Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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faith in their selves, and that the right religious activities may expand without any increase of imaginary differences of opinion; instead peace may prevail both in you and in your hearers. Be inspired in living in this manner and behave in such a way that more aspirants may begin to love the right religious scriptures.
This letter should be placed in the service of Shri Lalluji monk. OM peace
Keep your attitude and behaviour such that all who see you are inspired to confirm their faith in the devotion to the enlightened masters and in the path advocated and adopted by them.
This will remove sloth in others and develop best conduct both in you and in others who meet you.
OM peace.
98 (943)
Morbi, Shravan Vad Seventh,
Friday, V-S. 1916 OM
Salutations to Shri Jin
The dominant instruction of the enlightened saint is to be in highest retirement. If one is not able to concentrate on his pure self it is desirable to be always retired from everything or to be alert to his pure self by securing occasions of complete retirement
You are instructed to act accordingly-Eighth, Fourteenth day of Indian calendar etc., these religious days should be religiously observed to promote the good of your souls.
Try to confirm the path chalked out by the enlightened saints and see that you and other spiritual aspirants around you undoubtedly accept it and thereby develop best virtues, observe all religious vows, instructions, and rules of noble behaviour and you muster all strength in your devotion to the divinities, the spiritual masters and soul shining religion and this is to your best spiritual advantage.
99 (944)
Morbi, Shravan Vad Tenth
V.S. 1956 Brother Kilabhai, Tribhovan and other spiritual aspirants at "(Khambat)"
Today I have posted to you the book Yogashastra.
If Shri Ambalal comes to Khambat it is all right. If not, you and Kilabhai and other spiritual aspirants should read and study this Yogashastra from Shravan Vad Eleventh to Bhadrapad Fifteenth for concentrating on good observance of vows, scrupulous following of religious instructions, and increasing the spirit of retirement
A living soul has done all he could in harming his good by sloth and idleness and still he does not desire his ultimate good and this is the very sorrowful state of affairs.
O Arya! By your inspired strength, try to slacken your sloth and idleness, develop good and noble conduct, read the spiritual revealed texts and by their deep study maintain your self by total retirement from all worldly activities.
At present in every letter I feel writing to you to secure retirement.