Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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believing, right seeing and right acting under the guidance of a spiritual master or masters. He should keep in touch with revealed texts and enlightened saints.
The longevity of my body is spent in going through worldly adjuncts or occasions and I feel much sorry for it, and if I do not remedy this situation then I should be considered as one of the very few unthinking or wrong thinking persons.
My salutations to that spiritual knowledge which can destroy all attachments or kama (Lust).
62 (609)
- Salutations to real self.
Jetha V-S- 1951
Shri Vitaraga or non-attached calls the establishment of the natural form of the pure self as Moksha.
The living soul, already possesses the existence of his natural self in him, but he does not know it and after knowing it, is called liberation or release.
3. Owing to contact with or identification with the not-self the living soul has forgotten his real nature and by retiring from all attachment to the not-self, he can directly establish his pure self in him where he has eternally been living.
That is why all self realized saints Tirthankara have praised non-attachment as the best as that way opens the doors of self realization. All means of final release are based on nonattachment to all worldly considerations.
5. All teachings of Jain scriptures are summed up in total nonattachment, as all they have said in various words is only to advise the spiritually aspiring soul to be free from all attachments. Starting from the existence of an atom to the fourteen worlds and from a winking state to the stonelike stability of the completely self-realized saints called Shaileshidasha or Avastha, all activities are minutely described by the enlightened saints such as the Jin where they aim at explaining clearly this stage of total non-attachment leading to final release.
6. To be totally unattached from all aspirations is the most difficult experience or means for final release, and to achieve it without the help of a spiritually enlightened master is also next to impossible i.e. very difficult. Keeping this fact in mind, Shri Tirthankara has said that spiritual contact of living saint is the basis of non-attachment. It is only by this shelter that the aspirant can experience total non-attachment that is found in pure self.
7. The living being has many a time come in contact with spiritual saints in his endless past but such contact has not yielded the desired result. This has been said by Shri Vitaraga because he says that the living soul could not appreciate the value of spiritual contact and as he did not follow it with all love and affection it deserved and knowing its presence and absence were the same, he forgot it and left it or threw it away. By reflecting on what I have said above, I have experienced my real self in natural equipoise or Sahaja Samadhi and so I salute all spiritual contacts that have helped me always.