Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 03
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2365
________________ 588 SATAPATHA-BRAHMANA. subjects of Matsya Sammada, the Itihasa their Veda, V, 359. well-water, III, 77. west, connected with vis, Gagati, &c., III, 91; west ( to east) path of sacrifice, 347; is the Gagati, IV, 45; all-ruling (samråg), 46, 101; the Adityas its lords, 101 ; Varuna its protector, 101; connected with saptadasa-stoma, marutvatîyasastra, vairûpa-så man, 101; the all-embracer is Aditya, 106; is hope, distinction (prosperity) and the earth, V, 17, 18; the region of cattle, 485. wheat, headpiece of sacrificial post made of, III, 31; is touched by sacrificer, 32. wheel, mounted by Brahman priest, III, 32; of cart and potter, creaks if not steadied, V, 126. whey (vagina), of the Maiträvaruri payasyå, offering of, IV, 271; dakshina given therewith, 371. whirlpool, water from, III, 76. wife, is one half of husband, III, 32; intercourse with, kept secret, 229; the husband must not eat food in her presence in order that she may bear a vigorous son, IV, 369, 370; (many) wives a sign of (social) eminence, V, 313. wind (våta), cf. Vayu; - connected with Varuna, by rain freed from death through ekavimsa-stoina, IV, 68; is Vâyu, 142; is the arrows of the Rudras of the air, 165; Vâta as Gandharva with the waters as Apsaras, his mates, 232; three oblations of wind on chariot, thereby yoking it, 235; is on this side of the sun, 335; also in the other world, 335; and in this (terrestrial) world, 236; windnames uttered, V, 478; is the (aerial) ocean, flood, 479; is unassailable and irresistible, 479; an Ogress-ridder, 479; identified with (aerial) ocean, flood; Indra, Savitri, Brihaspati, and Yama, 479-81; Püsban, 486; is irresistible, an ogressridder, 479. wing, of altar, crackling of, IV, 21; is of pańkti nature (or fivefold), 115; twenty-one-fold, 221; contraction and expansion of, 300 seq.; has a bending link, 301; is crooked (i curved), 302; wings are the bird's arms, 306; the immortal wings of the Åhavaniya, V, 271. winter, produced from speech, and from it the pankti, IV, 11; consists of months Saba and Sahasya, 70; is the space between air and heaven, and the part of body between waist and head, 70, 71; frog, avakâ plant, and bamboo three forms of it, 175; in winter cattle waste away, V, 45. wish,-in wishes nothing is excessive, IV, 241, 247, 265. wolf, springs from Soma flowing from ears, III, 131; from lo dra's urine, V, 215. woman, impure part of, below navel, III, 32: "fair-knotted, fairbraided, fair-locked her perfect form, 232; on left side of man, IV, 81; lucky if marked on left side, 81; brings forth within a year, V, 12; two women (Belief and Unbelief) in N.E quarter with black yellow-eyed man (wrath) between them, 110, in; has beautiful form bestowed upon her, 395; given as dakshina, 402; is untruth 446. womb, lies close to belly, IV, 115; lower than belly, 115; enlarges with the child before it is born, not after, 309; is the bearer because Pragapati by it bore creatures, V, 114. wood, two kinds of (cut by axe and that found on the ground), III, 257. wood-brick, III, 155, 166. work (karman), evolved from the ear, and from it fire, IV, 379. worlds, the, are the heavenly abodes (of the gods), III, 195; fastened to the sun by means of the quarters, 269; the two, are round, 271; ascent of the (worlds and) metres, 276–278; they are strung on a thread and joined with Aditya, 360; from them is born both what exists Digitized by Google


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