Book Title: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Granth Smrutiyo ke Vatayan Se
Author(s): Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
Publisher: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
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3. Though each vargana has infinite number of parmanus/skandh/pradesh, and 1 their numbers are keep on increasing from one to next, but such groups of parmanus/
skandha/ pradehs of all varganas can exist in asankhytawa division of angul.
4 . Area of Audarik is larger than Vaikriya and similarly area of vaikriya is larger than Aaharak and so on. This indicates that area of Mano vargana is larger than Karman vargana. However, number of parmanus are increasing from Audarik to karman and so on, which indicates energy density increases from Aanu to karman and to Mahaskandha.
5. Sukshma jeeva (invisble), which are of five types, exist everywhere in the universe. This shows that life exists everywhere in the universe, and all adaptable varganas except Aaharak, are being used by Jeeva throughout the universe.
6. The material (parmanus/skandha/pradesh) in any given vargana, except Audarik vargana, is not visible. Considering the whole universe is fully packed of these 25 varganas and assuming at the first order that each vargana occupies equal space at a given time (equal partition theory) then the visible material from the Audarik vargana may be estimated to 4%, and invisible material from all other remaining varganas to 96% of the total universe. This invisible material may be referred as dark matter and/ or dark energy.
7. The behavior of the material of any vargana in space and time depends upon the physical and chemical properties of the parmanus (shubh or ashubh), volume, density and velocity.
8. Dharmadravya (accelerating) or Adharmadravya (decelerating) medium controls the variation in behavior of material of a given vargana in space and time.
9. The total mass, momentum, and energy are always preserved in the universe suggesting the universe is flat (W=1). Also the universe was always same as it is at present indicating steady state evolution of the universe.
5. Discussion
We believe that most of the matter in the universe is dark, i.e. cannot be detected from the light which it emits (or fails to emit). This is "stuff" which cannot be seen i directly - so what makes us think that it exists at all? Its presence is inferred indirectly from the motions of astronomical objects < -mwhite/darkmatter/rotcurve.html>, specifically stellar, galactic, and galaxy clus-1 ter/supercluster observations. It is also required in order to enable gravity to amplify <> the small fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background < whatarecmb.html> enough to form the large-scale structures <http://> that we see in the universe today. Recent investigations by Shandan et al., (2006), Gogberashvili, M and <http:// author = Gogberashvili, + M &fullauthor=Gogberashvili,%20Merab&charset=ISO-88591&db_key=AST>Maziashvili, M (2005), < author_form?author=Maziashvili,+M&fullauthor=Maziashvili,%20Michael&charset=ISO8859-1&db_key=AST> Robertson et al., (2204), Brant <