Book Title: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Granth Smrutiyo ke Vatayan Se
Author(s): Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
Publisher: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
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511 1 and style of living and accepted the right of existence of different thinking. Jain
Sangh had one more obstacle in enlarging number of its followers and it was that 1 the Jainism preached, Tyag-worldly detachment with this and doctrine of achieving 1 the ultimate liberation "The Moksha" only by Right knowledge, Right Conduct, code 1 for the Laity, Lay seekers, Twelvevows, Six daily duties-Eleven Pratimas (Stages)1 Rules of ascetism Dhyan-Yoga and Ahimsa, this cuts physical & worldly pleasures. 1 Hence, till some one does not under stand the deep thought of Jainism he fears to I accept it. But the logical built up of Jain philosophy and the discipline which its I followers are expected to adopt has made a strong ground for the continued flow of
Jainism in India. Many school of thoughts became feeble in course of time but Jainism survived. The devotion which Jain Sangh had for its principles gave it long life and one can very well estimate that with the enlargement of education and print media the world is now attracted toworlds the message of Jainnism. Perhaps the present suffering world is now attracted towords the massage of Jainism. Perhaps
the present suffering world needs the hand of Jainism as a relaible friend. 1 The seventh forgotten link is the absence of alertness of Jain society to stand I against world authors who are representing facts in semicorrect manner. For exam
ple we look at the book 'Britanica ready reference Encyclopedia' - Volume IV page 123 which narrates about Ganga Dynasty - Either of two distinct but remotely re
lated Indian dynasties. The western Gangas ruled in Mysore state C.AD; 250-1004. 1 They encouraged scholarly work, built some remarkable temples, and encouraged
cross-peninsular trade. The Eastern Gangas ruled Kalinga from 1028 to 1434-35. They were great patrons of religion and the arts. The temples of Ganga period rank among the masterpieces of Hindu architecture. Both dynasties interacted with the Chalukya & Chola dynasties' Here itis important to note that south Ganga rulers were followers of Jainism. They supported Jain centres of education and helped building many Jain temples. The omission of this information spreads the message of no existance of Jains.
Links of Jain History 15th cent. BC to 1st cent. BC. Dynasty Period Capital
Details Nemi Yadu 15th
Dwarks Neminath & Krishna were Nath Yadava Cent. BC
Yadava's cousins started were compelled | Kurus and Pandvas were from
to shift their in conflict and the capital King Hari capital from was Hstinapur. Long back Shouripur to War of Mahabarat took place
Dwarka due to in which whole country was conflict with involved. Vedic culture which Jarasandh the preached division of society then ruler of in 4 Varnas, Yagya and animal Mathura.
sacrifice made kings and Rishis can not understand