Not having self realization is like a disease
and the doctor is Sadguru. Medicine is in form of deep thinking,
getting cured is path of self realization. If you wish to be enlightened
then start making truthful efforts And never blame physical situation
of your life as the hindrance. One does not have to give up anything
after listening message of Sadguru. Determination to reach the goal of Sadguru
is required in given situation. Your social obligation and determination
to reach goal of Sadguru always go like hand in hand being part of
message from enlightened Guru. Thought without experience
from a religious group is only illusion. Not having knowledge of self realization
is determination in no direction. Enlightened Guru existed in past
will exist in present or future era. but the path of self realization said
by different sadguru will be identical. Each and every soul can attain
the state of enlightenment. Soul has to be fortunate to understand
value of message from Sadguru. If a person thinks that message from the Sadguru
is an ordinary incident Then the person will always remain
with the suffering of life and death.
Philosophy & Enlightenment