brittle by age and exposure; Devanagari characters; clear, legible and generally correct. Gives the Pradipa only, the Pratikas being marked by red chalk. Sides of most leaves broken off all round. Contains the 1st pada only of Adhyaya second. Age -Much old in appearance. 101 1881-82 Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhāshya with Pradipa and Uddyota 330 A. 1881-82 Size 13 in. by 6 in. Extent 889 leaves, 10 to 15 lines to a page, 52 to 68 letters to a line. Description -Tough country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and beautiful handwriting, fairly accurate. The Ms. seems to have been the work of two or three scribes who commenc ed their work simultaneously and at different points. Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Consequently there has resulted much confusion in the numbering of pages, though the work is without any lacuna. Adhyāya first complete, comprising the following parts: I.1.1-foll. 1-41 I. 1.6-8-foll. 213-399 with I.1.2-foll.1-63 fol. 362 twice I. 1.3-foll. 105-147 I. 1.9-foll. 387-481 I. I.4-foll. 107-145+ foll. I.2-foll. 1-120 with fol.98 2-14 twice I.1.5-foll. 15-76 with fol. I. 3. 1 to I.4.2-foll.1-128 51 numbered twice. with fol. 1 twice This आह्निक is also I. 4.3 to the end of Adhyayan. numbered from fol. Foll. 1-93, with foll. 1 to 63. 47 and 74 twice, and foll. 19 and 20 numbered together. Some of the leaves in the middle are worm-eaten and consequently cut off round the corner. The Bhāshya is given in the middle, the Pradīps on both sides of the Bhāshya, the Uddyota being on the outermost sides, as is usual in such cases. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author - Of the Bhashya-Patañjali; of the Pradipa-Kaiyyata%3 of the Uddyota-Nagojibhatta. Subject -Nagoji's gloss on the well-known Pradipa on the Vyakarana-Mahabhashya of Patanjali. Begins - For beginnings and endings of Bhashya and Pradīpa see the respective Mss. The Uddyota beginsश्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीविजयादुर्गाभ्यां नमः॥ नत्वा सांबं शिवं देवीं वागधिष्ठानिकां गुरुन् । पाणिन्यादिमुनीन् वंद्यान् पितरौ च सतीशिवौ ॥१॥ नागेशभट्टो नागेशभाषितार्थविचक्षणः। हरिदीक्षितपादाब्जसेवनावाप्तसन्मतिः॥२॥ याचकानां कल्पतरोररिकक्षहुताशनात् । श्रृंगवेरपुराधीशरामतो लब्धजीविकः ॥३॥ Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 Ends - Uddyota - ननु लौकिके सहितशब्दः पदनैरंतर्ये इत्यत आह । यथेति । एकपद्ये इति । एकपदे इत्यर्थः । भावसाधन इति । अत्र पक्षे खसानयोरित्यत्र बौद्धपौर्वापर्यमाश्रयणीयमिति शिवम् ॥ Colophon—इति श्रीकालोपनामक- शिवभट्ट सुतसतीगर्भज-नागोजी भट्टकृते भाष्ये प्रदीपोद्दयोते प्रथमस्य चतुर्थमाहि (?) कं प ( ? ) दोध्यायश्च समाप्तः ॥ Reference Grammar नाविस्तीर्ण न विस्तीर्णं मध्यानामपि बोधकृत् । . भाष्यप्रदीपव्याख्यानं कुर्वेहं तु यथामति ॥ ४ ॥ भाष्यं व्यचिकीर्षुः शिष्टाचारप्राप्तं मंगलं शिष्यशिक्षायै निबध्नाति ॥ सर्वेति ॥ India Office Catalogue Nos. 580-87. Cat. of the Govt. Or. Mss. Library, Madras, Nos. 1309 and following. The only printed edition of the three works together is that undertaken by the Nirnayasagara Press, Bombay, of which only two parts, have thus far appeared. The Bibliotheca Indica edition of the Uddyota has not yet been completed. No. 49 ध्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपोद्दचोतसहित Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhashya with Pradipa and Uddyota 331 A. 1881-82 Size - 13 in by 6 in. Extent – 740 leaves, 10 to 15 lines to a page, 52 to 68 letters to & line. Description-Tough country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and beautiful handwriting fairly accurate. Apparently a continuation of No. 330 by the same scribes. Hence the same confused pagination. Contains Adhyāyas from II to IV complete, comprised of -- II. 1. 1 to end of II. 3. 3 = foll. 1-141 + foll. 134-172 ; II. 4. 1 to end of Adh. II=foll. 1-27 ; III. 1. 1 to end of III. 1. 4 = foll. 1-66; III. 1. 5 = foll. 169-188 + a lacuna of one or two leaves + foll. 1-16; Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School III. 1. 6 foll. 17-39 with fol. 29 omitted; III. 2. 1 to end of Adh. III=foll. 1-147 with fol. 93 omitted; IV foll. 1-163, For all other particulars see No. 330 of A. 1881-82. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपोयोतसहित No. 50 37 Vyakaraṇa-Mahābhāshya with Pradipa and Uddyota 332 A 1881-82 Size 13 in. by 6 in. Extent 761 leaves, 10 to 15 lines to a page, 52 to 68 letters to a line. Adhyāya V foll. 1-135; VI. 1 foll. 1-154; VI. 2 and 3 foll. 1-63; VI. 4 foll. 1-112; VII foll. 1-164 with fol. 118 twice; VIII foll. 1-132. Description Tough country paper, Devanagari characters; bold uniform and beautiful handwriting. Apparently a further continuation of No. 330, and in all probability by the same scribes. Contains Adhyāyas V to VIII complete, paged separately as under : For all other particulars see No. 330 of the same collection. Ends At the end of the Ms. after the colophon we have merelyअष्ट. अध्या. विवरण संख्या २०७५ बोध्या । सर्व विवरण संख्या ३४७४६ बोध्या० । Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 Grammar व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपोड्योतसहित Vyākaraña-Mahābhāshya with Pradīpa and Uddyota No. 51 653 1891-95 Size - 144 in. by 7 in. Extent - 34 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; the last 9 leaves written by a different and a rather less elegant scribe ; foll. 26 twice repeated ; bold and legible writing, correct in the main; margins ruled in double red lines. Bhashya in the centre and the Pradīpa and the Uddyota together on both sides as usual. Contains the first or Paspaśa Āhnika only of the first Päda of the first Adhyāya. Age – The Ms. is old in appearance. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपोद्दयोतसहित Vyākaraņa-Mahābhāshya with Pradipa and Uddyota No. 52 30 1916-18 Size -14 in. by 8 in. Extent — 423 leaves, 11 lines to a page and about 48 letters to & line. Description - Modern European paper with water-marks, Deva nāgari characters ; elegant and careful handwriting, fairly accurate. The Bhāshya is written in the centre on indented lines, the Pradipa above and below the Bhāshya on lines less indented than the Bhāshya, while the Uddyota is written at the extreme lower and upper margins of the page in full-measure lines. Contains the 2nd adhyāya only, the four pādas of which are separately paged and extend over 179 +95 +90 + 59 leaves. Age - Modern copy dated Saka 1786. Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Begins-Uadyota-श्रीगणेशाय नमः । समर्थः पदविधिः। विधिरिति कोय मिति भाष्यस्य न स्वरूपप्रश्ने तात्पर्यम्। Ends-Uddyota-इतिश्रीउपाध्यायोपनामकशिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भजनागेश भट्टविरचिते भाष्यप्रदीपोद्दयोते द्वितीयाध्यायः समाप्तः ।...... वैशाखकृष्ण ९ शके १७८६ तद्दि० स० । श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायणार्पणमस्तु । शुभं भवतु। श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायणाय नमो कमलापतये नमः॥ व्याकरणमहाभाष्यप्रदीपोड्योत Vyākaraṇamahābhāshya Pradipoddyota No. 53 279 1899-1915 Size - 123 in. by 4 in. Extent -863 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 42 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible handwriting, fairly correct. Red and yellow pigments used, and occasional emendations made in the margins. Contains Adhyayas 1 to 4 of the Uddyota only, each Adhyāya being separately paged and dated. Adhyāya I contains 453 leaves (fol. 31 omitted in counting and foll. 383, 390, 416 and 433 counted twice ), while the other three Adhyayas contain respectively foll. 170, 135 and 105. Age-Saka 1709-1710. Ends-Adhyaya I-भावसाधन इति अत्र पक्षे खरवसानयोरित्यत्र बौद्धं पौर्वापर्यमाश्रयणीयमिति शिवम् । इति श्रीकालोपनामकशिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भजनागोजीभट्टकृते भाष्यप्रदीपोड्योते प्रथमस्य चतुर्थमाह्निकं पादोऽध्यायश्च समाप्तः । हरिदीक्षितपादाब्जसेवनावाप्तबुद्धिना। भट्टनागेशविदुषा कृतोयं संग्रहो मुदा॥ अत्राध्याये आह्निकानि १८ । एतदध्यायग्रंथसंख्या १२५०० । शके १७१० कीलकनामसंवत्सरे वैशाख शुद्ध ७ सोमवारे इदं पुस्तकं रंगनाथेन लिखितं ॥ Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Adhyaya II-इति श्रीउपाध्यायोपनामक.........द्वितीयाध्यायः समाप्तः। आह्निकं १० ग्रंथसंख्या ४२०० । शके १७०९ प्लवंगनामसंवत्सरे माघ शुद्ध १३ भौमवासरे इदं पुस्तकं रंगनाथेन लिखितं॥ Adhyaya III - इति......तृतीयाध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे प्रथममाह्निकं पादश्चाध्यायश्च समाप्तः । आह्निक द्वादश १२ । ग्रंथसंख्या ३४०० । शके १७०९ प्लवंगनामसंवत्सरे फाल्गुण वद्धे (sic.) १४ मंदवासरे इदं पुस्तकं रंगनाथेन लिखितं ॥ Adhyaya IV - इति...... चतुर्थस्य चतुर्थे प्रथममाह्निकं पादोऽध्यायश्च । आह्निकानि नव ग्रंथसंख्या २४०० । शके १७१० कीलकनामसंवत्सरे चैत्र वद्ध (sic.) ५ गुरुवासरे इदं पुस्तकं रंगनाथेन लिखितं ॥ Reference - For all the other particulars see Ms. No. 331 of A. 1881-82. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपोद्दयोत No. 54. Vyākaraṇamahābhāshya Pradipoddyota 563 1887-91 Size - 121 in. by 4 in. Extent-75 leaves%3; 11 lines to a page; about 55 letters to a line. Description-Country paper-a few leaves coloured yellow. Devanāgari characters, bold and legible handwriting generally correct. The leaves are numbered consecutively upto 42, leaf 26 occurring twice. Leaf 42 is also marked leaf 1 and then follows consecutive paging upto 28 again, with an extra unnumbered leaf between the second and the third. At the end follow 5 leaves numbered 21-25. These last and the first 42 are written by a scribe different from that of the 28 leaves in the middle. On leaf 32 a we find the colophon - इति श्रीशिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भजनागौजीभट्टकृते भाष्यप्रदीपोद्दयोते षष्ठस्य प्रथमे चतुर्थमाह्निकम् । Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School L. 43 b, (i. e. of the second numbering ) marks the close of the 5th 311 of the same. On l. 20 b, we find the end of 1st Tea of the 2nd 4 of 6th Adhyāya; and on I. 25 a, that of the 2nd stila and the 2nd qe also. It is not easy to determine whether the last 5 leaves follow up the text. The Ms. is extremely fragmentary, giving portions of Adhyāya VI. Age - Does not look very old. Begins-श्रीगणेशाय नमः। एकाचो द्विनिर्देशस्य समानत्वादिती अनेन · संदेही बीजं साधारणधर्मदर्शनमुक्तम् । ननु मयोरप्याश्रयणम स्त्वत आह॥ Ends-प्रयोगोञ्चारणक्रमेण पूर्वस्थितत्वरूपात्। Thus abruptly ends the Ms. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपविवरण Vyākaraṇamahābhāshya Pradīpavivarana No. 55 84 A. 1879-80 Size -114 in. by 5 in.; but there are many smaller leaves inserted in places. Extent -- 570 leaves, about 12 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper, Devanāgari characters. The main and perhaps the older part of the Ms. is written in & bold and legible hand, while a different and careless hand has supplied many intervening portions, as also occasional marginal notes in the other part itself. Even so patched up, the Ms. is not complete. It comprises the following parts: Adhyāyas 1 and 2 entirely absent ; Adh. III. 1 to III. 2.1 = foll. 1-77, followed by a short lacuna and then the next portion from III. 2. 2 to the end of the Adh, = foll. 1-33; 6 Des. Cat., Vol. II ] . Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Adh. IV. first 2 Padas complete, the third incomplete= ___foll. 1-56%3 Adh. V=first twelve leaves only ; Adh. VI complete, made up of foll. 1-70+ fresh mumber. ing from 1-101, with fol. 71 twioe; Adh. VII. pada 1=foll. 1-141%3; The rest of Adh. VII=foll. 1-83; Adh. VIII. pāda l=foll. 1-35; The rest of Adh. VIII=foll.1-59, with foll. 36 and 37 twice. Age-Samvat 1654. Author - Nārāyana. Subject - A commentary on Kaiyyata's Pradipa on the Vyāka - rana-Mahābhashya, to be distinguished from the simi larly named Com. by ईश्वरानन्द. Begins, Adh. III-श्रीगणेशाय नमः । प्रत्ययः ॥ नन्वियं संज्ञा प्रकृत्या दीनामपि प्रामोतीति वक्तव्येधिकारेणेत्यादिरनुपादः किमर्थ इत्याशंक्य प्रकारान्तरेण संज्ञाया विधानेऽतिप्रसंगाभावप्रदर्श नायेत्याह-यदित्विति ॥ Ends - अतएव प(पं)क्तिपावनं पावनत्वं व्याकरणाध्यायिनामुच्यते यश्च व्याकुरुते वाचमित्यादिना । भाष्यकृताप्यादावथशब्दप्रयोगादन्ते अअ इतिसूत्रानुवादाच्च इति सर्व शिवम् ॥ इति नारायणीये श्रीमन्महाभाष्ये प्रदीपविवरणे अष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतर्थे पावे प्रथममाह्निकम् । पादश्चाध्यायश्च समाप्तः ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ संवत् १६५४॥ समये श्रावनवदि ४ चतुर्थी वार बुधवासरे ॥ लिखितं माधवब्राह्मण विद्यार्थी काशिवासी ॥ श्रीविश्वनाथ ॥ At the end of Adh. III we have the same date repeated, but now it is संवत् १६५४ समये माधवाद ५%, and the handwriting is not uniform with the rest of the Ms., though it seems to be the same in which the marginal notes are written, Reference-Cal. Sk. Coll. Library, Vol. VIII. No. 74%3 R.G. B. Report on 122 Mss. No. 27. Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School व्याकरणमहाभाष्यप्रदीपधिवरण Vyā karaṇamahābhāshya Pradīpavivarana No. 56 487 1884-87 Size - 13 in. by 5 in. Batert - 80 leaves ; 9 lines to a page; about 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper with the edges much worn out and worm eaten; Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct; incomplete, having neither beginning nor end. The Ms. is made up of the following portions :leaves 12-15 leaves 18-93 Total 80 The Ms. begins somewhere in the 1st Ahnika of the 1st a of 7th Adhyāya and is carried down to the end of 2nd Ahnika of the 2nd 91of the same Adhyāya. The Ms. breaks abruptly in the early part of the next Ähnika. Age-Fairly old in appearance. Author - Nārāyana. Colophon (fol. 44 a) - ma attiguo sfHETHTC pergfaacut सप्तमस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमे पादे द्वितीयमाह्निकं पादश्च समाप्तः। व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपविवरण Vyākaraḥamahābhāshya Pradīpavivarana 37 No. 57 1872–73 Size -11 in. by 5 in. Extent — 79 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 42 letters in a line. Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 ' Grammar Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Incomplete. The leaf which might to have been numbered 50, is numbered 51 by mis take, so that the last leaf bears the figure 80, instead of 79. Age-Not very old. Author-Isvarananda, pupil of Satyananda. Subject-A commentary on Kaiyata's Bhashya-Pradipa, to be distinguished from Nārāyaṇa's similarly named Com. on ___the same work. Begins भाष्यं व्याचिकीर्षुश्चिकीर्षितस्य ग्रंथस्याविघ्नेन समाप्तये शिष्टा चारपरिप्राप्तमङ्गलाचरणं कृतं शिष्यप्रशिष्यशिक्षार्थ ग्रन्थे निवध्नाति सर्वाकारमिति॥ The colophon at the end of the 1st Ahnika is :इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यवर्यसत्यानंदशिष्येश्वरानंदविरचिते भाष्यप्रदीपविवरणे प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमे पादे प्रथममाह्निकम् । The Ms. ends in the middle of the 5th Ahnika, of the 1st pāda of the 1st adhyāya. Reference - India Office Catalogue, Part II, Grammar, No. 589. - व्याकरणमहाभाष्य प्रदीपविवरण Vyākaraṇamahābhāshya Pradipavivaraña No. 58 184 1882-83 Size -10 in. by 4t in. Extent - 28 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear but careless writing, generally correct; incomplete : breaks down about the middle of the third आह्निक of the first पाद of Adhyaya first. Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Age-Not very old in appearance. Author — Isvarānanda, pupil of Satyānanda. Ends-शिवादिभ्योऽणिति शिवादिगणे पठ्यते । भाष्यस्य चायमर्थः । षष्ठीनिर्दिष्टस्य स्थान्यर्थस्य वाचका आदेhere abruptly ends the Ms. व्याकरणमहाभाष्य Vyākaraṇamahābhāshyaगूढार्थदीपिनी Gūdhārthadīpini No. 59 104 1883-84 Size -101 in. by 4 in. Extent-25 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 54 letters to a line. Description - Rough country paper, Devanāgari characters ; clear legible and fairly correct handwriting. Contains the last 25 leaves giving the concluding part of adhyaya II, the whole of the first adhyāya and the earlier part of the second being absent. Margins ruled, and red chalk and ink sparing ly used in places. Age-Saka 1589-but the appearance of the Ms. is not so old. This date therefore probably refers to the composition of the work. Author -Sadāśiva son of Nilakantha and pupil of Kamalakara Dikshita. Subject - A very brief commentary on the Vyakarana-Mahabha. shya, confining itself to mere hints in passages especially obscure, and such wherein the author meant to controvert some of the interpretations of Kaiyyata, who is frequently quoted. Begins-शां परिच्छेदको मासादिः । स तेन जातादिमा समस्यते इत्यर्थः। यद्वा कालविशेषः कालः। स परिमाणं परिच्छेदको यस्य कालसामान्यस्य तत्कालपरिमाणः। कालपरिमाणं तद्यस्य जातादेः संबंधितेन आतादिना स कालविशेषः समस्यते इति ॥ नञ् ॥ (Pan. शश६). Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Ends-नादि ॥ ( P. VIII. 4. 48 ) ॥ चयोद्विती इति ॥ क्यू इति प्रत्याहारः । चटतवू कफ्यू वर्ग्यप्रथमानां यथायथं वम्र्म्यद्वितीया . इत्यर्थः ॥ अन्ये तु खप इति पठंति तस्मिन्नपि पाठे या प्राश्रमा नामे स्थानित्वं पर्यवस्य (स्य ) ति ॥ इति श्रीमद्भगवद्गुणे (श) प्रसादप्राप्तसत्प्रज्ञाभासुरविदुरशिरोमणि- दत्तात्रेयपूज्यपादशिष्य - व्याकर्णार्णवकर्णधार - गोलिंगोणि ( ? ) नामक - कमलाकरदीक्षितच[ रण-] समाराधनसमधिगतमहाभाष्याशय गुढतत्त्वस्य श्रीमत्सकल विद्यानिपुणांतर्वाणि ( सि ? )शिरोमणिमहागुरुनैलकंठिभट्टारकपादपरिचर्याध्वस्तसमस्ताज्ञानस्य भट्टसदाशिवस्य कृतौ गूढार्थ - दीपिन्यामष्टमोध्यायः स[मा]प्तिमगात् ॥ पितुरभ्यर्णमभ्यस्य भाष्यं भाष्यविदां मणिम् । कमलाकरमासाद्य व्यधत्तेदं सदाशिवः ॥ अंकाष्टौतिथियुक् ( १५८९ ) शाके प्लवंगे कार्त्तिके सिते । चतुर्दशामिने (?) दस्त्रे (?) लिखितं भाष्यटिप्पणम् ॥ Colophon-Elsewhere we simply find : इति श्रीकमलाकरदीक्षितांतेवासि-शिवपंडितविराचते भाष्यव्याख्याने द्वितीयोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ Reference-Dr. Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-84 p. 57. No other Ms. of this work has so far come to light. Is the मीलकंठ the same that is mentioned as the author of a Com. on the प्रदीप in पतंजलिचारित्र, Kāvyamālā ed. p. 21 ( preface ) ? काशिकावृत्ति No. 60 Kasikā vṛitti 283 1875-76 Se 12 in. by 10 in. Extent - 425 leaves, 20 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description - The Ms. is written on old looking birch barks very carefully preserved. All the leaves, except the first 60 and the last 3 or 4 are quite entire; and even in the case of the damaged leaves it is the margins that have been broken off, the writing for the most part being left untouched. The Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School edges of the Ms. have been secured by pasting long patches of tough country paper, and the whole Ms. is well bound up in leather. The character is Sarada, and the writing is bold and quite legible. Dr. Bühler describes this Ms. as being "the most correct and the best written brich-bark Ms. in the whole collection and almost without a lacuna." Complete. Age – Samvat 1707. Author The colophons of the first four adhyayas mention Jayaditya as the author, while those of the last four, Vāmana. Subject -A running commentary on the Sutras of Panini. Begins स्वस्त्यस्तु ॥ श्रीगणेशायनमः ॥ ॐनमो गुरवे ॥ स्वयंभ्वे ॥ ॐ नमः सरस्वत्यै ॥ ॐ नमः परमात्मने ॥ ॐ नमो ब्रह्मणे नमोनमः॥ ॐ येनाक्षरसमाम्नायमधिगम्य महेश्वरात् । कृत्स्नं व्याकरणं प्रोक्तं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥ येन शब्दमहाम्बोधेः कृतो व्याकरणप्लवः । ...र्थिनां लोके तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥ अज्ञा... रांधस्य ज्ञानांजनशलाकया ॥ चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥ वृत्तौ भाष्ये तथां धातुनामपारायणादिषु । विप्रकीर्णस्य तंत्रस्य क्रियते सारसंग्रहः ॥ अथ शब्दानुशासनं ॥ - Ends - तेन सर्वगुणः प्रत्यापद्यते ॥ इष्टयुपसंख्यानवती शुद्धगुणा विवृतगूढसूत्रार्था । व्युत्पन्नरूपसिद्धिर्वृत्तिरियं काशिका नाम ॥ व्याकरणस्य शरीरं परिनिष्ठित कार्यमेतावत् । शिष्टः परिकरबंधः क्रियतेस्य ग्रंथकारेण ॥ पांडितो (?) यं श्लोकः ॥ इति काशिकायां वृत्तावष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः ॥ समाप्तेयं काशिकावृत्तिः ॥ कृतिर्जयादित्यवामनयोः ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ श्रीनृपविक्रमादित्यराज्ञस्य गतोब्दः १७०७ श्री सप्तर्षिमते संवत् ३९ पौषति ३ रवौ पु (?) ष्य नक्षत्रे संप्रल (?) समाप्तेति शुभमस्तु लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ After this follow a few lines of grammatical matter not relevant to the text. It seems to be the scribe's free exercise because he did not like to leave the least bit of the page blank. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 Grammar Reference - The work has been printed by Pandit Bala Sastri Benares 1890. For the question of its authorship see Bůhler's Report for 1875-76 pp. 72-73 and Dr. Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-84 p. 58. Consult also Liebich who has translated two chapters of the Vșitti, Breslau 1892. A critical edition of the work is still a desideratum, in spite of good Ms, material available in the libraries of India and Europe. काशिकावृत्ति Kāśikāvritti No. 61 1868-69 Size - 11 in. by 41 in. Ettent leaves 600 + 59; 10 lines in & page; about 32 letters in a line. Description - Thick country paper, Deyanāgari characters with 98475|18 ; bold and legible handwriting, fairly correct. The corners of leaves 4, 5 and 6 spoiled so as to lose about 3 lines. Leaves 51, 424 and 425, each numbered twice ; leaf 55 wanting ; leaf 114 very much torn. Adhyāya I ends on leaf 77; while adh. II begins on leaf 80. The leaves are numbered continuously as well as separately for each adhyāya. The 8th adhyāya belongs to a different Ms. from the rest and has thus its own paging. Age - Samvat 1543, of the first 7 Adhyayas ; and Samvat 1535, of the 8th Adhyâya. Author - Vāmana. In this Ms. we nowhere find the mention of Jayāditya in the several colophons. The colophon generally at the end of each pāda is 'sta tilantei arit TTHEYTETITE TOTA: 919' and so on. At the end of Adh. I, it is 'fa alaninantei gai etc.' (1. 77). " Ends - At the end of Adh. II. the usual colophon is followed by 'इष्टपसंख्यानवती शुद्धगुणा विवृतगूढसूत्रार्था । घ्युत्पनरूपसिद्धिवृत्तिरिय काशिका नाम ॥ Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School संवत् १५४३ वर्षे श्रीमदानंदपुरे...., the following words are obliterated with yollow powder. ArthaandolAdh vr -'इति आचार्य-श्रीवामनकतायां काशिकायां वृत्तौ षष्ठस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः। परमोपाध्यायश्रीवामनकृतायां वृत्ती सप्तनमध्यायमनुक्रमिष्यामः। संवत् १५४३ वर्षे लिखितं । E111 , Adhyāya VIII - संवृतेन च सर्वगुणमात्रिकस्येव ग्रहणमिष्यते तेन सर्वगुणः प्रत्यापद्यत इति । This is followed by the two verses quoted above, इष्टयुप० and व्याकरणस्य। after which the usual colophon इति श्रीवामनविरचितायां etc, संवत् १५३५ वर्षे वैशाख वदि १ प्रतिपत्तिथी अस्मिन् श्रीमदानंदपुरे म्लेच्छराज्ये भट्टश्रीप्पाचियाकस्य तनूजेन गंगदासाख्येन लिखिता चेयं काशिकावृत्तिः। भट्टश्रीरामचंद्राध्ययनार्थ स्वपठनाय च। 34 काशिकावृत्ति Kasikavritt. No. 62 A. 1882-83 Size -101 in. by 41 in. Extent --- 308 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 63 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters of the Jain type but generally without पृष्टमात्राs. Bold, clear and legible handwriting, fairly accurate; margins ruled in red; square blanks in the centre; red chalk much used. Some of the leaves slightly damaged, especially the last leaf. Complete in 8 Adhyāyas paged separately and also continuously :Adh. I foll. 13); Adh. V=foll. 1-39% Adh. II=foll. 1-22 with fol. Adh. VI=foll. 1-61; 13 twice%3B Adh. VII=foll. 1-36 with fol. Adh. IIIfoll. 1-42; 25 twice; Adh. IV=foll. 4-43; | Adh. VIII-foll. 1-33.... Age-The Ms. looks much old. 7 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 Author—Jayāditya and Vāmana. It is only at the conclusion of Adhyāya VII that this Ms. mentions the name of any author at all, and that name there is वामनाचार्य. Begins – श्रीगौडी ( ? ) पार्श्वनाथाय नमः ॥ Grammar वृत्तौ भाष्ये तथा नामधातुपारायणादिषु । विप्रकीर्णस्य ग्रंथस्य क्रियते सारसंग्रहः ॥ अथशब्दानुशासनं ॥ केषां शब्दानां वैदिकानां लौकिकानां च । कथमनुशासनम् । प्रकृत्यादिविभागकल्पनया सामान्यविशेषबता लक्षणेन । अथ किमर्थो वर्णानामुपदेशः । प्रत्याहारार्थः । प्रत्याहारो लाघवेन शास्त्रप्रतीत्यर्थः ॥ १ अइउण् ॥ End of Adh. I इष्टयुपसंख्यानवती शुद्धगणा विवृतगूढसूत्रार्था । व्युत्पन्नरूपसिद्धिर्वृत्तिरियं काशिका नाम ॥ इति काशिकायां वृत्तौ प्रथमाध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः ॥ न लोपो वर्णानां न खलु परतः प्रत्ययविधिर्निपातो नास्त्येव क्षणमपि न भग्नाः प्रकृतयः । गुणो वा वृद्धिर्वा सततमुपकाराय जगतां मुनेर्दाक्षीपुत्रादपि तव समर्थः पदविधिः ॥ End of Adh. VIII— इष्टयुपसंख्यान० - ॥१॥ व्याकरणस्य शरीरं परिनिष्ठितशास्त्रकार्यमेतावत् । शिष्टः परिकरबंधः क्रियतेस्य ग्रंथकारेण ॥ २ ॥ इति काशिकायामष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः ...... समाप्तः । तत्समाप्तौ समाप्ता चेयं काशिका ॥ काशिकावृत्ति No. 63 Käsika vritti 234 1895-98 Size -- 10 in by 42 in. Extent-392 leaves; 15 lines to a page; about 48 letters to a line. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Description -- Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and careful writing. Red chalk is used only upto p. 130. Margins are carefully ruled in red; correct and complete, The last leaf is slightly injured. Age-Not mentioned. The Ms. does not seem to be very old. Author-On the evidence of the various coll. of this Ms. जयादित्य was the author of the first four Adhyāyas. The 8th is definitely assigned to Vāmana, while the coll. of other Adhyayas only say काशिकायां वृत्तौ. काशिकावृत्ति Kāsikā vritti No. 64 61 1866-68 Size -121 in. by 7 in. Extent -342 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description -Modern country paper, Devanagari characters%3B elegant and careful writing. Red chalk profusely used ; bound in a volume. Complete in eight adhyāyas, each adhyāya being paged separately, as under Adhyaya I -1-34 | Adhyayav -1-37 Adhyaya II -1-27 Adhyāya VI -1-67 Adhyāya IJI – 1-48 Adhyāya VII -1-40 Adhyaya IV - 1-52 Adhyaya VIII-1-37. Age-Saka 1790. Author --- The colophons of the first four adbyāyas give Jayāditya and the last four Vāmans as the author. Ends- इति वामनकाशिकावृत्तावष्टमाध्यायस्य तुरीयः पादः। समाप्त श्चायमध्यायो ग्रन्थश्च ॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु । शुभं भवतु । श्रीः॥ शके १७९० विभवनामसंवत्सरे माघमासे शुक्लपक्षे २ गुरुवासरे। तद्दिने इदं ग्रंथ (?) कोलापुरे नृसिंहात्मजबालकृष्णेन लिखितम् एवं समग्रमन्थसंख्या १७५० Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 Grammar Kāśikā vritti काशिकावृत्ति No. 65 532 1887-91 Size-101 in. by 41 in. Extent (330 + 1 = ) 331 leaves; 17 lines to a page ; about 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with partial SAFTS; clear, careful and legible writing. Blank squares in the centre. Frequent use of red and yellow powders ; occasional marginal notes by a different scribe. Fol. 315 numbered twice. Fairly accurate and complete. Age - The Ms. is old in appearance. The last line or two of the ond being concealed underneath & sheet of paper glued to the last leaf. The exact age, should it have been given there, cannot thus be ascertained. Kāśikā vritti काशिकावृत्ति No. 66 533 1887-91 Size -11 in ly 4 in. Extent - ( 135—1= ) 134 leaves ; 13 lines to a page; about 45 letters to a line. Description --Old country paper very much soiled and fragile, Devanagari characters; Bold and legible writing. The sides much damaged as also leaves, 1, 3, 79, 81 and 123. Fol. 2nd is missing. The ink in many places has gone off. Generally correct. Incomplete, ooming down only to the end of 3rd Adhyāya. Age - The Ms. seems to be considerably old. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 53. काशिकावृत्ति Kāśikā vritti No. 67 99 1883-84 Size--11 in. by 4 in. Extent -- 315 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description --Old country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear and legible writing fairly accurate. The Ms. is composed of two parts: the older one, of which about 50 pages survive, is on a darker looking and extremely fragile paper. The margins of this portion have been for the most part broken off. The bulk of the Ms. is a comparatively fresh addition. The work contains Adhyāyas IV to VIII complete, separately paged as under Adhyāya IV = foll. 1–64 Adhyāya VI=foll. 1-84 ; fol. 18 twice; Adhyāyas VII and VIII toAdhyāya V=foll. 1-60; gether = foll. 1-107 with fol. 69 missing. Age -- Considerably old in appearance. At the end of Adhyāya VI we have the date :- tact ? 9(977)sal anestiar, fasadi - arzuTB7-FÀSTEETT FT 11 sf 11 - last portion not clear (this must be the new scribe ). Colophons - The Colophon everywhere is simply a car except VI. 1, VI. 2, VI. 3, VII. 4, and VIII. 4 where it is इति वामनकृतायां काशिकायां or simply वामनकाशिकायां. The Col. of VIII. 1 ought to have been on fol. 69 which is missing. It is generally the older portion which mentions the name alag. 34 काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका Käsiká vivaranapanjikā No. 68 1881-82 Size-104 in. by 4 in. Extent --( 95 + 112 = ) 207 leaves, 22 lines to & page, 54 letters to a line. Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with partial पृष्ठमात्राs; small, but clear and generally correct writing, with corrections made and omissions supplied in a very minute hand in the margins%3 slightly worm-eaten, and the first two leaves of Adhyaya I torn and damaged. The Ms. contains Adhyaya I, complete, in four pādas (foll. 1--95); Adhyaya IV, complete, in four pādas (foll. 199-260); and Adbyāya V, also complete in four pādas ( foll. 261-310). Age -- Saṁvat 1612. Begins -ॐ॥ नमो गोस्वामिने ॥ जयंति ते सदा मंतः सार्थोपायैरुपार्जितं। गुणानां सुमहद्वंदं दोषाणां च वि......... ॥१॥ ......मादाय कृतैषा काशिका यथा। वृत्तिस्तस्या यथाशक्ति क्रियते पंजिका तथा॥२॥ वृत्तावित्यादि ॥ अथ किमर्थः काशिकारंभेऽपि श्लोकस्योपन्यासः । तस्यामगौरवपरिहारार्थो । गौरवप्रतिपादनार्थश्च ॥ अत्र ह्यसात प्रागन्यासु वृत्तिषु पश्चावियं रचितोत पुनरुक्ततादोषं संभावयतां तस्यामगौरवं स्यात् । न तु गौरवं ॥ अस्मिन् सुसति न भवत्येष दोषः । यस्मादनेन न सविशषस्तस्या आख्यायते ॥ सम्यगशेषशब्दव्युत्पत्तिहेतुः। यस्मिन् सति पुनरुक्ततादोषसंभावना अगौरवहेतुर्न भवति। गौरवं चोत्पद्यते॥ स पुनर्विशेषो वृत्यादिषु विप्रकीर्णस्य तंत्रस्य यः सारसंग्रह तयुक्तता। न चासौ प्राच्यासु वृत्तिषु संभवतीति कुतः पुनरुक्ततादोषसंभावना । तस्यां चासत्यां नागौरवं भवति । किं तर्हि पूर्वोक्ताद्विशेषाद्गौरवमेव॥ तत्र वृत्तिःपाणिनिप्रणीतानां सूत्राणां विवरणं । चुल्लि-भट्टि-नल्लूरादिविरचिताम् । भाष्यं कात्यायनप्रणीतानां वाक्यानां पतंजलिप्रणीतम् ॥ तथेति ॥ समुच्चये। धातुनामपारायणादिषु चेत्यर्थः ॥ अथवा सादृश्य । यथा वृत्त्यादौ विप्रकीर्णस्य ग्रंथस्य सारसंग्रहः क्रियते । तथा धातुनामपारायणादिषु इति यावत् ॥ Author--Jinendrabuddhi, styled Sthavira and Bodhisattvadesiya. chārya. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 55 Subject - A very ancient and diffuse commentary on the well known Kāśikāvřitti on Pāņini's Ashţādhyāyi, familiarly known as the Kāśikā-Nyāsa. Ends-Adhyaya - अत्र वावसान इत्योवसानग्रहणमनुवर्तते ॥ इति श्रीबोधिसत्त्वदेशीयाचार्यजिनेंद्रबुद्धिपादविरचितायां काशिकाविवरणपंजिकायां प्रथमाध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः समाप्तः इति प्रथमोध्यायः समाप्तः॥ श्रीकान्हासरोग्राम ॥ श्रीखरतरगच्छाधिप-युगप्रधान-श्रीमज्जिनचंद्रसूरिशिष्य-श्रीपुण्यप्रधानोपाध्यायैरलेखि ॥ शिष्य प. सुमतिसागरगणि-शिष्यपंडित साधुरंग पं. ज्ञानचंद्रमुन्योः पठनाय ॥ श्रीरस्तु लेखकपाठ कयोः॥ संवत् १६८२ वर्षे ॥ वैशाखशुक्लाष्टम्यां ॥ End of Adhyāya V इति श्रीबोधिसत्त्वदेशीयः... ॥ श्रीरस्तु॥ सवाईयुगप्रान-श्रीमजिणचंद्रसूरिवराणां शिष्यमुख्यवक्ष-श्रीपुण्यप्रधानोपाध्या(या)नामुपदेशेन । स्वशिष्य पं० सुमतिसागरगणिभिलिलिखे । शिष्य पं. साधुरंग पं. ज्ञानचंद्रमुन्योः पठनार्थम् ॥ श्रीस्तंभतीर्थे ॥ श्रीस्तंभनकपार्श्वप्रसादाचिरं नंदता. दयं ग्रंथः॥ श्री॥ Reference - A complete Ms. of this work is yet a desideratum, although the Jaina matha at Srāvana Belgola is said to contain a complete Ms. of the same written in ancient Kannada characters on palm leaves, and another incomplete Ms. also on palm leaves but in Nāgara characters. (Cf. Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in Mysore and Coorg by Rice, p. 307.) The six Mss., we have, give us a complete text for Adhyāyas 1, 2, 4 and 5, and a nearly complete one for Adhyâya 7. The remaining Adhyayas are wanting. The I. O. Ms. No. 603 gives a few sūtras of Adhyāya VIII, pāda 4. The Goy. Or. Mss. Library Madras (No. 1323, of the Descriptive Catalogue, Vol. III) contains the 4th pāda of Adhyāya VI. R. Mitra in his Notices, Vol. VI, No. 2075, reports of the existence of another which extends continuously from Adhyāya II to VII. 2 complete; while No. 2076 is a commentary called तन्त्रप्रदीप by महामहोपाध्यायमैत्रयरक्षित, extending Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar from I.2 to the end of the 8th Adhyaya. Thus there is sufficient Ms. material for a complete edition of this work. Postscript : A complete edition of the Nyāsa has been brought out (1913--1925) by Srish Chandra Chakravarti by collating 26 Mss., including some of those mentioned above, काशिकाविवरणपत्रिका Kāģikāvivaranapañjikā No. 69 32 1881-82 Size -12 in. by 5t in. Extent -- 87 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description - Tough country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and beautiful writing, often incorrect. Copied apparently from a Jain original, as traces of yet exist. Gives the last two Pādas of Adhyāya I, which are complete but for a short lacuna at the and of fol. 35 b. Age-Samvat 1925. Begins-श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ भूवादयोचात्तयः ॥ भू आदिर्येषां ते भूवादयः । Ends-अत्र वावसान इत्यनो इव सानग्रहणमनुवर्तन्ते ॥ ईति बोधिसत्त्वदे. शीयाचार्य-जिनेंद्रबुद्धिपादविरचितायां काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिकायां प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थपादः ॥ छ ॥ समाप्तप्रथमाध्यायत ॥ श्री॥ ॥ लेखक ॥ पूरोहित मगनलाल माहासंकर ज्ञातिउदिच्च्य टोळ. किया ठे० लुणसीवाडे नवातलीयानी पोल। संवत् १९२५ भाद्रपद कृष्णपक्षे नवमीयायां ( sic. ) सौम्यवासरे समाप्तोयं ॥ श्री॥ Colophon-On fol. 28a, where Pada 3rd ends, we have simply .. इत्याचार्यजिनेंद्रबुद्धिविरचितायां काशिकाविवरणपश्चिकायां० Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका No. 70 B. Paniniya School 52 Kasikavivaranapañjikā 284 1875-76 Size 12 in. by 6 in. Description Extent 48 leaves, 14 to 16 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Old country paper, Sarada characters; bold and legible writing usually correct. Margins of some leaves worm-eaten and torn. The Ms. is fragmentary, being made up of the following portions: Foll. 51 to 58-beginning a little before I. 1. 72 and reaching down a little beyond I. 2. 17; Foll. 137 to 144-from the beginning of Adh. II to a little beyond II. 1. 30; Foll. 146 to 161-from II. 1. 37 to the end of II. 2 and a few lines of II. 3; Age Much old in appearance. Foll. 181 to 185-from a little before II. 4. 28 to a little beyond II. 4. 56; Colophons Foll. 190 to 200-from a little before II. 4. 81 to IV. 1. 9. The 3rd Adhyaya however is almost entirely wanting, and we find a rote of the scribe to the effect that the original from which our Ms. was copied entirely lacked the 3rd Adhyāya. Only four colophons occur in this Ms. The first is on fol. 43a and runs thus: इति श्री स्थविरजिनेंद्रविरचितायां न्यासपंजिकायां प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमः पादः समाप्तः ॥ श्लोकाः २९०० ॥ The Second is on fol. 1530 : स्थविरजिनेंद्रबुद्धिविरचितायां न्यास पंजिकायां द्वितीयस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमः पादः ॥ The next one comes on fol. 161b which runs in the same manner. The last occurs on fol. 191, at the conclusion of Adhyāya II, and it is- 8 Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 Grammar इति स्थविरजिनेंद्रबुध्युपरचितायां न्यासपंजिकायां द्वितीयाध्यायः समाप्तः॥ followed by two lines of Ad. III ॐ नमो गणेशाय ॥ प्रत्ययः॥ &c., at the end of which we have the scribe's remark:- तृतीयाध्यायः प्रतिस्था( ? )पकमादत्ता( ? )भावान लिखितम् ॥ काशिकाविवरणपत्रिका Kāśikāvivaranapañjikā No. 71 33 1881-82 Size -13 in. by 8 in. Extent --- 90 leaves, 12 lines to a paga, 44 letters to a line. Description - Modern bluish paper with the watermark Williams Kent and the year 1863. Davanagari characters; bold beautiful and legible writing not without many inaccuracies. Contains the 2nd Adhyaya only, complete in four pādas. Age - Saka 1788 = A. D. 1867. Begins-श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ ॐ स्वस्ति श्रीविबुधंद्रभारतीचरणेभ्यो नमः॥ समर्थः पदविधिः॥ परिभाषेयमिति॥ परितो व्यावृता परिभाषा॥ तथा चोक्तं ॥ परिभाषा पुनरेकदेशस्छा सकलं शास्त्रमभिज्वल यताति ॥ Ends-Pada 1, on fol. 27a; pada 2, on fol. 40 a; pada 3, on fol. 62b. The Ms. ends with इति बोधिसत्वदेशीयाचार्य द्विजेंद्र( corrected into जिनेंद्र) बुद्धिपादविरचितायां काशिकाविवरणपंचिकायां द्वितीयस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः॥ द्वितीयोध्यायः समाप्तः॥ श्री सर्वेश्वरजगं निवासार्पणमस्तु ॥ शके १७८८ फाल्गुन वा ९ तारीख २९ माहे 5 मार्च सन १८६७. । यस्य चतूथ Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 59 काशिकाविवरणपत्रिका Kāśikāvivaranapañjikā No. 72 285 1875-7 Size — 13} in. by 6 in. Extent -58 leaves, 13 lines to a paz?, 46 letters to a line. Description - Tough country paper, Devānagari characters of the Kāśmirian type; bold and clear writing ; generally correct. Many lacunæ and occasional marginal emendations. Gives only a purt of IV. 1, fron the beginning down to IV. 1. 89. Incomplete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Begins श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ॐ ज्यापूप्रातिपदिकात्॥आ पंचमाध्यायपरि समाप्तेरिति । अधिकारस्यावधिं दर्शयति ॥ Ends - Breaks down in the midst of the explanation on t he Pāṇini, IV. 1. 89. काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका Kāśikā vivaranapañjikā No. 73 * 286 1875-76 Size — 134 in. by 6 in. Extent -94 leaves, 13 lines to a pige, 50 letters to a line. Description - Tough country paper, Deva nägarī che racters of the Kāśmirian type ; very bold and legible writing usually accurate; marginal corrections in places. Fragmentary : consisting of portions from the 7th Adhyāya, as followgPada 1-foll, 1 to 42, with a lacuna of a few Sūtras at the end of fol. 175, and shorter lacunæ elsewhere. Pāda 2-foll. 42 to 66, with lacunæ at the end of fol. 435 and 486, and shorter lacunæ of a line or two elsewhere ; but also a very large lacuna comprising the last 50 Sūtras of the 2nd pāda and the 70 of the 3rd. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grainmar " Pada 3 - foll. 67 to 80, with occasional short lacuna. Pada 4-foll. 80-91, carrying down the text to VIL. 4. 50. The Ms. appears to have been, like No. 285, copied from a Saradā original. Age - Not very old in appearance. Begins 39 gatrati trattare gq grariacetil &c. Colophon--fol. 426 : gra FusatiFETETTrietarai fantai . WHATETITET TUA: 47:The Col. on fol. 80a, at the end . .of Pāds 2nd, is exactly similar. काशिकाव्याख्या * TEICI Commentary on Kāsika : Padamanjarī 534 No. 74 1887-91 Size -101 in by 4 in. Extent - 32 leaves ; 12 lines to a paze; about 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, much worn out; Devanāgari char acters with occasional AITS; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Wanting fol. 1. The last two leaves more damaged than the rest. Quite fragmentary. The text is carried to a very little beyond the very first Sutra of Panini's Ashţādhyāyi." Age The Me. is considerably old in appearance. Author - Haradatta Misra. . Subject - A commentary on the Kāśikā Vșitti. Begins - (ÇET H167) tra arara faigi ara qataria: statical in ayrga durai TESTTEET: Reference --- India Office Catalogue Nos. 597-600. For important extracts and remarks see p. 13 and 171 of M. Seshagiri Shastri's report on a search for Sanskrit and Tamil Mss. for the year 1893-94, Madras, No. 2. The text is published in two volumes at Benares. Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 61 काशिकाव्याख्या पदमञ्जरी Commentary on Kāśikā : Pada mañjari No. 75 631 1891-95 Size - 121 in. by 5} in. Extent--( 109 +96= ) 205 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 48 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper browned by age, with the mar gins seriously injured by wear and tear; Devanāgari characters with SHETS; clear and legible writing, correct on the whole. Margins ruled in irregular black lines. The Ms. contains two Adhyāyas only: Tht fifth extends to 115 leaves of which foll. 1-5, 38th and 40th are missing, while foll. 76 is numbered twice; The Adhyāya is complete. in addition there are 97 leaves from Adhyāya VIII. The numbering from 7 to 97 is continuous except that leaves 93 and 94 are numbered on the same page. Besides there are 6 loose leaves in the beginning, the margins of which are worn out. The 4th and the 5th alone can be identified Incomplete. Age - The Ms. is very old in appearance. The fifth Adhyāya ends on p. 115 b. Ends - इति श्रीहरदत्तमिश्रविरचितायो पदमार्या पंचमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थश्चरणः॥ काशिकाव्याख्या पदमारी Commentary on Kāśikā: Padamañjari No. 76 66 1866-63 Size -12; in. by 54 in. Extent -569 leaves, 11 lines to a page, and about 5+ letters to a line. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 Grammar Description - Modern foolscap paper with water-marks, Deva nāgari characters; bold, careful and elegant handwriting, fairly correct. Gives Adhyāyas II, III, IV, V, and VIII only, separately paged as underAdh. II=foll. 1- 82; Adb, VIII=foll. 1- 73, after Adh- III=foll. 1-146; which comes & lacuna, Adh. V=foll. 1-120; followed by last sixteen Adh. V=fol. 1-132; leaves without pagination. Bound in leather like a modern book. Age - Modern copy. शब्दकौस्तुभ Sabdakaustubha No.77 223 1892-95 Size and - The work is made up of three different fragments, of Extents varying sizes: (i) 101 in. by 4, in.; leaves 244, 10 lines, 30 letters; (ii) 104 in. by 5 in. ; leave : 31, 15 lines, 48 letters; (iii) 9 in. by 5 in.; leaves 41, 12 lines, 39 letters. Thus the total No. of leaves is 316. Description - Country paper partly old and thick, partly new and thin; D.vanāgari characters. Three different hands all bold and legible; generally correct, and complete to the end of Adhyāya I, rāda 1. The 1st fragment carries it on to the end of the rth आह्निक of the first पाद of first अध्याय and a few lines more of the next . Of these again the 1st 3116T has a paging separate from that of the following six. The remaining 2 311hs are given, one each, by the two other fragments. Age - Cannot be ascertained. Part of the two books considerably cld. Author - Halaa, the well-known author of Siddhäntakaumudi. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 63 Subject - A running commentary on Pāņini's Sūtras, being mainly a collection of the critical expositions of Pāṇini's aphorisms contained in Patanjali's Mahābhāshya. The author is supposed to have carried this work only, upto the end of the 1st 91 of 1st Adhyāya. However the Madras Catalogue, Vol. III, No. 1328, contains Ahnikas 1 to 4 of Adhyāya III and a part of the 5th, and No. 1331 contains the 1st päda of Adhyāya III, whence there is reason to assume that the work may have existed in a complete state. If it was left incomplete, it certainly went upto the 3rd Adhyāya. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । विश्वेशं सच्चिदानंदं वदेऽहं योऽखिलं जगत् । चरीकत्ति वुरीति जरीजरीसंहर्ति (संजरीहर्ति?) लीलया ॥१॥ नमस्कुर्वे जगद्वंद्यं पाणिन्यादिमुनित्रयम् । श्रीभर्तृहरिमुख्यांश्च सिद्धांतस्थापकान् बुधान् ॥९॥ नत्वा लक्ष्मीधरं तातं सुमनोवृंदवंदितम् । पणि( फणि ? )भाषितभाष्याब्धेः शब्दकौस्तुभमुद्धरे ॥३॥ परिभाव्य बहून् ग्रंथान् योर्थः क्लेशेन लभ्यते । तमशेषमनायासादितो गृहीत सज्जनाः॥ ४॥ समर्प्य लक्ष्मीरमणे भक्तया श्रीशब्दकौस्तुभं । भट्टोजिभट्टो जनुषः साफल्यं लब्धुमीहते ॥५॥ प्रेक्षा(व)त्प्रवृत्तये व्याकरणस्य विषयं भगवान् भाष्यकारः प्रादर्शयत् । Ends -एतश्च विवेचनं वाहीकग्रामेभ्यश्चेत्यादावुपयोक्ष्यत इति सर्व सुस्थम् । Colophon:-इति श्रीविद्वाकुटरत्नस्य लक्ष्मीधरसूरेः सूनुना भट्टोजिभट्टेन कृते शब्दकौस्तुभे प्रथमाध्यायस्य प्रथमे पादे नवमाह्निकं । पाद श्चायं समाप्तः॥ Reference - P. 127 uf Rajendralala Mitra's Catalogue of Sk. Mes. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Indis office C-talogue No. 607. Also Burnell's Tanjore Catalogue part I, p. 39 and Madras Oriental Mss. Library Catalogue, Nos. 1324-1331. Calcutta Sanskrit College Catalogue, No. 84. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 agniegu No. 78 Grammar Śabdakaustubha शब्दकौस्तुभ No. 79 525 1886-92 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent 362 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 34 letters in a line. Description Country paper; Devanagari characters. Bold and legible writing. New appearance. Fairly correct. plete as far as it goes. Comes from Benares. Com Age Samvat 1886. Ends:- इति श्रीविद्वन्मुकटरत्नस्य लक्ष्मीधरसूरेः सूनुना भट्टोजिभट्टेन कृते शब्द कौस्तुभे प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमे पादे नवममाह्निकम् । पादश्चायं समाप्तः । संवत् १८८६ ॥ Sabdakaustubha 333 A. 1881-82 Size--12 in. by 43 in. and 12 in. by 41 in. Extent 213 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 44 to 56 letters to a line. Description-Smooth and rough country paper, Devanagari characters. The Ms. is composed of two or perhaps 3 sections written by different scribes on different quality of paper. The larger section covers the first 8 Ahnikas of Adh. I, pāda 1 (foll. 1-85), and is in bold handwriting, with numerous marginal notes and frequent use of red and yellow powders. Ahnikas 4 to 8 are written on rough paper in very small but quite clear and fairly c rrect handwriting. They are paged se; arately Ahnika IV foll. 1-19; Ahnika VI= foll. 1-19; Ahnika V foll. 1-18; Ahnika VII=foll. 1-10. The next two Ahnikas, also paged separately, (VIII=foll. 1-26 with a supplementary bit at fol. 4a; and IX=foll Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ D. Paniniya School 65 139) are written in a bolder hand, and perhaps by the same scribe that wrote the first three. The Ms. thus contains only the first pada of Adh. I. Age Comparatively modern looking. End At the end of Ahnika V, after the colophon, we read the following लक्ष्मीधरोयं जनयांबभूव भट्टोजिभट्टं विदिषां मुडूनां । आश्वादयं तं मणिं यतोभून्नागोजीभट्टः सकलः शशीव ॥ १ ॥ भाष्योदधेस्तेन समुध्हतस्य निधित्सया माधवकं धरायां । भक्ताह्निकं पंचममंचमानं समाप्तमासीदिति कौस्तुभस्य ॥ २ ॥ शब्दकौस्तुभ No. 80 Size-10 in. by 4 in. Extent 255 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 37 letters to a line. Ah. 1 foll. 1-21; Ah. 2 foll. 1-30; Ah. 3 foll. 1-23, yellow; Ah. 4 foll. 1-26, foll. 1-22 yellow; Śabdakaustubha Description-Country paper white and yellow, Devanagari characters. The Ms. consists of several portions written by different scribes on different kinds of paper and bound together like a modern book. It contains the 9 Ahnikas of the first Chapter put together as under 79 1866-68 9 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Ah. 5 Ah. 8 7 foll. 1-67; foll. 48 in different paginations and handwriting; Ah. 9 foll. 1-40. Total foll. 255 Age Some parts of the Ms. are more ancient looking and wormeaten; others fairly recent in appearance. Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 Grammar Sabda kaustubha शब्दकौस्तुभ No. 81 566 1887-88 Size—8 in. by 49 in. Extent - The Ms. contains the first pāda of 1st Adhyāya, which is divided into 9 Ahnikas each with a separate paging, as underÄhnika I=(27-2=) 25 foll; Āhnika VI=leaves 29 ; Ahnika II=leaves 31; Āhnika VII= . 14; Ahnika III= , 25; Ahnika VIII= , 45 ; Ābnika IV , 28; Ahnika IX= 35. Āhnika V , 31; Total leaves 263 263 leaves ; 12 lines to a page ; 37 letters to a line. Description-Foreign paper with watermarks ; Devanāgari charac ters; clear and legible writing ; generally correct. Leaves 3 and 4 of Āhnika first missing. Between leaves 1 and 2 of Āhnika 3rd a blank side of a leaf occurs without any lacuna in the text. Pada I complete. Age — Is not very old in appearanoe. Sabdakaustubha शब्दकौस्तुभ No. 82 247 1895-98 Size -10 in. by 4} in. Extent - (173+1=) 174 leaves ; 18 lines to a page ; about 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper; Devanāgari characters, bold and legible hand. The first 20 leaves forming the 1st Āhnika of Adhyāya first are numbered separately from the rest of the work. The handwriting is not uniform. The margins are mostly covered over with annotations in a very minute Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School hand. Leaf 106 is numbered twice. Leaves 113 and 114 are partly. soiled by black ink. Otherwise the Ms. is complete to the end of Chapter I, păda 1, and generally accurate. Age-Samvat 1877. Ends - इति श्रीविद्वन्मुकुटरत्नस्य लक्ष्मीधरसूरेः सूनुना भट्टोजि भट्टेन कृते शब्दकौस्तुभे प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमे पादे नवमाह्निकं पादश्चायं समाप्तः । लिखितं गठा केवलरामतस्य सुतदयाशंकरेण संवत् १८७७ ना. ॥ नवमाह्निकं कौस्तुभं समाप्तम् ॥ पत्रसंख्या १७३ । श्रीविश्वेश्वराय नमः ॥ लिपिकृत काश्यां वि[श्वेश्वरसंनिधौ ॥ श्री॥ श्रीगोपिजन[न]वल्लभः(sic.)य नमः॥ Sabdakaustubha शब्दकौस्तुभ No. 83 654 1891-95 Size -101 in. by 5 in. Extent - ( 238 - 34= ) 204 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 42 letters to & line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, legible and correct writing ; marginal notes and emendations especially numerous towards the beginning. Contains the first Pāda in 9 Āhnikas of Adhyāya I; leaves 12-15, 25-53 and 198 missing, otherwise complete. The first leaf, blank side, of this Ms. has however the remark in the same handwriting as the rest of the work that it extended to 360 leaves, whereas the No. on the last leaf is only 238. Age - Not very old in appearance. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar शब्दकौस्तुभ अध्याय I. 4. 1-4 Sabdakaustubha Adhyāya I. 4. 1-4 No. 84 655 1891-95 Size -101 in. by 5 in. Extent -(121-73 = ) 48 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible and correct handwriting. The first 73 leaves missing. Foll. 74 bgives the ending of the 2nd and the last Ahnika of I. 3. The Ms. goes up to the end of I. 4. Age-Samvat 1847. Ends - खरिपरे रेफस्य विसर्गः अवसाने च रेफस्थानिनीति। अत्र वार्तिकं संहितावसानयोर्लोकविदितत्वातिदु(?)मिति । तथा च सूत्रद्वयं मास्ति(?)त्यर्थः ॥ इति श्री पदवाक्यप्रमाणपारावारपारीणस्य लक्ष्मीधरसूरे) सूनुना भट्टोजीभट्टेन कृते शब्दकौस्तुभे प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थे पादे चतुर्थमाह्निकं ॥४॥ इति पादश्च समाप्तोध्यायश्च प्रथमः॥ संवत् १८४७ वर्षे मार्गसीर कृष्ण ९ भोमे वारे लिपीकृतं महात्मा बकसराम सवाई जयपुरमध्ये ॥ लिखापितं गुसाईजी श्री०५ मधुबनजी॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ शब्दकौस्तुभव्याख्या विषम(पद)व्याख्या No. 85 Commentary on Sabdakaustubha _called Vishama (pada)vyakhya 192 1882-83 Size -10 in. by 6 in. Extent -30 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; legible and generally accurate writing. Contains Com. on the first pāda only of Adhyāya I. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Age - Sam. 1850. Author There exists a similarly-named Commentary on the same work and its author is Nageśa. Probably this is the same, though the work hss neither मंगलाचरण nor प्रशस्ति. 69 Subject – A brief but concise Com. called indifferently विषमव्याख्या or विषमपदव्याख्या on Bhattoji Dikshita's शब्दकौस्तुभ. Begins- श्रीवक्रतुंडाय नमः ॥ विषयमिति ॥ विषये कथिते तत्प्रतिरूपप्रयोजनमप्युक्तप्रायं । प्रयोजनमाहेति कैयटोक्तं चिंत्यं विषयकथनेन न्यूनत्वात् ॥ Ends - दैवदत्त इति ॥ देशबहिर्भूतेषु वाहीकेषु देवदत्तो नाम तत्र भवो दैवदत्त इत्यर्थः ॥ इति श्री शब्द कौस्तुभे विषमपदव्याख्यायां नवममाह्निकम् ॥ पादश्च समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १८५० तमे वर्षे भाद्रपदमासे कृष्णपक्षे तृतीयायां रविवासरे देहावलीस्थ-भट्टोपनामक देवात्मजेन शिवशंकराख्येन लिखितेयं विषमपदव्याख्या नाम श्रीशब्दकौस्तुभस्य टीका ॥ Reference — Ulwar, 1185. शब्द कौस्तुभटीका ( प्रभा) No. 86 Prabha, Com. on the Sabdakaustubha 62 1866-68 Size – 91⁄2 in by 4 in. Extent – 81 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters, clear and legible writing, fairly correct. Margins ruled and red chalk sparingly used. Contains the Com. on the first Ahnika only of Adhyāya I, pāda I. The Ms. is bound like a modern book. Age - Modern copy. Author Vaidyanatha Payagunda, son of Mahadeva and pupil of Nāgeśa Bhatta. Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70 Grammar Subject - A Commentary on the Sabdakaustubha of Bhattoji Dikshita. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । शिवाय सांबाय नमः । श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः । आनन्दकन्दं मुनिहन्मिलिन्दं स्वच्छन्दगोविन्दपदारविन्दम् । वन्दे सुरेन्द्रादिदंत (?) द्दीनादिशब्दं रविनंद ( ? )॥१॥ वैद्यनाथः पायगुण्डो नत्वा नागेश्वरं गुरुम् ।। व्याख्यां प्रभाख्यां तनुते कौस्तुभस्य स्वबुद्धये ॥२॥ प्रारिप्सितग्रंथनिर्विघ्नपरिसमाप्त्यर्थे कृतं भगवदादिनत्वात्मकं मङ्गलं शिष्यशिक्षायै व्याख्यातृश्रोतृणामनुषङ्गतो मङ्गलाय च निबध्नाति-विश्वेशमित्यादिना। Ends - तथा च लाघवेन शास्त्रप्रवृत्त्यर्थं वर्णोपदेश इति तत्त्वं स्थित मिति भाष्यदाविति भावः । श्रीमन( न )महादेवसुतवेणीगर्भजपायगुंडोपाख्यवैद्यनाथविरचितकौस्तुभव्याख्याप्रभाख्यायां प्रथमाह्निकम् ॥ Reference - India Office Descriptive Catalogue, Part II (Gram mar ), No. 610. Bhashavritti-[tikā] भाषावृत्ति टीका] No. 87 544 1887-91 Size -10% in. by 3 in. Extent -9 leaves, 7 lines to a page, about 42 letters to a line. Descrition - Country paper, Bengāli characters ; clear and legible writing. Contains only a few stray leaves of a bigger work. Incomplete and fragmentary, discussing the " natva " change under VIII. iv. 1 ff. Age - Not very old in appearance Author - Purushottamadeva, of the original Vřitti. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Subject A brief Com. on the Ashtadhyayi of Panini, following the order of the Sutrapatha, but omitting the sutras referring to Vedic language. The Ms. however seems to be a gloss on that work. Begins-वनस्य णःस्यात् प्रकृष्टं वनं प्रवणं निर्गतो वनान्निर्वणं अंतर्वगं शरवणं आम्रवणं । Ends - पूर्वेणैव सिद्धे नियमान्नेह-इन्द्रवणं । प्रणिरन्तः शरेक्षुप्लक्षाच कार्यखदिरपीयूक्षाभ्योऽसंज्ञायामपि (VIII. 4. 5 ) एभ्यो Reference 71 The Bhashavritti has been edited with annotations by Śrish Chandra Chakravarti, Rajashahi, 1918. Compare also R. Mitra's A. S. B. Mss. Catalogue, Part 1, Grammar pp. 82ff., where a gloss on Purushottamadeva's vritti by Srishṭidhara Sarma is mentioned. रूपमाला No. 88 Author - Vimalasarasvati. Subject Rūpamālā 209 1879-80 Size 9 in. by 43 in. Extent115 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description-Old country paper, Devanagari characters with 988. Clear, legible and correct writing. Margins ruled in black, and red chalk frequently used. Complete; some leaves slightly damaged at the corners. Age Samvat 1507. An elementary Sanskrit grammar in Sutras, extracted from the Ashtadhyayi, followed by short explanations. The order of treatment is topical, like that of the Siddhantakaumudi, although this seems to be an earlier recast of Panini than the Kaumudi, in that Vimalasarasvati is quoted by Bhattoji in the Praudhamanorama (Vide Oxf. 162 b) The various sections are as follows: Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 Grammar fol. 5 b fol. 6 b fol. 10 a fol. 15 a fol. 18 a सर्वनाममाला fol. 22 a संख्याभागः fol. 23 a नियतलिंग माला fol. 25 a " छांदसमाला fol. 25 b इति स्वरसंधिः प्रकृतिभावः विसर्ग संधिः 99 " अजंतमाला हलंतमाला " " 99 " 99 " अव्ययमाला fol. 28 a स्त्रीप्रत्ययमाला fol. 30 b " कारकभागः fol. 35 a " सार्वधातुक माला fol. 43 a Begins - ॐ नमो गुरुभ्यः । इति आशीर्लिङ् माला fol. 49 b fol. 50 a लुड़भागः लुङ्भागः । fol. 50 b लुङ्भागः) fol. 53 b fol. 56 a " लुङ्माला लिड्रभागः पंचमलकारभागfol. 56 a सनादिभागः fol. 63 b तङादिनियम " " 19 "9 " " " भागः " अथ तद्धिताः " प्रत्ययार्थाः " समासाः 19 उत्तरपदाधि कारः fol. 66 b fol. 82 a fol 91 b fol. 99 a fol. 113 b शिवमभिवन्द्य विदध्मो मालामल्पां सुरूपकुसुमानाम् । शिशुकण्ठभूषणार्थं पाणिनिसूत्रैरनेकगुणैः ॥ १ ॥ अइउण् । ऋलक ॥ etc. Ends - बन्धुनि बहुव्रीहौ ॥ कौमुदगन्धीपुत्रः कौमुगन्धी बन्धुः । त्रिविक्रमादेः कृपया गिरीश त्वचिंतनस्याल्पतरांतरायः । मयैष सोढः कतिचिद्दिनानि प्रीत्यै तवैवाति कृपाप्रियस्य ॥ १ ॥ इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्य श्रीविमलसरस्वतिविरचिता रूपमाला समाप्ता ॥ संवत् । १५०७ वर्षे अश्वन वदि ४ चतुर्थ्यां तिथौ सकलज्योतिर्विदो जोसी घुडासुत नरायणेन भट्टहरि Reference — The India Office copy of this work Vol. II, No. 612, is dated Samvat 1437 or 1467. Cp. also Burnell's Tanjore Catalogue, Vol. I. p. 40. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School रूपावतार Rūpāvatāra No. 89 308 1875-76 Size - 6 in. by 7 in. Extent - 263 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 18 letters to a line. Description - Bhūrja leaves much worn-out and tattered, but pasted by paper slips at the edges. Sāradā Characters. Bold and generally legible handwriting ; correct. Several leaves in the beginning and at the end missing. The Ms. is bound in leather along with No. 275 and No. 311 of the same Collection, and is in a good state of preservation. The original pagination is visible in the majority of pages but has been torn off in the case of others, wbich renders the continuity of the text difficult to ascertain. The earliest numbered leaf is 25, before which there are fragments of 10 leaves. The last numbered folio is 380, but several intervening leaves are missing. The faastatter ends on the first extant leaf. The last extant leaf carries the text well towards the end of the कृत्प्रकरण, the Sutra ल्यपि लघुपूर्वात् (VI. 4. 40) occurring towards the bottom of its unnumbered side, and Faro157 (III. 4. 23) in the last line of the numbered side. Age - The Ms. appears to be fairly old. Author - Not given. The work is generally attributed to Dharmakirti. Subject - A recast of the grammatical sūtras of Pāṇini - perhaps the earliest one attempted - after which the Prakriyā and the Siddhānta Kaumudis came to be modelled. The Sūtras are followed by the author's own running and illustrative commentary. Reference - The work has been edited by M. Rangáchārya in two volumes, Madras, the second volume appearing in 1927 as a posthumous publication. Since however the editor freely added and amended the text "for the use of College students” it is no wonder that the printed text differs largely from the Ms. almost on every page. For other Mss. see Descriptive Catalogue of Madras Oriental Library Mss., Vol. III, Nos. 1332ff. 10 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 रूपावतारटीका No. 90 Grammar Description Rūpāvatāraṭīkā Size 21 in. by 2 in. Extent — About 116 plus 6 leaves, 10-12 lines to a page, 90-100 letters to a line. Tough palm leaves, very much worm eaten and several of them broken to pieces; Malayalam characters. The leaves are not numbered and seem to have got mixed up. Fragile and fragmentary. Written by means of a stylus and rubbed over with lamp-black except towards the end. The Ms. contains at least 2 if not 3 works : (a) रूपावतारटीका, (८) वाक्यपदीय (stray leaves ), (c) further stray leaves, (d) रूपावतारटीका, (e) धातुप्रत्यय पञ्चिकाटीका. Age - Very old in appearance. Author – Not given. The name of the author of the original, viz. धर्मकीर्ति, is given on fol. 1. Begins ( 8 ) - गणपतये नमः । 43 1919-24 Subject — Commentary on portions of the रूपावतार, the second part of which is called the धातुप्रत्ययपञ्चिका. अभि त्रिलोकीनालीकमाम्नाय.........। ... भूदेवेभ्यो नमो नमः ॥ अभिगतषडाभ... ..दतिहृद्यं शब्दविद्यानुमोदम् । स जयति भवकीर्तिः संमतो धर्मकीर्तिः ॥ अमुष्य हृदि वारिधिं प्रति... कृते व्याकृतौ कथं भु................ ....... मादृशां । चिरान्महदनुग्रहादिह तु लब्धवाणीलवा ननु......... तयाम्यहं केवलम् ॥ अत्र रूपावतारस्य पाठेषु विविधेष्वपि । एतस्यैव प्रयत्नोऽयमनुवृत्त्यै वितन्यते ॥ थारम्भे मङ्गलार्थं ग्रन्थकृत् प्रसिद्ध रसिकत्वालौकिकस्मृत्या परमाचार्य नमस्यति - येनाक्षरसमाम्नायमिति ॥ अक्षराणां Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School बिशिष्टक्रमपाठोऽक्षरसमाम्नायो देवसूत्राणि प्रत्याहारसूत्राणीति यावत् । यथा कणादमुनिरखिलविद्याप्रथमभूमे गवतो भवानी. वल्लभात्प्रतिष्ठाक्षराण्यधिगम्य वैशेषिकदर्शनं चकार तथायमपि तत्रभवान् दाक्षिनन्दनः तस्माद्देवादक्षरसमाम्नायमधिगम्य व्या करणं प्रणिनाय कृत्स्नं etc. Enda (b)- अहस्त्यादिभ्य इति किं । हस्तिपादः महिषपादः॥ वयसि ॥ संख्यासु पूर्वस्येत्येव द्विदन् बालकः । वयसीति किं । द्विदन्तः कुञ्जरः। सुदन्तो दाक्षणात्यः। नात्र वयो गम्यते । ऋकार उगि कार्यार्थः । तेन नुम्डीपो भवतः। ॐ नमः शिवाय ॥ Begins (d) अहो भट्टारकः स्वयं विरचिते ईश्वरनिराकरणे समर्थने च नीवीकृताकृताननुयोग...समाध्याय । नीवीखण्डने प्रवरीवृतति तत्र नूनं मतानुज्ञया न भाविष्यते नीवीखण्डममेव समाधिभूयमापद्यत इति कल्पनात् । तदेतत्तु रूपावतारव्याख्यानं कृतं येनेत्यादिकं तत्र खलु क्षोदीयसा रूपावतारस्य दुर्व्याख्यानं कृतमित्येवोक्तम् । सर्वतो दृश्यते । न पुनरीश्वरकर्तृकजगत्सृष्टिप्रभृतिविषयसमुद्भाविताशंकापरिहारः। ननु यथा तव रूपाव तारव्याख्यानमनुपपन्नं etc. Inds (d)-तदलमतिप्रसङ्गेन।। एवं निरस्तनिखिलानुपपत्तिरोगा रूपावतारविषया विवृत्तिश्चिराय । जेजीयतां वचन किंचन सोपयोगा जेजीयतां च विकसंमहितप्रतिष्ठा ॥ शिवमस्तु । श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः । नमः शिवाय । नमो हरिहरहिरण्यगर्येभ्यः॥ रूपावतारटीका (धातुप्रत्ययपश्चिकाटीका) No. 91 Rūpāvatāratikā (Dhātupratyayapañcikātīkā ) 120 1919-24 Size -211 in. by 2 in. Extent-4leaves, 10-12 lines to a page, 90-100 letters to a line. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Description-See No. 43 of 1919-24. Some stray leaves at the end seem to contain portion of the commentary on the . . second part of the रूपावतार known as धातुप्रत्ययपश्चिका.. Age - Old in appearance.. Begins गणपतये नमः। प्रणम्येत्यादि यथासारम् । सारशब्देनात्र संक्षेपो लक्ष्यते । संक्षेपस्य साराव्यभिचारात् । धातुप्रत्ययपश्चिकां धातुभ्यः परे विहिता प्रत्ययाः धातुप्रत्यया लडादयः तेषां पश्चिकां विस्तारं लडादिप्रत्ययप्रपञ्चः संक्षेपेणोच्यत इत्यर्थः etc. Ends न हीयं कविभिः पूर्वैरदृष्ट सूक्ष्मदर्शिभिः । शक्ता तृणमपि द्रष्टुं मतिर्मम तपस्विनी ॥ .........स्युरुत्तरपदे व्याघ्रपंगवकाराः। सिंहशार्दुलनागाद्याः पुंसि श्रेष्ठार्थगोचराः ॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी Prakriyakaumudi No. 92 505 1886-92 Size -- 12 in. by 4 in. Extent - 168 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 34 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with occa sional पृष्ठमात्राs; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete ; the last leaf newly substituted. Square blank space left in the middle of each page. It is designated De in Trivedi's edition. Age.- Very old in appearance. Author - Ramachandracharya, son of Krishnacharya. Subject - A grammatical compendium in Sūtras from Pāṇini's Ashtadhyāyi, systematically arranged with a brief, running commentary. This work is supposed to have served as a model for the Siddhānta Kaumudi of Bhattoji Dikshita, Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School .Begins श्रीमद्विहलमानम्य पाणिन्यादिमुनीन गुरुन् । . प्रक्रियाकौमुदी कुर्मः पाणिनीयानुसारिणीम् ॥१॥ तन्नमामि जगद्वन्यं रामं सर्वार्थदेशकम् । यदृष्टिपातसामर्थ्यान्मूको वाचस्पतिर्भवेत् ॥ २॥ अइउणू।... Ends- इति वैदिकी प्रक्रिया समाप्ता। ...... आनन्त्यात सर्वशद्वा हि न शक्यन्तेऽनुशासितुम् । बालव्युत्पत्तयेऽस्माभिः संक्षिप्योक्ता यथामति ॥१॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी सेयं रामचन्द्रप्रकाशिता। असद्वचस्तमो वध्यात् सच्चकोरप्रिया चिरम् ॥ २ ॥ ..... जयति सुभगमूर्तिर्मुग्धहासावलोक प्रशमितजनतापो विट्ठलः स्वात्मदीपः । सचकितमिव लक्ष्मीः सेवते यत्पदाब्जं ललिततरकराभ्यां साधु संवाहयन्ती ॥३॥ इति श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्यविरचिता प्रक्रिया समाप्ता॥ Reference - The work has been edited (1921-1931) in the Bombay Sanskrit Series (Nos. 78 and 82) in two volumes with the Commentary Prasada. See Nos. 613 ff. of Eggeling's Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. in the India Office Library. Prakriyākaumudi प्रक्रियाकौमुदी No. 93 283 1880-81 Size -12 in. by 41 in. Extent - 178 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters, bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Red chalk much used, and frequent marginal notes and emendations made. A few leaves substituted afresh, including fol. 110 which occurs twice. Complete. It is called D, in Trivedi's edition. Age - Old in appearance. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar प्रक्रियाकौमुदी Prakriyā kaumudi No.94 323 Visrama(i) Size -~-10 in. by 4, in. Extent-136 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा. Clean and careful writing, most accurate. Margins ruled in red and red chalk much used; occasional marginal notes in a smaller hand. Owing to the presence of gum in the ink used, the leaves have stuck together and many have been torn by unskilled attempts at separating them. Wants the first leaf; Otherwise complete. It is designated D. in Trivedi's edition. Age-Samvat 16773; copied at Jesalmir. Ends- इति वैदिकीप्रक्रिया समाप्ता॥ आनन्त्यात्सर्वशद्वा हि न शक्यन्तेनुशासितुम् । बालव्युत्पत्तयेस्माभिः संक्षिप्योक्ता यथामति ॥१॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी सेयं रामचन्द्रप्रकासि( शि)ता। असद्वचस्तमो वध्यात् मच्चकोरप्रिया चिरम् ॥२॥ जयति सुभगमूर्तिर्मुग्धहासावलोकः प्रशमितजनतापो विट्ठलः स्वात्मदीपः । सचकितमिव लक्ष्मीः सेवते यत्पदाब्जं ललिततरकराभ्यां साधु संवाहयन्ती ॥३॥ श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्यविरचिता प्रक्रियाकौमुदी समाप्ता॥ मीमांसायुगलाक्षपादकणभुकमोक्तज्ञसद्वाक्यदा दुज्ञेयस्वनशास्त्रतप्तमनसां शब्दाधिकेच्छावताम् । शब्दाधारविसार्यसाधुवचनध्वान्तारिनाशक्षमा तन्याच्छं पुरु रामचन्द्रजनिता सा प्रक्रियाकौमुदी ॥१॥ यस्याः प्रसादमासाद्य कुमुदन्ति कवीश्वराः। प्रक्रियाकौमुदी सेयं पत्र प्राप पूर्णताम् ॥२॥ संवत् १६७७ वर्षे आसु वदि ८ दिवे श्री जेसलमेरमधे लिसित। शिष श्री ५ लालावाचनार्थ । लिखितं सं। पुंजाजीवाणी ॥ शुभं भवतु लेखकवाचकयोः॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं etc. Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School प्रक्रियाकौमुदी Prakriyākaumudi No.95 324 Visrāma (i) Size -91 in. by 3: in. Extent (72 +66 =) 138 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 35 letters to a line, Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters with partial पृष्ठमात्राs. Clear and legible but not very careful writing, though generally correct. Separate paging for qais ( foll. 1-73 with 69th missing) and उत्तरार्ध ( foll. 1-66). The उत्तरार्ध goes as far as the लकारप्रक्रिया only. The leaves of the पूर्वार्ध are broader than those of the JARTS by about a quarter of an inch. The interesting fact about the Ms. is that it purports to be written by the grandson (or great-grandson ) of श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्य the author (?) himself. It is designated Da in Trivedi's edition. Age-Samvat 1583. Ends - पूर्वार्ध-इति द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया समाप्ता ॥ इति श्रीरामचन्द्र विरचितायां प्रक्रियाकौमुद्यां सुबन्तं समाप्तं ॥ श्री॥ श्रीस्वस्ति श्रीसंवत् १५८३ वर्षे शाके १४४८ प्रवर्तमाने भाद्रपदमासे शुक्लपक्षे त्रयोदश्यां तिथौ भौमदिने नंदिगिरौ श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्य सुतसुस्त्व(?)सुतेनालेखि ॥ शुभं भवतु कल्याणमस्तु ॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी Prakriyākaumudi No.96 53 1869-70 Size-98 in. by 31 in. Extent-88 leaves; 8 lines in a page, about 44 letters in a line. Description - Country paper ; Devanāgarī characters. Neat, care ful and legible writing, fairly correct ; incomplete, begins with the beginning and ends somewhere in the Taddhitaprakarana. It is designated Ds in Trivedi's edition. Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Age - Seems to be very old. Ends-शारशब्दस्य नित्यसमासवदिति ज्ञेयम् । इतरेतरम्। स्त्रीनपुंसकयोः उत्तरपदस्य-here abruptly ends the Ms. Prakriyākaumudi प्रक्रियाकौमुदी No. 97 509 1886-92 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent — 102 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 39 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct ; incomplete both ways. The पूर्वार्ध has leaves 12-76 and the उत्तरार्ध 1-37. The Ms. was not used by Trivedi in his edition. Begins -तं सखिवर्ज घिसंज्ञ स्यात् । आङ्कोनास्त्रियां। आङिति रासंज्ञा । घेः परस्याडगे ना स्यादस्त्रियां । हरिणा । हरिभ्यां । हरिभिः। Ends-अदेः प्रतिषेधो वक्तव्यः । आदयते।... 327 प्रक्रियाकौमुदी Prakriyākaumudi No. 98 1895-1902 Size -81 in. by 4, in. Extent -151 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, careful and numerous marginal notes, with abundant use of red chalk and yellow pigment. Several systems of pagination seem to have been used. Leaves 1, 2, 24 and 35 missing, the rest complete. The Ms. was not used in the B. S. S. edition. Age-Saka 1543 (1621 A. D.). Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Ends-इति वैदिकी प्रक्रिया समाप्ता। आनन्त्यात् सर्वशः शब्दा न शक्यन्तेऽनुशासितुम्। बाळव्युत्पत्तयेऽस्माभिः संक्षिप्योक्ता यथाविधि ॥१॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी सेयं रामचन्द्रप्रकाशिता। असवचस्तमो वध्यात् सच्चकोरप्रिया चिरम् ॥ २॥ जयति सुभगमूर्तिर्मुग्धहासावलोकप्रशमितजनतापो विट्ठलः स्वात्मदीपः। सचकितमिव लक्ष्मीः सेवते यत्पदाब्जं ललिततरकराभ्यां साधु संवाहयन्ती ॥३॥ मीमांसायुगलाक्षपादकणभुक्झोक्तज्ञसद्वाक्यदा दुज्ञेयस्वनशास्त्रतप्तमनसां शब्दाधिकेच्छावताम् । ... शब्दाधारविचारसाधुवचनध्वान्तारिनाशक्षमा । तन्याच्छं पुरु रामचन्द्रजनिता सा प्रक्रियाकौमुदी ॥४॥ इति श्रीमत्परमहंसाचार्यश्रीमद्गोपाळाचार्यगुरुपूज्यपादशिष्यश्रीरामचन्द्रविरचितायां प्रक्रियाकौमुद्यां तिङन्तं समाप्तम् ॥ शके १५४३ दुर्मतिनामसंवत्सरे चैत्रमासे कृष्णपक्षे त्रयोदश्यां पुण्यतिथी चन्द्रवारे उत्तराभाद्रपदानक्षत्रे वैधृतिनामयोगे गरनामकरणे आपाजी नामराजस्य विश्वनाथेन सूनुना प्रक्रियापुस्तकं लिखितं समाप्तं च ॥ भवानीशंकराभ्यां नमः॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ त्वं मातापितरौ त्वमेव सुहृदस्त्वं भ्रातरस्त्वं सखा त्वं विद्या त्वमुदारकीर्तिचरितं त्वं भाग्यमत्यद्भुतम् । किं भूयः सकलं त्वमीहितमिति नात्वा कपाकोमळे. श्रीविश्वेश्वरि सुप्रसादशरणं मातः परं नास्ति मे ॥१॥ यस्याः पाणितळे सरोजममळं तस्यान्तराळे रमा देवी तन्निकटे पुराणपुरुषस्तन्नाभिपझे विधिः। तद्वके निगमावळीविलसितं तेन ऋतूनां क्रिया-....... स्ताभिर्जीवति देवतासमुदयः सा भारती पातु नः ॥॥.. लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ At the back of the last leaf, amongst other scribblings, occurs an interesting entry in Marathi about mortgage: गोपाळकापश्यापासून चेत्रवदिषष्ठीस होन तीन घेतले यास गहाण आदिठारास(?) ३ । अकरा मासे कळात २ । ६. After which is another entry--गोपाळकापश्यापासून ज्येष्ठ शुद्ध द्वितीयेस होन तीन ३ घेतले यास गाहाण काप तोळा १ येक जाणिजे यास दर महिन्या।६ सजगा( ? )ण्या २. 11 [Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar प्रक्रियाकौमुदी Prakriyākaumudi Purvārdha पूर्वार्ध No.99 68 1866-68 Size -8 in. by 41 in. Extent -117 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 43 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and careful handwriting. Red chalk used; margins slightly worm-eaten. Bound in cloth. Takes the text from the beginning down to the end of the gara ( i. e. the end of the first volume of the B. S. S. edition). Age -Samvat 1678. Ends - इति द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया । इतिश्रीरामचन्द्राचार्यविरचितायां प्रक्रिया कौमुद्यां सुबन्तं समाप्तम् । संवत् १६७८ कार्तिक सुदि चतुर्दश्यां पुस्तकं लिखाप्यते वाराणस्यां श्रीरु( ? )पीतांबर..... गु देशे च धर्मार्थपाठार्थ परउपकारार्थ लिख्यते । सुभं भूयात् ॥ श्री॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी पूर्वार्ध No. 100 Prakriyākaumudi Pārvārdha 326 1895-1902 Size-11 in. by 41 in. Extent-109 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; clear and legible writing. Red chalk used, margins ruled in red and black, with occasional marginal notes. Edges worn out. Wants leaves 1 and 2 and carries the text to the end of the सुबन्त. Age -Samvat 1651. Ends - इति......सुबन्तं समाप्तम् । शुभमस्तु । संवत् १६५१ समये येष्ठ वदि परिवा वार बृहस्पति ॥ Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रक्रियाकौमुदी उत्तरार्ध No. 101 प्रक्रिया कौमुदीप्रसाद B. Paniniya School Size - 92 in by 42 in. Extent – 108leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 34 letters in a line. Description – Country paper, Devanāgari characters with पृष्टमात्राs ; incomplete : first 7 leaves wanting Fairly correct ; not used in the B. S. S. edition. Age – Samvat 1626. Ends At the end it has one verse more than in No. 505 of 1886-92 मीमांसायुगलाक्षपादकणभुक्प्रोक्तज्ञसद्वाकूपदा दुर्ज्ञेयस्वनशास्त्रतप्तमनसां शद्बाधिकेच्छावताम् । शद्बाधारविसार्यसाधुवचनध्वान्ताधिनाशक्षमा तन्याछं पुरु रामचन्द्रजनिता सा प्रक्रियाकौमुदी ॥ No. 102 Prakriyākaumudi Uttarardha Age – Samvat 1641. 506 1886-92 Prakriyakaumudiprasāda 30 1868-69 Size - 112 in by 51 in. Extent – 306 leaves ; 10 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Description Foreign paper, Devanagari characters. Very old appearance. Bold and legible writing, fairly correct; margins very nicely marked. The borders of many leaves rather worn out. Complete to the end of the Taddhitaprakarana. Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 Grammar Author-Vitthalacharya, son of Nrisimha and Manikamba, . grandson of Ramchandra, great-grandson of Krishna, who is himself the grandson of Ananta. Subject - A commentary called Prasāda, most probably on account of its perspicuity of style, on the Prakriyākaumudi of Rāmachandrāchārya, the grandfather of the author of the commentary. The Prasāda is a very learned work as appears from the numerous citations therein from earlier works, such ___as, the Indumativritti, Katantra, Kshiratarangini of Ksbirasvāmi, Nyāsa, Kāśika, Harikārikā, Vichārachintámani, Mugdhabodha, and many others. som the ny. The pa, the Begins - श्रीमद्विठ्ठलमेकमव्ययमजं शद्वात्मकं ब्रह्म यः स्वेच्छातो जगदुद्भवस्थितिलये हेतुः स्वमायागुणैः। य(च्छा)साः श्रुतिसंततिव्यत( व? )हृतिस्तं पुण्डरीकाश्रमे भक्तानुग्रहहेतुतः स्थितमहं वन्दे मुदे संविदे ॥१॥ श्रीशंभुं पाणिनि श्रीवररुचिमथ वाक्संस्कृतौ दीक्षितं श्रीशेषं तद्भाष्यहादेप्रकटनपटुगी पण्डितान् भर्तृमुख्यान् । वृत्तिन्यासादिकर्तृन् स्वमतपरमतस्थापकान् भोजदुर्गक्षीरस्वामिप्रमुख्यान प्रगुणम[ न ]ति भजे तन्मतज्ञप्तिहेतोः ॥ २॥ किं शेषः पाणिनिर्वा वररुचिरथवा सर्वविद्याप्रणेता शंभुर्भूमावभूद्भसुरकुलतिलकोह्यान्धदेशेग्रयवंशे । ऋग्वेदिः(दी?) सर्वशास्त्रप्रगटनपदुधीः कृष्णजो रामचन्द्रोनन्ताचार्यप्रपौत्रो दिशतु कृतिमात मे स कौण्डिन्यगोत्रः ॥ ३ ॥ वन्दे तं यतिवृन्दवन्दितपदं श्रीराघवेन्द्रादि यन्मामाभाति सरस्वतीपदवरं वादीन्द्रविद्रावकम् । यो विद्याः समदाच्चतुर्दश मुदा श्रीशेषभाष्यादिकाः शिष्येभ्यो मयि यत्कृपास्ति सततं सच्छास्त्रसंवित्तये ॥ ४ ॥ लोकेस्मिन् यदुपक्रम वरवृतीत्यौदार्यलोकज्ञता विद्वत्तोषकृतिः क्षमा सुजनता वेदोक्तधर्मादरम् । आचार्य कृतकालनिर्णयमहाग्रन्थार्थसद्दीपिका टीका तं नरसिंहमात्मजनकं वन्दे विदां संमतम् ॥ ५॥ गंभीरामितोक्त्या (कलितस)कलसच्छद्वरत्नाकरां श्रीशेषोक्तन्यायगी स्वपरमतयुतां प्रक्रियाकोमुदीं ताम् । Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School व्याकुर्वन् बुद्धिहीनों यदपि तदपि तत्पुत्रजो रामचन्द्राचार्योक्तेः पाठरक्षाकरणगुणतया सज्जनैनोपहास्यः ॥ ६ ॥ तथा च पण्डितंमन्यैः प्रक्षेपैर्मलिनीकृता । प्रक्रिया कौमुदी तस्याः प्रसादः क्रियते मया ॥ ७ ॥ स्पष्टत्वात्समुपेक्षितानि कतिचित् व्याख्यातकल्पत्वतो रामाचार्यवरैरमूनि विशदं व्याख्यामि सूत्राण्यहम् । ग्रन्थेस्मिन्स्वरसाधनं कतिपयानौणादिकांश्च ब्रुवे स्थानेतांश्चगणान्यथामति तथा न्यायान्पदैः सूचितान् ॥ ८ ॥ टीकेयं विपुलेति येन विदुषा संक्षिप्यते तस्य नो लाभः किंतु समीहिताः पुनरमी सर्वे विशेषा हताः । येनास्माभिरणे ( ? ) कसूरिरचितग्रन्थार्थमा लोड्य तत् सारं मूलगतं विशेषविदुषां प्रीत्यै प्रकाशीकृतम् ॥ ९ ॥ तत्र तावत् प्रक्रिया कौमुदीं चिकीर्षवः श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्याः etc. -- - द्वन्द्व । संकर्षणवासुदेवौ । साहचर्येणाभिव्यक्तावित्यर्थः । अत्रापि द्वन्द्वमित्येतदिष्यते । तदर्थयोगविभागः क्रियते । तेन द्वन्द्वयुद्धं द्वयोयुद्धमित्यर्थः । द्वन्द्वानि सहते वार्थे द्वन्द्व ॥ इति द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया ॥ भाष्यं वृत्तिरिग्रन्थतद्वाक्यामर्थवेदिनः । कौतुकाक्रान्तमनसः प्रमोदयितु म ( त्कृ ) तिः ॥ श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्योक्तेः स्पष्टार्थत्वे विचित्रता । न मर्मज्ञैः प्रयोज्योर्थः स्फाटिकागारगो यथा ॥ पदे वाक्ये प्रमाणे च तत्त्वज्ञं ज ( ? ) नृसंमतम् । रामचन्द्राचार्यसूरेरन्यं नोपलभामहे ॥ येन व्याकरणार्णवैकतरणिः सा प्रक्रियाकौमुदी - तेने वेदमता च वैष्णवमहासिद्धान्तसद्दीपिका । कालज्ञानविधौ व्यधायि विबुधानन्दि प्रबन्धत्रयं कृष्णाचार्यसुतः स नः सुखयतु श्रीरामचन्द्रो गुरुः ॥ इति ॥ Colophon – श्रीर(माचार्यसूनुर्हरिहरभजनैकाग्रधीः श्रीनृसिंहाचार्यों यं माणिकांबाप्यजनयदतुलं विठ्ठलाचार्यमार्यम् । तस्य श्रीपाणिनीयाद्यनुगुणसगुणे प्रक्रिया कौमुदीयव्याख्यानेस्मिन्प्रसादे सुविशद मग (म) त्सत्सुबन्तं समाप्तिम् ॥ Ends This last verse occurs at the end of each section with corresponding changes. As appears from the verses above, the author ascribing to Ramachandra a work named Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86 Vaishnavamahāsiddhanta-saddipika and three works dealing with Kalanirnaya. So also on leaf 3, we have, नृसिंहाचार्यवर्यैश्च कालनिर्णयदीपिकाविवृतौ तथोक्तं रामचन्द्राचार्यसूनुभिः ' Thus it appears that Nrisimhacharya wrote a commentary on his father's कालनिर्णय दीपिका. Grammar Reference For other Mss. see Nos. 618 ff. of Prof. Eggeling's Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the India Office Library, and Nos. 671 ff. of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the Library of the A. S. of Bengal, by R. Mitra pt. I. The commentary is published in the B. S. S. edition of the Prakriyakaumudi. प्रक्रियाकौमुदप्रसाद No. 103 Prakriyakaumudiprasāda 102 1883-84 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent 251 leaves, 19 lines to a page, 54 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with partial ष्टमानTs. Very careful, clean and correct writing. Margins ruled in double black lines. Square blanks left in the centre. Owing to the presence of gum in the ink some of the leaves have stuck together, and cannot be fully separated. Otherwise complete and in good preservation. Age Samvat 1717. Author Vitthalacharya, son of Nrisimhacharya (and Māņikamba) and grandson of Ramachandra, the author of the Prakriyakaumudi. Subject A very able and full commentary on the Prakriyakaumudi, meant to vindicate the author and refute charges of inaccuracy etc. alleged by his opponents. The Prasada is a learned work, as appears from numerous citations therein from earlier works such as Indumativṛitti, Katantra, Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 87 Kshiratarangiņi of Kshirasvāmi, Nyāsa, Kāśikä, Hari kārikā, Vichārachintāmaņi, Mugdhabodha and many others. Begins -As in No. 30 of 1868-69. Ends - एतदनुसारेण सर्ववेदवाक्यस्थाः स्वराः ज्ञेयाः । विस्तर)भया. दशक्यत्वान्न लिखिताः ॥ इति वैदिकवाक्यस्वरप्रदर्शनप्रकरणं समाप्तम्। भाष्यवृत्तिरिह ग्रन्थः तयाख्यामर्मवेदिनः। कौतुकाकान्तमनसः प्रसादयतु मत्कृतिः ॥१॥ द्वेवाक्ये[ पदे वाक्येप्रमाणे च तत्त्वसंज्ञानसंमतम् । रामचन्द्राचार्यस्व(सू )रेरन्यन्नोपालभामहे ॥२॥ येन व्याकरणार्णवैक तरणेः (णिः)सा प्रक्रियाकौमुदी . .. ... .. ........................... ........मिथा(?) ॥३॥ अष्टाध्यायी कृतार्था विवृता सा यथामति ॥ ४॥ श्रीरामाचार्यसूनुर्हरिहरभजनैकाग्रधी (6) श्रीनृसिंहा-. ... चार्यो यं माणिकांबाप्यजनयदतुलं विटलाचार्यवय्य(२) [तस्य श्रीपाणिनीयाद्यनुगुणसगुणे प्रक्रियाकौमुदीयव्याख्यानेऽस्मिन्प्रसादे सुविशदममला प्रक्रिया सातिमागात(?) ॥ This last verse forms part of the regular Colophon at the end of each section. एवं लितीति सूत्रव्याख्यानेनोपेक्षितानि व्याख्यातानि । सूत्राणि व्याख्याय प्रकृतमनुसरामः॥ Then follows the Com. on the • verse आनंत्यात् &c. Next come the प्रशस्ति verses similar to those in I. O. No. 619 ( Vol. II, Eggeling's Catalogue)श्रीमद्विहलप[पादपङ्कज युगलं(ग) वन्दे सुरैर्वन्दितं भक्तेभ्यो भर्यव्ययं(यप्रदं ?) सुखकरं विज्ञानदं सर्वद(दा)। क्षोदीय(:)किल यद्रजो जनितषत्पृथ्वी(?)स्थिरा तां धरां या विश्वस्य विधारणेजनि तथा पुष्टौ समर्था तथा ॥१॥ This verse is very corrupt, and so generally the rest वो पाणिनिमीश्वरं वररुचि(चिं) शेषं तथात्या(न्या)सु(न्बु)धान् ग्रन्थान्ये वदकः(व्यदधुः?) परोपकृतयो(ये) सूत्रादिभाषा(प्या) दिकान् । Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 Grammar पोतैस्तैस्तु नरास्तरन्ति गहनं तं शद्वरत्नाकर चित्रं यत्परमारमापनपरो देवो मरुत्वानपि ॥२॥ यस्मिन्न(न्वै )दिकधर्मराजमनिशं जागर्ति तद्वैष्णवावारानुष्टिनिरुद्वि(?)विठ्ठलविभुः सर्वार्थदः सर्वदा। ऋग्वेदादिसमस्तशास्त्रनिचयश्रीपञ्चरत्नागम(पाश्चराबागम?)व्याख्यानक्षमपूरुषो विजयते वंशोधदेशोद्भवः ॥ ३॥ तद्वंशे नररत्ननायकमणिर्जातो विभुक्तांगजोनन्ताचार्य इति त्रिलोकविदितः सर्वज्ञ एवापरः । रामस्वामियतीन्द्रचा(व ? )र्यविहिताचार्याभिषेकस्तावता(?) लक्ष्मी वैदिकी पञ्चरत्नमकरोथो(द्यो?) वल्लभानां त्रयम् ॥ ४॥ तत्सनुनुवि( नुर्नि )गमागमादिकुशम(ल)सत्यास ( सन्न्याय ) वैशेषिक(को!) व्याकृत्य द्वयजैमिनीयगणितिष्टव्याहृतप्रातिप। यः सौदर्शनभाष्यमाख्यदमलं विद्वत्सभासंनिभा(?) राचार्याबृहस्पतिर्यो नृहरिः) सदाचरणतः साक्षात्कृतश्रीहरिः॥५॥ गोपालाचार्यमुख्याः मथितगुणगणास्तस्य पुत्रा अभूवन कृष्णाचार्यस्तत्क(यःक)नीयानपिजगति गुणैः श्रेष्ठ आसीद्वरिष्ठैः। सद्वेदाद्याः सुविद्याः स्वयमधिवसति चकुरुत्कर्षहेतोः तस्मात् श्रीकृष्ण एवेत्यनुजगदुररं (मुं ?) सूरयः शौरिभक्ताः॥६॥ तस्मादाचार्यवौँ हरिहरभजनप्राप्तसंवित्प्रकाशावास्तां ज्येष्ठो नृसिंहो निखिलगुणनिधी रामचन्द्रः कनिष्ठः । येनानकप्रबन्धाः क्षितिपतिसमितिख्यातविध्वस्तबोधोद्बोधार्थ चक्रिरे भ्यै( 2 )र्भवति हृदि कृते( तैः!) कोविदः प्राकृतोपि ॥ ७॥ तत्सूनुं सकलेषु शास्त्रनिवहेष्वाचार्य कृष्णानगुरोलक्ष्यज्ञानविशेषमात्मजनकं श्रीमानृसिंहं भजे । तत्पूर्वश्च(?) कलिप्रलुप्तमखिलं विद्यासमूहं तथा धर्म स्फारयितं क्षितौ समभवन् येनावतारो हरेः ॥ ८॥ श्रीमद्राघ(य)वसंज्ञकं यतिवरं वन्दे गुरुं संततं यः सर्वज्ञसमव्यधाद्भुवि नरानात्मीयसेवापरान् । वादींद्रान्बहुवादिदर्पशमनान् जित्वा तथास्थाप[य]योद्वैतं श्रुतिमूर्धनिर्णयचणो भाषादिसंस्कारकः ॥९॥ Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāņiniya School 89 यः शास्त्रलोकव्यवहारविद्योः जगत्समग्रं स्ववशं व्यतानीश(त्)। तमर्भकं कृष्णगुरोर्ममाभिरामेश्वराचार्य गुरुंगुणाब्धिः ॥ १० ॥ श्रीविठ्ठलाचार्यगुरोस्तनूज सौजन्यभाजं जितवादिराजम् । अनन्तसंज्ञ पदवाश्र(क्य !)विज्ञं प्रमाणचिन्तं तमहं नमामि ॥११॥ श्रीनागनाथं जितवाजिनाथं विद्याधिनाथं वशराजनाथम् । श्रीकृष्णसूतं विबुधं नमामि बह्वत्रयोगाहित (?) गोष्यतीति ॥१२॥ जगन्नाथाश्रमं वन्दे यतिवेदान्तकोविदम् ! पदवाक्यप्रमाणझं स्वधर्मनिरतं सदा ॥१३॥ श्रीरामाचार्य सुनुः हरिहरभजनैकायधीश्रीनृसिंहा....................................... व्याख्यारूपं प्रसादं विशदमकरवं विठ्ठलस्तेन तुष्यात् ॥१४॥ इति श्रीप्रकियाप्रसादवृत्तिः समाप्ता ॥ संवत् १७१७ वर्षे आसू सुदि १०। दिने बुधवासरे। श्री बृहत्खरतरगच्छेश श्रीयुगप्रधान श्री १०८ श्रीमज्जिनचंद्रसूरिशिष्य पं० भुवनमरुगणि तच्छिष्य वाचनाचार्यवर्यधुर्य श्रीपुण्यरत्नगणिशिष्यपं० दयाकुसलगणि लिखितेयं प्रलादप्रतिरियं ॥ शिष्यपं० धर्ममंदिरमुनिपठनार्थ । श्रीप्रल्हादनपुरे । वाच्यमानानां सुखं भूयात् ॥ श्रीभट्टारकश्रीमज्जिनसागरसूरि । आचार्य श्रीजिनधर्मसूरिविजयराज्ये ॥ यादृशं० ॥१॥ भग्नपृष्टि० ॥२॥ तैलाद्रक्षे०॥३॥ ग्रंथायं १८०० ॥ वाच्यमाना चिरं नंदतु ॥ लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ श्रीः ॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदीप्रसाद Prakriyākaumudiprasāda No. 104 284 1880-81 Size - 121 in. by 5 in. Extent -- 397 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. 12 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 Grammar Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with partial पृष्ठमात्राs. Clean and legible writing, fairly correct. Margins ruled in thick red. The side margins of some leaves slightly worn off and worim-eaten. Fol. 79 is omitted in numbering, while foll. 111, 167, 216 and 317 are numbered twice. Almost complete to the end of , wanting a few lines only at the end. Age-old in appearance. Ends-इतिद्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया ॥ भाष्यवृत्तिहरिग्रन्थतद्व्याख्यानार्थवेदिनः। कौतुकाक्रान्तमनसः प्रमोदयतु मत्कृतिः ॥१॥ श्रीरामचन्द्राचार्योक्तेः स्पष्टार्थत्वपि चित्रता। नाममेहःप्रयोज्योर्थः स्फाटिकागारगो यथा ॥२॥ पदे वाक्ये प्रमाणे च तत्त्वज्ञ ज्ञातृसंमतम् । रामचन्द्राचार्यसूरेरन्यं नोपालभामहे ॥ ३ ॥ येन व्याकरणार्णवैकतरणिः सा प्रक्रियाकौमुवी वेदान्तानुमता च वैष्णवमहासिद्धान्तसद्दीपिका। कालज्ञानविधौ विधायि विबुधानन्दिप्रबन्धत्रयं । कृष्णाचार्यसुतः समः सुखयतु श्रीरामचन्द्रो गुरुः॥४॥ श्रीरामाचार्यसूनुर्हरिहरभजनैकाग्रधीः श्रीनृसिंहाचार्यो यं माणिकांबाप्यजनयदतुलं विट्ठलाचार्यमार्यम् । तस्य श्रीपाणिनीयाद्यनुगुणसगुणे प्रक्रियाकौमुदीयव्याख्यानेऽस्मिन् प्रसादे सुविशदमगमत् सत्सुबं- ॥ ५॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदीप्रसाद Prakriyākaumudīprasāda No. 105 54 1869-70 Size--101 in. by 4 in. Extent - 618 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 40 letters in a line. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Description – Country paper, Devanāgarī characters with पृष्ठमात्राs, bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Consists of three books with different pagings 1st- leaves 1-409 to the end of Subanta; 2nd - leaves 1 - 132 to the end of Tinanta; 3rd- leaves 1-77 to the end of the Vaidika-prakriyā. Age The date of writing as given at the end of the 1st two books is 1606 Samvat ; while that at the end of the third is 1605 Samvat. Author — Vitthala. Subject Ends - 91 Commentary on the Prakriyākaumudi of Ramachandra. एवं छान्दसानि शिष्टानि सूत्राणि व्याख्याय वैदिकाः कियन्तः प्रयोगा दर्शिताः ॥ एवमन्येप्यूह्याः ॥ श्रीरामाचार्य सूनुर्हरिहरभजनैकाग्रधीः श्रीनृसिंहाचायं माणिकांबाप्यजनयद ( तु ? ) लं विट्ठलाचार्यमार्यम् । तस्य श्रीपाणिनीयाद्यनु ( गु ? ) णसगुणे प्रक्रियाकौमुदीयव्याख्यानेस्मिन्प्रसादे निरगमदमला वैदिकी प्रक्रियेयम् ॥ १ ॥ संवत् १६०५ वर्षे ज्येष्ट वदि ॥ शुक्रे अद्येह श्रीसूर्यपुरवास्तव्य आभ्यंतरनागरज्ञातीयस्मार्त वासुदेवकेन लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं ॥ The first part ends - व्याख्यानेऽस्मिन् प्रसादे सुविशदमगमत्सत्सुबन्तं समाप्ताः ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ कल्याणमस्तु ॥ इति श्रीप्रक्रियाकौमुदीयनो प्रसादः समाप्तः ( प्तिम् ) ॥ ॥ स्वस्ति संवत् १६०६ वर्षे श्रावणवदि १० रवौ अद्येह श्रीतापीतडे सूर्यपुरे लिखितोऽयं प्रसादः ॥ समाप्तमिति ॥ ... यादृशं पुस्तकं वीक्ष्य शोधनीयं सदा बुधैः । हीनाधिक्यैः स्वरैर्वणैरस्माकं दूषणं नहि ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकें &c. ॥ यावल्लवणसमुद्रो यावन्नक्षत्रमण्डितो मेरुः । यावद्भास्करचन्द्रौ तावदिदं पुस्तकं जयतु ॥ श्रीरस्तु || लेखक पाठकयोः कल्याणमस्तु ॥ श्रीः ॥ At the end of the 2nd part we find the following entry...व्याख्यानेऽस्मिन्प्रसादे निरगमदमलोयं चकारार्थवर्गः ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ कल्याणमस्तु ॥ संवत् १६०६ वर्षे श्रावणमासे शुद्धपक्षे १ गुरौ लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं ॥ ति० प्र० प्रसाद ॥ यादृशं पुस्तके दृष्टं &c. ....... ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 Grammar प्रक्रियाकौमुदीप्रसाद Prakriyākaumudiprasāda No. 106 80 1871-72 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 132 leaves ; 10 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing. There are two different bandwritings, fairly correct. Complete to the end of the Taddhita-prakarana; first leaf wanting; the corners of many leaves worm-eaten, so as to cause the loss of a few letters in several places. Age - Seems to be old. प्रक्रियाकौमुदीप्रसाद Prakriyākaumudiprasāda No. 107 507 1886-92 Size --- 11 in. by 41 in. Extent - 119 leaves, 17 lines in a page, about 56 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with sinais; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; only the gate to the end of the area; complete. The leaves have not been pro perly numbered. Age - Not very old in appearance, प्रक्रियाकौमुदीप्रसादे अव्ययप्रकरण Prakriyākaumudiprasāda, Avyaya-prakaraña No. 108 247 1884-86 Size - 11 in, by 5 in. Extent -9 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 34 letters in a line. Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 93 Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters, bold and legible writing, fairly correct, complete as far as it goes. Age – Seems to be of a new date. Subject — The chapter dealing with Avyayas, from प्रसाद, a com - mentary on the प्रक्रिया कौमुदी. Begins - - अथाव्यया निरूप्यन्ते ॥ स्वरादीति निपाता इति प्राग्रीश्वरान्नि पाता इत्यारभ्य अधिरीश्वर इति सूत्रपर्यंतं य उक्ता तांश्चाग्रे वक्ष्यति । Ends – श्रीरामाचार्यसूनुर्हरिहर...etc. प्राक्रया कौमुदीव्याख्या ( कृष्णपण्डिता वृत्तिः ) No. 109 Age — Fairly old in appearance. Author – Krishnapandita. - Prakriyakaumudivyākhyā (Krishnapandita ) Size - 92 in by 4 in. Description Extent – 397 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Tough Country paper Devanagari characters with पृमात्राs clear, careful handwriting. Margins carefully ruled with occasional marginal notes and emendations. Partial blank squares in the centre; frequent use of red chalk; the sides of the Ms. ruled double with red ink. Fairly accurate. The work is known as कृष्णपण्डिता वृत्तिः. Begins - श्रीमदिष्टो जीयात् । 240 1895-98 Subject A commentary on the Prakriyakaumudi of Ramchandra, composed by the order of Prince Kalyāṇa, son of Viravara अलिकुलमण्डितगण्डं प्रत्यूहव्यूह तिमिरमार्तण्डम् | सिन्दूरारुणशुण्डं देवं वेतण्डतुण्डमवलम्बे ॥ १ ॥ Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 Grammar वृन्दारण्यमहीषु वंशनिनदामन्दामृतास्वादनानिःस्पन्दानि दुधुक्षयेव सुरभीवृन्दानि संदानयन् । मन्दारद्रमवीथिकासु विहरन् वन्दारुवृन्दारकद्वन्द्वस्तुत्यभिनन्दितोऽस्तु जगदानन्दाय नन्दात्मजः॥२॥ शेवालश्रेणिशोभां दधति हरजटावल्लयो हन्त यस्यास्तग्रासोल्लासवल्गद्वरशफरतुलां यत्र धत्ते कलावान् । उन्मीलद्भोगिभोगावलिसुभगसिताम्भोजसंभाविताम्भा गङ्गानङ्गारिसङ्गा मम महति विधौ मङ्गलान्यातनोतु ॥३॥ स्फटिकोपलगौरमिन्दुलेखातिलकं लोचनपेयमम्बिकायाः। विपदो विनिहन्तु मे विशाला निजभालानलदीप्तमाद्यमोजः॥४॥ कलितकमलपुस्तन्यस्तहस्ताग्रमुद्रा दिशतु लिखनशुद्धिं शारदा सारदा नः। प्रतिवदनसरोजं या कवीनां नवीनां वितरति मधुधारां माधुरीणां धुरीणाम् ॥ ५॥ भास्वभूमीवलयतिलके धर्मकर्मप्रसूतावार्यावर्ते सुचरितकृताचार्यके विश्ववन्थे। अन्तर्वेदिर्जयति यमुनाजह्वजाव्याजभाजोर्बाह्वोर्मध्ये हरिगिरिशयोः स्पष्टलक्ष्मेव वक्षः॥६॥ तत्रोदुम्बरहार इत्यभिधया जागर्ति नीवृद्वरः । स्वर्लोकप्रतिबिम्बमम्बरचरैः साशङ्कमालोकितः। यस्मिन्नल्पितकल्पशाखिविभवाः शाखास? श)तोद्भासिताः सेव्यन्ते तरवोऽथ वेदगुरवः प्रत्याशयातैर्द्विजैः॥७॥ ब्रह्मावर्त नाम तत्रास्ति तीर्थ सार्थ पण्यं पूर्वपुण्यैरगण्यैः। यत्संसेव्य प्राप वल्मीकजन्मा सन्मानाहीं काव्यवाचां समृद्धिम् ॥ ८॥ आस्ते तस्मिन्नमरनगरीगर्वसर्वस्वहारी हारीभूतामलसुरसरित्पत्रपुञाभिधानः । ग्रामः स्वःस्त्रीजनविनिमयीभूतरामाभिरामः कामक्रीडाभवनमवनौ कश्चिदाश्चर्यरूपः॥९॥ यत्केलीभवनोदरे सुरमणिस्पर्धासुबद्धादरा रत्नानां प्रकरा निशास्वपि दिनाद्वैतं समातन्वते। Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School लज्जालोलदृशां विलासवलभीवातायनप्रस्थितैईग्भङ्गिभ्रमरीभरव्यतिकरैरद्यापि नीलं नभः ॥ १० ॥ साग्नयोsपि किल शीतलशीला विश्रुता अपि बहुश्रुतवन्तः । पण्डिता अपि जडाः परिवादे श्रोत्रिया इह सदा निवसन्ति ॥ ११ ॥ सद्धर्मकर्मपरिकर्मणमर्मविज्ञा विज्ञानवेदविषया विषयानपेक्षाः । साक्षादिवात्र विधयो निधयो गुणानां जातु द्विजा नहि निजाद्विचलन्ति मार्गात् ॥ १२ ॥ तत्र ब्राह्मणमण्डलेऽतिविपुले सत्कर्मभिर्निर्मले वाल्मीकिप्रतिवेशवासवसतो विज्ञातसर्वागमे । आसीद्भूपधरः परः स्मरहरः सच्छोत्रियाणां वरः शौर्योदार्यविवेकधैर्यनिलयो भूपालभूषामणिः ॥ १३ ॥ शिवः कपाली मघवापि गोत्रभि चन्द्रः कलङ्की तपनो विकर्त्तनः । शेषोऽपि चाशीविषवंशसंभवस्तत् केन लोकेऽयमिहोपमीयताम् ॥ १४ ॥ प्रत्यर्थिक्षितिपालबालवनिता सीमन्तसिन्दूरकालुण्टाकः प्रकटप्रतापतपन प्रोद्भासिताशा मुखः । त्रैलोक्योत्तरकर्मनिर्मितिपरिप्राप्तप्रतिष्ठस्ततः संभूतः कलिकालकल्मषपरीहाराय नारायण. ॥ १ ॥ यः सिंहासनमास्थितोऽपि सहजं पद्मासनं सेवते यो मालाः परिवर्तयत्यविरतं शालाविशालाः श्रिताः । योगं यः श्रयति क्षितिक्षिदुचिताचारे नियोगं चरन् वैदहं जनकं व्यजेष्ट नपरं लोकानशेषानपि ॥ १६ ॥ तस्मादाविरभूत्प्रभूतविभवो गाङ्गेयमेयोर्जितो गङ्गादास इति प्रसिद्धमहिमा गङ्गां समाराध्य यः । स्वामाख्यामकृतार्थयज्जगदलंच क्रेऽन्यचक्रेश्वरानक्लेशादजयज्जयैकनिलयः शक्रेऽप्यवज्ञापरः ॥ १७ ॥ हरिहरपदपद्मद्वन्द्वनिर्द्वन्द्वभक्ि प्रतिहतदुरितौघोल्लाघजङ्घालकीर्तिः । प्रतिदिवसवितीर्णस्वर्ण संप्रीणितार्थव्रजविहितशुभाशीः शीलिताशेषकामः ॥ १९ ॥ 95 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 967 'Grammar नानाजन्मशतार्जितेन तपसा गङ्गाधराराधनैर्य श्रीमाननभाभिधानसुभगे प(पा)तिव्रते ज्योतिषि । लेभे वीरवरं सुतं द्विजवरं प्रह्लादभीष्मार्जुनप्राया भागवता न यं तुलयितुं ब्रह्मर्षयो वा क्षमाः ॥२०॥ कामो वामदृशां निधिर्नयजुषां कालानलो विद्विषां स्वःशाखी विदुषां गुरुर्गुणवतां पार्थो धनुर्धारिणां। लीलावासगृहं कलाकुलभुवां कर्णः सुवर्णार्थिनां श्रीमान् वीरवरः क्षितीश्वरवरो वर्ति सर्वोपरि ॥२१॥ यस्य प्रौढतरः प्रतापतपनः प्रत्यार्थपृथ्वीभृतां कीर्ति सर्वगुणाश्रयामुदवहत् संयोजितां वेधसा। लाजा मेरुहिरण्यरेतसि हुताःक्ष्मामण्डलस्थाण्डले यस्मादुत्पतिताः स्फुरान्ति परितस्तारामिषाद्भरिशः॥ २२ ॥ सपी सा यत्कृपाणी गुरुभुजभुजगासंगतः संगरादी सद्यः कृत्तारिकण्ठच्युतरुधिररजोयोगमभ्यावहन्ती। दृप्यदानाम्बुपूरोत्कटकरिटिघटागण्डशैलेषु लग्ना सूते सद्यः किलाण्डानतिविमलगलद्भरिमुक्ताच्छलेन ॥२३॥ गङ्गादासात्मजन्मक्षितिरमणमणेः कीर्तिगङ्गानुषङ्गाः श्वेतन्ते स्फीतफेनस्तबकसमरुचो हारिदश्वाः किलाश्वाः। द्राग्वीक्ष्यामून् बिडीजाः पृथुपुलकभरः पार्थमाशङ्कमानो विष्वग्बाष्पायमाणान्यनुवहातिमुदा लोचनानां शतानि॥२४॥ यद्वाणी वाणिनीनामधरमधुरसद्रोहिणी रोहिणेयः पीत्वा हालावहेलां रचयति सुचिरं सम्मदाकूणिताक्षम् । किंचिद्राक्षासवृक्षाक्षररसनकरस्वस्तरुद्राक्षमाल: सोत्कण्ठं नीलकण्ठोप्यनुपठति शिरस्ताण्डवाड म्बरााण ॥२५॥ मौलो मन्दारदामभ्रमदलिपटलीकाकलीं श्रोणिबिम्बे कूजत्काञ्चीकलापं चरणकमलयोर्मजुमजीरसिजाम् । उत्संगे कीरगीतं स्तनभुवि मसृणं वल्कीपञ्चमं वा यत्काव्ये दत्तकर्णी शिवशिव मनुते भारती भारमेव ॥ २६ ॥ इन्दु निन्दति चन्दनं न सहते विद्वेष्टि पढेरुहं हारं भारमवैति नैव कुरुते कर्पूरपूरे मनः। स्वर्गङ्गामवगाहते हिमगिरि गाढं समालम्बते यत्कीर्तिविरहातुरेव न मनागेकत्र विश्राम्यति ॥ २७॥ Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 97 माघद्वतण्डगण्डस्थलबहलगलद्दानवारिप्रवाहैवैरिस्त्रीबाष्पवर्षेः प्रतिदिनविहितैर्विप्रदानोदकैश्च । सिक्ता पातालमूलं किमपि वसुमती यस्य नित्यं प्रसूते भूरि स्वर्गापवर्गप्रभृतिफलभृतः कीर्तिलक्ष्मीप्ररोहान् ॥ २८॥ बालार्कोदरसोदराविकिरणस्पष्टारिसीमन्तिनीसीमन्तेषु समर्थयन्नविरतं सिन्दूरपूरश्रियम्। सर्वाशाः परिपूरयन्निजयशःकर्पूरपूरैश्चिरं श्रीमान् वीरवरो जगत्यनुपमश्रीः केन वा वर्ण्यताम् ॥ २९ ॥ सोयं काव्यकलाविलासभवनं श्रीपारसीकेश्वरप्राणानामधिदेवतं गुरुगुणश्रेणीमणीरोहणम् । विद्यानां निकषोपलः कुलगृहं केलीकुरङ्गीदृशां शश्वत्पण्डितमण्डलीपरिवृतो विद्याविनोदं व्यधात् ॥ ३०॥ तस्यास्ति सर्वजनलोचनलोभनीयसौन्दर्यसारसनिवासविलासभूमिः। विद्याविनोदपरिमोदितभूरिसूरिः कल्याण इत्यभिधया तनयोऽभयज्ञः ॥ ३१॥ यस्यापाङ्गतरङ्गिते सुरगवी वक्त्रे च वाक्चातुरी कण्ठे चापि सरस्वती हृदि हरेभक्तिश्च शक्तिर्भुजे। आस्ते पाणितले सदा वितरणश्रीः पादपद्मे नृपः श्रेणीमौलिमणिप्रभा बत कथं स्त्रैणः कुमारोप्यसौ ॥ ३२ ॥ सर्वविद्याविदोप्यस्य कल्याणगुणशालिनः। अभिन्यविशतातीव तीक्ष्णव्याकरणे मतिः ॥ ३३ ॥ रसालंकारसारापि वाणी व्याकरणोज्झिता। श्वित्रोपहतगात्रेव न रञ्जयति सजनान् ॥ ३४॥ कल्याणस्य तनूद्भवस्य नृपतिः कल्याणमूर्तेस्ततः कल्याणी मतिमाकलय्य विषमग्रन्थार्थसंवित्तये। कृष्णं शेषनृसिंहसूरितनयं श्रीप्रक्रियाकौमुदी टीका कर्तुमसौ विशेषविदुषां प्रीत्यै समाजिज्ञपत् ॥ ३५॥ अस्फुटभावा प्रस्फुटदोषाभिहितापसिद्धान्ता। असमर्थकपदबन्धा नैषा परमप्यभावयत्यर्थम् (?) ॥ ३६॥ तस्माद्वीरवरान्महीशमुकुटालंकारचूडामणेः । प्राप्याज्ञां सुचिरं विभाव्य च हृदि ज्योतिर्दृसिंहाभिधम् । संतोषाय विशिष्य भाष्यविदुषां बोधाय दुर्मेधसां व्याख्याम्याकरसाक्षिकं सुविशदं तां प्रक्रियाकौमुदीम् ॥३७॥ 13 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar केचित् पूर्वनिबद्धसिद्धवचनोपन्यासदक्षाः परे पौर्वापर्यविरोधबोधविधुरा दृष्टाक्षरग्राहिणः। किं तैर्वक्तभिरत्र यः स्वविभवरुद्दष्य पूर्व परानुक्तं वक्ति परे (?) छिनत्ति विषमं व्याख्यात्यसौ दुर्लभः॥३८॥ प्राचां सूचितसूचितार्थगहने वाचां प्रपञ्चे घनश्वेतश्चञ्चलताविमोहविधुरं चिन्तां चिरं चुम्बति। कामं किंतु निरस्तविस्तरमिह प्रस्तुत्य मूलं शिशुत्रासान्यासि मया मितं हितमिहानुक्तं विविक्तं च यत् ॥३९॥ दुस्तर्ककर्कशधियां विदुषां मितोक्त्या निःशेषदोषपरिशोषमृते न तोषः। हन्ताभिनन्दति न मन्दमतिर्बहूक्तौ तत् केन वाणि करवाणि जनानुवृत्तिम् ॥४०॥ कतिचिदुद्धतनिर्भरमत्सराः कतिचिदात्मवचःस्तुतिशालिनः। अहह केपि निरक्षरक्षयास्तदिह संप्रति के प्रति मे श्रमः॥४१॥ अबुधा सुधा बत सुधासरसी सरसीभवद्वचनवीचिचये। मयि साधुसाधनपरे भवतां भवताच्चिराय खलता खलता ॥ ४२ ॥ मात्सर्यमुत्सार्य तथापि चायराचार्यहाई सुजनैर्विचार्य। फणिप्रयुक्ता भणतीविचिन्त्य चिरं मदुक्तिः परिभावनीया ॥४३॥ भाष्यादिषु न्यायसिद्धमर्थमाश्रित्य सिद्धवत् । व्याख्यास्ये कौमुदीन्यायाननुसंबद्धमाकरात् ॥४४॥ वह्नौ सुवर्णमिव यत् परिशोध्य शब्दालंकारनामनि मया निहितं निबन्धे । उद्धृत्य सारमिदीयमिहोपबद्धं सिद्धान्तशुद्धिविबुभुत्सुजनानुरोधात् ॥ ४५ ॥ हेवाकिभावादिह चेदहंयुदोष मृषा पश्यति निस्तुषेपि । किं तत्र कुर्मो मृदुलं दुकूलं : चेन्मूषको दूषयति द्विषाणः ॥ ४६॥ Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāņiniya School 199 विघ्नविघाताय कृतमङ्गलमादौ निबनन शिष्यावधानाय चिकीर्षितं प्रतिजानीते-श्रीमदिति ॥ Ends -पृथ्वीमण्डलमौलिमण्डनमाणः श्रीशेषवंशामलो तंसः श्रीनरसिंहमूरिरभवत् प्रत्यक्षवाचस्पतिः। तत्सूनोः कृतगूढभावविवृतौ सत्प्रक्रियाव्याकृती . श्रीकृष्णस्य कृतौ समाप्तिमगमत् सा वैदिकी प्रक्रिया ॥१॥ यत्कृपालेशतोपि जृम्भते माय वाङ्मयम् । नृसिंह नौमि शेषाङ्क दैवतं पितरं गुरुम् ॥२॥ इति विवृतनिगूढप्रक्रियाप्रौढभावा कृतिरियमिह दोषस्पर्शशङ्कां जहीत । यदि विविधनिबन्धाः साक्षिणः सन्ति सन्तो यदि च हृदि ममास्ते लग्नकः श्रीनृसिंहः ॥३॥ इति श्रीकृष्णपण्डिता वृत्तिः संपूर्णा ॥ Reference -See Eggeling's India Office Catalogue, No.622, where the more important stanzas from the beginning are quoted. प्रक्रियाकौमुदीव्याख्या Prakriyākaumudi, Commentary on No. 110 240 1895-98 Size -9 in. by 4 in. Extent — 397 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters with occa sional पृष्ठमात्राs; fine, clear and legible handwriting; square blanks in the centre. Copious marginal notes by the same hand; fairly correct and complete. Age - The Ms. seems to be old. Author-Krishpa-pandita. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 100 Grammar प्रक्रियाकौमुदीटीका Prakriyākaumudi, Commentary on No. 111 1881-82 Size -101 in. by 41 in. Extent-626 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description - Thin country paper, Devanagari characters; the Ms. consists of 2 parts, & Pūrvārdha going down to the द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया and an Uttarārdha covering the rest of the work including area. Generally legible but not very correctly written. Both sections consist of an earlier (and more carefully written ) and a later portion. The first part of foll. 1-435 wants the following leaves : _foll. 1, 4; foll. 21-1283; foll. 278, 279, 404, 418, and 420. The next part wants foll. 303, 304, 305, 307 and also the last one or two. Otherwise complete. Age - The whole Ms. is much old-looking especially the earlier part. Author - Krishna Pandita. Begins — Pūrvārdha commences with verse 8, and ends with the द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया. -The Uttarārdha commences thus :श्रीगणेशायनमः ॥ सिद्धे शब्दो(ब्दा )र्थसंबन्धे इति वार्तिककारेणार्थे प्रयुक्तानां शब्दानि(ना)मिदमनुसा(शा)सनमित्युक्तम् । प्रयोगश्च पदस्यैव अपदेव प्रयुञ्जीतेति निषेधात् ॥ पदं च द्विविधं सुप्तिङन्तं पदमिति वचनात् । तत्र श्रुतक्रमानुरोधेन सुबन्तानि व्युत्पाद्य तिङन्तानि व्युत्पादयिष्यन् प्रकरणादौ मङ्गलमाचरति । प्रकृतिरित्यादिना ॥ Ends — Uttarārdha - पृथ्वीमण्डल....etc. समाप्तिमगमत्सा वैदिकी प्रक्रिया ॥ यत्कृपालेशतोनेपि ज्जृम्भते मयि वाङ्यम्। नृसिंह नौमि शेषाङ्कं दैवतं पितरं गुरुम् ॥ इति विवृतनिगूढप्रक्रियाप्रौढभावा कृति-here abruptly ends the Ms. Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 101 प्रक्रियाकौमुदीटीका Prakriyākaumudi, Commentary on No. 112 541 1887-91 Size -11 in. by 5 in. Extent-( 258 +1= ) 259 leaves, 17 lines to a page, about 52 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanāgari characters with partial YSAFIS. Use of red chalk ; clear and legible writing. A corner of 11. 69-73 torn off; last but one leaf very much torn and damaged in the middle. The ink has gone off in many places. 1. 196 numbered twice as TA and fart; fairy accu rate and complete. Age - Samvat 1692. Author -- Krishna pandita. प्रक्रियाकौमुदीव्याख्या Prakriyākaumudi.vyākhyā No. 113 328 1895-1902 Size-124 in. by 8} in. Extent --- 454 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 64 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper, Devanăgari characters ; clear and legible writing, fairly accurate. The leaves are slightly worm-eaten, while the first few leaves are much damaged by wear and tear. Complete. Age — Samvat 1714, given at the end as well as at fol. 338a. Author - Krishnapandita. Ends - Fra FHIAATA95 TOT QITFETT gefangst वृत्तिः॥ श्रीकृष्णाय परमात्मने नमः ॥ संबत् १७१४ वर्षे भादवा वदि ८ चन्द्रवासरे चौहराज श्रीजैसाजी तदात्मज चौहराज Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 Grammar . श्रीरामदेवजी तदात्मज चि० शोभाचंदजी.......... ............... .....मिश्रजी भाई आम्हे जुदा कीया........... ..........॥ चि० रामनारायणको जन्म हुवा तदि ..........॥ The last four lines rubbed over and rendered illegible. .. .... ... .. . ... ... . .. . प्रक्रियाकौमुदीटीका Prakrijākaumudi-tīkā 31 No. 114 1868-69 Size -11 in. by 43 in. Extent -315 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters. Neat, bold and fine writing. The borders of a few leaves rather spoiled. Leaves 1, 44-47, 202, and 203 missing. Otherwise complete as far as it goes. The Ms. contains the latter half of the work beginning with the Tinanta-prakarana. Age-Samvat 1683. Author - Krishnapandita. Begins-(l. 2) तानि रूपाणि यस्यास्तया। ननु न प्रकृतिमात्र रूपातिव्य अनायालमत आह । प्ररप्रत्यय संनिधेरिति । Ends - पुनः पुनः पिबति पुनः पुनः स्वादतीत्यभ्यवहरतीति । अत्राभ्यव हरतीति नानुप्रयोगस्तस्य हि स्वांतयोरेव विधानात् । किंतु समुच्चयं द्योतयितुमच्छिको दर्शितः॥ पृथ्वीमण्डलमौलिमण्डनमणियः शेषवंशामलोतंसः श्रीनरसिंहसूरिरभवत्प्रत्यक्षवाचस्पतिः। तत्सूनोः कृतगूढभावविवृतौ सत्प्रक्रियाव्याकृतौ श्रीकृष्णस्य कृती समाप्तिमगमल्लार्थाश्रया प्रक्रिया ॥ संवत् १६८३ समये वैशाष सुदि १० लिषीत षनगसेनिकायस्थ गौडान्वय॥ Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Påniniya School प्रक्रियाकौमुदीटीका .. . 103 Prakriyākaumudi, Commentary on No. 115 485 1884-87 Size - 11 in. by 41 in. Extent - 112 leaves, 21 lines to a page, about 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper. Devanāgari characters generally with arms. Extremely clear and legible writing : fairly accurate. The Ms. is quite fragmentary without either beginning or end. Contains the following leaves :-- 108—(much torn) 111--160-( The first and the last much damaged) 217--267 272--275 279-282 287---288 Total 112 leaves. Age - Old in appearance. Author - Probably stiut son of attarit, as appears from the Col. which corresponds with that of No. 114 above. The Col. however is nowhere written in full. We only have gainESAS ANAHTASTIATT and so on. The Ms contains part of Fraquia, FIHITT , ar t , and portions from 3€ la प्रक्रियाकौमुदीव्याख्या Prakrigākaumudi Commentary on 241 No. 116 1895-98 Size — 121 in. by 5 in. Extent — (193-11= ) 182 leaves, 18 lines to a page, about 72 letters to a line. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 Grammar . Description - Old country paper much worn out; Devanāgari characters. Careful and legible writing, fairly accurate. The Ms. seems to have been exposed to damp; the last few leaves on each side considerably torn and spoilt. The Ms. wants leaves numbered 4, 10, 11, 12,50,51,52,81,82,83, and 91, and carries the text to the end of Subanta. Age - Samvat 1748. Author - Krishnapandita. Ends - श्रीकृष्णस्य कृती समाप्तिमगमद्वित्वाश्रयप्रक्रिया॥ इति द्विरुक्त प्रक्रिया । संवत् १७४८ वर्षे पौषमासे शुक्लपक्षे ११ तिथौ लिखितम् ॥ प्रक्रियाकौमुदीव्याख्या Prakriyakaumudivyākhyā No. 117 55 1916-18 Size-101 in. by41 in. Extent - 204 leaves, 20 lines to a page, 55 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs%3 clear and legible writing, generally correct. Complete to the end of Subantaprakriyā, but wanting fol 25. It is noteworthy that the name of the commentary as given in the Ms. is वीरवरप्रकाश, although the author is Krishnapandita. Age - Not very old Author - Krishnapandita. Ends - ......श्रीकृष्णस्य कृतौ समाप्तिमगमदाद्वित्वाश्रयप्रक्रिया । इति महाराजवीरवरकारिते प्रक्रियाकौमुदीविवरणे वीरवरप्रकाशे सुबन्तभागः समाप्तः॥ Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Parniya Schod 105 प्रक्रियाकौमुदीटीका Prakriyakaumudi, Commentary on No. 118 542 1887-91 Size – 9} in. by 4} in. Extent - 168 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 53 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, careful and legible hand. Margins..carefully ruled in red. Fairly accurate, but incomplete; breaks off abruptly in the middle of the Haut. Age --The Ms. bears an old appearance. Author - Krishṇapandita. प्रक्रियाकौमुदीटीका Prakriyākaumudi, Commentary on No. 119 .242 1895-98 Size - 10 in. by 4} in. Extent-(114-3= ) 111 leaves, 12 lines to & page, about 40 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper very much soiled; Devanagari characters. The ends of some leaves worn out. Leaves 21, 22, 71 missing ; leaf 88 written on one side only. Indifferent handwriting, not very correct. Incomplete, i. e., only upto family. Age - Much old in appearance, Author -- Of the commentary, Kāģinātha.. Subject - A gloss on the Prakriyākaumudi of Ramchandra, called Sāra. 14 [ Des. Cat. Vol. II | Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ags Cranionet Raging श्रीमाणिशाय नमः। श्रीमन्तं सच्चिदानन्दं प्रणम्य परमेश्वरम् । प्रक्रियाकौमुदीसिंधोः सारः संगृह्यते मया ॥ निर्विघ्नेन ग्रन्थपरिसमाप्तिकामो मङ्गलमाचरेत् etc. Ends --स्त्रियां सर्वनाम्नो वृत्तिमात्रे पुंवद्भाव इति टानो निवृत्तिः । इति श्रीकाशीनाथकृतौ प्रक्रियासारे द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया समाप्ता ॥ Saiyakaranasidahantakaumudi वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 120 330 Visrāma (i) Size -10 in. by 4t in. Extent - 623 leaves, 8 lines to & page, 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 legible but not very careful though generally correct writing. Marging ruled in double red, and red chalk often used. Complete, though without the लिंगानुशासन and its वृत्ति. Age --Not very old in appearance. Author - Bhattoji Dikshita. Subject - The well known popular recast of the Ashtādhyayi. Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः॥ मुनिन्नये नमस्कृत्य तदुक्ति (क्रीः) परिभाव्य च । बैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकौमुखीचं विरस्यते ॥ Ends-तमपः पिबा( ? )दनुदात्तत्वे स्वरितप्रचयावित्यादि यथाशास्त्र मुन्नेयम् ॥ इत्थं वैदिकशब्दानां दिङ्मात्रमिह दर्शितम् । तदस्तु प्रीतये श्रीमपानीविश्वनाथयोः॥ इति श्रीमहोजिदीक्षितविरचिलायां सिद्धान्तकौमुद्यां वैदिकस्वरप्रक्रिया समाप्ता ॥ समाप्ता सिद्धान्तकौमुक्दिी)॥ Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Panintya School ion Rétérence - Numérous editions of this work have been published, of which the most popular is the Nir. Sag. one. The Pāṇini Office at Allahabad has published a complete edition with translation and notes of the whole work, Vaigākaraṇasiddhāntakaumudi वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 121 ...196 1882-83 Size - 8 in. by 4 in. Extent -91 +1 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 28 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; margins ruled in double black, and red chalk often used. A few marginal notes by & later and careless, hand, who has even supplied one full leaf between 42 and 43, that way. Contains the a rhi, the स्वरप्रक्रिया ( including फिंद्र सूत्र) and the लिंगानुशासन, complete, Age-Rather old in appearance. Target Vaijākaranasiddhantakaumudi No. 122 36 1907-15 Size - 97 in, by 43 in. Extent-230 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters, bold, careful and legible bandwriting. Margins ruled in red ink, red chalk frequently used. Copious marginal notes and emenda tions in fine characters. Fairly accurate and complete. Age - Samvat 1727. Ends- gra siglathel Helleni taiachanaigi forte शासनं समाप्तम् । समाप्तेयं सिद्धांतकौमुदी । लिखितम् । संवत् Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 Grammar १७२७ वर्षे मधुमासे शुक्लपक्षे पञ्चमी कर्मवाद्या ॥ सकलपण्डिततरङ्गिणीदयित-सदृशपण्डित श्री ५ श्रीजीवविमलगणि-तच्चरणसरोरुहसांघ्रितुल्यसु । जीतविमलेन लिपिकृतम् । पठनकृते॥ शुभं भवतु । श्रीरस्तु॥ Vaigākaranasiddhantakaumudi वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 123 195 1882-83 Size -121 in. by 6 in. Extent-(39+34+33)76 leaves, 16 to 27 lines to a page, 48 to 70 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; the hand writing is bold in the beginning and towards the end but very small in the major part of the Ms. It is carefully and correctly written, with numerous marginal notes. Margins ruled in double red line and red chalk much used. One of the corners slightly worm-eaten, the पूर्वार्ध and the उत्तरार्ध sepa. rately paged. पूर्वाध complete, foll. 1-39%; उत्तरार्ध as far as a few lines from the end of नामधातुप्रक्रिया, foll. 1-34. Then follows a break of a few lines. The last 3 leaves begin with कृदंते कृत्यप्रक्रिया, after the completion of which the Ms. gives a page or two of कृदंत. Incomplete. Age - Samvat 1885. At the end of the पूर्वार्ध we have: इति भट्टोजिदीक्षितविरचितायां सिद्धान्तकौमुद्यां पूर्वार्द्ध समाप्तम्। संवत् १८ ८५॥ साले फाल्गुणमासे कृष्णपक्षे चतुर्दश्यां वार बुधवारे श्रीकाश्यां मध्ये कबिरचोरे लिखितं मंगलदासेन सिद्धांतकौमुदीपूर्वाद्धं समाप्तं ॥ Then follows a list of the प्रकरण of both the पूर्वार्द्ध and उत्तरार्द्ध. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya Schod 109 daraufheargę Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntakaumudi No. 124 345 1895-1902 Size - 94 in. by 37 in. Extent (122+77 = ) 199 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanāgari characters, bold and careful handwriting, generally correct. Red chalk frequently used. Leaves slightly worm-eaten. The Ms. gives two separate paginations, the first (1-122 ) carries the text from the beginning to the end of समासाश्रयविधयः and the second (1-77 ) to the end of द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया, thus completing the पूर्वार्ध. Age-Not very old in appearance. Ends – इति श्रीभट्टोजिदीक्षितविरचितायां सिद्धान्तकौमुद्यां पूर्वाध समाप्तम् ॥ श्री तुलजा ॥ इदं पुस्तकं गोरोपनाम्ना विष्णुभट्टात्मजेन केशवेन लिखितम् ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ agra uÆTTFatugi Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntakaumudi No. 125 346 1895-1902 Size -12 in. by 4 in., and 11; in. by 5 in. Extent — (131 + 46=) 177 leaves, 10 ( 11 ) lines to a page, 36 ( 50 ) letters to a line. Description - The Ms. consists of two parts, the first comparati vely modern, the second rather old in appearance. Country paper, Devanāgarī characters. The first part is written in bold and careful handwriting, the second in a careless style by a different hand. Frequent use of red chalk. The first part carries the text from the beginning of the STITE to the end of it, the second part giving the स्वर and the वैदिकी प्रक्रिया, as well as foglalat. Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 Granímica Age - First part, modern in appearance; the second part relative ly older. Begine (First part)- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीगजाननाय नमः। श्रोत्रार्हन्ती चणैर्गुण्यैर्महर्षिभिरहर्दिवम् । तोष्टयमानोऽप्यगुणो विभुर्विजयतेतराम् ॥१॥ पूर्वार्धे कथितास्तुर्यपञ्चमाध्यायवर्तिनः । प्रत्यया अथ कथ्यन्ते तृतीयाध्यायगोचराः॥२॥ तत्रादौ दश लकाराः Ends ( First part)-- इत्थं लौकिकशब्दानां दिङ्मात्रमिह दर्शितम् । विस्तरस्तु यथाशास्त्रं दर्शितः शब्दकौस्तुभे॥१॥ भट्टोजीदीक्षितकृतिः सैषा सिद्धान्तकौमुदी। प्रीत्यै भूयाद्भगवतोभवानीविश्वनाथयोः॥२॥ इति श्रीमद्विद्वन्मुकुटभट्टोजीदीक्षितविरचितायां सिद्धान्तकौमुद्यां उत्तरार्ध समाप्तम् ॥ श्रीभवानीशंकरौ॥ Begins ( Second part)-श्रीगणेशाय नमः । छन्दसि पुनर्वस्वोरेकवचनम् । Ends (Second part)- इति श्रीभट्टोजिदीक्षितविरचितायां सिद्धान्त कौमुद्यां लिङ्गानुशासनं समाप्तं जातम् ॥ वेङ्कटेश(:) प्रीयताम् ॥ On the first folio we read गंगाधराचार्यसूनोर्वासुदेवार्यधीमतः। पुत्रस्य नृहरेरेतज्जगज्जानातु पुस्तकम् ॥ इदं पुस्तकं सिद्धान्तकौमुद्याः श्रीनिवासाचार्याणां ज्ञेयम् ॥ वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Vaiyākaranasiddhantakaumudi No. 126 658 1883-84 Size - 12 in, by 5 in. Extent - 6 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 38 letters to a linie, Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 111 Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold and legible writing; generally correct. Contains only the Vaidiki prakriya, and that too incomplete, the text breaking abruptly in the middle of Adhyāya IV. Age - Not very old in appearance. वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No, 127 Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi 283 1899-1915 Size - 8 in by 42 in. Extent - 43 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. The Ms. wants fol. 1 and fol. 13 and contains the स्वरवैदिकी प्रक्रिया, Saravat 1830. Age Bopins—— मत्वाख्यातम् । इन्धेश्छन्दोविषयत्वाद्भुवो वुको नित्यत्वात्ताभ्यां लिटः चिनानर्थक्यमिति ॥ इति प्रथमोध्यायः ॥ Ends- इति श्रीसिद्धान्तकौमुद्यां भट्टोजिदीक्षितविरचितायां वैदिकप्रक्रिया ॥ संवत् १८३० वैशाखमासे कृष्णपक्षे षष्ठीयंके लीषारामभीछु कदाशका एस्थ । शुभमस्तु । प्रौढमनोरमा No. 128 After this the last 3 lines of the text as well as the Colophon are repeated to make the conclusion. Then follow a few lines of the लिङ्गानुशासन. Praudhamanorama 83 1871-72 Size - 113 in by 5 in. Extent -- 155 leaves, 15 lines in a page, about 56 letters in a line. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 Grammar Description-Country paper; Devanagari characters%3 bold and legible writing ; fairly correct. Pūrvārdha complete. Age - Samvat 1863. Author -- Bhattoji Dikshita. Şubject - A gloss or supplementary commentary on the author's own Siddhānta-kaumudi. The Ms. contains only the Pūrvārdha. The work is distinguished for its learning and numerous allusions to grammatical works old and new, for which see page 76 and ff. of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the B. A. S. Library, pt. I, by R. Mitru. Begins-ध्यायं ध्यायं परं ब्रह्म स्मारं स्मारं गुरोगिरः। सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्यां कुर्मः प्रोढमनोरमाम् ॥१॥ यवरट्। Ends- तग्रंथस्यांजस्येनैव व्याख्यातत्वाच्चेति दिक। इति श्रीभट्टोजीदीक्षितविरचितायां प्रौढमनोरमायां सिद्धांतकौमुदीव्याख्यायां पूर्वार्द्धः समाप्तः ॥ श्रीशुभमस्तु ॥ इति मनोरमाव्याख्यायां प्रथमवृत्तिसमाप्तः । लिखितमिदं ज्योतिर्विदूपुत्रेण दिनकरेण संवत् १८६३ ना पौष विद ५ तदनंत ६ बुद्धवारषु लिखितमिदमात्मपठनार्थ किंचि परोपकारार्थ । सकलदेवाः विजयतु । रामं सीतां लक्ष्मणं जीविकार्थे वीक्रीणीते यो नरस्तं च धिग्धिकू । अस्मिन्पद्ये योपशब्दानवोत्त व्यर्थप्रहं पण्डितं तं च धिकाधिक ॥ प्रौढमनारमा Praudhamanoramā No. 129 519 1886-92.. Size -121 in. by 51 in. Extent --- 201 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters, bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Purvardha complete. Written - "at Jaipur. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113 B. Pāriniya School Age - Samvat 1821. Begins - ध्यायं ध्यायं परं ब्रह्म स्मारं स्मारं गुरोगिरः। सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्यां कुर्मः प्रौढमनोरमाम् ॥१॥ हयरवट। Ends - सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्या सेयं प्रौढमनोरमा। समाप्तं तत्र पूर्वार्ध तेन तुष्यतु शंकरः॥ इति श्रीभट्टोजिदीक्षितविरचितायां प्रौढमनोरमायां सिद्धांतकौमुदीव्याख्यायां पूर्वार्द्ध समाप्तिमगात् । श्रीसीतारामो जयति । श्रीमहाराजिश्रीमहांतबालानंजीपठनार्थ लीषतं सालिग्रामब्राह्मणबासीकावटकादेसबतीसीका जैपुरमध्ये लीषी श्रीमहाराजि श्रीजीकी सरणीनीरंतर सुमरण । शुभं भवत् । श्रीरस्तु । श्रीबीश्वक्सेनाय नम ॥ संवत् १८२१ का काती बदी ६ रवदिने। श्री महाभागवताय नमः । शुभं भवः ॥ प्रौढमनोरमा Praudhamanoramā No. 130 657 1883-84 Size -12 in. by 5 in. and 41 in. Extent -(57+29= ) 86 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 64 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; careful and bold writing, generally correct. Margins ruled in black, red chalk used in places. The first 26 leaves are less broad than the rest of the Ms. and the handwriting is also smaller on some leaves than on others. The Ms. begins with the Uttarārdha (foll. 1-57, but there is a confusion between two distinct paginations ), which is however incomplete, reach. ing about the beginning of the ण्यंतप्रक्रिया. Then follows the वेदिकीप्रक्रिया ( foll. 1-29) which is complete. The ten leaves from Shadlingi, stated to be included in this number, are absent at present. 15 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II) Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 Grammar Age - Samvat 1113. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । ग्रंथमध्ये कृतं मंगलं शिष्यशिक्षायै निब ध्नाति ॥श्रोत्रेति॥ Ends-परेषान्मासमाचारं व्यालिस्तोषैत्स्वरोपरावितिवचनात् ॥ इत्थ मन्यन्न (?)पि मुनित्रयवचांसि तत्तत्प्रातिशाख्यानि तव्याख्यातृगिरो निरुक्तादिग्रंथाश्च पर्यालोच्य तत्तं(!)निर्णेयं ॥ तदाह यथाशास्त्रमुग्नेयमिति ॥ अखंडमपि यत्सर्वकृतद्धितपरं ( ? )। अशेषशास्त्रसंवेद्यमक्षरं तदुपास्महे ॥ सिद्धांतकौमुदीव्याख्या सेयं प्रौढमनोरमा। भट्टोजि( दी )क्षितकृतिर्भूयादि( द्विश्वेशतुष्टये ॥ इति श्री पदवाक्यप्रमाणज्ञश्रीलक्ष्मीधरसूरेः सूनुना भट्टोजिदीक्षितेन रचितायां प्रौढमनोरमायामुत्तरार्ध समाप्तम् ॥छ । संवत् १७१३. समभद्रपददिनौम्यां वार सोमवासरे इदं पुस्तकं लिषतं प्रसादब्राह्मनेन संनाहमोचकं कासीबासी छेत्तपालशमीपे अस्थलंव्रतते ॥राम॥ प्रौढमनोरमा Praudhamanoramā No.131 115 A. 1882-83 Size -94 in. by 4g in. Extent -(121+120 = ) 241 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description - Thin but tough Country paper ; Devanāgari charac ters. Very clear, careful and accurate writing. Margins ruled in red. The call and the TRIE are paged separately. Complete. Age -Samvat 1821. Ends- इति पदवाक्यप्रमाणज्ञश्रीलक्ष्मीधरसुरेः सुनूना भटोजीदीक्षितेन विरचितायां प्रौढमनोरमायामुत्तरार्द्ध समाप्त(ति)मगमत् ॥ Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 115 समाप्ता चेयं टीका ॥ संवत् १८२१ मितिर्माघसितदशम्यां तिथौ गुरुवासरे लिखितं विपश्चिज्जीवमाणिक्यमुनिना श्री उदयरामसरमध्ये ॥ शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयोः ॥ श्रीः ॥ प्रौढमनोरमा No. 132 Praudhamanorama Size -- 10g in by 4g in. Extent ~ ( 213 +95 + 84 = ) 392 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 60 letters to a line. 331 1895-1902 Description - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters, bold and careful writing, generally correct. The Ms. gives three separate pagings, the first (1-213) takes the text from the beginning to the end of the gai, the second (1-95), from that point to the end of तिङन्त ; while the third ( 1-84) from a to the end of it. The margins of are covered with yellow pigment. the beginning of most of the leaves Complete. Age - Samvat 1708. Ends—इति श्रीवेदवेदान्तप्रतिपादिताद्वैतसिद्धान्तस्थापनाचार्यलक्ष्मीधर प्रौढमनोरमा No. 133 पुत्रभट्टोजिदीक्षितविरचितायां सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्यायां प्रौढमनोरमायां कृदन्तप्रक्रिया ॥ रामरामः ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ संवत् १७०८ समये फाल्गुनवदि दशमीसनिवासरे अगस्तीश्वरसंनिधौ पुस्तकं समाप्तमिति ॥ वीरवीरेश्वरो जयति ॥ Size - 92 in by 41 in, and 92 in by 42 in. Praudhamanoramā 643 1882-83 Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 Grammar Extent -(169+66 = ) 235 leaves, 11, 13 or 17 lines to a page, 38 to 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear and legible writing. The Ms. consists of aice (complete ) and उत्तरार्द्ध to the end of तिङ्त. The पूर्वार्द्ध is put together from three different portions. The first 17 leaves are in a less elegant handwriting than the body of the Ms., while foll. 33-41 are fresh additions. The TRT which is on a different size of paper is similarly the work of the same two scribes that wrote the other portions of the gate. Red and yellow chalks sparingly used; generally accurate and complete as far as it goes. Age - Not very old in appearance. प्रौढमनोरमा Praudhamanoramā No. 134 332 1895–1902 Size -12 in. by 5 in. Extent -51 leaves, 26 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper much worn out, Devanāgari characters. Small, rapid but generally legible handwriting, fairly accurate. The margins all around are torn and much worn out and occasionally worm-eaten, the first and last leaves more damaged than others. The Ms. carries the text from the beginning towards the end of the समासाश्रयविधि. Incomplete and fragmentary. Age - Fairly old in appearance. Ends- गौतमस्मृतौ तु स्नातकधर्मेषु अधेनुमव्योत ब्रूयादिति प्रयुक्तं तत्रा र्षत्वान्नुमागमो नेति व्याख्यायां मिताक्षरायां हरदत्तः । प्वोरूं पृण इति । Thus abruptly ends the Ms. Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 117 प्रौढमनोरमा Praudhamanoramā No. 135 333 1895-1902 Size - 111 in. by 5 in. Extent - ( 123 - 55= ) 68 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 34 letters to uline. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, correct on the whole. Ms. begins from the beginning but ends abruptly and wants fol. 2-17 and 69 - 107. Fragmentary and incomplete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Ends —... THTHIO Typ free falli i fyra ara tal त्यव्ययमिदानीमित्यर्थे । एतर्हि संप्रतीदं नो मधुना सांप्रतं तथेत्यमरः। तच्चाधिकरणशक्तिप्रधान प्रौढमनोरमा सटीका (gyznaczen) No. 136 Praudhamanoramā with a Commentary (Laghu-Sabdaratna) 520 1886-92 Size -11 in. by 4; in. Extent - 266 leaves, 11 lines in page, about 50 letters in & line. Description - Country paper; Devanāgari characters, bold and legible writing. The text of the Manorama written in the middle with the commentary above and below; fairly correct. Complete from the beginning to the end of the Kāraka section. Age - Samvat 1880. Author - Bhattoji Dikshita of the Manorama, and Hari Dikshita (Bhattoji's grandson ) of the Commentary. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 Grammar Subject - Praudha-Manoramā accompanied by a Commentary on it styled the Sabdaratna : the present Ms. seems to be an abridgment of the original Com. by the same author. Begins ( Commentary ) श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ शेषविभूषणमीडे, [ शेषा]शेषार्थलाभाय । दातुं सकलमभीष्टं फलमीष्टे यत्कृपादृष्टिः॥ ध्यायमिति । ध्यात्वा ध्यात्वेत्यर्थः । णमुलन्तमेतत् । Ends ( Commentary )- इति सप्तमी ॥ विस्तरतु अस्मत्कृते शब्दरत्ने .. मदन्तेवासिशब्देन्दुशेखरादौ च द्रष्टव्यः ॥ संवत् १८८० भाद्रकृष्णे द्वितीयायां भृगौ लिखितं विष्णुदयालुना कारकान्तं मनोरमा शब्दरत्नं । समाप्तम् । शुभम् ॥ Reference -See Nos. 651-652 of Eggeling's India Office Cata logue. Also page 40a of Burnell's Tanjore Catalogue; Rajendralal Mitra's Descriptive Catalogue p. 80; and Madras Oriental Library, Descriptive Catalogue, Vol. III. Nos. 1404 ff. प्रौढमनोरमाटीका (लघुशब्दरत्न) No. 137 Praudhamanoramātīkā ( Laghu Sabdaratna ) 261 1884-86 Size -9 in. by 5t in. Extent -67 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 34 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; incomplete. The Ms. contains only the कारक section ( fol. 1-62) and a very small part of the समास section ( fol.62-67). Age-Seems to be a new copy. Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya Schod 110 Begins- श्रीः॥ नीलरूपवदिति ॥ प्राशस्त्ये मतुए। तृायासमासो वा। मतुब्रहितपाठे तु बहुव्रीहिः । Ends -तत्र तेनेदमिति सरूपे तदस्य तदस्मिन्स्यादिति इत्यादावितिशब्दः। प्रकर्षे प्रकाशे निदर्शने वा० तत्त्वं च लोकप्रसिद्धत्वम् । निदर्शनं च लौकिकनामेव० नच नारद इती-here abruptly ends the Ms. प्रौढमनोरमाटीका (लघुशब्दरत्न) No. 138 Praudhamanoramātikā Laghu-sabdaratna 545 1887-91 Size -13] in. by 4 in. Extent -(262-(50+3) = 209 leaves; 10 lines to a page; about 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters, bold and legible writing; generally accurate. Wanting leaves 8-50 and 241-243. Many blanks occur, esp. on 1.220 and following; owing probably to the imperfect condition of the Ms. copied. The last few leaves and a few more leaves here and there slightly worn out. Incomplete.' Age--Samvat 1824. Begins - The Ms. begins in the early part of the अजन्तलिंग section. Ends -व्यवस्थितविकल्पोत यावत् । इत्यष्टमः॥ इति श्रीमद्दीक्षितभट्टोजि पौत्रदीक्षितवीरेश्वरपुत्रदीक्षितहरिविरचिते लघुशब्दरत्ने वैदिकी समाप्ता ॥ सं. १८२४॥ प्रौढमनोरमाटीका लघुशब्दरत्न No. 1393 Praudhamanoramātikā Laghusabdaratna 521 1886-92 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 Grammar Extent - 202 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 40 letters in a line. Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Pūrvārdha complete. Description Age – Samvat 1888. Ends - - इति श्रीमद्दीक्षितभट्टोजिपौत्रदीक्षितहरिविरचिते प्रौढमनोरमाव्याख्याने लघुशब्दरत्ने सुबंतं समाप्तं ॥ संवत् १८८८ सावन कृष्णपक्षषष्ठी ६ पूर्वार्ध समाप्त ॥ श्री ॥ प्रौढमनोरमाटीका लघुशब्दरत्न No. 140 Praudhamanoramāṭīkā Laghuśabdaratna 106 1881-82 Size - 10 in by 4g in. Extent – 96 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 38 letters to a line. Description – Country paper, Devanāgarī characters, bold, legible and fairly accurate. Margins ruled in double black, and red chalk much used. Contains the complete, including the वैदिकी प्रक्रिया. प्रौढमनोरमाटीका (लघु ) शब्दरत्न No. 141 Age — Rather new in appearance. Ends – ज्यवस्थिततयेति ॥ छंदसि सर्वविधीनां वैकल्पिकत्वादिति भावः । विकल्पव्यवस्थयेति । व्यवस्थितविकल्पेनेति यावत् ॥ इत्यष्टमः ॥ इति श्रीमद्दीक्षित भट्टोजिपौत्र दीक्षितवीरेश्वरपुत्रदीक्षितहरिविरचिते लघुशब्दरत्ने वैदिकी समाप्ता ॥ Praudhamanoramātikā (Laghu) Sabdaratna 659 1883-84 Size - 13 in. by 57 in. Extent112 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 72 letters to a line. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pániniya School 121 Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 clear and careful writing, generally accurate. The Ms. consists of foll. 1-23 of the उत्तरार्ध or तिडत, and foll. 24-113 (with fol. 41 om. in counting) of the सुबंत. Apparently the first 23 leaves of ada were worm-eaten, as also the rest of the leaves of तिडत. Incomplete. The margins distinctly call the work ल(घु )श(ब्द )र(त्न). Age - Not very old in appearance. Begins (The तिङत)- श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ ग्रंथमध्यकृतमिति । मंगला दीनि मंगलमध्यानि मंगलांतानि च शास्त्राणि प्रथंते वीरपुरुष काणीत्यादिभाष्योक्तफलोद्देशेनेत्यर्थः ॥ ताभ्यां वित्तौरति ॥ Ends (The सुबंत) - आंजस्येनैवेति । अत्र केचिदित्यादिना मदुक्तया मूलस्थरीत्येति भाव इति शुभम् ॥ इति श्रीमद्दीक्षितभट्टोजिपौत्रदीक्षितहरिविरचिते प्रौढमनोरमाव्याख्याने लघुशब्दरत्ने सुबंतं समाप्तिमगमत् ॥ श्रीगुरुचरन(ण)कमलेभ्यो नमः ॥ प्रौढमनोरमाटीका (लघु)शब्दरत्न Praudhamanoramåtika ( Laghu) Sabdaratna No. 142 644 1882-83 Size-101 in. by 4, in. Extent - 87 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; written by two scribes; the first who writes more neatly contributed foll. 1-52, the share of the other scribe being paged separately. Begins with beginning but breaks down in the midst of the स्त्रीप्रत्यय section, going down to the end of the प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञासूत्र. The first scribe calls the work ला"घु )श(ब्दरत्न) in the margins. Age - Rather old in appearance. 16 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 Grammar प्रौढमनोरमाटीका लघुशब्दरत्न Praudbamanoramātikā Laghusabdaratna No. 143 190 1882-83 Size -98 in. by 41 in. Extent -169 leaves, 18 lines to a page, 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible . and generally correct writing. Written probably by more than one scribe. Goes down from the beginning to the end of कारक, Complete so far as it goes. Fol. 79 is repeated. Age - New in appearance. Ends-विस्तरस्त्वस्मत्कृते शब्दरत्ने मदन्तेवासिकृतशब्देंदुशेखरादौ । द्रष्टव्यः। इति श्रीमद्दीक्षितभट्ठोजिपौत्रहरिविरचिते प्रौढमनोरमा व्याख्याने लघुशब्दरत्ने कारकांतं संपूर्ण ॥ श्रीशंकराय नमः॥ - प्रौढमनोरमाटीका (लघु)शब्दरत्न Praudhamanoramātika (Laghu)Sabdaratna No. 144 100 1902-1907 Size - 10 in. by 4 in. Extent-35 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters, careful and legibly written, fairly correct. Margins ruled in red; occasional marginal emendations. The Ms. extends from the beginning to the end of the स्वादिसंधिप्रकरण. Age - Not very old in appearance. Ends-विस्तरस्तु अस्मत्कृते शब्दरत्ने मदन्तेवासिकृते शब्ददुशेखरादौ द्रष्टव्यः॥ इति स्वादिसंधिः॥ Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School प्रौढमनोरमाटीका लघुशब्दरत्न 183 Praudhamanoramātikā Laghusabdaratna No. 145 103 1902-07: Size -10 in. by 4 in. Extent - 40 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 49 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear and legible handwriting, not very accurate. The first 35 leaves missing; the Ms. carries the text to the end of the अव्यय section. Fragmentary. Age -Saka 1730. Begiris-श्री ॥ व्यर्थ स्यादिति । नच अस्यापत्यामिरिया( ? )नित्यादी प्रत्ययत्वप्रयुक्तनिषेधबाधेन तच्चरितार्थम् ॥ म.nd - न पुनर्हस्व इति भावः ॥ इत्यव्ययानि ॥ खाग्निक(१७३० )मिते शाके माधे च प्रतिपत्तिथी। . चन्द्रे रात्रौ च शुक्लेन लिखितं गुरुसंनिधौ ॥ भावप्रकाशिका (शब्दरत्नटीका) No. 146 Bbāvaprakāśikā Commentary on Śabdaratna 486 .. 1884-87 Size -13 in. by 5 in. Extent -- 75 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 71 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters; very clear, bold and legible writing, first two leaves slightly worm eaten; generally accurate, but incomplete. Age - Does not seem to be very old. Author - Vaidyanatha Payagunda. Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 Subject A commentary on the Sabdaratna (or Brihachchhabdaratna) of Hari Dikshita, which is itself a commentary on the Praudhamanorama, the well known commentary of Bhattoji on his own Siddhantakaumudi. Begins - शिवं शिवेशं शिवदं शिवान्यदं Grammar शिवांगकं शैवशिवोपशोभितम् । शिवं शिवे उचा (ज्या ? ) रत भीतभंजकं शिवोपदेष्टारमनंतकं नुमम् ॥ १ ॥ शेषालंकारकं दुर्गे रमोमाकांतया युतम् । गुरुं नत्वा श्रये षदशकरत्नँदुशेखरम् ॥ २ ॥ भावप्रकाशिकां व्याख्यां कर्तुं बालदयाचितः । पायगुंडेत्युपाख्यातो वैद्यनाथो यथामति ॥ ३ ॥ तत्र तावद् ग्रंथादौ ग्रंथमध्ये च ग्रंथांते मंगलं चरेत् Ends – The Ms. breaks down somewhere in the middle of अचसंधि प्रकरणम्. Reference Stein's Catalogue of the Raghunath Temple Lib. (Jamu and Kāsmir ), 44; also Madras Oriental Library Descriptive Catalogue, Vol. III, No. 1410. भावप्रकाशिका ( शब्दरत्नटीका ) No. 147 Age – Samvat ( ? ) 1858. - Bhāvaprakasikā Commentary on Sabdaratna 344 A 1881-82 Size - 12 in. by 4 in. Extent – 390 leaves, 22 lines to a page, 57 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, not very correct. Probably the work of more than one scribe. Goes down from the beginning to the end of the कारक8. Foll. 103 and 203 repeated and & शोधपत्र inserted for fol. 146. Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 125 Ends - एतदर्थस्येति। एतदर्थकस्येत्यर्थः । सितः शुक्लः इत्यर्थः इत्यर्थ सतीत्यर्थः । इति सप्तमी ॥ इति श्रीमत्पायगुंडोपाख्यमहादेवसुतवैद्यनाथविरचितायां भावप्रकाशिकायां स्क्राकक (१) प्रररणं संपूर्णम् ॥ मी शावनसुदीप्रवासमः १८५८ ॥ श्रीगुंगोविंदजी सहाव ॥ भावप्रकाशिका . (शब्दरत्नटीका) No. 148 Bhāvaprakāśikā Commentary on Sabdaratna 514 1886-92 Size -13 in. by 5 in. Extent-51 leaves,13 lines in a page, about 58 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; incomplete both ways; only ___a fragment (1. 1-20 and 3-33). Age - New in appearance. Begins- यः ध्वनितत्वं तत्राद्यपक्षे ध्वनयितुमन्त्यपक्षेऽर्थमाह । तत्रेति । अंत्यपक्षे इत्यर्थः। फलांतराभावेनेतिEnds-नच परविधावित्युक्ते स्थान्यादेशान्यतरापेक्षयाऽपरत्वे गृह्यमाणे कथं वेभिदितेत्यादिसंग्रहः । उच्यते यस्य स्थानिवत्त्वं तन्नि...... प्रौढमनोरमाखण्डन Praudhamanoramākhandana (अथवा परमतखण्डन) __ (Paramatakhandana) No. 149 ___481 1884-87 Size - 131 in. by 5 in. Extent - 58 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters. The first 25 leaves only numbered. The rest have a later and a fresh numbering ; bold and legible writing. Correct but incompletely carried down to a little beyond the स्त्रीप्रत्यया, Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 Grammar Age - Does not seem to be very old. Author - Chakrapāņi, the disciple of Vireśvara of the sto family. Subject - The work is meant to attack the explanations of Pāṇini's Sūtras given in the Praudhamanoramā of Bhattoji. Begins-श्रीगणेशाय नमः । वरदमूर्तये नमः। विरोधिनां तिरोभावभव्यो यद् भारतीभरः। वीरेश्वरं गुरुं शेषवंशोत्तंसं भजामि तम् ॥१॥ दारितरिपुवक्षोत्रं सचक्रपाणिं नरहरिं नत्वा। . विद्वन्मंडलहृद्यं तत्परमतखंडनं तनुते॥२॥ __ हयवरट् । हद्वयोपदेशोऽङिणोशल्बलोश्च हकारग्रहणार्थः ॥ यत्तुहयवरट्सूत्रे हकारोपदेशप्रयोजनमडादौ तब्रहणमित्युक्त्वा हलसूत्रमुपादायैतत्सूत्रप्रयोजनं शलादौ हग्रहणं तेनाधुक्षुदित्यादि सिध्यतीत्युक्तम् । तन्न &c. Ends - न च चैत्रादेस्तृतीयापत्तेरप्रथमांतत्वाद् बहुव्रीहनापत्तिः कृतकर्म लक्षणायान्वयस्याव्युत्पन्नत्वात्पक्तृशब्दस्यैव चैत्रान्वयान्नैकार्थीभावाभावे चैतृपक्तृकप्रयोग-Thus abruptly ends the manu soript. Reference -Oppert 6969,7770. पौडमनोरमाखण्डन (अथवा परमतखण्डन) No. 150 Praudhamanoramākhandana ( Paramatakhandana) 501 1884-87 Size-84 in. by 4, in.. Extent — (73 - 5 + 1 =) 69 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; writing bold and fairly legible, generally correct but fragmentary. Wanting 2nd, 3rd, 54th, 69th and 70th leaves ; 1. 58 is numbered twice; leaves 46, 43 and 28 written on one side only. The earlier leaves more damaged than those towards the end. The Ms. is carried down to a little beyond हलंत स्त्रीलिंग. Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya Schodd 120 Age - Considerably old in appearance. Begins -विरोधीनां तिरोभावभव्यो यद्भारतीभरः। विश्वेश्वरं गुरुं शेषवंशोत्तंसं भजामि तम् ॥१॥ दारितरिपुवक्षोत्रं सचक्रपाणिं नरहरिं नत्वा । विद्वन्मंडलहृद्यं तत्परमतखंडनं तनुते ॥२॥ हयवरट्। हद्वयोपदेशः &c. Ends- अत्र केचित् हलित्येकदेशस्यैव तंत्रावृत्त्यैकशेषान्यतममस्तु हस्य ल इति च व्याख्यास्यत इति सामीप्यं च षष्ठयर्थः॥ यद्वा मास्तु तंत्रादिरस्तु समाहारद्वंद्वः ॥ हस्य- Thus abruptly ends the manuscript. बृहच्छब्देंदुशेखर Brihachchhabdendusekhara No. 151 45 1868-69 Size -123 in. by 5t in. Extent - 81 leaves, 11 lines in a page, about 50 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanagari characters; very neat, bold and beautiful writing. The Ms. contains only a small fragment of the work. Age -Quite a new copy. Author -Nagoji-bhatta, son of Sivabhatta surnamed Upadhyaya and patronized by Rama, chief of Sringavera. Laghuśabdendusekhara is an abridgment of this work, by the same author. Subject - A commentary on the Siddhānta-kaumudi of Bhattoji Dikshita, to serve as a companion to the Manoramā by the latter. Begins - नागेशः किल नागेशभाषितार्थविचक्षणः। शिवभट्टसुतो धीमान उपाध्यायोपनामकः॥१॥ याचकानां कल्पतरोररिकक्षहुताशनात्। शृंगवेरपुराधीशाद्रामतो लब्धजीविकः॥२॥ Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 Grammar नत्वा फणीशमीशानं कौमुद्यर्थप्रकाशकम्। मनोरमोमार्धदेहं तन्वे शढेंदुशेखरम् ॥ ३ ॥ ग्रंथसमाप्तिग्रंथप्रचारादिप्रतिबंधकविघ्नविघाताय समुचितं ऋषित्रयनमस्काररूपं मङ्गलमाचरन् शिष्यशिक्षायै व्याख्यातृश्रोतॄणा मनुष्वङ्गतो मंगलाय च निबध्नाति ॥ मुनित्रयमिति। Ends -एतेन नमाङोग इति सूत्रे भाष्ये जादीनामटासिद्धमित्युक्त्वाड टश्चेति सूत्रं विधायाऽस्वयोहसतीत्यत्र वृद्धिमाशङ्कयाधातावित्यपकृष्य समाहितत्वेन धातुग्रहणस्य चारितार्थ्यायोगविभागे मानाभाव इति परास्तं । पूर्वसूत्र एव कर्तव्येऽत्रकरणेनेदृशफलस्यापि वक्तुं शक्यत्वाच्च । अत एवोभयोः शेव्य इति भाष्ये....... Reference-India Office Catalogue, Nos. 660 and ff.; Madras Oriental Library Descriptive Catalogue, Vol. III Nos. 14111413. धृहच्छब्दुशेखर Brihachchhabdendusekhara No. 152 502 1884-85 Size-11 in. by4in. Extent -412 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 52 letters to a line. Description-Paper mixed,mostly foreign; Devanagari characters%3B bold and legible writing, not always uniform ; generally correct; incomplete - 1.1-128-upto the end पंचसंधिः 1.1-137-षइलिंगी; upto the end of अव्ययs-1. 105 and 106 being numbered twice; 1.1-18 स्त्रीप्रत्ययs, not complete ; 1.1 A flyleaf numbered 17, apparently belonging to स्त्रीप्रत्ययः; 1.1-21 विभक्तयर्थs, incomplete; 1.1-107 समासs upto the end of समासाश्रयविधि -wanting 1. 85 and 86. 412 Total leaves. Age -- Does not appear to be very old. Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 129 Brihachchhabdendusekhara बृहच्छब्देन्दुशेखर No. 153 28. 1907-15 Size -121 in. by 5 in. Extent-47 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 65 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; clear and legible writing, generally correct. It contains the कृदन्त section only. Age - Not old in appearance. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ धातोरिति सोपसर्गाणामङ्गत्वव्यावृत्तये Ends - इति श्रीउपाध्यायोपनामक-शिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भज-नागेशभट्टकृते शब्देन्दुशेखरे सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्यायां कृदन्तं समाप्तम् ॥ (वृहत-) शब्देन्दुशेखर ( Brihat-)Sabdendusekhara No. 154 107 1902-1907 Size -12] in. by 5 in. Extent -51 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 52 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, fairly correct. Margins ruled, red chalk occasionally used. The lower edges of several leaves slightly damaged. Fol. 3 missing. Contains the स्त्रीप्रत्यय and विभत्तयर्थ sections. Age - Old in appearance. Begins - ननु स्तनकेशवा( व )तीत्यादिलौकिकलिङ्गस्य सद्भा(स)वात् कथं दादीत्यत आह- अचेतनपि। Ends -वत्वामीति विवरणस्वरेणोति भावः ॥ इति विभत्त्यर्थाः ॥ 17 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II) Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 बृहच्छब्देन्दुशेखर No. 155 लघुशब्देदुशेखर No. 156 Grammar Size - 121 in by 5 in. Extent - 165 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 58 letters to a line. Description – Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; bold and legible handwriting, fairly accurate. Incomplete. Brihachchhabdendusekhara Age-Not very old in appearance. Ends – नच गौणमुख्यन्यायेनात्र न भविष्यतीति वाच्यम् । अप्रसिद्धत्वं गौणलाक्षणिकत्वं वा तत्र गौणत्वम् । स्पष्टं चेदं सर्वनामसंज्ञासूत्रे कैटे । अत्र गाधिकारात् त्रिशब्दान्तत्वेन प्राप्तिः । तत्र ह्येतत् घटकील त्रिशब्दस्त्रित्वं संख्यारूपमुख्यार्थप्रतिपादक एव इतर ... विशेषणीभूत ... Age-Śaka 1714. 29 1907-15 Author : Laghusabdendusekhara Size - 12g in by 42 in. Extent – 114 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and neat writing, fairly accurate. The margins around rather torn; red chalk used in places. Extends from the beginning to the end of the Avyayas. 337 A. 1881-82 Nagesabhaṭṭa, son of Sivabhaṭṭa and protegee of Râma of Sringaverapur. Subject -An abridgment of a larger work of the same name, being a commentary on the Siddhantakaumudi on the lines of the Manorama. Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 B. Paniniya School .. Begins-श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ पातंजले महाभाष्ये कृतभूरिपरिश्रमः। शिवभट्टसुतो धीमान सतीदेव्यास्तु गर्भजः ॥१॥ याचकानां कल्पतरोररिकक्षहुताशनात्।। श्रृंगवेरपुराधीशाद्रामतो लब्धजीविकः ॥२॥ नत्वा फणीशं नागेशस्तनुतेर्थप्रकाशकम् । मनोरमोमार्द्धदेहं लघुशब्देंदुशेखरम् ॥ ३॥ ग्रंथसमाप्तिग्रंथप्रचारादिप्रतिबंधकदुरितप्रशमाय समुचितऋषिवयनमस्काररूपं मंगलमाचरन् शिष्यशिक्षायै व्याख्यातृश्रोतृणाम नुषंगतो मंगलाय च निबध्नाति ॥ मुनित्रयमिति ॥ Ends -तस्माद्वाचेत्यसाध्वेति शिवं ॥ इत्यवयानि ॥शके १७१४ परिधावि __ संवत्सरे पौषशुधप्रतिपदा इदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं ॥ Reference - The work has been printed at Benares. See. I. O. Mss. Library Catalogue, No. 663. लघुशब्देंदुशेखर .. Laghusabdendusekhara No. 157 338 A. 1881-82 Size -121 in. by 5 in. Extent-159 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and careful writing, fairly accurate. The Ms. is a continuation of No. 337 of A. 1881-82 to the end of the पूर्वार्द्ध, thrown into following separately paged portionsस्त्रीप्रत्यय-foll. 1-15 समास & समासाश्रयविधि-foll.1 (i.e. 366)-65 विभक्त्यर्थ-foll. 1-36 a तद्धितप्रकरण-foll. 1-44. Age-Not more than a hundred years old. ......... Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 Grammar Ends –विस्तरस्तु बृहच्छब्देंदुशेखरे द्रष्टव्यः॥ शब्देंदुशेखरे स्वल्पे पूर्वमर्धमपूपुरम् । प्रीयतां तेन भगवान् शिवया सहितः शिवः॥१॥ भूषितः फणीभाष्योक्त्या लघुः शब्देंदुशेखरः। सतां हृत्कमले ह्यास्तां यावत्फणिफणे धरा ॥२॥ इति शिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भजनागोजीभट्टकृते लघुशब्देंदुशेखरे पूर्धाद्ध समाप्तम् ॥ Laghusabdendusekhara लघुशब्देंदुशेखर No. 158 339 A 1881-82 Size - 121 in by 5 in. Extent - 193 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, white and occasionally in the earlier part yellow; Devanagari characters. Bold and legible writing, generally accurate. Contains the uttarādha complete, the text to the end of the is being paged separately (foll.1-68) from the rest (foll. 1-125). Age --Not very old in appearance, Begins -श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ मंगलादीनि मंगलमध्यानि मंगलांतानि च शास्त्राणि प्रथंते इति भाष्योक्तेर्विघ्नविघाताधर्थ ग्रंथमध्ये कृतं मंगलं शिष्यशिक्षार्थ निबध्नाति ॥ श्रोत्राहंतीति ॥ Ends - अलला इति शब्दविशेषानुकरणमिति तद्भाष्यकृत इति सर्वेष्टसिद्धिः॥ शब्देंदुशेखरः पुत्रो मंजूषैव [ च] कन्यका। स्वमती सम्यगुत्पाद्य शिवयोरर्पितौ मया ॥१॥ शब्देंदुशेखरः सोयं फणिभाष्योक्तिभूषितः। सतां हृत्कमलेष्वास्तां यावच्चंद्रदिवाकरौ ॥२॥ इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामक-शिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भज-नागेशभविरचिते लघुशब्देंदुशेखराख्ये सिद्धांतकौमुद्दीव्याख्याने उत्तरार्द्ध समाप्तं ॥ Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 138 Laghusabdendusekhara लघुशब्देन्दुशेखर No. 159 527 1886-92 Size-11 in. by 5 in. Extent -524 + 152 leaves, 8 lines in a page, 40 letters in a line. Description - Country paper ; Devanāgari characters; Very bold, legible and beautiful writing. Fairly correct. The Ms. is made into two bundles. (a) from the beginning to the end of the Pūrvārdha, complete, foll. 524 and (b) The Tinanta section, complete, foll. 152. Age - Samvat 1834. Ends- यत्तु कल्पतरुणा क्रियासमभिहारे इति सूत्रेण पौनःपुन्ये लोडि त्युक्तं तत्र द्वित्वापत्तरिति वदंति इति सर्वेष्टसिद्धिः। विस्तरस्तु बृहच्छब्देंदुशेखरे बोध्यः॥ इति शिवभट्टसुतसतीगर्भजनागोजीभट्टकृते लघुशब्देंदुशेखरे तिङन्तं संपूर्ण ॥ लघुशब्देन्दुशेखर Laghusabdendusekhara No. 160 15 1866-68 Size -10] in. by 41 in. . Extent -( 389 + 101 = ) 490 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 36 letters ____to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. The leaves are pierced by worms. The Ms. contains two paginations, one bringing the text from the beginning to the end of the समासाश्रयविधि Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 Grammar and the other from there to the end of the qaff. The Ms, is bound in half leather and is now in a good state of preservation. Complete as far as it goes. Age-Not very old in appearance, लघुशब्देन्दुशेखर No. 161 Laghusabdendusekhara 118 1866-68 Size - 102 in by 4g in. Extent – ( 37 + 108 = ) 145 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 41 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and clear and legible handwriting, fairly accurate. The leaves are very much worm-eaten. The first 37 leaves give the हृदन्त section and the last 108 leaves ( separately paged ) bring the text to the end of the उत्तरार्ध. The Ms. is bound in half-leather. Complete as far as it goes. Age - Samvat 1844. Begins—श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ धातोः । सोपसर्गाणामङ्गत्वव्यावृत्तय इदम् ॥ Ends- अलला इति शब्दविशेषानुकरणमिति तद्भाष्यकृत इति सर्वेष्टसिद्धिः ॥ शब्देन्दुशेखरः पुत्रो मञ्जूषा चैव कन्यका । स्वमतौ सम्यगुत्पाद्य शिवयोरर्पितौ मया ॥ १॥ शब्देन्दुशेखरः सोयं फणिभाष्योक्तिभूषितः । सतां हृत्कमलेष्वास्तां यावञ्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ ॥ २ ॥ इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामशिवभट्टसुत सतीगर्भजन ागेशभट्टरचिते लघुशब्देन्दुशेखराख्ये सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्याने उत्तरार्धं समाप्तम् ॥ श्रीसांब सदाशिवगंगादेव्यै नमः ॥ श्री ॥ संवत् १८४४ ॥ श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः ॥ श्री ॥ Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School .138 Laghuśabdendusekhara लघुशब्देंदुशेखर No. 162 528 1886-92 Size -101 in. by 4g in. Extent-76 leaves, 11 lines in page, about 52 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and legible writing, fairly correct; 1st leaf obliterated. Only the section complete. Age - Old in appearance. Laghusabdendusekhara लघुशब्देन्दुशेखर No. 163 280 1899-1915 Size -10 in. by 4 in. Extent - 56 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; clear and legible writing, generally correct. The Ms. wants the first thirty-one leaves and breaks abruptly at fol. 87. Incomplote and fragmentary. Age- Not very old in appearance, Begins-भाष्ये तत्स्थानापन्ने तद्धर्मलाभस्य तत्कार्य च लोकन्यायेनैव सिद्धेरयमतिदेशः। Ends- तस्याः परिभाषाया लक्ष्यसिद्धये भाष्यताप्यनाश्रयणात् । स्पष्टं चेदं तित्स्वरि-here abruptly ends the Ms. Laghuśabdendusek hara लघुशब्देन्दुशेखर No. 164 281 1899-1915 Size - 9 in. by 4 in. Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 Grammar Extent - 32 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; legible but not very careful writing, correct on the whole. The text begins from the beginning but breaks off abruptly in the midst of the sta se section. Incomplete. Age-Rather old in appearance. लघुशब्देन्दुशेखरटीका चिदस्थिमाला No. 165 Laghusabdendusekharatīkā Chidasthimālā 529 1886-92 Size — 104 in. by 4 in. Extent - 225 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 34 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and . legible writing, fairly correct... Incomplete. Author - Vaidyanātha Pāyagunda. Subject - A commentary on the Laghu-Sabdendusekhara of ___Nagesabhatta. Begins- निराधाराधार निखिलजगतां पारमुदधे र्भवस्य प्राकारं बिमलसुखलक्ष्या सुरुचिरम् । चिरं धारं धारं मनसि गुरुगीर्वाणकृपया परं वंदे देवं हरिहरमहं श्रीकरवरम् ॥१॥ नत्वा गुरुं वैद्यनाथः पायगुंडाख्यको वृति। चिदस्थिमालां तनुते लघुशब्देंदुशेखरे ॥२॥ ग्रन्थसमाप्तयादिप्रतिबन्धकदुरितशमनाय &c. Ends- कार्यातिदेशेऽनेनैवोभयोरपि विधाने विप्रतीति सूत्रा-here ab ruptly ends the Ms. Ref.- See No. 666 of the India Office Library Catalogue of Sk. Mss. by Prof. Eggeling. Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 137 Laghusabdendusekhartikā Chidasthimālā लघुशब्देन्दुशेखरटीका चिदस्थिमाला No. 166 191 1882-83 Size -9} in. by 41 in. Extent - 407 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 39 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and neat writing, usually accurate ; goes down to the end of the विभक्तयर्थ. Age-Samvat 1865. Ends - इति विभक्त्यर्थाः ॥ श्रीसंतव (१) १८६५ स्रावणसुल्पपक्षे अटमी के पुतक लीषीते कासीमधे ॥ लघुशब्देन्दुशेखरटीका चिदस्थिमाला Laghusabdendusekbartikā Chidasthimālā 340 No. 167 A 1881-82 Size -121 in. by 4, in. Extent - 192 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, apparently the work of two different scribes who contributed unequal portions, later paged continuously; generally correct. Gives the text from the beginning to the end of the विभक्तs. Age -Not very old in appearance. 18 [ Des. Cat, Vol, II] Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar 138 लघुशब्देन्दुशेखरटीका चिदस्थिमाला No. 168 Laghusabdendusekharatika Chidasthimālā 77 1882-83 Size -121 in. by 4} in. Extent - 205 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 91 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Many leaves worm-eaten especially the earlier ones. The Ms. is bound in half leather and takes the text from the beginning to the end of the section. There occurs some lacuna at fol. 192. Parts of the Ms. seem to have been copied by a different hand. Age-Parts older in appearance, (Laghu) Šabdendusekhara-Jyautsnī (EU) zvaigstecontent No. 169 341 A. 1881-82 Size - 123 in. by 41 in. Extent -86 leaves, 12 lines to & page, 62 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, clear though not very correct writing. Red chalk used. In complete ; breaks down in the middle of dayfest. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author - Udayankara. Subject -- A commentary on the galarecerta of Nāgojibhatta, which ___is itself an abridged commentary on the सिद्धांतकौमुदी. Begins - SAUTIJ TE: 1 वाग्देवीं मानसे कृत्वा गंगामध्याममंगलाम् । 700gtatritalaranlagunt: 11 3 11 पातंजल इति॥ Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 139 B. Pāṇiniya School Ends - कृतस्पतिवचनाद्वात्मकृतव्यूहपरिभाषाया लक्ष्यसंस्कारानुपयो. गित्वमभ्युपगच्छती त्वत्र पक्षे सोर्गवतिन्यासे इष्टापत्तिरि त्याह ॥ ननुमचउ-Here abruptly breaks the Ms. Reference - That this is a com. on the लघु and not बृहत् शब्देंदुशेखर is evident from the verse “पांतजल" etc.. which it opens by commenting upon. Whether it wrote another similarly named commentary on the बृहच्छब्देंदुशेखर is problematic. For another Ms. see Madras Oriental Library Catalogue, Vol. III, No. 1423. वैयाकरणसिद्धांतरत्नाकर Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntaratnākara No. 170 189 1882-83 Size -101 in. by 4] in. Extent - 197 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. . Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold but not very careful though generally correct writing. Contains the commentary from Declensions to the end of the Taddhita or Pūrvārdha. The portion from the beginning to the end of कारकप्रकरण is given on the first 46 leaves. The next 51 leaves (separately paged ) carry the text down to the end of the समासाश्रयविधि ; the final portion, also separately paged, occupy ing the last 101 leaves. Complete so far as it goes. Age-Samvat 1848. Author - Ramakrishna Bhatta, son of Tirumalla Bhatta, Subject - A simple and running commentary on Bhattoji's Siddhantakaumudi. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ स्वौजसमौडित्यत्र ज्याप्प्रातिपदिका. दित्यधिकृतं &c. Ends - चार्थे द्वंद्व इति लिंगात्सर्वेष्टं सिद्धम् ॥ मुक्तिप्राचुर्ययुक्ते श्रीसौपे रत्नाकरे तुले । द्विरुक्तप्रक्रिया प्राभूवेंकटेशप्रसादतः॥१॥ Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 फणींद्रभाष्यादि विभाव्य यत्नतः सिद्धांतरत्नाकरमर्थविस्तृतम् । श्रीरामकृष्णोररचद्विपश्चितो तेष्टदौ शंभुहरी प्रसीदताम् ॥ २ ॥ शेषाशेषार्थसिद्धांतकौमुदीमतिगह्वरात् । व्याचिख्यासुर्महाशेषं याचेऽयं यातु वित्तताम् ॥ ३ ॥ सौपरत्नाकरं पित्रोस्तिर्मलाख्यान्नपूर्णयोः । भूत्यर्थमतनोद्रामकृष्णो गोविंदमानसः ॥ ४ ॥ Grammar -ण इति श्रीमद्वेकंटाद्रिभट्टात्म जमिरुल ( ? ) भट्टात्मज - रामकृष्ण भट्टकर्तृके कौमुदीव्याख्याने वैयाकरणसिद्धांतरत्नाकरे पूर्वार्द्ध ॥ संवत् १८४८ आषाढमासे कृष्णपक्षे सप्तम्यां भृगुवासरेलिखितमिदं ॥ The name of the scribe here rubbed off appears at the end of the समासप्रकरण and कारकप्रकरण -देहावलिस्थभट्टदेवात्मजेन शिवशंकरेण ॥ वैयाकरणसिद्धांतरत्नाकररसायनम् । धयंतु कामं सुधियः क्षैरधं विबुधा इव ॥ चंद्रर्षभूमी युवाख्यवत्सरे 8.8 कौबेरदिग्भाजि रवौ मधौ सिते । श्रीरामकृष्णः प्रतिपत्तिधौ बुधे रत्नाकरं पूर्णमचीकरद्वरम् ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भूयात् ॥ कल्याणमस्तु ॥ श्री . R. Mitra's Catalogue of A. S. B. Library, pt. I. Reference Page 155. (वैयाकरण) सिद्धान्तरत्नाकर No. 171 (Vaiyakarana)siddhantaratnākara 544 1886-92 Size - 13 in by 5 in. Extent — 96 leaves, 12 lines in a page, about 58 letters in a line. Description – Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Incomplete and fragmentary. The Ms. consists of 1.1-56, belonging to the Uttarārdha ; Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 141 and 1. 300-339, belonging to the Taddhita Section in the Pūrvārdha. Begins — - यं संपूज्य बुधाः सिद्धिमिन्द्राद्याः प्राप्नुवन्स्विकाम् । द्वैमातुरः स नः पायाद्विघ्नध्वान्तविभावसुः ॥ १ ॥ त्रायतां प्रकृतिः सा मामनेकानेकशक्तिका । व्यनक्ति शब्दरूपाणि सांनिध्यात्प्रत्ययस्य या ॥ २ ॥ 'अथोत्तरार्धं तनुते यथागमं फणीन्द्रभाष्यादि विभाव्य यत्नतः । अमत्सराणां सुधियां विपश्चितां मनो नरीनर्तितु यत्र संततम् ॥ ३ ॥ Ends - आरोहपरिणाहाभ्यां स्वगताभ्यां येन काष्ठादिमयेन धान्यादि मीयते ॥ तत्परिमाणं प्रस्थादिकम् । परि सर्वतो भावे आयामो -here abruptly ends the Ms. (वैयाकरण) सिद्धान्तरत्नाकर (Vaiyakarana)siddhāntaratnākara No. 172 • 266 1884-86 Size - 92 in. by 4 in. Extent – 10 leaves with leaf 6 missing; 9 lines in a page, about 30 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, fairly correct; incomplete : leaf 4 half torn and leaf 6 missing. Only a part of the Kāraka section. Age Rather old in appearance. Ends- फलव्यापारौ द्वावपि धातुवाच्यावित्यंगीकार्य ॥ ततश्च फलस्या न्यलभ्य - here abruptly ends the Ms. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 Grammar Vaiyakarana-siddhantaratnakara वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तरत्नाकर No. 173 260 1884-86 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent — 596 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 35 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanāgari characters; fairly correct. The Ms. bas apparently been written by more than one hand. Parts of the Ms. dealing with her and fast sections are continuously paged, but other parts are not paged at all or show more than one system of pagination. And the attempts made to arrange the text consecutively have rendered the confusion worse confounded. Incomplete and fragmentary. Age — Rather old in appearance. तत्त्वबोधिनी Tattvabodhini No. 174 494 1886-92 Size - 11 in. by 41 in. Extent - 680 leaves, 14 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; complete. The gatet has leaves 1-266, 129–151, and 296-407, Age - Samvat 1753. Author - Jñanendra Sarasvati, pupil of Vāmanendra. Subject - A commentary on the Siddhānta-kaumudi of Bhattojí Dikshita. It is very full and useful for beginners. Begins -acat fanèsat i firal Thagathi सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्या क्रियते तत्वबोधिनी॥१॥ विघ्नविघाताय कृतं मंगलं शिष्यशिक्षायै निबध्नन् चिकीर्षितं प्रतिजानीते । मुनित्रयमित्यादिना। Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 143 Begins (Uttarardha) अज्ञाननाशने दक्षं दीक्षितं भक्तरक्षणे। वटमूलाश्रयं त्र्यक्षं दक्षिणामूर्तिमाश्रये ॥ तिङन्तकांड etc. Begins (कृत् section) - समस्तजगतामीशी जगदानंदकारकौ । जगतीजनको वंदे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरौ ॥२॥ Ends - इति परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीवामनेंद्रस्वामिचरणसेवकज्ञानेंद्र सरस्वतीकृतायां सिद्धांतकौमुदीव्याख्यायां तत्त्वबोधिन्यां कृदंतं समाप्तम्। Reference - For other Mss. of the same see Nos. 654-557 of the India Office Library Catalogue by Prof. Eggeling; and also p. 17 of Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Mse. in the Library of the A. S. of Bengal by R. Mitra, The commentary is printed at Benares and also at the Nirnayasāgar Press, Bombay. Tattvabodhini तत्त्वबोधिनी No. 175 1877-78 Size-10% in. by 4 in. Extent-539+5 leaves, 14 lines to a page, about 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; the Me.. seems apparently to be the work of two different scribes, one of whom writes boldly and the other rather carelessly. Correct in the main. The Ms. contains the following separately påged portions : पूर्वार्ध-foll. 1-317, but with foll. 310 and 311 paged to gether. तिडंत-foll.1-127. कृदंत-foll.1-94, but with foll.13 and 14 paged together, 56 repeated twice, and two extra leaves after foll, 36 and 81. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 Grammar उणादि - four parts and a fragment of the fifth. This is a different Ms. altogether, now placed with the above. It is written in a careless hand and is dated Samvat 1932. The Ms. gives, in its five pages, only the उणादिसूत्रs. Age — Of the तत्त्वबोधिनी - Sarivat 1780, śaka 1645; of the उणादिSamvat 1732. Ends - सिद्धांन्तकौमुदीव्याख्या कृतेयं तत्त्वबोधिनी । प्रीत्यै भूयाद्भगवतोर्भवानीविश्वनाथयोः ॥ १ ॥ संवत् १७८० शके १६४५ माघसितदशमी भृगौ लिखापितमिदं शंकरेण श्रीमद्वाराणसीशुभस्थाने ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ On the top of the 1st leaf of them is the entry : संवत् १७३१ समये भाद्रपद शुद्ध ११ लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं विद्वांसोपनामक नानभटसुतनारायणेन स्वार्थ ॥ तत्वबोधिनी No. 176 Tattvabodhini 321 1895-1902 Size 11 in. by 5 in. Extent – ( 373 + 165 + 126 = ) 664 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. • Description - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; bold and _careful_and_generally correct hand-writing. The पूर्वार्ध extends over foll. 1–373, the तिङन्त over foll. 1 – 165, and the over foll. 1-126; the three parts bear separate paginations. The margins ruled, red chalk used. Some of the leaves are worm-eaten. Complete. Ends (पूर्वार्ध) संवत् १८१९ ॥ इदं पुस्तकं झलकी.. सांगलीग्रामे संपादितं प्रभवसंवत्सरे पौषमासे । Age 1- Samvat 1819 पूर्वार्ध and the कृदन्त portions; Samvat 18 of the तिङन्त. Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Păriniya School 145 Ends (तिङन्त ) -- संवत् १७६८ समयनाम वैशाखवदी सप्तमी तादिने for free i After this an entry, carefully scored throngh with ink, to the following effect :रामाचार्यझलकीकर यांच पुत्र वामनाचार्य यांचे पुस्तक अहे. सांगलीत मिळाले अहे॥ Ends ( कृदन्त )- श्रीसंवत् १८१९ ॥ झलकी रामाचार्यसुत वामनस्य सांगल्याख्यायां नगर्यो......संवत्सरे संगृहीतम् ।