Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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79 (809)
Mumbai, Aaso Sud Eighth
Sunday, V-S 1953 The contact or direct sight of the spiritual saints whose devotion is always selfless is to be recognized as of great spiritual good.
and then they develop as ends too and so no enlightened soul will ever oppose them or say a word against them.
In case when some aspirants keep away from the path of the enlightened saints by sticking to mechanical religious external ceremonies or other activities or they stop in the way of higher spiritual progress by their intellectual folly, or by contact of so called and wrong religious guides they are misguided by following the kinds of renunciation and non-attachments which can never lead them to the right path to liberation, then only the spiritually enlightened saints will by their graceful actions some time oppose such wrong way of renunciation and non-attachment, then in such cases all spiritual aspirants should not be confused by such opposition and they should try to understand the proper minds to following right forms of renunciation and non-attachment both internally and externally, mentally and bodily.
80 (810)
78 (808)
Mumbai, Aaso Sud Eighth
Sunday, V-S. 1953 Salutations to the deep great self control of the enlightened saints.
Salutations to high spiritual saints starting from Shri Rishabhadeva and others who drank deadly poison with perfect equanimity.
That which baffles a person as deadly poison in the beginning but ends later on as the wholesome nectar-to this self restrained or self-control we offer our respectful salutations. Repeated salutations to such knowledge, such vision or perception and such behaviour.
Mumbai, OM
Aaso Sud Eighth,
Sunday, V-S. 1953 From the viewpoint of highest spiritual good I do not feel like writing letters.
The matter as to why that which is transitory, meaningless and non-protective, should be the object of attraction and love to this living being, is worth considering day and night.
The distance between the worldly view and the spiritually enlightened person's view is like that between west and east. The sight of the enlightened person is from the first independent, it does not arouse any liking or appetite it does not agree with the bodily, dispositions of a living being and as a person feels not attracted to be with an enlightened saint. But those living beings who have after suffering much opposition have prayed for getting the sight of an enlightened person have reached nirvana or self-realization as the end of all misery or have controlled the causes of final release from all misery