Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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change for the better and so the spiritual guide cannot be said to have accepted it at all.
Many present occurrences indicate the most troublesome nature of our present time and so it is called adverse Kalikala. Many a time adverse times, have been in the past in the rotation of time but such troublesome and adverse time is found rarely. There is a traditional talk in the people of Shvetambar sect of Jainism that the great Tirthankaras have considered the time as totally harmful when rogues are worshipped and the illumined saints are not even recognized at all - this section of time is called Panchamkala or fifth stage of time rotation which is extremely surprising to spiritual aspirants. I experience this matter in many ways. I see it actually (i.e. the adverse time) as it really is.
Not only the present adverse time is very bad but also the area over which it rotates is also very adverse and unsuited for spiritual progress so can be called very low or Anarya. In such adverse circumstances of time and place we find ourselves to-day. Therefore occasions of spiritual contact may be simple or easy but many people consider it very difficult to find in the present times. Hence a spiritual aspirant should devote himself to a known spiritual saint he meets with, irrespective of public opinion that at present worshipping one's pure self under the guidance of the spiritual saint contacted by him is most difficult. What other way is there? One should surrender himself to his present spiritual master without any consideration of matter, area, time or mental sentiment.
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Mumbai Ashadhsud Sixth, Sunday, V-S 1950 My request to Shri Tribhuvandas possessed of all good wishes and staying at Khambhat that:
The study and practice of quelling down the shut up mental desires or modifications and of getting totally relieved of them is worth keeping up. Because without thinking of being relieved of them and without making any effort for doing so, how can they be removed from the living soul? Because there cannot be any effect without a cause. Therefore one cannot expect a relief from something without putting an adequate effort for such relief. Many time a man has in the past, taken pride in telling that he has been free from his wrong wishes or desires but he has not actually worked for getting such result and he is not yet in the present working for getting relieved of them nor does he find or take any active interest in doing so. Feeling this well and suffering bitterly from oppressive desires and bad wishes he does not start any positive action for relief. This matter a living soul must reflect on repeatedly or he will have to suffer adverse result of his negligence. This he should not forget any time.
The way a man gets infatuated in his possessions like family, sons, friends and weather etc., is quite uninteresting and worth sensuring from the point of view of his spiritual welfare. On a little self reflection a man can clearly see that one has done incalculable harm by considering another human being as his son or his father and no two living beings have ever been really as father and son or a son and father. In worldly life people are called related as father and son or as son and father. All souls are in fact quite independent entities and all worldly relations are only make belief or external