When body and soul remain detached,
Disciple will attain status of uninterrupted self realization,
This stage of knowledge of soul is totality. Just as long dream of billions of years can vanish
as soon as you wake up, same way false realization of soul with suffering
can vanish with enlightenment. If soul gets detached from body then you are not
responsible for your deed As soul will not do anything good or bad
and will remain within it's nature. This is the way to remain in consciousness
as you are an enlightened soul. The pure and peaceful soul does possess
enormous knowledge and vision. In purest form of self realized soul,
it's nature possesses endless joy, It is sparkling self lighted invisible matter.
Rest will be your experiential thought All the enlightened Gurus can not give
further explanation of the path Therefore Guru will become silent
and will now enter into deep meditation.
Final comments from disciple. Message from the enlightened Guru
has brought me self awareness Self realization of my soul came from the
knowledge hidden within me. Body, Mind and intellect felt the presence
of detached form of pure soul, Soul being different matter than body,
It is ageless, immortal, indestructible.
Philosophy & Enlightenment