The entry follow ing the date being again scored through. तत्त्वबोधिनी Tattvabodhini No. 177 71 A 1882-83 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent -304 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 72 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters, with a very rare पृष्ठमात्रा. Written in a bold small and very careful hand, almost without a single erasure. Correct, and complete ; consisting of the following parts: पूर्वार्ध-foll. 1-178; तिडन्त foll. 1-74; कृदंत foll. 1-52. Age - The Ms. has an old appearance. तत्त्वबोधिनी Tattvabodhini No. 178 477 1884-87 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Eatent -170 leaves%3 16 lines to a page%3; about 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; indifferent but legible writing; fairly accurate; incomplete-only upto the Kārakas. 19 | Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 .. Grammar Age – The Ms. is old in appearance. Ends - Hha fatto a tirar featergaata regaira Hra: i ta Feft 11 तत्त्वबोधिनी Tattvabodhini No. 179 322 1895-1902 Size -10% in, by 41 in. Extent -69 leaves, 9 and 16 lines to a page, 38 and 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; legible but not very carefully written. First 48 leaves in a smaller hand than the last leaves (49-69). The Ms. contains the text from the beginning, but breaks off in the middle of the 3151 telfoss section. Age-Rather old in appearance. वैदिकी प्रक्रिया सुबोधिनीसहिता Vaidiki Prakriyā, with Subodhini No. 180 264 1884-86 Size - 121 in. by 54 in. Extent - 89 leaves, 13 lines in & page, about 40 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. The text written in the middle, with the commentary on both sides. Age - Seems to be a new copy. Author - Bhattoji Dikshita of the text, and Jayakrishna, son of Raghunātha, son of Govardhana of the Mauni family of the commentary. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Subject ---The Vaidic section only from the Siddhānta-kaumudi, and a commentary on the same, named Subodhini. Begins (commentary) - सिंदूरेण विराजितं त्रिनयनं दिकसंख्यवोभिर्युतम् भक्तानुग्रहकारकं प्रमरयाश्लिष्टं सदानंदनम्। अष्टाविंशतिवर्णकैश्च सततं यं चिंतयंते जनास्तं देवं गणपं स्मरामि सततं चंद्रार्कचूडं विभुम् ॥१॥ यस्तर्कादिसमस्ततंत्रकमल(?)जाते प्रसादेष्विव प्रत्यक्षः (प्र)मितः परः किरणवानन्वर्थगोवर्धनः। सोयं पंडितमंडनोद्भटरटद्वादींद्रवृंदाग्रणीः श्रीरामांघ्रिनिषेवकः समजान श्रीमौनिगोवर्धनः ॥ २ ॥ रघुनाथपदारविंदसेवावशतस्तस्य बभूव नंदनः। रघुनाथ इतीड्यनामगम्यो रघुनाथांघिनिषेवकः सुधीः॥३॥ बभूव तस्य चत्वारस्तनयाः सुनया बुधाः। महादेवाभिधः श्रेष्टः महाभाष्यसुभाषिता॥४॥ रामकृष्णो द्वितीयोसी रामकृष्णांघ्रिसेवकः । तृतीयो जयकृष्णोऽस्मि श्रीकृष्णाग्राससूद्भवः ॥५॥ श्रीमत्सिद्धांतकौमुद्याः स्वरवैदिकखंडयोः। नत्वा मुनित्रयं हृद्यां टीकां कुर्वे सुबोधिनीम् ॥ ६॥ सुशब्दवातश्रीकुमुद वनविद्योतनकरी सदा सव्युत्पत्तिप्रसरणपरानंदनकरी। कुशब्दध्वांतस्य प्रसभमभिविध्वंसनकरी कृतिर्भूयादेषाबुधजनमनःप्रांगणचरी॥ ७॥ * इयता प्रबंधन लौकिकशब्देष्वन्वाख्यातेष्वपि वैदिकान्वाख्या नमवशिष्यते। नचे(दि)दमप्रयोजनम् । &c. Ends ( commentary)- इसतवर्जितस्य नित्यनपुंसकस्यादिरुदात्तः स्या दिति सूत्रार्थः। इति श्रीमन्मौनिकुलतिलकायमानश्रीगोवर्द्धनभटात्मजरघुनाथात्मजेन जयकृष्णेन कृतायां सिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्यायां सुबोधिन्यां तिङन्तस्वरप्रकरणं समाप्तम् ॥ Reference - The commentary is printed in the Bombay edition of Siddhānta-kaumudi. For other Mss. see Nog. 658 and 659, in in the Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the India Office Library by Prof. Eggeling.- ..... 968 -8.- -.". - ..--.- - - .- .. .- . -... Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 Grammar Subodhini सुबोधिनी No. 181 197 1882-83 Size - 101 in. by 4} in. Extent - 38 leaves, 20 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold, legi ble but not very correct writing, with a few short lacuna on the last page. Complete. Age - Rather new in appearance. Subodhini सुबोधिनी No. 182 560 1887-91 Size - 9 in. by 41 in. Extent-(72 + 127 = ) 199 leaves, 7 lines to & page, about 29 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, some 20 leaves towards the end being thicker and whiter than the rest. Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. The Ms. is divided into two parts each with its own pagination. The first part ends with the 8th Adhyāya of the Com; and the second with face out. Complete. The Ms. was called स्वरवैदिकी प्रक्रिया in the Report. Age - Samvat 1865. . Como Yaya of h the R Subodhini सुबोधिनी No. 183 503 1884-87 Size - 123 in. by 4} in. Extent -96 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 42 letters to a line. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāņiniya School 149 Description -- Foreign paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing. Correct but complete only to the end of the स्वरप्रकरणम् . Age-Does not seem to be very old. Ends - दति स्यादिति दरति सूत्रार्थः। इति श्रीमन्मौलिकुलतिलकायमान. श्रीगोवर्धनभटात्मजरघुनाथांगजेन् जयकृष्णेन कृतायां सिद्धां न्तकौमुदीव्याख्यायां सुबोधिन्यां स्वरप्रकरणं समाप्तम् ॥ सुबोधिनी Subodhini No 184 198 1882-83 Size -10 in. by4h in. Extent -- 39 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, correct in the main. Gives the स्वरप्रक्रिया only, complete. The text proper ends on fol. 39a after wbich follows स्वरप्रक्रियास्थोदाहरणव्याख्या वेदभाष्यस्था लिख्यते for about a dozen lines, being probably the addition of the student scribe. Age-Samvat 1877. Ends - द्वीपर्षिप्रमिते ह्यब्दे संवदष्टादशप्रमिते । चैत्रमासे सितपक्षे प्रतिपदि भौमे पराह्ने ॥१॥ मोठद्विजहरिपुत्रेणेदं विद्यार्थिना स्व( ? )लेखि । अन्यस्मायपिधि( ? )मते चार्कपुरस्थितिशंभुना ॥२॥ युग्म ॥ सुबोधिनी Subodhini No. 185 267 1884-86 Size -91 in. by 41 in. Extent -12 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 50 letters in a line, Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 Grammar Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Incomplete. Age - New in appearance. वैदिकी प्रक्रिया सटीका Vaidiki Prakriya with commentary No. 186 56 1892-95 Size -93 in. by 4g in. Extent - 29 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Davanāgari characters with 128 ; clear, legible and correct; carefully written ; borders ruled in a simple black line; leaves from 14 to 35, and 53 to 59 existing, the rest are wanting; incomplete and fragmentary; ends of leaves much worn out. Age-Seems to be an old Ms. Author (of the Com.)-Murari son of Sriranga. Subject - Commentary on the Sūtras of Pāṇini bearing on the Vaidiki Prakriyā, chiefly extracted from the Vșitti. Begins, Fol. 14 a. -वा। वनिपभूरिदावा घृतपावा। विच् । कीला लपाः। शुभंयाः। रायस्पोषदाः ॥ ७॥ बहुलं छंदसि ॥ उपपदां तरेपि हंतेः क्विप्। Ends - उपसर्गाबहुलं ॥ उपसर्गस्थानिमित्तान्नस्येणः। प्रणः शूद्रः। प्रण सः। प्रणो राजा। न च भवति । प्र नो मुंचतं। उपसर्गाच्चेति समासांतो नासिकाया न संभावश्च ॥ ७॥ इतिश्री वैदिक्यां प्रक्रियायां मुनिश्रीश्रीरंगात्मजमुरारिणा वृत्त्युद्धतायामष्टमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ यस्यास्ये वीचयो वाचामुच्छिश्रीपंत्यहंयवः । फणियास्कभुवां हस्तादत्राधीती सुधी धनः ॥१॥ माधुर्यधुर्यमधुयुकसितशर्करौघमाद्वीकपाकघृतपायसजेमनाय ॥ तावत्स्पृहानुरदसीयरसोनं यावलेखे प्रियामृतरसौ रसबंधुराप्तः ॥ २॥ Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School अत्रापरं किंचिदुपयुक्तमुच्यते। अवश्यं हि मन्त्रप्रयोगे ऋष्यादिकं वेदितव्यम् । तथा हि स्मर्यते। अविदित्वा ऋर्षि छन्दो दैवतं योगमेव च। योऽध्यापयेद्यजेद्वापि पापीयान् जायते तु सः॥१॥ ऋषिच्छन्दो देवतानि ब्राह्मणार्थस्वराद्यपि। अविदित्वा प्रयुञ्जानो मन्त्रकण्टक उच्यते ॥२॥ ऋष्यादिवत् कृतस्तद्धिताश्च वेदितव्याः। तथा हि। मंत्राणां दैवतं छंदो निरुक्तं ब्राह्मणानृषीन् ।। कृत्तद्धितादींश्चाज्ञात्वा यजंते यागकंटकाः ॥ ३॥ अपशब्दप्रयोगे च महान्पराभव उक्तः। रेफो संधिप्लुताभावाद्धेलयो भाषिणोसुराः। म्लेच्छनेन पराभूता क्षेयं व्याकरणं ततः॥४॥ श्रुतिश्च । ते सु-hear ends the Ms. Madhya-siddhāntakaumudi मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 187 564 1887-91 Size -91 in. by 5t in. Extent -29 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 30 letters to aline. Description - Old country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Much use of red and yellow powders. The first leaf slightly damaged. In complete : goes as far as the end of Subanta. Age - Is old in appearance ; at the end we find this verse : ऐंस्खविड़ात्मशाकेन्दे विक्रमे नभकृष्ठके। कौमुद्याः पुस्तक लेखि (?) नृसिंहेनात्मकारणात् ॥ Author - Varadarāja. Subject - The major abridgment of Bhattoji's Siddhāntakaumudi. It consists of three main parts, (1) Subanta, (2) Tinanta, (3) Kridanta, followed by two sections on Vedic grammar and accentuation. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 Grammar Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । निर्विघ्नमस्तु । येनाक्षरसमाम्नायमधिगम्य महेश्वरात्। . कृत्स्नं व्याकरणं प्रोक्तं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥१॥ येन धौता गिरः पुसां निर्मलैः शब्दवारिभिः। तमश्चाज्ञानजं भिन्नं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥२॥ वाक्यकारं वराचं भाष्यकारं पतंजलिम् । पाणिानं सूत्रकारं च प्रणतोस्मि मुनित्रयम् ॥३॥ नत्वा वरदराजः श्रीगुरुन् भट्टोजिदीक्षितान् । करोति पाणिनीयानमध्यसिद्धां(व्रतकौमुदीम् ॥४॥ अइउण &c.Ends -तथा च श्रुतिः सदृशं त्रिषु लिंगेषु सर्वासु च विभक्तिषु । वचनेषु च सर्वेषु यन्नव्योत तदव्ययम् ॥१॥ वष्टि भागुरिरल्लोपमवाप्योरुपसर्गयोः । आपं चैव हलंतानां यथा वाचा निशा दिशा॥ २॥ वगहः अवगहः । विधानं अपिधानं इति सुबंतं समाप्तम् ॥ Reference - India Office Catalogue Nos. 667,668. Raj. Mitra's Descriptive Catalogue of Grammatical Mss., p. 93. "" मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi No. 188 ----516 1886-92 Size -101 in. by 4 in. Extent — 221 leaves, 8 lines in a page, about 28 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. The last three leaves seem to be written in a new hand; and the age there on is 1945 Samvat.. Ends -इति स्वरप्रक्रिया। एषा वरदराजेन बालानामुपकारिका । अकारि पाणिनीयानां मध्यसिद्धांतकौमुदी ॥१॥ संवत् १९४५ वैशाखशुक्ल ८ गुरुवासरे। शुभम् ॥. You. Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 153 Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 189 637 1891-95 Size - 12 in. by 44 in. Extent - 146 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Davanāgarī characters; bold, legible and clear hand-writing, fairly accurate; frequent use of red chalk. One extra leaf between 23 and 24, i. e. end of सुबन्तप्रक्रिया and beginning of तिङन्तप्रक्रिया. Leaves 92-93 worm-eaten at the left-hand lower corner. Complete except the fr and वैदिक-प्रकिया. Age - Saka. 1686. End-On foll. 75 b we have - शके १६८२ तारणनामसंवत्सरे भाद्र पदशुद्धत्रयोदशी १३ मंदवासरे इदं पुस्तकं लेखनेन समाप्तं ॥ तारणान्दे नभस्येथ शुक्ले मंदत्रयोदशी। वनर्ये तिप्रकारोयं सुकर्मणि समापितं ॥ करकृतमपराधं क्षतुमर्हति संतः॥ संध्यायां गर्जते मेघे शास्त्रचिंतां करोति.यः । चत्वारस्तस्य नस्यति आयुविधा यशो बलं॥ on foll. 141 a. we have - इति श्रीचविटिकटि ( ? )वरदराजभकृतं मध्यसिद्धांतकौमुदीपूर्वार्द्ध समाप्तं॥ मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhāntakaumudī No. 190 636 1891-95 Size - 9 in. by 41 in. Extent --- 41 leaves, 7 lines to a page, about 24 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bild, legible and clear writing, fairly correct. Breaks off abruptly in the midst of हलंतपुलिंग. Incomplete. Age - Does not seem to be very old in appearance. 20 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 मध्य सिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 191 graftgleamigel No. 192 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Description Extent 47 leaves, 7 lines to a page, 24 letters to a line. Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and careful writing, usually correct. Goes down to the end of g and a few lines of fas. Incomplete. Last leaf (i. e. 48th) blank. Age -New in appearance. Grammar Madhyasiddhantakaumudi मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी 328 Viśram (i) No. 193 Madhyasiddhantakaumudi Size 9 in. by 4 in. Extent 28 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 26 letters to a line. 329 Viśrām (i) Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold; legible and fairly correct writing. Incomplete; breaking down early in अजंतस्त्रीलिंग. Size New in appearance. Madhyasiddhantakaumudi 336 A 1881-82 Age 10 in. by 4 in. Extent 22 leaves, 18 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, careful and generally correct writing. Gives only a portion of the तिङन्तप्रकरण to the end of परस्मैपदप्रक्रिया and a few lines more. Incomplete. Age New in appearance. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya Schod 155 Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 194 336 A 1881-82 Size -10% in. by 4t in. Extent -13 leaves, 22 lines to a page, 44 letters to aline." Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters: bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Gives the aia only; com plete, but wanting the first six leaves. Age – The last two leaves more modern looking than the rest of the Ms. मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi No. 195 334 A 1881-82 Size -8 in. by 4 in. Extent -- 237 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 28 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, careful and correct writing, fol. 26 missing, otherwise complete. Age-Saka. 1713. Ends- इतिस्वरप्रक्रिया॥ एषा वरदराजेन..."मध्यसिद्धांतकौमुदी॥१॥ कृतिर्वरदराजस्य मध्यसिद्धांतकौमुदी। तस्याः संख्या तु विज्ञेया खबाणकरवह्निभिः ॥ २॥ ३२५० ॥ श्रीराम ॥ इतिमध्यसिद्धांतकौमुदी समाप्तः ॥ श्रीविजयादुर्गाचरणार्पणमस्तु ॥ धोपेश्वरकरोपनामक जनार्दनेन लिखितं ॥ शके १७१३ विराधकृन्नामसंवत्सरे मार्गशीर्षशुक्लनवम्यां मंदवासरे तद्दिने इदं पुस्तकं समाप्तम् ॥ शुभं भवतु॥ Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 Grammar मध्यासिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi No. 196 656. 1883-84 Size-81 in. by 4 in. Extent -49 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 21 letters to a line. Description - Country paper much damaged around the margins, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Contains the सुबंत complete and a portion of तिङन्त. Age-Saka 1726. At the end of the सुबंत we find the entry हरभटवरुडकरेण लिखितं । स्वार्थ । परार्थं च ॥ शके १७२६ रक्ताक्षिनामसंवत्सरे चैत्र शुक्ल ८॥ आष्टम्यां भौमवासरे तहिने समाप्ताः॥ हरभटवरुडकरस्येदं ॥ मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi No. 197 655 1883-34 Size -81 in. by 4 in. Extent -- 222 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari charactere; bold, clear and fairly correct writing. The first 32 leaves containing the gift is older than the rest. Complete. Age - Saka 1671 and Saka 1708. Ends-(fol. 32 b)- इति अव्ययसहिताः षडूलिंगाः शब्दाः समाप्ताः ॥ स्वार्थं परार्थं च ॥ सके १६७१ शुक नामसंवत्सरे अधिकशुक्ल १ प्रतिपद्यायां गुरुवासरे तद्दिने समाप्ताः॥राम ॥ साम्राजस्येदम् ॥ Fo'.2216 एषा वरदराजेन ......."कौमुदी॥१॥ शके १(९)७०८ पराभव नामसंवत्वरे वैशाख शुद्धप्रतिपदि तद्दिने कौमुदी समाप्ता॥ काश्यपान्वयसंभूतः श्रीरामो वेदपारगः। तेनेव लिखितं त्वाशु तस्येदं पुस्तकं शुभं॥१॥ Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 157 मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi No. 198 643 1882-83 Size - 9 in. by 41 in. Extent -45 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 20 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, careful and correct writing. The first ten leaves torn and damaged as also one or two leaves elsewhere. Contains the gaia por tion only, complete. Age -Saka 1700. Ends-इत्यव्ययानि समाप्तानि ॥ सके १७०० विलंबी नाम संवत्सरे चैत्र माले कृष्णपक्ष दशम्यां तिथौ भौमवासरे व्यंबकक्षेत्रे बाळंभटामजशीवरामभट्टेन पैठणकरण लिखिनं समाप्तिमगमत् । शुभं ॥ शीवरामेण लिखितं पांडुरंगस्य सन्निधौ। शीवक्षेत्रे राघवस्य गेहे संपूर्तिमागमत् । स्वार्थ परोपकारार्थ च ॥ श्रीलक्ष्मीनारसिंहार्पणमस्तु । मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Madhyasiddhantakaumudi No. 199 641 1882-1883 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent -80 leaves, 13 lines tos page, 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and careful writing, generally correct. One of the side margins of all the leaves except a few in the middle worm-eaten. The first leaf and fol. 31 torn. Contains the lasa portion only, complete. Age - Old in appearance. Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 Grammar Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 200 642 1882-83 Size - 94 in. by 4 in. Extent - 25 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and careful writing, usually correct. Contains only the sa section, complete. Age - New in appearance. Madhyasiddhāntakaumudivyakhya मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदीव्याख्या No. 201 517 1886-1892 Size -81 in. by 44 in. Extent - 197 leaves, 10 lines in & page, about 22 letters in a line. Description - Country paper. Devanāgari character, bold and legible writing, fairly correct. The border of the first leaf torn, and so the first two lines lost. Complete. Age - Samvat 1906. Author - Rāmaśarman. Subject — A commentary, also named Madhyamanoramā, on the Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi of Varadarāja. The Ms. contains only the Tinanta part complete. Begins —...............(lost)...... विघ्नं बिनिघ्नन् भजतामवितास्तु गजाननः ॥१॥ पंचमो लकार इति लेटलकार इत्यर्थः । Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 159 Ends- युष्मत्सामानाधिकरण्ये मध्यमपुरुषविधानादत्र तथाऽभावादित्यर्थः । इति लकारार्थप्रक्रिया। श्रीशिवानंदभद्रानामाज्ञया रामशर्मणा। व्याख्यातं मध्यसिद्धांतकौमुद्याः सुप्तिडंतकं ॥१॥ कंठे विधानिवासस्य स्थिता मध्यमनोरमा । गोस्वामीश्रीशिवानंदमुदं वितनुतां सदा ॥ इति मध्यसिद्धांतकौमुदीव्याख्यायां मध्यमनोरमायां सुबंततिडंतव्याख्यानं संपूर्ण......संवत् १९०६... Madhyasiddhāntakaumudivilasa मध्यसिद्धान्तकौमुदीविलास No. 202 518 1886-92 The present number really consists of four different Mos. all incomplete and fragmentary :(1) Size - 11 in. by 5} in. Extent - 11 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. It begins with the last section and is incomplete. (2) Size -11 in. by 5 in. Extent - 12 leaves, 11 lines in a page, about 38 lines ___in a page 3 incomplete both ways. It begins in __the midst of the अदादिगण and ends with the रुधादिगण. (3) Size -11 in. by 5 in. Extent - 33 leaves, 11 lines in a page, about 45 letters in a line. It begins in the midst of the Fartu and ends in the midst of लकारार्थप्रक्रिया. There is one leaf numbered 72, which most probably belongs to this section. (4) Size-101 in. by 4} in. Extent-21 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 40 le:ters in a line. It begins at the close of the işitTTT and contains the whole of the स्वरसंधि. Thus in all there are 78 leaves. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 Grammar Description--Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; legible writing, fairly correct. Fragmentary and incomplete. Author Jayakrishnabhatta, son of Raghunathabhaṭṭa and grandson of Govardhanabhatta, of the Mauni family. Subject A commentary on the Madhyasiddhantakaumudi of Varadarāja. Begins- श्रीमत्सुरासुराराध्यचरणाम्बुरुहद्वयम् । चराचरजगद्योनिमाश्रये शंकरप्रभुम् ॥ १ ॥ अथाख्यातशब्दा निरूप्यते । Ends — - इति स्वरसंधिः ॥ श्रीमन्मौनिकुलतिलकायमानश्रीमद्गोवर्धनभट्टांगजरघुनाथभट्टसूनुजयकृष्ण भट्टकृतमध्यसिद्धांत कौमुदीविला से स्वरसंधिप्रकरणं समाप्तिमगात् ॥ स्तोः । स च तुञ्चस्तुस्तस्य स्तो: etc. :- two lines more. लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 203 Laghusiddhantakaumudi Size-8 in. by 4 in. Extent (45+51 +48=)144 leaves, 7 lines to a page, about 24 letters in a line. 228 1892-95 Description-Rough country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate and complete. Age —– Samvat 1853. Author—Varadaraja. Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । Subject-An elementary treatise on grammar meant to serve as an introduction to the Paniniya grammar, being in fact the second or minor abridgment of the Siddhantakaumudi. नत्वा सरस्वतीदेवीं शुद्धां गु( पु ? ) ण्यां करोम्यहम् । पाणिनीयप्रवेशाय लघुसिद्धांतकौमुदीं ॥ १ ॥ अइउणू-- etc. Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 16 Ends- युवन् शब्दात् स्त्रियां तिः स्यात् । युवतिः। इति स्त्रीप्रत्ययाः॥ शास्त्रांतरेप्रविष्टानां बालानां चोपकारिका । कृता वरदराजेन लघुसिद्धांतकौमुदी ॥१॥ सिद्धांतकौमुदीशब्दकौस्तुभाभोगभागतः। - चक्रे वरदराजः श्रीलघुसिद्धांतकौमुदी ॥२॥ इति श्रीलघुसिद्धांतकौमुदी समाप्तं (प्ता)॥ Reference-Dr. Ballantyne has translated this book for English readers. Also vide India Office Catalogue No. 669; Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Part I by Rajendralal Mitra, page 106. There are abundant Mss. of this work in all libraries. लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 204 ....... Laghusiddhāntakaumudi ........... 645--- . ... ...... 1891-95 Size-10 in. by 5t in. Extent-64 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 36 letters to.aline. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, generally accurate. - Margins ruled in red. complete. . Age - Not very old in appearance. .. Laghusiddhāntakaumudi लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी ....... .No. 205 335 1895-1902 Size - 9 in. by 6 in. Extent-60 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold, care ful and generally correct writing. The Ms. is arranged [ Des. Cat., Vol, II) Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ · Grammar like birch Ms. or like a modern book, and the writing also seems to be North-Indian. Probably copied from a Sāradā original, Complete. Age -Not very old in appearance. सारसिद्धान्तकौमुदी Sārasiddhāntakaumudi No. 206 539 1886-92 Size -101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 34 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. Desoription - Country paper, Dayanāgari characters; bold, legible and fine writing, fairly correct. Complete. Written at Prayaga. Age-Samvat 1739. Author - Varadaraja. Subject --The third and the shortest abridgment of Siddhanta kaumudi. The arrangement of topics is similar to that of Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi. Begins नत्वा वरदराजः श्रीपाणिन्यादिमुनित्रयं । करोति बालबोधाय सारसिद्धांतकौमुदीं ॥१॥ अइउणू। Ends-इति स्त्रीप्रत्ययाः। कृता वरदभदृश्रीदुर्गातसूनथनुना (?)। वेदवेदप्रवेशाय सारसिद्धांतकौमुदी॥ सर्वशास्त्रप्रवेशाय सार्द्धससप्तसती कृ? इति श्री चविटिकटि( ? )वरदराजभट्टविरचिता सारसिद्धांत. कौमुदी ॥ संवत् १७३९ ज्येष्टमासे कृष्णपक्षे अष्टमी शुक्रवासरे प्रयागतः लिषितं नरोत्तमकायस्थेन लिषापितं प्रेमपुरीकस्येदं पुस्तकं पठनार्थ परोपकारार्थ लेषकपाठकयो सुभमस्तु ॥ यादृशं etc. A later hand adds करूणाशंकर मेताजी शंकर पठनार्थ ॥ Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 163 Sārasiddhāntakaumudi सारसिद्धान्तकौमुदी No. 207 671 1891-95 Size -11 in. by 4 in. Extent-36 leaves, 10 lines to apage, 32 letters toaline. Description--Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold, legible and correct writing; numerous marginal notes and correc... tions; red chalk used; complete. Age--Samvat 1841. Ends- इति स्त्रीप्रत्ययाः । इति वरदराजभट्टविरचितसारसिद्धांतकौमुदी संपूर्णम् ॥ ग्रंथसंख्या ७५० ॥ संवत् १८४१ ज्येष्ठ शुक्ला ४ चतुर्थी अर्कवासरे शुभं भवतु ॥ धातुपाठ Dhátupatha No. 208 220-. . 1892-95 Size - 93 in. by 44 in. Extent -- 14 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanāgari characters; legible, careless but fairly correct and complete. Age - Samvat 1695. Author --The list of roots is said to be the work of Pånini while भीमसेन is said to have supplied their meaning. This भीमसेन is an early writer and is credited with the authorship of & distinct commentary called प्रदीप on this same धातुपाठ. Subject -- Lists of Roots with their meanings and was arranged according to गणs. Begins-ॐनमो श्रीगणेशाय नमः। श्री भवानीशंकराभ्यां नमः। भूस त्तायां । उदात्तः परस्मैभावः। एध वृद्धौ etc. Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 Grammar Ends - पुच्छादिषु धात्वर्थ इत्येव सिद्धं । इति स्वार्थण्यंता रादयः । लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ Reference Several times edited with editions of the Siddhānta धातुपाठ No. 209 Age Begins kaumudi. - ―― Size - 92 in by 5 in. Extent – 14 leaves, 21 lines to a page, 17 letters to a line, Ends Description - Old country paper, Devanāgarī characters; clear, legible and generally correct. Complete, but for a few lines at the end. • Rather old - looking. 94 A. 1883-84. - Dhatupāṭha श्रीगणेशाय नमः । ॐ नमः शिवाय । ॐ ॥ तां भवानीं भवानीतक्लेशनाशविशारदाम् । शारदां शारदाम्भोदसितसिंहासनां नुमः ॥ १ ॥ ॐ भूसत्तायां । उदात्तः उदात्तेत् ॥ 'पुच्छादि धात्वर्थ इत्येव सिद्धम् ॥ इति धातुपाठे च (चु ? )रादिगणः समाप्तः ॥ इति श्रीमद्भीमसेनकविपठितो धातुपाठः समाप्तः ॥ समुच्चितास्त्वा कृतितश्वरायस्मिति स्वतर्कानुमितैौत्रणिक्कचित् । समर्थनां त्वागमयेत वृत्तिजां समेत्य वृद्धैः समुदाहरेदपि ॥ १ ॥ समीक्ष्य क्षोले (?) क्वचिदत्र हेतुमद्विचारणात्थादिषु नाम दर्शनात् । जिच - here abruptly ends the Ms. Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 165 B. Paniniya School . . . ... Dhatupatha धातुपाठ No. 210 - 179 1882-83 Size - 9} in, by 4 in. Extent -17 leaves, 22 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold bat not very careful though usually correct writing. Red chalk much used. The Ms. contains the regular Paniniya Dhātupāțba, and follows it up by the gilastot with its explanation, quoting in the end three verses of Bhoja as illustrations. Complete. Age-Samvat 17(2)35. Ends लेट् । लोट् । दुःख । सुख । मृग। क्लिश । नाम । दुरस । पूर्वेति - सप्तत्रिंशत् ॥ अत्राह श्री भोजः॥ __ कंडूयति न यो मर्म नर्मणा यो हणीयते। उरस्यति रुषा यः स राजा राज्यं भिषज्यति ॥१॥ वल्गूयात न यो साधूनसूयति न साधवे। मंतूयति न मान्याय महत्सु न महीयते ॥२॥ कमिशुध्यंतु यज्वाना कमगध्यंतु मागधा। - कमार्थनः कुषुभ्यंतु रामोऽरण्यं चरण्यति ॥३॥ इति पाणिनीयधातुपाठे द्विविधाः कडादयः समाप्ताः ॥ समाप्तः धातुपाठश्च ॥ श्रीरस्तु गुरुशिष्ययोः सर्वेषां च ॥संवत्सत्तर ३५ वर्षे चैत्रमासे शुक्लपक्षे नवम्यां सोमवासरे लिखितोयं धातुपाठः॥ Then follow a few Fashions which also occupy the blank side of fol. 1. धातुपाठ Dbātupātha No. 211 329 A. 1881-82 Size -8 in. by 4 in. Extent — 28 leaves, 8 lines to & page, 27 letters to a line. " Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 Grammar Degoription - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and careful writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in red, and red ink used for punctuation strokes. Red chalk freely used. After the regular Dhātupātha of the Pāṇiniya school there is a supplement giving the figure , and a few lines giving the state and Arffls. The last leaf torn. Complete, Age - Not very old in appearance. Ends, - sfa farejošargare: Igra Eragia: 1 : भूअदूहुदिव्सूतुदूधूतन्कीकञ्चुरपूर्वा गणा दश ॥ भीमसेनेन गदिताः शब्दभ्रांतिभयापहाः ॥१॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु ॥ श्री ॥ अथ कंडादयो लिख्यन्ते etc. धातुपाठ Dhātupātha No. 212 628 1891-95 Size - 81 in, by 47 in. Extent - 20 leaves, 11 lines to & page, about 29 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear, careful and legible writing, fairly correct; margins ruled and red chalk used ; occasional marginal corrections. The upper and lower ends eaten by worms. Complete. After the चुरादिs the Ms. gives in addition the कंड्डादिs. Age -- Not very old in appearance. 626 धातुपाठ Dhātupātha No. 213 1891-95 Size - 8 in. by 41 in. Extent - 13 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line: Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 167 Description-Looks like Country paper, Devanagari characters%3B clear and legible writing, fairly accurate. Rod chalk used for the first six leaves. Complete. Age-Saka 1766. Ends - इति श्रीभगवत्पाणिनिविरचिते व्याकरणशास्त्रे प्रकृतिपाठः समाप्तः ॥ धातुसंख्या २२०० । श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु । स्वस्ति श्रीनृपशालिवाहन शके १७६६ वर्षे क्रोधी नामाद्वे माघशुक्ल १४ गुरुवासरे तद्दिने इदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं । श्रीमद्दत्तात्रयाय औदुंबरमूलनिवासाय भक्तकामकल्पद्रुमाय परब्रह्मणे नमः । श्रीसंगमेश्वरार्पणमस्तु ॥ Dhātupātha धातुपाठ No. 214 627 1891-95 Size -91 in. by4t in. Extent -16 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold but often careless writing, correct in the main. Margins ruled in irregular black lines. Complete. Age - Samvat 1785, Saka 1651. Ends - इति श्रीचुरादयस्समाप्तिमदीव्यन् इति बुधैर्तेयमत्र ॥श्री संवत् १७८५ शाके १६५१ पौषशुक्ल सप्तम्यां सोमसत्तामिदं समाप्तम्बारहग्रामे ॥ श्रीमन्महासरस्वतीचरणारविंदाभ्यानमः ॥ श्री पौंडरीकयाजि श्री ५ सुधाकरजीनामिदम्पुस्तकम् ॥ 86 धातुपाठ Dhātupātha No. 215 A. 1879-80 Size — 131 in. by 5; in, Extent -17 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Grammar Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; written in a very bold band, clear but not always correct. Complete. Age - Not old in appearance. Ends-पुछादिषु धात्वर्थ इत्येव सिद्धं । इति स्वार्थ रायंत( ? )प्रक्रियाः 1A: 11 धातुपाठः Dhātupātha No. 216 536 1887-91 Size --11in. by 41 in. Extent - 12 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Description - Country papers, Devanāgari characters; edges slightly worn off. Clear and generally legible writing; fairly accurate and complete. complete. Age - The Ms. has an old appearance. ETITATS.. No. 217 Dhātupātha 256 Visrām. (i) Size -12 in. by 4 in. Extent - 24 leaves, 7 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Mcdern Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible and usually correct writing. Complete. Age - Modern-looking. Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 169 B. Pāṇiniya School Strgura faşter:) Dhātupātha (višesha) No. 218 251 1884-86 Size -10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 11 leaves with 2nd leaf missing, about 18 lines to a page, 35 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters, with #1578; written in six perpendicular columns, each root being numbered. Subjeot -- list of roots. Author - Anonymous. Begins — spiraatiat: i sienirto TESE AUTT: 1 Ends- fea: P368 gorf: 1 4919 11 I 37: – gato चारार्थः । आः-निष्ठासंबन्धिनोर्भावादिकर्मणोरिट् विकल्फ1&c. ......ESTET 37 Targaret syraat Tirorat UTOTT: पण्डितहर्षकुललिखितः॥ श्रीरस्तु॥ धातुपाठविशेषाः Dhātupāthavišesba 51 No. 219 1874-75 Size -- 9} in. by 4 in. Extent - 4 leaves, 19 lines to a page, 66 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters with Baltis ; clear and very careful writing, correct generally; and complete. Age - Rather old in appearance. Subject -- The Ms. geems to be a student's digest of the various Etuits such as those of the Pāṇiniya, Haima, Bopadeva and other schools. Only the conjugationally peculiar roots are here noted under each Gaņa. The work is anonymous, and the title is given to the work on the strength of the colophons such as इति चुरादिगणविशेषाः etc. The धातुतरक्रिमी is more than once referred to, and is apparently the chief authority followed. 22 | Des. Cat., Vol. II ] Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 Grammat .. Begins- उदात्तादीनां बाह्यप्रयत्नत्त्वं । बाह्यप्रयत्नश्चैकादशाविधः । तथाहि॥ Ends - अन्यपि ये नामधातवस्तेषामपि १० विभक्तयो योज्याः। कवि कल्पद्रुमधातुपाठे १७५४. धातुसंख्यास्ति ॥ श्रीधातुपारायणे १८९२ धातुसंख्यास्ति ॥ सपादलक्षं चेत्सर्व ग्रंथमानं विधीयते। तदा स्यात्सर्वधातूनां सर्वरूपनिरूपणं ॥१॥ श्रीपाणिनीयहैममतेन १९ विभक्तीनां यथाक्रम नामानि यथा। लट् वर्त्तमा १ लिट् सप्तमी २ लोट् पंचमी ३ लट् ह्यस्तनी ४ लिट् परोक्षा ५ लिइ आशीः-६ लुट् स्व(श्व )स्तनी ७ लूट भविष्यति ८ लड क्रियातिपत्ति ९ लुडू अद्यतनी १० एवं भावनीयं ॥ धातुमजरी Dhātumañjari No. 220 629 1891-95 Size - 104 in. by 44 in. Extent - 34 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Wants the last leaf or two. Age Has not a very old appearance. Author - Kāśinātha. Subject - Lists of roots arranged according to Pāṇini's system, a with their meanings and the explanation of their charac teristics. Begins - ॐ नमः सिद्धेभ्यः। सरामं रामसारामं गुणानां धातुमंजरी। . ... .. ज्ञामदाज्ञानदा ज्ञात्वा काशीनाथेन कथ्यते ॥१॥ भूसत्तायां । सतो भावः सत्ता विद्यमानता। भवति रामः कर्त्तरि। भावे रामेण रामाभ्यां रामैर्भूयते । भावस्यैकत्वादेकवचनं । प्राथम्यात्प्रथम पुरुषस्यैव । अकर्मकोयं ॥ यथा ॥ . सत्ताशुद्धिसमृद्धिवृद्धिशयन स्थानासनेभासने लज्जाजीवनरोदने च हसने नृत्ये प्रलापे क्रुधि । संतुष्टौ रुचिशोकदोषमरणस्पर्द्धाविहारेषु च Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 171 B. Paniniya School शेयो धातुरकर्मको भयमदोन्मादप्रमादेषु च ॥१॥ : लज्जा सत्ता स्थितिजागरणं वृद्धिक्षयभयजीवितमरणं। - .... शयनक्रीडारुचिदीप्त्यर्था धातव एते कर्म विहीनाः ॥९॥ Ends - The चुरादि commences on foll. 32 a and breaks off abruptly ___with चित्तं संवेदने ।चेतयते ॥ दशि दंशयते ताल व्यांतः दं- etc Colophon - इति श्रीकाशिनाथकृतौ धातुमंजर्या व्यादिगणः॥ धातुमजरी Dhātumañjári No. 221 537 - 1887-91 Size-10] in. by 4t in. Extent - 62 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 30 letters to a linê. Description - Country paper, much fragile; the edges and sides broken in the case of many leaves ; Devanāgari characters, bold and legible writing ; fairly accurate and complete. Age - The Ms. appears much old. Author - Kāśinātha. Subject - List of roots and their meaning, together with illustra tive extracts in the case of the more important or irregular ones. In addition to भट्टि (who is often quoted) the Ms. also quotes from किरात, हलायुध and जयदेव. ... ... . . Begins - सरामं वरमारामं गुणानां धातुमंजरी। ज्ञानदज्ञानहं नत्वा काशीनाथेन कथ्यते ॥१॥ भूसत्तायां। सतो भावः । सत्ता विद्यमानता। भवति रामः कर्त्तरि। भावे रामेण रामाभ्यां भूयते ॥ भावस्यैकत्त्वादेकवचनं । प्राथम्यात्प्रथमपुरुषस्यैव ॥ अकर्मकोयं यथा ॥ सत्तावृद्धिविशुद्धिसिद्धिशयनस्थानासने भासने लज्जाजीवनरोदने च ह(?)दने नृत्ये विलासे क्रुधि। .. त्रासस्यंदनिवासशोषमरणस्पर्धाविहारेष्वपि ज्ञातो धातुरकर्मकः क्षयमदोद्वेगप्रकंपेष्वपि ॥१॥.. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 Grammar चिती संज्ञाने । संज्ञानं निद्रात्ययो ज्ञानमात्रं च । आदावकर्मके द्वितीयः सकर्मकः ॥ प्रलये हरिश्चेतति ॥ चिचेत रामस्तं क्लेशमिति भाट्टः॥--&c. Ends- युजादीनां विकल्पेन णिच्प्रत्ययः । चुरादीनामनंतत्त्वादन्येपि धातवो बोद्धव्याः। इति श्रीकाशीनाथकृतौ धातुमंजर्यां चुरादिगणः समाप्तः॥ धातुमञ्जरी Dhātumañjari No.222 630 1891-95 Size - 9 in. by 4} in. Extent-85 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 20 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold, legible and generally correct writing. Leaf 15 omitted in the enumeration, leaf 69 counted twice, leaves 73 and 74 numbered on the same page; the Ms. is, however, continuous and . complete. Age - Samvat 1857, Saka 1722. Ends - चुरादीनामन(त)त्वादन्येपि बोद्धव्याः ॥ इति श्रीकाशिनाथकृतौ धातुमंजयो चुरादिगण(6) समाप्तः ॥ समाप्तेयं धातुमंजरी ॥ संवत् १८५७ शाके १७२२ वैशाख कृष्ण १० शुक्रवार लीक्षतो जोसी गुमानी राम सवार्द्ध)ननगरमध्ये॥ धातुरत्नमञ्जरी Dhāturatnamañjari No. 223 221 1892-95 Size -9 in. by 4t in. Extent-59 leaves (page 9th being counted twice); 10 lines to a page; about 16 letters in a line. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 173 Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and legible writing, written in two vertical columns. Correct and complete. Age-Samvat 1828. Author - Rāmasimhavarman. Subject - Lists of roots and their meanings arranged according as they are परस्मैपदि, आत्मनेपदि, or उभयपदि. The roots in each division are grouped alphabetically coording to the initial (and not the final) letter. The total number of roots here enumerated is 2063 ; of which 1423 are परस्मैपदि, 493 are आत्मनेपदि, and the rest belong to both the पदs. Begins-श्रीगुरुगणपतिशारदाभ्यो नमः। गुणवृद्धिविवृध्यों नानाप्रत्ययसंस्कृताम् । वंदे प्रकृतिमत्याद्यामनेकार्थप्रकाशिनी(म् ?)॥ अथ धातुरत्नमंजरी लिख्यते । तत्रादौ परस्मैपदिनः। अकारायाः शब्धिकरणाः। अक अग कुटिलायां गतौ &c. Ends- अथ क्षाद्यास्तत्र शब्धिकरणः। क्षिप प्रेरणे।अनुदात्तः। तुदादिरेकः॥ उविकरणौ । क्षणु क्षिणु हिंसायाम् । क्षणु उत्सवेपि ॥ तनादी छौ। एवं क्षाद्यास्त्रयः। इति श्री etc. Colophon - इति श्रीमन्महाराजाधिराजश्रीजयसिंहदेवकुमारेण श्रीराम सिंहवर्मणा विरचितायां धातुरत्नमंजर्या उभयपदिनः समाप्ताः॥ ' This Col. is often shortened into इति श्रीरामसिंहवर्मणा विर चितायां धातुमंजर्या eto, or simply into इति धातुमंजर्या etc. धातुकल्पलतिका Dhātukalpalatikā No. 224 497 1886-92 Size -9/in. by 51 in. Extent -17 leaves, 11 lines in a page, about 30 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters. Very sare less writing. The borders of the last three leaves spoilt, so as to lose some letters. Fairly correct. Complete. Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 Grammar Author-Dhanajit. Subject - A short metrical treatise dealing with the roots be longing to the different conjugations. A list of the tots is found on the back side of the 1st leaf. Begins -ओं नमो श्रीभवानीनृसिंहाभ्यां नमः। पीनाजानुविलंबिकोमलचतुर्दोर्दण्डमिंदीवरश्यामं कोकनदांघ्रिभं म(र?)कतस्तंभोपमोरुद्वयं । स्निग्धानीलविकुंचितालकलसद्धिंबाधरेंदुप्रभा. रम्यस्मेरमुखारविंदमजितं वंदेरविंदेक्षणं ॥१॥ शब्दार्थरूपां गिरमिंदुभासं वरप्रदां विश्वसुवं प्रणम्य । --मनोज्ञैः सुखबोधमेतं करोम्यहं धातुगणप्रबंधं ॥ Ends - वृत्तैः सुमंजुभिरिमां मधुसू (द?)नस्य --स्त्वदभ्रकरुणां प्रणिपत्य वाणीं। शद्वार्थबोधनकरीं च हरिं मनोज्ञ धीर्धातुकल्पलतिकां धनजिच्चकार ॥१९॥ Colophon - इतिश्रीभदृधनजिद्विरचिता धातुकल्पलतिका समाप्ता॥ धातुपाठ(क्षीरतरङ्गिणी) Dhātupātha(Kshiratarangiņi) No. 225 100 A 1883-84 Size -6 in. by 101 in. Extent -28 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 23 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Sārada characters; bold and very careful writing, fairly correct. Red ink used for punotua. tion strokes after each root in most of the early and some of the later leaves. The roots are separately numbered for each गण. A few leaves at the beginning and the end rather worn out around the margins. Complete. Age - Old in appearance. Author - Kshirasvamin, son of Bhatta Tsvarasvamin (?), Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35 25 9 B. Paniniya School 175 Subject -- This Ms. gives a mere list of the roots followed by their meaning. There are given accordingly-- भ्वादिगण Roots 1014 अदादिगण 68 जुहोतिगण 24 दिवादिगण 135 स्वादिगण तुदादिगण 144 रुधाधिगण तनादिगण ज्यादिगण 67 चुरादिगण 152 + 39 upto कुस्म+ Nos. 40-65 numbered and the rest unnumbered. It must be noted however that the enumeration is faulty in several places. The list seems to be simply an extract • out of the क्षीरतरंगिणी. Begins-ॐ नमः सरस्वत्यै ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीगुरवे ॥ ॐ भू सत्तायाम् ॥ उदात्तः॥१॥ Ends - The भ्वादिगणः-वद व्यक्तायां वाचि ॥ १०१३ ॥ टुओश्चि गति वृद्धयोः ॥१०१४ ॥ वृत् ॥ यजदये वृत्तः (?) भ्वादिराकृतिगणः ॥ तेन मलस्तनेत्यादिसंग्रहः ॥ क्षीरस्वामिकृतधातुतरंगिण्यां यजादिरंतर्गणो वर्तितः ॥ इति भटेश्वरस्वामिपुत्रक्षीरस्वाम्युत्प्रोक्षितधातुक्षीरतरंगिण्यां शब्विकरणो भ्वादिगणः समाप्तः ॥ The colophon elsewhere is :-- इति धातुपाठे तुदादिगणः षष्ठः ॥ After the end of क्र्यादिगणः we find :- इति श्रीधातुपाठे भाविकरणः त्रयादिगणः समाप्तः॥ आख्यातेयं नवगणी कुशकाशावलंबनात्। । चुरादिरधुनारब्धो यत्र भन्ना महारथाः॥ पाठेर्थे चात्र सभ्रंशान्महतामपि मोहतः।। न विद्मः किं जहामोत्र किं वात्रादध्महे वयं ॥ इति क्षीरतरंगिण्यां स्वामी॥ The whole Ms. ends thus :- केचित्तु णिचमेवानुवर्त्तयति। तन्मते परस्मैपदमपि पुच्छादिषु धात्त्वर्थ एव इत्येव सिद्धं ॥ णिजंतादेव Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar बहुलवचनादस्तु ॥ सास्तु पुच्छभा तिणिज्विाथः ॥ सिद्धशब्दो ग्रंथान्ते मंगलार्थ इति चुरादयः ॥ समाप्तोयं धातुपाठः ॥ वैदेशिकसिद्धान्तकौमुदीकारकृत धातुनिरूपणं वीक्ष्य लिखितो मया पंडितेश्वर केन ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ श्लोकशतानि ६५० ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ Reference - See Nos. 287 and 288 of 1875-76, as also R. Mitra's Notices, Vol. VIII, p. 43 and following. 176 क्षीरतरङ्गिणी No. 226 Size - 5 in by 7 in. Extent 224 leaves, 10-16 lines to a page, 16 letters to a line. Description-Rough Country paper, Sarada characters; legible and clear writing sometimes small and sometimes bold; usually correct. Red chalk used occasionally. The middle leaves have slight holes bored by insects. The first 64 leaves are continuously numbered; the rest unnumbered. There are a few lacunae in the Ms., the largest being after fol. 168a. The Ms. is bound together in cloth with Ms. No. 276 of 1875–76, which is a Bhūraja Ms. of Unādivriti. The present Ms. is placed at the end. Complete. The Ms. comes from Kasmira. Kshiratarangini 287 1875-76 Age — Old in appearance. Author — Kshirasvāmin, son of Bhatta īśvarasvamin See Dr. Bühler's Report for 1875-76, Introduction, p. 73. Subject A gloss on the list of roots appended to Panini's Ashtadhyāyi. Begins- श्रीपरमादियों नमः ॥ ॐ स्वस्ति ॥ ॐ नमो भगवत्यै श्री आ तारादेव्यै ॥ ॐ नमो गणपतये ॥ ॐ नमो विघ्नहंत्रे गणेशाय ॥ ॐ तरंग (भंग) सुभगं क्वणन्मधुपकिंकिणीजालिनं करं प्रचलपुष्करारुणशिखं समुल्लासयन् । विभुर्जयति विघ्नजिद्भुवनधृष्टमारोपयन् दुरंत दुरितक्षयाद्विजयवैजयंतीमिव ॥ १ ॥ Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 177 धातुवैषम्यशमनाद्वाझ्याप्यायनी सतां । क्षीरस्वामीप्रसूतेयं वृत्तिः क्षीरतरंगिणी ॥ २॥ ..... सूत्रव्याख्या कार्यजातं गणानां सेट्त्वानिट्त्वोपग्रहादेः फलं च॥ अष्टाध्याय्यां ये विशेषप्रयोगाः धातोर्धातोर्दर्शितास्ते विशेषात् ॥ ३॥ य एव पारायणिकैदृष्टोत्र विवरीतृभिः। पथा तेनैव याताः स्मः कृत्वा गजनिमीलिकाम् ॥ ४॥ न विचारिताः प्रयोगाः पारायणिकैर्हि तत्र संरब्धम् । सत्याष्टधातुकेपि च षोढा नोदाहृता प्रकृतिः॥५॥ भग्नाः पारायणिकाश्चंद्राद्या अपि च यत्र विभ्रांताः। तान् धातून्विवरीतुं गहनमहो अध्यवसिताः स्मः ॥ ६ ॥ जाता विश्वसृजः क्रमेण मुनिभिः संस्कारमापादिताः। शब्दाः संवसनादसाधुभिरपभ्रष्टाःस्थ भो भ्रातरः॥ वावध्यास्य कृता मदेकशरणाः पात्रायतेऽस्मान्मया (?) न्याये वनि वर्तनाय भवतां षवृत्तयः कल्पिताः॥७॥ अथ नित्यानां स्वरार्थसाधनकल्पनया व्याख्यानमिति प्रकृतयो निर्दिश्यते ॥ भू सत्तायामुदात्तः॥ भू-इत्यविभक्तिकोयं निर्देशो भ्रांतिनिरासार्थः॥ Ends – भट्टक्षीरस्वाम्युत्प्रेक्षितधातुपाठे क्षीरतरंगिण्यां चुरादिगणसंपूर्णः समाप्तः॥ श्रीगुरवे नमो नमः। ॐ समुच्चितास्त्वाकृतिमच्चुरादयः स्मृतः ॥ एते चुरादयः सम्यगुद्वत्य चिता ढौकिताः संचिता उच्चिता (इ)त्येके आकृतितःप्रायेजति आकृतिशतकुपर्यटकसामान्यं गत्यैके वेदेतिहासपुराणादिलोके वेत्याकारालक्षादित्यन्यैस्स्मृतेः पूर्वाचार्यस्मरणाच्च ॥ स्वतर्कानुमितोत्र णित्क्वचित्स्मृते क्वचित्स्वतर्केणात्मोत्प्रेक्षय राणिज(?) नुमितः उलिंगितः अनुमत इष्टो वा॥ समर्थनात्त्वागमयति वृत्तिजां समेत्य वृद्धैः समुदाहरेदपि ॥ ॥ किंच निजोभावाभावत्यर्थो वृत्तिकारायुक्तां समर्थनां युक्तार्थतां प्रगमयतेत् । अभियुक्तोधिगच्छेत्तथादानींतनैर्वृद्धैरपि सह समुदाहरेत् लक्ष्ये दर्शयेदन्यच्च॥ ॥ समीक्ष्य लक्ष्यं क्वचिदनहेतुमद्विचारणार्थादिषु नामदर्शनात् ॥ णिचं भजेक्वचिल्लक्ष्य दर्शद्धेतुमाद्विचारणार्थादिषु प्रयोजनकादि व्यापारि]विशेषेषु नामतो णिचमुत्पादयेत् नामत एवेति निपातो 23 Des. Cat., Vol. II] ' Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 Grammar नुपसर्गादिभ्योतिवृत्तिकृता संगमयतेरनियमात् नामत एव णिज्भावे तु तथैव पुच्छादिषु चोत्तरेषु णित्पुनर्धमत्य एव तथा पुच्छादिभ्य उत्तरेभ्य एव णिच् ॥ इति शुभम् ॥ ॥ श्रीरामचंद्राय नमः॥ कश्मी(र)मंडलभुवं जयसिंहनाम्नि विश्वंभरापरिवृढे दृढदीर्घदोष्णि । शासत्यमात्यवरसूनुरिमं लिलेख भक्त्या स्वयं द्रविणवानपि धातुवत्तिम ॥१॥ पदार्थजनकात्क्षीरस्वामिनः क्षीरधेरिव । वृत्तिः प्रसूता रम्येयं नाना क्षीरतरांगणी॥ ॥ शुभम् ॥ पुंलिंगेनार्थनिर्वचनं येषां ते उदात्तेतः ॥ ॥ परस्मैपदिनः ॥ स्त्रीलिंगेनार्थनिर्वचनं येषां ते अनुदात्ततः । आत्मनेपदिनः ॥ स्त्री। नपुंसकलिंगेनार्थीनवचन येषां ते स्वरितेतः ॥ उभयपदिनः ॥ नपुं॥ येषां प्रथममर्थः पश्चाद्धातुः ते अनुदात्ता अनिटः ॥ येषां पूर्व धातुः पश्चादर्थः ते उदात्ताः सेटः॥ ॥ अदंताश्चरादिगण पठिताः कथादयः॥ ॥ क्षीरतरङ्गिणी Kshiratarangiņi 42 No. 227 1919-24 Size -111 in. by 5 in. Extent - 116 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description-Country papers, Devanagari characters%3 bold and careful writing, generally accurate, but sometimes full of mistakes. Margins ruled, red chalk used. Slightly wormeaten and the margins of the first and the last few leaves rather worn out. Leaves 44 and 45 are numbered on the same page while fol. 74 is wanting. Otherwise complete. Age-Rather old in appearance. Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 179 Kshiratararigiņīsarnketa क्षीरतरङ्गिणीसंकेत No. 228 288 1875-76 Size - 14 in. by 6 in. Extent - 17 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters of the Kasmirian type; bold and legible writing, not very correct; slight lacunae in places. The Ms. appears to be other wise complete. Age - A new copy. Author - Kshirasvamin (?) Subject - This is not so much & commentary as a mere abridg ment or summary of the staffuit, which is nearly five times the extent of the present work. Begins- ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐ धातुवैषम्यशमनाद्वाङ्याप्यायिनी सताम् । क्षीरस्वामिप्रसूतेयं वृत्तिः क्षीरतरंगिणी ॥१॥ सूत्र व्याख्याकार्यजातं गणानां सेटानिट्रोपग्रह "लं च । अष्टाध्याय्यां ये विशेष[प्रयोगा धातोर्धातोर्दशितास्तेपि लेशात् ॥ २॥ भू सत्तायां ॥ भू इत्यविभक्तिकोयं निर्देशो भ्रांतिनिरासार्थछांदसो वा ॥ सा नित्या सा महानात्मा तामाहुस्त्वतलादयः। प्राप्तकमाविशेषेषु क्रिया सैवाभिधीयते॥ भवति । भवतः । भवंति ॥ &c. Ends पदार्थजनकात्क्षीरस्वामिनः क्षीरवारिधेः । इव प्रसूता पुण्येयं वृत्तिः क्षीरतरंगिणी ॥१॥ संकेतः समाप्तः॥ Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 Grammar माधीया धातुवृत्तिः Mādhaviya Dhātuvritti No. 229 73 1866-58 Size -121 in. by 71 in. Extent -262 leaves, 19 lines to a page, 54 letters to a line. Description - Modern foreign paper with water marks, Devanāgari characters; bold and careful writing, fairly accurate. Seems to bave been copied from an original which contained several lacunae, corresponding to which the present copy also has blanks, as at fol. 102 b and fol. 134. Three separate paginations (1-134, 1-104, 1-24) the first of which has gone wrong in omitting to number two leaves. Complete. The Ms. is bound in half leather. Age - Seems to be a modern copy. Author - Sāyana brother of Mādbava and son of Māyana, being the minister of Sangama. Subject - The well-known commentary on the Paniniya Dhatu pātha or list of roots. Begins - वागीशाद्याः सुमनसः सर्वार्थानामुपक्रमे । यं नत्वा कृतकृत्याः स्युस्तं नमामि गजाननम् ॥ १॥ जीयाद्धस्तिमुखो यस्य लीलयोर्धाण्डखण्डणे। कुन्दाकुरवदाभाति दन्ताग्रं तद्वहिर्गतम् ॥ २॥ चिदानन्दकलां वाणीं वन्दे चन्द्रकलाधराम् । नैर्मल्यतारतम्येन बिम्बितां चित्तवृत्तिषु ॥३॥ अस्ति श्रीसंगमक्ष्मापः पृथ्वीतलपुरंदरः। यत्कीर्तिमौक्तिकादशैं त्रिलोक्या प्रतिबिम्ब्यते ॥ ४ ॥ यशः क्षीराहुतीकृत्य यत्प्रतापहुताशने। परे यान्ति पदं दिव्यं राजानो रणदीक्षिताः ॥५॥ तूर्ण कर्णान्तिके प्राप्ते यत्प्रतापधनंजये। पुरो निधाय गाङ्गेयमात्मा संरक्ष्यते परैः ॥ ६॥ कुर्वञ् शत्रुयशांसि धूमपटली कूलंकषाज्यास्पृहः काष्ठासंगविवृद्धितः प्रकटयन् भूतिं नवां भूयसीम् । आतन्वनितरप्रतापदहनं स्फूर्तिस्फुलिङ्गाकृतिः प्रायो यच्छति यत्प्रतापदहनः कस्मै न विस्मरताम् ॥७॥ Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāņinīya School 181 तस्य मन्त्रिशिखारत्नमस्ति मायणसायणः । यः ख्याति रत्नगर्भति यथार्थयति पार्थिवीम् ॥८॥ नित्योन्मीलितदानवारिरधिकं निर्धूतपकोदयो दूरापास्तहरीशलानविधिर्भङ्गप्रसंगोज्झितः। क्ष्माभृत्क्षोभकृतिक्षमः क्षणिकयन्प्रेषाकरोत्पोषणामानन्दाय चकास्ति यस्त्रिजगतामाश्चर्यरत्नाकरः ॥९॥ यत्की? जान्हवीस्फूर्तों कीा विद्विषतामपि। कालिन्दनन्दिनीकान्तिः स्पर्धयेव प्रपद्यते ॥१०॥ येन निर्मायते नित्यं धनैरायोधनैरपि । श्रेयसे श्रेयसे दानं विदुषां विद्विषामपि ॥११॥ न ध्यानं न व्रतं नार्चा न समाधिर्न वा जपः । मत्रसिद्धावलिं] यस्य मतिरेव महीयसी ॥१२॥ तेन मायणपुत्रेण सायणेन मनीषिणा। व्याख्येया माधवी चेयं धातुवृत्तिर्विरच्यते ।। १३ ॥ अस्याः पूर्वनिबन्धेभ्यो गुणवत्ता न कथ्यते। सर्व एव स्ववाक्येषु यदाहुर्गुणगौरवम् ॥१४॥ सा च संत्यक्तमात्सयैर्गुणगृर्मिनीषिभिः॥ सत्रवार्तिकभाष्याणामीक्ष्यतां पारदृश्वभिः ॥१५॥ वल्गयन्ते खला दोषं किं तैर्यदयमुद्यमः॥ मुनित्रयगिरामर्थसतत्त्वविदुषः प्रति ॥ १६॥ भू सत्तायाम् । वर्तत इति शेषः। सत्तेहात्मभरणम् । यदाह हरि: आत्मानमात्मना बिधदस्तीति व्यपदिश्यते इति। Colophon-इति पूर्वदक्षिणपश्चिमसमुद्राधीश्वरकंपराजसुतसंगमराजमहा मन्त्रिणा मायणसुतेन माधवसहोदरेण सायणाचार्यण विरचितायां माधवीयायां धातुवृत्तौ रुधादयः ( fol. 82 ) संपूर्णाः॥ Ends- यदा तु मात् परत्वं शेषत्वमिति पक्षस्तदा शेषे लोपाभावात् मका रस्य श्रवणं भवतीति युष्मं अस्ममित्यादि भवति ॥ इति सायणेन विरचितेयं प्रत्ययान्तनामधातुवृत्तिः समाप्ता । समाप्तमीती धातुवृत्ती॥ राम । सुशुभमस्तु ॥ नरगुंद नाम नगरी। राम । श्रीलक्ष्मीवेंकटेश ॥ शके १७८८ क्षयसंवत्सरे लेखन समाप्तिमगमत् । The date is however added by a later hand. Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 Grammar 500 माधवीया धातुवृत्तिः Madhaviyā Dhātuvritti No. 230 1884-87 Size -12 in. by 4 in. Extent-(12+9+ 15 +13 = ) 49 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 60 letters to a line. Description- Foregin paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible hand, but not uniform ; more than one writer. The Ms. divided into 4 sections स्वादिगण, 1. 123; रुधादि.1.9%; तनादि 1.15 and ऋयादि 1. 13. the Ms. is not complete. Gene rally accurate. Age -- Does not seem to be very old. Author - Sāyaṇāchārya. Subject - A commentary on the Paniniya Dhatupatha. Begins- Section I षुञ् अभिषवे । एतदादयोनुदात्ता उभयतो भाषाः। etc. Sect. II रुधिरावरणे । अयं द्विकर्मकः etc.. Sect. III तनुविस्तारे तनोति । तनुत, etc. Sect. IV डुकीत्रद्रव्यविनिमये । क्रीणाति etc. Ends - Sect. I स्वादयो वृत्ता इत्यर्थः । इति पूर्वदक्षिणपश्चिमसमुद्रार्धे श्वरश्रीकंपराजसुतसंगममहामहामंत्रिमायणसुतेन माधवसहोदरेण सायणाचार्येण विरचितायां धातुवृत्तौ माधवी. यायां धातुवृत्तौ स्वादयः संपूर्णाः ॥ Sect. II रुधादयो वृत्ताः । इति श्रीपूर्वदक्षिणपश्चिमसमुद्राधी श्वर कंपराजसुतसंगममहाराजमहामंत्रिणामायणसुतेन माधवसहोदरेण सायणाचार्येण विरचितायां धातुवृत्ती रुधादयः संपूर्णाः॥ Sect III अनुदात्त उभयतोभाषः इति सायणविरचितायां धातु. . वृत्तो तनादयः समाप्ताः॥ Sect. IV गकुत्सायांशप्येवगर्हते । इति श्री. Same as Section II except that the work is now called Atuaferent - धातुवृत्ती...ज्यादयः संपूर्णाः॥ . Reference - India Office Catalogue Nos. 689 and ff. Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ माधवीया धातुवृत्तिः No. 231 B. Paniniya School आख्यातप्रक्रिया No. 232 Size 13 in. by 8 in. Extent – 306 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description - Modern foreign paper with water-marks, Devanagari characters; bold, careful and legible writing; generally correct. The Ms. is bound in half-leather and gives the text from the beginning, but breaks off in the middle of the n section. Incomplete. Age-Seems to be a recent copy. Madhaviya Dhatuvṛitti 74 1866-68 Age - Samvat 1794, Saka 1660. 183 Size - 92 in by 41 in. Extent – 56 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description Akhyātaprakriya Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible and fairly correct writing. The edges of the Ms. torn and much worn out. Red chalk used in the beginning, Complete. 269 1899-1915 धातूनामप्यतन्त्रत्वान्नानार्थत्वाच्च सर्वशः । अभिधातुमशक्यत्वादाख्यातख्यापनैरलम् ॥ इति आख्यातप्रक्रिया समाप्ता । प्रवर्तमाने वैशाख शुदि ११ बुधे लिखीतम् ॥ Author - Anonymous. Subject Paradigms of typical roots in all the tenses and moods. Begins— श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अथाख्यातप्रत्यया निरूप्यन्ते ॥ धातोः ॥ वक्ष्यमाणाः प्रत्यया धातोर्ज्ञेयाः ।। Ends -- ऐव । ऐम ॥ संवत् १७९४ शाके १६६० Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 Grammar यङलुगन्तशिरोमणि Yanlugantasiromaņi No. 233 307 1875-76 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent -12 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 52 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा. Clean and correct writing. Margins carefully ruled; square blanks left in the centre. Comple e%3; the Ms. comes from Bikāner. Age - Old in appearance. Author -Sesha Krishnapandita. Subject -On formation of the Intensive. Begins - ॐ नमः॥ नतदेवशिरस्पंदिमकरंदाकितांघ्रये ॥ वागीशदत्तमतये विघ्ननाशाय ते नमः॥१॥ यडोचि च ॥ अजितिप्रत्ययो गृह्यते । न प्रत्याहारः । तथासति अणीत्येवावक्ष्यत् । यङलुगंतादन्यस्याचोऽसंभवादिति हरदत्तः॥ Ends-छंदसीत्यनुवृत्या प्रयोगाश्च यथाभिमतं व्यवस्थास्यते इति काशिका कारसंमत्याभाषायामपि यङ्लुगस्ति । तेन केचिन्महाकविप्रयुक्ता यङ्लुगताः शिष्टप्रयोगमनुसृत्य प्रयोक्तव्या इत्यादि प्रयोगानुसारादिति ॥ चान्द्रयङ्लुकभाषाविषय एवेत्युक्तमिति सर्वमकलंकं॥ महाभाष्यमहापारावारपारीणबुद्धिभिः॥ परीक्ष्यो ग्राह्यदृष्टयायं यङ्लुगंतशिरोमाणः ॥१॥ श्रीभाष्यप्रमुखमहार्णवावगाहात् लब्धोयं मणिरमलो हृदा निषेव्यः॥ क्षतव्यं यदकरवं विदां पुरस्ता प्रागल्भ्यं पितृचरणप्रसादलेशात् ॥२॥ इति श्रीशेषकृष्णपंडितविरचितो यइलुगंतशिरोमणिः समाप्तः लिखितं पं० विमलकीर्तिमुनिभिः॥ श्री ।। Reference - India Office Catalogue, No. 704, Raj. Mitra, Notices, No. 1772. Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 185 यग्लुगन्तप्रकरण No. 234 Yanluganta-prakaraņa 526 1886-92 Size — 104 in, by 4} in. Extent -8leaves, 20 lines in a page, about 60 letters in a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs. Small though legible writing, fairly correct. Complete ; first leaf torn. Anonymous. Begins नतदेवशिरःस्यंदिमकरंदीकृतांघ्रये। __ वागीशदत्तमतये विघ्ननाशाय ते नमः॥