Principles of Jainism:
Founder Tirthankar was Rushabhdev and Mahavirswami was 24th Tirthankar.
It is manifestation of unknown (atma).
it is swarupgyan being knowledge of your own identity Epistemology being knowledge, judgement. and perception is pratyaksha. Inference is anuman, verbal testimony is by shabda praman being the base.
One can get knowledge direct or through mediator.
Jainism believes in metaphysical logical relation called Anekantvad.
Theory of syadvad or relativity. Saptabhanginaya is: 1) Syad asti. 2) Syad nasti.
3) Syad asti nasti. 4) Syad avyaktam. 5) Syad asti cha avyaktam 6) Syad nasti cha avyaktam 7) Syad asti nasti cha avyaktam.
Five main principles of Janism are 1) Satya( absolute truth) 2) Ahinsa (non violence) 3)Aparigraha (limited accumulation) 4) Bramhacharya (control on sexual emotions) 5) Asteya. .(not to steal)
To know Jainism in depth one must study following Tatwa in detail.
Nine Tatwas.
1) Atma, (living organism), characteristics are- invisible, having knowledge, pure, enlightend matter, having endless joy. etc.
2) Pudgul, (non living matter) characteristics are- feeling, taste, smell, colour (shape), sound.
3) Punya( credit of good deed.)
mj4) Pap, (sin)
5) Ashrav, (how does the action get accumulated) 6) Samvar,( how to stop accumulation of deeds.) 7) Nirjara,( how to get rid of accumulated deeds.) 8) Bandh, (trap for getting re birth.)
9) Moksha,(liberation, enlightenment.)
Philosophy & Enlightenment