Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra,
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli
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understanding and all my effort is directed to this end. I strongly hold to adopt all means or instruments as best for me that can help me to be free from this great bondage. Therefore why should I at all consider what is agreeable or disagreeable to this worldly opinion? Let the world say as it likes, but if I feel that my soul world be free from all it fetters or bondage and would attain to a state of right understanding (Samadhi Dasha) by adopting some means, then it is my duty to adopt the said means and attain there by the high state of my soul. By accepting this way of thinking one can be free from all consideration of fame or defame for all time.
At present whatever he and men of his thinking following him, say about me or opine about me, is already known to me and the matter is in my memory but I try to forget them all together and that is quite good for me. You remain fearless about it. If any person tells you something degrading or praising me you only patiently and quietly hear it and keep quiet and do not feel either sorry or pleased at hearing the same. Remember that the person whom you strongly love with honour and high regard, is following as his guru the great Jineshwar the greatest of the spiritual yogis such as Parshwanath and the rest. So as far as possible become free from moha or infatuation and cultivate a strong desire to be totally free from all worldly considerations. Do not imagine anything about the nature of life or perfection of life. To keep your mind, speech and activity faultless and
forget all worldly opinion about it. You constantly remember the state of life of the great masters such as Parshwanath and other who were master yogis. Try to become a yogi like them. This is my repeated instruction to you coupled with my blessings. This little knowing soul of mine desires to achieve the state that was enjoyed by the above said spiritual masters, and is humbly and constantly engrossed in the devotion to the lotus like feet of these great masters and so he instructs you to be similar to him. Whatever lord Mahavira has stated by his own experience about the nature of Dravya - Matter and self sphere or space, time and mental aspiration or Bhava, is perfectly correct and true and so do not forget it. In case you have opposed or insulted in any way the teachings of these great masters, repent for it and humbly request the said masters to forgive you for the same. From the stand point of the present time, dedicate devotionally your mind, speech and body in the lap of this great master Lord Mahavira from the bottom of your real self, and this is the only path to your liberation. Forget all your faith about all different world religions, also forget all your ideas about the Jain religion. Only direct your mind to settle in the spiritual characters of these great saints namely Parshwanath and the rest and Lord Mahavira. Do not feel sorry or pleased for this person accepted by you as your elder adviser. He only desires to be free from all thoughts about the world in all ideas and their opposites. He has nothing to do with this strange world and its everchanging quixotic