Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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Mumbai, Kartaka Sud Seventh
Saturday V.S. - 1951 Salutations to spiritual saints,
The spiritual aspirants staying in Khambhat (Cambay)
Best wishes to you all from Raichand at Mumbai keeping the memory of my real self.
I acknowledge receipt of one letter from a spiritual aspirant Ambalal.It is natural for you all to feel sorry seeing the flickering mind of Krishnadas. If possible ask him to read Yogavasishta from its third chapter onwards or you read it before him so that he can hear and think about the reading material and arrange spiritual contacts often in your spare time from your other religious movements, It is better to arrange a spare time by day for spiritual thinking, reading and discussion about spiritual matters.
I shall think over your desire for my spiritual contact with you. I think such meeting can be arranged in the last half of Magasara month or in the beginning of Posha Month.
Krishnadas should remove all conflicting thoughts from his mind because a thinking soul can have no fear other than the fear of ignorance in this world. He should only desire the removal of this ignorance and should not entertain any other desire. Suppose he finds in him any other desire excepting the desire for his relief from ignorance, then also he should stick to the idea that this worldly life is like a prison of his soul that all worlds are burning with all sorts of miseries and full of fear and burning with fruits of attachment and hatred and all this serves as an obstacle to his acquisition of right spiritual knowledge of his self. Therefore he should realize that early
relief from worldly life is the way to remove all fear and dejection He should therefore retire from all worldly contacts.
The Great soul Shri Tirthankara has advised the non-attached souls to bear whatever adverse times they have to pass through. Describing the nature of adverse times he says two kinds of adversities, one ignorance and two wrong sight or perception.
Supposing some adverse circumstances face us powerfully and in spite of surrendering to a spiritually enlightened guru or master, we do not dare to remove the cause of our ignorance then in such adverse condition too we should maintain patience and increase our contact with our spiritual master only this way the ignorance will weaken to self and gradually get eliminated; or gone for good. Because our soul has a strong determination to destroy our ignorance and so such ignorance will lose all support and so will have no reason to continue with us. Its only support is the effect of our previous deeds and this effect will also be abandoned by us as we have no interest in any worldly actor in its results. Thus we should patiently bear the mental disturbance. We may suffer from knowing well that they will go away for good after some time. Therefore even such sufferance is also called a part of Paramartha or the highest good of our soul. Here I have stated the nature of both the above said kinds of troubles of our soul. But this patient bearing of adverse times is not identical with pramador a mental condition of making no effort to remove these sufferings. This all of us should bear in mind.
Shri Tirthankara and others have repeatedly advised spiritual aspirants not to be deluded by any wrong ideas about their liberation Where a soul desires to remain in delusion then there is no salvation for him.
They have repeatedly said that if a soul strongly desires his liberation he can quite easily achieve it. But by other ways he can