Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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As self control increases, the self begins to manifest increasingly. The cause of development of self control is the purity of right perception and its cause also is the spiritual contact with the pure self. Normally the fitness for spiritual contact of one's pure self is difficult but it can be found in the self poised absolutely nonattached visionary spiritual great saints.
I had written a brief summary of Panchastikaya for the study of one great person and I send it to you along with this letter for your reflective understanding.
Oh Arya! The fruit of the contact with spiritual self is selfcontrol where in one experience complete retirement from all aspirations and desires. These sayings of mine you should always bear carefully in your mind without forgetting them any time. What more need I say? It is the secret of spiritual meditation or Samadhi and it is the unique way to be free from all misery.
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Mumbai, Jetha, V-S 1955
May the feet of the highest and kind king of all saints or monks receive my devotional salutations.
How wonderful are the nectarlike teachings posture and good spiritual contact of saints! They cause awakening of the sleeping sentience, bring stability to diminishing disposition of self- aspiration, inspiring the unique self's nature and always alert self-control by only spiritual perception or by their sight, confirmer of the eternal nature of pure self in a spiritual aspirant, developer of slothless self control, and completely non-attached single minded nature and lastly
enabling the aspirant to stay in his eternal pure self manifesting the self`s non-yogi nature and also totally boundless self nature. May these three be at all times be victorious!
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.
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Mumbai, Shravan vad Fifteenth OM V-S 1955 Salutation to the inaccesible and yet simple or easy path of great spiritual saints.
Always contact with spiritual saints is worth having. By good fortune or by the yoga followed by a soul in his past birth, a person gains right spiritual urge, otherwise it is very difficult. True spiritual urge is born in an aspirant by his contact with a spiritual saint by whole heartedly surrendering to his lotuslike feet and deciding to follow his guidance literally. Or to such proper spiritual aspirant, the faith in his pure self develops by his contact with a spiritual master. He gains the right path of liberation followed by unending line of spiritual enlightened saints. One who has a true aspiration for liberation the contact of a spiritual saint and his teachings develops in him the constant search for his pure self. The serial order of the path of liberation is of this type. At present such contact of a spiritual master is difficult because even in the best of times, it is difficult. Still one who is a right spiritual aspirant who constantly thinks of self welfare day and night and aspires to have self manifestation in his being, a spiritual contact with an enlightened saint becomes easy.