Philos means love (intellectual) and sophos means wisdom. Philosophy is systematic articulation of wisdom supported by logical arguments.
Ultimately everyone wants to know reality, being wisdom of thought. Satya darshan is Tatvagyan.
Philosophy is the mother of all science. It is based on meta physics, ethics, perceptions and consciousness. Metaphysics is the knowledge of the truth, perception is knowledge given through senses, ethics is ethologic being logic of science, consciousness is from mind.
Western Philosophy:
It originated from Greece. The name of the city being Miletus, the philosophers from this city were called Milesions. "Archie" means ultimate reality. Thales said it is water, Anaxmander said it is boundless matter, Aximenes said it is air(space).
Then came the classical philosophers. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, De’scartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Copernicus, Emmanual Kant, and David Hume.
Socrates: He said question why? must be asked for everything. The society did not like youth becoming corrupt with idea and Socrates was not accepted in the society. Socrates was poisoned and died during this time.
Philosophy & Enlightenment