Non living and living can be recognized
from it's characteristics. It can never get mixed with each other
in past, present or future time. I am surprised that soul only
is doubting it's existence. As the doubt itself is appearing
from the soul itself.
Questions doubting the second principle. As I think of your explanation of the existence of soul, thoughts arising from
my inner feelings believe it is possible. My second doubt is about soul being not destroyable, Soul is born as a body
and is destroyed with the body. Matter like soul and it's existence is momentarily,
changing every moment therefore from my experience I do not believe that soul is immortal.
Answer from Enlightened Guru on second principle. Existence of the soul makes nonliving
turn in to living body. This experience is possible
only if soul is immortal. As the soul is immortal
therefore knowledge can come from different source than the body
and one can experience it. All the circumstances are part of
the combination of experiences While soul being immortal
Circumstances do not affect purity of soul. 64
Philosophy & Enlightenment