Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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the maximum a person may suffer series of births and deaths and in the end he gets liberation. After achieving Samkit a man's maximum time of worldly rotational lives, is ardha pudgal paravartan.
If a spiritual aspirant achieves Kshayopasham Samkit or Upsham Samkit,then such a living being can return to worldly life but if he reaches Kshayik Samkit, then he canot return to worldly life. Such a soul gets liberated in that very birth or at the maximum with in three births or possibly within four births. If after fixing the life of Yugalia = a soul gains Kshayik Samkit then there is a possibility of his four births before liberation. Mostly rare souls happen to be in this category.
The fundamental opinion of Shri Jin is not that his disciples whose knots were gone, male or female and Shravakas and Shravikas had achieved Samkit because they acquired full knowledge of the living beings and the non-living beings. But they are said to have Samkit because of their firm belief that Shri Jin is their only saviour that he is the correct deliverer of truth, a true spiritual guide and they believed that the spiritual path of liberation is advocated or shown by him, and all this they gained by surrendering to him in their search for liberation. Such personal confidence in him such love for him and such surrender to him is also like right understanding. To admit that Shri Jin is the right spiritual guide and that his experience is beneficial to every spiritual aspirant that the right road to liberation is correctly chalked out by Shri Jin as he has followed it himself and realized his eternal self, and that Shri Jin possesses all spiritual viritues that must be present in a self realized soul, that he is totally non-attached and impartial extremely humble and still guiding his disciples in a masterly way all these qualities found in Shri Jin, prove his superiority to all other spiritual guides. A non-attached person is always a truth-teller and only when a path
of liberation is certified by him then it is worth accepting by all spiritual aspirants. To know all these details about Shri Jin is secondarily a knowledge of self and not self.
By such admission, love and shelter of Shri Jin, a spiritual aspirant gains in detail gradually the distinctive knowledge of all living and non-living beings. By obeying the command of such spiritual master the disciples attachments and hatred get weakened and in the end they are destroyed completely and he becomes a Vitraga or a totally non-attached soul. It is difficult to achieve this kind of Samkit without direct personal contact of a spiritually enlightened master, or by the scriptures listing the teachings of such spiritual guide a soul who has been in search of the right path to liberation, gains Samkit or some Acharya directly helps one to gain Samkit by showing the truth and spiritual competence of such spiritual instructions given by a spiritual guide of the past.
73 (779)
Mumbai, Jyestha Sud, V-S 1953
Om The All knower
When complete non-attachment from all other substances except the spiritual self is enjoyed by an aspirant he is liberated. The liberated soul is always free from all considerations other than its own pure self, free from all other substances, from all spaces and times and from all other mental dispositions.
To see one's eternal self in the form of pure experience and directly separate from everything else, is called the state of total freedom. Such a person keeps quiet, becomes free from all bondages, he is totally non-attached, he has no alternate views and is free