१॥ यडोचि च । अजिति प्रत्ययो गृह्यते न प्रत्याहारः । Ends- इति काशिकाकारसंमत्या भाषायामपि यङ्लुगंताः तेन केषांचिन्म तेपि प्रयुक्तायङ्लुगंताः ॥ इति यलुगंतप्रकरणं लिखितं पं० सूरचंद्रेण...... दशलकाराः Ten Lakaras No. 235 562 Visram (i). Size - 6 in. by 41 in. Extent-6 leaves, 6 lines to a page,14 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanā garī characters ; bold and generally correct writing; complete. Age - New in appearance. Subject - After explaining the technical significance of the Ten Lakāras, the Ms. gives the paradigms of 7 in all the Tenses and Moods. 24 [ Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 Grammar लकारवाद Lakāra vāda No. 236 796 1884-87 Size -101 in. by 31 in. Extent-10 leaves, 6 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold, legible . and generally correct writing; complete. Age - The Ms. looks modern. Author - Not clearly specified. Subject - A short philosophical disquisition as to the meaning of the various Pāṇinlya #18 or tenses and moods. Begins - श्रीकृष्णाय नमः । पचतिपक्षत्यपाक्षीदित्यादौ वर्तमानत्वादिना प्रतीते वर्तमानप्रागभावप्रतियोगित्वरूपे भविष्यत्वे लटत्वादिनावर्त्तमानध्वंसप्रतियोगित्वरूपेऽतीतत्वे लुङ्त्वादिना शक्तिः। न त्वाख्या 'तत्वेन । सर्वत्र सर्वप्रत्ययापत्तेः ॥ etc. Ends - समिधमाहरेदित्यादौ समित्कर्मकहरणानुकूलकृतिमांस्त्वमित्यन्व बबोधः॥ इति श्री[सिद्धांति]वा[?][]तो लोकारवा]दः [स] माप्तिमगात ॥ श्रीः॥ The bracketed letters are omitted in the Ms. अनिट्कारिका Anitkarika. No. 237 469 - 1884-87. Size -11 in. by 5 in. Extent - 2 leaves, 5 lines to a page, about 43 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, correct. First page torn at one corner, and the second slightly worm-eaten. Complete. Age - Samvat 1875. Author - Anonymous. Subject - About 11 Couplets, with numerous short interlinear notes, of the Anit roots. Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 187 Begins -ॐ नमः वीतरागाय ॥ अथानिटकारिका ॥ अनिट् स्वरांतो भवतीति दृश्यतामिमांस्तु सेटः प्रवदंति तद्विदः । अदंतमृदंतमृतां च वृवृत्रौ विडीङिवणेवथ शीश्रियावपि ॥१॥ Ends - पचिं वचिं विचिरिचिरंजिपृच्छतीन त्रिजि सिचिं मुचिभजि-भंजिशृंजितीन् । त्यर्जि युर्जि रुजिसंजिमज्जतीन् भुजि सृजिविजिविध्यनिटस्वरान् ॥ ११॥ इत्यनिटकारिका ॥ Reference --- See No. 703 of India Office Catalogue. 478 अनिदकारिकाविवरण Anitkārikā-vivaraņa No 238 1886-92 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent-4 leaves, 16 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; complete. Age-Seems to be a new copy. Author-Kshamamanikya. Subject - A short commentary explaining the verses containing Anit roote, (11 in number). The Fifts seem to belong to the कातन्त्र System; see No. 484 of 1886-92. Begins - अथ अनिट्रकारिकाविवरणं किंचिल्लिख्यते। अनिट् स्वरांतो भवतीति दृश्यता मिमांस्तु सेटः प्रवदंति तद्विदः । अदंतमृदंतमृतां च वृवृनौ श्विडीडिवणेष्वथ शीश्रिञावपि ॥ टी०-अनिट् स्वरांतो धातुः etc.Ends - स्वरांतानां हसंतानां धातूनां स्फुटव्यक्तये। कारिकाया विवरणं सेटनिदज्ञानदायकं ॥१॥ क्षमामाणिक्यगणिना कृतं ग्रंथानुसारतः। अक्षयचंद्रविनीताय पठनार्थं जलंधरे ॥२॥ Colophon -- इत्यनिट्रकारिकावचूरिः समाप्त ॥ Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 188 Grammar 98 अनिटकारिकाः टिप्पणीसहिताः Anitkārikās with Gloss No. 239 1902-1907 Size - 9 in. by 4; in. Extent - 1 leaf, 20 lines to the page, 59 letters to the line. Desoription-Country paper, Devanagari characters; legible and fairly correct writing. Complete. Age - Samvat 1817, Saka 1662.. Author - The text and the Com. are both anonymous. Begins (Gloss)- स्वरान्तो यो धातुः स सर्यो अनिट् भवतीति दृश्यता. मवगम्यतामित्यर्थः॥ Ends - इति अनिट् कारिका समाप्ता ॥ संवत् १८१७ शके १६८२ पू० उत्तरायनगते श्रीसूर्ये वर्षारतौ महा० आषाडमासे शुक्लपक्षे ६ षष्ठां सोमवासरान्वितायां राजपुरकतनिकेतनेन भट्टावटंकित कल्यास्यात्मजेन भट्टभिक्षारिणा लिखितेयमनिटका ॥ श्री॥श्री॥ अनिट्रकारिका सावचूरि Anitkārikā with Avachūri No. 240 1222 1891-96 Size -101 in. by 41 in. Extent -1 leaf, 20 lines to the page, 40-55 letters to the line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari charactrs with occa sional पृष्टमात्राs; bold, very clear and generally correct handwriting. The Karikās in the centre and the Avachūri on both sides of it as usual. Margins ruled in red; red ink is also used for punctuation strokes. Complete. Age --The Ms, has not a very old appearance. Author-Anonymous. Subject - A metrical list of Anit roots, according to the Kātantra system. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Begins (Text) - अनिट् स्वरांतो भवतीति दृश्यतां । &c. Avachūri — - ॐ नमः । स्वरांतो धातु न निट् भवति इति दृश्यतां ज्ञायतां । &c. Ends (Text) – भुजिं स्वजिं सृजिमृजिं विध्यनिट्स्वरान् ॥ ११ ॥ इत्यनिकारिका ॥ Avachūri - - एतान् धातून् हसांन् पूर्वोक्तान् स्वरांतांश्च अनिटो विद्धि जानीहि त्वमित्यर्थः । इति श्री अनिट्रकारिकावचूरि लिखिता मुनिं भावरत्नेन ॥ श्रीः ॥ अनिट्कारिकाः सटीकाः No. 241 189 Size - 9 in by 42 in. Extent – 4 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description Age – Samvat 1911. Author Aniṭkarikas with Gloss 317 1895-1902 Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, generally correct. Margins ruled in double red; red chalk copiously used. The text of the Karikas is given in the centre and the gloss above and below the text, as usual. Complete. Both the text and the commentary are anonymous. The Kärikäs are the same as in the preceding Ms. Begins (Gloss) – श्रीमदिष्टदेवाय नमः । एकस्वरादनुदात्तात् । एकस्वराद्धातोर्धातुपाठे अनुदात्तं इत्येवं पठितादिडागमो न भवति । wwwwner Recr Ends (Gloss) – द्वयोर्ग्रहणं विजिरपृथग्भावयोः २७ ॥ एतेऽनिटः स्वरान्तेषु त्रयोदश सेटः । हसन्तेषु १०९ अनिटः । सर्बः १२२ ॥ ११ ॥ इत्यनिदकारिका ॥ सं. १९११ फा सु ८ लिपिकृतं इन्द्रभानुना ॥ गु ॥ क् । नवलचन्द्रहेतवे । फलवर्द्याम् ॥ Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 अनिदकारिका सव्याख्यान No. 242 Grammar Anitkärika with Gloss 2 A. 1882-83 Size 11 in. by 5 in. Extent 5 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 25 letters to a line. Description - Rough Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and careful and generally correct writing; margins ruled in red; red chalk used. The text is followed in the same line with the gloss. Complete. Age New in appearance. Author Both text and Com. are anonymous. The Com. agrees mostly with No. 1222 of 1891-95. Begins (Gloss) – स्वरान्तो धातुरनिद् भवति । न इट् यस्मात् सोऽनिट् इति भवद्भिर्द्दश्यतां ज्ञायताम् ॥ अनिट्कारिकावचूरि No. 243 Ends — इत्यनिट्कारिका । स्वरान्तादत्वहाश्चेति चेट् ॥ श्रीमते रामानुजाय नमः ॥ श्रीरामाय नमोनमः ॥ Anitkärikā vachūri 470 1884-87 Size 11 in. by 4 in. Extent 6 leaves, 7 lines to a page, about 32 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; margins ruled in red; red ink used also for punctuation strokes. Leaf 4 written on one side only. Bold and legible writing, farily accurate; complete. Age Seems to be not very old. Author Subject Anonymous. Aniṭkārikās with a short Avachūri or gloss explaining the meanings of the different roots. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Begins (Text) – अनिट् स्वरांतो भवतीति &c - Com :- एकाच उपदेशेऽनुदात्तात् ॥ उपदेशे य एकाच धातुरनुदात्त (स्त)स्मादुत्तरस्य वालादेरार्धधातुकस्येडागमो न भवति ॥ Ends Text - पचि वचि विचिरि... जि. &c. -- Com :- सृज विसर्गे । विजिर विवेके । हलंतेषु मध्ये एतेऽनिटः ॥ अनिट इत्युदात्तस्वरस्योपलक्षणम् ॥ ततञ्चामादिकमन्यकार्य स्यात् ॥ ११ ॥ इत्यनिट्कारिकावचूरिः ॥ 191 After this follows another couplet by a different hand, made up of the first parts of the different Kärikäs, useful for the sake of memorising them in order :अनिट्गणस्थं शकिना यभिर्दिहिर्दिशिंरु छिचे शिर्षि पिषिं तर्षि । दिं हर्दि चैव पचि वचि यथाक्रमादिहैकादश कारिकामताः ॥ १ ॥ ११ ॥ इत्यनिट्कारिकावचूरिः ॥ दशबलकारिका No. 244 Begins – श्रीशारदायै नमः । Dasa balakarikā Size - 81 in by 32 in. Extent – 5 leaves, 8 lines in a page, about 36 letters in a line. Description – Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold aril legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Age - Samvat 1783. Subject ये धातवः संति गणांतरेषु वर्णार्थनिर्देशपवैरभिन्नाः । 495 1886-92 A short treatise dealing with roots which belong to more than one conjugation, giving their several meanings and forms. Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 Gramnar विभिन्नशब्दप्रतिपादनार्थ रूपाणि तेषां समुदाहरिष्ये ॥१॥ भूआदिषूभयपदी बुध बोधनेस्ति रूपद्वयं भवति बोधति बोधते च। देवादिकोपि स बुधिः कथितोनुदात्तेदूपं तृतीयमपि बुध्यत इत्यमुत्र ॥२॥ Ends - द्वात्रिंशता श्लोकनिबंधनेन धातूनसौ स्वीकृतवान् महाधीः। सव्यापकोयं सुतरां प्रसिद्धो वलोंतरो विंशतितुल्यभागः॥ ३७॥ दृष्टिस्ते विषमा तनौ विरचिता भूतिर्मुखे पंचता पाणौ ब्रह्मशिरो गले च गरलं दोषाकरो मस्तके। एतैरेव परिच्छदैः पशुपते के त्वां नमस्कुर्वते यथेषा सुरवृंदवंदितपदा मौलौ न भागीरथी ॥ ३८ । इति दशवलकारिका समाप्ता। संवत् १७५३...... Reference Extract on pp. 15-16 of Peterson's Report for 1886-92. पदव्यवस्थासूत्रकारिका Padavyavasthā-sūtrakārikā सटीका with Commentary No. 245 -222 1892-95 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent -- 13 leaves, 26 lines in a page, about 70 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, margins carefully ruled. Devanāgari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs. Closely and carefully written; central space left blank; fairly legible. Correct and complete. Age-Samvat 1713. Author-of the text Vimalakirti; of the Com. Udayakirti, Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 193 Subject A treatise giving the rules for determining the 8 of Sanskrit roots, according to Panini's grammar, the original Sutras, being turned into metrical couplets. The karikas however which the Commentator explains are not given in full but only by their प्रतिकs. Begins— ॐ। श्रीमान् यत्र (श्च) रितं ददाति जगतां पूज्यं परस्मैपदं स्वयां सोव्ययदात्मने पदमलं सर्वश्रियां सेवितः । स श्रीपार्श्वजितोंतरायमखिलं सेवाकृतां प्राणिनां शीघं हंतु नितांतकांतमहिमा पाथोनिधिः पातु वः ॥ १ ॥ पदव्यवस्था कारिकाभिः श्रीपाणिनीयशब्दार्णवादुद्धर्तुकामो ग्रंथकुन्मंगलमाचरति प्रणम्येति । Ends - वासयतेऽध्यापयते शिशुं माता ॥ २३ ॥ मालिनी छंदः ॥ एषां धातूनां पदव्यवस्था यथासूत्रं लिखिता ॥ पदव्यवस्थासूत्राणां विद्वद्विमलकीर्तिना । कारिका विहिता एता बालानां सुखबुद्धये ॥ २४ ॥ एताः पदव्यवस्था सूत्राणां कारिका विहिताः । संक्षिप्तसूत्रबह्नर्थसूचकः श्लोकः कारिकेत्युच्यते । इति शेषं सुबोधं ॥ जाग्रत् शोभाशोभिताशांतराणां । विद्यांवित्तप्रार्थना सार्थकानाम् । वादार्हाणां पावकानां मवानां (?) सद्विद्यानां सरधुकीर्त्यब्धिपानां॥ १ ॥ तेषामाद्या विद्याः सरसीसितपक्षपक्षिसदृशाः । शिष्याः विख्यात गुणाः श्रीमत् श्रीविमलतिलकाख्याः ॥ २ ।। तेषां शिष्या अपरा विदितागमभाष्ययुक्तिपरमार्थाः । श्री साधुसुंदरवरा विजयंते सार्थनामानः ॥ ३ ॥ तेषां शिष्येण संक्षेपेणामितोदय कीर्तिना । कारिका विवृता एता यथामति यथागमम् ॥ ४ ॥ श्रीजिनराजसुरींद्रे जिनशासनमंगले । जिनसागर सुरीशसंयुते जयिनि क्षितौ ॥ ५ ॥ पदव्यवस्थाटीकेयं बालानां ज्ञानहेतवे । क्लान्तेंदुसिद्धशुद्धेदुप्रमिते संवति स्फुटं ॥ ६ ॥ इति श्री व्यवस्थाकारिकाटीका समाप्ता ॥ श्री मंगलम् ॥ संवत् १७१३ वर्षे लिखितं पावनाचार्यश्री सुख सागरगणीनाम् शिष्यसमयहर्षेण ॥ 25 Des. Cat., Vol. II ] Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 Grammar धातुरूपावली Dhāturūpāvali No. 246 499 1886-92 Size - 111 in. by 41 in. Extent-23 leaves, 19 lines in a page, about 68 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanagari characters; of the Jain type, with पृष्ठमात्राs. Careful and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. The borders of some leaves spoilt. The work is anonymous, Subject -Conjugations of roots. Begins - ओं नमो जिनाय ॥ भू सत्तायां भू । वर्तमानां। भवति भवतः भवति। Ends - एवं सत्यापयति अर्थापयति वेदापयति ॥ इति उद्धृतबृहत्क्रिया पाठग्रंथः संपूर्णः॥ धातुरूपावली Dhāturūpāvali No. 247 498 1886-92 Size -111 in. by 4t in. Extent - 53 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 30 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Davanāgari characters; bold and legible. writing, fairly correct. Complete. The leaves are numbered as 35-87. Author - Anonymous. Subject — The Ms. contains full conjugations of several roots arranged in the order of the Tus. One peculiarity is that first all the roots are conjugated in the Conjugational tenses and after words the same roots are conjugated in the remain ing non-conjugational tenses. Begins-नमो जिनेंद्राय ॥ वर्तमाने-भवति भवतः भवंति etc. Ends - उवोष ऊषिव ऊषिम । इत्यादि ॥ इत्येवं धातवो बहवो(१) संति । धातूंनां संख्या नास्ति । एवं पूर्वोक्तप्रकारेण साधनीयाः ॥ इति धातुपाठः समाप्तः॥ Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 195 धातुरूपाणि Dhāturūpāņi No.248 638 1882-83 Size — 104 in. by 44 in. Extent - 15 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 24 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate; margins ruled in double red. The sides rather worn out, especially of the last two leaves. Complete as far as it goes. Age — Rather old in appearance. Subject - An anonymous list of the forms in all the Arts of the typical roots of only the first three गणs. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ लट् ॥ लिट् ॥ लुट् ॥ लट् ॥ लेट् ॥ लोट् ॥ लङ् ॥ लिलू ॥ लुत् ॥ लद्॥ लड्वर्त्तमाने लेइवेदे भूते ललिइलुङस्तथा ॥ विध्याशिषोश्च लिड्न्लोटौ लट्लुङौ तु भविष्यति ॥१॥ भूसत्तायां ॥ वर्तमाने लट् ॥ वर्तमानक्रियावृत्तेर्धातोर्लट् स्यात् ॥ भवति । भवतः। भवंति ॥ &c. Ends - अविजत् । अवैक्षीत् । अतिक्त । अवेक्ष्यत् । अवेक्ष्यत ॥ इति जुहो त्यादिगणः समाप्तः॥ भूधातो रूपाणि Paradigms of root bhū No. 249 277 - 1899-1915 Size -8 in. by 3, in. Extent — 2 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 37 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters3; clear and legible writing, generally correct; the leaves worm-eaten. Complete as far as it goes, Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 Grammar Age-Old in appearance. Author - Anonymous. Subject - Select typical paradigms of the root # in the various tenses and moods. Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । वर्तमाने लट् । आरब्धापरिसमाप्तक्रियोपल क्षिते काले वाच्ये धातोर्लट्प्रत्ययः स्यात् ॥ भू सत्तायाम् । कर्तृविवक्षायाम् । भवति । भवतः। भवन्ति ॥ Ends - statach stalage i tha callauraru (WCamill) Some Treatise and Grammar (Paradigms of Roots) No. 250 491 1884-87 Size - 9 in. by 4} in. Extent -80 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 34 letters to a line. Description - Old Country paper. Edges and corners extremely damaged and worm-eaten. Devanagari characters with occasional 241919. Written in a tolerably legible hand. Generally correct but quite fragmentary. It is difficult to know whether the leaves are continuous or otherwise. Age — Is considerably old in appearance. Author - Cannot be ascertained. On the first leaf there is written by somebody & conjectural name for the Ms., viz. Erat : but the contents do not bear that out. Subject - Some treatise on grammar: The conjugational forms of the various roots are apparently derived with the help of rules or Sutras of grammar. There is no proper beginning or end to this Ms. Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 197 पाणिनीयगणपाठ .... Gaņapātha of Pāņini No. 251 249 1884-86 Size -9 in. by 41 in. Extent-33 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 30 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Age-Seems to be a new copy. Author - Pāṇini. Subject — The groups of words called us useful in Pāṇini's grammar. Begins - येनाक्षरसमाम्नायमधिगम्य महेश्वरात् । कृत्स्नं व्याकरणं प्रोक्तं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥१॥ येन धौता गिरः पुंसां विमलैः शब्दवारिभिः । तमश्चाज्ञानजं भिन्नं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥२॥ सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि । सर्व विश्व etc.Ends - इरिक तिमिर समीर कुवेरा इति क्षुम्नादिः । इत्यष्टमोऽध्यायः ॥८॥ श्री॥ पाणिनीयगणपाठ Gaņapātha of Panini No. 252 491 1886-92 Size -121 in. by51 in. Extent -- 10 leaves, 17 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct, complete. Age- Not very old. Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 Grammar पाणिनीयगणपाठ Gaņapātha of Panai No. 253 329 1881-82 Size-9 in. by 4 in. Extent -- 35 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 25 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold but careless though not very incorrect writing ; complete in eight adhyāyas. Age - New in appearance. Ends — a forgra shtagasileae Thecufafara(!) FA ETT: Il fited I 85 पाणिनीयगणपाठ Gaņapātha of Pāṇini No. 254 A 1879-80 Size - 91 in. by 4 in. Extent - 27 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and very careful writing, fairly accurate; contains the Ganapātha only (and not a part of Dhātupātha also as mentioned in the earlier Catalogue); complete in eight adhyāyas. Age - Slightly old-looking. पाणिनीयगणपाठ Gaņapātha of Pāņini No. 255 328 1881-82 Size - 94 in. by 5 in. Extent - 21 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 25 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanagari characters ; bold end careful writing. Goes down to the end of the 4th adhyāya and a few lines of the 5th ; incomplete. Age - New in appearance. Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 199 780 मर्णपाठ[श्लोक] Gaņapātha (in Verses) No. 256 1895-1902 Size -10% in. by 41 in. Extent-17 leaves, 14 lines to apage, 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari. characters; clear and legible writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in red, and red ink used for double dandas at the end of the stanzas, while red chalk is used to mark off the Gaņas. Gives five adhyāyas complete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author - Not given. Subject - The Pāṇinlya Gaņas are here thrown into a metrical form, several of the stanzas however being identical with those found in Vardhamana's Ganaratnamahodadhi. Begins -ॐ श्रीगौतमाय नमः॥ समस्तदेववंदितप्रशस्तभूतिभाजिने। निरस्तपापमूर्तये नमोस्तु नित्यमहते ॥१॥ अथादौ सर्वादित्यदादी ॥ सर्वान्यविश्वोभयनेमयत्तदः किं युष्मदस्मद्विभवत्त्यदेतदः । उभत्वदन्योन्यपरस्परेतराः । समः सिमत्वान्यतरेतरेतराः॥२॥ एकेदमदसो ज्ञेया डतरो डतमस्तथा । स्वमज्ञातिधने नाम्नि कालदिग्देशवृत्तयः॥३॥ Ends - अथ क्षुभ्रादिः। . क्षुभ्रान्पूनमननंदनानर्तननिवासवृक्षाणि । . नंदीनिवेशनगरे गहनानीसर्वनामनटौ ॥ २७४ ॥ ज्ञेयो निवेशनानूपौ नदनो नरवाहनः। स्वर्भानुदनद्योवक्षुनादौ स्यानतेर्यडिः ॥ २७५ ॥ इति गणपाठे पंचमोध्यायः समाप्तः॥ Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 गणरत्नमहोदधि (मूलमात्रम् ) No. 257 Grammar Ganaratnamahodadhi (Text only). Size - 114 in by 42 in. Extent - 46 leaves, 8 lines to a page, about 30 letters to a line. Description — Old Country paper, DevanāgarI characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in irregular black lines. Corrections, notes and different readings occasionally given in the margins. Complete. Age - Samvat 1795. Author - Vardhamāna, disciple of Govindasūri. Subject Begins – श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ 1 A metrical arrangement of the Ganas or lists of words. This Ms. gives the text only (439 verses against 460 of Prof. Eggeling's edition), while the marginal notes seem to have been picked up from the commentary. 620 1891-95 वाग्देवताया (1) क्रमरेणवस्ते जंयति येषां मिषमात्रतोपि । सर्वार्थदर्शी मुकुर (रेण तुल्यः प्रकषमेति प्रतिभाविलासः ॥ १ ॥ शालातुरीयशकटांगजचंद्रगोमिन् दिग्वस्त्र भर्तृहरिवामनभोजमुख्याः । मेधाविनः प्रवरदीपककर्त्तृयुक्ताः प्राज्ञैर्निषेवितपदद्वितया जयंति ॥ २ ॥ विदित्वा शब्दशास्त्राणि प्रयोगानुपलक्ष्य च । स्वशिष्यप्रार्थिताः कुर्मो गणरत्नमहोदधिम् ॥ ३॥ Ends - स्त्र्याख्योषर्बुधनखमुचकुमुदं दायादकाकगुहौ ॥ ४३९ ॥ आकृतिगणोयं । इतिमूलविभुजादिः ॥ इति श्रीगोविंदचरणकमलनिहितपरमभक्तिविजित सकलवेदांत सिद्धांत विरुद्धमते (त)श्रीमज्जगदखिल कृतप्रदर्शनदर्शन ( I. O. 9496 षड्दर्शनादर्श ) - सार्वभौममंडळीमंडितपार्श्वयुगलश्रीगोंविदपंडितशिष्यश्रीवर्द्धमाने(न) पंडितविरचिते गणरत्नमहोदधौ आख्यातकृदाश्चितप्रथमगण Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 201 निर्णयो नामाष्टमोध्यायः समाप्तिमगात् । ग्रंथसंख्या ७७० । संवत् १७९५ वर्षे द्वितीयैक्व आश्विनमासे शुक्लपक्षे तिथौ ५ भृगुवासरे लिषितमिदं शुभं भूयात्।। Colophon - Elsewhere the colophon is shortened into- gra sfit गोविंदसूरिशिष्यपंडितश्रीवर्धमानविरचिते गणरत्नमहोदधौ &c. Reference - The work has been edited with the author's own Com mentary by J. Eggeling. See also India Office Catalogue, Nos. 915ff. गणरत्नमहोदधि Gaņaratnamahodadhi वृत्तिसहित with Vệitti No. 258 492 1886-92...: Size-10 in. by 41 in. Extent-94.leaves, 15 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line.. Description-Foreign paper, Devanagari characters%3 with पृष्ठमात्रा bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Blank space left in the middle of each page. Margins carefully ruled. First ten leaves worm-eaten in several places.. . Author - Vardhamāna, pupil of Govindasūri; author of both the ... original work and the Commentary. Subjeot - A Metrical arrangement of the ganas and its commen. tary, consisting of eight adhyāyas. - Begins -नमः श्रीवीतरागाय ।। सखेनैव गृहीष्यंति गणरत्नानि यां श्रिताः। व्रत्तिः सारस्वते स्वीयगणरत्नमहोदाधः ॥१॥ शास्त्रारंभे समीहितसिद्धये अभिमतदेवताया ग्रंथकृन्नमस्कारमाह। वाग्देवतायाः क्रमरेणवस्ते जयति येषां मिषमात्रतोपि । सर्वार्थदर्शी मुकुरेण तुल्यः प्रकर्षमोति प्रतिभाविलासः॥२॥ 26 [ Des. Catn, Vol. II] Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 Grammar Ends - दायमादत्ते दायादः काकेभ्यो गृहितव्याः काकगृहास्तिला आकृ. तिगणोयम् ॥ ४५९॥ इति श्रीगोविंदसूरिशिष्यपंडितश्रीवर्धमानविरचितायां स्वीयगणरत्नमहोदधिवृत्तौ आख्याते कृदाश्चितप्रत्यगण......... टमोध्यायः।......... Reference - See No. 915 of the India Office Library Catalogue by Prof. Eggeling. The work has been edited by Prof. Eggeling. गणरत्नमहोदधि Ganaratnamahodadhi वृत्तिसहित with Vritti No. 259 194 1881-82. Size -13% in. by 5 in. Extent-96 leaves, 14 lines to page, 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; clear and legible writing, usually correct. The text and the Com. written continuously. The margins slightly worm-eaten and the right-hand margin soaked in oil. Complete. Age -Samvat 1671. Ends - इति श्रीगोविंदसूरिशिष्यपंडित श्री(पंडित श्री)वर्द्धमानविरचि. तायां स्वीयगणरत्नमहोदधिवृत्तौ आख्यातकृदाश्चितप्रत्यगणनिन(?)यो नाम नवमो( ? )ध्यायः समाप्तः शुभमस्तु । शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयोः॥ संवत् १६७१ ॥ he margins slighting the Com. the right-hand me गणरत्नमहोदधि Gaņaratnamahodadhi वृत्तिसहित with Vritti No. 260 63 1866-68 Size -13 in. by8 in. Extent - 138 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 54 to 38 letters to a line, Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 203 Description-Foreign foolscap paper with water marks, Deva nāgari characters. The copy was made by two distinct persons, the first writing the first 85 leaves in & careful hand, the latter, the remaining portion with a less careful and more rapid hand. Bold and generally correct writing, full however of many lacunae. Wants the portion at the beginning, but goes down to the end. The Ms. is bound in half-leather, but the binding has become rather loose. Age - Modern copy. Begins - बन्धेन रचयामः । अथ गणानाह चवाहाहैवैवनहनहिनवानोचनहिहै etc. Ends- आकृतिगणोयम् ॥ ४५९॥ इति श्रीगोविन्दसूरिशिष्यपण्डितश्री वर्धमानविरचितायां स्वीयगणरत्नमहोदधिवृतौ आख्याते कृदाश्रितप्रत्ययगणनिर्णयो नामाष्ठमोऽध्यायः ॥ समाप्तमिति ॥ गणाः २०७५॥ गणरत्नमहोदधि Ganaratnamabodadhi सावधूरि with a Gloss. No. 261 1364 1887-91 Size -101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 29 leaves, 5 lines of text to a line, about 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs%3B bold beautiful writing, the text in the centre and the Com. in an extremely minute hand all round the text. Margins carefully ruled in black ; square blanks in the centre; frequent use of red chalk. Complete. Age-Samvat 1527. Author - Vardhamāna, pupil of Govindasūri. Subjeot -- A metrical arrangement (in 446 verses) of the Ganas uged in Pāṇini's grammar, with an anonymous gloss in eight Adhyāyas. Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 Begins — ॐनमः सरस्वत्यै ॥ Grammar वाग्देवतायाः क्रमरेणवस्ते जयंति येषां मिषमात्रतोपि । सर्वार्थदर्शी मुकुरेण तुल्यः प्रकर्षमेति प्रतिभाविलासः ॥ १ ॥ चवाहा हैवैवनहनाहनवानोचनाहिहे स्वधास्वाहारैवैयदियदुतनूनं नहिकमः । उताहोहा हो किमुतयदि नामैवतुतथा भगो भोहंहो होइतिहनु सहामाननुनञः ॥ २ ॥ Ends - मूलविभुजो महापुथ्यादिभ्यो रुदश्च विज्ञेयः । स्त्र्याख्योषर्बुधनखमुचकुमुदं दायादकाकगुहौ ॥ ४६ ॥ मूलविभुजादिः । इति श्रीगोविंद सूरिशिष्यपंडित श्रीवर्धमानविरचिते गणरत्नमहोदधौ आख्यात कृदाश्रितप्रत्ययगणनिर्णयो नामाष्टमोध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ किंचित्क्वचित्कथंचिद्रचितं पद्यानुसारतोस्माभिः । सुंदरमसुंदरं वा तल्लक्ष्यं सहृदयैरेव ॥ १ ॥ सप्तनवत्यधिकेब्देष्वेकादशसु च शतेष्वतीतेषु । वर्षाणां विक्रमतो गणरत्नमहोदधिर्विहितः ॥ १॥ सं० १५२९ वर्षे चैत्रसुदि ५ दिने ईला दुर्गे ॥ Begins ( Com. ) — ॐ नमः । मिषमात्रं स्पर्शमात्रम् ॥ च इति अन्वाचयसमाहारेतरेतरसमुच्चयविनियोगतुल्यहेतुतावधारण हेतुषु । Ends ( Com. ) – काकगुहास्तिलाः । आकृतिगणोऽयम् । इति श्रीगोविन्दसूरिशिष्यपण्डितश्रीवर्द्धमानविरचिते श्रीगण - रत्नमहोदधौ आख्यातकृत्प्रया [ प्राय ? ]गणनिर्णयाष्टमाध्यायावचूरिः ॥ श्रीरस्तु | कल्याणमस्तु । शुभं भूयात् ॥ श्रीः ॥ Reference — Nos. 915 - 17 of the India Office Catalogue. Calcutta Sanskrit College No. 21, page 101. The beginning and the colophon of this latter Ms. differs considerably from that of our Ms. The work is edited for the Sanskrit Text Society by J. Eggeling (1879-81). Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 205 उणादिसूत्र Uņādi Sūtras (दशपादी) । (Dasapadi) No.262 473 1884-87 Size -6 in by 41 in. Extent - 16 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 20 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; legible writ ____ing, generally correct and complete. Age-Samvat 1848. Author - Anonymous. Subject — The Uņādi Sūtras. These Sūtras however are different from those generally studied, and unlike those commented upon by उज्ज्वलदत्त are divided into ten पादः. Begins - शुकादिमुनि गैर्यध्यायते तर्षनष्टये। तन्वृसिंहपदांभोज(ज) नमामि झटितीष्टदम् ॥१॥ महादेवं नमस्कृत्य प्रणिपत्य सरस्वतीम् । वक्ष्ये वृत्तिमुणादीनां यथावृत्ति यथाक्रमम् ॥२॥ अशवन्ह( ? )भ्योनिः।१। आत्तिसृधृधमिभ्यश्च । २ । etc. Ends - लीडरीडोह्रस्वश्च पुटतरौ च । २१ । स्थ: स्तोबजबकौ च ॥ २२ ॥ इत्युणादौ प्रकीर्णकः पादो दशमः ॥ संवत् १८४८ वर्षे प्रवर्त्तमाने उत्तरायनगते श्रीसूर्ये महामंगल्यप्रदमासोत्तमचैत्रमासे शुक्लपक्षे तृतीयातीथौ रवीवासरे॥ Ref.-The lithographed edition noticed by R. Mitra in his Ben' Asiatic Society's Catalogue, pp. 164-66 corresponds to this Ms. Bhattoji often quotes the दशपदी as against उज्ज्व लदत्त. उणादिवृत्ति Unādivritti (दशपादी) (Dasapadi) No.263 : 1875-76 Size - 6 in. by 81 in. Extent-107 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 16 letters to a line. 275 Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 Grammar Description - The Ms. is written on old looking Bhūrjapattras in Sarada characters. The writing is bold, legible and) generally accurate. The leaves are in good preservation, being secured by patches of country paper pasted on them. The Ms. is bound together in thick leather-boards, along with two other works, viz. रूपावतार = No. 308 of 1875-76 and लिंगानुशासन=No. 311 of 1875-76, the present work being placed in the middle. The work is complete, except for & short, lacuna or two. It was prooured from Kasmira.. Age-old in appearance. Author - Manikyadeva. Subject - A commentary on the Uņādisūtras, following the text in _ten पादs, and not उज्ज्वलदत्त's text which exists in 5 पादs only. Begins - ॐ स्वस्ति प्रणम्यः ॐ नमः सरस्वत्यै । ॐ नमो विघ्नहन्त्रे ॥ ॐस्वयंभुवे नमस्कृत्य प्रणिपत्य सरस्वतीम् । वक्ष्ये वृत्तिमुणादीनां यथाबुद्धि यथाक्रमम् ॥ अत्तिसृधृधम्यश्यवतरिभ्यो निः॥ इहेमधिकाराः संबध्यते । प्रत्ययः परश्च आयुदातश्च ॥ Ends -तिष्ठतीति स्तब्धः अंकुरसमुदायः स्तबकः पुष्पापीडः कर्ता ॥ इति . उणादिवृत्तौ विप्रकीर्णको दशमः पादः॥ समाप्ता चेयमुणादिवृत्तिः।। (कृ)कृतिराचार्यमाणिक्यस्योत शुभमस्तु लेखReference-- Report for 1875-76, part I, p. 75. उणादिवृत्ति Uņādivritti (दशपादी) (Dasapadi) No. 264 276 1875-76 Size-5 in. by 61 in. Extent -114 leaves, 13 lines to s page, 15 letters to a line. Description - The MB. is written on Bhurjapattras, most of which are in excellent preservation. The character is. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 207 Sarada, bold, careful and accurate; the first 50 leaves are missing. The rest / foll, 51-164) is complete, & few slightly damaged leaves being secured by paper patches. The work is bound, along with No. 287 of 1875-76 ( which is & paper Ms. of क्षीरतरंगिणी) in cloth. The Ms. comes from Kasmira. Age - Old in appearance, Saptarshi Samvat 30. Author - Manikyadeva. Begins - भौ अस्य लकारोन्त्यस्य निपात्यंते etc. . The fourth pāda commences on fol. 55. Ends - उणादिवृत्तौ दशमः पादः॥समाप्ता चेयमुणादिवृत्तिः। कृतिराचार्य माणिक्यस्यति शुभम् ॥ सं ३० वै शुद्धि तिच–वाम- एकाद'श्याम् ॥ उणादिवृत्ति Uņādivritti (दशपादी) (Dasapadi) No. 265 274 1875-76 Size -15 in. by7 in. Extent-54 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 45 letters to a line. .. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters of the Kas mirian type ; bold and careful writing, the inaccuracies being mostly due to the fact of the scribe not having been able to read well the Sāradā original from which evidently in this was copied. Complete; comes from Kāśmira. Age - A new copy. Ends - उणादिवृत्तौ प्रकीर्णको नाम दशमः पादः ॥१०॥ समाप्ता चेयमुणादिवृत्तिः शुभाय स्ताल्लेखकपाठकश्रोतृणाम् ॥ . Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 Grammar .. उणादिवृत्ति No. 266 Uņādivritti ___1886-68 Size - 71 in. by 6 in. Extent-31 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 35 letters to a line. ....... . Description - Blue foolscape paper with water-marks, Devanagari characters; bold, neat and fairly accurate writing. The work seems to be incomplete, the end of the sixth pada occurs on fol. 24a. The Ms. is bound in cloth. Age - Modern copy. Author -Not given. Subject - Seems to be part of the FTCHET although it is anonymous. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अथ उणादिवृत्तिप्रारंभः॥ महादेवं नमस्कृत्य प्रणिपत्य सरस्वतीम् । वक्ष्ये वृत्तिमुणादीनां यथावृत्ति यथाक्रमम् ॥१॥ अशवतृभ्योऽनिः एभ्यो धातुभ्यो निप्रत्ययो भवति। Ends - कृयश्ववृचतिभ्यष्वरन् । एभ्यष्टरन्स्यात् कृषि क्षेपे । तो। किरिति कीर्यत वा॥ उणादिसूत्रवृत्ति Uņādisūtravritti No. 267 .. 1869-70 Size - 12t in. by 4 in. Extent-132 leaves, 6 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, not very correct; complete in five Pādas or sections; brought from Kolhapur. Author-Ujjvaladatta, also called Jajali. Age-Seems to be quite a new copy. Subject - A commentary on the Upādigūtras. Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 209 B. Paniniya School Begins - हेरंबमीश्वरं वाचं नमस्कृत्य पदं गुरोः॥ श्रीमदुज्ज्वलदत्तेन क्रियते वृत्तिरुत्तमा ॥१॥ वृत्तिन्यासमनुन्यासं रक्षितं भागवत्तिकं ॥ भाष्यं धातुप्रदीपं च तट्टीका वर्णदेशनीं ॥२॥ उपाध्यायस्य सर्वस्वं सुभूति सामनं दिनं कलिंगरुद्रचंद्रादीन् समीक्ष्यैषा कृतिर्मम ॥३॥. उणादिवृत्तयोनेका भूरिभिः सूरिभिः कृताः ॥ तास्त्विदानी विपर्यस्तसूत्रशब्दार्थधातवः ॥४॥ ता एवाथ समालोच्य ग्रंथानन्यांश्च विस्तरात् ॥ सर्वतः (१)समाकष्य मया वत्तिर्विरच्यते॥५॥ निरूप्य लिखितं सत्यं सज्जनैस्तु विचार्यतां ॥ नमस्कुर्मः खला युष्मांस्तूष्णीमत्र करिष्यथ ॥६॥ यो वृत्तिं समालोच्य स्वपौरुषसमहिया ॥ मन्नामाच्छादनं कुर्यात्सुकृतं तस्य नश्यति ॥७॥ प्रत्ययानां च धातूनामागमादेशयोस्तथा ॥ व्यक्तमेवानुवंधानां फलं नोदीरितं ततः॥८॥ प्रत्ययः परश्च ॥ आद्यदात्तश्च ॥ Ends - तत्र साधुरिति यत् । मंगल्यं पूर्णकुंभादाविति सुभूतिचंद्रः। मत्वर्थे यत् प्रकरणेन्यत्रापि दृश्यत इति यत् ॥ मंगल्यं मंगले साधु मंगल्यश्चमसूरकः। मंगल्या च वचाच्छन्नामलिंगंधागुरुस्तथोति (?) धरणिः ॥ १॥ सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ॥ शरण्ये त्र्यंबके गौरि नारायाण नमोस्तु ते॥२॥ Colophon - इति महामहापाध्याये जे(जा?)जलीत्यपरनामधेयश्रीमदु ज्ज्वलदत्तविरचिता उणादिवृत्तिः पंचमः पादः समाप्तः॥ Reference - See. Nos. 681, 682 of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Meg, in the India Office Library by Prof. Eggeling; also p. 164 and ff. of The Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the Library of the A. S. of Bengal by R. Mitra. pt. I. The work has been edited by Prof. T. Aufrecht, 1859, with Notes, Indices, anda Glossary. 37 ( Dos, Oat., Vol. III Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 उणादि (सूत्र) वृत्ति No. 268 Grammar Size - 10 in by 5 in. Extent - ( 79 1 =) 78 leaves, 15 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; indifferent hand. First leaf wanting, second and the last rather worn out. The Sutras are marked by red chalk, but are not throughout numbered; generally correct and complete. Age – Samvat 1840. Unadi(sūtra)vritta 230 1895-98 Begins The Ms. begins with the latter half of the verse प्रसिद्धोऽसौ क्रियाशब्दः शिल्पिन्यपि च वर्तते । तथा च धरणीकोशः कारुः शिल्पिनि कारके ॥ राघवस्य ततः कार्य कारुर्वानरपुंगवः । Ends - सर्व वानरसेनानामाश्वागमनमादिशत् ॥ भट्टिः ॥ इति ॥ सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके । शरण्ये त्र्यंबके गौरि नारायणि नमोस्तु ते ॥ इतिमहोपाध्यायजेजिलीत्यपरनामधेय श्रीमदुज्ज्वलदत्तीवराचेतायामुणादिवृत्तौ पंचमः पादः । उणादिवृत्तिः समाप्ता ॥ संवत् १८४० माघमासे सुदि पंचमी सोमवासरे काशीक्षेत्रे समाप्तः ॥ उणादिसूत्रवृत्ति No. 269 Uṇādisutravṛitti 474 1884-87 Size - 12 in by 42 in. Extent - 32 leaves, 17 lines to a page, about 60 letters to a line. Description Old Country paper very much soiled, Devanagari characters with occasional gas; clear and legible writing generally correct. The sides of the Ms. slightly worm-eaten ; complete. Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 211 Ager-Samvat 1563. Ends - इति श्रीमहामहोपाध्यायजेजलीयेत्यपरनामकधेयश्रीमदुज्ज्वल दत्तविरचितायां श्रीउणादिवृत्तौ पंचमः पादः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १५६३ वर्षे......श्री नागपुरमध्ये महमुद्दे श्रीमहमदखाने विजयवति राज्ये । ...... धनप्रभणात्माध्ययनाय लिखितम् ॥ 482 उणादिसूत्रवृत्ति Uņādisūtravritti No.270 1886-92 size'-101 in. by 4] in. Extent—88 leaves, 11 lines in a page, about 40 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; very care less, though legible writing, fairly correct; complete. Age-Samvat 1678. Ends - इति श्रीमन्महामहोपाध्याय जाजलीत्यपरनामधेयश्रीमदुज्ज्वल दत्तसंगृहीतायामुणादिवृत्तौ पंचमः पादः । संवत् १६७८ भाद्रपूर्वपक्षे १२ ॥ श्रीमद्दीनोद्धारणपंचजनपंचाननाय नमः ॥ श्रीः॥ श्रीमद्विश्वरूपभट्टभट्टारकभट्टश्रीकृष्णस्यादः पुस्तकम् ॥ . . उणाादसूत्रवृत्ति Uņādisutravritti No. 271 273 1875-76 Size - 9 in. by 32 in. Extent - 110 leaves, 7 lines to a paper, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible and generally correct writing ; margins ruled in black; red chalk used to mark out the Sūtras ; complete. AE-Samvat 1656. Ends - इति श्रीमहामहोपाध्यायश्रीमदुज्व(ल)दत्तसंगृहीतायामुणादि- वृत्तौ पंचमः पादः समाप्तः ॥ समाप्ता चेयमुणादिवृत्तिः॥ शुभमस्तु ॥संवत् १६५६ समये ज्येष्ठवदि अश्वदिसुदि दशमी बुधवासरे ॥छ॥ Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 Grammar उणादिसूत्रवृत्ति Unādisūtra-vritti. No.272 636 1882-83 Size -9; in. by 34 in. Extent - 122 leaves, 7 lines to a page, 39 letters to a line. Description - Country papear very much soiled in appearance, Devanā garl characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly socurate. Margins carefully ruled in double blaok; 0008sional marginal notes in very small hand; the margins of most of the leaves, especially the first and the last few leaves, worn out and slightly worm-eaten. Red ink used for punctuation strokes, as also for writing the Sūtras, which are usually written in alternate letters of black and red. Complete. Age-Samvat 1680. Ends - इति श्रीमदुज्ज्वलदत्तसंगृहीतायाम्वृत्तौ पंचमः पाद(6) समाप्तः ॥ शुभमस्तु सर्वजगतः। संपूर्णश्चायं ग्रंथः॥ सम्वत् १६८० समये चैत्रपंचम्यां बुधौ औयांपारनगरे शुभस्थाने श्रीमत-राजसिंहस्य भुज्यमानराज्ये ॥ श्री द्विवेदषेमकर्णस्यात्मजगोपीनाथेनालेखिपुस्तकमिदम् । आत्मपाठार्थे ॥ खवसुरससीतमयूरवैरंकिते विक्रमाब्दे शितविरहितपक्षे नागतिथ्यां बुधेपि । व्यलिखदिह नितांतगोपि(नाथ )शर्मा द्विवेदी निजपठनसमृध्दै सर्वविद्यानवद्यः॥१॥ भीमस्यापि भवेद्भग्नो मुनरपि मतिभ्रमः। यथादृष्टं तथालेखि लेखके नास्ति दूषणम् ॥२॥ .. उणादिसूत्रवृत्ति Uņādisūtravritti No.273 57... 1873-74 Size - 10-in. by 44 in. Extent - 25 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 60 letters in a line. Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Description - Country paper, Devanāgāri characters of the Jain kind, with qeh! ES; fairly correct, bold and legible writing. Seems to be complete, but ends differently from No. 6 of 1869-70. A remark, most probably by Dr. Kielhorn, is found on the cover to the effect that the Ms. is not Ujjaladatta's own work, but only an incomplete extract from it. Einds - U ghT: 1 ET: gau: il gu SITIF: I sprei star I Faciferal दव्ययं भाषायां ॥ इति श्रीमहोपाध्यायनागदेवउज्वलदत्तविरचितायामुणादिवृत्तौ पंचमः पादः । लिझानुशासन (पाणिनीय) No. 274 Lingānuśāsana (Pāṇiniya) 309 1857–76 Size - 6 in, by 9 in. Extent – 6 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 12 letters to a line.-- **A Description - Country paper of reddish brown and yellowishi brown colours, mixed with purely white country paper; Säradā characters; bold, legible and generally correct; complete. The Ms. comes from Kāśmira, This placed along with a number of others, all written on the same kind of paper and by the same hand. The whole Ms. is arranged in the manner of the printed forms of a modern book, meant to be bound but not actually bound together. Each form usually contains twelve leaves. The various Mss. herein are Number Begins on Ends on Extent No. 309 1875-76 fol. 1,6 - fol. 7, a foll: 6 No. 312 1875-76 fol. 7, 6 fol. 33,6 foll. 26 No. 310 1875-76 fol. 33, b. fol. 86, a foll. 53 Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 818 Number No. 294 1875-76 No. 296 1875-76 Ends No. 268 1875-76 No. 268, A 1875-76 No. 326 1875-76 No. 272 1875-76 Grammar Begins on fol. 86, b fol. 127, b fol. 129, b Reference fol. 132, a fol. 133,a fol. 147,b Ends on fol. 127, a fol. 129, a fol. 132, a fol. 133, a fol. 174, b fol. 157,b Extent foll. 41 foll. 2 foll. 3 fol. 1 foll. 15 foll. 10 (incomplete) Age Old in appearance. Author Panini (?) Subject A short treatise on the genders of nouns, in the form of aphorisms. Total No. of leaves, 157. Begins - ॐ स्वस्ति || श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐ नमः पाणिन आदिशद्विकाय ॥ अथ लिङ्गम् ॥ स्त्री ॥ &c. - इति श्रीपाणिनीयलिङ्गानुशासने पाणिनीयलिङ्गानुशासनं समातम् ॥ Many printed editions of the text are available. Dr. R. Otto Franke has edited the लिङ्गानुशासनs of हेमचन्द्र, शाकटायन, हर्षवर्धन and वररुचि with an elaborate introduction ( 1890 ); while latterly, वामनं 8 लिङ्गानुशासन with the Author's own वृत्ति is edited in the Gaekwad's Oriental Series, No. 6 (1918). The last was also published by Peterson in his Report for 1884-86, pp. 110 ff. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लिङ्गानुशासनवृत्ति No. 275 1 Age - Seems to be much old. Author B. Paniniya School Size - 10g in by 411 in. Extent - 7 leaves, 17 lines to a page, about 46 letters to a line. - Country paper, Devanāgarī characters with partial. पृष्ठमात्राs. The leaves, esp. the last one, much worm-eaten Bold and legible writing, correct and complete. Description - The Lingānusāsana is attributed to Panini. The VṛItti goes without any author. Begins- जिनाय नमः । Subject The well known Paṇiniya Sutras which give the genders of the various Sanskrit words, followed by a short running gloss. Ends - Lingan usasa navritti 488 1884-8 7 4 21. 215 येनाक्षरसमाम्नायमधिगभ्य महेश्वरात् । कृत्स्नं व्याकरणं प्रोक्तं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः ॥ १ ॥ अथलिंगम् । लिगमित्यधिकारो वेदितव्यः । 'सवस्व प्रायेण त्रिलिंगिता वेदितव्या । अचित्ती चातुरी इत्यादि पुंनपुंसकस्त्रत्विं च द्विकं त्रिकं द्वयं त्रयं द्वितयं त्रितयं ॥ इति श्रीपाणिनीय लिंगानुशासनवृत्तौ वृत्तमन्ययाविष्करणं समाप्तं ॥ लिङ्गानुशासनवृत्ति No. 276 1.. Linganusasanavṛitti 312 1875-76 Size Description and other particulars the No. 309 of 1875-76, i. e., No. 274 above. same as that of Ja Extent - 26 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 12 letters to a line. Author — The vritti is anonymous, Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 816 Grammar Begins - ॐनमः सरस्वत्यै ॥ श्रागणशाय नमः ॥ ॐग्नमो शारिका देव्यै ॥ ॐ येनाक्षरसमाम्नायमाधिगम्य महेश्वरात् ॥ कृत्स्नं व्याकरणं प्रोक्तं तस्मै पाणिनये नमः॥ अथ लिङ्गम्। लिङ्गमित्य[धिकारो द्रष्टव्यःआ शास्त्रपरिसमाप्तः॥ यानित ऊर्ध्वमनुक्रमिष्यामस्तत्राधिक्रियते लिङ्गमिति ॥ Ends - इति श्रीपाणिनीयलिङ्गानुशासनवृत्तावव्ययाधिकारः ॥ इति श्रीपाणिनीयलिङ्गानुशासनं समाप्तम् ॥ शुभमस्तु सर्वजगताम् ॥ लिङ्गानुशासन वृत्तिसहित Lingānuśāsana with Vritti No. 277 20 1868-69 Size -101 in. by 51 in. Extent - 19 leaves, 10 lines in & page, about 32 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters. Neat, bold and legible writing, fairly correct; complete. Age-Seems to be a new copy. Author - Vararuchi. Subject - A short treatise on the genders of words, consisting of metrical sūtras (about 130 in number ) with a running, - illustrative commentary. The work seems to be called by the name of Lingaviśeshavidhi or Lingavệitti, Begins -श्रीमते रामानुजाय नमः । हरतु हरस्तव दुरितं कनकरजःपुजपिञ्जरे शिरास । क्षीराहुतिरिव हुतभुजि निपतति भागीरथी यस्य ॥१॥ लिंगजिज्ञासुनाचार्यः पृष्टश्शिष्येण केनचित् । इदम्बररुचिस्तस्मै प्रोवाच हितकाम्यया ॥२॥ यावान्कश्चित्वन्तः शब्दो नपुंसके तु बोद्धव्यः। Ends-देवी सरस्वती कौमारी सरावती गौरी ब्राह्मणी गायत्री हस्तिनी। . क्वचित् ऊदंतं एव स्त्रीत्वं । वधूः जंबूः कटभ्रूः भ्रूः धान्यल्लू इत्यादि। Colophon - इति श्रीआचार्यवररुचिविरचिते लिंगानुशासने लिंगवृत्तिः समाप्ता। Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 217 लिङ्ग(अनुशासनवृत्ति Linga(anušāsana-)Vritti No. 278 546 1887-91 Size -10; in. by 41 in. Extent -- (44 - (6+2)=)36 leaves, 6 lines to a page, about 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; indifferent writing, generally legible; often incorrect. Wanting leaves 1-6,8 and 10; leaves 40, 41, 43, 44 written on one side only; incomplete. Age - The Ms. appears to be old. Author - The authorship of the work is attributed to Vararuchi. Subject — A treatise dealing with the genders of nouns, thrown into some 128 metrical sūtras followed by a running Vțitti. ws Begins - TREI FIIICCATE TESHTIT2 &c.— Ends - यथोक्तमत्र सद्भिर्लोकत एव बोधव्यः । इत्याचार्यवररुचिविरचिता लिंगवृत्तिः समाप्ता॥ Reference ---See Dr. Kielhorn's Report for 1880-81, page 69, No. 286. लिङ्ग(अनुशासन)वृत्ति Linga(anusāsana-)Vțitti No. 279 . 286 1880–81 Size - 10 in, by 44 in. Extent — 13 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible but not very correct writing. Margins ruled in black; the metrical text and its commentary written together, all mixed up. Complete. Age - Samvat 1796. Author - The work is ascribed to Vararuchi. Subject - A compendium on genders, consisting of some verses followed by a prose commentary. 28 ( Des. Cat., Vol. II ] Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 918 Grannar Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ लिंगजिज्ञासुनाचार्यः पृष्टः शिष्येण केनचित् । इदं वररुचिस्तस्मै प्रोवाच हितकाम्यया ॥१॥ यावत्कश्चित्वांतः शब्दो नपुंसके बोद्धव्यः ॥ यावान् इति परिमाणवाची शब्दः कश्चिदित्यनिर्दिष्टनामधेयः । त्र अंते यस्य सत्रांतः॥ शब्दायते अनेनार्था इति शब्दः ॥ Ends - लुग्विषयस्य च महतः संक्षेपत एष लिंगविधिमु(१)क्तः ॥ यन्त्रोक्तमत्र सद्भिस्तल्लोकत एव बोद्धव्यम् ॥ इत्याचार्यवररुचिविरचिता लिंगवृत्तिः समाप्तम् ॥ सं. १७९६ वर्षे मिती फाल्गुनमाशे कृष्णपक्षेऽष्टम्यां तिथौ शनिवाशरे श्री रूपावतीनगरे लेख्यं इदं पुस्तिका ॥ यादृशं० etc. न दीयते ॥१॥ इति श्रीरस्तुः॥ कल्याणमस्तुः॥ शुभम् ॥ Reference - Professor Kielhorn's Göttingen Catalogue, No. 92. लिङ्गानुशासन सटीक No. 280 Lingānusāsana with Commentary 310 1875-76 Size -Description and other particulars same as of No. 309 of 1875-76. Extent-53 leaves, 15 lines to apage, 12 letters to a line. Subject - A metrical compendium on genders followed by a "... Commentary. Author - Of the original metrical composition, Harshavardbana svāmin, and of the Com. on the same, Sabarasvāmin. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । ॐनमो विघ्नहर्त्रे ॥ ॐनमो मथितदुर्वारदैत्यचक्राय चक्रिणे। सभूधरधरागारस्तम्भीभूतैकबाहवे ॥१॥ Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ends 219 B. Paniniya School मनोरमत मैर्वृत्तै सज्जनानन्दवर्धनम् । लिंङ्गानुशासनं स्पष्टं यथाबुद्धि विधीयते ॥ २ ॥ बह्वाचार्यमतैर्व्यापि श्रव्यं लालित्ययोगतः । स्पष्टं स्पष्टीकृतैरर्थैरिदं लिङ्गानुशासनम् ॥ ३ ॥ इदानीं स्त्री प्रकरणमाकारादिक्रमेण दर्शयन्नाह । आदीदूतः स्त्रियां प्रायो गङ्गालक्ष्मीश्चमुर्यथा । पर्यायसहिता भूमिवल्लिवियुन्नदीदिशः ॥ ४॥ आश्च ईश्व उ[ ऊ ]श्च ते आदीवूतस्तदन्ता गृह्यन्ते केवलानामेषां प्रयोगो नास्तीति । - एवमादिसुद्धीभिस्स्वधिया स्वयमेव विचार्यन् ॥ व्याडेश्शङ्करचन्द्रयोर्वररुचेर्विद्यानिधेः पाणिने (:) सूक्तांल्लिङ्गविधीवि[वि]चार्य सुगमं श्रीवर्धमानात्मजः । श्रव्यं व्यापि च हर्षवर्धन इदं स्पष्टीकृतपद्वयं ( ? ) लिङ्गानामनुशासनं रचितवानर्थ्यार्थसंसिद्धये ॥ ७६ ॥ सूक्तांल्लिङ्गविधीन्विचार्य पर्यालोच्य तेभ्यस्सार (रं) गृहीत्वा सुग मं श्रव्यं व्यापि चेदं लिङ्गानुशासनं रचितवान् । अन्यच्च कीदृशं स्पष्टीकृतप्रत्ययं । अस्पष्टास्स्पष्टीकृताः प्रत्ययाः तिन । धान । मुन | इत्यादयो यत्र । प्रत्ययानां सोदाहरणानां प्रदर्शनात्सुस्पष्टतां पर्यालोच्य मन्दमतयो न मुह्यन्तीति भावः ॥ Colophon – इति भट्टदीप्रस्वामिसूनोबलवागीश्वरस्य शबरस्वामिनः कृतौ हर्षवर्धनकृतलिङ्गानुशासनटीकायां सर्वलक्षणायां त्रिलिङ्गप्रकरणम् ॥ वा समाप्तमिति लिङ्गानुशासनटीकायामिति शुभंसूभवतु शुभमस्तु ॥ ...णा प्रतिमश्रुतेन नसमश्रौर्येण पार्थोपमः काव्येनातिमनोरमः प्रणयिनामासन्न कल्पद्रुमः । एतस्संम्प्रति हर्षवर्धन इति प्रख्यातकीर्तिस्सतां तेनेदं रचितं परोपकृतये लिङ्गाभिधानं शुभम् ॥ Reference - The work has been edited by Dr. Franke (1890) with extracts from Sabara's Glcss. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 लिङ्गानुशासनटीका No. 281 Grammar Lingānusa sanaṭika Size - 57 in by 72 in. Extent - ( 41 + 4 = ) 45 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 20 letters to a line. Description - This is a birch bark Ms. written in Sarada characters; bold and legible hand-writing generally correct. The present work is bound along with three other works, viz. Rūpāvatāra ( No. 308), Unādisūtravritti ( No. 275 ), and Vastuvijñānaratnakośa ( No. 311 a ) belonging to the collec tion of 1875-76. The Ratnakosa is bound between two successive folios of the Lingānusāsanavṛitti, and as it was not numbered in Bübler's Report, a new No. (311 a) is given to it, The Lingānuśāsana commentary is complete. Age — Saptarshi Samvat 26; old in appearance, Subject 311 1875-76 1 Author — Śabarasvāmin, son of Diptasvāmin and known as Bāla-vāgisvara. He is reputed to have composed this Commentary at the age of 6. 1 Commentary on Harshavardhana's Metrical Compendium on genders. Begins -- ॐ स्वस्ति प्रजाभ्यः ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अरूपं विश्वरूपाख्यमनाख्यातप्रकारकम् । प्रपद्ये प्रणवात्मानमलिंगसंख्यमव्ययम् ॥ नमस्यामि सदा वंद्यां क्रुष्णवाङ्मयमातृकाम् । स्थूलां सूक्ष्मां शिवां घोरां सर्वाकारां सरस्वतीम् ॥ स्मरामि सर्वसाहित्यपारगाणां महात्मनां । गुरूणां यत्प्रसादेन प्राप्यते वैबुधं पदम् ॥ सारः सर्वस्य विद्वत्ता विद्वद्भ्यः कवयो वराः । कवीनां लिंगविज्ञानं मुह्यंति सुधियो यतः ॥ प्रार्थितः शास्त्रकारेण पादग्रहणपूर्वकम् । करोति स (श) वरस्वामी वर्ष : पंचिकामिमाम् ॥ 1 Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ..कीदृशं B. Pāṇiniya School 221 ___ इह हि शास्त्राणि विशिष्टेष्टदेवतानुस्मरणपूर्वकााण समारभ्यंत इति शिष्टाचारः। तदर्थमेव कविः सकलशास्त्रपारदृश्वा शबरस्वामी भववंतं सर्वभूताभासं श्रीवासुदेवं. माथितं दैत्यचकं येन etc. Ends – इत्यादयो यत्र प्रत्ययानां सोदाहरणानां प्रदर्शनात्सुस्पष्टतां पर्या लोच्य मंदमतयो न मुह्यतीति भावः ॥ इति श्रीभट्टदीप्तस्वामिसूनो बलवागीश्वरस्य शबरस्वामिनः कृतौ हर्षवर्धनरचितलिंगानुशास- नटीकायां सर्वलक्षणायां त्रिलिंगप्रकरणम् ॥ समाप्तं चेदं लिंगानु शासनं शबरस्वामिना कृतं सटीकमिति शुभम् ॥ रूपेणाप्रतिमः श्रुतेन नसमः शौर्येण पार्थोपमः।। काव्येनातिमनोरमः प्रणयिनामासन्नकल्पद्रुमः॥ जातः संप्रति हर्षवर्धन इति प्रख्यातकीर्तिः सतां । तेनेदं रचितं परोपकृतये लिंगाभिधानं शुभम् ॥ सं. २६.............................. समाप्तम् ॥ फिदसूत्राणि तवृत्तिश्च Phitsūtras with Commentary No. 282 81 1871-72. Size -97 in. by 4 in. Extent - 4 leaves, 15 lines in & page, about 34 letters in a line. Description - Thin foreign paper, Devanagari characters. Very careless writing, fairly correct. All the Sutras are first written together and then follows the commentary. Author-Santanava of the Sutras. Age-Seems to be old. Subject — The Sūtras are rules on the accentuation of nominal and pronominal stems, particles etc., and consist of four ____sections. --- - --- Begins - फिषः । अंत उदात्तः। Ends - फिदसूत्रवृत्तिः समाप्ता । पाणिनये नमः। .... Reference - The Sūtras are printed in the editions of Siddhānta Kaumudi. They have been critically edited by Kielhorn. Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 Grammar फिटसूत्राणि तवृत्तिश्च Pbit-sūtras and Commentary No. 283 208 1879-80 Size - 10 in. by 4} in. Extent - 6 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters. Bold, very careful and usually correct writing. Margins carefully ruled in red. The Sūtras are written in red ink and the Commentary in black. Complete, except for a line or two at the end. Age - Rather old looking. Author-The Sutras are attributed to शांतनवाचार्य, while the Com. is anonymous. Begins-ॐनमः ॥ अथ फिटसूत्राणि व्याख्यास्यामः॥ फिषः ॥ फिट प्रातिपदिकांतस्येत्यधिक्रियते ॥ अंत उदात्तः ॥ फिषंत उदात्तो भवति ॥ किंचेदं फिडिति । फिषिति प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञां कृतवान् । अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः फिष् कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्चति ॥ Ends - यथेति पदांतेः ॥ यद्वति पादांते वर्तमानम् ॥ अनुदात्तं भवति ॥ भ्राजंतो अग्नयो यथा ॥ पाद्यंत इति किं॥ यथा वातो यथा वनम् ॥ इति शांतनवकृतौ फिष- . फिदसूत्रााण सटीकानि Phitsutras with Gloss No. 284 226 1919-24 Size -10 in. by 4t in. Extent --18 leaves, 15 lines to a page, about 36 letters in & ___line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 olear and legible hand-writing. Fairly correct and complete. Age - Not very old, Author - Saritaharashtrys. Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 223 Subject — Rules of Vedic accentuation This Ms. however gives all the Phit-Sūtras followed by short running explana. tions of them at the end in about three leaves. The remaining part of the Ms. is a treatise on Vedic irregularities of accentuation. It is divided into eight Adhyāyas. Begins - ॐ नमः। छंदास पुनर्वस्वोरेकवचनं द्वयोरेकवचनं वा स्यात् । पुनर्वसु नक्षत्रं । पुनर्वसू वा । लोकेषु द्विवचनमेव ॥ etc. Ends --प्रकारादिद्विरुक्तौ दरस्यांत उदात्तः पदुपटु । शेषं सर्वमनुदात्तं । शेषं नित्यादिद्विरुक्तस्य परमित्यर्थः । प्रप्रायं दिवे दिवे । इति शांत नवाचार्यप्रणीतेषु फिदसूत्रषु तुरीयः पादः ॥ व्याकरणपरिभाषा (व्याडीया) Vyākaranaparibhāska (Vyadi) No. 285 532 (a) 1887-91 Size -10 in. by 4 in. Extent-4 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 35 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, carefully ruled margins ; red strokes of punctuation. Fairly accurate. The Paribhāshās occupy a little more than half the extent of the Ms. The Ekākshari. namamala ( एकाक्षरी नाममाला ) follows at the end. Both works complete. Age- Samvat 1768. Author-Of Paribhasha, Vyadi. Subject — The Paribhāshā is only an enumeration of certain gram matical maxims, here divided into seven Sections. The Ekāksbari Nāmamālā is a collection of words of one syllable, with their meanings, in metre, covering some 45 verses, Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 Grammar Begins, Paribhasha --ॐ। अर्थवग्द्रहणे नानर्थकस्य।लक्षणप्रतिपदोक्तयोः प्रतिपदोक्तस्यैव ग्रहणं न तु लाक्षणिकस्य । गौणमुख्ययोर्मुख्ये कार्यसंप्रत्ययः॥ Ends, Paribhasha -- गतिकारकोपपदानां कृद्भिः सह समासवचनं प्राक् सुबुत्त्पत्तेः । चक्रकोष्ठिमृतोध्यवस्थानम् । ज्ञापका अपि ता विधयो ह्यनित्या इति॥ इति व्याडिविरचिता पाणिनीयपरिभाषा समाप्ता॥ व्याकरणपरिभाषा Vyā karaṇaparibbāsā (पाणिनीया) ( Paniniya) No. 286 253 1884-86 Size -- 10 in, by 4 in. Extent -- 4 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 32 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and ___ legible writing. Fairly correct.. Age - Seems to be of a recent date. Subject - A bare statement of the Paribhāshās in connection with Pāņini's grammar. The order is the same that is followed by Siradeva in his Paribhasha-Vritti. . Begins - व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्न हि संदेहादलक्षणम् ॥१॥ Ends - समासकृत्तद्धितेषु संबंधाभिधानं न च प्रत्ययेन मन्यन्न(१)रूढ भिन्नरूपाव्यभिचारी संबंधेभ्यः ॥ इति परिभाषासूत्राणि । संख्या १२९॥ . .. . व्याकरणपरिभाषा (पाणिनीया) No. 287 Vyākaraṇaparibhāshā - ( Paniniya) -223 1892-95 Size -9t in. by 4t in. . . . Extent - 2 leaves, 14 lines in a page, about 46 letters in a line, Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 325 Description - Country papar, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible hand. There are some corrections made by a later hand; margins on both sides ruled in red ink. Correct in the main and complete. Age - The Ms. has an old appearance. Author — These maxims are usually attributed to Pāṇini. Subject -- A mere enumeration of only 94 maxims of interpreta tion .more particularly applicable to Panini's grammar. The title of the book should be परिभाषा and not परिभाषा प्रकरणम्. Begins - व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रति पत्ति)न हि संदेहादलक्षणम् ॥१॥ न हि कार्यो निमित्तत्वेनाश्रीयते ॥२॥ Ends - समासकृत्तद्धितेभ्यस्संबंधाभिधानमन्यत्र ॥ रूढ्यभिन्नरूपाव्यभि रूपाव्यभिचारितस्संबंधेभ्य: ॥ ९४ ॥ इति पाणिनिपरिभाषा समाप्ता॥ व्याकरणपरिभाषा Vyākaraṇaparibbāshā (पाणिनीया) (Paniniya) No. 288 501 1886-92 Size -- 94 in. by 4} in. Extent-6 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 35 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Age - Not very old. Begins - ला । व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्न हि संदेहादलक्षणम् । Ends - कृत्तद्धितसमासेभ्य उत्पन्नेन भावप्रत्ययेन सम्बंधाभिधानमन्यत्र रूढभिन्नरूपाव्यभिचरितसम्बन्धेभ्यः ॥ इति परिभाषा समाप्ता॥ 29 [Des. Cat., Vol. II ] Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 . Grammar व्याकरणपरिभाषा - Vyākaraṇaparibhāshā (पाणिनीया) (Pāṇiniya ) No. 289 186 1882-83 Size - by 31 in. Extent -6 leaves,9 lines to a page, 24 letters to a line, Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, care ful and fairly accurate writing; margins ruled in red, red chalk used. The Ms. gives a mere list of 132+9 परिभाषाs in the order of सीरदेव ; complete. The Ms. belongs to one .. नानाभट्ट as mentioned on fol. 1, a. Age - Not very old. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीपरमेश्वरो विजयतेतराम् ॥ व्याख्या नतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्न हि संदेहादलक्षणम् ॥ १ ॥ न हि कायै निमित्तत्त्वेनाश्रियते ॥२॥ कार्यमनूभवन्निमित्तत्वेनाश्रि यते ॥ ३ ॥ इतरेतराश्रयाणि कार्याणि शास्त्रे न प्रवर्तते ॥४॥ Ends- समासकृत्तद्धितेषु संबंधाभिधानं अन्यत्र रूढ्यभिन्नरूपाद्वयभि चारिसंबंधेभ्यः॥१३२॥ इति सूत्रपाठानुक्रमन्यायमूलपरिभाषा॥श्री॥ येन नाप्राप्त यो विधिरारभ्यते स तस्य बाधको भवति ॥१॥ येन नाव्यवधानं तद्वयवाहितेपि वचनप्रामाण्यात् ॥२॥......... प्रकल्प्य वापवादविषयं तत उत्सर्गोभिनिविशते ॥९॥ परमेश्वरो विजयतेतराम् ॥ गणपतिर्जयतु ॥ व्याकरणपरिभाषा Vyākaranaparibhāshā (पाणिनीया ) ( Paniniya) 1. No. 290 325 1895-1902 Size -91 in. by 3in.. Extent -4 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and legible writing, fairly accurate. The Ms. is slightly wormeaten. Complete. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 227 Age - Rather old in appearance. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ व्याख्यातो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्न हि संदेहाद लक्षणम् ॥१॥ Ends - पूर्व धातुरुपसर्गेण युज्यते पश्चात्साधनेन ॥२८॥ समासकृत्तद्धि तेषु संबंधानभिधानमन्यत्र रूढ्यभिन्नरूपान्यभिचरितसंबन्धेभ्यः ॥२९॥ इति न्यायमलाः परिभाषाः ॥ येन नाप्राप्तयोविधिरारभ्यते स तस्य बाधको भयति ॥१॥............पूर्व ह्यपवादाः प्रवर्तन्ते पश्चादुत्सर्गाः॥८॥प्रकल्प्य वापवादविषयं तत उत्सर्गोभिनिविशते ॥९॥ इति परिभाषाः ॥ व्याकरणपरिभाषा (पाणिनीया) No.291 Vyākaraṇaparibhāshā ( Paniniya) 324 1895-1902 Size-9] in. by 3 in. Extent -- 4 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Complete. Age--Not very old in appearance. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्न हि संदेहाद लक्षणम् ॥ नहि कार्या निमित्तत्वेनाश्रीयते ॥ Ends - पूर्व धातुरूपसर्गेण प्रयुज्यते पश्चात्साधनेन ॥ समासकृत्तद्धितेषु सर्व विधानमन्यत्र रूट्यभिन्नरूपाव्यभिचारितसंबन्धेभ्यः ॥ इति सूत्रानुक्रमन्यायपरिभाषा ॥ तन्मध्ये पतिते साग्रहणेन गृह्यते ॥ पानीयं पातुमिच्छामि त्वत्तः कमललोचने। यदि दास्यसि नेच्छामि न दास्यसि पिबाम्यहम् ॥ . इदं पुस्तकं गोरोपनाम्ना केशवेन लिखितम् ॥ पुनः प्रसंगविज्ञानात् ॥ Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 Grammar ज्ञापकसमुच्चय Jūāpakasamuchchaya No.292 621 1891-95 Size - 9 in. by 41 in; the last four leaves longer by an inch. Extent -- 23 leaves, 13 lines to a page, about 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; legible but not always correct writing. The last four leaves slightly damaged, with some lacuna, in places; otherwise complete. Age -- Does not seem to be very old in appearance. Author - Purushottamadeva. Subject - A collection of grammatical maxims of interpretation ___to Panini's grammar. Begins -- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीसोमेश्वराख्यगुरवे नमः। यश्चके परिभाषाणां वृत्तिं वृद्धसुसंमताम् । पुरुषोत्तम आरेभे स ज्ञानकसमुश्चयः( यम् ) ॥१॥ Ends-व्याकरणप्रक्रियायामकारस्य विवृतोपदेश अकारग्रहणार्थ इति महामहोपाध्यायश्रीपुरुषोत्तमदेवविरचितो ज्ञापकसमुच्चया FIATA: 11 Then follows the name of the scribe which is carefully scored through go as to leave no letter visible. Then follow a few stray verses without any bearing on the text. Reference - Oxford Catalogue No. 353, wherein are given the different authorities quoted in the work. 53 ज्ञापकसमुच्चय Jñā pakasamuchchaya No. 293 1881-82 Size - 9} in. by 4 in. Extent -28 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 43 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, in different and generally correct writing. Fol. 15 wanting; otherwise complete. Age-Not very old-looking. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 229 परिभाषावृत्ति Paribhāshāyritti No.294 291 1875-76 Size-11 in. by 6 in. Extent -- 55 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 34 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, careful writing, tallied with the original and corrected where necessary. Complete. The Ms. comes from Patan. Age - New copy from a Ms. of Samvat 1721. Author - Purushottama. Subject- A commentary on the fails belonging to the Pāṇiniya school. The order of the tas is however independent of सीरदेव or नागोजीभट्ट. The वृत्ति is also called ललितावृत्ति. Begins - ॐ नमः॥ अथातः परिभाषाणां वचनानां च तादृशाम् । संक्षिप्य ललितां वृत्तिं प्रस्तौति पुरुषोत्तमः॥१॥ अर्थवदहणे नानर्थकस्यु० ॥ अर्थवदनथर्कग्रहणविचारेऽर्थवत एव ग्रहणं नान्यस्य । तद्यथा ॥ Ends - अणुदित्सवर्णस्यत्येकं परेण ग्रहणानि परेणैवेति निश्चीयते ॥११५॥ इति यावद् ॥ ज्ञापकसिद्धा वचनसिद्धाश्च काश्चन परिभाषा वचनानि च कानिचिद्यथाबोधमस्माभिर्विवृतानि । एवमनया दिशान्यान्यपि शब्दप्रकृत्योद्योगन्यायवाक्यानि लिंगोदाहरणाभ्यां समनुगंतव्यानि सन्निहितानि शक्तिशः। तद्यथा सापेक्षमसमर्थ भवति। नित्यसापेक्षप्रधानसापेक्षमस्ति । सामानिरवकाशा हि विधयः॥छ ॥ इति श्रीपाणिनीयाचार्यविरचितानां परिभाषाणां लघुवृत्तिः संपूर्णा ॥ संवत् १७२८ वर्षे भाद्रपदमासे शुक्लत्रयोदश्यां बुधवासरे लिखिता ॥ संवत् १९३१ । नकल ॥ Reference - Raj. Mitra, Notices, Vol. 7, p. 166. Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 Grammar परिभाषावृत्ति Paribbāshāvritti No. 295 320 1875-76 Size - 134 in. by 6 in. Extent – 2+28 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters of the Kāśmfrian type; bold, careful and fairly correct writing. Red chalk used. Complete. Age - A new copy, Author - The परिभाषाs are attributed to व्याडि while the वृत्ति is probably anonymous. Subject - The first two leaves give a mere list of the Has. There are 87 of them, and the order in which they are given differs considerably from that of सीरदेव or नागोजीभट्ट. The Vritti is separately paged and extends from foll. 1-28. Begins -ॐ श्रीव्याडमुनये नमः॥ अथ परिभाषासूचनं व्याख्यास्यामः। ॥१॥ अर्थवद्रहणे नानर्थकस्य॥२॥ लक्षणप्रतिपदोक्तयोः प्रतिपदो, क्तस्य ग्रहणम् ॥३॥ गौणमुख्ययोर्मुख्ये संप्रत्ययः॥ ......५९ अकृतव्यूहाः पाणिनीयाः॥...८६॥ द्विर्बद्धं सुबद्धं भवति ॥८७॥ कृग्रहणे गतिकारकपूर्वस्यापि ग्रहणम्॥८॥इति व्याडपरिभाषाः॥ Begins (Vritti) - ॐ नमो मुनित्रयाय ॥ अथ परिभाषासूचनं व्याख्या स्यामः ॥ अथेत्ययमधिकारार्थः ॥ परिभाषासूचनं शास्त्रमधिकृतं वेदितव्यं यदित ऊर्ध्वमनुक्रमिष्यामः । इयमस्मिन्सूत्रे सिद्धा इयमस्मिन्सिद्धति । किंकारणं । अत्रहि ज्ञातपरिभाषस्स्वयं स्वयं शास्त्रं प्रतिपादयितुं समर्थो भवति ॥स तावत्सुखं ज्ञातपरिभाषो भवति । अतो व्याख्यानं द्रष्टव्यं ॥ तत्रादित एव तावदियं परिभाषा भवति॥अथवद्रहणे नानर्थकस्यति॥ व पुनरियं परिभाषा ज्ञाप्यते। व्रश्चभ्रस्जादिसूत्रे ॥ Ends- अस्तीयं परिभाषेति कृब्रहणे गतिकारकपूर्वस्यापि ग्रहणमिति । किमेतस्या ज्ञापने प्रयोजनम् । प्रयायिणे प्रयायिणः। माषवापानि व्रीहिवापानीति प्रातिपदिकांतनुम्बिभक्तिषु चेति णत्त्वं सिद्धं भवति॥ इति व्याडीयपरिभाषावृत्तिः समाप्ता॥ शुभाय भवतात् ॥ Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāņiniya School 231 परिभाषावृत्ति Paribhāshāvritti No. 296 319 (B) 1875-76 Size - 14 in. by 5 in. Extent - 25 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters of the Kāsmiri type. Bold, careful and generally correct writing. Complete, forming foll. 7-31 of Ms. No. 319 of 1875–76. The first 6 leaves give the HI T which is described in the section dealing with Prākrit Grammars. Age — A new copy. For other particulars see No. 320 of 1875–76. परिभाषाप्रदीपाचिः Paribhāshāpradīpārchih No. 297 21 . 1868-69 Size -124 in. by 4} in. Extent - 64 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 60 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters. Neat and bold writing. Leaves 34-64 in a different hand-writing. Complete to the end of adhyāya 5. Fairly correct. , Age - Seems to be of a recent date. Author - Udayamkara. Subject - A treatise explaining the meaning and use of gramma tical Paribhāshās, of the nature of Paribhāshendusekhara. The Ms. has two adhyāyas complete. But the whole work must consist of some more adhyāyas, as appears from the closing portion of the 2nd adhyāya. The author very frequently refers to the works Sabdak austubha, Sekbara, Prakriyākaumudi, Pradipa, Sabdaratna , Padamañjari, and he often mentions ‘Dikshitāḥ'. According to Hall, Udayamkara taught at Benares about the beginning of the last century He has also written commentaries on the two Sekharas of Nāgojibhatta. Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 Grammar Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः। अमंदहृवयानंदनिदानं शिवयोश्चरम् । नमस्कुरुत हेरंब निष्पत्यूहफलाप्तये ॥१॥ वल्लकीपुस्तककरां पुंडरीकासनस्थिताम् । शारदां नीरकुंदेंदुधवलां भावयेतराम् ॥ २ ॥ कृत्वा पाणिनिसूत्राणां मितवृत्त्यर्थसंग्रहम् । परिभाषाप्रदीपार्चिस्तत्रोपायो निरूप्यते ॥ ३ ॥ तत्र तावत्परिभाषात्वं नाम लिङ्गवत्त्वे सति संदिग्धार्थनियामकत्वम् । दीधीवेवीटामित्यादेन धातुलोप इत्यादौ निषेधः किमिव परिभाषाया उत गुणवृद्धयोरिति संदिग्धार्थस्य नियामकत्वा त्परिमाषात्वं स्यादतः सत्यंतम् । Ends- अंतरंगानपि विधीन्बहिरंगो लुग्बाधते इत्येतां च परिभाषामकर्तव्यां मन्यते तत्सर्वमग्रे विवेचयिष्यामः ॥ परिभाषाप्रदीपार्चिष्युदयंकरदर्शिते । द्वितीयो व्याकृताध्यायः संगतः संगतः सताम् ॥ न तुष्यंति मितोक्त्यैके परे मूढा बहूक्तिषु । करवाणि ततो वाणि सकलावर्जनेजलिम् ॥ परिभाषाप्रदीपाचिः Paribhāsbā pradipārchiḥ No. 298 345 1881-82. Size-91 in. by 47 in, Extent — 96 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; clear and legible writing, correct in the main ; frequent use of yellow powder for emendation and erasure. Folls. 42 and 43 number ed together. Contains the first two adhyāyas complete, Age-Samvat 1844. Ends - श्रीसंवत् ॥१८५४ ॥समैरगाम चइत्रमासे सुकलपशे परीव्राणा गुरवासर श्रीपुस्तकंसंपुराणां सुभमस्तु॥जो देवा सोलीषा मम दोषो न दीयते॥ Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 233 परिभाषाप्रदीपार्चिः Paribhashapradipārchih No. 299 632 1891-95 Size -8 in. by 61 in. Extent - 24 leaves, 23 lines to a page, about 82 letters to a line. Descriptron-Country papers, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate; incomplete : contains about three-fourths of the first adhyaya. Age - Not very old in appearance. 482 परिभाषाप्रकाश Paribhāshăprakása No. 300 .. 1884-87 Size -10 in. by 44 in. . Extent-4 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; indifferent but generally legible writing. Correct but incomplete, containing only the first pāda and a few lines more of the second. Age - The Ms. is old in appearance. Author - Vishnapandita, who was also called facere and also विष्णुराप (according to Aufrecht ). Subject - An explanation of the various Hals used in Pāṇini's system. Begins- वामांकदिव्यासनसंन्निविष्टा यायेंगनाथ ( यस्येंगनाथ ) स्य जगद्विभूतेः । महालसा सालसमायता कृपाकलापैर्माय लोकिषीष्ट ॥१॥ शेषावतंसं शेषांशं जगत्रितयपूजितम् । चक्रपाणिं तथा नत्वा पितरं कृष्णपंडितम् ॥ २ ॥ भ्रातरं च जगन्नाथं विष्णुशेषेण धीमता। परिभाषाप्रकाशोयं क्रियते धीमतां मुदे ॥३॥ व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपतिः &c.. 30 Des. Cat., Vol, II] Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 ! Grammar Ends - क्रियमाणं तु तत् एकदेशस्य प्रवृत्तिं ज्ञापयति ॥ उणादयोऽ .. व्युत्पन्नानि प्रातिप- thus abruptly ends this Ms. Colophon - इति श्रीमच्छेषकृष्णपंडितात्मजशेषविष्णुपंडितविरचिते ... परिभाषाप्रकाशे प्रथमः पादः। परिभाषाभास्कर Paribhāshābhāskara No. 301 502 1886-92 Size -111 in. by 3 in. Extent-49 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 40 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. The परिभाषा proper are generally marked with red powder. Age-Seems to be a new copy. Author-Agnihotri Haribhaskara, son of Appājibhatta and grandson of Haribhatta. . Sabjeot - A treatise discussing the meaning of the grammatical paribhāshās. Their order here seems to be different from that followed in the Paribhāshendusekhara. The work seems to be divided into 8 e.dhyāyas, like the Ashtādbyāyi of Panini. Begins आखण्डलादिसुरमण्डलमण्डनं तमुद्दण्डकोकविरहानलदण्डचण्डम् । ईडेहमत्र बहुबोधितपद्मकाण्ड मार्तण्डमंधतमसं प्रति कालदण्डम् ॥१॥ श्रीगुरुन् पितरी नत्वाग्निहोत्री भास्कराभिधः। भास्करं परिभाषाणां तनुते बालबुद्धये ॥२॥ युक्तायुक्ताभिज्ञ वन्यं भूयो(भूयो ? )विद्वदन्दम् । नाम नामं याचे मंदो मांधं चेदं शोध्यं सम्यक् ॥३॥ मृद्वी मृद्वीकया तुल्या स्वरैरिव खलर्यदि। नाहतेयं कृतिस्तस्मादस्माकं हानिरस्ति किम् ॥४॥ Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 235 तत्र तावत् भाष व्यक्तायां वाचि इत्यस्मात् परितो भाष्यत इति व्युत्पत्तेः कर्मणि घनुत्पत्तेस्तथा प्रतीतेश्च परिभाषापदं यौगिकं। Ends - अत्रोत्पत्तिमत्स्वपि पदार्थषु सच्छदः संबंध न व्यभिचरतीति तत उत्पन्नो भावप्रत्ययः क्रियासंबंध नाहापि तु सामान्यं । इदं च भर्तृ. हरेर्वचनम् । यत्तु मथुरानाथभट्टाचार्या वदंति पाणिनिमतमिदमिति तदतिरभसादिति ध्येयम् । केचित्तु व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्ति रित्यादिसर्वाः परिभाषा व्याडिमुनिना विरचिता इत्याहुः । परिभाषाकमलिनीर्युक्तिरुग्भिर्विकाशयन् । भास्करः पंडितालीनां स्वांतमानंदयत्वयम् ॥ इति श्रीमदग्निहोतृवंशावतंसहरिभट्टात्मजापाजिभहसुतपराभिधानहरिभास्करकृतः परिभाषाभास्करः समाप्तिमगात् ॥१॥ Reference - For another Ms. of the same see p. 53 of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal by R. Mitra pt. I. The work is different from another work having the same name described as No. 1481 in the Madras Or. Library Des. criptive Catalogue, Vol. III, p. 1020. Paribhāshābhāskara परिभाषाभास्कर No. 302 484 1884-87 Size - 104 in. by 5} in. Extent - 38 leaves, 13 lines to a page, about 28 letters to & line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate and complete. Age - The Ms. is not very old in appearance. Author - Hari Bhāskara, son of Appājibhatta, son of Haribhatta Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar 286 परिभाषाभास्कर No. 303 Paribhāshābhāskara 653 1883-84 Size - 9 in. by 4 in. Extent -73 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 33 letters to a line. Description --Thin country peper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, correct on the whole. Margins ruled in black; and red chalk occasionally used. Complete. Age - Rather old looking. Author - Bhāskara, son of Appäji. The Ms. gives certain addi. tional stanzas at the end. Ends - परिभाषाकमलिनीयुक्तिरुग्भिर्विकासयन् । भास्करः पंडितालीनां स्वांतं सानंदयत्वयम् ॥१॥ व्यंबकेश्वरपुरीकृतवासादग्निहोत्रिकुलनीरधिचंद्रात् । पुण्यपूर्णपुरुषोत्तमभट्टादुद्बभूव सुकृती हरिभट्टः ॥२॥ वेदवाक्यनिचयावचनेन प्रेक्षितोविधिरिवेह बुधौघैः। लोकगीतविमलायतकीर्तिः सोपि. सज्जनमाणिर्जयति स्म॥३॥ तस्मादुद्भांतकीर्तेः कृतसुकृतभरान्मंत्रतंत्रस्वतंत्रः । साधु(धू)नामग्रगण्यो गददलनविधौ माणवानां शरण्यः । काशीक्षेत्राधिवासी हृतकठिनतरारातिषड्वर्गदंभः श्रीमानापाजिभट्टः सुरयजनरतः शुद्धधीराविरासीत् ॥ ४॥ तनय इह तदीयोरीरचद्गास्कराख्यः प(फ)णिपतिभणतानामाशयं भावयित्वा। परमतपरिभाषाभास्करं चार्पिपत्तं सुरवररविपादे सच्चिदानंदरूपे ॥५॥ अत्राभ्यासो मनीषा वा सुकृतं वा न किंचन। मन्ये गुरुकृपाकल्पलतिकवादिकारणम् ॥६॥ इति श्रीमत्काइपमान्वयसंभवाग्निहोत्रिकुलतिलकायमानहरिभट्ट सूनुश्रीमदापाजिभट्टसूनुभास्करविरचितः परिभाषाभास्करः समाप्तिमगमत् । शुभं भवतु ॥ . Reference - Dr. Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-84 pp. 60-61. ...... Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघुपरिभाषावृत्ति No. 304 B. Paniniya School 237 Laghuparibhasha vṛitti 565 1887-91 परिभाषावृत्ति No. 305 Size 10 in. by 5 in. Extent – 42 leaves, 8 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Both the upper edges slightly injured. Much use of red chalk. Complete. Age Is not very old in appearance. Author - As is apparent from the Col. of No. 673 of India Office Catalogue, the author seems to be a pupil of Bhaskarabhatta, an agnihotri. Begins The Ms. does not contain the given in No. 673 of India Office Catalogue, but at once plunges into the subject :- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्न हि संदेहादलक्षणं । व्याख्यानाद्विशेषार्थज्ञानं संदेहे सति कर्तव्यं &c. Ends – केचित्तु व्याख्यानतो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिरित्यादिसर्वाः परिभाषा व्याडिमुनिना विरचिता इत्याहुः ॥ इति लघुपरिभाषावृत्तिः समाप्ता ॥ इदं पुस्तकंनामक कृष्णेन स्वार्थपरार्थं च पंचगंगातीरे गुरुमठे लिखितं ॥ संवत् माघ शुक्ल १. Reference - India Office Catalogue No. 673. Paribhasha vritti 46 1868-69 Size - 122 in by 8 in. Extent - 49 leaves, 16 lines in a page, about 48 letters in & line. Description - Foreign paper, very neat, bold and beautiful writing; fairly correct, complete. The text of the Paribhāshās is written in the middle of each page. क Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 Grammar Age-A new copy. Author - Siradeva. Subject - A commentary on the Paribhāshās, or general rules of interpretation and application in connection with Pāņini's grammar. The Paribhashas commented upon are 130 in number and differ a good deal in point of their order and, sometimes, of their text, from those treated by Nāgojibhatta Paribhashas 1-102 are divided into 27 pādas, with different names, which are as follow :प्रथमपादपरिभाषा 1-13 कुटादि पाद 14-16 भूपाद 17-19 कारकपाद 20-27 समर्थपाद 28-29 अपरपाद 30-32 अनभिहितपाद 33 द्विगुपाद 34-35 After this 5 Paribhashas are wanting. (The same is the case with the Ms. in the India Office Library, No. 672) कर्मणिपाद परिभाषा 41-45 बहलपाद 46 संबंधपाद 47-48 व्यापूपाद 49-52 रक्तपाद 53-55 युष्मान्पादठकूपादधान्यपाद 58-60 शतपाद 61 एकाचपाद 62-64 बहुव्रीहिपाद 65-66 अङ्गापाद 67-77 युवपाद 78-83 सिचिपाद 84-89 देविकापाद 90-95 णौपाद 96-99 सर्वस्यद्वपाद 100 रेफपाद . 101-102 Then follow the Ny ayamūla-paribbāshāg. The order of the rats corresponds to that of Panini's Sūtras. 56 57 Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 239 Begins - स्फुरदभिनवरागा भास्कराभा प्रगल्भा प्रसभशमितदोषा स्फीतसल्लोकचक्रा। हितविहितविचारा जाड्यजातोपशांत्यै प्रभवतु परिभाषावृत्तिरासेवितैषा ॥ व्याख्यानादाचार्यपारंपर्योपदेशात्संदेहेपि विशेषावगमो भवति न तु लक्षणाभावः ॥ Ends-तथाहि । क्रियातोपसर्गसंबंधतादात्म्येन क्रियासाधनयोर्ह निमित्त भावेन उपसर्गेण हि क्रियामभ्युपदिश्य संबध्यत इति निमित्तभावे नात्र धातोरनर्थे संबंधः त्रसरनिधातूपसर्गयोः संबंधोत्तर इति ॥१२९॥ कृत्तद्धित्तेभ्यः संबंधोभिधानं भावप्रत्ययस्य ॥१३०॥ It seems that the Vțitti on the last paribhāshā is wanting. Colophon-इति श्रीमन्महामहोपाध्यायश्रीसीरदेवकृतायां परिभाषावृत्तिः समाप्ता॥ Reference - See No. 672 of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the India Office Library, by Prof. Eggeling. Also see Burnell's Index of Tanjore Mss. p. 42. Rajendralal Mitra's Notices, Vol. VI, p. 139. The work is printed more than once. परिभाषावृत्ति No. 306 Paribhāshā vritti 540 1887-91 Size --101 in. by 41 in. Extent -58 leaves, 15 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3D bold, care ful and legible writing, fairly accurate. L. 19 and a few leaves in the middle slightly damaged; complete. Age-Samvat 1720. Author -Siradeva........ .. Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 Grammar Ends -अव्याभिचरितसंबंधो यथा सत्छब्दः । अयंसच्छब्द उत्पत्तिम स्वपि पदार्थेषु संबंध न व्यभिचरति । तत उत्पन्नो भावप्रत्ययः सामान्यमभिदधाति स न तु क्रियासंबंधं ॥ इति श्रीमहामहोपाध्यायश्रीसीरदेवकृता परिभाषा संपूर्णा ॥ वर्षे भ्रनेत्रवाजींदुमिते पौषे शुभे दिने। . माणिक्यहर्षोव्यलिखन्दृत्तिं सत्पारिभाषिकां ॥ परिभाषावृत्ति Paribbāshāvritti No. 307 1866-68 Size - 11 in. by 4g in. Extent -129 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. The Ms. is much worm. eaten, and is bound in cloth. Complete... Age -Samvat 1636. Author - Siradeva. Ends -इति श्रीमहामहोपाध्यायसीरदेवकृता परिभाषावृत्तिः समाप्ता। षडग्निरसचन्द्राङ्करङ्किते वत्सरे वरे। व्यलेखि पुष्करपातिनागस्वयम् ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ परिभाषावृत्तिटिप्पणी Paribhāshā vrittitippaņi विजया Vijayā No.308 116 1869-70 Size -- 12 in. by 4t in. Extent - 16 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 56 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanāgarl characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 341 Age - Samvat 1825. Author -Srimānasarman, son of Lakshmipati. He seems to be also the author of several other treatises of a similar kind. Subject - A very short commentary or tippani, on the Pari ...... bhashavritti of Siradeva. . . Begins - स्फुरदभिनवसारः स्फारतारोच्चहारः प्रसभशमितदेवव्रातविद्वेषिवर्गः। विततहितस(ह?)स्रः सेवकानां जनानां . प्रभवतु मुरवैरी बुद्धिवृद्धयै सदा नः॥१॥ श्रीशंकराराधनलब्धशर्मा श्रीमानशर्मा वितविश्वरूपः। सच्छीरदेवेन विनिर्मिताया वृत्तेर्विधत्ते विषमेषु टीकां ॥२॥ स्फुरदित्यादि। Ends- तथा सामान्येन धातोः प्रागुपसर्गयोगात् प्रत्ययं विधाय पश्चादु पसर्गयोगे जाते यथास्वमर्थप्रतिपत्तिरित्यर्थः॥ व्याख्यायकबुधवातरुचिरा सा चिराश्रया। ... एषास्तु मम शिष्याणां विजया विजयावहा ॥१॥ अनुन्यासादिसारस्य कर्ना श्रीमानशर्मणा। श्रीलक्ष्मीपतिपुत्रेण विजयेयं विनिर्मिता ॥ २ ॥ Col:- इति वारेइचमाहठ्ठीयश्री-श्रीमानशर्मनिर्मिता सीरदेवबृहत्परिभाषा वृत्तिंटिप्पणी विजयाख्या समाप्ता ॥ संवत् १८२५ आश्विनमासे -- कृष्णपक्षे द्वादश्यां चंद्रे लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं ॥ परिभाषेन्दुशखर Paribhāshendusekhara No.309 254 1884-86 Size -97 in. by 43 in. Extent - 113 leaves, 7 lines in a page, about 24 letters in & line. 31-[ Des. Oat., Vol. II] Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 Grammar Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing. Fairly correct. Complete. Age-Samvat 1897. Author -Nagoji-Bhatta. Subject - A treatise explaining the Paribhäshas in connection with Panini's grammar. Begins-नत्वा सांबशिवं ब्रह्म नागेशः कुरुते सुधीः। बालानां सुखबोधाय परिभाषेदुशेखरम् ॥१॥ Ends-ष्ठिवुक्लम्विति सूत्रे शितीति न वक्तव्यं भवतीति भाष्ये न केवलं मात्रालाघवं यावदयमप्यर्थ इति कैयटोक्तेः प्रायेणेति शिवम् ॥ Colohpon:-इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामशिवभट्टतनुजसतीगर्भनागोजीभट्ट. विरचितः परिभाषेन्दुशेखरः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् ॥ १८९७ ॥ Reference - There is an excellent edition of the work by Dr. Kielhorn, in the Bombay Sanskrit Series, with a complete English Translation. The work is frequently publishad at Poona (Anandashram), Bombay and Benares. परिभाषेन्दुशेखर Paribhāshendusekhara No. 310 342 A. 1881-82 Size - 12 in, by 47 in. Extent - 46 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 55 letters to a line. Description - Rough country paper, Devanagārl characters; clear and legible writing; numerous additions and corrections in large and small hand made in the margins, Complete. Age-Saka 1706. Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 243 B. Paniniya School Ends:- इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामकसतीगर्भजनागोजीभट्टकृतपरिभाषेदुशेखरः संपूर्णाः॥ रसांबराश्वभूशाके क्रोध्यब्दे दक्षिणायने । हेमंते पौषशुक्लेन नवम्यामिंदुवासरे ॥१॥ नारायणाचार्यपुत्रो विद्यसाश्युपनामकः । वासुदेवो लिलेखाशु परिभाषेदुशेखरम् ॥ २॥" परिभाषेन्दुशेखर Paribhāshendusekhara No. 311 503 1886-92 Size — 104 in. by 5 in. Extent -54 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 36 letters in a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Age - Not very old. परिभाषेन्दुशेखर Paribhāshendusekhara No, 312 275 1899-1915 Size-98 in. by 31 in. Extent-55 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Red chalk used. The M8. breaks off towards the end of the gallya19 Paribhāshā. Age — Rather modern in appearance. Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 Grammar परिभाषेदुशेखरकाशिका (गदा) No. 313 Paribhāshendusekharakāsikā (Gadā) 343 A 1881-82 Size -97 in. by 43 in. Extent - 145 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. First and last leaves slightly damaged. Age-Samvat 1858. Author - Vaidyanatha Payagunda, son of Mahadeva and Vent... Subject - A Commentary on the Paribhashendusekhara of Nāgesa. ... The work is known as Gada as well as Kasika. Begins, ब्रह्मादयो यस्य न पारमाप्नुवन् गंगाद्भुतं मस्तकदेशवासिनी। वामार्थदेहापि न चंडिकापर्य ध्यायामि देवं सनकादिवन्धम् ॥ वैद्यनाथः पायगुंडो नत्वा नागेश्वरं गुरुम् । विवृतिं परिभाषेदुशखरे तनुते गदाम् ॥ प्रारिप्सितस्य ग्रंथस्य निर्विघ्नपरिसमाप्त्यर्थं इष्टदेवतानतिरूपं मंगलमाचरन् शिष्यशिक्षायै व्याख्यातृश्रोतृणामनुषंगतो मंग लाय च निबध्नाति-नत्वेति।Ends:- एवं ज्ञाजनोर्जेत्यादिसूत्रभाष्यमप्यत्र गमकं बोध्यमित्यन्यत्र विस्तर इति सर्वमनवद्यमिति शिवम् ॥ १२३ ॥ Colophon:- इति श्रीमत्पायगुंडोपाख्यमहादेवसुतवेणीगर्भजवैद्यनाथभट्ट कृतपरिभाषेदुशेखरकाशिका परिपूर्णा । संवत् १८५८ मीति जेष्टसुदी परिवा ग्रंथसंख्या ४२०० ॥ श्रीर्मु-नारायनजीसत्पः॥ Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School परिभाषेन्दुशेखरविवृति Paribhashendusekharavivriti (गदा) (Gada) No.314 276 1899-1915 Size-13 in. by 4 in. Extent - 15 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 54 letters to a line. Description-Blue foolscap paper with water-marks, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Incomplete, breaking off towards the end of the commentary on the 12th paribhāshā. Age - Modern. Ends:- नन्वेवमपि येन विधिर्यदागमाभ्यां विरोधति ॥ तैरेतत्साध्यफल स्यैव तत्र साध्य-Here abruptly ends the Ms. परिभाषार्थमञ्जरी No. 315 Paribhāshārthamañjari 28 1868-691 Size - 10 in. by 47 in. Extent-95 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 38 letters to a line........ Description - Thick Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; neat, bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete. Age - Samvat 1852. Author - Bhima, the son of Mādhavãohārya. Subjeot - A commentary on the Paribhāshendusekhara of Nāgoji _bhatta. Begins विनायकपदाम्भोजं विनायकपदांबुजं। ... नत्वा करोति भीमाख्यः परिभाषार्थमंजरीम् ॥१॥ गुरो कटाक्षनिक्षेपसमुज्ज्वलधिया मया। यदुक्तं क्षम्यतां क्षांतिनिक्षेपणविचक्षणाः॥२॥ Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Grammar .. आर्या मात्सर्यमुत्सृज्य समर्यादमिमां कृतिम् । पश्यतां पश्यतालादज(न)नीं जननीधियः ॥३॥ हंसः सारं यथादत्ते सारासारविवेकतः। त्यक्त्वासारं तथा सारमंगीकुरुत धीजनाः॥४॥ ग्रन्थसमाप्त्यादिप्रतिबन्धकविघ्नौघप्रशमनाय etc. . . Ends - किंच ग्रंथोपक्रमे प्राचीनवैय्याकरणन्या (१) वाचनिकानति वदतां तेषां मते सर्वासां वाचनिकत्वं बोधितं ॥ तच्च न युक्तं॥ अर्धमात्रालाघवत्वेन पुत्रोत्सवतुल्यहर्षोत्पादात इत्यपि सूचनं ग्रंथकृदाकूतं विद्वन्मान्या विदांकुर्वत्विति सकलार्थसिद्धिः॥ परिभाषारसास्वादबद्धादरधियामुना। भीमेन रचिता सेयं परिभाषार्थमंजरी॥.. ---: " Colophon - इति श्रीमद्गलगलेकरोपनामकमाधवाचार्यतनयभीमप्रणीता परिभाषार्थमंजरी समाप्ता॥ संवत् १८५२... परिभाषार्थमञ्जरी Paribhāshārthamañjari No. 316 180 1882-83 Size - 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 54 leaves, 9 lines to & page, 36 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Incomplete............ " Age - Modern looking. Ends - ततश्च ग्रामणिपुत्रो ग्रामणिकुलमित्यत्र तुग्ग्रहणं तुअसिद्धपरि भाषया कर्तुमशक्यमिति संनिपातपरिभाषयैव तुग्वारणीयः । एवं च तत्परिभाषासत्वेपि अन्यथैव तुग्वारयितुं शक्य इति त्वदुक्तपरिभाषासाधकत्थै (१) हेत्वसिद्धिः न- here abruptly breaks the Ms. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School परिभाषार्थमञ्जरी Paribhasharthamanjari No. 317 181 1882-83 Size -127 in. by 5 in. Extent-32 leaves, 11 lines to a page,36 letters toaline. Description-Country yellow and white paper, Devanagari charac. ... ters; bold and careful writing, fairly correct. Complete, but wants the first three leaves.... .. Age - Rather modern looking.... Ends - इति श्रीमद्गगलेकरोपनामकमाधा(ध)वार्यतनयभीमप्रणीता परि भाषार्थमंजरी समाप्तं ॥ ....... काशिरामपदद्वंद्वनलिनेभ्रंमिरि(?)यता। चिंतामणे(न) लिखिता परिभाषार्थमंजरि(री)। परिभाषेन्दुशेखरटीका Paribhāshendusekharatikā सर्वमंगला Sarvamangalā No. 318 __ 112 . ... ... . -1869-70 Sive -12. in. by 4 in.. Extent -102 leaves, 10 lines inapage, about 50 letters inslines. Description - Foreign paper, Devanāgari characters; fine, bold and legible writing, fairly correct ; incomplete. Age-Seems to be of a very recent date... Author - Seshasarman, patronized by a king named Krishna. Subject - A commentary on the Paribháshendusekhara of Nāgeša. Begins - गुरुं विश्वेश्वरं नत्वा ध्यात्वा च हृदि भारतीं। ... विवृणोमि यथामेधं परिभाषेदुशेखरम् ॥ प्रवृत्तिमेतां दृष्ट्वा मे हसत्यात्मापि लज्जया। ... तथापि देशिकदया वाचालयति सांप्रतम् ॥ दोषान्वितोपि तनुतां मत्प्रबंधः सतां मुदे। सयुक्तिभिरनुश्लिष्टकलंकोपि विधुर्यथा ॥ Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 Grammar . : नमन्महीपमंडलीकिरीटरत्नभाझरी विराजितांघिकृष्णभूपतींद्रक्लप्तसंमितेः । . तनोतु सर्वमंगला कृतिः परां मुदं सतां मुही)नवाग्विभूषिता मनीषिशेषशर्मणः॥ प्रारीप्सितग्रंथस्य निर्विघ्नेन परिसमाप्तये एतच्छास्त्रमूलभूत" चतुर्दशसूत्रोपदेष्टत्वेन प्राचार्यत्वात् सांबशिवस्यैतबंथादौ समु चितं नत्यात्मकं कृतं मंगलं शिष्यशिक्षार्थ निबन्नन् चिकीर्षितं प्रतिजानीते॥ नत्वेत्यादिना ॥ Ends - नित्यापेक्षयास्य बलवत्वं त्वचः परस्मिन्निति सूत्रभाष्योक्तिरेवेति बोध्यं । Here ends the Ms. परिभाषेन्दुशेखरव्याख्या Paribhāshendusekharavyākhyā (भैरवी) (Bhairavi) No. 319 504 . 1886-92.. Sizė — 124 in. by 53 in. Extent -99 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 40 letters in a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and * legible writing, fairly correct. Incomplete. Author - Bhairava-misra, the son of Bhavadeva and Sitā of the ... Bharadvaja gotra. Subject - A commentary on the Paribhāshendusekhara of Nago___jibhatta. It is also called Bhairavi. वंदेहं परमात्मानं सर्वज्ञ रघुनंदनम् । यत्कृपावशतो यांति सिद्धिमत्र महर्षयः॥१॥ सरस्वतीं च तां नौमि वागधिष्टातृदेवताम्। देवत्वं प्रतिपद्यते यदनुग्रहतो जनाः॥२॥ नत्वा तातं गुरुं देवं भवदेवाभिधं विभुम् । यद्यशोभिर्धवलिताः ककुभो जननी पराम् ॥ ३॥ सीतां पतिव्रतां देवीं भारद्वाजकुलोद्भवाम् । विवृतेः परिभाषाणां व्याख्यां कुर्वे यथामति॥४॥ Ends - परिभाषासत्त्वे तु एज्विषये विधीयमानमात्वमकित्वनिमित्तक मिति कित्वविघातेन निमि abruptly ends the Ms. Begins - Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pariniya School 249 वाक्यपदीय Vākyapadiya No. 320 48 1919-24 Size -211 in. by 2 in. Extent-5 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 85-90 letters to aline. Description - For the general description see No. 43 of 1919-24. Five stray leaves of the Vākyapadiys seem to have found their place in the midst of portions of the रूपावतारटीका. Fragmentary. Age - Old in appearance. Begins - गणपतये नमः। अनादिनिधनं ब्रह्म शब्दतत्त्वं यदक्षरम् । विवर्ततेऽर्थभावेन प्रक्रियाजनको यतः॥ एकमेव यदाम्नातं भिन्नशक्तिव्यपाश्रयात् । अपृथक्त्वेऽपि शक्तिभ्यः पृथक्त्वेनेव वर्तते ॥ Ends - तथैव व्यपदेश्येभ्यो हेतुभ्यस्तारकादिषु । मुख्येभ्य इव......भ्यो भेदा लोक व्यवस्थिताः॥ ......क्तव्यञ्जनावृत्तेर्जातिर्न परिकल्प्यते॥ वाक्यपदीय सटीक Vākyapadiya with Commentary No. 321 314 Size -14 in. by 6 in. Extent-164 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 36 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and fairly accurate writing. Contains only the second Kāņda. The Kārikās of the first Kāņda alone are however given seriatim in the first few pages. The commentary proper on kanda II commences on fol. 11a. Complete as far as it goes. The copy was procured from Kāśmira. 32 Des. Cat, Vol. II] Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 Grammar Age - A new copy. Author-Of the text, Bhartrihari and of the Commentary. Punyaraja. Subject - A metrical treatise on the philosophy of grammar. It consists of three Kāņdas, the Brahma, the Vākya and the Pāda or Prakirņa Begins, Text of kāņda I - ... ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीकृष्णाय नमः॥ अनादिनिधनं ब्रह्म शब्दतत्त्वं यदक्षरम् ।। विवर्ततेर्थभावेन प्रक्रिया जगतो यतः॥१॥ Begins, Commentary ( kāņda II ) - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । अविघ्नमस्तु ॥ एवं शब्दस्य प्रयोजनसहितं स्वरूपादिकं लेशतो निर्णीतं । तस्य च साधारण्येन वाचकत्वं व्यवस्थापितं । इदानीं मतभेदेन केषांचित् पदं वाचकं केषांचित् वाक्यमिति &c. Ends, Text of kāņda I - उभयेष्टामधिच्छेदप्यन्यशब्दविवक्षय(या)। योन्यः प्रयुज्यते शब्दो न सोर्थस्याभिधायकः ॥ (१)८२ ॥ इति भगवत्भर्तृहरिकृते वाक्यप्रदीपे (sic.) आगमसमुच्चयः प्रथमकांडः ॥१॥ Ends, Commentary ( kāņda II) - विद्वज्जनानां यः खलु सर्वत्र गीयते जगति। तत उपसृत्य विरचिता राजानकशूरवर्मनाम्ना वै॥ शशांकशिष्याच्छ्रुत्वैतद्वाक्यकांड समासतः। पुण्यराजेन तस्योक्ता संगतिः कारिकाश्रिता॥ गुरवे भर्तृहरये शब्दब्रह्मविदे नमः॥ सर्वसिद्धान्तसंदोहसारामृतमयाय च ॥ ५९॥ इति श्रीपुण्यराजकृतवाक्यपदीयद्वितीयकाण्डटीका समाप्ता। शुभं भवतु सताम् ॥ श्रीरामाय नमः ॥ Reference-Cal. Sk. Catalogue, Vol. VIII. Nos. 82, 83. The entire work and the commentaries have been published in the ... Benares Sanskrit Series. Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 B. Pāṇiniya School वाक्यपदीय सटकि Vākyapadiya with Commentary No. 322 108 1881-82. Size -111 in. by 5 in. Extent -185 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 30 letters to a line. Description-Tough Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold, beautiful and tolerably acourate writing ; contains Kanda II only, complete. Age - New copy, Samvat 1937. Author – Punyarāja. The colophon given below as well as in the earlier list is clearly wrong in making this the work of Helārāja. Ends:-पुण्यराज्येन तस्योक्ता संगतिः कारिकाश्रुता ॥ ५८॥ गुरवे भर्तृहरये....."सारामृतमयाय च ॥ ५९॥ इति श्रीभूतिराजतनयहेलाराजविरचिते वाक्यपदीयव्याख्याने . वाक्यकांडः समाप्तः ॥ श्रीगोपीजनवल्लभो विजयतेतराम् ॥ संवत् त्रीशैलभूसंख्ये मासे भाद्रपदसंज्ञके। कृष्णे पक्षे एकादश्यां वारे विश्वप्रकाशये ॥ संवत् १९३७ भाद्रपदमासे कृष्णपक्षे ११ रविवासरे। यादृशं पुस्तकं &c. There follow three verses in praise of कृष्ण, being the contribution, but not the composition, of the scribe. वाक्यपदीयप्रकीर्णप्रकाश Vākyapadiyaprakirņaprakāša No. 323 109 . 1881-82 Size -101 in. by 5 in. Extent-76 leaves, 18 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; legible and tolerably correct hand. Incomplete, the work breaking off in the middle of the 7th section. The complete work should have contained 14 sections. Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar , Age-New in appearance. Author - Helārāja, son of Bhūtirāja. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । ॐ नमः श्रीभगवत्पाणिनिकात्यायनपतं जलिभ्यः॥ यस्मिन्संमुखतां प्रयाति रुचिरः कोप्यंतरुज्जृभते नेदीयान्महिमा मनस्यभिनवः पुंसः प्रकाशात्मनः। तृप्तिं यत्परमां तनोति विषयास्वादं विना शाश्वती धामानंदसुधामयोर्जितवपुः सत्पातिभं संस्तुमः॥१॥ काण्डद्वये यथावृत्ति सिद्धांतार्थसतत्त्वतः॥ प्रबंधो विहितोस्माभिरागमार्थानुसारिभिः॥२॥ तच्छेषभूते काण्डेस्मिन्सप्रपंचे स्वरूपतः॥ श्लोकार्थद्योतनपरः प्रकाशोयं विधीयते॥३॥ Ends - इदानीं प्राप्यकर्मलक्षणमाह॥ क्रियाकृतविशेषाणां सिद्धिर्यत्र न गम्यते। .. दर्शनादनुमानाद्वा तत्प्राप्यामिति कथ्यते॥ 'नित्यकर्मणि निर्वृतिरात्मलाभ एव क्रियाकृतो विशेषो दर्शना प्रत्यक्षादेवावधार्यते विकार्ये तु भस्मकुंडलादौ विकारः क्रियाकृतो विशेषोवधार्यते प्रत्यक्षेण क्वचित्-here abruptly ends the Ms. Reference - India Office Catalogue, No. 707, page 187. वाक्यपदीय सटीक Vākyapadiya with Commentary No. 324 -553. 1887-91 Size -13 in. by 74 in. Extent -9 leaves, 20 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; the edges and sides all round worm-eaten so as to destroy many lines '', 'of the commentary. Writing clear and generelly legible, the text being written in the centre of the page. The last leaf more damaged than the rest; fairly accurate and complete. Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Age The Ms. seems to be considerably old. Author(Gangadāsa), who has written both the text and the Commentary. 253 Subject Elementary critical leasons on Sanskrit syntaxthe work being divided into six उद्देशs or sections (i) सामान्योद्देश 16 verses of the text; (ii) त्याद्युद्देश 6 verses, (iii) कृतु (दु) द्देश 93 verses; (iv) कारकोद्देश 16 verses ; (v) समासोद्देश 9 verses; and (vi) तद्धितोद्देश 1 verse. Begins, Text— यस्मिन्नर्थे विधीयन्ते त्यादितव्यादितद्धिताः । समासी वा भवेद्यत्र स उक्त (:) प्रथमा ततः ॥ १ ॥ उक्तस्यार्थस्य गृह्णन्ति संख्यानां त्यादयः परं । लिंगसंख्या विभक्तीस्तु कृत्त ( त ) द्धितसमासकाः ॥ २ ॥ Begins, Com. — त्यादितव्यादितद्धिताः प्रत्ययाः यस्मिन्नर्थे विधीयन्ते समासो वा यत्र भवेत्सोर्थः उक्त( : ) भवति । ततः उक्तात्प्रथमा वेदितव्या । अंकुरो भवति । वर्धते. विधुः । राज्ञा जीयते शत्रुः । अवगाह्यते सरः कुंजरेण ॥ Ends, Text — रात्राह्रौपुांसे विज्ञेयावहो सुदिनपुण्यतः । यथौव्ययात्परः क्लीबे नकोर्वेर्वेति दर्शनम् ॥ ९ ॥ समासोद्देशः ॥ संबंधे कारके वृन्दभावे गोत्रपरत्रकः । कथ्यन्ते तद्धित (ता) रूढाः समासांताव्यया अपि ॥ १ ॥ इति तद्धितोद्देशः ॥ Ends, Com. – समासान्तः । महांश्चासौ राजा चेति महाराजः ॥ अव्ययाः । तस्मात्सर्वत्र र इति ॥ ( इति श्रीपंडितगंगादा ) सविरचिते संबंधोद्देशः। षष्ठस्तद्धितोद्देशः समाप्तः । ( वाक्यपदी संपूर्णा ) - The portions in brackets are lost in this Ms. but they appear in No. 553 of 1887-91. Reference — Raj. Mitra's Notices, Vol. VIII, p. 10, No. 3556. Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 Grammat वाक्यपदीय सटीक Vākyapadiya with Commentary No. 325 553 1887-91 Size -13 in. by 54 in. Extent - (11-20=) 9 leaves, 18 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing. The Ms. seems to be written by two different scribes at least. Fairly acourate but incomplete, wanting the first two leaves. Begins with the latter half of the 12th verse of the 1st उद्देश. Age - Not very old in appearance. वाक्यपदीय सटीक Vākyapadiya with Commentary No. 326 299 1880-81 Size — 10 in. by 4; in. Extent - 19 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 44 letters to a line. Desoription - Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and generally accurate writing. Red and yellow pigments used Complete. Age - Rather old in appearance. वैयाकरणभूषण Vaiyakaranabhushana No. 327 231 1892-95 Sixe-11 in. by 5 in. Extent - 187 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 255 Description-Country papers, Devanagari characters; bold and beautiful hand; leaf 50th is written twice. Leaf 64 has many marginal notes by a different hand. The Ms. has many marks in black, red and blue pencils possibly of some modern student; fairly correct; complete. Age -Samvat 1847. Author - Kondabhatta or Kaundabhatta, nephew of the great Bhattoji Dikshita, and the author also of an abridgment of this same work. Subject - An original work on the syntax and philosophy of grammatical structure, following the lines of cife's great Bhashya as expounded in भट्ठोजिदीक्षित' शब्दकौस्तुभ. The work consists of some 74 kārikās of area followed by a loose argumentative gloss on them. Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः। श्रीराधिकारमणो जयति। श्रीगुरुचरणकमले भ्यो नमः। .. . श्रीलक्ष्मीरमणं नौमि गौरीरमणरुपिणम् । स्फोट रूपयतः सर्व जगदेतद्विवर्तते ॥१॥ अशेषफलदातारं भवाब्धितरणे तरिम्। शेषाशेषार्थलाभार्थ प्रार्थये शेषभूषणम् ॥२॥ वाग्देवी यस्य जिव्हाग्रे नरीनति सदा मुदा। भट्टोजिदीक्षितमहं पितृव्यं नौमि सिद्धये ॥३॥ पाणिन्यादिमुनीन्प्रणम्य पितरं रंगोजिभट्टाभिधं द्वैतध्वांतनिवारणादिफलिकां पुंभाववाग्देवताम् ॥ ढुंढिं गौतमजैमिनीयवचनव्याख्यातृभिर्दूषितान् । सिद्धांतानुपपत्तिभिः प्रकटये तेषां वचोदूषि(ष?)ये ॥४॥ नत्वा गणेशपादाब्जं गुरुनथ सरस्वतीम् । श्रीकोंडभट्टः कुर्वेहं वैय्याकरणभूषणम् ॥ ५॥ . प्रारिप्सितप्रतिबंधकोपशमनाय विरचितं श्रीपतंजलिस्मरणरूपं मंगलं शिष्यशिक्षार्थ निबध्नन् चिकीर्षितं प्रतिजानीते-। फणिभाषितभाष्याब्धेः शब्दकौस्तुभ उद्धृतः। .. तत्र निर्णीत एवार्थः संक्षेपणेह थ्यते(कथ्यते) ॥१॥ Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256 Grammar देवांतरं त्यक्त्वा फणिन एव स्मरर्ण तु तस्य प्रकृतशास्त्रनिर्मात्रभ्यर्हितत्वेनेष्टतमत्वादित्याह । उध्दत इत्यत्रास्माभिरिति शेषः । him This shows that the 74 Kārikās do not belong to self as stated in the India Office Catalogue but to भट्टोजीदीक्षित, the author of शब्दकौस्तुभ. Ends - स्फुटत्यर्थोस्मादिति स्फौ (स्फोट इ(ति) यौगिकं स्फोटाभिधेयत्वं सूचयतीति सिद्धं ॥ ७४ ॥ विद्याधीशब डेरु संज्ञकयतिं श्रीमाध्वभट्टारकं जित्वा केलिदिवेंकटप्पसविधेप्यांदोलिकांलब्धवान् । के मुनिवर्यसूत्रविवृतिं सिद्धांतभंगं तथा माध्वानां तमहं गुरूपमगुरुं रंगोजिभट्टं भजे ॥ पाणिनीयवचसां खलु मूलं चंद्रशेखर भवानिति रूढम् । तेन भूषणमिदं हि तवैव प्रीतये भवतु सांबशिवस्य ॥ श्रीमत्पद्वाक्यप्रमाणपारावारीणधुरीणरंगाजभिट्टात्मजकोंडभट्टभ (१) कृते वैय्याकरणभूषणे चरमस्फोटवादः समाप्तः ॥ Reference See Catalogue of the Sanskrit Mss. in the Library of the India Office, Part II, No. 708. The work is printed in the Anandashram Sanskrit Series as No. 43. Colophon – इति वैयाकरणभूषण No. 328 Vaiyakaraṇabhushaṇa 648 1891-95 Size — 9 in. by 44 in. Extent – ( 137 + 1 - 12 = ) 126 leaves, 16 lines to a page, about 50 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; minute but legible writing, fairly accurate; margins irregularly ruled; numerous marginal emendations and annotations; occasional use of red chalk. Wanting the first twelve leaves. A शोधपत्र to 109a; leaf 115 written on one side only, although there is no lacuna. Otherwise complete. Age - Old in appearance. Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya. Schod 257 Vaiyākaraṇabhūsbaņa वैयाकरणभूषण No. 329 549 1887-91 Size -94 in, by 44 in. Extent - 229 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper of two or three different varieties ; Devaņāgarl characters; two or three different hands seem to have been employed. Writing generally bold and legible; fairly accurate and complete, The first and the last few leaves slightly damaged., Age -- Appearance generally old, some parts more old than others. वैयाकरणभूषणसार वैयाकरणभूषणसार . Nợ. 330 Vaiyakaranabhushanasara .... 259 1884-86 Size - 9} in. by 44 in. Extent -53 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing; borders damaged; fairly correct. Fol. 33 missing, otherwise complete. Age-Seems to be of a recent date. Author ---Kondabhatta, son of Rangojībhatta, and nephew of Bhattoji Dikshita. Subject — An abridgment of the author's larger work Vaijākara nabhäshana or Bțihat-vaiyākarana-siddhānta-bhūshaņa. It deals with the functions of the several parts of speech en and the philosophy of grammar, and follows the doctrines taught in the Sabdakaustubha c ert y 83 (Dos. Cat., Vol. 11 ) Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 Grammar Begin- श्रीलक्ष्मीरमणं नौमि गौरीरमणरुपिणम् । स्फोटरूपं जगत्सर्वं यत एतद्विवर्तते ॥१॥ अशेषफलदातारं भवाब्धितरणे तरिम् ।। शेषाशेषार्थलाभार्थं प्रार्थये शेषभूषणम् ॥२॥ पाणिन्यादिमुनीन् प्रणम्य पितरं रंगोजिमहामि द्वैतध्वांतनिवारणादिफलिकां पुंभाववाग्देवताम् । दुढिं गौतमजैमिनीयवचनव्याख्यातृभिर्दूषितान सिद्धांतानुपपत्तिभिः प्रकटये तेषां बच्चोदूषये ॥१॥ फणिभाषितभाष्याब्धेः शब्दकौस्तुभ उद्धतः। तत्र निर्णीत एवार्थः संक्षपेणेह कथ्यते ॥१॥ Ends - अशेषफलदातारमपि सर्वेश्वरं गुरुम् । श्रीमद्भूषणसारेण भूषये शेषभूषणम् ॥ Colophon- इति श्रीमत्पदवाक्यप्रमाणपारावारपारीणधुरीणरंगोजीभट्टा त्मजकोंडभट्टकृते वैय्याकरणभूषणसारे स्फोटवादः समाप्तः । Reference-For other Mss. of the same, see p. 117 of the Catalogue of Sk. Mss. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengad, pt. I. by R. Mitra%; also p.275 of the Bikaner Catalogue by R. Mitra%Balso No. 711 of the Catalogue of the India Office Library by Prof. Eggeling. Compare also No. 1484 (Vol. III. p. 1023) of Govt. Oriental Mss. Library Catalogue, Madras, वैयाकरणभूषणसार Vaiyā karaṇabhūskaņasāra No. 331 548 1887-91 Size -12 in. by51 in. Extent-67 leaves,10 lines to a page, about 36 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, very much worn out at the sides%3B Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Numerous marginal and interlinear notes by a later hand, portions of whioh have disappeared owing to the damaged state of the Mg. The last ten leaves more worn out than the rest. Completo, Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Age-Sanvat 1869. Ends - निर्विघ्नप्रचयान्ते मंगलं स्तुतिनातन(प)माह-पूर्णात्मत इत्यादिना ॥१॥ अशेषभूषादातारमपि सर्वेश्वरं गुरुम् । श्रीमद्भषणसारेण भूषये शेषभूषणम् ॥ इति श्रीमत्पदवाक्यामापपारावारपारीणधुरीणरंगोजिभट्टात्मज कोंडभटकृते वैयाकरणभूषणसारे स्फोटवादः । समालोचं ग्रंथा। मलोकसंख्या ॥ १३ ॥ मिति सावन बुदि १५ संवत् १८६९ का ॥ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः॥ श्रीरामः॥ वैयाकरणभूषणसार Vaiyākaraṇabhushaņasāra No. 332 226 A. 1882-83 Sizer- in. by 4 in. Extent -31 leaves, 16 lines to a page. 45 letters to a line. Desoription-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear, legi ble and correct writing. Margins ruled in red. Complete. Age - Samvat 1716 or 1766. Ends - इति श्रीमत्पदवाक्यप्रमाणपारावारधुरीणरंगोजिभट्टात्मजकोंड भट्टकृते वैयाकरण[ भूषण ]सारे स्फोटवादः समाप्तः । तत्समासी समाप्तोयं ग्रंथः॥ षत्रिंशद्गुणभूषितेद्धवपुषश्चारित्रलक्ष्मीपुषो. भूवञ् च्छीजिचरत्नसूरिविभवश्चन्द्रान्वयाधेदवः । तच्छिष्या अवनौ जयंति यशसा श्वेतीकृताशामुखाः शश्वत्पाठकमंडलैकतिलकाः श्रीमत्क्षमालाभकाः॥१॥ तेषां विनेयमुख्याः सुवाचनाचार्यवर्यसत्स्मर्याः। श्रीज्ञानसागरगणिप्रवराः श्रुतपारदृश्वानः ॥२॥ तच्छिष्यास्सुविपश्चिदुत्तमयशश्शीलाः श्रियालंकृता. स्तत्पत्पद्मशिलीमुखोलिखदिदं सद्धर्मरंगो मुनिः। शास्त्रं तर्करसानिमाधिपमितेऽन्दे दिल्लिकापत्तने स्वाभ्यासाय तपस्यमास्युविकुजे वारे चतुर्थ्यां तिथौ ॥ ३॥ श्रीरस्तु लेखकपाठकयो। शमस्तु । श्रीः॥ Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 वैयाकरणभूषणसार No. 333 Grammen 3 Vaiyā karaṇabhūshaņasāra 654 1882-83 Size - 94 in. by 44 in. Extent -- 66 leaves, 10 leaves to a page, 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarf characters ; bold, legible s and generally correct writing. Numerous marginal notes in places ; red chalk used; complete. Age - Not very old in appearance... वैयाकरणभूषणसार Vaigākaraṇabhūsbaņasăra No. 334 532 1886–92:10 Size — 10 in, by 44 in. Extent - 32 leaves, 13 lines to a page, about 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanägarl characters with 41718 ; bold and legible writing. The writing of the last ten leaves is much smaller, though legible; fairly correct; fol. 11 . . missing, otherwise complete. Age - Not very old. Vaigākaraṇabhūshaņasāra वैयाकरणभूषणसार No. 335 78 1866-68 Size -10 in: by 41 in. Extent --- 43 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 41 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagarl characters ; clear and .. legible writing, with occasional marginal emendations. '. Slightly worm-eaten. Complete. The Ms. is bound in cloth. Age-Not very old in appearance. Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 26 Ends.--अशेषफलदातारमपि सर्वेश्वरं गुरुम् । श्रीमद्भूषणसारेण भूषये शेषभूषणम् ॥ • इति श्रीमत्पदवाक्यप्रमाणपारावारपारीणधुरीणरंगोजिभटात्मजः कौण्डभट्टकृते वैय्याकरणभूषणसारे स्फोटवादः । समाप्तोऽयं ग्रन्थश्च ॥ अभयंकरोपनामकगंगाधरेण लिखितमस्ति ॥ वैयाकरणभूषणसारटीका Vaiyākaranabhushanasāratika दर्पणाख्या called Darpaņa No. 336 1550 1887-91 Size -123 in. by 5 in..... ... . .) Extent - 50 leaves, 10 lines to 8 page, about 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly correct ; incomplete. The first 50 leaves only. Age - The Ms. does not seem to be old. Author.-(Harivallabha Son of Śrivallabha ) Subject - Commentary on the Vaiyākaraṇabhushaņasära of . Kondabhatta. ... ...... ........ ......... Begins -... रमाप्रेम्णः पावं जगदवनदक्षं मधुहत- ... .. श्रुतिस्तोमाहत्या परिजनितवेदाननमुदम् । अंखण्डानन्दाढ्यं निखिलजनहत्क(कु)अनिलयं ....हयग्रविं वन्दे प्रकृतकृतिविघ्नक्षतिकृते ॥१॥ .. सत्येकस्मिन्नपि बाधके समवहितसाधकसहस्रादपि कार्योत्पत्तेर., वर्शनादपेक्षते प्रारिप्सितप्रत्यूहापोहायानुष्ठितं भगवत्स्तुितिरूपं मंगलं ग्रंथकृच्छिष्यशिक्षार्थमादौ, निबध्नाति-श्रीलक्ष्मीरमणामिति॥..:Reference India Office Catalogue Nos. 715 and 716. Also Calcutta Sanskrit College Catalogue, No._21, p. 120.. The India Office Catalogue gives the signifie coming at the end of the Ms. Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 281 वैयाकरणभूषणसारटीका _लघुभूषणकान्ति i Grammar, . Vaiyakararabhushanasaratika :. Laghubhushanakvārti No:.381.. . ... .661 Size -11 in. by5t in. . Extent-99 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, clear and careful writing, fairly accurate. Comtains the following sections only: (i) सुबर्थनिर्णय foll. 1-35%3 ...(i) नामार्थनिर्णय foll. 35-50%3B (iii) समासार्थनिर्णय foll. 1-42 ( new paging): (iv) चिनिर्णय foll. 1-7 ( new paging). Age - Old in appearanoe. Author - Pandita Gopāladeva, surnamed Mamudeva, a younger brother of Krishnadeva, and pupil (or son) of Balambhatta Pāyagunda. Subjeot-Commentary on Kondabhatta's Vaiyakaranabhushana Bāra. Begins - For the proper beginning of the work where the author gives some account of himself cf. India Office Catalogue, No. 717. The various sections of this Ms. begia very briefly e.g. अथ कारकं सुप्तिकं च यस्य वास्यत्वाचन प्राधान्यात् । तिडं. तार्थे सप्रपंचे निरूपिते पसंमप्राप्तावसरे सुचतार्थनिर्णये प्रधान. त्वात्सुवर्थ तावनिरूपयति मूले आश्रय इत्यादिना Or, एवं सुबर्थे निकषिते प्रसंगात्पतिभूतनामा विरूपबलि-एकविल्यादिना॥ Ends - Nó proper ending. The various sections ond thus हाति लभुषणकान्तौ सुबर्थनिर्णयः । इति कांती शक्तिनिर्मक te. Reference - India Office Catalogue Na. 717. Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 B. Pānintya School वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तमञ्जूषा Vaiyākaranasiddhantamanjusha Ro 338 . 29 .. 1868-69 Size -98 in. by 4 in. Extent--307 leaves, 12 lines to & page, about 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; fairly correct, bold and legible writing; leaves 239-307 in a different hand-writing; complete. Age-Samvat 1849. Author-Nagesa Bhatta, surnamed Upadhyaya, son of Sivar bhatta and Sats, and protégé of a Prince named Rāma of Sringavera. Subjeet — A treatise on the philosophy of grammar, according to the school of Pāpini. It deals with the Sphotavāda in particular, which the author says, he derived frois Sphotāyana, a grammarian anterior to Päņini. Begins - श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः । नागेशमहाविदुषा नत्वा सांब शिवं लघुः। वैय्याकरणसिद्धांतमंजुषैषा विरेच्यते ॥१॥ तत्र वाक्यस्फोटो मुख्यः । तस्यैव लोके अर्थबोधजनकत्वात् तेनैवार्थसमाप्तेश्च । तदुक्तं न्याय भाष्यकृता । पदसमूहो वाक्य मर्थसमाप्ताविति। अत्र पदं सुबंतं तिङन्तं च । Rnds - एवं लहुनोपायेन सर्वशब्दप्रतिपत्तौ च शास्त्रस्यापयोबो बोध्य इति शिवं. अधीत्य फणिभाष्याब्धि सुधींद्रहरिदीक्षितात् । न्यायतंत्रं रामरामाद्वादिरशोघ्नरामतः॥१॥ वाचकानों कल्पतरोररिकक्षबुतारामात् ।। शृंगवेरपुराधीशादामती सब्धजीविकः ॥२॥ वैयाकरणनागेशा स्फोटायनऋषेर्मतम् । परिष्कृत्योक्तवांस्तेन प्रीयतामुमया शिवः ॥३॥ दृढस्तर्केस्य नाभ्यास इति चिंत्यं न पंडिते (?)। षदोपि हि संतीः पयोधी रामयोगतः॥४॥ Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 ... Grammar :: Colophon - इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामक-सतगिर्भजाशवभवसुतनाग कृतो वैयाकरणसिद्धांतमंजुषाख्यः स्फोटवादः ॥ संवत् १८४९ . सामगोपनामक श्रीनिवासस्येदं पुस्तकं श्रीवाराणस्यामिद .. लिखितं ॥ Reference - Sea p. 123 ff. of the Desoriptive Catalogue of Sk, M88. in the Library of the A. S. of Bengal, by R. Mitra pt. I. - वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तमञ्जूषा : - Vaiyakaranasiddhāntamanjusha No. 339 0 . 