Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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underrated by you in your fearless following of your passionate worldly activities - these results are very dangerous and destructive of your spiritual aim and in such condition the Anantanubandhi Kashaya prevails. Besides one may feel that he understands something and his knowledge is such that going through passionate life will do him no spiritual harm then this is sheer folly. He further believes that by enjoying worldly pleasures he will not lessen his retirement from them and so instead of retiring he further indulges in similar passionate life then his knowledge is false and he is said to suffer from Anantanubandhi Kashaya.
In wakeful conscious life the more a man purifies his spiritual activitiy the more he is able to remove his dreaming condition. His sleep in the form of dream regarding worldly life as real, gradually dies out and he is awakened to his spiritual life and its aim.
65 (677)
Mumbai, Chaitra Sud First, Sunday, V-S 1952
Received your letter. I have read the description of your normal mental tendencies from your letter. You have asked me to write to you some spiritually beneficial matters in detail and so I have written below some points in brief for your reflection.
As a result of my past deeds, looking at the mental stage I am passing through now, I feel like writing to you only in brief and I think it is quite proper. Normally enlightened saints do not express in brief their spiritual instructions to their disciples and in case they do so then it is only for the following two reasons.
1) If their disciple does not follow these instructions even in favourable conditions or he may not even understand such instructions even when expressed elaborately to him.
2) The spiritual saints may appear to the aspirant behaving externally in a ordinary worldly ways and such of their behaviour may obstruct their disciple from following their instructions in detail, in such two circumstances the enlightened saints try to shorten what they want to say by way of guidance to their disciples. In such circumstances they prefer keeping mum too.
A living soul does not get relief from three types of adjuncts (upadhi) simply by leaving his home and hearth and adopting a life of a recluse. Even after being a recluse if he does not reflect on his spiritual nature and does not whole heartedly follow the spiritual guidance of his enlightened saint, all renunciation of his external possessions is only in name and not in spirit and he does not realize the purpose of his abandonment of worldly life. He does not become self-reflecting. Then you can imagine how much more difficult it is for a man to be self-reflecting when he is steeped in worldly entanglements. This shows that a man leading worldly life must use more self force to be self reflecting on his pure self.
What more need I write in this strain? One should muster all his courage to concentrate on his spiritual aim by cutting short all worldly activities and try to uncover his inner shining self and till this happens, he should only be clear that what he feels as his understanding and knowledge is only expressing his egoism or false sense of I and nothing else. Knowing this well, he should act in such a way that he rightly may gain knowledge perception and appropriate behaviour in the path of spiritual good. Day and night he should be