Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 03
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2332
________________ INDEX TO PARTS III, IV, AND V. 555 shtbin takes Pragậpati's head which is sacred to himself, 142; Parameshtbin Pragâpatya created out of Pragàpati with a life of a thousand years, V, 15; the first who performed New and Full-moon offering, 15; performs it for Pragâpati, as a wish- granting sacrifice, 15; is the heavenly waters ( Parganya) in the highest place, 15. Parganya, rain-cloud and rain-god, is Bhava (Agni), III, 160 ; gods become like him, 377; licks the ground and strokes the plants, 277; scarcely born, lights up everything, 278; is beyond the reach of our arms, 278; does not rain in the region where kimpurusha, &c., are, 412; is the boon-bestower, the upper region, IV, 107; animal sacrifice to Parganya, V, 402. paridhi, enclosing-sticks, — on the middle one the yoking or un- yoking of the fire-altar is performed, IV, 250, 252; round tomb, V, 430. Parikshita. See Ganamegaya. Parikshitîya, V, 396. parimad (såmans), preceding the mahâvrata-saman, IV, 283 n.; are cattle, 288; how performed, 288 n. paripasavya, oblations, V, 321. pâriplava legend, V, 361 seq. parissa. See lifting-stick. parisrit (enclosing-stone),--are the womb of the fire, 111, 301, 344; the waters (ocean), 301; iv, 187, 244; are the bones, III, 302 ; twenty-one for Gârhapatya, (301), 308, 344, 359 ; offering to Rudra on three of them (the three Agnis), IV, 157; anointing takes place close to enclosing - stones, 227 ; parisrit of dhishnya bearths, are merely laid down, 244; are the clansmen, 344; represent the additional height obtained by man (with upstretched arms) standing on tiptoe, 305; a line dug for them outside (the altar. ground), 306; are of the nature of nights (protective), 326; are the nights of the year, Pragåpati's body, 354, 358; three hundred and sixty for fire-altar, (261 of Åhavaniya ; 21 Gårhapatya; 78 Dhishnyas), 357358; are the waters encircling the earth (the fire-altar), 381. parisrut (immature liquor), 111, 9, 131, 133; originates from Indra's generative organ, V, 215; not to be consumed by Brâh mana, 260. Parivakra, a city in Pankåla, V, 397. parivatsara (second year of cycle), IV, 21. parivriktà, discarded wife, addressed by Hotri, V, 387. pariyagña, enclosing sacrifices, III, 4. parna,-branch, driving away the calves therewith at new moon, V, 8; - tree originated from fallen feather of Gayatrî, (or leaf of Soma), 122; tree in the abode (of plants?), 433. pârtha-oblations, twelve at Ra gasûya, III, 81; twelve at Agnikayana, IV, 225; are the year, 228. pârthurasma-saman, V, 333. partridge (tittiri), springs from Vis varûpa's head, 111, 130. paryagnikarana, V, 307. paryangya, victims, at Asvamedha, V, 299 D. paryaya, 111, introd. xviii. pasu, etymology, III, 162; cf. victim. Pasupati, a form and name of Agni, İ11, 159; is the plants, 159. pasu-purodasa, III, 136, 137, 173, 175; IV, 245, 247, 248; their object, 247 n.; directions (praishas), 265; should belong to the deities to whom the victims are devoted, V, 221. Parava. See Revottaras. path,-two paths, that of the Fathers, and that of the gods, V, 237, 238. Pâthya, the bull, is the mind, 111, 218. patni. See Sacrificer's wife. patnisâlâ, IV, 307. patnîsamyaga, their symbolic import, V, 44. Paulushi. See Satyayagña. Paumsâyana. See Dushtarîtu. paurushamedhika, the central (day), V, 419. Digitized by Google


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