Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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The path of liberation is not outside the living being. It lies only in his inner self. One who has successfully gained his self within him will show others this path by which they will be liberated as their advisers.
The path can be shown only in two letters and now reflect as to why the two letters namely Atma is not secured by you till the passage of unending or beginningless period of time.
15 (172)
Mumbai, Kartik Sudi Fourteenth Wednesday, V.S. 1947
Truth Seeker and obedient intellect, Khambhat
I received your letter yesterday suggesting highest devotion and I experienced great joy after reading it.
From times immemorial one has always misunderstood himself. This life is a place for unprecedented self search, self reflection, which is beyond verbal expression. Where intellect cannot reach how can speech succeed?
Always follow the order of unconcernedness. Merge your mind and being in all-round service and devotion to your spiritual preceptor. Try to remember the behaviour and actions of the spiritual saints, reflect and meditate on the excellent qualities and merits of the spiritual saints. Try to see by your whole heart the physiognomy of the spiritual masters.
Repeatedly remember every mode of the spiritual master's mind, speech and bodily behaviour. Approve without doubt or hesitation, all what is approved by him.
What is said above was accepted in their hearts by all enlightened spiritual all-knowers and so theirs highest secret of spiritual life must be accepted by all who desire Nirvana or liberation or total freedom of the self. This should be made the spiritual aspirants fundamental article of faith, it is worthy of repeated reflection and meditation, one should every moment, be engrossed in it. So this is the royal road to grip the secret of getting to God's home, it is the essence of all scriptures, it is the core of the hearts of all saints, and the cause of all these is the acceptance of the living spiritual master with full faith and complete unfailing whole hearted surrender to him.
What more need I write? Either today, or tomorrow or at the end of even hundred thousand years of time or either earlier or later to it, a person desiring his final good has to accept it and realize it completely. At all times and places this is approved by me.
I shall keep in mind to write to you occasionally. Do carry on talks about knowledge among persons who meet you and go on meeting them and talking to them on spiritual matters so that they may derive benefit from the same.
It is possible that Shri Ambalal will understand more this letter. You may observe or mark the details of this letter in his presence. And if he and Shri Tribhovan and others need, you can give this letter to them for getting copies.
This is all I have to say today.