Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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have been replied by me too but even then you should excuse me for not answering your questions about them.
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some worldly story but my mental condition has made it difficult to read it carefully and nothing by way of reply to it suggests to me, and for it also I deserve to be pardoned by you.
At present I am carrying out much worldly acts and in them I pay my full attention but my mind does not get fixed in these acts and it tries to remain fixed in thinking about my spiritual self and so all worldly activities are felt by me as a burden.
The enlightened souls have regarded the whole world as burning with all sorts of pain and misery and in such burning world my living self acts. The present period of time is very difficult and obstructive to all spiritual aspirants.
The saintly contact a cause of complete rest and peace, is not possible to gain in all times and so in these adverse times of ours it is still more difficult to obtain and it is not at all surprising.
My mind has not been mostly hindered by anger, pride or self-respect or honour, infatuation, greed, laughter, love, hate, fear worry, desire to know bad things, or words etc. it is nearly liberated from family ties, wealth, sons, prosperity, wife, or body, even for such mind I feel it to be kept more and more engrossed in contact with religious good books. In spite of this you and I directly feel separation from it. This also seems to be prearranged. My present mental state does not allow me to pen down replies to your questions to me about knowledge of the self and so I am unable to satisfy your desire in the matter. I beg your pardon for the same or it is proper for you to pardon me for the same.
I already know some worldly matters mentioned in your letters, they were as you have described. Some of them should
Mumbai, Vaishakh Vad Fourteenth
Wednesday, V.S. 1948 Best wishes to you from one who is uninfatuated by infatuating city Mumbai.
The decision by you till date that all this is because of matter written in your letter, is read by me. Usually what you have written is correct to the hilt, Even then 'mind' because of it and all this and the decision about it: these four parts of this sentence can be understood as they are, after a long passage of time and this I already know. Those who understand them, their mind behaves under their control and this is a settled fact. Suppose sometimes it does not behave as controlled, still it is turned to the nature of the self. The reply which contains the matter of control of such mind is written above and that is the most important of all. The sentences written by me deserve reflection by many ways.
The body of a great living soul behaves in the present by two reasons -
(1) for suffering the fruits of his previous deeds and (2) for the benefit or good of all living beings. Even then in doing so he behaves as totally indifferent and this fact I know well.
By meditation incantation, penance etc. all activities like these, if you feel that any one sentence written by me is productive of the