Book Title: The Jain 1998 07
Author(s): Amrit Godhia, Pradip Mehta, Pravin Mehta
Publisher: UK Jain Samaj Europe

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Page 126
________________ 10th anniversary praiththa mahotsawa he MYNLENNIUM Smruti Shah Information Technology is playing an increasing role Tin today's society. Many people still do not realise opportunity for parents and children to spend time the full potential of Information Technology and the together. This time can be used by parents to their role it has in improving our way of life. There are advantage too, as they can use this opportunity to many misconceptions about the introduction of IT learn things themselves. in areas such as education and recreation. My hope is that this articles will help people make a better IT eases the limits of time and space for education judgement of IT. activities. It can bring the best lecturers to students via multimedia, anytime and anywhere. However, The first and foremost benefit of IT is in the education even though the evidence is clear, computers are sector. Computers have been used within education still not as widely accepted in educational institutions. for a great number of years, (ever since the IT is still being restricted by the mentality of parents introduction of the Acorn BBC). The development and teachers who do not realise the full benefits of multimedia, (Text, sound, and still or animated computers can provide. graphic images) and also the arrival of faster PC's in the home market, prompted the development of "If computers are to be effective in schools, however, multimedia packages for educational use such as CD upending of some present practices must occur and ROM Encyclopaedias, Atlas's, and various other that frightens many people. Opposition is therefore specialist material. There is now scope for animated, inevitable. Some human instructors will object interactive learning. A solitary child can now explore emotionally, fearing that more extensive whole worlds at the touch of a button. For example, employment of technology will seriously degrade one CD-ROM can hold all 18 volumes of the their position." Encyclopaedia Britannica plus pictures and Frederick Benett, Ph.D. sound. All this is fully browsable, minimising search Author of "Computers as Tutors time and because it is digital media, it is extremely durable. These new tools of education have changed the way children learn. Interactive learning has been One of the biggest fears of parents who purchase proven, time and time again, to be more effective in computer for their children is that all it would be the child's learning process. Cognitive research at used for is playing games. Although partly true, UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) has playing games has its advantages and disadvantages shown "Fun' methods of learning improve too. Many of the games on the market today are information retention in a child. thought to be advantageous as it increases their perceptiveness and hand eye coordination. However the truth is, research has shown, computerised with multiple player games it could be an ideal education, properly used, can provide a personal Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present - you will need it later. Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 For 124 Use Only


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