Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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reaching his pure self, and the spiritual master who does not change his nature while instructing his disciple to get the self-knowledge, deserves all praise. Till the spiritual master reaches such a perfect stage, he deserves leaving his mastership and trying to behave towards his disciple as the disciples disciple
never achieve liberation. And this is quite easy to understand because one is asked only to understand the nature of his self as it is and not in any other form and this too is not the talk about revealing the nature of any other self. We ask him to understand his own nature and therefore misunderstanding in this matter is not possible under instructions of a self realized spiritual master. How is it possible for one to keep concealed about his own nature ? But as in a dream one believes in what he sees in a dream as real, though nothing of it is really there, similarly one soul finds entangled in worldly rotational life though after realizing his own self, finds that he is quite disembodied pure sentience or consciousness ever luminous and enlightening everything that is not self. Once imaginary ideas of one's self are gone the soul manifests its own nature and that is liberation, Once the pure self is realized the living being has undoubtedly realised the goal no matter he may not have adopted the means of meditation, incantation, body control, mind control. pilgrimage, devotion, scriptural knowledge etc. as approved by worldly people.
Salutations from the real self.
54. (Handwritten notes 2-7)
O soul! keeping your fixed gaze try to look within and there you will experience your own real nature as pure self.
O living being! Because of your wrong sight the nature of your pure self is not seen by you and you have doubts about it, you are in illusion and are afraid of your pure self.
By a right vision all your delusion and fear will vanish.
O you deserving right vision! Right behaviour must result from right vision; therefore do not have any misunderstanding about your pure self or about right vision and right action.
One that brings to you delusion,is your karma bondage, even that will be well recognized by you.
O you capable of right behavior or action! Now you should not wait for right vision, no delay should you cause in having right vision and consequent right experience of your real self. Many obstacles in your path of right knowledge have now been removed then why do you waste time in realizing your pure self?
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Mumbai, Kartik Sud Fourteenth
Monday V-S 1951 From the view point of the pure self all living beings have the same nature. Only when the living soul tries to consider another object as his own, then only he suffers, revolving around the various worlds, and the moment he realizes that he is only his pure self then his worldly life ends. Therefore a spiritual aspirant a researcher of his own self, should in all humility approach a spiritually enlightened master and surrender to him to follow his guidance in searching and