Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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efforts of binding action by getting enlightened regarding the nature of his self as different from that of his body and the other non-self. The Jin has very minutely described this part of his findings and it is worth serious consideration by a spiritual aspirant. From this stand point, the Jin has explained the possibility of the release of a living being from all binding actions of his past.
I have written the above matter in brief and by repeatedly thinking about it, you will get satisfactory solution of your doubt, and when we meet I shall further explain it to your satisfaction. Good spiritual contact is a powerful force to burn all passions. All enlightened saints have said that conquering one's passions is most difficult and it is quite true proved in many instances. But as a spiritual aspirant merges himself in understanding the teachings of his spiritual master, he slowly returns from his attachment to passions and his self force becomes so strong as to throw away all his overpowering passions. Since living soul has not known the nature of his passions he does not normally try for his relief. If he had known it, he would find no interest in those passions.
- Salutations to the nature of self.
Shri Vardhaman Swami knew that his own family life was meaningless, was not worth, doing or going through. Still he left his home and family and adopted the living of a monk and even in that monkhood, knowing that more than the power of his monkish efforts for liberation are necessary, to acquire such extraordinary powers, he observed silence and sleeplessness for nearly a period of twelve and a half years by which the fire of worldly life could never touch or involve him at all.
Shri Vardhaman Swami was a non-enjoyer of household life while he was already a householder and a family man yet he lived as completely aloof from family attachments, he lived desirelessly and lived like a monk even in his family life. He constantly thought of his permanent self while in his family life. Such a man like Shri Vardhaman Swami knowing fruitlessness of worldly life, finding no interest in all worldly activities he went away and lived as a recluse. Now if a soul knowing all this, wants or expects to enjoy samadhi or mental case and meditation by keeping himself engaged in worldly life, how is it possible? One should seriously think about this matter. On the other hand one should remember the life and activity of Shri Vardhaman Swami mentioned above at every stage and on all moments of his living and thereby try to set aside all interest in and attraction to worldly life. If man doesn't do it, then it appears that he has no proper desire for liberation or that he wishes his welfare based on public opinion. But this means that he doesn't really want his welfare. Because it is not possible at all times that two persons one of whom behaves like Shri Vardhaman Swami and the other behaves as an ordinary householder having only a pious desire for liberation can realise the same result and still one may feel himself bound and the other may feel totally free from worldly life.
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V-S. 1950 As water by nature is cool but putting it in a vessel under fire it would get hot even though it is against its nature, similarly the man by nature quiet in his meditation gets ruffled by engaging in worldly deeds, this I feel, clearly.