Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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and to live in that stage continuously without any obstacle or hindrance.
The self is pure conscious, released from the cycle of birth, oldge and death and rebirth, totally unattached. All knowledge is summed up in it. In the realization of sucha stage all right understanding (Samyak Darshan) is summed up. The natural stage of nonattachment of the self is called Samyak Charitra or right behaviour or right being. It is excellent self restraint or control and excellent stage of a non-attached self. The result of the completion of non-attachment is the destruction of all unhappiness and miseries. All this is undoubtedly true, undoubtedly true.
of the living human body as only ash, staying at home as like a piercing lance, actions of his family as death, any desire for increasing prestige in the world as only saliva of one's mouth, the desire for fame as the dirt from a nose, and the rise of the results of one's good deeds of the past as the bodily refuse. To such a saint Banarasidas offers his salute.
Keep non-attachment by not thinking af anybody friend or foe. The undoubted truth is that a person will speed up to his selfrealization as he will realize the effectiveness of the teachings of self - realised souls and as they will be totally accepted by all the bones and limbs of his body.
By true heart engaged in the shelter of the spiritual contact of the enlightened saint, a spiritual aspirant reaches a highly advanced spiritual stage in a very short time.
My request to you is to quell down any aspiration or desire for any living being either worldly or one who has renounced the world for self-knowledge. You direct all your energy to realize total non-attachment and consequently to the stage of an enlightened saint as described in the above poetical stanza. Because as no other aim is worth keeping whoever will totally accept and follow the teaching of an enlightened saint wholeheartedly, will reach or gain final truth without any doubt. Also one should not think of his worldly future as all this will happen - one's leading his life acquiring the means of good living etc. as predetermined by the deeds of his past life. I know you have to a great extent quelled down all such desires but I have written about it again here with a view to give strength and encouragement to your efforts at it.
The fruit of all spiritual knowledge is to develop a strong sense of total non-attachment to all living beings and things of this world
76 (783)
Mumbai, Ashad sud Fourth, Sunday
V.S. 1953 Salutation to Shri Sobhag
The unique, wonderful determination of Shri Sobhag for adopting the path of the enlightened soul and his excellent aspiration for liberation is repeatedly remembered by me.
All living beings desire happiness but very rare souls from them, know its exact nature. A living being from ages past, has not known the remedy of total elimination of his misery in the form of his rotation in the cycle of birth and death. If such a being experiences a strong desire to know it and employ it for his final release by getting the advantage of spiritual contact of an enlightened saint then by his grace he can know the remedy well and working under his spiritual guidance, can experience his total release or freedom from all miseries.