Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 03
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2345
________________ 568 SATAPATHA-BRAHMANA. sandhi-stotra, Ill, introd. xviii, xix, 12; is trivrit at Kesavapaniya, 137. Sandila, fire-altar, IV, 167, 272, 272, 374. Sândilya, III, 414; IV, introd. xviii, instructs the Kankatîyas, IV, 254, 379; disputing with his pupil Saptarathavabani, 295 instructs Vâmakaksha yaxa, 345; his doctrine of the Brabman, 400. Sândilyâyana, instructs Daiyâmpati, IV, 273; cf. Kelaka Såndilya yana, 364. sântadevatya, the same as satarud riya, IV, 156. sap, vital (rasa), unites head and breath (vital air), IV, 201. sapha. See lifting-stick. saptadasa-stoma, III, introd. xxiii; connected with Vis, &c., 91; used at Dasapeya, 118; at midday- service of Kesavapaniya, 127; produced from sukra - graha, and from it the vairûpa-saman, IV, 9; is space, Pragàpati, the year, 62; connected with gods generally and the creator, frees the Vis from deatb, 68; is food, 79; connected with Varuna, the Adityas, the west, &c., IOI, 102. Saptarathavahani, disputing with his teacher Sändilya, IV, 295. sapti, leader or side-horse, III, 20, 21. Sarasvat, is the mind, III, 398; V, 32, 35. Sarasvata wells, III, 398. Sarasvati, victim to, II, introd. xviii, xxiv; is Vak, 39, 80, 398; V, 32, 35, 293, 476; pârthaoblation to, III, 83; assists Varuna, 113; samsrip-oblation (pap), 115; prayugam havis (pap), 125; ewe with teats in dewlap her victim at Sautramani, 139; cures Indra of effects of Soma, 135; with Indra, whence she gets the ram for her guerdon, 216, 223; ram immolated to her, 217; ewes sacred to her, 218; sbe distils the Soma (plant) brought away from Namuti by. the Asvins, 232; connected with the air and the middaypressing), 241, 247; bestows food, 243; connected the rainy season and autumn, 247; together with the Asvins she prepares the Sautrâmani to heal Indra, 249; Asvins, Sarasvatî and Indra are everything here, 253; have a share in the Gharma, 475; an ewe her victim at Asvamedba, 300; assists the Asvins in restoring the head of Makha, 475. Sarasvati, river, water from it used for coronation of king, III, 73. sârathi, III, 62. sarira, etymology (sri), III, 144. Sarkarakshya. See Gana. Sarigaya. See Suplan. sarpana, III, 114; with the horse, to the Pavamâna-stotra, V, 305. sarpanama-formulas, III, 369; ety mology, 370. sarpavidyā, the Veda of snakes, V, 367. Sarva, form and name of Agni, III, 159; is the waters, 159. Sarvamedha, III, introd. xxvi; V. 417 seq.; a ten-days' sacrifice, 418. Sarvaprishtba, III, introd. xxii; IV, 346. sarvastoma, IV, 146. sarvavedasa, sarvasva (all one's pro perty), -substitutes in giving it away, IV, 321 n. sastra, III, introd. xii; attended by Sacrificer, 41; is the Sacrificer's subjects, 41; same as stotra, IV, 14; (professional) reciter is despised, 367; (uktha) without it, the stotra is in vain, V, 257. sasvat, III, 98; V, 250 n. sata, a bowl (of reed), V, 230, 252. satamâna, round (gold) plate, III, 104; presented to Brahman, 141; fee for bahishpavamâna of Asvamedha, V, 306. effects ati val's supported Agni- sarvata bowl (of reeds la crificer is anointed at Agnikayana, IV, 228; takes Sri's prosperity (pushti) and receives (mitravindå) oblation (pap), V, 63-65; is healing medicine, and assists the Asvins in curing plate, III, Digitized by Google ·


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