Book Title: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Granth Smrutiyo ke Vatayan Se
Author(s): Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
Publisher: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
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Dr. J. Jain 1. Concept of Living Water- Cells
Whenever we talk about cell-based life form, we mean only the biochemical cells and nothing else. Living organisms must necessarily have DNA/RNA, When the famous scientist Sir J.C.Bose talked about "life" in stones etc. we did not know, as to what form of life he referred to. One of the other life forms is probably based on Inorganic-cells.
Living-beings can be categorized into 5 types, based on its no. of senses, like Touch (body), Taste (Tongue), Smell (Nose), Vision (Eye) and Hearing (ears) sense. This also represents the evolutionary stage of living beings. Whereas the one sensed living-beings are at the bottom of the development ladder, the 5sensed animals are at the highest stage of development.
Living-beings, whose body is water itself, can be termed as JALKAYA or Water-bodied living-organism. One drop of water may be a lump of countless living beings. They go on reproducing and I dying ceaselessly in that body every second. On 'boiling' the water, this cycle of reproduction stops for a few hours, making it a lifeless structure, Introduction of foreign molecules in it also makes it lifeless.
2. Physical Structure of Water-Cells
As per chemical formula of water H,O, a molecule of water consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen (fig 1). The polar molecules of pure water form self-assembled nanostructure in hexa or penta shape of its molecules, represented like H1206 etc, called quantum crystals, where, position of atoms/molecules in the crystal is not defined (fig.2, ref 1). This "unit" structure further makes a net like nano-tube or hollow sphere by joining with neighbouring identical units to achieve minimum surface energy. (fig 3). This molecular net is of a hollow cylindrical configuration, storing energy and oxygen in its hollow space. These tubes have lion=implant' facility and are surrounded by its own