Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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appreciation of his day to day instructions. The living spiritual saint is liberation itself or the embodiment of liberation or self realization.
The reflection of the liberated Arihants by passage of time gives the fruit of liberation. The living soul realizes the truth of his self by deciding that the enlightened spiritual souls have realized truth and by acquiring spiritual fitness as is found in the enlightened saints of the past.
possibility of the presence of a living enlightened soul or any contact with such a soul. How can a spiritual aspirant find a true religion? And passing a long period of the absence of true religion and that of a living enlightened soul, the aspiration for liberation can also not be found in these obstructive times. Mostly whatever is known by a living soul from his environment he feels it is his only accompaniment and he is influenced by his surroundings. If a soul takes birth in an unaryan family, he strongly feels he is a non-aryan, and he does not even feel that he should be an Aryan.
This is why great men and following them, I have also like them decided that contact with a spiritually enlightened soul is the best means of securing liberation.
Good or saintly contact is what a spiritual aspirant enjoys when he meets a spiritually enlightened saint or when he meets similar spiritually advanced aspirants. When a spiritual aspirant lives under the shelter and guidance of his spiritually enlightened master, I call it best spiritual contact, as in this world there is no other beneficial means than it for spiritual progress either seen or heard by me.
The thinking of a great man flourished in the past is though beneficial to us but it can not help us to realize our self i.e it cannot be the cause of realizing our true self because such thinking does not practically guide the spiritual aspirant in solving his day to day problems arising in his spiritual march. On the other hand mere presence of a living spiritual guide can help us more even without his effort of explaining to us why should we follow what he says. Therefore I am certain that liberation directly results in an aspirant by his contact with his living spiritual guide and by his continuous
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Mumbai Ashadha Sud Eighth, Tuesday V-S-1947. With no doubt about anything, fearlessness is born and with it non-attachment is obtained. By expansion of nature the life's works follow the strange ways and so appear endless many kinds of faults and the greatest of these faults is that under the influence of which the living soul does not develop the strong desire or aspiration for its liberation or there cannot arise any desire for liberation.
Mostly a human soul is already found in some religious fold or another and so he always tries to follow that religious belief accepted by his family and this is called by him as his desire for liberation but in fact it is not a desire for real liberation.
A desire for real liberation is that in which a human being feels enmeshed or entangled in infatuating attachments and throttled this way he tries to liberate himself from all attachments and a strong desire for liberation means living from moment to moment progressing