Book Title: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Granth Smrutiyo ke Vatayan Se
Author(s): Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
Publisher: Shekharchandra Jain Abhinandan Samiti
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cgi-bin/author_form? author = Robertson, + B & fullauthor Robertson,%20Brant&charset=ISO-8859-1&db_key=AST>; Yoshida, Naoki <http:/ / author Yoshida, + N & fullauthor Yoshida,%20Naoki &charset=ISO-8859-1&db_key=AST>; Springel, Volker <http:/ / author Springel, + V & fullauthor = Springel,%20Volker&charset=ISO-8859-1&db_key=AST>; Hernquist, Lars <http:// author Hernquist, + L & fullauthor = Hernquist, %20Lars&charset=ISO-8859-1&db_key=AST> reveal global distribution and morphology of dark matter voids in a Lambda cold dark matter (LambdaCDM) universe using density fields generated by N-body simulations. Voids are defined as isolated regions of the low-density excursion set specified via denIsity thresholds, the density thresholds being quantified by the corresponding filling factors, i.e. the fraction of the total volume in the excursion set. Jainism concepts of varganas also strongly depend upon the density threshold for each given type, which I may be referred to various phenomena that have been observed or proposed in the dark universe such as voids.
Note that the dynamics of the Universe are not determined entirely by the geometry (open, closed or flat) unless the Universe contains only matter. In our Universe, where most of Omega comes from dark energy, this relation between the mass density, spatial curvature and the future of the universe no longer holds. It is then no longer true in this case that "geometry (spatial curvature) is destiny." Instead, to find out what will happen one needs to calculate the evolution of the expansion factor of the universe for the specific case of matter density, spatial curvature and "funny I energy" to find out what will happen. The Jainism has clear concept about the universe as flat in context to its Universe model, which has an extraordinary large but finite shape. According to this philosophy/ concept the observed acceleration or strong gravitation holding of the material from fly out as seen by modern cosmology | depends upon the density gradients of Dharma or Adharma Dravya in the location where the observations have been carried out. The Dharma Dravya will help in accelerating the material/ mass or body, while Adharma Dravya will cause decel-i eration or enhance the gravitational pull so as to stop the material to fly out. It j appears that Dharma Drvya exists everywhere in the universe i.e the interstellar i medium, but not inside the galaxies or clusters etc. otherwise the material from such large objects will fly out. On the contrary, Adharma Dravya might predomi-i nantly exist inside the large objects such as galaxies/ clusters etc. in order to stop their matter. However, the loss of mass caused during the motion of the objects and currently projected as dark matter/ dark energy may be referred to varganas, which are invisible according to Jainism.
. Baryonic
. Non-Baryonic
Dark matter (DM) candidates are usually split into two broad categories, with the second category being further sub-divided depending on their respective masses and speeds.