Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 03
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 528 SATAPATHA-BRAHMANA. Agnihotrin dying, 198; cow, wont to cast her calf, victim of Indra at Asvamedha, 300; barren cows immolated, 402, 411; tail of barren cow tied to the left arm of a dead man, 438 n.; of Pravargya, see gharmaduha. Cow-dung, smeared over fire-site, V, 191; used for burning dead body, 203. creation, III, 145 seq.; nine primary substances, 147. creator. See Dhâtri. creatures (pragâ), produced from Pragâpati, the sacrifice, III, 40; in all quarters, IV, 31; Pragå- pati their lord, 73; Yavas and Ayavas their lords, 76. crosswise, offering made on Svaya måtrinnâ of completed altar, IV, 183. crow, is untruth, V, 446. cubit, means the (fore-Jarm, V, 449. curds and whey, sour curds. See dadhi. cushions, wrought of gold threads, for the priests to sit on, V, 360, 361. dadhi, sour curds, is life-sap, III, 374; belongs to Indra, 375; a form, or the life-sap, of the earth-world, 389, 390; mixed with honey and ghee, for sprink- ling completed fire-altar, IV, 182 seq. ; globule of sour curds put on Samidh, as a form of cattle, 203. dadhigharma, V, 502. Dadhikra, III, 27. Dadhikrävan, III, 27; V, 326. Dadhyafik Atharvana, is speech, III, 318; knew the pure sacrificial essence (the Madhu), 444; is decapitated by Indra, and res tored by the Asvins, 443, 444. Daivåpa. See Indrota. Daiyampâti, instructed by Sandilya. yana, IV, 273. Dakshầyana, form of Full and New moon sacrifice, to be performed for fifteen years, V, 5. dakshina (sacrificial gift), (cows), the way along which they pass, III, 99, IOT;--dakshina as Apsaras, the Gandharva Yagna's mates, IV, 232; the sacrifice is praised for them, 233; Do bargaining for, as depriving the priests of their place in heaven, 280; wins food, 285; no oblation without dakshina, V, 7: stand south of altar, 17; time for bringing them up at animal sacrifice, 120; are healing medicine, 217; is the glory, 446; must not be given away by the priest, at least not on the same day, 446. Dànava (Asuras), V, 95. dandavadha, IIT, 108. darbha-grass, bunch of, put on ploughed Agnikshetra, III, 332; contains food and drink, 332; grew up from waters loathing Vritra, 332; IV, 44; handful put on mixture of ghee (with gold chips), sour curds and honey for sprinkling therewith (with the tops) on completed fire-altar, 182; a means of purification, V, 195, 274; piece of gold tied thereto and taken westwards (as the sun), 195; ditto of silver, taken eastwards (as the moon), 196; rope tbereof for tying sacrificial borse, 274; sepulchral mound covered therewith, 436. . darkness, after the creation of the darkness, 111, 319e offerer there in Darsapürnamasa, the offerer thereof eats food every half-month in the other world, IV, 299; esoteric remarks on, V, 1 seq. 52 seq.; to be performed for thirty years (twice 360 full and new moons) thereby gaining the 360 days and nights of the year, 4, 5; first performed by Parameshtbin Prägâpatya, 15; after him Pragapati, indra, Agni, and Soma, 15, 16. Dasapeya, III, introd. xxvi; requires special offering-place, 68, 113 seq.; etymology, 114; an Agni shtoma, 18. Dasaratha, king of Ayodhya, III, 97. Dasarâtra, V, 140; last day of, called avivákya, III, introd. xvii; compared to the seat (or Digitized by Google


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