Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 03
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2322
________________ INDEX TO PARTS III, IV, AND V.. 545 111, 30. of layers, 147, 148; ditto as saman, pafkadasa-stoma, sumregards the bodily parts, 148, mer, III, 91; (political power) 149; the layers of brick are concentrated in one, 248; conthe immortal, and those of nected with Indra-Vishnu, and earth the mortal, parts of Praga- freed from death through paftpati's body, 290; the mortal kadasa-stoma, IV, 68; Indra ones enclosed in the im- its lord, 74; is the eater among mortal, and made immortal, the people, 125, 132, 242; 290, 291; the seven layers, 291; attaches to a single individual, how the six layers of brick, and 132, 241; stands, as it were, six of earth, correspond to the 210 ; is built up by (social) vital airs and the mortal parts layers, 242; Indra created as of the body respectively, 292 Kshatra, 342; established on the seq. ; each layer of bricks and Vis, V, 41; produced from out earth takes (or represents) one of the Vis, 225; produced from month, 318. out of the Brahman, 227; not kitra, name of Agni, III, 161; IV, to be detached from the Vis, 269 n. 228; Sacrificer consecrated by kitra-sâman, III, 369 (corr. IV, 146). the Kshatra (a Kshatriya), 253, kitya, III, 151 seq. 254; takes no delight in the klipti, (six) formulas and oblations, priestly office, 286; spiritual lustre takes no delight in the knee, consists of two plates (bones), Kshatra, 286. V, 500 ;-knee-high, IV, 158; kshatra-dbriti, III, introd. xxvi, 129. V, 249; lifting of sacrificer on Kshatriya (cf. råganga), and Vis, III, throne-seat, 254. 100; followed by the other knife, for slaughtering the horse is three castes, 226; Brâhmana made of gold, that of paryangyas and Kshatriya, never walk beof copper, and that of the others hind Vaisya and Sudra, 327; of iron, V, 303. Kshatriya and Purohita alone knife-paths, V, 326. complete, 259; are everything, knowledge, superior to brick-built 260;-Kshatriya destroys ene altars, IV, 380; by knowledge mies and raises his relations, one ascends to where all desires 260; grants settlement with have vanished, and all sacri- approval of clan, 299; deprived ficial gifts and mere rites do not of the Soma-drink, IV, 345 n.; attain, 389. his world is the earth, V, 133; Koka, son of king Sona, V, 400. remain Kshatriya in heaven, 250; Kosha, a priestly race, IV, 392 ; cf. Kshatriya consecrates KshaSusravas Kaushya. triya, 254 ; whilst sacrificing Kraivya, the Paakala king, performed becomes a Brâhmana, 348. the Asvamedha, at Parivakra, kshattri, chamberlain, one of the V, 397. ratninab, 111,61; is a prasavitri, krånta, one of Vishnu's steps, III, 61 ; addresses the Pâlâgali, V, 96. 387. Kratust hala, the Apsaras, is an in- kshetrapati,-prayugam havis (pap) termediate quarter (? N.E.), or to, 111, 125. (Agni's) battle, IV, 105. kshipra, one-fifteenth part of a mukrimuka tree, how produced, III, hårta, V, 169. 254; wood red and sweet, 254; kshipra-syena (? the quick eagle), has no ashes, 255. produced from the amritavaka, krita, dice, III, 107; V, 330. IV, 370. Krivi, old name for Paf kåla, V, 397. kshuma (v. 1. kshupa), name of an krivi (vv. II, kavi, krayi), III, 98. arrow, III, 88. Kshatra, nobility, connected with Kubera Vaisravana, king of the South region, trishtubh, brihat- Rakshas, V, 367. Nn Digitized by Google


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