515 -1886-981 Size:-18 in. by 5t in. Extent -- 50 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; incomplete. The Ms. contains ... धात्वर्थनिर्णय (1.1-8); मुबर्थनिर्णय (1. 1-42 ); incomplete. Age-New in.appearance. .. .... . Begins-अथ सकलशब्दमूलभूतत्वाद्धात्वर्थो निरूप्यते । तत्र फलानु. कूलो यत्तसहितो व्यापारो धात्वर्य इति सिद्धांतः । यत्तु फलं धात्वर्थो व्यापारः प्रत्ययार्थ इति तन्न । लः कर्मणि चेत्यादिसूत्र. विरोधात् । . . - Ends -- एवमेव गावो धनमित्यावावपि । तदुक्तं विंशतीति सूत्रे भाष्ये गावो धनमित्यादौ प्रीतिहेतुधनमको गुणः । स च प्राधान्येन विवक्षितो द्रव्याणां बहुत्वे abruptly ends the Ms. Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 265 वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तमञ्जूषा Vaiyākaraṇasiddhantamañjūshā No. 340 _188 1882-83 Size -97 in. by 41 in. Extent — 458 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters in appa rently more than one handwriting ; bold, legible and fairly correct. Complete. Age - New in appearance. वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तमञ्जूषा Vaigākaraṇasidhāntamañjūskā No. 341 33 1907-15 Size -121 in. by 5 in. Extent -221 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. . Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear, legible and careful handwriting, fairly accurate. Margins ruled in red. Complete. Age - Saka 1699.. Ends - इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायोपनामकसतीगर्भजशिवभट्टसुतनागेशकृतौ वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तमञ्जूषाख्यः स्फोटवादः॥शके १६९९ विलम्बी संवत्सरे मार्गशीर्ष शुक्लद्वितीयायां समाप्तोऽयं ग्रन्थः ॥ ग्रन्थसंख्या ८७००॥ वैयाकरणसिध्दान्तमञ्जूषा Vaiyākaranasiddhāntamanjusha No. 342 ____338 1895-1902 Size -103 in. by 5 in. Extent --- 331 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear, legible and generally correct. Complete, Age - Modern in appearance,. .. 34 Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 Grammar लघुमञ्जूषा - - Laghumañjūshā No. 343 102 1902-07 Size - 99 in. by. 41 in. Extent — 37 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country "paper, Devanāgari characters; clear and legible writing. Margins ruled and oocasional marginal notes and emendations supplied. Complete as far as it goes. Age - Saka 1727. Author - Not given: Subject - Apparently an abridgment of the work described above. Begins-- श्रीगणेशो जयति ॥ अथ सकलशब्दमूलभूतत्वाद्धात्वर्थो निख प्यते ॥ तत्र फलानुकूलो यत्नसहितो व्यापारो धात्वर्थ इति सिद्धान्तः॥ EEnds -तमादाय नियमशास्त्रस्य प्रतिषेधव्यवहारो नान्यत्रेत्यादिप्रति निर्देशश्चेत्यन्यत्र विस्तरः। इति श्रीलघुमञ्जूषायां धात्वर्थनिपातार्थनिर्णयः ॥ अश्वरामनरभूमिते शके शालिवाहनविभोर्गते तदा। पदवाक्यरत्नाकर No. 344 Padavākyaratnākara 538 1887-91 Size -121 in. by 41 in. Extent - ( 230 - 1= ) 229 leaves, 8 lines to & page, about 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper-nearly half the leaves are smeared over with yellow pigment-Devanāgari charactere ; very bold and legible writing, generally acourate; 1,131 and 132 numbered on the same leaf; complete. Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 267 Age-Samvat 1836... Author -Gokulanatha. Subject -A philosophical disquisition on Grammar, dealing with the various meanings (eriths, ) of words, Samāsas and sentences; grammatical functions of cases; &c. It abounds in many quotations from हरि, पतंजलि, शान्दिकाs, काव्यप्रकाश, कापिलाः, तार्किकाः &c. In the course of discussion of the 2nd case it is remarked-इति बौद्धाधिकारविवरणे प्रपंचितमस्माभिः॥ Begins - नान्यसाधारणो विश्वविषयो यो विभोर्गुणः । तस्यैषा शक्तिरखिलप्रपंचस्य प्रकाशते ॥१॥ विभोः संयोगेन मूर्तद्रव्यसामान्यमनादिनिधनेन चैतन्येन सकलमपि वस्तु व्याप्तवतो भगवतो भवस्य यो गुणो नित्यसविषयत्वादिना जीवादिगुणव्यावृत्तेन धर्मेण लोकोसरो विषयतया विश्वमभिव्याप्य वर्तते । तस्य द्वैताप्रतिहतस्य प्रयत्मस्य जन्यजातजननाकुलं सामथ्र्य ॥ अथ च यः शब्दत्वेनानुगतीकृतः सन्नेक इव व्यवहीयमाणो गगनेतरः समवायेनावतमानो जगत्ति विषये विवर्त्तमानो जगति विषये विवर्तमानव्यापारे अनवच्छिन्नपरि: माणस्यावकाशस्य वर्णलक्षणो गुणस्तस्य सर्वधर्मिबोधाय प्रभवत्यभिधा नाम वृत्तिरिति विश्वेश्वरस्य प्रकृतिरिवाकाशस्य शब्दोपि तत्त्वतो ज्ञातः संसारान् मोचयतीति प्रयोजनसंबंधध्वनिः ॥ ननु घटादिवर्णानां प्रपंचाप्रकाशनसामर्थ्य न प्रत्येकपरिसमाप्तम् । श्रवणमात्रेण कलशावगमप्रसंगात् । नापि समुदायव्यासक्तं etc.. ' Ends - क्रियांतरे सप्तमी तु साधुतामात्रार्थेत्येके । कालमात्र सप्तम्यर्थ दोह नादिविशिष्टागोदोहनादिकरणताव्याप्यया विशिष्टाधिकरणतया चेति ॥... .. Colohpone – इति श्रीमहामहोपाध्यायगोकुलनाथशर्मप्रणीते पदवाक्य रत्नाकरेऽभेदान्वयप्रकरणं॥ Reference - India Office Catalogue, Part IV, No. 2035 ; also Au frecht's Oxford Catalogue p. 246, No. 719. The कारिकाs alone, on which the present work is a commentary, are given in Ms. No, 670 (2), page 48 of R. Mitra's Catalogue of A. 8. B. Library, Pt. I. Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 Grammar : Padavākyaratnākara पदवाक्यरत्नाकर No. 345 570 1884-87 Size - 10 in. by 4} in. Extent-(58+82-16 = ) 124 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 37 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and fairly accurate writing. Red chalk much used. The first 58 leaves separately paged from the last 82 which deal with case-relations. A few leaves slightly bitten off at corners. In the first 58 leaves, foll. 20, 41 - 44 and 47-49 are miss. ing, while fol. 37 is numbered twice. In the last 82, foll. 45, 46, 50 - 58 and 80 are missing, while there is an extra leaf numbered 20 between foll. 33 and 34. The text comes down to the end of the case-relation and consequently is shorter by & page or two than the Ms. described above. The Ms. is incomplete and fragmentary. Age - Not very old in appearance. पदवाक्यरत्नाकर Padavāk yaratnākara No. 346 451 1886-92 Size -13 in, by 4 in. Extent - 115 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and generally correct writing. Many leaves much injured on : one side, and some actually torn off; fol. 99 missing. The Ms. breaks off at the same point at which the two preceding Mss. do. It is consequently incomplete and perhaps uncompleted. Age -Old in appearance. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पदवाक्य रत्नाकर No. 347 संवादचिन्तामणि No. 348 B. Paniniya School Size - 10 in by 4g in. Extent – 161 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and fairly accurate writing. Red chalk much used. The lower part of most of the leaves much worn out. The Ms. breaks off at nearly the same place as the others. The first 65 leaves, which bring the text to the end of the स्फोटनिरास paged separately from the rest. Incomplete. Age — New in appearance. Age - The Ms. is not old in appearance. Author Subject 269 Padavākyaratnākara 778 1884-87 Size - 11 in by 47 in. Extent12 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description – Country paper, Devanāgarī characters; bold legible but often incorrect handwriting; red chalk used; incomplete. Begins – श्रीविष्णवे नमः । - Samvadachintamaṇi 669 1891-95 Indradattopadhyāya the son of Lalamaṇi. A disquisition on af and kindred subjects. The work quotes from हरि, कैय्यट, and भूषण. विष्णोर्यो चरणौ भवाब्धितरणौ वक्षोरुणाब्जश्रियं गीर्वाणोत्कटकोटिकोटिमुकुटप्रोन्मुक्ता... गणैः । स्मारं स्मारमहमहाद्विरचये सम्वादचिंतामणि सच्चित्तैकमणि प्रणम्य पितरं श्रीलालपूर्व मणिम् ॥ १ ॥ व्युत्पत्तिं व्याकृतेर्भाष्यसूक्तियुक्ति विपक्रि ( ? ) माम् । आलस्यलास्योपि जनो ह्यलं संलभतामितः ॥ २ ॥ तत्र तावन्निखिलशब्दमूलकारणत्त्वाद्धात्वर्थो निगद्यते । फलं व्यापारश्च धात्वर्यः । Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 Grammar ! Einds - यथा भिनत्ति काष्टं पचति तंडुलमित्यादौ भिदादिः । इह द्विधाभवनं विक्लेदनं च कर्ममात्रनि--Here breaks off the Ms. Colophon-on leaf 7 a we find विस्तरस्त्वस्मत्कृतकौस्तुभगुणादवसेयः । इति श्रीमदुपाध्यायसुकु(?)लालमणिशर्मसूनुना वैय्याकरणकेसरींद्रदत्तोपाध्यायेन कृते सम्वादचिंतामणौ धात्वर्थवादः समाप्तः ॥ after which we have इंद्रोपेंद्रमुनींद्रेर्वेदितपादाम्बुजं वंदे। रुद्रं विनिद्रभद्रं देवेंद्र दीनवंदारोः॥१॥ आख्यातार्थ सनाद्यर्थं कृदर्थ च समर्थये । etc. ' Reference This seems to be the same that wrote सिद्धांतकौमुदीगूढफक्किकाप्रकाश, Noticed by Raj. Mitra in his Notices, Vol. V, page 89. The कौस्तुभगुण above mentioned appears to be a hitherto unknown gloss on शब्दकौस्तुभ. स्फोटचन्द्रिका Sphoțachandrikā No. 349 294 1880-1881 Size -94 in. by4l in. Extent - 14 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, much worm-eaten in the margins, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible but not very accurate; .. complete. Age - Old in appearance. Author - Křishṇabhatta, Son of Raghunātha of the Mauni family. Subject — A short disquisition on the eternity of sound. Begins - श्रीः॥ ... पित्रोः पादयुगं नत्वा जानकीरघुनाथयोः। - मौनिश्रीकृष्णभट्टेन तन्यते स्फोटचन्द्रिका ॥१॥ शाब्दिकानां वाच्यलक्ष्यव्यंग्यार्थप्रतिपादकानां वाचकलाक्षणिकव्यंजकानां शब्दानां तनिष्ठजातेर्वा स्फोट इति व्यवहारः ।। Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāniniya School 271 Inds -तस्यादेकवर्णात्मको खंडवाक्यस्फोटो वाचक इति सिद्ध ॥... इति श्रीमन्मौलिकुलतिलकायमान गोवर्द्धनभट्टात्मजजानकीजानिरघुनाथभट्टात्मजश्रीकृष्णकृतस्फोटचेदिका( sic.) संपूर्णा ॥ छ ॥ रामगतीतोहारीश्रीगनेशरानमहराम ॥ छ ॥ At the end. a 8 later entry notes--जेठाभट्टानां पुस्तकं॥ वृत्तिदीपिका No. 350 Vșittidipika 490 .. 1884-87 Size -10 in. by 51 in. Extent - 37 leaves, 11 lines to & page, about 34 letters to a line Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters. Indifferent, but generally legible writing; fairly correct and complete. Age — Is not very old in appearance. Author - Krishnabhatta styled Mauni. Subject - Philosophical grammar, being an argumentative ex position of शक्ति, लक्षणा, स्फोटवाद &c. Begins - सजलजलदकालं सर्वलोकैकपालं वजयुवतिरसालं चंदनाभ्यक्तमालं। विहतदुरितजालं विश्वराजीवनालं विलसितवनमालं नौमि गोपालबालं ॥१॥ ध्यात्वा व्यासं गुरुं नत्वा माधवेंद्रसरस्वतीं। मौनिश्रीकृष्णभट्टेन तन्यते वृत्तिदीपिका ॥२॥ इह सकलज्ञानाभिलाषितमोक्षमुख्योपायात्मज्ञानस्य तत्त्वमस्यादिमहावाक्यार्थबोधजन्यत्वाच्छाब्दबोधे च वृत्तिग्रहजन्योपस्थिते. हेतुत्वाद् वृत्तिनिरूप्यते। Ends -तथा च वर्णजातिस्फोटः पदजातिस्फोटः वाक्यजातिस्फोट इति तन्मते स्फोटत्रयं ॥ इति श्रीमन्मौनिकुलतिलका(को)पमानगो. वर्धनभद्वात्मजरघुनाथभट्टसुतश्रीकृष्णभट्टविरचिता वृत्तिदीपिका समाप्ता॥ Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 Grammar शाब्दबोधप्रक्रिया Šābdabodhaprakrīyā No. 351 185 A 1882-83 Size -104 in. by 53 in. Extent - 14 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and generally accurate writing. Complete as far as it goes. Age-Rather old in appearance. Author -Ramakrishna. Subject - Philosophy of Grammar. The work deals for the main part with a relations and other kindred topics. Begins-ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः। श्रीरामं सानुजं नत्वा रामकृष्णवशंवदः॥ प्रक्रियां शाद्वबोधानां कुर्वे प्रत्यनुसारतः ॥१॥ प्रतिज्ञातमाह ॥ फलव्यापारयोर्धातुराश्रये तु तिङः स्मृतः । फलं प्रधानं व्यापारस्तिर्थस्तु विशेषणम् ॥ फलं विक्लित्यादि । व्यापारस्तु भावनाभिधा साध्यत्वेनाभिधीय माना क्रिया Ends - यवत्र मामधिकरिष्यति ॥ एतदधिकरणको मत्कर्मको विनियोगा नुकूलो व्यापारो देवदत्ताभिन्नाश्रयवृत्तिः॥ इति सप्तमी ॥ साति गता शाब्दबोधप्रक्रिया ॥ श्रीरामाय नमः॥ Reference - Raj. Mitra's Notices, Vol. IV. p. 267, No. 1695. शब्दविवरण Sabdavivarana No. 352 496 1886-92 Size — 87 in. by 4 in. Extent-33 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, fairly correct; incomplete; contains leaves from 21 to 53. Age -Samvat 1792. Author - Varņi-Kuberānanda. Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāņiniya School 13 Subject --The Ms. is only a fragment of Sabdavivarana which forms a part of the work named Dāna-bhāgavata. The Sabda vivarana deals with the philosophy of grammar. The present Ms. contains topics like the discussion as to whether letters have a meaning severally or in combination only; the different kinds of words; the use and meaning of terminations as opposed to words; and so on. The author of the work refers very frequently to several works and authors such as शर्ववर्म, वररुचि, वार्तिककार, अमर, कात्यायन, आश्वलायन, हरि, तंत्रराज and others. The style of the work is lucid and flowing. Begins - महो यः कूपे कूपार्थः स ककारस्य यो यूपे यूपार्थः स यकार: स्येति । तथा ब्राह्मण इत्युक्ते योर्थोऽवगम्यते नासौ बकारादीनामन्यतमा(पा?यपिगम्यते । येषां च संघातो यत्कार्य करोति ते प्रत्येकमपि कुर्वति । यथा तिलानां खारी तैलमुत्पादयति । प्रत्येकं च तिलाः। On leaf 33, we have - इति वर्णिकुबेरानंदकृते दानभागवते शब्दाववरणे समासविवरणं समाप्तिमगमत् । On the last leaf (53), the word नागरी is derived in several ways— 'अत एवैतस्याः नाम नागरी लिपिः। नागो भगवान पतंजलिस्तत्प्रयुक्ता लिपि गरी ।रांतः गौरादित्वात् डीए । यद्वा । नागाकृतयः प्राधान्येन वर्णा यत्रेति । पूर्ववत् । कखगडन्छजटठदफभमयरलशहानां ना(गा ? )कृतयः............यद्वा नागान हस्तीन रायंति शब्दं कारयति तानि नागरान्यकुशवज्राणि तेषामाकृतिरि वाकृतिर्यस्यां लिपौ सा नागरीति। Ends- अन्यत् कारकाख्याततद्धितविवरणं तु पूर्वपरिच्छेदे कृतमस्ति ततोऽवगंतव्यं ॥ Colophon.- इति वर्णिकुबेरानंदकृते दानभागवते पौराणिके द्वितीयपरिच्छेदे षष्ठोपदेशे चतुर्दशाधिकारे आदित्यहृदयदानप्रसंगे शब्दविवरणं समाप्तिमगमत् । संवत् १७९२ का वर्षे ज्येष्ठ शुक्ल ५ गुरुवासरे॥ लिषितं दशपुरज्ञातित्रवाङी गोवीदरामेणमिदं पुस्तकं । श्रीरस्तु । कल्याणमस्तु॥ 35Des. Cat, Vol. II] Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 374 Grammar Samanvayapradīpásamketa समन्वयमदीपसंकेत No. 353 327 1875-76 Size -14 in. by 6 in. Extent --- 12 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters of the Kasmirian type; bold and legible writing ; revised with yellow pigment; marginal emendations; complete. Age - Not very old. Author-Pandita Devasarman, pupil of Gangadharasvamin. Subject - A disquisition on the Philosophy of Grammar, being the author's own commentary on his Kārikas. Begins-ॐ स्वस्ति ॥ ॐ प्रणम्य विष्णुं लोकेशं गङ्गाधरगुरुं तथा। स्वकारिकाणां संकेतः क्रियते देवशर्मजा॥ इह हि व्यवहारोयं शब्दाधीनः प्रदृश्यते । वाक्यं विना स शब्दस्य केवलस्य न विद्यते ॥ इह शास्त्रे। हि निश्चये प्रसिद्धौ वा । व्यवहरणं व्यवहारः प्रवृत्ति निवृत्त्यात्मकः। 'Birds-समन्वयप्रदीपोथं कूडकोक्तावना मया। 'दर्शितो विषुधैरत्र कार्या स्खलितयोजना ॥ कूडकः पण्डित एकः तेनोक्तो योऽध्वा मार्गः । समन्वयदिगाख्यो ग्रन्थविशेषः इत्यर्थः । स तु गद्यरूपेण स्थितः अयं तु पद्यरूपेणैतावानेव विशेषः ॥ समाप्तायं समन्वयप्रदीपसंकेतः विबुध. समूहवन्दितपादपद्मस्य श्रीगङ्गाधरस्वामिनः शिष्येणं पण्डितदेवशर्मा इति भद्रम् ॥ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय सरमाय नमोनमः ॥ श्रीरामाय नमोनमः सत्यं प्रमानणम् ॥ शुभम् ॥ भद्रम् ॥ Reference - No other Ms. of this work seems to have been known. Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 87% Laghumaijeri लघुमञ्जरी No. 354 32 1907–1915 Size -- 10 in, by 44 in. Extent - 40 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 28 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devenāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Occasional marginal notes and corrections. Probably incomplete. Age - Modern in appearance. Author Not given. Subjeot - A philosophical disquisition on verbs, pouns, and their significance. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ धातुप्रकृतिकतिङ कतृकर्मरूपआश्रयोऽर्थः । तत्र कर्तरि व्यापाराश्रयः । कर्मणि फलाश्रयः॥ Ends - faguri Seri TE TIETTRE OTTERSTOF a açã sitt grootong ayat 1 Here ends the Ms. व्याकरणग्रन्थ Anonymous Treatise on Grammar No. 355 652 1891-95 Size - 9 in. by 41 in. Extent-21 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear and legible writing, generally correct; red chalk muoh used; incomplete. Age - Modern in appearance. Author - Anonymous. Subject - A discursive treatise on the sense of verbal and relations, later than turn, which is quoted on foll. & a. Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 276 Grammar Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः। यच्चंद्रशेखरशिरो विधुकांतिकांतं मंजीरभंगरुचिरध्वनिशोभमानं । मूर्ध्नि स्थितं रणमुखे महिषासुरस्य पादांबुजं हृदि भजे जगदंबिकायाः॥ फलानुकूलो व्यापारोधात्वर्थ इति कीर्त्यते। शाब्दबोधे प्रधानत्व व्यापारस्यति निश्चयः॥ देवदत्तः पचतीत्यादौ देवदत्ताभिन्नैकत्वावच्छिन्नाश्रयविशिष्टो वर्तमानकालिको पाकानुकूलो व्यापार इति वैय्याकरणसिद्धांतः॥ ननु व्यापारविषयको बोधो न संभवति &c. Ends - ननु वनानुकूलकूतिविशिष्टमृगस्यैव दृश्यर्थेन्वयानोक्तदाषोत आह । प्रथमांतमृगस्य धावनक्रियाविशेषस्य दृशिक्रियायां कर्मत्वापत्तौ द्वितीयापत्तेःकर्मत्वेन प्रकारतापत्तौ कर्मतासंबंधेन मृगस्य दशनाक्रया-Here abruptly ends the Ms. On the blank side of leaf 1, occurs the following verse : नत्वा नत्वा स्वगुरुचरणौ भक्तिमाधाय चित्ते स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा विमलमतिदं पादयुग्मं स्वपित्रोः । दृष्टवा २ फणिपतिवचो गुंफनाजालरम्यं . शास्त्रं तत्त्वं क्रमत इह तनोम्यात्मबोधानुकूलम् ॥ षट्कारकविवेचन No. 356 Shatkārakavivechana 138 A1883-84 Size -9 in. by 4t in. Extent -- 29 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, care ful and correct writing. Punctuation strokes in red ink; complete. Age - Not very old. Author:-Bhavanandasiddhantavag1sa.... . Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subject Begins B. Paniniya School 1 --- Theory of the Kāraka relations, being a chapter from the author's longer work called शब्दार्थसारमञ्जरी. Ends - ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीकृष्णचरणौ नत्वा कारकाद्यर्थनिर्णयः । 1 - यस्य क्रिययान्यस्य क्रियान्तरं लक्ष्यत इति व्याख्यानं तु शाब्दिकानां प्रायिकामीति ॥ एवमन्यत्राप्यूह्यम् ॥ इति शब्दार्थसारमंजय भवानंद सिद्धांतवागीशविरचितं षट् रकविवेचनं समाप्तम् ॥ Reference - Ulwar Mss. No. 625. Age षट्कारकविवेचन No. 357 श्रीभवानंदा सिद्धांतवागीशेन वितन्यते ॥ १ ॥ तत्र क्रियानिमित्तत्वं कारकत्वमिति न सामान्यलक्षणं &c. I 277 — Shaṭkārakavivechana Size - 14 in by 32. Extent — ( 17 – 1 = ) 16 leaves, 8 lines to a page, about 51 letters to a line. Description Old country paper, very rough and fragile. The ends of leaves so much damaged as to destroy part of the writing, which is supplied by a later scribe. The first leaf missing; but part of it, size ( 67 by 34), restored by the scribe. Devanagari characters; indifferent hand; correct in the main; complete. The work is otherwise called कारकचक्रं ( Kāraka-chakram. ) 254 1895-98 The Ms. is very old in appearance; towards the end there is a verse mentioning date; but only part of it is visibleनखभुपयुते शाके मासे माधवसंज्ञिते । भृ... लिखत्सुधी ॥ Bhavananda Siddhantavā īsa Author Begins 'नत्वा कृष्णपदद्वंद्वं कारकाद्यथनिर्णयः । श्रीभवानंद सिद्धांत वागशिन वितन्यते ॥ १ ॥ तत्र क्रियानिमित्तं कारकमिति न सामान्यलक्षणं etc.. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ma Ceramic Sbatkārakavivechana No. 358 637 1882-83 Size - 87 in. by 31 in Extent - 12 bezves, 14 lines to a pago, 47 letters to a line. Desoription - Oountry paper, Devanāgarl characters ; bold and careful writing, generally correct. Fol. 2 missing and the first loaf slightly damaged. Otherwise complete. Age - Old in appearanoe. Author - Bhsvånanda-Siddhāntavāgisa. The statement to the effect that the work is of an author called pia is due to & mis-reading of the colophon at the end, which is a कृतकारकचक्रं ॥ The introductory verse श्रीकृष्णचरणी is wanting, the work beginning at once with तत्र क्रियानिमित्तत्वं &c. पद्माएकविवेचन Shatkāraka vivechana No. 359 790 1887-91 Sipe 12 in. by 54 in. Extent - 18 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description - Country papar, Devanagari characters; very bold logible and fairly sogurate hand; complete Age Rather old in appearance. षट्कारकविवरण Shatkārakavivarana No 360 253 1895-98 Size - 121 in by 5} in. Exten :- 7 lexves, 10 lines to a page, about 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagarl characters; bold and legible hand, generally correct; occasional marginal or interlinear notes ; complete. Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya Sonood OM Age -Samvat 1869. Author - Ratnapani. Subject - An elementary treatise on Kārakas. Begins - शिवेन साकूतविलोकिताया भावोदयः प्रस्खलदंचलायाः । लज्जाकुलाया नमिताननायाः पायाधुमाया मनसोऽमुबंधः ॥१॥ यस्मााडानामपि देववाण्यां प्रागल्भ्यमाविर्भवतीह शीध्र । तंथमल्वाक्षरमर्थपूर्ण करोति हन्यचिव रत्नपाणिः ॥२॥ पदकारकानि कथ्यते बालानां बोधहेतवे &c. -। Ends :- चकार काव्यं कालिदासः॥ चके काव्यं कालिदासेन । इत्यादि सर्व सुपमुह(?)चेतसा बोद्धव्यमिति ॥ इति श्रीमत्पंडितरत्नपाणि. कृतपठनार्थ पदकारक (प्रति छ)पुस्तक समातिम् ॥ ......संवत् १८०९...तुंगा ग्राममध्ये 1. षट्कारकविवरण Shatkārskavivarana No.361 Size - 9 in. by 41 in. Extent - 10 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Dovanagari Oharacters; legible ad tolerably correct writing. The work extends to foll. 1-14, of which fol. 2 is wanting. The last leaf contains a few lines of a Dbātupātha. Incomplete, breaking off in the midst of the fourth case-relation. Age-old in appearance. Ends-रुद्राय गो ददातीत्यत्र समादः सत्वभामित्वनोक्षपत्वमेव कर्मण त्यादिसूत्रमप्येतत्परतया व्याख्येयं । कर्मणा मानकर्मणायमभिप्रैति सत्वभागि-- Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 . Grammar षट्कारकविवरण Shatkārakavivarana No. 362 ___751 1884-87 Size - 10} in: by 4g in.. Extent - 14 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold, care ful and correct writing. Margins ruled in red. Complete. The Colophon describes the work as a portion of the Sabdasāramañjari. Age - Samvat 1841. Ends - इति शाब्दसारमंज- षट्कारकविवरणं समाप्तम् ॥ संवत् १८४१ मिति अग्रहण शुक्ला॥ Shatkārakanirūpaña षदकारकनिरूपण No. 363 251 .1895-98 Size -11 in. by 41 in. Extent-7 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and ' legible hand, fairly accurate; complete. The leaves slightly worm-eaten in one corner. Age - Samvat 1903. Author - Trilokanātha, son of Vidyānātha. Subject -A short disquisition on the theory of the six Karakas. Begins -श्रीमते निंबादित्याय नमः ॥ अथ कारकाणि निरूप्यते । कर्ता कर्म च करणं संप्रदानं तथैव च । अपादानाधिकरणमित्याहुः कारकाणि षट् ॥ तत्र क्रियानिष्पादकत्वं &c. Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 'पाथसि पीते तृष्णाशाम्यतीत्यत्र लक्ष्यलक्षणभावेन कार्यकारणभावो बोध्यते इत्यादिकमपरमप्यूहनीयमिति दिकू ॥ श्रीमत्रिलोकनाथेन वैद्यनाथांगजन्मना । वादार्थश्रांतमतिना पूरिता सप्तमी शुभा ॥ १ ॥ इति षट्कारकनिरूपणं समाप्तं ॥ Ends - Reference — This Trilokanātha is also the author of व्याख्यासुधा, 8 commentary on the Radhavinodakāvya. षट्कारकानिरूपण No. 364 281 षट्कारकलक्षण No. 365 Size - 11 in by 54 in. Extent 20 leaves, 6 lines in a page, about 30 letters in a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible and very beautiful writing. Margins very carefully marked; fairly correct. Complete. Shaṭkarakanirupaṇa 488 1886-92 136 Des. Cat, Vol. II ] Shatkarakalakshana 660 1891-95 Size - 112 in by 51⁄2 in. Extent – 5 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Desoription – Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct; borders ruled in triple red lines; complete. Age – Samvat 1894. Author – Amarasimha. Subject A short treatise on the theory of Karaka relations in 76 verses. The work is also called षट्कारकविवरण. Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 Begins Ends - - Grammar - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ कारकाणि कर्त्ता कर्म करणं संप्रदानकं । अपादानमाधारः षट् स्युः संबंधस्तु सप्तमः ॥ १ ॥ उक्तानुक्ततया द्वेधा कारकाणि भवंति षट् । उक्तेषु प्रथमैवस्यादनुक्तेषु क्रमादिमा ( : ) ॥ २॥ एकशतं हि षष्ठयर्थाः स्वस्वामित्वादिभेदतः । स्वस्वामित्वे यथा भूमेः पतिः स्वामी गवामयं ॥ ७२ ॥ जिनो जयति जैनेन क्रियते प्राणिनां दया । स्नानीयं स्नात्यनेनेति दानीयोऽस्मै तु दीयते ॥ ७५ ॥ विचेत्य ( विभेत्य ) स्मादसौ भीमस्त्वस्मिन्नास्यते आसनं । गोमान् संत्यस्य गावो हि प्रोक्तान्युक्तान्यमून्यहो ॥ ७६ ॥ इति श्रीअमरसिंहविरचितं षण्णां कारकाणां लक्षणं संपूर्ण ॥ ॥ श्री ॥ मिति माघ शुक्ल ७ बृहस्पतिवार संवत् १८९४ ॥ ट्रकार लक्षण (विवरण) No. 366 Reference Shaṭkarakalakshana (vivarana) 661 1891-95 Size - 10/1 in by 42 in. Extent - 2 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 45 letters to a line. Description Country paper worn out at the margins; Deva _nāgarl characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; clear and legible writing, often incorrect; square blanks in the centre; margins ruled in triple red lines, red chalk used. Complete. Age - Samvat 1562. Colophon : - इति महाकविश्रीमदमर चंद्रकृतं षट्कारकविवरणं ॥ सं. १५६२ वर्षे चैत्रसुदि ५ दिने मंडपमहादुर्गे सुरत्रा श्रीनासीरसाहराज्ये ॥ ले० अमरा. This is the same work as the above but the author's name is slightly varied. Amarachandra appears to be the correct name, and he is different from the author of नामलिंगानुशासन, whose only surviving work is said to be the अमरकोश. Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Puniniya School 283 षट्कारकविवरण Shatkārakavivarana No. 367 368 A. 1882-83 Size -13 in. by 41 in. Extent -- 4 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanā gari characters; bold, care ful and fairly correct writing ; complete. Age — Appears modern. Ends - इति षट्कारकविवरणं । लिखितं श्री अजमेरमध्ये ॥ श्री॥ कारकविलास Kāraka vilāsa No. 368 218 1892-95 Size -- 74 in. by 4} in. Extent - 11 leaves, 10 lines in a page, about 24 letters in a line. Description--Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing. Occasional use of red chalk. Correct in the main and complete. Age - The Ms. does not appear to be very old. Author - Not mentioned. Subject -- An elementary treatise on syntax. Begins - सिद्धिः श्रीगणेशाय नमः। कर्ता कर्म च करणं संप्रदानं तथैव च । अपादानाधिकरणमित्याहुः कारकााण षट् ॥ Ends - अधिकरणसंज्ञायां सप्तम्यधिकरणे चेति सप्तमी विभक्तिर्भवति इति कारकविलासः समाप्तः। Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 Grammar कारकविलास Kāraka vilása No. 369 233 1895-98 Size -- 9 in. by 41 in. Extent - 11 leaves, 8 lines to a page, about 26 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanāgari characters; very poor _handwriting. Correct in the main and complete. Age---The Ms. does not appear to be very old, Ends - कर्तृकर्मद्वारा तनिष्टक्रियाया रा(आ)धारकारकमधिकरणसंज्ञ स्यात् । इति कारकविलासः समाप्तः ॥ ha कारकरखण्डनमण्डन Kā rakakhandanamaņdana No. 370 232 1895-98 Size -10 in. by 4g in. Extent -- 7 leaves, 10 lines to 8 page, about 40 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing; most of the leaves, except the last two, are much worn out or worm-eaten. Correct and complete. Age-The Ms. has an old appearance. Author - Sri-Manikantha. Subject — A disquisition on the philosophy of the Kārakas, follow ing the teaching of Patañjali, whom the author quotes with reverence. Seems to be part of a larger work called Trilochana-chandrikā. Begins - श्रीमदिष्टदेवसत्यं । तेन श्रीमुनिना कृतं च कृतिना तर्कोहनैः खंडनं वेदांतागमपाणिनीयविदुषां यत्तच्छिरोमंडनं । कर्मादेरिह तर्कतांडवधियां गम्यं विशेषादहो विश्वेषामुपकारकारणतया विद्यावतां प्रीतये ॥१॥ ननु क्रियते तत्कमेति लक्षणमसंगतम् । देवदत्तो ग्रामं गच्छतीत्वाद्यौ कर्मत्वभंगप्रसंगात् । Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 385 Ends:- एतेन गंगायो घोषः प्रतिवसति । अंगुल्यग्रे करिशतमित्यादयः सिद्धाः॥ कर्ता कर्म च करणं संप्रदानं तथैव च । अपादानाधिकरणमित्याहुः कारकानि षट् ॥१॥ इति महामहोपाध्यायप्रगल्भतर्कसिंहभट्टाचार्यश्रीमणिकंठरचितायां त्रिलोचनचंद्रिकायां षट्कारकखंडनमंडनं समाप्तम् ॥ कारकखण्डनमण्डन Kārakakhandanamaņdana No. 371 623 1891-95 Size -11 in. by 5t in. Extent -9 leaves, 11 lines to a page, about 37 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible but often incorrect writing. Occasional use of red chalk. Complete so far as it goes. Age - Samvat 1876. कारकखण्डनमण्डन Kārakakbaņdanamaņdana No. 372 624 1891-95 Size -121 in. by 6 in. Extent - 4 leaves, 14 lines to a page, about 48 letters to & line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold, legible and fairly correct writing. Margins ruled; with occasional marginal notes. Complete so far as it goes, Age - Samvat 1829. Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 Grammar Begins - Before the verse beginning with a ft graar we have-- ॐनमः परमात्मने । दो क्रीडाकृष्यमाणत्रिपुरदमनकृञ्चंडकोदंडभङ्गस्फूर्थ( ? )ब्रह्मांडभांडस्फुटनदरकरध्वाननिष्णातबाहुः । लज्जान्यंचदृगंतैः सरभसमनिशं सीतया पीयमानः । पायाद्वेदांतगीतः परिषदि विदुषां जानकीजानिरेकः॥ Ends - After the Colophon we have -लिषिदं दादूपंथीसाथचरणस स्वपठनार्थ जैपुरनग्रे वावाजी श्रीप्रेमदासजीकै स्थान समत १८२९ का मिति भादवा वदि २॥ (षट्)कारकखण्डनमण्डन (Shat)kārakakhandanamandana No.373 330 1895-1902 Size -10 in. by 4t in. Extent -- 5 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; careless but legible writing, fairly accurate. The edges of some of the last leaves worn out. Complete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author -(Manikantha). The work is known as प्रगल्भीयकारकवाद also. Begins:-श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ दोक्रीडाकृष्यमाणत्रिपुरदय(मन)कृश्चण्डकोदण्डमङ्गःस्फूर्जब्रह्माण्डभाण्डस्फुटनदरकरध्वाननिष्णातबाहुः । लज्जान्यञ्चद्दगन्तैः सरभसमनिशं सीतया पीयमानः पायाद्वेदान्तगीतः परिषदि विदुषां जानकीजानिरेकः॥ तेन श्रीमुनिना कृतं च कृतिना तर्कोहनैः खण्डनं वेदान्तागमपाणिनीयविदुषं यत्तच्छिरोमण्डनम् । कर्मादेरिह तर्कताण्डवधियां गम्यं विशेषादहो विश्वेषामुपकारकारकतया विद्यावतां प्रीतये॥ ननु यत् क्रियते तत् कर्मेति कर्मलक्षणमसंगतम् । देवदत्तो ग्राम गच्छतीत्यादौ ग्रामादेः कर्मत्वभङ्गप्रसंगात् । Ends – भोक्तभोगायतनविवक्षया वा षष्ठी ॥ इति प्रगल्भीयकारकवादः समाप्तः॥ Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 287 कारकखण्डनमण्डन Kārakakhandanamaņdana No. 374 237 1895-98 Size - 8 in. by 41 in. Extent - 14 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 24 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; margins ruled; indifferent hand, generally correct and complete. The work was called faster afeger in the earlier list. Age - The Ms. does not appear to be very old. कारकखण्डनमण्डन Kārakakhandanamaņdana No. 375 319 1895-1902 Size - 74 in. by 41 in. Extent - 11 leaves, 10 lines to & page, 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; legible writing with copious marginal notes and emendations. Complete. Fol. 106 left blank. Age - Not very old. कारकविवेक Kārakaviveka No. 376 618 1891-95 Size - 11 in. by 44 in. Extent — 29 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 45 letters to a line, Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters ; bold and legible writing, usually correot; margins ruled in black; complete. Age --Samyat 1763. 106 Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grammar Siromaṇibhattacharya and Jayaramabhaṭṭācharya. A dissertation on the meaning and relation of words-divided into (i) आख्यातविवेक foll 1 to 6a; (ii) समासविवेक foll. 6a. to 14b, the last section of which is called नञ्समासवाद ; and (iii) कारकवाद (foll. 14 b-- to 29 ). Only the last part is ascribed in the colophon to Jayarama, the others to Siromani. 288 Author Subject —— Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । आख्यातस्य यत्नो वाच्यः । पचति पार्क करोतीति । Ends (आख्यातविवेक) - सर्वत्र धात्वर्थाश्रयत्वमेव कर्तृत्वं संख्यावर्त्तमानत्वादिकं क्वचिदाश्रयत्वमप्याख्यातार्थः इति गुरुमतमपि ताहशयत्नाननुभवप्रसंगादनुपादेयमिति ॥ इति श्रीशिरोमणिभट्टाचार्यविरचिताख्यातविवेकः संपूर्ण ॥ Begins कारकवाद - नत्वा शंभो (:) पदांभोजं जयरामः समासतः । करोति कारक (व्या ) ख्यामिह संख्यावतां मुदे ॥ १ ॥ तत्र कारकाणि कर्तृकर्मकरणसंप्रदानाधिकरणानि षद् । Ends (कारकवाद ) -- तत्र सप्तमीसूत्रार्थ इत्यदोषः ॥ इति श्रीजयराभट्टाचार्यविरचितं कारकविवेकः संपूर्ण ॥ शुभं भवतु । श्रीमद्गोपालदेवप्रसादात् । संवत् १७६३ फाल्गुनमासे सितेतरपक्षे अष्टमि भृगुयुते श्रीमन्मिश्र सीताराम छनुना महारामेण रचितोयम् ॥ श्रीमद्गुरोः विद्याधीशस्य ठाकुरदासस्य प्रसादात् ॥ श्रीमद्रामकृष्णौ विजयेतेतराम् ॥ Reference The last portion only forms a separate work called कारकवाद or कारकव्याख्या. कारकविवेक No. 377 Kārakaviveka 810 1891-95 Size - 9 in by 4g in. Extent - 19 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 35 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Contains the last section of the preceding work. Complete. 1 Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 289 Age - Samvat 1763. Ends - इति श्रीजयरामभट्टाचार्यविरचितो कारकविवेकः संपूर्ण ॥ शुभं भवतु श्रीमगोपालदेवप्रसादात् ॥ संवत् १७६३ का मिति वैशाख शुक्लप्रतिपद्दिने भौमे लिखितं मिश्रजी श्रीसीतारामजी तत्सूनुना महारामेणालेखि ॥ श्रीमदुरोः विद्याधीशस्य ठाकुरदासस्य देवस्य प्रसादात् ॥ श्री॥ 28 कारकवाद( व्याख्या) Kārakavāda(vyākhyā) No. 378 A. 1882-83 Size -10F in. by 51 in. Extent -- 12 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold, legible and usually correct. Contains the prepare only. Complete. Age-Rather new in appearance. Author-Jayaramabhattacharya. . 728 कारकवाद(व्याख्या) Kārakavāda(vyākhyā) No.379 1882-83 Size -91 in. by 4 in. Extent - 14 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 36 letters to & line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and generally correct writing. The margins slightly wormeaten. Contains the Karaka section, complete (original pages 50-63). Age - Old in appearance. Ends :- इति श्रीमन्महामहोपाध्यायश्रीजयरामन्यायपंचाननभट्टाचार्य विरचितः कारकवादः समाप्तः ॥ वेद व्यासार्यात्मजेनालेखि ॥ 37 Des. Cat., Vol. II] Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 - Grammar कारकवावर व्याख्या) Kārakavāda(vyākhyā) No. 380 30 1881-82 Size -81 in. by 6 in. Extent -17 leaves, 18 lines to a page, 27 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and not very careful though generally correct writing. Complete. Age-Samvat 1886. The blank side of fol. 1 has the entry : जयरामकृतकारकवादस्येदं पुस्तकं श्रीमद्देवरामाचार्यात्मजनारायणेन लिखितं संवत्सरे रसरसवसुशशांक(१८६६ )संख्याके आश्विनापरपक्षीयदशम्याम् ॥ कारकव्याख्या Kārakavyākhyā No.381 752 1884-87 Size - 111 in. by 44 in. Extent - 20 leaves, 11 lines to & page, 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold, very careful and correct writing. Margins ruled in red. Complete. Age - Samvat 1885. Ends-इति श्रीमन्महोपाध्यायश्रीयुतजयरामन्यायपंचाननभट्टाचार्यावर चितः कारकवादः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १८८५ शाके १७५० फाल्गुनशुक्ले १३ बुधवासरे लिपिकृतं रामदलब्राह्मण जयनगरमध्ये । शुभमस्तु ॥६॥ Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 291 कारकटिप्पणी Kārakatippaņi No. 382 615 1891-95 Size -13 in. by 5 in. Extent - 19 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 64 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Bengāli characters ; careful and ___ legible writing, generally correct. Complete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author - Ramatarkavagisa. Subject — Commentary on some Sūtras discussing Kāraka relations. Begins - श्री श्रीहरिः ॥ ल्यर्थः । लेरों ल्यर्थः । समबाधनं संबुद्धिः। उक्तश्चासावर्थश्चेति सः ल्यर्थश्च । Ends - श्मीयादिप्यादौ उक्तार्थद्वारेण एव क्रियान्वयात् ल्याकारमिष्टमेव टेषी(?)विधानादिति दिक् ॥ श्रीरामतकवागीशभट्टाचार्यमहामहोपाध्यायेन विरचिता कारकस्य टिप्पणी समाप्ता ॥ कारकटिप्पणी Kārakatippaņi No. 383 616 1891-95Size - 164 in, by 4 in. Extent - 17 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 60 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Bengali characters; bold and legible writing. Numerous marginal notes and additions. Complete. Age - Rather old in appearance. Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 Grammar Kārakatattva कारकतत्त्व No.384 178 1882-83 Size -10 in. by 4th in. Extent -22 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold but indifferent and not very accurate writing. Complete. Age - New in appearance. Authors-Sesha Chakrapani. Subject - A short tract on Karakas. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ साधयति नेहमानं देहविहीन(१) जयेह जगदीशम्। स्यामपि(!)सेवकभावं प्रासे वाग्देवतां ताम् ॥१॥ विरोधिनां तिरोधानक्षमो यस्य गिरां गणः। वीनेश्वरं गुरु शेषवंशोत्तंसं भजामि तम् ॥२॥ Ends -षष्ठचा अपि आश्रमोर्थः। बोधश्चोक्तरीत्यैवेति ध्येयम्॥अत्र स्वतंत्रः कति सूत्रं संग्राहकमिति॥ इति श्रीशेषचक्रपणिविरचितं कारका तत्त्वं समाप्तम् Reference - See Dr. Hultzsch's Report No. II for Southern India, pp. 66., and 139. Kārakaparikshā कारकपरीक्षा No. 385 282 1875-76 Size 81 in. by 3 in. Extent - 20 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; clear and generally correct writing ; margins ruled and red chalk used. Complete. The Ms. comes from Bikaner. Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School Age-Samvat 1732. Author - Pasupati of Rādhā. Subject — A short disquisition on the nature and use of the Karakas. Begins - श्री हरिः ॥ नानानकविधार्था यो विभक्तिरात्मनो व्यधात् । शिष्ठलोकप्रयोगाणां सिद्धयै पाणिनिवत्प्रभुः ॥१॥ तन्नमामि जगन्नाथं दयालु भक्तवत्सलं । ब्रह्मादिदेवैरनिशं नमस्कृतपदांबुजं॥२॥ सुप्तिङतं पदमत्र सुबिति स्वादयः सप्तविभक्तय उच्यते। तत्र प्रथमभवगतत्त्वात् प्रथमायाःप्रथ(म )मैव तावत् विचार्यते॥ Ends - तस्मादवयवक्रिया समुदायक्रिया चेति क्रियाद्वयमंगीकर्त्तव्यं । स्वाश्रये समवेतानां तद्वदेवाश्रयांतरे। क्रियाणामभिनिष्पत्तौ समर्थ साधनं विदुः ॥ तत एव निमित्तं कारकम् ॥ इति राढीयश्रीमन्महोपाध्यायपशुपतिविरचितेयं कारकपरीक्षा समाप्ता ॥ संवत् १७३२ वर्षे वैशाख सु१४ बलरामेणालेखि पुस्तकमिदं ॥ उक्तिरत्नाकर No. 386 Uktiratnākara 49 1874-75 Size - 107 in, by 41 in. Extent - 9 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 58 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्रा%; square blarks in the centre. Bold, and usually correct writing ; incomplete. Age - The Ms. does not appear to be very old. Author-(Sadhusundara). writinemarks inmaper, Dova Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 294 Grammar Subject - The Ms. opens with a disquisition on Kārakas and ends in the midst of the list of Sanskrit words with their Prakrita equivalents. Begins- स्मृत्वा श्रीभारती देवी गुरुपादं च भक्तितः। उक्तीनां संग्रहं वक्ष्ये स्वान्ययोहितहेतवे ॥१॥ तावत्तदुपयोगि विभिक्तिस्वरूपं निरूप्यते। Ends-(Karaka section, fol. 3a)-इत्युक्ता विभक्तयः॥ अथोक्तोपयोगिन स्तदक्षरशब्दसंस्काराः केचित्तदर्थशब्दसंस्कारा अपि दर्श्यन्ते ॥ Reference - Dr. Peterson's Report for 1886-92, Extracts, page 14. षोडशकारिकाः सटीकाः Shodasakārikās with Commentary No. 387 255 1895-98 Size -11 in. by 5 in. Extent -- 10 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and beautiful writing, but often incorrect. Complete. Age - Seems to be not very old. Auother - Not mentioned. Subject - Sixteen metrical rules concerning composition and secondary derivation with a commentary of the same... - Begins, Text - (उक्तकर्ता प्रथमा अनुक्तकर्म द्वितीया अनुक्ततृतीया च - उक्तकर्मद्वितीया ॥) यस्मिन्नर्थे विधीयन्ते लकारास्तद्धिताः कृतः। समासो वा भवेद्यत्र स उक्तः प्रथमा ततः॥१॥ The part in brackets does not appear to belong to the text propor. Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya Schod 295 Begins, Commentary -- पूर्वसूरिप्रणीतानां कारिकानां विवेचनं। क्रियते पाणिनीयानां शिष्याणां बोधहेतवे ॥१॥ Ends, Text-उक्तमेकोक्ततां याति क्वचिदुक्तमनुक्ततां ॥ . अनुक्तमपि नोक्तं स्यात् क्वचिदेव पदांतरैः ॥१६॥ इति षोडशकारिका समाप्ता ॥ Ends, Com.- अनुक्तमपि नोक्तं स्यात् ॥ नृत्यते गीयते न भोक्तमत्र प्रार्थयते वुभुक्तः (१) ॥ आनीय गुरुं पूजयति शिष्यः॥१६॥ षोडशकारिका No. 388 Shodaśakārikā 326 1875-76 Size -Description and other particulars the same as of No. 309 of 1875-76. Extent -15 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 12 letters to a line. Subject — The work is meant to be an explication of the sixteen mnemonic verses treating of case-relations &c. It is anonymous. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीगणाधिपतये नमः ॥ॐ नमो विघ्नहरे॥ ॐ नमस्सरस्वत्यै ॥ ॐ नमो शारिकाभग[व]त्यै॥श्रेयसे॥ ॐपूर्वसूरिप्रणीतानां कारिकाणां विवेचनम् ॥ क्रियते पाणिनीयानां शिष्याणां बोधहेतवे ॥ ......विवेचनं क्रिये । कारका कारिकाणां । कथंभूतानां पूर्वसूरिप्रणीतानां । पूर्वे च ते सूरयश्र &c.... यन्मिन्नर्थे विधीयन्ते लकारास्तद्धिताः कृताः। &c. Ends - इतिषोडशकारिकाः समाप्ताः ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 296 षट्कारकविचार No. 389 Size - 8 in. by 4 in. Extent 28 leaves, 6 lines to a page, about 35 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and beautiful writing; correct and complete. One or two leaves slightly worm-eaten. Age Seems to be not very old. Author -Not mentioned. Subject Begins The theory of Karakas. The work consists mainly of a full commentary on about fourteen verses of text which are all given at the beginning. - ॐ नमः शिवाय ॥ Grammar Shaṭkarakavichāra 252 1895-98 कारक विवरण No. 390 भग्नं मारबलं येन निर्जितं भवपंजरं । निर्वाणपदमारूढं तं बुद्धं प्रणमाम्यहं ॥ १ ॥ षट्कारकाणि संबंध उक्तानुक्ततया द्विधा । विभक्तिश्चेति निश्चयमवश्यं योगमिच्छता ॥ २ ॥ Ends - चक्राणं देवदत्तेन इति भावे ॥ इति षट्रकारकः समाप्तः ॥ - Kārakavivaraṇa 272 1899-1915 Size 8 in. by 4 in. Extent 5 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 28 letters to a line. Description Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Complete. Age Samvat 1855. Author Not mentioned. Subject Seventy-nine stanzas dealing with case-relations. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । कारकाणि कर्तृ कर्म करणं संप्रदानकम् । अथापादानमाधारः षट् संबन्धस्तु सप्तमः॥१॥ Ends -निपाताश्चोपसर्गाश्च धातवश्चेति ते त्रयः। अनन्ता वा स्मृता लोके पाठस्तषां निदर्शनम् ॥ ७९ ॥ समाप्ति पफाण। यादृशं पुस्तकं दृष्ट्वा तादृशं लिखितं मया। यदि शुद्धमशुद्धं वा मम दोषो न दीयते ॥ लिपि श्री गौडज्ञातिना काशिनाथात्मजेन महूघ्रपुरनिवासिना हरिनन्दाख्यण शुभं स्वार्थ परार्थं च । संवत् १८५५ मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ले १५ रवौ ॥ षट्कारकबालबोधिनी Shatkārakabālabodhini No. 391 101 1902-1907 Size - 8 in. by 4 in. Extent -- 7 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; clear and __legible writing, generally correct. Red chalk used. Complete. Age-Modern in appearance, Author-Prabhudasa. Subject — A discussion of case-relations in verse, followed by the . .. suthor's own commentary. 38 ( Don: Cat, Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 Grammar. Begins-श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ हिमचन्दनकुन्देन्दुकुमुदाम्भोजसंनिभाम् । सरस्वतीं नमस्कृत्य क्रियते बालबोधिनी ॥१॥ क्रियाकारकसंबन्धं ये न जानन्ति मानवाः। पशुभिः सह ते तुल्याः खुरश्रृङ्गविवर्जिताः॥२॥ संबन्धेन विना छात्राः कथं कुर्वन्ति संस्कृतम् । वृथा परिश्रमस्तेषां भारोद्वाहनकेवलम् ॥३॥ प्रभुदासकृतं ग्रन्थं यः शृणोत्यभियोगतः । षण्मासाभ्यन्तरेणैव संस्कृतं प्रकरोति सः॥४॥ Ends- श्रीमद्भिः कार्यमवश्यमेव कारयितव्यम् । अवश्यमेव गोप्यस्थाने धनं धर्त्तव्यम् ॥ इति षट्कारकाणि समाप्तानि । षदकारकबालबोधिनी Shatkārakabālabodhini No. 392 366 A. 1882-83 Size - 101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 5 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 36 letters to a line. Description: - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold but very careful though not always correct writing. The ___side margins slightly damaged. Complete. Age - Samvat 1851. Subject - This is a short and anonymous disquisition on Kārakas, _the last few lines treating of the लकारs. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीसूर्याय नमः॥ सरस्वत्यै नमः॥ हिमचन्दनकुंदेन्दुकुमुदाभोजसंनिभाम् । स्वरस्वतीं नमस्कृत्य क्रियते बालबोधिनी ॥१॥ षदकारकानि(?) कथ्यंते बालाना(?) बोधहेतवे। येषां विज्ञानमात्रेन प्रयोगो ज्ञायते ध्रुवम् ॥२॥ अथ कानि तानि षद कारकाणि ॥ Ends - इति षट्रकारकपुस्तकं संपूर्णम् ॥ सभस्तु ॥ सम्वत् १८.५१ ॥ समयमाघा शुद्ध पुनीमायां भौमवासरे ग्रामे तु-वराहिशमतीछात्र लखिष पुस्तकमिदं स्वार्थे परार्थे च । रामो विजयतेतराम् ॥ Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B, Pāniniya School बक्तिपदानि . Uktipadani No. 393 400 1871-72 Size -101 in. by 41 in. Extent -7 leaves, 17 lines to a page, 60 letters to sline. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs. Clear and legible writing generally correct. Margins ruled in red; square blanks in the centre. Complete. Age - Not very old looking. Subject - This is a short anonymous work dealing with case relations, compounds and other peculiarities of Sanskrit grammar, the explanations being given in Gujarati. Begins - अथ षट्कारकाणि लिख्यते । छ कारक सासमण्ड संबंधु । कर्ता कर्मु करणु संप्रदानु अपादानु संबंधु अधिकरणु॥जु करह तु । । कर्ता। जं कीजह तं कर्मु। Ends-बाभूयियति । बाभूयितव्यं ॥ एवं सर्वत्र ॥ इति उक्तिपदानि समा तानि॥छ । शुभं भवतु ॥ विभक्त्यर्थप्रकाश Vibhaktyarthaprakāša No. 394 336 1895-1902 Size -10 in. by 4 in. Extent --- 45 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; bold and legible writing, generally.correct. Margins ruled and red ... chalk occasionally used. The margins have been worn out all round. Complete. Aige-Very old in appearance. Author - Kamalākarabhatta, son of Rāmachandra, and styled Golinga. Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 Grammar Subject - A disquisition on the significance of cage-relations and kindred topics. Begins -श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ चेतोजन्मभुवा वशीकृतमनाः क्षीरोदजा सेवते यं दैत्याधिपतेर्हदि स्फुरकरं श्रीमन्नृकण्ठीरवम् । तं वन्दे चरणारविन्दमधुभुग्यद्भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं राजानं सकलागमत्रिजगतां नेतारमर्यं वरम् ॥१॥ नमस्कृत्य गणाधीशं भजद्विघ्नोपहारकम् । प्रथमादिविभक्तीनां कुर्वेऽर्थानी(१)प्रकाशनम् ॥२॥ प्रातिपदिकार्थलिङ्गपरिमाणवचनमात्रे प्रथमा। Ends - श्रीगोलिङ्गोपपदो रामचन्द्रतनूद्भवः । कृतवान् सुखबोधार्थ विभक्तयर्थप्रकाशनम् ॥१॥ इति श्रीमद्वषां(?)कार्यपदाम्भोजलसन्मतिः। कमलाकर आर्याणां वर्यः सर्वगुणान्वितः॥२॥ इति श्रीमत्कमलाकरभट्टविरचितविभक्तयर्थप्रकाशः समाप्तः । ॥राम॥ प्रयोगविवेक(संग्रह) अथवा प्रयोगमुखमण्डन Prayogaviveka(samgraha) otherwise Prayogamukhamandana No. 395 511 1886-92 Size -13 in. by 6 in. Extent - 8 leaves, 18 lines in a page, about 50 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete in three Patalas%3B The work is also known as प्रयोगमुखमण्डन, while चक्रकारक or 11,seems to be an alternative name for the first Patalá only. Age-Beems to be a new copy. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 301 Author - Vararuchi.. Subject - A short elementary treatise, especially dealing with syntax. The subjects-treated are 1 Karaka (1.1-2); 2 Samasa (1.2-4); 3 Taddhita (1. 4-7); and 4 Kridanta (1. 7-8). Beging - प्रयोगामिच्छता ज्ञातुं ज्ञेयं कारकमादितः । संज्ञया षड्डिधा भेदास्रयोविंशतिधा पुनः॥१॥ तत्र पंचविधः कर्ता कर्म सप्तविधं भवेत् ।। करणं द्विविधं चैव संप्रदानं त्रिधा मतं ॥ २॥ On leaf 2, we have-कारकस्यैष संग्रहः । दिमात्रप्रदर्शनार्थम त्रोक्तः कारकसंग्रहः । विस्तरेण वृत्त्यादिषु द्रष्टव्यः। । On leaf 4, we have - इत्युक्तं समासलक्षणं । अथ प्रस्तावावसरं तद्धितलक्षणं विधास्यामः । On 1. 7 we have, इति प्रयोगविवेके द्वितीयः पटलः । अत ऊर्ध्वमाख्यातप्रयोगा विशेषादर्शनात् न लिख्यते । तस्मात्कृत्प्रयोगा एव लिख्यते। Ends - द्रव्यसत्तापरत्वाभ्यां समासो न भवति । कटं कुर्वन् पच्यमान इत्यदोषः ॥ इति तृतीयपटलः समाप्त ॥ Referentce - Burnell's Tanjore Catalogue, Part I. p. 426. प्रयोगविवेक(संग्रह) _Prayogaviveka(sangraha) अथवा otherwise, प्रयोगमुखमण्डन Prayogamukhamaņdana No. 396 934 1891-95 Size -101 in. by 51 in. Extent-23 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 38 letters to a line. Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 802 Grammar Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters waittan in a good large hand, fairly correct. The left hand lower corner of leaves, esp. of the first leaf, rather worm out. Marked with red chalk. Complete. Age-Is very old in appearance. Author - Vararuchi. Subject - The text consisting of 26 verses is given at the beginn ing, at the end of which we have the Colophon इति वाररुचे प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रहे पंचविंशति(?)श्लोकप्रथमपटलः॥ Then follows the prose-explanation beginning with यो यथाभिहितं शब्दप्रयोगं ज्ञातुमिच्छति तेनादितः कारकं संज्ञेयमिति ॥ Ends - The 2nd पठल ends on fol.18, प्ति प्रयोगविवेके द्वितीपटलः । अतऊर्ध्वमाख्यातप्रयोगा विशेषादर्शनात् न लिख्यन्ते । तस्मात्कृत्प्रयोगा एव लिख्यते। The third पटल ends as above. प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह Prayogaviveka(satngraha) अथवा otherwise प्रयोगमुखमण्डम Prayogamukhamaņdana No. 397 635 1891-95 Size -10 in. by 4g in. Extent - 9 leaves, 17 lines to a page, about 52 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 small and closely written get sufficiently legible writing generally correct. Complete. Age-At the end we find - सं १८३० मिति वैसाषदि ५ रवे लिप्य करोद मिश्रजयकर्णः। Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Parinoyar School 302 Prayogavivekasangraha __ अथवा otherwise प्रयोगपुसण्डन Prayogamukhamandana MA328 61 1873-74 Size by 8 in. Extent - 23 leaves, 30. lines in a page, about 30 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagart characters. Written in a modern book-form; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Complete ; & new copy. Aze - Samvat1931. Ends - इति.प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रहो वररुचिकृतस्तृतीयः पटलः समातः । सं. १९३१...चेतसुदी १२। समस्त । शुभ। प्रयोगमुखमण्डन Prayogamukhamaņdana अथवा otherwise प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह. Prayogavivekasangraha No. 399 639 1882-83 Sige - 11; in. by 3} in. Extent - 17 leaves, glines to a page, 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters, legible but not very correct hand. Complete. Angeles - Shightly old looking Ends - जन्मनि जन्मनि अहं प्रभवेयं प्रभुभवामीति योजना ॥१॥ इति श्रीप्रयोगमुखमण्डने कृत्पटलः । समाप्तोपं पंचा। विभक संवत्सर-आयाद द्वितीक्षया समातिमाम ॥ Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 . . Grammar प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह Prayogavivekasargraha अथवा otherwise प्रयोगमुखमण्डन Prayogamukhamaņdaną No. 400 38 1898-99 Size - 91 in. by 4 in. Extent -20 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3D legible writing, correct on the whole. The top-edges of several leaves (particularly foll. 8-9) torn and worn-out. Complete. The 25 Karikās are given in the baginning, at the end of which the work is called कारकचक्र of वररुचि. Each of the Kārikās is then repeated and followed by a short commentary. The first Patala ends on fol. 5a, where the work is named प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह. The 2nd Patala ends on fol. 15a. Age-Samvat 1732. Ends - इति वररुचिना कृते प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रहे तृतीयः पटलः श्रीरस्तु मङ्गलमस्तु ॥ संवत् १७३२ वर्षे सूर्यपुराधिवासिना शु० जगन्नाथात्मजेन यज्ञेश्वरेण लिखितोऽयं प्रयोगविवेकः ॥ श्रीः॥ 636. प्रयोगमुखमण्डन Prayogamukhaman dana अथवा otherwise प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह Prayogavivekasamgraha No. 401 1882-83 Size -113 in by 3 in. Extent -17 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold. and legible writing, fairly accurate. The 25 stanzas are given in the beginning, and then follows the percor or exposition of them. The कारकपटल ends on fol. 10a and the समासपटल on fol. 16b. Age -- Rather old in appearance. Ends - इति श्रीपयोगमुखमण्डने कृत्पटलः॥ समाप्तोऽयं ग्रन्थः॥ विभव संवत्सरे आषाढशुद्धद्वितीयायां समाप्तिमगमत् ॥ Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 305 प्रयोमविवेकसंग्रह। अथवा प्रयोगमुखमण्डन Prayoga vivekasamgrabia otherwise named Prayogamukhamaņdana No. 402 69 1866-68 Size 7 in. by 67 in. Extent-27 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 22 letters to a line. Desoription-Blue foolscap paper with watermarks, Devanāgari characters ; careful and uniform writing, corrected in the margin. Margins ruled in double black; yellow pigment used. Complete. The Ms. is bound in cloth. Age-Modern copy. चक्रकारक सटीक Chakrakāraka with Commentary No. 403 535 1887-91 Size-12 in. by 6 in. Extent—8 leaves, 12 lines to a page, about 40 letters to a line. Desciption-Country paper, Devanāgari characters ;. bold and legible writing, generally accurate ; complete. The first leaf slightly torn. This is the first patala only. Age-The Ms. is modern in appearance. Author-Chakrakāraka or Kārakachakra is one of the many minor works attributed to Vararuchi. Subject-An elementary treatise dealing with Kāraka relations, Samāsa etc. in 25 verses, together with an anonymous ; commentary. Begins, Text- TUTTAESSA E TAHTA:. संज्ञायां षडविधं भेदात्रयोविंशतिधा पुनः॥ aa Igiau: waff Fafa Hai &c. 39 [Dos. Cat., Vol. II ] Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 Grammar Begins, Commentary-तत्र पंचविधः कर्तेति-स्वतंत्रकर्ता १ हेतुकर्ता र - कर्मकर्ता ३ अभिहितकर्ता ४, अनभिहितकर्ता ५। Ends, Text - ग्रंथनादाशयेनाहं (?) श्लोकानां पंचविंशतेः । __ परार्थभारमुरोढुं प्रभवेयं भवे भवे ॥ इति श्रीवररुचिकृतं चक्रकारकं समाप्तम् ॥ Ends, Commentary-उकञ् यथा ग्राम गामुकः। ठक यथा सिंधुयः जलं पुष्पं भवनं व्यंजनं अनुलेपनं भयं अमतं ॥ १११३॥१४॥१५॥ कारकचक्र सटीक Kārakachakra with Commentary No.404 614 1891-95 Size--13} in. by 4 in. Extent -10 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 44 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Bengali characters; legible and fairly correct. The metrical text is written in the centre with the commentary above and below it, as usual. Complete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author-Vararuchi. Ends -ग्रन्थनादाशयेनादसत्( ? )श्लोकानां पंचविंशतिः। परार्थभारमुद्वोढुं प्रभवेयं भवे भवे ॥ इति श्रीवररुचिकृतं कारकचक्रं समाप्तम् । अयं पुस्तक लिखितं राधाचरणदास वैराग्यः। Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 301 शब्दचक सटीक Sabdachakra with Commentary No. 405 656 1891-95 Size-101 in. by 5t in. Extent - 14 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 28 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Text given in the centre, and the commentary on both sides of it as usual ; red chalk used; complete. Same as प्रयोगविवेक or कारकचक्र. Age-Samvat 1879; Saka 1744. Ends - ग्रंथनादाशरथेनहं श्लोकानां पंचविंशतिः। परार्थभारमुद्वोढुं प्रभवेयं भवे भवे ॥२५॥ इति श्रीवररुचिना कृतं शब्दचक्रं समाप्तं ॥ Ends, Commentary - इति श्रीशब्दचक्रस्य टीका संपूर्णम् ॥ संवत् १८७९ शाके १७४४ प्रवर्त्तमाने मासानो उत्तममासे आषाढमासे शुक्लपक्षे तिथौ १४ रविवारसरान्वितायां पुस्तक जगनाथको पठनार्थ जगनाथं 617 कारकपरीक्षावृत्ति Kāraka parikshāvritti No. 406 1891-95 Size-101 in. by 4 in. Extent--24 leaves, 9 lines to a page, about 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3; clear and legible writing, generally incorrect; margins ruled in black and red, red ink used for punctuation strokes and marginal correction and notes. There are also marginal notes in black :: ink by a later hand. Complete. Age--The Ms. has an old appearance. Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 : Grammar :: Subjeet — A full explanatory Vritti on some twenty-five mnen monic verses which are given at the beginning. This is the same work as No. 27 of A 1882-83, but different from the Karakapariksha by Pasupati, No. 282 of 1875-76. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः। प्रयोगमिच्छता ज्ञातुं ज्ञेयं कारकमादितः। संज्ञायाः षडविधं भेदास्त्रयो विंशतिधा(:) पुनः ॥१॥ ग्रंथनादाशयेनाहं श्लोकानां पंचविंशतेः । परार्थभारमुद्वोढुं प्रभवेयं भवे भवे ॥२५॥ अमी पंचविंशतिश्लोकान्संप्रति व्याख्यातुमारभंते । यो यथा प्रयोग विहितं ज्ञातुमिच्छति &c. Ends (foll. 22 a, ) last line-ग्रंथे(थ)नेत्यादि । ग्रंथरचनात्पंचविंशति श्लोकानां । केनाशयन व्यवसायेन । परार्थभावं निर्वोढुं प्रभवेयं भवे भवे इति अन्मनि । अपरे आत्मव्यतिरिक्तास्तेषामर्थःप्रयोजन परार्थः संसारवद्भारः निर्वोढुं इत्यनेन संबंधः । अनेन प्रकटप्रकारपरोपकारैकां भारतामात्मनः असंत्सु च (?) परमकारुण्यप्रथो (?)कृतवान् ॥ इति पंचविंशतिश्लोकानामर्थः। Then follow some more dissertations on कारकभेदs and समासविशेषभेदs. The whole ends with - अन्यपदार्थप्रधानो यथा उन्मत्तगंगो देशः ॥ इति समासविशेषभेदः इति ॥ : कारकपरीक्षावृत्तिः । Kāraka pariksbā vritti No. 407 27 A. 1882-83, Size-12 in. by 5t in. Extent-24 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters; bold, care ful and correct writing. Complete. Age-Samvat 1875. Ends: इति कारकपरीक्षावृत्ति समाप्ताः ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ संवत् १०७५ भाद्र पद कृष्ण द्वादशी १२ भगवासरे लिपि कृतं ब्राह्मण सदाशिवः पुस्करमध्ये ग्रंथसंख्या ७०० पावाह.... .... Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pariniya: School 309. प्रयोगपल्लव..... Prayogapallava No 408 543. 1887-91 Size --10 in. by 4 in. Extent-41 leaves, 6 lines to a page, about 22 letters to a-line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; indifferent writing, generally legible. Marginal notes by at least two different hands. The edges slightly worn off; accurate in the main and complete. Age - Samvat 1668. Author ---- Bhavanāthamiśra, son of Ramāpati. Subject - An elementary treatise dealing with the verbal forms in verses followed by running explanations. Begins - नत्त्वा शंकरचरणौ भवनाथः पल्लवं तनुते । मूकयितुं खलसंघान्बालानपि वावदूकयितुम् ॥१॥ अगणितसूत्रान्वेषणखिन्नाः किं रे भवथ बालाः। . प्रयोगमालाः पल्लवयत पल्लवं वीक्ष्य ॥२॥ मूलभूताः प्रयोगानां सर्वेषामेव धातवः। अतस्त एव प्रथमं कंड्यन्ते तण्डुला इव ॥३॥ धात्वादिस्था त्रिदुडवो न धात्वंतर्गतास्तथा। इकारः शुच्यते रुश्च तृणा तिदिवुन्दतेः॥३॥ Ends - पच्येरन् इत्यादि ॥ पन्क्षीयास्ताम् । पन्क्षीरन् । पन्क्षीष्टाः। पन्क्षी यास्थाम् । पन्क्षीध्वम् । पन्क्षीय । पन्क्षी। पन्क्षीवहि । पन्क्षीमहि ॥ प्रयोगाः खिद्यन्ते कतिकति न येषामाधिगतौ निबन्धारोप्यंधा इव दधति हस्तभ्रमणिकाम् । ...भवानीनाथार्थे करवदरकल्पानकरवं सदस्मिन्मात्सर्य विजहित विचारप्रणयिनः ॥१॥ व्याकरणाम्बुधिमध्ये निर्मग्नानां प्रयोगमीनानाम् । जालममुन्निरमासीद्रमापतेरात्मजः कुतुकात् ॥२॥ इति श्रीभवनाथमिश्रनिर्मितः प्रयोगपल्लवः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् ... १६६८ समये रौद्रनाम संवत्सरे समये चैत्रवदि तृतीयायां भौम.... वासरे लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं त्रिपाठिनात्मपाठार्थम् । शारङ्गधरो पाध्या यस्य प्रत्युपरि । शुभम् ॥ Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 Grammar समासवाद Samā savāda No. 409 670 1891-95 Size - 94 in. by 44 in. Extent -9 leaves, 14 lines to a page, 24 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper, Devanagari characters; careless but sufficiently legible writing, often incorrect; complete. Age-Samvat 1829. Author - Sarvabhauma (2) Subject - A discussion of some topics relating to the sense of समास. Begins - श्रीगणपतये नमः। अथ बहुव्रीही चित्रगुमानयेत्यादी चित्रगो स्वामिनो बोधो न । गोपदस्य चित्रपदस्य उभयपदस्य वा चित्र गोस्वामीन लक्षणाया एकपदवैयर्थ्यप्रसंगात् । Ends - विचार्य आर्यैः प्रणिधानतोपि ताटवीसंचरणप्रवीणैः। श्रीसार्वभौमे( मै )बहुवादविज्ञैः कृतः समासे नसमासवादः ॥ इति श्रीसमासवादः॥ अंकनेत्र वसुचंद्र (१८१९ ) संयुते वत्सरे लिखितमेतदत्र मे। आश्विने धवलपक्षमागते या तिथिर्भवति तत्र चायका ॥ समासमञ्जरी Samāsamañjari No. 410 232 Vigrāma (i) Size — 84 in, by 41 in. Extent - 24 leaves, 6 lines to a page, 24 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, very rough and oldish looking; Devanagari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate; almost complete. Age-Rather old in appearance. Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 311 Subject - The work consists of about 150 couplets, the first half of which deals with the FATHS proper, and the last with कृत्समास. Author - The work is anonymons, since the last few lines giving particulars about the author or writer or owner are absent. Begins -- श्रीगणेशाय नमः । शुभमस्तु ॥ शरणं तरुणेंदुशेखरः शरणं मे गिरिराजकन्यका। . शरणं पुनरेवतावुभौ शरणं नान्यदुपैमि दैवतं ॥१॥ द्वन्द्वं तत्पुरुषः स योषिदपि सा पद्यक्षरं योष्टथा या नित्यं शुभकर्म धारयति यः सप्तर्चिरीक्षोद्विगुः। स्वच्छं यत्र जलं च सत्यभुवनप्रीत्यै बहुव्रीहिकृत् तावेतौ शरणं मम स्थितिजुषौ द्वावव्ययीभावतः ॥२ धर्मार्थों द्वौ समौ दद्यालोकनाथो महेश्वरः। त्रिलोकीपतिविश्वात्मा यः संकल्य यथाक्रमम् ॥ ३ समासरचनामार्ग दर्शयामः स्फुटं प्रथम् । औचित्याद्रचनं लिंगं रूपं चोद्यं स्वबुद्धितः॥४॥ Ends - समासमंजरी रम्या सत्पतिश्लोकनिर्मिता। पुनः पंचाधिका तद्वत् कृत्समासः सतद्धितः॥१॥ अस्यामपूर्वार्धसुधान्वितायां क्वचित्प्रमादस्खलितं न गण्यम् । माधुर्यसारार्थिभिरिक्षुदंडः किं त्यज्यते वकतरोपि लोकैः ॥२॥ समासमञ्जरी समाप्ताभूत् ॥ इदं प्रयोगावधिः तथा समाससंग्रहः No. 411 Prayogavidhi and Samāsasamgraha 564 Visrāma (i) Size -6 in. by 4t in. Extent -8 leaves, 9 lines to a page, 16 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, rough and yellow; Devanagart characters; bold, careful and generally correct writing Complete. Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 Grammar Age -- Not very old. Subject - The work consists of (1) प्रयोगविधि, about 8 lines; (2) ; & note on CHFT of the same extent, and the FATHER which ... occupies all the rest of the Ms. Author - Anonymous. The work is the same as HHH described below. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । अथ बालबोधार्थ प्रयोगविधिः कथ्यते ॥ प्रयोगस्त्रिविधः ॥.........इति प्रयोगविधिः ॥ व्युत्पत्तिश्चतुर्विधः ॥ कर्तृव्युत्पत्तिकर्मव्युत्पत्तिकरणव्युत्पत्तिभावव्युत्पत्तिभेदात ॥...... ...अथ समासावीधः कथ्यते ( fol. 16 )॥ षोढाः समासाः संक्षेपादष्टाविंशतिधा पुनः॥ नित्यानित्यत्वयोगेन लुगलुक्क्तेन च (त) द्विधा॥ षट्समासा उच्यते ॥ etc. Ends - अलुक्समासो यथा ॥ वनेचरतीति वनचरः ॥ सरसि जायत इति सरसिज !! इति समाससंग्रहः । रूपावली तथा समासचक्र Rūpavali and Samāsachakra No.412 97 (8) A.1883-84 Size -- 84 in. by 4} in. Extent - 12 leaves, 8 lines to a page, 20 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters'; bold and generally correct writing. Red ink used for punctuation strokes and colophons. The Ms. contains 3 distinct works, all complete (a) समासचक्र foll.1-7 (anonymous); . .. . (b) हस्तामलककृतब्रह्ममहिनं ॥ foll. 8-10a%; (c) ब्रह्मनामावली ( anonymous). Age - Not very old. Author - Anonymous. Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School ...-313 Begins -(a) श्रीगणेशाय नमः । अथसमासचक्रं लिप्यते ॥ प्रयोगत्रिविधः।...इति प्रयोगप्रकारः॥ आदौ कर्तृपरं वाच्यं द्वितीयादिपदं ततः। क्वतुमुल्यश्च मध्ये तु कुर्याईते क्रियापदं ॥१॥ षोढासमासः संक्षपादृष्टाविंशतिधा पुनः। . Ends, foll-7b last line - इति रूपावली समासचक्र समाप्तं ॥ समासपटल Samāsapatala No. 413 262 1884-86 Size-10 in. by 4t in. Extent-2 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 38 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly correct. . Complete. . . . Age-Samvat 1802. Author - Vararuchi. Subject - A brief description of the compounds, similar to Samasa-chakra. Begins - षोढा समासः सक्षेपावष्टाविंशतिधा पुनः। नित्यानित्यत्वयोंगन लगलुरत्वेन च द्विधा ॥ Ends :- उन्मत्ता गंगा यस्मिन्देशे स उन्मत्तगंगदेशः॥६॥ Colophon - इति वररुचिकृतं समासपटलं संपूर्ण। .. संवत् १८०२ ना वर्षे आसो सुदि १३ दिने लिषितं स्तंभतीर्थ-॥ 40 | Der Ost. Vol. 11 ) Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 Grammar Sabdarūpăvali and समासपटलं च Samāsapatala No. 414 233 1892-95 Size — 84 in. by 4 in. Extent - 24 leaves, 9 lines to & page, 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Deranāgari characters; ruled mar gins ; clear and legible hand; generally accurate, and complete. The first and the last pages rather worn out. Age - Seems to be quite a recent Ms. Author - Anonynious. The 41795is usually attributed to Sybject - The Ms. declines in full all the regular and irregular nouns and pronouns of all the genders ; 6rst the vowels ending words and then the consonant-ending words. Then feHows a list of indeclinables ; an explanation of the Kārą, kas; and lastly Samāsapatala, i, e., the meaning and the formation of the six kinds of compounds. The plan of the work is different from that of the books commonly studied by beginners. Begins — sf TÚIQIT TH: 1a: i gate al Ends - उन्मत्ता गंगा यस्मिन्सः उन्मत्तगंगो देशः। लोहितमंगो देश । इति समासपटलं समाप्तं ॥ शब्दसंचय Sabdasarnchaya No. 415 533 1886-92 Size = 12 in by-4* in Extent -7 leaves, 17 lines in a page, about 70 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanāgari characters with 9841718. Small though legible writing. Margins carefully marked. Fairly correct. Incomplete. Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paraniga School Author - Anonymous. Subjeot - Declension of words arranged in classes ; sirih bo Rūpavali. Begins - शब्दांभोधिसमुल्लासरसिकं श्रीजिन मुदा । नत्वा शिष्यप्रबोधाय लिख्यते शब्दसंचया ॥१॥ वृक्षादिसोमपादीवानयादी वातप्रमीमुखाः। शंभ्वादिखलपूपितृमुखाः सेरैोग्लौं नरे॥२॥ तत्र प्रथमप्रकारांताः॥ Ends-द्वितीयं । द्वितीये। द्वितीयानि ॥ शेषं पुल्लिंगवत् ॥ तीयं डित्कार्ये वा डसिडसडीनां सर्व कार्य । here abruptly ends the Ms. शब्दसंचय Sabdasarnchaya No. 416 534 1886-92 Size -111 in. by 4g in. Extent - 34 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 28 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagart olaracters. Vory bold and legible writing. Fairly correot. Complete Ends - अवी तंत्री तरी लक्ष्मी श्रीहर्धाश्चशर्करी। स्त्रीलिंगेषु प्रसिद्धानां सिलोपो न विधीयते॥.. इति शाब्दिकं समाप्तं संपूर्ण ॥ संस्कृतमञ्जरी Samskrita-mañjari and उक्तिरत्नाकर Ukti-Tamakora... . No. 417 481 1886-92 Size -101 in. by 4t in. Extent -- 18 leaves, 15 lines in a page, about 36 letters in a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters. Bold and legible writing. Fairly correct. Complete. Marging carefully marked. Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 516 . . Grammar Age-Samvat 1779. Author - Sadhusundara, pupil of Sadhukirtipravara. Subject -Samskrita-manjari (1.1-4) contains full declensions of pronouns like यद्, किम्, तद् etc. illustrated by sentences. Then follows a short disquisition on the meanings of cases and on the same as expressed by compounds, secondary suffixes, etc. Then follows a list of Prakrita words with their Samskpta equivalents, which forms the main body of the work named Uktiratnākara. Begins - अथ संस्कृतविधिः ॥ कः पुरुषो ग्रामे वसति । कौ पुरुषौ प्रामे वसतः । के पुरुषा ग्रामे वसंति। । Begins, Uktiratnākara - स्मृत्वा श्रीभारती देवी गुरुपादांश्च भक्तितः। । उक्तीनां संग्रहं वक्ष्ये स्वान्ययोहितहेतवे ॥१॥ तावत् तदुपयोगि विभक्तिस्वरूपं निरूप्यते । Ends, Uktiratnākara — - कराइ क्रियते जणाइ ज्ञायते बधीअइ बध्यते । खरतरे अणषाघ राशिपिवृद्धौ मृगीका(१) । यवनपतिसभायां ख्यापितार्हन्मताज्ञा (?)। प्रहतकुमतदर्पपाठका साधुकीर्तिप्रवरसदभिधाना पिवा(वादि ! )सिंहा जयंतु ॥१॥ तेषां शास्त्रसहस्रसारविदुषां शिष्येण शिक्षाभृता . . . भक्तिस्थेन हि साधुसुंदर इति प्रख्यातनाम्ना मया । ग्रंथोयं विहितः कवीश्वरवचोबुध्योक्तिरत्नाकरः स्वान्यानां हितहेतवे बुधजनेमोन्यश्चिरं नंदतु ॥ २ ॥ Colophon - इति श्री उक्तिरत्नाकर संपूर्णमिति ॥ संवत् १७७९ वर्षे - वैशाख शुक्लपक्षे एकादश्यां सचंद्रायां ॥ श्री॥ Reference - Dr. Peterson's Report for 1886-92, Extracts p. 14. Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pariniya School 32 Vaiyākaranasabdamāla वैयाकरणशब्दमाला No. 418 106 1902-1907 Size-8 in. by 4 in. Extent -18 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 30 letters to a line. Description - Blue foolscap paper with water-marks, Devanāgarf characters; clear and legible writing, generally correct. Red chalk used. Complete. The work is also called वैयाकरण शब्दरत्नमाला. Age-Saka 1768. Author - Somayājin. Subject - Conjugational forms of the root Bhū; illustrations of various Samāsas and Taddhita formations; use of prepositions and other peculiarities of Sanskrit grammar and syntax, compiled as a help to an aspiring poet. Begins- श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥अथ काव्योपयोगिनी शब्दरत्नमाला भण्यते। तत्र सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् ॥क्रियाकारकयोजनमन्वयः॥ धात्वर्थः किया। Ends - एवमन्येषामपि धातूनां दशलकाराणां रूपाणि ज्ञातव्यानि । लज्जासत्तास्थितिजागरणं वृद्धिक्षयभयजीवितमरणम् । शयनक्रीडारुचिदीप्त्यर्थ धातुगणं तमकर्मकमाहुः ॥ इत्यादि काव्योपयोगिनः शद्बाः ॥ इति श्रीसोमयाजिविरचिता वैयाकरणशब्दमाला समाप्ता ॥ श्रीसाम्बसदाशिवार्पणमस्तु । श्रीरस्तु । शुभं भवतु ॥ शके १७६८ पराभवनामाब्द चैत्रकृष्ण १४ भृगुरेवतीयोगे संपूर्णमिदम् ॥ लर्तमाने लेडेदे भूते लङ्लुब्लिटस्तथा । विध्याशिषोस्तु लिङ्लोटौ लङ्लटौ लुट् भविष्यति ॥ Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38: Grammar वैयाकरणशब्द(रत्न)माला Vaiyakaranasabda(ratna)maia: No. 419 Size -12 in. by 5t in. Extent-14 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 45.letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari. characters; clear and legible writing, fairly correct. Margins ruled ; red chalk often used; complete. The lower edges of some of the leaves ... worm-eaten. Age-Saka 1731. Author - Somayajin. Ends - इत्यादि काव्योपयोगिनः शब्दाः । इति श्रीसोमयाजिविरचिता वैयाकरणशब्दरत्नमाला समाप्तः॥ स्त्रीपुनपुंसकभेदशब्दाः। वृक्षोऽग्निश्च पटुः पन्था दण्डी होता च चन्द्रमाः । तस्थिवान् मघवानात्मा दशैते पुंसि नायकाः ॥१॥ श्रद्धानदीगतिर्धेनुर्वागाशीः सरिदेव च। क्षुत्प्रावृदच शरश्चैव दशैताः स्त्रीषु नायकाः॥२॥ छत्रं दाध पयो वर्म धनुर्वारि जगत्तथा। मधु नाम मनोहारि दशैतानि नपुंसकाः ॥३॥ इति पुंस्त्रीनपुंसकभेदः ॥ ............शके १७३१.... रामेश्वरेण लिखितं छत्र्ये इत्युपनामक । वृत्तिवंशि । गीरगांवकर प्रा मुंबै ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ शब्दरूपावाल Sabdarūpāvali No. 420 334 1895-1902 Size-10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 19 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs%3 bold and legible writing, fairly correct. Margins ruled in triple red lines. Square blanks in the centre. Red and yellow pigments frequently used. Occasional marginal notes. Wants the first leaf; otherwise complete. Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 319 Age-Samvat 1668. Author-Anonymous: nor is there any proper name for the Ms., as its first leaf is missing. Subject — Declension of nouns, including irregular nouns, arrang ed according to endings. Begins - हाहाः। हाहौ । हाहाः॥ हाहां । हाहौ। हाहः ॥ लुगातो नायः इति सूत्रेण आकारलोपः॥ Ends – ......गौतमऐष्वाकराघबकाकुत्स्थयादवकौरवपाण्डव एते सर्वेपि लिङ्गत्रयेपि पञ्चालवत् ज्ञातव्याः ॥ इति शब्दाः समाप्ताः ॥ संवत् १६६८ वर्षे ज्येष्टशुदि ९ श्रीजेसलमेरुमहादुर्गे तातकृष्टमोत्रे सानयणातसुचेसायजीवालिखितम् ॥ शुभं भवतु । कल्याणमस्तु ॥ नन्दिकेश्वरकारिका Nandikesvarakārikā with सटीक • Commentary No.421 559 1875-76 Size -14 in. by 6 in. Extent -4 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description - Smooth country paper, Devanagari characters of the Kāśmirian type; bold and beautiful writing, fairly accurate. The kārikās marked by red chalk, but written continuously with the Commentary. Complete. The Ms. comes from Kasmira. Age - A new copy. Author - The kārikās are traditionally assigned to the Divine Bull of God Siva, while the Commentary is by Upamanu. Subject - The Ms. contains in metrical form a mystical inter pretation of the 14 Siva Sūtras, meant to bring out the Advaita Vedānta doctrine supposed to be symbolically contained in them. Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 Begins — Kārika – Grammar नृत्यावसाने नटराजराजो ननाद ढक्कां नवपंचवारम् । उद्धर्त्तुकामः सनकादिसिद्धातद्विमर्शे शिवसूत्रजालम् ॥ १ ॥ Begins, Commentary - ॐ नमः शिवदेवाय सर्वज्ञाय परात्मने । यस्योन्मेषनिमेषाभ्यां व्यक्ताव्यक्तमिदं जगत् ॥ १ ॥ श्रीगुरुं श्रीकुमारं च शैवत्तत्त्वविशारदम् । लोकोपकारिणों दिव्यां व्याकरोमि यथामति ॥ २ ॥ इह सकललोकनायकः परमशिवः सनकसनंद सनत्कुमार" पतंजलिव्याघ्रपादवशिष्ठादीनुद्धर्तुकामः ढक्कानिना [द]व्याजेन अइउणित्यादिचतुर्दशसूत्रतत्त्वमुपदिदेश । तदनु ते मुनींद्रवर्याचिरकालमाश्रितानामस्माकं चतुर्दशसूत्रात्मकं तत्त्वमुपदिदेश (?) । अस्य सूत्रजातस्य तत्त्वार्थं नंदिकेश्वरो जानातीति तमेव पृष्टवन्तः तेषां चतुर्दशका रिकारूपेण तत्त्वं सूत्राणामुपदेष्टुमिच्छन् इदमाचख्यत् ॥ (It my be noted that usually the karikās are said to be 26 of mere explication plus the first beginning with नृत्यावसाने, giving the total no. of 27. Fourteen seems to be the original and the proper number, to which the rest were probably added later. ) नृत्यावसाने० ॥ Ends, Text — तत्त्वातीतः परः साक्षी सर्वानुग्रहविग्रहः । अहमात्मा परो हत्स्यादिति शंभुस्तिरोदधे ॥ Ends, Com. - . - सर्वानु[ग्र ]हविग्रहः साक्षी तत्त्वातीतः हल्स्यादिति ढक्कानादव्याजेन सर्वेषां मुनिजनानां तत्त्वमुपदिशंस्तिरोदधे इत्यर्थः ॥ इत्यादिसूत्रनंदिकेश्वरकारिकास्तत्र विमव्युपमन्य (sic.) कृता समाप्ता ॥ Reference — Ulwar, Extract 247, contains the longer version, which has also been printed in the first part of the Nirnaya Sāgars edition of the महाभाष्यप्रदीपोद्द्योत. Mad Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 321 रप्रत्याहारखण्डन _Ra-pratyāhāra-khandana No. 422 772 1869-70 Size -121 in. by 51 in. Extent-20 leaves, 13 lines in a page, about 60 letters in a line. Description - Foreign paper, Devanāgari characters. Neat, bold and legible writing. Fairly correct. Complete. Age-Sake 1791. Author-Vaidyanatha Payagunda, son of Mahadeva and Veni. Subject — A short treatise on the refutation of the Ra-pratyāhāra (in हयवरद । लए ). Begins- नत्वा मुनीन् वैद्यनाथः पायगुंडेति कीर्तितः । बालज्ञानाय तनुते रप्रत्याहारखंडनम् ॥१॥ लण । अत्रेदं चिंत्यते । रप्रत्याहारस्तावत् सर्वैरंगीक्रियते । अत्र मुनित्रयान्यतमोक्तिरनुग्राहिका अस्ति, उत प्रयोजनमेव तत्कल्पकम् । नात्यः, दोषस्यापि प्रबलत्वेन तदभावकल्पनाया अपि प्रसंगात् । Ends - तत्र भाष्यादिग्रंथास्वारस्यस्य प्रागुक्तत्वात् अत एव दृढदूषक युक्तिगणस्योक्तत्वाच्च अत एव साहसिकत्वाभावाच्च भाष्याद्य संमतत्वस्योक्तत्वाच्चेत्यलं पल्लवितेन ॥ Colophon - इति श्रीमत्पायगुंडोपाख्यमहादेवसुतवैद्यनाथविरचितं रप्रत्या हारखंडनं समाप्तं ॥ शके १७९१ शुक्लसंवत्सरे आषाढकृष्णप्रतिपद्यतिथी मंदवासरे इदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं ॥ . 258 रप्रत्याहारमण्डन Ra-pratyāhāra-mandana No. 423 1884-86 Size -12 in. by 51 in. Extent - 3 leaves, 18 lines in a page, about 48 letters in a line. Desoription-Country paper, Devanagari characters. Bold and legible writing. Fairly correct. 41 [Des. Cat., Vol, II] Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 Grammar Age - Seems to be a new copy. Subject -A short treatise defending the रप्रत्याहार in हयवरट् । लम् । Begins-संचिंत्य वादिप्रवरं जेतारं श्रीपतंजलिम् । कुर्वे वादिविलासार्थ रप्रत्याहारमंडनम् ॥१॥ लण अत्र लकाराकारोनुनासिकः प्रतिज्ञायते। तेन लणसूत्रस्थावर्णेन सहोच्चार्यमाणो रेफो रलयोः संज्ञति सिद्धमिति कैयट माधवहरदत्तदीक्षितादयः। Ends- एवं भाष्यादिसर्वग्रंथस्वारस्योदृष्टं( ? )दूषकयुक्तेरभावे चामहा साहसमवलंब्य कथमेतद्दषयांचकुरिति त एव पृष्ठव्या इति मात्सर्यमुत्सार्य निपुणतरं विभावनीयं सुहृद्भिविद्वद्भिः । इति श्रीमत्पाठकश्रीरस्तु पुत्रपौत्रवृद्धिरस्तु॥ उपसर्गविवरण Upasarga-vivarana No. 424 231 1895-98 Size -104 in. by 4; in. Extent-3 leaves, 18 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Bescription-Country paper, Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; clear and legible writing, fairly accurate. Square blanks in the centre. Red ohalk used. Complete. Author - Not given. Age - Samvat 1546. Subject - Explanation with illustrations of the meanings of the various उपसर्गs. Begins-प्रादीनामर्थनिदर्शनमाचार्याः परानुग्रहार्थं समारभन्ते । प्र१। आदिकर्माण । कर्तुमारब्धः प्रकृतः कटो देवदत्तेन ॥ १ ॥ उदीरणे &c. Ends - सहयोगे । अधिवसति ९॥ स्ववशितायाम् । आत्माधीनः १० ॥ इति अधिउपसर्गार्थाः॥२०॥ इति उपसर्गविवरणं संपूर्णम् ॥ सं० १५४६ वर्षे ज्ये० व०२ लिखितं पं० अमरतिलकगणिशिष्य-अमरश्रुतगाणिना श्रीशाल्मलिकमहानगरे ॥ श्रीः॥ Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 323 अपशब्इखण्डन Apasabdakhandana No. 425 173 1895-98. Size -83 in. by 41 in. Extent -6 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 26 letters to a line. ..... Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold but careless writing, fairly legible and accurate. Fol. 5 has only 6 or 7 lines on it, supplying a lacuna between fol. 4 and fol. 6. The text is continuous and complete. Age - Rather modern in appearance. Author - Sri-kanokta (?) . . Subject — Discussion as to what is meant by ungrammatical word or अपशब्द. Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः। गुरुं श्रीवासुदेवाख्यं गिरं चास्य गरीयसीम् । नत्वा कुर्वेऽपशब्दानां खण्डनं सूरिमण्डनम् ॥१॥ ये देवानां प्रियाः प्रोचुरपशद्वितमुद्धताः। तेषां मूर्धि पदं वामं कृत्वात्रेदमुदीर्यते ॥२॥ दुःशाब्दिकस्याभिभवे नृपाणामास्थानरले सुधिया शिशूनाम् । प्रचण्डदण्डः शमनाय भूया. ज्जैत्रो मदीयो वचसा बिलासः ॥३॥ अथ कोयमपशद्वो नाम । शद्वादन्यो वा १। साधुशब्दावन्यो वा २ । व्याकरणानिष्पन्नो वा ३। Ends - तस्मादयमपि पक्षः सैकतसेतुत्वान्नावशिष्यते । तस्मादपशब्द इत्येतदर्थस्य न विनिश्चितुः(तिः) । इति श्रीकणोक्तविरचितमपशब्दखण्डनं समाप्तम् ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 Grammar अपशब्दानिराकरण Apaśabdanirākaraņa No.426 271 (b) 1875-76 Size -67 in. by 91 in. Extent - 5 leaves, 25 lines to a page, 28 letters to a line. Description -Country paper, Sarada characters; clear and legible writing, fairly correct. No. 271 contains two distinct works: the first isa चित्रकाव्य in praise of one संग्रामसिंह, son of प्रतापसिंह, by Jagaddhara. The second, the present work, begins on fol. 11a and goes to the end. Complete. Age - Old in appearance. Author - Not etated. Subject - Refutation of the so-called Apaśabda or ungrammatical word. Begins -ॐस्वस्ति ॥ ॐनमो गणपतये ॥ अथ शब्दस्त्वकृत इत्येवं यद्भ वद्भिरुद्दष्ठं तदेव तावद्विचार्यते । कथमयमपशब्दः किंशब्दलक्षणरहितत्वात् आहोस्विदर्थप्रतिपत्यसाधनत्वादिति । किंचातः । यदि तावच्छ(लक्षणरहितत्वादयमपशब्द इत्येवं वक्तमाभिप्रेतं तदयुक्त शब्दलक्षणोपपन्नत्वेन प्रतीयमानत्वात् । तथाहि श्रोत्रग्रहण लक्षणः सामान्यवानर्थः शब्द इति ॥ Ends - नहि प्रतिदेशं भाषाणां लक्षणशास्त्रं किंचिदस्ति नापि तदंतरण तद्भेदो न प्रहीयत इति । अपि च संस्कृतलक्षणरहितत्वेन संस्कृतशब्दो भवेन्न चैवमिष्यते नापशब्दो नाम कश्चिदस्तीति । अपि च लोकेपि । विप्रतिपत्तिविषयं गोभूमिसुवर्णादिकं यः प्रमाणेन साधयितुं शक्नोति तस्य यथा प्रसिद्धन केनापि शब्देन न्यायं ब्रुवतः शब्दस्खलनपि जय एव दृश्यते न पराजयः। बौद्धदर्शनेपि असाधनाङ्गवचनदोषोभावनं द्वयोर्निग्रहस्थानमित्युक्तं न तत्रापशब्दो नाम दूषणं व्याख्यातम् । न्यायशास्त्रपि विप्रतिपत्त्यप्रतिपत्तिलक्षणं प्रतिज्ञाहान्यादिनिग्रहस्थापनमुक्तं नापशब्द इति ॥ न चान्यत्रापि क्वचित्प्रमाणशास्त्रे. पशब्दाख्यदूषणं युक्तियुक्तं प्रतिपादितम् ॥ तस्मादपशब्दोभावनं तदुद्भावयितुरेवदोषोभावनं नाम निग्रहस्थानं वेदितव्यमिति ॥ अपशब्दनिराकरणं समाप्तम् ॥ Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 325 निपाताव्ययोपसर्गवृत्तिः Nipātāvsayopasargavritti No. 427 290 1875-76 Size -15 in. by 7 in. Extent - 16 leaves, 12 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgarl characters; bold and legible writing, generally correct. Complete except for occasional sbort lacunæ here and there. Age-New copy prepared in Kasmira. Author - Bhatta Kshirasvāmin and Tilaka. Subject - An enumeration (after Kshirasvāmin ) of the various निपातs, अव्ययs and उपसर्गs in Sanskrit, followed by their meanings and illustrative sentences by Tilaka. Begins -ॐश्रीगुरवे सरस्वतीरूपाय नमः । नमो विघ्नहत्रे । नमः सूर्यादिभ्यो नवग्रहेभ्यो नमः ॐ॥ नत्वेशं क्षीराब्धिप्रसृताध्ययरत्नमालया विदुषः॥ निजकुलतिलकस्तिलकयति निदर्शनैरव ॥ द्योतकाः निपाताः नामाख्यातयोः धर्ममात्रव्यंजकाः । अत ऊर्ध्व चादयो निपाता अधिक्रियन्ते ॥ Ends - जीवकोपनिषदाचौपम्ये जीवकाकृत्य उपनिषत्कृत्य तत्तुल्यं कृत्वे त्यर्थः ॥ इति निपाताव्ययोपसर्गीयवृत्तावुपसर्गकाण्डं तृतीयमितिभद्रम् ॥ भट्टक्षीरस्वाम्युत्प्रेक्षितनिपाताव्ययोपसर्गीये तिलककृतावृत्तिः संम्पूर्णेति भद्रं पश्येम प्रचरेम भद्रयोमिति शिवम्॥ भद्रम् ॥ अव्ययार्थः Avyayārtha No. 428 471 1884-87 Size -11 in. by 31 in, Extent-5 leaves, 7 lines to a page, about 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanāgari characters; bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. The corners of the leaves slightly worm-eaten; otherwise complete. Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 Grammar Age-Is old in appearance. The date given for this Ms. in .. Dr. Bhandarkar's Catalogue for 1884-87 belongs to the next number, 472. Author - Anonymous. The next number in the Catalogue however assigns this work to Patanjali, possibly because the चादिगण and others were presupposed in the time of that great commentator. Subject - The different meanings of the indeclinables explained. Begins- श्रीगणेशगुरुगीर्यो नमः । चादिर्निपातः । च आदिर्यस्य स चादिः ॥ आदिशब्दोव्यवस्थार्थः प्रकारार्थ इत्यन्ये । तेनानुक्तानामपि संग्रहः। Ends - सपदाति क्षिप्रार्थे । उर्या( ऊर्या )दयोप्यंगीकारविस्तारे च ॥ अर्थकथनं चैषामुपलक्षणं वेदितव्यं । तथाचोक्तं निपाताश्चोपसर्गाश्च धातवश्चेति ते त्रयः। अनेकार्थाः स्मृताः सर्वे पाठास्तेषां निदर्शनमिति ॥ इत्यव्ययार्थः समाप्तः ॥ अव्ययार्थप्रकाश No.429 Avyayārthaprakāśa 472 1884-87 Size-10 in. by 3 in. Extent-5 leaves, 10 lines to a page, about 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper, Devanagari characters ; bold and legible writing. Marginal notes of an indifferent writer. Edges slightly worn out; generally correct and complete. Age - Not very old in appearance. Author - Patanjali (?). Subject — Explanation of the meanings of indeclinables. Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Paniniya School 321 Begins-प्रणम्य विष्णुं शिरता पाणिनि सूत्रकारकम् । अव्ययार्थप्रकाशं वै करोति श्रीपतंजालः॥ स्वरादिनिपातमव्ययम्। स्वरादयो निपात-अव्ययसंज्ञाः स्युः। Ends -- अव्ययानामनेकाः को जानाति तथामया(?) । यथामत्यव्ययार्था वै समाख्याताः कथंचन ॥ इति श्रीपतंजलिविरचितमव्ययार्थप्रकाशं समाप्तम् ॥ अव्ययार्थप्रकाश No 430 Avyayārthaprakāśa 684 1891-95 Size-8 in. by 41 in. Extent - 5 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 32 letters in a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters; legible writing, Correct as a rule; complete. Age - Old in appearance. Ends - इति श्रीपतंजलिविरचितमव्ययार्थप्रकाशं समाप्तः । लिख्यतं चत्र दासेन स्वयं पठनार्थ ॥ अव्ययवृत्ति Avyayavritti No. 431 272 . 1875-76 Size - Description and other particulars same as No. 309 of - 1872-76, लिङ्गानुशासन. Extent - 10 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 12 letters to a line. The : work is incomplete. Author -Kshirasvamin (2). . Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 Grammar Begins - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐनमो विघ्नहन्त्री(?)॥ श्रेयसे ॥ ॐ सुरवर्गकृतार्घाया लक्ष्यालक्ष्यायते नमः ॥ ब्रह्मविष्ण्वनभिज्ञाय सर्वज्ञाय कपालिने ॥१॥ मानसान्तरवासाय नीरक्षीरविभेदिने ॥ हंसाय भूतिशुभ्राय निर्मलाय नमो नमः॥२॥ अव्ययः परे । इत ऊर्ध्व अव्ययवर्गो वक्ष्यते ॥ तत्र प्रस्तावान्ना नार्थाव्ययवर्गस्तावत् ॥ आङीषदर्थेभिव्याप्तौ सीमार्थे धातुयोगजे ॥ ईषत्पिङ्गलः। आपिङ्गलः &c. Ends - किश्चिदीषन्मनागल्पे । किञ्चित्कुञ्चितमूर्धजः। ईषद्गौरः। वृतेमनाङ्ग सकुरम(?)॥प्रीत्या(प्रेत्या ? )मुत्र भवान्तरे ॥ अन्यो धनं प्रेत्यगतस्तु भुङ्क्ते ॥ अमुत्र भविता यत्ते तच्चिन्तय शुभाशुभम् ॥ अhere abruptly breaks off the Ms. अव्ययशब्दवृत्ति Avyayasabdavritti No. 432 571 1887-91 Size-10 in. by 4 in. Extent - 4 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper, Devanagari characters%3 bold and fairly accurate writing. Margins ruled; partial blanks in the centre; complete. Age - Not very old. Author - Trilochana. Subject - Indeclinables, with examples illustrative of their vari ous uses. Begins - ॐनमः ॥ चति समुच्चये। वृक्षश्च प्लक्षश्च । नैव च । तथैव चोति॥ पादपूरणादावपि ॥ छ॥ Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B. Pāṇiniya School 329 Ends -ऋऋ ललू ऐ औ इत्येते तु भाषायामसंभविनः । एवं कुं स्वं गुंघं इत्यादयोप्यसंभविनः॥ इति त्रिलोचनविरचिता अव्ययशब्दवृत्तिरुदाहृता संपूर्णीकृता॥ अर्थातरे समासे च वीप्सायां वर्णने भृशं। व्यत्यये च विभक्तीनां पुनः शब्दो विभूषणं ॥१॥ श्रीपत्तने लिषिताः॥पं० रत्नविशालमुनिवाचनाय । लेषकपाठकयोः श्रीरस्तु ॥ यादृशं &c.॥ 493 चङ्गवृत्ति Changavritti No.433 1886-92 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 3 leaves, 9 lines in a page, about 44 letters in a line. Description -Country paper, Devanagari characters, with पृष्ठमात्राs. Bold and legible writing ; seems to be complete. Fairly correct. Many explanatory notes in Sanskrit written in the margin. Author - Changadāsa. Subject - A short treatise dealing with the meaning of the different Vrittis such as taddhita, krit. samāsa etc.,and with several matters referring to syntax. Bogins - श्री अर्हन्ताय नम ॥ यस्मिन्नर्थे विधीयन्ते त्यादितव्यादितद्धिताः। समासो वा भवेद्यत्र स उक्तः प्रथमा ततः॥१॥ उक्तस्यार्थस्य गृह्णन्ति संख्यानं त्यादयः परम् । लिंगसंख्याविभक्तीस्तु कृत्तद्धितसमासजाः॥२॥ द्वयोर्नाम्नोर्बहूनां वा यदि वाक्यं समुच्चये। अंगं च याश्रिता संख्या त्याद्यौ वा विशेषणे ॥३॥ The work seems to be divided into separate sections, such as सामान्योद्देश, कृदुद्देश, कारकोद्देश, and समासोद्देश. 42 Des. Cat, Vol. II] Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 Grammar Ends:: सम्बन्धे कारके वृन्दे भावे गोत्रे परत्र च । कृत्ति No. 434 कथ्यन्ते तद्धिता रूढाः समासान्ता अव्यया अपि ॥ ६० ॥ इति चड़दासकृतौ तद्धितपटलः षष्ठः ॥ Size - 10g in by 42 in. Extent —– 74 leaves, 17 lines in a page, about 54 letters in a line Description — Country paper, Devanāgarī characters with पृष्ठमात्राs Bold and legible writing. Fairly correct. Complete. Age - Samvat 1526. Author - Mokshesvara. Subject A short treatise dealing with the Krit suffixes and derivatives formed by them; consists of six pādas. Begins ई नमो श्रीवाग्देव्यै । Ends - Kridvritt 58 1873-74 वृक्षादिवदमी रूढाः कृतिना न कृताः कृतः । कात्यायनेन ते सृष्टा विबुद्धिप्रतिबुद्धये ॥ १ ॥ वृक्षादिवदित्यादि ॥ - ननु लाघवार्थ उवर्णादूट् अरिति क्रियतां किं वृद्धिग्रहणेनेत्याह ॥ रितिसिद्वे(?)वृद्धिग्रहणं मंगलार्थ ॥ ११५ ॥ इति वैयाकरणकमलतरणिपंडितमोक्षेश्वरविरचितायां गुरुनिरपेक्षायां कृद्ववृत्तौ षष्ठः पादः समाप्तः । इति कृवृत्तिटिप्पनिकं समाप्तमिति ॥ संवत् १५२६ वर्षे ज्येष्टवादि ११ शनिवारे लिलिखि Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ व्याकरणग्रन्थ No. 435 B. Paniniya School 331 Some Treatise on Grammar 493 1884-87 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent (54x2 =) 108 sides, 10 lines to a page, 26 letters to a Could not be ascertained. line. Description - Old country paper, much damaged, and wormeaten in many places. Devanagari characters with gas. Writing tolerably clear and legible. Written on one side of the leaf only. Wanting first two leaves, i. e., four sides, and the concluding part. Generally correct. Age Seems to be much old. Author Subject - Appears to be a portion of a section of some treatise on grammar, as could be seen from the Colophon which isइतिकृत्सूत्रतः प्रथमपादः etc. - C There is no proper beginning or end to this Ms. Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ERRATA 285 Page 59_The old No, corresponding to new No. 72 is 1875-76 Page 62--The old No. corresponding to 232 new No. 77 is 1892-95 Page 66–The old No. corresponding to 566 new No. 81 is 1887-91 New No. 110 is the same as New No. 109. Page 103—The old No, corresponding to new No. 115 is 485 18 1884-87 Page 128—The old No. corresponding to new No 152 is 502 884-87 335 A 1881-82 640 1882-83 1222 1891-95 Page 155—The old No. corresponding to new No. 194 is Page 157-The old No. corresponding to new No. 198 is Page 188—The old No. corresponding to new No. 240 is Page 213—The old No. corresponding to new No. 274 is Page 223—The old No. corresponding to new No. 285 is Page 304.-The old No. corresponding to new No. 401 is Page 318-The old No. corresponding to 309 1875-76 539 (a) 1887-91 639 1882-83 new No. 419 is 1895–1902 337 new No. 419 is Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I INDEX OF AUTHORS N. B.-(1) Anonymous works are not included in this Appendix. (2) The numbers denote the new serial No. of the works described and not the pages. Amarachandra see Amarasimha Amarasimha: Shaṭkārakalakshana or -vivarana Indradattopadhyaya: Svaravivriti Samvadachintamani Isvarānanda: Vyakaraṇamahābbāshyapradipavivaraṇa Ujjvaladatta: Unadisūtravṛitti Udayamkara: Paribhashapradipärchiḥ Udayakirti: Padavyavasthasūtrakārikāṭīkā Kamalakarabhaṭṭa: Vibhaktyarthaprakāśa Katyayana Varttikapāṭha (i) Kāśīnātha: Prakriyakaumudiṭikā (ii) Kāśīnātha: Dhatumañjarī Krishnapandita : Prakriyakaumudivyākhyā Yanlugantasiromani Krishnabhatta: Sphoṭachandrikā Vrittidipika Kaiyyaṭa Vyakaraṇamahābhashyapradipa Kondabhaṭṭa: Vaiyakaraṇabhushaṇa Vaiyakaraṇabhushaṇasāra Kshamāmāṇikya: Aniṭkärikävivaraṇa Kshirasvamin: Dhatupaṭha (?) Kshiratarangini Kshirataranginisamketa (?) Nipätavyayopasargavṛitti Avyayavṛitti Gangadāsa: Vakyapadiya, satika Gokulanatha: Padavakyaratnākara Gopaladeva: Laghubhushanakanti, i. e., Vaiyakaraṇabhushaṇasaraṭīkā Chakrapāņi: Praudhamanoramakhaṇḍana 333 :: 365-367 4 348 57-58 267-273 297-299 245 · 394 22-23 119 220-222 109-118 233 349 350 39-47 327-329 330-335 238 225 226-227 228 427 431 324-326 344-347 337 149-150 Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 Grammar 433 180-185 202 378-381 60- 67 68- 73 174-179 363-364 432 353 224 89 421 Changadása : Changavritti Jayakrishna : Subodhini Madhyasiddhantakaumudivilāsa Jayarāmabhattāchārya see Siromanibhattāchārya Jayaditya and Vamana : Kāśikävritti Jinendrabuddhi: Kāśikāvivaranapañjikā Jñānendrasarasvati : Tattvabodhini Trilokanātha : Shatkārakanirūpana Trilochana : Avyayaśabdavritti Devašarman : Samanvayapradīpasamketa Dhanajit : Dhätukalpalatikā Dharmakirti (?): Rūpāvatāra Nandikeśvara (?): Nandikeśvarakārikā, satīka Nāgojibhatta or Nägeśabhatta : Vyākaraṇamahābhāshyapradipoddyota Śābdakaustubhavyakhyā (?) Brihachchhabdendusekhara Laghuśabdendusekhara Paribhāshendusekhara Vaiyakaranasiddhantamañjūshā Nārāyaṇa : Vyākaraṇamahābhashya pradīpavivarana Patañjali : Vyākaraḥamahābhāshya Patañjali (?): Avyayārthaprakāśa Pasupati : Kārakaparikshā Pānini : Ashtādhyāyi Dhātupātha (?) Ganapātha (?) Lingānuśāsana (?) Vyākaraḥaparibhāshā (?) Punyarāja : Vākyapadīyatīkā Purushottamadeva : Bhāshāvritti(tikā) Purushottamadeva : Jñāpakasamuchchaya Paribhāshāvřitti Prabhudāsa : Shatkārakabālabodhini Bhattoji-Dikshita : Sabda-kaustubha Vaigākaranasiddhāntakaumudi : Praudhainanoramā Bhartrihari : Vākyapadiya Bhavanāthamiśra : Samāsavāda 18- 54 85 111-155 156-164 309-312 338-343 551 25- 38 429-430 385 5- 21 208-217 251-255 274-275 286-291 321-322 87 292-293 294 391-392 77- 84 120-127 128-135 320 409 Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix I 385 356-359 315-317 208-217 319 264-265 186 434 360-362 351 170-173 92-101 382-383 Bhavānandasiddhāntavāgisa : Shatkārakavivechana Bhima : Paribhāshārthamañjari Bhimasena (?): Dbātupātha Bhairavamiśra : Paribhāshendusekara vyākhyā Mānikyadeva : Unādivritti Murāri : Vaidikīprakriyātīkā Moksheśvara : Křidvritti Ratnapāņi : Shatkārakavivarana (i) Rāmakrishna : Šābdabodhaprakriya (ii) Rāmakrishnabhatta : Vaigākarana siddhantaratnākara Rāmachandrāchārya : Prakriyakaumudi Rāmatarkavāgisa : Kārakatippani Rāmaśarman : Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi vyākhyā Rāmasimhavarman : Dhāturatnamañjari Varadarāja : Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi Laghusiddhāntakaumudi Sārasiddhāntakaumudi Vardhamana : Ganaratnamahodadhi Varpi-Kuberanātha : Sabdavivarana Vararuchi (?): Lingānušāsana( vritti) Vararuchi (?): Prayogavivekasamgraha Kārakachakra Samāsapatala Vāmana see Jayāditya Vitthalāchārya : Prakriyākaumudiprasada Vimalakirti : Padavyavasthäsūtrakārikā Vimalasarasvati : Rūpamālā Vishņupandita : Paribhashāprakāśa Vaidyanātha Pāyagunda: Sabdakaustubhatīkā, Prabhā Bhävaprakāśikā Chidasthimālā Paribhāshendusekharakāśikā, Gadā Rapratyāhārakhandana Vyādi : Paribhāskā 201 223 187-200 203-205 206-207 257-260 352 277-279 395-402 403-405 413-414 102-108 245 88 300 86 146-148 165-168 313-314 422 285 Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 Grammar 280-281 282-284 305-307 376-377 384 318 425 370-375 Śabarasvāmin : Lingänusāsanatikā Śākațāyana (?): Riktantravyākarana śāntanava : Pnitsūtras Siradeva : Paribhāshāvșitti Siromanibhattāchārya and Jayarāmabhattachārya : Kārakaviveka Sesha Chakrapāni : Kārakatattva Seshasarman : Paribhāshendusekharaţikā, Sarvamangalā Srikaạokta (?): Apaśabdakhandana Śri-Manikantha : Karakakhandanamandana SrI-Mānasarman : Paribhāshāvșittitippani, Vijayā Sadāśiva : Vyakaraṇamahābhāshya gūdhārthadīpini ( Sadhusundara ): Uktiratnākara Sāyaṇa : Mādhaviya Dhātuvritti Sārvabhauma (?) : Samasavāda Somayājin : Vaiyākaranasabdamālā Haradatta : Kāśikāvyākhyā, Padamañjari Harshavardhanasvāmin : Lingānuśāsana Hari Dikshita : Praudhamanoramātikā Haribhāskara : Paribhāshābhāskara Harivallabha : Vaiyākaraṇabhūshanasāraţikā, Darpaņa Helārāja : Vākyapadiyaprakirņaprakāśa 308 59 386-417 229-231 409 418-419 74-76 280 136-145 301-303 336 323 Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX II INDEX OF WORKS 242 238 240 243 241 432 N. B.-(1) The mark put after a work indicates that the work is of unknown authorship. (2) The figures refer to the new serial No. of the works desoribed and not to pages. Anit-kārikāt 237 Anitkārikāvyākhyāna i Anitkārikāvivarana by Kshamāmāņikya Anitkārikávachūrif Do. (another work) † ; Anitkārikātikā i Anitkārikātippani i 239 Apasabdakhandana by Śrskaņokta (?) 425 Apasabdanirākarana i ? 426 Avyayārtha † 428 Avyayārthaprakāśa by Patañjali (?) 429-430 Avyayavritti by Kshirasvāmin (?) 431 Avyayasabdavșitti by Trilochana Ashţădhyāyi by Pāpini 5-21 Akhyātaprakriyā i 232 Abbiyādhikārasūtras from Ashțādhyāyi see Ashțādhyāyi 21 : Upasargavivaraṇa 424 Uņādigūtra(daśapādī)vșitti by Māņikyadeva 263-265 Uņādisūtravritti by Ujjvaladatta 267-273 Uņādisātra (Dašapādī) † ; 262 Unādivrittit 266 Uktiratnākara by Sadhusundara 386, 417 Uktipadāni i 393 Kārakavyākhyā=Kārakavāda Kārakaviveka by Siromaņibhattāchārya and i Jayarāmabbattāchārya 376-377 Kārakavivarana i 390 Kārakavilāsa t 368-369 Kārakavāda by Jayarāmabhattāchārya. 378-381 Kārakaparikshāvsittit 406-407 Kārakaparikshā by Pasupati 385 43 [ Des. Cat. Vol. II) Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 Grammar 384 382-383 403-405 403-405 370-375 68–73 61-67 74-76 434 226-227 228 251-255 256 257 261 258-260 Kārakatattva by Sesha Chakrapāņi Kārakatippaņi by Rāmatarkavägiýa Kārakachakraţikā i Kārakachakra by Vararuchi (?) Kārakakhandanamandana by Manikaạtha Kāśikāvivaranapañjikā by Jinendrabuddhi Kašikāvritti by Jayāditya and Vamana Kāśikāvyākhyā: Padamañjari by Haradatta Kridvritti by Moksheśvara Kshiratarangiņi by Kshirasvāmin Kshirataranginisamketa by Kshirasvämin (?) Gaņapātha by Pāṇini (?) Ganapāthaśloka i Ganaratnamahodadhi by Vardhamāna Ganaratnamahodadhi-avachūri | Ganaratnamahodadhi-vșitti by Vardhamāna Gadā see Paribhashendusekharakāśika and Paribhāshendusekharavivriti Chakrakāraka=Kārakachakra=Sabdachakra Changavřitti by Changadāsa Chidasthimālā see Laghuśabdendusekharaţikā Jñāpakasamuchchaya by Purushottamadeva Tattvabodhini by Jñānendrasarasvati Darpaņa see Vaigākāraṇabhūshaņasāraţikā Dasabalakārikā i Dasa Lakārāḥ † see Lakāravāda Dhätukalpalatikā by Dhanajit Dhātupātha † only from Kshiratarangiņi Dhātupāthā by Pāṇini (?) Dhātupāthavišeshāḥ † Dhātupratyayapañjikā see Rūpāvatāraţikā Dhātumañjari by Kašinātha Dhāturatnamañjari by Rāmasimhavarman Dhāturūpāņi i Dhāturūpāvali † Dhātuvșitti see Mādhaviyā Dhātuvșitti Nandikeśvarakārikā by Nandikeśvara (?) Nandikesvarakārikātikā † Nipātävyayopasargavritti by Kshirasvāmin and Tilaka 433 292-293 174-179 244 235 224 225 208-217 218-219 220-222 223 248,250 246-247 421 421 ... 427 Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix 11 339 344-347 245 300 297-299 301-303 315-317 294 305-307 295-296 308 309-312 313 318 314 Padamañjari see Kāśikāvyākhyā Padavākyaratnākara by Gokulnātha Padavyavasthāsūtrakārikā by Vimalakirti with tīkā by Udayakīrti Paribhashāprakāśa by Vishnupandita Paribhāshāpradīpārchiḥ by Udyamkara Paribhâshābhāskara by Haribhāskara Paribhāshārthamañjari by Bhima Paribhāshāvșitti by Purushottama Paribhāshāvșitti by Siradeva Paribhāshāvsitti i Paribhāshāvsittitippapi: Vijayā by Srīmānaśarman Paribhāshendusekara by Någojibhatta Paribhāshendusekharakāśikā (Gadā) by Vaidyanatha Payagunda Paribhāshendusekhara-țīkā : Sarvamangalā by Seshasarman Paribhāshendusekharavivriti (Gadā) Paribhashendusekharavyākhyā : Bhairavi by Bhairavamisra Prakriyākaumudi by Ramachandrāchārya Prakriyākumudiţika by Kāśinātha Prakriyākaumudīprasāda by Vitthalācharya Prakriyākaumudivyākhyā by Krishnapandita Pradipa see Vyākaranamahābhäshyapradipa Prabhā see Sabdakaustubhatikā Prayogapallava by Bhavanāthmisra Prayogamukhamandana=Prayogavivekasamgraha Prayogavidhi Prayogavivekasamgraha by Vararuchi Prasāda see Prakriyakaumudiprasāda Praudhamanorama by Bhattoji Dikshitā Praudhamanoramākhandana by Chakrapāņi Praudhamanoramātikā : Laghusabdaratna by Hari Dikshita Phitsūtrāni by Santanava with vrittit Bțihachchabdendusekhara by Nāgojibhatta Bhāvaprakāśika see Sabdaratnaţikā Bhashāvsittițīkā † the vșitti is by Purushottamadeva ... 319 92-101 119 102-108 109-118 408 411 395-402 128-135 149-150 136-145 282-284 151-155 87 Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 Grammar 202 233 422 423 89 ana 236 Bhūdhāto rūpāni i 249 Bhairavi see Paribhāshendusekharavyākhyā Madhyasiddhāntakaumudi by Varadarāja 187-200 Madhyasiddhāntakaumudivilāsa by Jayakrishṇabhatta Madhyasiddhāntakaumudīvyakhyā by Rāmaśarman 201 Madhaviyā Dhātuvřitti by Sāyana 229-231 Yanlugantaprakarana i 234 Yanlugantaśiromaņi by Sesha Krishnapandita Rapratyāhārakhandana by Vaidyanātha Payagunda Rapratyābāramandana i Rūpamālā by Vimalasarasvati 88 Rūpāvatāra by Dharmakīrti (?) Rūpāvatāratīkā 1 : Dhātupratyayapañjikā 91 Rūpāvali i 412, 414, 420 Riktantravyākarana by Śākatāyana (2) 1-2 Lakāravāda † Laghuparibhāshāvritti by Pupil of Bhāskara 304 Laghubhūshanakānti see Vaiyakaraṇabhūshana. săraţikā Laghumañjari i 354 Laghumañjūshā † 343 Laghuśabdaratna see Praudhamanoramātīkā Laghusabdendusekhara by Nāgoji or Nāgesa bhatta 156-164 (Laghu )Sabdendusekharajyautsnî by Udayamkara ... 169 Laghusabdendusekharaţikā: Chidastbimālā by Vaidyanātha Pāyagunda 165-168 Lalitāvritti see Pasibhāshāvritti Laghusiddhāntakaumudi by Varadarāja 203-205 Liñgānušāsana by Pāṇini (?) 274 Lingānušāsana by Harshavardhana with tīkä by Sabarasavāmin 280 Lingānusāşanatikā by Sabaragvāmin Lingänušāsanavșitti by Vararuchi (8) 277-279 Linga nušāsanavřitti 275-276 Vākyapadiya by Bhartrihari 320 Vakyapadiyaţikā by Gangādāsa 324-326 281 Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix 11 341 321-322 323 22-23 394 24 350 186 180-185 327-329 330-335 337 336 120-127 338-342 418-419 Vāk yapadiyatīkā by Punyaraja Vākyapadiyaprakirnaprakāśa by. Helārāja Vārttikapātha by Kātyāyana Vibhaktyarthaprakāśa by Kamalakarabhatta Vrittitrayavārttikānit Vrittidipikā by Krishnabhatta Mauni Vaidikīprakriyātikā by Murāri Vaidikiprakriyātikā : Subodhini by Jayakrishņa Vaiyakaraṇabhūshana by Kondabhatta Vaiyakaranabhushanasāra by Kondabhatta Vaiyākaranabhūshanasāraţika: Laghubhūshanakānti by Gopāladeva Vaiyakaraṇabhūshaņasāratīkā: Darpana by Harivallabha Vaigākaraṇasiddhāntakaumudi by Bhattoji Dikshita Vaiyákaraṇasiddhāntamañjūshā by Nāgesa Bhatta Vaiyakaranasabda( ratna )mālā by Somayājin (Vaiyākarapa )siddhāntaratnākara by Rāmakrishṇabhatta Vyakaranagrantha (?) 1 Vyakaraṇaparibhāshā by Pāṇini (?) Vyakaranaparibhāsha by Vyādi (?) Vyakaranamahābhāşhya by Patañjali Vyakaranamahābhāshyagūdhārthadipini by Sadashiva Vyākaraṇamahābhābhāshya-pradipa by Kaiyyata Vyakaranamahābhāshyapradipavivarana by Isvarananda Vyakaranamahabhashyapradipavivarana by Nārāyana Vyākaranamahābhāshyapradipoddyota by Nāgojibhatta Sabdakaustubha by Bhattoji Dikshita Sabdakaustubhatikā : Prabhā by Vaidyanatha Pāyagunda Sabdakaustubhavyakhyā: Vishamapadavyākhyā by Nagesa (3) 170-173 355, 435 286-291 285 25-38 59 39-47 57-58 55-56 Naraya 48-54 77-84 Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342 Grammar 146-148 351 35.2 415-416 363-364 391-392 389 360–362 Sabdachakra = Chakrakäraka = Kārakachakra Sabdaratnatikä : Bhāvaprakāśikä by Vaidyanātha Pāyagunda Šābdabodhaprakriya by Rāmakrishņa Śabdarūpāvali = Rūpāvali Sabdavivarana by Varņi Kuberānanda Sabdasamchayat Shatkārakanirūpaņa by Trilokanātha Shatkārakabālabodhini by Prabhudāsa Shatkārakavichāra f Sbatkārakavivarana by Ratnapaņi Shatkārakavivarana = Shatkārakalakshaņa Shatkārakavivechana by Bhavānanda siddhāntavāgisa Shatkārakalakshana by Amarasimha Shodaśakārikā † Shodaśakārikātikā i Samvādachintāmaņi by Indradattopadhyaya Samsksitamañjari by Sadhusundara Samanvayapradipasamketa by Devašarman Samāsachakra i Samasapatala = Samāsasamgraba Samāsamañjari † Samāsavāda by Sārvabhauma (?) Samāsasamgraba i Sarvamangalā see Paribhāskendusekharaţikā Sāmatantravyākarana Sārasiddhāntakaumudi by Varadarāja Subodhini see Vaidikīprakriyātikā Sphotachandrikā by Kộishnabhatta Mauni Svaravivsiti by Indradattopādhyāya 356-359 365-367 388 387 348 417 353 412 414 410 409 411 3 206-207 349 Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX III 61 CORRESPONDENCE TABLE N. B.-Bh.-written on Bhurjapattra; sara-written in Sarada characters ; .. . Ben=written in Bengali characters ; Mal. = written in Malayalam characters. All other Mss. are written on paper in Devanāgari characters. (Old) Ms. No. New Serial No. (Old) Ms. No. New Serial No. Collection of 1866-68 Collection of 1871-72 266 81 282 64 83 128 86 84 260 85a and be 76 393 307 Collection of 1872-73 69 402 Collection of 1873–74 273 160 434 398 Collection of 1874-75 386 27 43 99 :57 229 231 75 335 80 118 161 51 19 Collection of 1868-69 Collection of 1875-76 271(6) Śāra 272 273 274 426 431 271 265 297 315 275 263 338 102 114 151 305 276 282 283 284 264 385 60 70 72 Collection of 1869-70 73 21 226 96 285 286 287 288 290 291 303 304 305 306 307 228 427 294 29 30 112 105 422 318 308 106 31 116 46 233 80 Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 (Old) Ms. No. 308 309 310 311 312 314 315 319(6) 320 326 327 559 6 92 101 208 209 13 84 85 86 283 284 286 294 299 30 32 33 34 53 72 95 96a 966 97 98 99 100 101 106 New Serial No. Bh, Sara 89 Sāra 274 Bh., Sara 281 Sāra 276 321 22 Collection of 1877-78 Collection of 1879-80 Grammar 296 295 Sāra 388 353 421 Collection of 1879-80 Collection of 1880-81 (Old) Ms. No. 108 109 280 194 328 Collection of 1881-82 175 1 3 283 88 9 55 254 215 329 345 វគ្គរៀនគគគគគឺតធម្ម Collection of A 1831-82 53 327 330 331 332 333 334 140 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 93 168 104 178 279 179 349 180 326 342 343 344 380 185 69 186 71 187 181 184 68 188 293 189 190 191 192 195 28 196 197 34 New Serial No. 322 323 259 255 253 298 198 636 637 638 Collection of 1882-83 13 211. 48 49 50 79 195 194 193 156 157 158 167 169 310 313 147 384 210 316 317 58 42 289 23 340 170 143 166 85 123 121 181 184 272 358 248 Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix III 345 40 (Old) Ms. No. Now Serial No. 639 399 and 401 640 198 641 199 642 200 643 133 644 142 654 333 728 379 Collection of A 1882–83 242 (Old) Mø. No. New Serial No. 331 . . . 39 332 562 564 411 620(a) 41 Colleotion of 1884-86 235 247 108 249 251 251 218 15 253 254 258 259 260 261 262 286 309 423 330 1407 378 62 177 173 131 137 413 185 264 180 226 266 351 332 392 367 172 185 366 368 267 Collection of 1884-87 Collection of 1883-84 66 10 237 99 67 469 243 470 471 59 472 428 429 655 262 473 474 477 657 481 482 484 485 486 269 178 149 300 302 115 146 487 56 102 103 104 653 303 197 656 196 130 658 126 659 141 Collection of A 1883-84 94 209 97(a) 412 100 Śara 138 - 356 Collection Visrāma (i) 14 16 - Collection Visrāma (ii) 232 410 217 323 324 95 328 191 192 120 [ Deu, Cat. Vol. II } 275 350 250 435 230 150 488 490 491 493 500 501 502 503 570 751 752 778 796 256 94 345 152 183 362 381 347 236 329 Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 Grammar 417 535 216 491 492 821 433 112 497 499 246 301 546 311 331 336 (Old) Ms. No. Now Serial No. (Old) Ms. No. New Serial No. Collection of 1886-92 Collection of 1887-91 : 451 56 478 238 57 479 58 480 18 532 481 533 482 270 534 488 364 403 252 536 258 537 493 538 344 494 174 539(a) 285 495 244 540 306 496 352 541 224 542 118 498 247 543 408 544 Ben, 87 501 288 545 138 50% 278 503 548 504 319 549 329 505 92 550 506 101 551 337 07 .107 552 324 509 97 553 325 511 395 560 182 514 148 563 515 339 564 516 565 517 201 518 202 432 519 129 736 361 520 136 790 359 139 1364 522 38 Collection of 1891-95 524 551 : 20 525 614 Ben. 404 234 615 527 159 616 383 528 617 406 529 165 618 376 532 334 620 257 533 415 621 292 416 623 371 206 624 544 171 626 188 187 804 81 566 571 521 261 26 523 45 526 382 162 534 539 372 213 Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix III 347 75 82 387 355 51 38 654 83 84 6 179 409 (Old) Ms. No. New Serial No. (Old) Ms. No. New Serial No. 627 214 237 374 628 212 240 109 and 110 629 220 241 116 630 222 242 119 631 247 632 299 251 363 635 397 252 389 636 190 253 360 637 189 254 357 645 204 255 648 328 261 . 662 Collection of 1898-99 653 400 Collection of 1895-1902 655 317 241 656 405 318 660 365 319 375 661 366 221 176 669 348 322 670 324 671 291 207 325 290 684 430 326 100 810 377 327 98 934 396 328 113 1222 240 330 373 Collection of 1892-95 331 132 56 186 332 134 333 135 218 368 334 420 220 208 335 205 221 336 222 245 337 419 223 287 338 342 44 339 228 203 124 231 327 346 125 232 780 256 Collection of 1899-1915 Collection of 1895-98 269 232 272 390 227 312 11 276 314 230 268 277 424 279 53 370 280 163 233 369 281 164 283 127 216 223 394 227 32 345 233 173 275 228 249 231 232 234 Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 348 Grammar (Old) Ms. No. Now Serial No. 239 100 101 Collection of 1916-18 (Old) Ms. No. New Serial No. Collection of 1902-1907 98 144 391 102 343 103 104 24 106 418 107 154 Collection of 1907-1915 145 Collection of 1919-24 Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _