Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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9. I complete this letter by advising you to proceed in your path of surrendering yourself to the lotus like feet of an enlightened saint which will quell all your defects and bring you everlasting peace and quiet-the enlightened saint who has let off his ego-sense after acquiring absolute knowledge of self realisation by merging all activities of his body, mind and speech in his absolute experience of the self.
A little displeased or indifferent in these troublesome times by feeling alone!!!
44 (486)
Mumbai, Falgum Sud Eleventh
Sunday V-S 1950
Lord Tirthankar calls pramad or infatuation karma or act or deed, and non- infatuation is called non-karma or self and by this kind of difference the nature of the ignorant or non-enlightened is distinguished from that of the enlightened soul.
Suyagadanga Sutra-Virya Adhyayana
Pamayam kammamahansu Appamayam Taharvaram! Tabbhavade saovavi Balam Pandiyamevava !!
The family in which a man is born and in whose contact he has lived the unenlightened soul develops the sense of mineness and, gets engrossed in it.
(Suyagadanga Prathamadhyayan)
Jessin Kule Samuppanne Jehin Va Samavas Nare! Mamai Luppai Bale Anne Annehi Muchhie
Sutrakrutanga Shru. 1st Adhyayana Fourth couplet. The enlightened men that have been in the past or those that will be in future - all of them called peace -as getting tired by wrong action and returning from the same as the foundation of religion. As earth is the support of all living beings or that the living beings get their position on earth or that their first support is earth, similarly the support of all welfare is peace like this earth. This is declared by all enlightened souls.
Jeya Buddha Atikkanta, Je ya Buddha Anagaya! Santi Tesi Paithanam Bhuyanam. Jagati Jaha!! Sutrakrutanga Shru. Eleventh Adhyayana Thirty sixth couplet.
45 (491)
Mumbai Falgum V.S. 1950
Lord Tirthankara repeatedly advised the following:
O human beings! You understand preaching, the right preaching. Human birth is very difficult to get, yet in all four kinds of birth there is fear for a living soul - this you must know well. True discrimination of the souls nature is difficult to have by ignorance. The whole world is burning alone with miseries. Also know well that all living beings get on the wrong path by their own acts and as you should reflect on your true self.
Suyagadanga-Seventh Adhyayana Eleventh couplet