Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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body else. There is no use of these external religious injunctions and prohibitions which do not lead their observer to inward spiritual progress. To keep on maintaining external sectarian differences of religious practices and satisfying many kinds of imaginary religious wishes lead only to string them the covering or obstruction, ignorance suffered by a living being. Even the multisided Jain religion preaching seeing a thing from many points of view has no other aim but totum the spiritual aspirants attention to realize his pure self form. Knowing it well, I have addressed the above lines to you and it is done with a view to help you, with no prejudice about it with me, without any deceit or pretense. If you think thus rightly then you shall understand well and follow what I have advised you above.
persons to be left behind you. In the end of living being who faces death with determined faith in the first kind of spiritual aspiration, his living is fruitful and successful and he only ultimately liberates himself in near future.
Seeing you more attached to traditional externals of religious injunctions and prohibitions, I felt much sorry that you are wasting much time in it and thereby you cannot much concentrate on spiritual effort for your liberation and so you can not realize steadiness in it. I ask, can you in such a state of your mind think of your real self well? and if it is not so, then are you not like me feeling that as much contact with external religious details is harmful to you spiritually? These religious details may be ordinarly cared for and they should not occupy much of your precious wakeful time. Do you not ask yourself as to for what gain are you so wasting your time? And what will it end in? Why do you not attend to this matter and for what reason? In the past, when I saw this behaviour of yours I was inclined to draw your attention to it but seeing that you may not like it nor you may turn away from your preoccupations mentioned above, I kept quiet. Even now for you there is a scope of reflection on this matter. Please note that for people only knowing right vision is not enough. They should try to possess it and derive spiritual benefit from it. Nor one's good lies in admitting his duty to observe these external religious dos and don'ts. This is what I feel. Please do not think that what I have written here, is from any particular religious point of view or that I have some other motive in it. The correct viewpoint is only that which may lead you to see youself internally and spiritually and that is the object of my writing to you.
People are not likely to benefit you, or the bodily activity of mine is not done from any consideration of praise or blame by any
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Nadiad, Aaso Vad Tenth
Saturday, V-S 1952 To self searching student of the path of monks Shri Lalluji and Shri Devakaranji and others at Khambhat.
Received you letter. Here I enjoy samadhi or perfect peace. I enclose herewith Atmasiddhi or self realization which Shri Lalluji should mentally dive in at present.
In case either Shri Lalluji or Shri Devakaranji wish to go through the Jain scriptures then Acharanga, Suyagadang, Dashavaikalika, Uttaradhyayan and Prashnavyakaran are worth deep study.
Knowing that it would be better if Shri Devakaranji reads Atmasiddhi Shastra after some time, I have advised its deep study