Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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At present you should meditate on Atmanushasan.
of dispositions tums to pure sentience and for experiencing it, one has to set aside illusory or misguided behaviour which is removed by the absoluteness of the right spiritual path of sentience or of the enlightened saints. By total non-attachment one can experience his mergence in his pure self.
Oh Arya Monks! I always desire such non-attachment as can lead me to non-attached pure consciousness or sentience. O best of the monks! study well and experience that total non-attachment.
If there is no other good way for total agreement than not to have any spiritual contact for two years, then do accordingly.
My salutations to the great souls who merged themselves in non-attached sentience of self-consciousness, also to those who are doing it now and who will do similarly in future,
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Mumbai, Kartaka Sud Fifteenth
V-S - 1956 "Guru Gandhar Gunadhara Adhik, Prachur Parampar Aur, Vratatapadhar, Tanu Nagandhar, Vando Vrusha Sirmore."
Meaning : Salutations to the spiritual master who is the leader of all his disciples and possesor of all spiritual virtues to the maximum and who is the excellent protector of all spiritual traditions, who has observed all vows and penances promoting spiritual progress, who has abandoned all coverings of his body and who is the controller of all embodiments of power.
This world does not rest or enjoy peace by a delusion of its own nature caused by obstructions of sense objects.
Only one unique way of securing endless limitless happiness is to be firm in one's own nature. This beneficial way is seen and shown by the enlightened saints.
Lord Jin has written his Dwadashangi for this purpose and it shines by the same superiority in all religious text, and it becomes victorious.
By hearing the teachings of such great enlightened souls, the living being experiences rapturous joy and confirms the distinctive nature of the self and the not-self, experiences them and gradually settles in his real self. By right experience, the living soul stays in his pure self.
By elimination of illusory in sight or perception a spiritual aspirant develops high devotion for the path of the enlightened saints and he confirms rightly the nature of the real, and by this one's current
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Dharmapur, Chaitra Vad Fourth
Wednesday V-S. 1956 All worldly persons experience pleasure and pain as a result of their deeds but mainly they experience pain. Rarely in some birth they lead a very pleasant life but even there they suffer from internal mental conflicts and afflictions. Even completely enlightened saints did not have words to describe this pain fully. Such indefinite and endless pain this living soul has experienced in his past and if in this life the causes of this pain are not removed or destroyed then he has certainly to suffer it in future too. Knowing this well, the best thinking persons tried to search the path by following which they can effectively destroy both pleasure and pain with internal afflictions and the mental and physical burning pain full of misery. They searched