Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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infatuated or lost in attraction towards many persons or things or in behaving with greed or in any such other manner ? That means that I should have known these activities as they really were and still I did not know all this and this develops in me my non attachment towards all these cyclic rotational experiences.
Besides I remember that the fact that I continued to live after losing my wife and children without whom I had felt that I would die in many of my previous lives, is itself a matter of great surprise. This means that whatever love I showed towards these attractive objects of pleasure was really misplaced and a matter of clear misunderstanding and ignorance meaning all this and similar behaviour was only a figment of my wild imagination and not factually correct. When I repeatedly ask myself as to why I was attracted towards and affectionate to these objects and the more I ask these questions to my living soul, the more I am turned towards non attachment.
Besides one about whom I had strong hatred and for whom I had vowed that I would never like to see their faces nor would I accept them as mine any time in future, I took births in these people's houses, either as a son, or as a wife, or as a servant or as a maid servant or even as a small insect. Why did this happen this way? It means that because of this hatred towards these objects I was forced to be born and stay with them in one form or another, Tell me would I not feel a sense of contempt towards such love and hatred ? Of course I would and do feel so.
What more need I say about this matter! All these past wanderings of my living soul and their futility make me reflect as to how should I mould my life so that I may not have to
suffer similar trials and tribulation in future. I now strongly and firmly feel that I should not repeat my past mistakes but still I face some helplessness in some of these matters. Though I am firm about not repeatedly taking births and facing deaths, I feel that I should steady their firmness and behave as I now feel right. I have to remove all obstructions and obstacles in my way of this new life, and this takes some time and my precious life gets diminished. And how should I act that my time may not be wasted in removing the said obstacles and before I breathe my last I must achieve success in my spiritual journey to liberation? Suppose I start acting this new way then my problem is to find out the appropriate religious place where I can go and stay, carrying out my spiritual objective. Besides my other problem is to find out the presence of such spiritually advanced masters, under whose guidance I may fulfil my goal. Under these circumstances what should I do?
I now decide that I must proceed to work on my chalked out way of self realization no matter whatever difficulties come my way. I will suffer them gladly and with spiritual courage and fortitude. I have decided not to detract from my path with a firm belief that there is no escape from this strong resolve of mine.
To these problems I receive from the unknown the following answer :
I do not need momentarily changing mental aspirations, Till certain period I need nothing but pure void. If this is not possible then I do not need any thing but saintly contact. If this is not possible. I do not need anything but the modes of spiritual activity performed by the noble and morally great persons. If