Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli View full book textPage 9
________________ SI.No. Letter No. Title Page No Sl.No. Letter No. Title Page No 80 810 73. 779 74 780 81 813 75. 781 76. 783 lead a living being to his ultmate goal of self realisation either in the same life or in two or three births or at last after fifteen births, The pure self is quite unaffected by 127 any other distinctive differences. One who has no feeling of 128 attachment or hatred towards any other being or thing in his environment is a great saintly soul and all our salutations to him time and again. Description of the state of the 129 highest self. One who regards gold as filth. The state of spiritual aspirant Shri 131 Sobhag bhai and his wonderful determination to follow the path of liberation chalked out by the enlightened saints of the past. All living beings desire happiness and ease. The all knowing saint approves all 133 stages of a spiritual pilgrim for liberation starting from a desire for general welfare to the ultimate stage of feelinglessness of the pure self. Salutations to the unfathomable and 134 obtainable with great effort the restraint of the great religious saints. The spiritual contact of the 135 disinterestedly devotional saints. XVI Whatever is impermanent from the 135 highest philosophical point of view, becomes the source of affection and attachment to a living soul. Why does it so happen, is worth reflecting about. The difference between worldly viewpoint and the all knower's view point is like that between the east and the west. In the higher stages of spiritual 136 progress the aspirant many a time is shaken by his long standing and attracting worldly emotional aspirations. In these difficult times, the spiritual aspirant should plod ahead like a brave soldier and work for progress setting aside his dejection and sloth. He should repeatedly read spiritual texts and keep contact with instructions of spiritual saints and enjoin undaunted faith and devotion to what they say. He should read Yogdrishtisamuchaya. The path of the great spiritual saints 137 is that of turning one's soul to his internal self. One should not allow dejection to 137 overpower him and on the contrary he should boldly follow the instructions of spiritual saints. Without equanimity we too cannot 138 advise unfetteredness. XVI 77. 785 82. 816 83 819 78 808 79.809 84 823Page Navigation
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