Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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consciously try to forget all what he has gathered during his endless past as it is all ignorance which we do not want.
Truth is always truth, simple, easily obtainable, available everywhere but the indicator of truth must also be truth and never untruth. Endless are the ways of thinking and seeing. Even every object possesses infinite qualities and so it can be seen in endless ways and from endless points of view. Then how can we properly describe any object in two three or four ways only? Therefore when there is controversy of the few points of views of seeing or knowing anything, we should hear it with equanimity and ease. The speech of the enlightened saints remains indifferent or unaffected during the talk about the Nayas or ways of thinking and knowing the same thing my salutations to such speech of the enlightened souls? More on some other occasion.
development; that real knowledge must develop in the knower the appropriate illumination or enlightenment. At present what we do as performing ceremonies or as regularly reading religious texts at the appointed hours of the day, are all sham if you do not understand the meaning of what I propose to tell you. Saying this you inform them that something slips out from what we read, do or say in these religious orders by which what we do or say does not fructify or appear to our inner self nor by this method our enemies in the form of anger, affliction, hatred, love, greed, infatuation, ignorance etc. do not in the least diminish or get destroyed. Therefore it is proper for us to rethink the other way of welfare of our soul and if we do so we shall surely gain the desired results.
We try to know everything but we do not try to know the way of removing our doubts. Till we do not search out the cause of our doubts how shall we be able to remove them once for all? Till the doubts remain, sure knowledge does not dawn in us. Therefore we should direct all our efforts to remove all doubts such as is this living being great or lowly? Is our sight wrong or right? Is the self simple to understand or difficult to understand? Is the soul considering worldly life as fruitless or is it engrossed in more worldly living ? We should know the solutions of these problems or questions. You are advised to keep them engaged in such enlightening discourses rather than getting cross with them.
For developing love towards the highest welfare, good spiritual contact is the best and incomparable means but in these difficult times such contact is very difficult to secure and so a spiritual aspirant should use all his good energies to gain such spiritual contact with a living enlightened spiritual master, and for this the living soul should
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Great saints have described the same truth by various names and by various forms and that very tuth is worthy to be known, and the same truth deserves to be well demonstrated, it is worth experiencing by all spiritual aspirants, and the same truth deserves to be propitiated by all love.
I also desire devotional affection to the same highest truth.
Call it by any name - highest truth, highest knowledge, or highest love, or of the nature of truth consciousness and joy or bliss, or call it self or call it the all self or call it one many or of one form or of one universal form. After all, truth is always truth and it is to be expressed or explained in various ways. It is mentioned or described